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tv   [untitled]    April 15, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EEST

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and thus close the topic of iran's nuclear program forever and do it not because of iran, but israel is attacking iran, no, it's in response, did you attack us with ballistic or cruise missiles? we have answered you. now look, the possibilities of both countries are huge. in ballistic missiles for israel. they fly to from iran, i apologize, they fly to israel in 12 minutes. winged these rockets in two hours. in the reverse side, the same tempo. thus , ballistic missiles from israel can reach iran 24 minutes after launch iranian missiles. it's all possible. happen
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at the same time, and that's also completely understandable, because i'm somehow sure that in both capitals, in tehran and in jerusalem, it 's well aware that it's... practically an obvious thing to deal with, well, it's realistic anyway to deal, then we will see how adequate the iranians are, if it turns out that they are not adequate, there will be a serious war, because it is clear that if israel strikes any strategic objects of iran. iran will not be able
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to say after that: that's it, let's finish. i do not i am sure that this is in favor of putin. in putin's favor, if there is going to be any long-term conflict, there is unlikely to be a long-term conflict between israel and iran, because they do not share borders. ugh. iran can use hezbollah to launch rocket attacks on the north, but also cautiously, because it understands that if the idf, which has now withdrawn from the sector. gas will go to the north of israel and to lebanon, then hezbollah and lebanon may collapse, iran is not interested in this, because hezbollah is controlled by lebanon itself. so, the situation can be very complex, all this looks, together with the strike on the residence of the islamic revolutionary guard corps in damascus, like dragging the iranians into a trap from nowhere. they won't be able to get out, we
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have to see with you now whether they get into this trap or not, because they can act differently, they can capture ships, as they did today, they can strike, but not very seriously, on which will not be able to be answered legitimately, the way you can answer a strong attack, they, that is, can take cautious steps, you do you remember, andriy, that when... they killed general kasem suleimani, the head of the islamic revolutionary guard corps, by the way, on the personal order of our hero of our broadcast today, donald trump. it was he who gave the order for the matter, so they also said then, trump made a risky move, an incredibly risky move, why? because the iranians can answer so seriously that it will be for the united states. such
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a direct confrontation with iran is a serious problem. the iranians never answered this seriously. they answered. and it was actually obvious to them too everyone but that response was not one that allowed the united states to make a really big escalation. this did not happen. and now there may be a repetition of this situation. you see, those who want to strike iran in order to solve the issue of its nuclear program, are constantly setting traps for iran so that iran will confess so that it can be struck. this is the second time. in fact, benjamin netanyahu is doing what donald trump did once. well, here's the whole situation. by the way, if we talk about iran and about nuclear weapons, this week also appeared. information both in the foreign
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press and in ours about the fact that at this moment iran already has two or three nuclear bombs ready in a few weeks, well, that's conspiracy theory, well, at least that 's what they say, and that they, that they are in the development stage, and that they are trying to do it, well of course that is a fact, and this, this, this is information that in principle, i think, should not even be there call it conspiracy, as far as there is, i mean. so of course, i.e. conditionally here saying, they called, they called the same terms at first, now they call the terms that they can hardly have them ready for a few days there, that is of course the information that only the mornings themselves know, i am not
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sure that they also know, you know, with with nuclear bombs such that it seems to you that it is there, but it is not, that is, we are talking about the fact that, after all, iran will most likely ... use the so-called gi hybrid, such a scenario of a war against israel and its allies can be conditionally saying such an option that there can be a hybrid scenario, that's why that mr. vitaly has just very correctly noted the information about the capture of one of the non- iranian portuguese, non -israeli, non-portuguese ships sailing under the portuguese flag and the armed forces are not just biting there. not just hezbollah, but the israeli armed forces landed on this ship and its captures, yes yes on a ship which, which co-owner is one of the israeli billionaires, by the way, not just the armed forces of iran, but the naval forces of the corps
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verts of the islamic revolution, that is, that is in principle, we can already now witness that it is going, maybe it is going along the so-called. in a hybrid scenario, and if we approach this hybrid scenario, then it is quite possible that it will be, but as they say, we will see, yes, that is, that is, in any case, in any case, i say again that it is important from the point of view of ukraine, because in any , any respect, informationally, politically, it will concern us, including us, as well as any war which, which to... which our allies will be tangential to and civilized world? well, the most important thing is that it is, in any case, the globalization of conflicts, and by the way, when the war in ukraine began, and the first martyrs began to appear, and i also told my israeli colleagues at that time that i
