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tv   [untitled]    April 15, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EEST

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but each of them has its own history, its own perspective, and in fact, from this plane, everything is fine with us, worse from such a political and, that is , trade-economic, political-economic, and this the actual issue of protests by europeans in poland, in the european union, and here agrarian protests, and here we can say... that we also achieved our goal, because from the point of view of rational trade, from the point of view of associations involved in permanent trade, here everything is fine with us, and we are supported by polish associations, which is basically what happened it is already a subject of discussion within the polish agricultural sector that to what extent those associations that understand us represent those farmers who are protesting because the protesters are dissatisfied. but
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dissatisfied primarily because they simply, like many people who have psychological problems there, and each of us faces, cannot directly say what they want, and why so, that is, for them it is primarily a political moment of pressure, maybe it's clear what they want, maybe they want money, well, just straight up it's a shame to ask, because in fact you have to understand that in... all, these are protests of people who are protesting with quite good equipment, have very small volumes of production, and they invest in crops that do not bring much profit on such small areas, there, for example, the same corn, but this, again, this is not an issue that even i have the right to discuss, because it is internal polish politics, another matter, that ah... really these farmers clearly
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understand those protesting, not those engaged in trade with ukraine, c trade with other countries, in the large agrarian, large agrarian sector that is in poland, the part that protests is mostly people, farmers, who understand that their future, unfortunately, depends entirely on how the system will work subsidies, and this is a big generational debate. this problem has been building up for 20 years, and now it's just, you know, there's a very good comparison, there was this one, yes, he died, the writer douglas adams, who wrote science fiction, humorous, hitchhiking across the galaxy, one of his stories was about a planet, over which there was one gas dust and they did not see that there are other planets, then this gas dust disappeared and they and the population of this planet saw.
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the universe and decided to destroy the universe, but this is actually the most rational explanation of what those polish farmers who are protesting are protesting against and why it is not possible to find a common language with them for so long, because they are simply afraid of the fact that there is a huge universe of agricultural products, international market, and in addition to ukraine, it includes the european union itself, france, germany, spain, italy, and the united states. brazil, argentina, china, the whole, the whole world with which we trade, from which we buy something, sell something, for that share of the agricultural market of poland, it turned out to be a certain discovery and disappointment that, unfortunately, they exist in such a world, well, but poland has long been exposed to such a world, it was before we joined the wto, before we joined the european union, in principle, what, what is the problem, why exactly ukrainian grain became such an indicator, and because... that in
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fact, despite the fact that there are really a lot of us in poland, they export much more, than us agricultural products, thanks to access to ukrainian products as raw materials, poland has only increased its exports, these figures are not a secret for anyone, it was the ministry of agrarian policy of poland that printed these presentations, boasted of its indicators, the question... is only actually in one segment of those farmers who, in fact , lived for a whole generation mainly without trading abroad and generally having trade more as a temporary source of their existence, because in fact they are unprofitable without a subsidy, and this is such an obvious secret, which no one hid in the rural system.
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agricultural policy of the eu, it is clear that the change in the flow of goods from ukraine to ukraine through the territory of poland, as it happened in 2022, was extraordinary. a shock for these farmers, and they are actually protesting because of this shock, a rational explanation for how to get out of this shock, unfortunately, has not been found for them, because it is precisely for this group, and for all other groups, in we have a very good dialogue, an understanding of what, by and large, despite the fact that these protesters block this border so... i don't know, out of inertia and without any sense, we still develop our trade, increase exports by sea, despite the shelling from the russian federation and this port infrastructure, we have more exports, our
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exports will reach such pre-war indicators in 2022, in terms of production volumes, of course the issue is in prices, because... the value of these exports is lower than it was in the pre-war years, but nevertheless, in terms of volumes we go there, while in transit through poland, it is shrinking more and more, simply due to market conditions, and this is a big, big loss for poland actually, because after these protests, few people believe in the predictability of poland as a trading partner in the first place, and therefore poland's dreams of.. that they would be some kind of holland for ukraine, i.e. such a place for the export of ukrainian products, did not come true, in contrast to romania, where rational cooperation led to the fact that the port of constanţi had more
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i am increasing transshipment, and the road we are from sereto to is closer to the ports is being completed by romanian colleagues and the railway connection is improving. and there was no need to introduce any blockades, it’s just that, it’s actually such a liberum veto of the 21st century, when a small group of small farmers actually harms the entire polish economy, and the ukrainian economy too simply because they want to, but tell me, how did poland manage convince france to lobby together for these restrictions on agricultural import orders, why exactly france, as it is in general. happened, everything here is actually very, very simple, in poland there are large industrial facilities owned by french companies, and this is actually their industrial interest, and they actually tried
