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tv   [untitled]    April 15, 2024 4:30am-4:59am EEST

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our duke richelieu in odesa, for example, his spirit settled in president macron, and from there there will be certain, let's say, progress in this regard, i do not know how many patriots there are in france, but that they would be better used today in the south ukraine, in particular in the odesa region, here 100%, there are other systems, well, the italian analogue of the patriots, this is something that can also strengthen us in terms of air defense, i hope it will happen extremely quickly, although... if we take the experience of the war, then these supplies still go through pretty quickly if there is a desire, again if this is not just a political statement, we are seeing these real things, i hope it will be quite fast, but there must be complete secrecy, there are also certain fears about this, of course, because it is a weapon that will knock russia in the teeth, mr. sergey , such a question about the front. i also wanted
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to talk to you during this week, we see the same deep state on the maps, we hear from various representatives from the military that the rashists, unfortunately, are continuing their offensive on the eastern front, in the donbass, very often now the question of the time gap is voiced, for example, for example, today we also saw that there is an advance, in principle , to the temporal ravine, our defenders restrain the enemy in various areas. in your opinion, how will the situation develop further, or should we expect an offensive in the coming weeks, months, at least there in donetsk, luhansk oblasts, maybe kharkiv oblasts, i think that this question is one of the main ones that our citizens are interested in today in the context of the , how the situation will develop further, well, in any case, not today, not tomorrow, not the day after tomorrow the enemy will not stop, the only thing that is in the information field... you know, for example,
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the zaporozhye direction, it is the one that is closer and the one that is more convenient, it is possible to comment, the rabotinsky bridgehead, for some reason some time ago they gave out that it was news, the enemy has gone on the offensive, the situation there is no less complicated than in other directions, just different, other directions, let's say, are heard more often in the information field, but now also work, but there the intensity of fighting has increased, inte intense fighting, they actually started after... then and began when the enemy was knocked out of those positions at the beginning of autumn last year, there was a certain operational pause, and then slowly these counterattacks, now the enemy has become more active in all directions, so of course there will be a continuation, of course the enemy is trying to tighten the reserves he has are available, but here again, be very careful, the situation is dynamic, extremely complex, the same reserves that the enemy is already trying to... and bring into battle,
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they are not immortal, they die, they die on an industrial scale, if possible so to speak, and along the temporal ravine, although the situation there is extremely difficult indeed, and if we roll over there from the temporal ravine, verbove is again there, novoprokopivka is not working, the situation is also hot, very hot, the bahamian direction, we see there is an enemy advance along bohdanivka , on the other hand, today there are certain counterattacks. actions, including in the avdiiv direction, and there are already recaptured positions from our side, we have already launched a counterattack there and recaptured these positions, but the enemy will not stop, this is in order for society it understood, because you know, now i will say perhaps a somewhat cynical piece like this, but i think i can afford it, for some in our country, unfortunately, some time ago the situation at the front before these active offensive... actions of
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the russian occupiers on all directions, in particular on avdiivskyi, began to turn into ato. somewhere there is thunder, somewhere there is a war, we have, excuse me for the word, i didn’t use it, but i will use it clearly, we can, like this, talk about the situation at the front and end it, no, the war is full-scale, i want to remind you, that is why the enemy will attack now, we will try to act as much as possible, again, i did not for nothing mention the reserves, that they are dangerous ... mortal and the quality of these reserves, we will continue to contemplate the situation, weapons are needed, bulls are needed, this is what , well, actually people, including, i hope, these people in our country will still pull themselves together and appear. and tell me, please, mr. serhiy, at least analyzes of the consequences and possibilities of ukraine's defeat are appearing in the western media, and many experts are beginning to say that the issue is not a military defeat, the issue is that the breakthrough of the russians in... some parts
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of the front, in some certain territories important for ukraine, may cause disappointment in society, reluctance, as it is today. bbc: to defend what cannot be defended, isn't this kind of reassurance connected with such a backlash if something so serious happens on the front? i understand perfectly what you are talking about, and the enemy is also counting on this, that there will be not only such, you know, moral fatigue of society, but everyone, as they say, is not born for the war, this is true, yes, on the one hand, on the other hand, we understand that the russians will take up this topic and... promote that ukraine is not capable of winning on the battlefield, look, you are losing certain positions there, retreating somewhere, in there is no advancement for you, that’s clear, on the other hand, well, let’s be frank, we have two options for action, either to die or to win, i personally, like
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my brothers, do not want to die, well, it can be, life is confusing, as they say, for example , we still have to win, and these are not just words, today we see offensives. on duty to odesa, to mykolaiv, there to kherson, but i will tell you about the moral, moral, shall we say, emotional, emotional state of the enemy, including on the left bank, well, after all, we talk more about the south, well, from my side it will be more correct, but i will tell you, today the enemy tried to storm our positions on the left bank there, as they say, it did not work, it does not work, why, because it became more difficult to recruit even those miserable units. other small branches that go to our positions, to recruit, because there are those who refuses to go into position, and this is the 328th airborne assault regiment, i’ll say for sure that these are paratroopers, and the regiment, i’m also not mistaken, the same 104th airborne division,