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believe that iran supplies these martyrs not just like that, and that iran is trying to do everything possible to test its weapons on some real one. training grounds, but ukraine is an ideal training ground for iran, there you can hit real infrastructure facilities, not those that you will recreate for yourself somewhere in the desert, and see where the shortcomings are in drones, you see, the russians have now very seriously improved their drones from the anti-aircraft system, they said: oh, the iranians already understand all this, it is not clear, look, now it is much more difficult to shoot down the drones of the shachet system, because... they are somehow painted something else, they are given some other wings there, that is, in fact, the iranians received two years of testing their, at least unmanned lethal vehicles, if you consider that this is an iron dome in israel in israel, then this is a very serious job, and
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again, taking into account what a drone flies from iran to israel in about 10 hours, 9:10 from... lebanon rather in about one and a half to two hours, then this attack can all be programmed now, keeping in mind the ukrainian experience, and look, there was another moment that said that there might be a war between iran and israel, the russians at a certain stage, remember, they really ran out of missiles that were in their warehouses, and they started going to tehran, demanding that the iranians sell them not only a drone, ballistic missiles and none were there. it seems that once we heard about the iranian missile, and yes, in principle, here i was, by the way, my next question, that despite the fact that iran supplies reconnaissance drones muhaja r6, the same, the same, the same shahed, conditionally speaking,
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maybe some components to some kind of weapon, but not supply weapons, that is, they did not use it for this, why, but because there were not enough of them. and americans, why do they need them so much? well, now we are talking about the fact that they are needed now, and new ones are possible. to do, it means they needed them already, because they were already preparing for a possible conflict in the middle east, and the fact that they denied the russians missiles, this was an indicator of what their plans are for the future, this is a very serious story, of course, and i think it can also be told like this summarize as well as you and i could. we are talking, it is april 13, yes, the famous month of nissan according to
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the jewish calendar, in which all historical events take place, as a rule, ending the story of jesus christ, which was also in this month, as you know, and here we can talk just on the eve of a new big clash and a new big such duel. judea, persia, you know, biblical history again, these are all biblical stories, they just repeat themselves, once every thousand years, and it can absolutely be, because iran was preparing for this duel, and that is why it refused even its beloved russian friends , who really wanted to shoot at us with iranian missiles, and israel was preparing, moreover, they are no longer supplying iran as of now. the shahed themselves in such volumes to russia, that is, russia does it itself, according to various data, russia is now making 30
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shaheds per day, plus or minus, and iran supplies there every wednesday, and many viewers, reading various monitoring information, know that every wednesday a plane arrives early in vnukovo, on vnukovo, yes, but it is they who bring the details, and the manufacturers themselves are already putting it together at their factories. based on the production of shahedz by the russians, we can imagine how many shahedz can be produced per day by the russians, about the same, the same amount, and by the way, it also had to be for of the israel defense forces for the israeli intelligence services as a certain reference point that somehow allows us to think about the amount of weapons without any talk now about nuclear weapons, because that's what it is at all. in the conditions of the confrontation between israel and iran, this is also not a trump card, as it is known how many
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weapons iran could accumulate at the moment when such a new phase of the conflict may begin, but by the way, note that the phase is not foreseen, because by the end our conversation, it is worth recalling that everyone talked about the possibility of opening a second front in lebanon, that hezbollah can be used, there has been a lot of talk about the houthis uh... uh stopping trade in the red sea, now iran itself is stopping, as we can see, the islamic revolutionary guard corps can, as it turns out, do without the houthis, they are ready intervene themselves, but no one spoke about the fact that the main danger is the direct participation of iran in the conflict, and now we are coming to a situation where lyalkovit himself, that is, like putin, like lyalkovit, came out in february 2022 from the backs of various people scattered there and the beekeepers, with whom he covered himself, are a proxy of the army, yes. and iran now he can get out from behind hamas, hezbollah and the houthis, with whom he also covered himself in this
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confrontation, and the confrontation will begin with the real enemy, and not with the enemy that was used by the shadow. thank you to andriy, andriy smoliy, vitaliy portnikov, 9 p.m., we must conclude by thanking all the viewers who watched the espresso tv channel, watched the saturday political club, and we will meet with you in this program already next, next saturday, and talk about it. all main topics already next week, bye, all the best, let's hope not without we will talk about the next war, there are 15% discounts on zipalor in pharmacies plantain, pam and more. premium sponsor of the national team
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presents: united by football, stronger together! vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima. we are starting two hours of air time, two hours of your time, we will discuss many important topics today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhiy zgurets is with us, the world is alive, now about what happened in the world, yuriy fizar will speak in more detail, yury, good evening, please, i have two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchivka is with us, oleksandr, congratulations, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhena postukhova, two hours in the company of favorite presenters. thank you very much, elina chechenna, for the information about cultural news, presenters that have become
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familiar to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day of the coming day, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also there chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl winter's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events.