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to simply increase the number of goods, but their interest was related to one product, and they tried to limit it as much as possible, there is no big, big secret here, but tell me... mr. taras, is this not such a certain signal about the problems with the negotiations on european integration, which we will have to go through precisely in the economic planes well, the word problem here is good, but it does not mean, that is, it is, of course, such an absolutely trivial and not even very complicated example of how the negotiations on joining the european union will be conducted, here it is necessary to... understand that in addition to the huge, huge work on the screening of legislation, the implementation of norms, eu rules, there are a lot of underground such or non-obvious currents, such as the commercial interests of competitors of our manufacturers, or simply
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interests in the expansion of certain manufacturers, that is, there it is now it concerns of our agricultural products, but in the future it will also be metallurgy and... energy and many such examples will constantly emerge, and we just need to be calm about it and roll them out, explain our strategy, after all, even now, you and i can be there on television format to cover only a small superficial part of the agricultural problem, but in fact, this problem is already a focal point, which is in the dialogue between ukraine and the european union. after all, it's all about construction, it's about additional access of our products to the eu market, it's not about reduction, and it will be less than in the 23rd year, but nevertheless it is, in fact, still about additional access than we had before the war,
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so huge discussions have already begun in the middle of the european union, in other states, members of the european union, as to how this future common agricultural policy will give you, and the protesters, instead of drawing attention to themselves so vividly, should have focused on what really hurts them. and what hurts them is that obviously they will have to change one way or another with ukraine or without ukraine and to evolve, just like ukrainian producers, there is no doubt here, but one must understand that due to the fact that we have a lot going on, due to the fact that we are doing so much, the only chance to develop in the ukrainian agrarian sector - is to survive. and to be competitive, we are still going in fact, even if we are less
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developed than the complex european agrarian agrarian economy, still from the point of view of dynamics, we are much more dynamic, and actually in polish farmers, they should also have the part that protests, again, because there are industries out there that are absolutely competitive and they even compete in a more civilized way with us, here you have to... still think about how to adapt to the future, what will this agrarian future be, you you see on your screen what a wonderful technique, and people in principle understand that it would be possible to develop economically with it, but they see themselves more in the position of such a victim of the future, a victim of generational changes in the countryside, in agricultural policy, perhaps it is justified in the form of additional subsidies, but in fact, in fact, this question does not
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solve for them, so they will still have to change and adapt to a world in which, in addition to the social function of agriculture, there is also economic rationality, and this economic rationality they will have to to answer, again, it's not ukraine that is their enemy in this case, but rather... the reality that no matter how socially important farming is, it still has to be a profitable business, and they should be profitable for at a sufficient level so as not to depend only and exclusively on subsidies, and by the way, the very negotiations of central european countries on joining the european union created such a social load on this business, that was obvious. integration of poland and other countries. in fact, what that , that, that, that, that, that was a huge
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victory of the polish polish negotiations and, upon joining the european union, in fact, regarding what is considered farming, in what way, even despite the fact that what it is there was not 100% subsidy from the first day, there was a transition period, in terms of receiving subsidies, but it was actually a huge, huge victory, in principle it is not a pyrrhic and, that is, it is a victory in fact, it just led to the fact that in 20 years this part of the farmers who are screaming that they are dying are actually farmers who feel that they were just living in what is it like to say that they were living in a greenhouse, in very hothouse conditions, and now they are, they feel , what is... fresh ground, and what is free competition without additional subsidies, and they are afraid of this, and this is
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this fear, again ukraine here is only such a certain manifestation of this fear, but in no way the reason, because we have proven on all the figures, and in principle, this rationality is shared by all our partners, that we is in no way an enemy, even for these small farmers, it's just that they will most likely have to be creative about what crops to cultivate, what markets to focus on, it is possible not to depend only on local markets, to think about international markets as well , but these are all very constructive choices, this is a choice, you know, if i became richer, then which resort to go to, and that is , it is not relevant for ukraine now in the conditions of war, but still in peacetime, that is, this development took place, so when welfare becomes better, then precisely with these farmers, that is, with... most likely, they are protesting against the very fact that they are being forced to such a critical
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rethinking of themselves, but this does not mean that this is an existential threat, it is a question of some kind of development, and therefore i i think it's all singing, it's these factors that coincided in times, and we also need to use them, at least to learn to defend our position, most of all to explain our position, because... our only tool, we do not have such, such opportunities to exert pressure as in the member states of the european union, therefore that we are not, not on equal terms, and because we are asking for something. they give us something, and in the case when poland enlisted the support of france there, they said: "no, we are not ready to give anything, we do not have, in fact, a direct argument in response, but our only argument is to explain our logic, the logic of development events, and we see that our logic is shared by many member states of the european