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that is, the elite of the russian army, i’m not saying that they are at all they don't know how to fight, they learn , they know how to fight, they have units that are capable of combat, that know how to fight, but these are airborne troops, these are the ones that... on the left bank, they already reported in february about the destruction of our units, that is, we see that this moral state is really tired of the war , many people, including that side, and they, by the way, they also don't see any special victories, in particular on the left bank for today, and that's why we have to use this too, but i say once again, today the necessary technical and technological component is greater, and confidence will appear, including when you know. that you are full of bk, when you know that you have weapons, that you have someone to move forward with, well, i can actually convey my emotions to you, when my unit is full of bk, well, we dance, conditionally of course i say, everyone rejoices, there is something to fight for, there is something to fight back and fight,
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that's why, as they say, a stick has two ends, this week the council approved the draft law on mobilization, in the near future... most likely it will be signed by the president of ukraine. mr. serhiy, will this law, which will become a law in the future, actually solve the problems that you, including the experts, are talking about, that there are not enough people in our units of the defense forces in personnel, yes, will perhaps stop the advance of russian troops, what... we will get more people in the armed forces of ukraine and the defense forces, and in general, how do you assess this current bill in the version that it will soon, most likely, be signed by the president, or stop, i would like to
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start the answer with this, because there will be more people , at least those people who will appear, and they will additionally appear after the adoption of this law, i am very much for it. maybe not as much as it is planned at the very top, it is difficult for me to talk about it, what are the general numbers, and i would not like to voice from i have some guesses about this, because this is also incorrect, the most important thing is that we promise good training, this is the truth, no one will send anyone into battle just like that, because a fighter must go into battle and understand that he is not die in the first battle, he will fulfill. task and we will move on, we are all interested in this, so that there are people nearby who will put their shoulder, well, this is the absolute truth, and any commander will tell you about it, that it is not just, no, there may be such, let we are just people, we will run forward, at the beginning full-scale such were seen, and then people very
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often died without actually completing the task, but it was, unfortunately, unfortunately, and as for the law itself. well, it has already been approved, it should already be implemented, i hope, in a certain time, i think that some measures should still be tougher for evasions, i hope that... that maybe something will be adjusted over time, but still- anyway, let's talk about the most important thing, we really need people, and if this law helps to replenish our ranks, it will be very, very wonderful, we will train people, we have them now recruiting is going on in all departments, and i will say this, where they are engaged in this responsibly, even before the adoption of the law, then people come there, people appear there, because they also see motivation, they see preparation. and see the final result, that they really go into battle, prepared and most importantly not
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afraid, i hope, well, after all , this law will really be positive, as you think in principle, mr. serhiy, how much can we hope that we will be able deal with these weapons that are currently at the disposal of the armed forces of ukraine, given that we unlikely to receive any additional soon. opportunities from the allies, and the ukrainian military-industrial complex is being deployed quite slowly, and secondly, it can be destroyed by the russian aggressors also in those attacks that they are absolutely not accidentally carrying out now on ukrainian soil, as far as in principle, even if to imagine an additional number of people in the armed forces of ukraine, it can be assumed that these people will have a sufficient number of weapons so as not to turn into cannon fodder in the future. in the fight against russian aggressor? you know, probably very much so,
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even to use such a word, an unsurpassed optimist, i hope that the supply of weapons will take place, at the beginning of the full-scale war, there was a trophy, by the way, there were quite a lot, it made the work easier, because there was none of my own, and the allies were also quite slow at the time, i hope that now these supplies of weapons will not stop, they will speed up after all... and the fact that scholka woke up, well, the führer did not say, yes, well, the leader woke up, maybe, although b at this stage, i hope, and weapons from there will be, including and not only from the german leader, today we are talking about our good friend, general, president of the czech republic, petr pavl, who, remember, he promised 800,000 shells there, he already says, but there are a little more than a million. and this is what is announced publicly. i hope these numbers are not final. i would really like those weapons,
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there must be technologies, you know, as we always say about shells, there are not many shells or drones, they are consumables, we need them as much as possible, then, then we will fight back and leave anyway further. i i hope that after this active defense, after the destruction of russian resources, we will still... have the opportunity to liberate our temporarily occupied territories, well , nothing will force me to give up the left bank, i need to go further, my home, it further, she is behind the tile, so how can you stop me, you can't stop me, like my brothers. thank you, mr. serhiy, serhiy brachuk, the spokesperson of the ukrainian volunteer army south was on our air, we will now take a break for just a few minutes, and you stay with us, please, exclusively on the air. our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most
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relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics causing resonance in our society: drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that... change the country and each of us, the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project, we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent something, they help us understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso.