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if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday political club. every saturday at espresso. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football. stronger together. greetings to our
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viewers. today i am artem logutenko and we are with you in the studio. let's talk about mobilization, i will have very interesting speakers with me, this is vladyslav seleznyov, spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine for 2014-2017, as well as a colonel of the armed forces of ukraine, and oleksandr yavchanka, company commander of the vovka devinci volunteer battalion, i welcome you, guests, good day, glory, eh. first of all, i want to talk to you about how important and relevant mobilization is. actually, let's start with you, friend oleksandr, in particular you recently said in an interview with deutschevella that if ukrainians don't go to the military today en masse, later they will fight anyway, but already in the ranks of
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the armed forces of the russian federation. i want to ask you to... comment and explain, in your opinion, how much time ukrainians have for to mobilize and how many people do you think are currently needed at the front? i believe that it is worth starting from numbers, we understand that they plan to demobilize around 200, 3,000, so we should understand that we need... a comparable number to oppose them at the front. this is actually the answer to your second question. the answer to your question is the first, well, it is also obvious, that is exactly what they are doing: they seize the territory, demobilize everyone there and throw them into the same meat assaults. that's why it would be common sense for us now
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to suggest that it is better to fight in one's army than to fight afterwards. in the army of the occupier, and gentlemen, i now have a question for you regarding the content, in fact, of the bill on mobilization, which was adopted by the verkhovna rada as a whole on april 11. the first, most important issue in this draft law is the lack of information about the demobilization of military personnel currently serving in it. sir dyslav, what do you think about this? it is not a very good situation, because in fact there should be certainty , including in matters of demobilization, to we must also remember that in the period between... 2014 and 2017, ukraine already went through six minutes of mobilization, and then as part of the mobilization processes , demobilization processes also took place, each of
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the citizens of ukraine who was called for mobilization and was not ready to enter into a contract on a professional basis, regarding serving in the ranks of the armed forces, he was leaving, either after 12 or after 15 months, but there was an understanding of how long our fellow citizens are conscripted into the ranks of the ukrainian army, of course, which is extremely... large-scale war can make certain adjustments, but nevertheless there should be certainty. now officially, the spokespersons of the ministry of defense assure us that this process will be organized within the next eight months, but it seems to me that this is too far-fetched a prospect. a clear understanding of how long our soldiers, who volunteered and enlisted in february and march of 22nd year, must serve in order to defend our country, well, this is relevant. and this does not mean that all of them will be known at once to retire from the armed forces, some people love combat work and do not want to return to civilian life, but
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again, in order for us to be as responsible as possible in the plans for demobilization processes, the mobilization campaign must work just as effectively, which will to call upon the ranks of the ukrainian army , motivated, further trained , village-provided and trained urban surveyors. well, friend oleksandr, i wanted to ask you how the military at the front perceived the news that the bill on mobilization does not imply demobilization, just yesterday on the evening broadcast, we chatted about it with one of the soldiers, lviv residents, and he said, how do i like that, well, personally. i think, well, my position, including whether everyone thinks so, which part thinks so, i can’t know, but i will voice what i think about it
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: war is not predictability, and guaranteeing people something that you don’t can you predict, er, it's somewhat, you know, adventurous to say the least, and what didn't this fighter say to you? about the fact that, well, it's been 3 years, huh er, i will go home only when there is a clear opportunity for that, he will understand that someone else has taken his place, or even better two, until he has such confidence, of course, he will not leave there, but i assume that not everyone thinks the way he thinks about this issue, and therefore the state is simply, well... forced to at least understand how the mobilization will go, what is it about? in order to demobilize people, we need to mobilize at least the same
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number, preferably more. we still cannot understand how the dynamics of mobilization will go with us after the adoption of the law and i hope for the president's signature, so i understand the actions of the state in this matter and my attitude to it, that's it. gentlemen, i... actually, i want to talk to you about the content of this law, how you evaluate it for yourself, whether it can change the situation with mobilization, whether this law will be beneficial, or whether some individual points in it will only provoke the opposite citizens of ukraine to avoid mobilization. and mr. vladyslav, maybe yes, i will start with your permission, so we have to understand this, ukrainian legislation has