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union, the entire north, the entire far west and many in the south. and germany, denmark, the baltic states, everyone, everyone actually understands very clearly that in this discussion we are rather right, the polish farmers are not all the way. thank you, mr. taras, taras kachka, deputy minister of economy of ukraine is on our air. now let's move on to middle eastern events. this night was, i would say, dramatic in the history of the region. vadim polishchuk, a political observer from israel, is in touch with us. greetings, mr. vadim. good evening, mr. vitaly. let's try to sum up with you, what can be said now, how are the israelis feeling after this, i would say, i would say historic night, right? well, the israelis, well , there were fears in the evening that this night would be hot, and israel would feel, let's say, greater destruction and
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the consequences of this attack would be greater, fortunately such terrible fears. did not fail to come true, and israel worthily repelled this attack, and now, when they have recovered a little and the joy of having avoided the most terrible of any the consequences of the swindle, now everyone is thinking about what will happen next, and these guesses, whether israel will respond, if it does respond, what will happen from the other side of iran, whether there is anything else to answer to it, even more... big questions, which you see, there was a government meeting recently, israel was discussed there, what to do next, i still have no information about how this meeting ended or not, and what it ended up with, well, we hope that they will come up with something there, but this is an important
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point, as you imagine in principle the situation with an israeli response, whether it will be or not, well, by and large , it really should be, because this is a window of opportunity, it will not soon open and , let's say, ensure its security from the side, well, reduce the danger, let's say from the side of iran , there will not be such an opportunity soon, as it is now, to strike at these plants, at nuclear facilities, and so on , just a little bit, so that iran ceases to be such an existential danger, and on the other hand , we see that pressure has already begun on israel to everything is fine, the guys were joking around, and from the side of america, a big fat, she also, as far as i understood, today, wants
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to hold back israel a little in this matter, and on the other hand, well, the government of israel, it is in such a situation... no, because the demand for an answer from israeli society is very high, and everyone expects that, well , it is good that we have such air defense, that we have such allies, that no, well, that they repelled all this, and if they had not repelled, then what would have happened, i think so , you know, israel would be heard in some issues, like ukraine, because we don't even have one the number of objects, so that you know, there is something there. and somehow we still continue to exist there, this is a small country with a small number of such important infrastructural facilities, primarily life support and so on, but i am now near the international airport, well, it is in the city of lot, although it is called televivsk lengum airport, well, i think that there was also an attack there,
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and if something serious started there, all the cities around here would be very... heard, there is also a large enterprise of the aviation industry israeli, military, and here the commotion would be so, not weak. well, i understand that this is a request from the president of the united states that israel not respond to iran, because joseph biden believes that the fact that it was possible to repulse the attack is already a victory, and there is no need now to go on the path of escalation, well that's it this is exactly what is happening with ukraine, yes, let's somehow not... escalate, don't escalate, that is , these bad guys, they can do whatever they want, well, that's why they're bad guys, but we're good, we have to somehow, you know, in a peaceful way, well... biden hopes to somehow prolong this situation until the elections and not become the president during whose presidency a great war began,
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for some reason he does not want such glory for himself, and therefore in any way, well moreover, he will somehow maintain this situation, well, on the other hand, his voters, who have always voted for the democrats, are also muslims, this is this left-wing public. progressive, in which very strange things are done in the head, but today there was a video, like a national one the congress of the democratic party took place there, well, there was some pre-election of theirs, coincidentally , some, and there, when they heard about iran’s attack on israel, they started loudly chanting, hands off iran, you understand what is going on in their heads there, so it is clear that biden is trying to somehow not quarrel with israel, and on the other hand. and somehow , don't get this client of yours into any kind of tantrums that will harm him in his election campaign. well, by the way, this is
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a serious problem, that in fact all these processes take place during the pre-election period campaign in the united states. and it is obvious that the administration is, let's say, limited in its reaction, you can say that, right? well, it is limited, and it has always been so. do you remember when obama was still the president and biden was the vice president, they also started this process of appeasement of iran there, because of all these agreements with iran, that let's somehow throw something at him there to that iran, he somehow the nuclear program will be slowly somehow developed, that is, no one demanded that it be completely stopped, let's go somehow, somehow so slowly, to stretch the pleasure, eh... there are certain forces inside israel, well, you see what everyone is saying, but netanyahu will decide what to do next, well, netanyahu is not putin and