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we return to the live broadcast of saturday's political club and continue with the next one. guest we have andriy zakrevskyi, the chairman of the board of the association of oil and gas of ukraine, an energy expert. mr. andrii, good evening. good evening. today we will talk with you, well, we will talk about the topic that is currently hurting many ukrainians, it hurts the energy industry and, i think, it hurts in principle the entire civilized world. the occupiers once again delivered a massive attack on the ukrainian energy industry, that is... both the kyiv region, the lviv region, the kharkiv region, and the dnipropetrovsk region, that is, they actually attacked energy facilities again. mr. andriy, please tell me whether this threatens an energy collapse for our state, at least in the near future, and what we should do about it, what what steps should ukraine take
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in order to avoid such a negative scenario. well, yes, first of all, we will endure, and ukraine will endure. second, the pity of lost time, the pity of life, ah, people, er, kid, ukrenergo, centerenergo, who in their time, under shelling, repaired all this, made it so that people received light, and now, when the fruits of their labor are spoken , that's a shame. it's a shame the two years we didn't spend doing laundry and doing more decentralized decentralized energy, as it showed practice, there are no such obstacles that projectiles can't break through, what else are there besides the obstacles of nuclear power plants and underground gas storages, well, everything else can be bombed easily,
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it's a pity, but i don't see anything terrible for the future, there's no wow. effect simply, colleagues, there is no such effect when we can be scared, there is no such direct blackmail that we would not overcome now in the next six months, that is, it is clear that we must do, we must do decentralized energy in ukraine, as far as it is in general your opinion, maybe this decentralized energy is real, it is a completely different approach to entrepreneurial activity, you know, in my eyes... i saw how the epicenter company, two girls, one angelinka, the other oksana, watched the airwaves with me, and broke the backbone of their opposition within the company, when kapstroy did not want to build these solar panels, they built 2 k near kyiv, now 76 million dollars are invested in it, and in front of
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my eyes last week the owner of the new post called me and talked to me because need to do something for... customers and so on, and in a week he already created the company novaposhta energiya, and this literally happened yesterday, well , this is what business does, i am confident in our business, that is, he will build a power plant on autogas for 8 hryvnias to have electricity, he will also install solar power plants, he will also install embachers, gas-electric stations, where the cost for himself is 2.73 kopecks for 2 years with capital investments, that is, he will install everything for himself, for me eh... no more understood what to do to kharkiv residents who found themselves in high-rise buildings with central heating, this is what i have problems with, but for business and ukrainians i am calm, that is , after all, we need to prepare for next winter as much as possible, as far as we understand, and first of all, it is very possible that we
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do not understand something with you, we have from maneuvering generation... literally 12% of what we had left just a month ago, we only have basic power generation left, these are nuclear power plants, and next year we have 12 regions of ukraine in which guaranteed there will be more than six outages hours a day, and in our country, if we do not make additional crossings through the dnipro, there will be four regions that will be completely empty. how much time do we have to at least minimize these things that you're talking about because it's very important, the audience heard some specifics. with regard to the number of regions, and we understand that mainly these will be regions of the south and east, such as kharkiv region, kharkiv region is now located simply, i can list, i can list, of course,
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sumy, sumy, kharkiv, dnipropetrovsk, zaporizhzhya, kherson , mykolayivska, odesa, odesa region will be disconnected guaranteed. how much, that's what i said, how much time is needed for energy workers, for the state, in order to at least minimize these things in some way, because we understand that in eight months, even less, it will already be winter, and in fact, november is already the winter period, relatively speaking, that is, we need to prepare already and we need to prepare, both from the point of view of protecting our energy facilities, and from the point of view of answering what to do in order to, as i already said, at least reduce this possibility of disconnection for the area. of electricity, accordingly , electricity will follow, we understand everything else, well, let's do it, the state does not know how to install a gas-electric
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power plant for 14 months already , it was donated to usade, if the state needs it from 14 months to infinity, to private companies, if the company is like an epicenter , it took her a year and a half to do it, if a company... like nova poshta, then it took a week, if some companies of the odesa region that installed solar panels, and gas-fired power generation, it only took them 3 months, still in 2022, and already in december they came with their embachers, behind their gas-electric plants, and at the same time they built an internal workshop so that even heat did not pass, and this is odessa, i.e. next to them there, they didn't know how to work together. transformers and protect them, that is, they came to the point that they were knocked out the day before last winter, looking at it for whom, i don’t believe the state,
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i believe the citizens individually, how should they be helped, of course, they didn’t go completely to all elements to remove it electric stations, for any, that is to make it so that there are no, well, for example, loans, i’m not talking at all, if loans were given for at least three years, they would be given... for three years, then tomorrow everyone would run normally, they would set it all. in principle, if we talk about the current situation, you and i are talking in some kind of static situation, and what would be done if the russians continue to act to destroy the energy industry, have they already done everything they could, we can say why in some kind of static situation or not? yes, you guessed it, they did what they could, that is, already one there will not be an influx of opponents for one simple reason, that there are no objects left, but what if they are for gazot...