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many excellent initiatives, but whether all these initiatives are implemented in practice, as they say, is a debatable issue, and here we must understand not only how effective the mechanism developed by our people's deputies will become, but also how much it will be used... rely on in practice, because the mobilization potential of our country seems to be equal to the mark of 4.5 million people, but we can see that the ukrainian army is already experiencing a lack of trained, motivated, physically equipped and ready for victorious combat work, why so is happening, the reason for this may be low, but the key question, which concerns the very involvement, the application of the norms of this draft law, because it has not yet acquired the status of... the law, because president volodymyrskyi has not signed it, is whether all the norms laid down will be this draft law must be fully implemented, because again we remember that ukrainian society.
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demands and expects an extremely high level of justice, whether it will be observed, we will see only later, but for now it is worth understanding that the current the draft law corresponds to those who are on the battlefield, which means that the issue of intensifying the mobilization process remains important. friend oleksandr, do you have something to add? yes, any decision has eyes. the results and possible consequences of the decision, which are written in this draft law for the time being, are primarily expected results, so there may be consequences, of course, they must also be taken into account, but we must understand that what we have now is the most important thing - it is a mobilization and
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without a doubt waiting. is that this draft law will contribute to the fact that we do will be able to mobilize a sufficient number, the question is how we will be able to learn afterwards, how quickly we will be able to learn, so we should think more in this direction, so without a doubt, my expectations could be a bit too high for this bill. when it was a draft law before its adoption, but well, we have what we have and we have. with what we have, there are many points in the draft law regarding who will not be mobilized, who will be followed by the armor, and these may be quite contradictory points, for example, employees of the ministries' apparatuses are protected from mobilization, in addition, we know very unpleasant stories about the fact that...
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mobile circuses in ukraine are recognized as strategic objects, which also employees who will not be mobilized, we know that the employees of the tv channels of the single marathon received a full complement of armor, in your opinion, such stories will provoke a sense of injustice among citizens, and won't it... won't it lead to the fact that people will avoid mobilization, and the number of evaders in ukraine will only increase, as, for example, you think , mr. vladyslav, the issue of information support for the activities of the ukrainian armed forces, including those institutions that are directly related to the mobilization processes, remains relevant, as it happened, the ukrainian
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army has already overcome six minutes of mobilization. and here it is not only about the activities of the ukrainian army, in principle, in accordance with the legislative framework, the law, the state, the state, the government, starting with the prime minister, is responsible for mobilization and mobilization preparation for mobilization, that is, in fact, all state institutions and institutions have to take care of these issues, take care of them to one degree or another, of course, the issue of informing society, why mobilization is important, what goals it pursues, or what will happen if mobilization does not take place and... i agree with friend oleksandr, who emphasizes because it is better to fight in the ranks of one's own army than to fulfill the whims of the russian occupiers in the framework of meat assaults, which will definitely happen if ukraine does not withstand this russian onslaught and, accordingly, the russian occupation forces will move further west to the countries of eastern europe, and here it is obvious that we are faced with the question of how effective the same information campaign is if people have
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reasons not to trust it. tries to avoid mobilization processes, this is a challenge, and a challenge , including for those institutions, the ministry of the department responsible for information policy in our state, many questions, not all of them have answers, but there are key ones, due to the destruction of our unity, we will lose country, there is no need here and now, even yesterday, to look for ways, motivational factors, arguments in order to convince ukrainian society, citizens of our country. friend oleksandr, in your opinion, how good is the information campaign regarding the involvement of ukrainian citizens in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, well, you see, i can only say what i am doing in this regard.


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