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not even zelensky , he is very, very limited in his decisions, because now, during a war , decisions are not made by one person, let's say there is a so-called war cabinet, which consists of four people, this is prime minister netanyahu himself, this is the minister of defense. galland and also hans and azinko are the former minister of defense and the chief of the general staff, who represented the former opposition, who joined the government at the beginning of the war, well, within the framework of such a broad consensus. and these people, they are not hawks, although one could think that they are military, former high-ranking officials there, yes, well, we traditionally have these high-ranking military officials in israel, you can rather call them that. pigeons, because there they do not let such hawks up, there they are more supporters of the concept that somehow it is necessary to be peaceful and
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somehow not to offend the arabs there, but somehow try to come to an agreement with them, and that is precisely those people are unlikely to allow him to take such drastic steps, and therefore, even if he wants to respond in some way, it will be very difficult for him, because those people who would support such a position are angry, but they are excluded from accepting decisions during the war, these are representatives of a certain right of the camp, wingers, smotrichs and so on, well, netanyahu himself was removed, not by someone else, by the way, well, that’s how he wanted, well, he didn’t want such radicals in this cabinet, and that’s why maybe for some of his goals he no longer cares about those people with whom he is used to working, in principle, he has... he has experience of work and cooperation with them, he is more moderate, they were more moderate for him, and besides, he still wanted to unite society in order to well
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, the part that strongly opposed him, somehow share this responsibility for this war with them, but when it is already necessary to act more harshly, it is already difficult for him to do it, and that is why he said that we will... answer , and whether he will answer or not, in what way, we will see is happening with the operation in the gas sector, we can say that it is already like this even in such a suspended form, well, it was before, somehow it happened, that the withdrawn er, most of the troops were withdrawn from the gas sector, and there are small remained the forces that received this corridor ee, which divides the gas in half. and he makes supplies to those news that are there, and he keeps this population, which has moved to the south of the sector, so that it returns
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to the north, and with it and... and hamas, actually, because those territories from which it comes sahal, they as you know, how the vacuum is immediately filled by this hamas, which, under the guise of the civilian population, moves and begins to demonstrate there again that it is the power here, and recently there were attempts to negotiate with some leaders of local clans, and those clan leaders were brutally killed by hamas, to show who is the master here and that without him nothing will happen here, so this is the situation here, and israel declares that we are here at rafiyah any time, as soon as a decision is made, we will quickly go in and release, well here really, the substations here are not very big, there is this whole sector of gas, just look at the map, it is from north to south, well, it is like a big odessa, let's say, from north to south it is about
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50 km, what... kilometers are there, and here you can quickly go in, if there is no major resistance, as there was at the beginning of the operation, now israel is already able to carry out raids like it did in the shifa hospital, for example, and in rafia, in principle, you can quickly jump in and to start the operation there, because it was political volya, let's say so, but what will happen to the hostages, what will happen to your compatriots? which still remain in the hands of hamas, well, first of all , it is not known how many of those hostages are still alive there, you see that now there were attempts to reach at least some kind of agreement with hamas in order to release them, well, for israel, these are very painful the conditions were there, but also under the pressure of these families of the hostages, well, in principle , israel is such that it is inclined to somehow
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release its own. citizens on such conditions that are not very acceptable to him, but when some numbers began to be heard, they did not even have a list of 40 hostages that they could exchange at the first stage, that is, i think that they themselves do not know how many of those hostages there are, maybe those are the hostages that i took this sinouar, the leader of hamas in gaza, to avoid an attack on him, he has such a number... me, everyone else who lives there, where they are, in the mess that is happening there, no one knows, well, in fact they can be under the protection of the civilian population, as it is not cynical it sounds like, well, there were cases when hostages were taken not only by militants of hamas or islamic jihad or other groups, there were so many, uh, even just civilians, there were families,
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some were taken, they were not the same. captured people, there is a video of how they collect body parts there to sell them later, you see, this is such an oriental, peculiar business, because here, well, in principle, in judaism and in islam itself , death is somehow treated very nervously, and here bodies are exchanged and sold for burial, that is, very well, this is such a commodity for some such people. well, for those bedouin clans that are there and so on. thank you, thank you for this story, mr. vadim, we had on the air vadim polishchuk, an expert from israel, with whom we discussed the situation related to the crisis in the middle east, you know that the war that started there has been going on for 1902 days the attack of the terrorist organization hamas on israel, and... and the special operation
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of israel in the gaza strip is aimed at destroying this terrorist organization, which is supported by iran and russia. last night, iran struck the first ever direct attack on the jewish state, which ended with the destruction of all israeli and iranian aircraft of the israeli allied air defense system. now we are waiting to see if there will be an israeli strike on iran and if this exchange will start. the great war in the middle east, we are going to break for a few minutes now, but please stay with us, tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from razpak tv is for you, with it you will cut trees with ease and bushes, it is so convenient to use it for carpentry work, it is the perfect tool for your bud.


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