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another such topic very much. important, interesting, at the expense of the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. the russians are threatening again that they will launch the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. now, as of last we heard, it is in cold shutdown this morning. what is the real threat to the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant, if the russians launch it, will they be able to do it in general? and does it pose a certain... threat for ukraine? well, let's face it, for me the situation looks like this: at one time, dergachovska
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shobla allowed the westinghouse company to install its fuel assemblies at the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, knowing that it would be seized. here, now the problems that are happening at zaporizhzhia atomka, they are happening where the elements of the westinghouse company are installed. where the russian fuel is located, everything is in order there, now further, if the station is in a state of cold shutdown, plus, there is still fuel in the belly of the nuclear reactor, this is the safest place in the world, i won't say it again, every person who has been on a tour of any ukrainian nuclear power plant at least once is told that you are now in the safest place on earth, what the russians are doing, if we raise that is, now, if everything ends badly and we start fighting for the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant, it can be in the state it
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is in for three weeks, and nothing will happen to it. but only if you try, for example, to lift a special fuel assembly on a crane, in this one the moment when the fuel assembly leaves the belly of the nuclear reactor, at this moment the speed of your reaction to events at the nuclear power plant drops to 6 hours, and if god forbid you take and start a nuclear reactor and it works, at this moment it is, especially if it under load, well, there is a difference, now... a nuclear reactor emits exactly like 700 boilers, 700 kw, it emits heat now, at the moment when it starts working, it emits a gigawatt, you see, that is, well, it is a million times the difference , which can happen, that is, the launch of nuclear weapons reactors - these are putin's words for me and for andryukh zakrevsky, you have something going on in ukraine, intelligence proves it, i don't
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like it, and now i'm going to launch zaporizhia. nuclear power plant in order to reduce the speed of decision-making by your military-political leadership to minutes, that's what is happening, and by the way, what can happen to the zaporizhia nuclear power plant if they try to start it, do you allow such a possibility? i think that it will definitely be launched and there will be some kind of accident at the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant? i'm sure of it look, when he sees that the thermal generation in ukraine cannot do anything. when almost 100% of the thermal power plants have been destroyed, is it possible that the russians will move there, conditionally, now in april, may, june, to the point that they will strike again at the substations, which conditionally speaking, will cause blackouts in a number of regions and large cities of our state, and we will repeat the scenario that we have had for how long?
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a little more than a year ago, well, with the help of idiots, for example, we restored two huzl transformers, the only ones that are on south, of course they will hit him, i told you that in the kherson-mykolaiv odesa region there will be no light in the winter, because we did not disperse these nodes there, that is , they will 100% hit them here, i will tell you right away i can say that they will hit them 100%, but they will also hit the intersections that affect and will be sabotage of the previous ones that will go through kyiv and further through the dnipro, because if in the west of ukraine, on the right bank, our power generation is very scattered , there are no very large places unprofitable from the soviet union the remaining grids and so on, well, there are large such things, only there a little near the nuclear power plants in the lviv region, yes
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, that is. all other regions do not have such a concentration, there is no crowding, well , to be honest, if they are going to hit, well, let them hit, i will tell you honestly, because one missile there will cost 10 times more than the repair after they hit , and this is also exhaustion, yes, that is, it is already a risk ratio and so on, well, in principle, they are rarely idiots, they would rather shoot something in a shopping center than just a cheap transformer, and here are the crossings through the dnipro, they will... beat and will beat these two transformer nodes on the clothes, as you think in principle, we can count on the fact that with this situation with the shunting heat power plant, we will be able to get through the winter more or less normal for the population and industry.


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