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tv   [untitled]    April 15, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm EEST

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happening right now and affecting our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly evaluate events, analyze them, modeling our future, every saturday at 1:10 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. what to do when there is
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the more of them, the better the situation for our defense forces, so please give in moderation of your ability to help, we should all help our armed forces in any way we can, so if you are able to contribute financially to our collection, please make your donation now, you can do it using the qr codes you see on your screens, just place your smartphone and your phone itself will help you in everything, go with... by the qr code on the link and in a few clicks your donation is ready, or you can do it in another way, you can simply rewrite or with take pictures of numbers bank cards, and actually make your donation through online banking there. we are now adding vadym lyakh, the head of the slavyansk city military administration, to our airwaves. vadym lyakh is already in touch with us, mr. vadym, we congratulate you, glory to ukraine, to the heroes, glory, congratulations, well, we understand that slov yansk the city that the enemy
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has planned for himself, so after a time gap, this is kramatorsk, this is druzhkivka, this is kostyantynivka, that is, four large cities, which the enemy, well, will probably still try to somehow get to them, as now in general, the situation in the city looks like, how are you preparing, do you think that the fortifications have already been built enough, please do not disclose any mysterious, so secret information, but what can be announced, please, well... i want to say that i planned and in the 22nd and 23rd to get close to sloviansk, but it was not possible, and i am sure that the enemy will not succeed in the 24th year, yes, fortifications are being built, whether they are enough or not, well, i am sure that it will enough, because this process is endless, and this process is ongoing, starting from the 22nd year, activation at the front at zero, it is reflected in the cities of front-line projects. you said, that is, i see
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that the number of shelling not only in slovyansk, but also in the nearest cities is increasing, unfortunately. well, by the way, the enemy shelled slovyansk, around 7 in the morning, a rocket hit the central district on poshtova street, i see, at least today, a photo of this huge hole, fortunately, it was written that there were no casualties, maybe the situation has somehow changed there for now, tell me more, what kind of blow it was and how big is this gap, what or? and again, well, no every day, slovyansk may be in the top of the news feed there, and you don't always track everything that is happening, whether the enemy often resorts to such significant shelling, but there are such shellings, you know, that take place, well, they are not written about, something has flown there, they say allegedly, yes, because unfortunately it is becoming common for front-line cities, or sometimes even front-line cities, but it is important to understand why, in what situation, in what intensity of such shelling people live in slavyansk, for lately the intensity has increased, for example, almost three months. there were no
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arrivals, but the last such active phase began at the end of march, and now we observe one or two arrivals almost every week, there are already injuries, i mean not after today's influx. and the last time there were three injured residents of the slavic community there, well, today it is almost a miracle, because it is the central part of the city, and by the way, some new ammunition was used, experts say that it is a grom1 missile, there is one in slavyansk were not applied, and what was not affected was di well, it's very strange, because you can see in the footage that there is actually 5 m inside the road, a little bit closer, and you could completely say that the building will be destroyed. e-e civil is a civil building, a five-story building, which is nearby. now the utility workers are working to restore gas supply, water supply, electricity supply in the central part of the city, i am sure that by the end of the day they will manage, and they are also helping people living in the three buildings
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that are near this explosion to restore their homes, to close the windows with usb plates, because then they may be able to apply for reinstatement. information of their apartments, but that will come later, now it is necessary to provide such emergency help to the residents, that is, the enemy hit it with ballistics like this, but as much as i can’t say what kind of missile it is, i say that it is some new type of weapon, for the last one, if you take the last four flights, such a diverse palette, and this one was, and i said, today there were s-300 traditional charges for us, so here we see that the number of weapons used by the enemy. its varieties are increasing, and i would also like to ask, this time there was some trouble in the city, thank god that it was not in the house, but again, it is to restore gas, restore water supply, restore windows, and such arrivals, you say, well they periodically happen to a greater or lesser extent,
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it requires funds, as a matter of fact, and all the more so as we understand that in sloviansk the flower business may not be as exuberant as, relatively speaking, somewhere even in cherkasy, there not to mention lviv or frankivsk or. cities there is uzhgorod, for example, and whether there are enough funds to cover the needs of the budget that are prescribed, that are protected, there are social, certain, there are humanitarian, and again, money is constantly needed for this kind of work, which you also won't leave this hole and you won't let water or gas flow, please, such arrivals are not news for us, that's why we already have experience, that's why we put funds at the beginning of the year for just such force majeure events. challenges, in principle, today the state helps in this direction, provides subventions to the city in order to get just the road surface, to pay for the supply of gas, electricity, etc., so i don't see any problems here, now by the end of the year all the necessary
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articles of the budget will be closed and fulfilled, moreover, this is not how the city works, there is no business there should expect some help, but the money currently in the budget is minimal. they are enough to solve such challenges that currently exist. mr. vadim, i would also like to clarify with you now what the general situation is with the evacuation of the city, now, how many people remain in slavyansk, are there many people who want to leave now, and is it somehow possible, are these trends changing now, and are there children living there, and is it not worth it, in your opinion, to take all the children out of the city, is there not yet we have seen more of such a need. of the number of city residents in the last three months, for example, if there were 50% of them there, it was 50,000 three months ago, now there are almost 54,000 of them and up to 500 children are now in the city. evacuation is not actively underway, although it has not
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stopped, evacuation trains are constantly are leaving, there is an opportunity to leave every day for any resident of the donetsk region, now, for example, for free. location in chernovetskyi, oh, in the rivne region, also people with residents with children can be accommodated in the kyiv region, it is free, but unfortunately, so far we do not observe such an active departure, so after the arrivals, the number of calls to the hotline increases from citizens from with questions, how can you leave, but there are two or three people a day, well, for example, two children left there yesterday, the parents of a family with two children. but i can to say that people already have experience, if there is more information, i am sure that there will be activity, and we already had such a minimal result, when there were up to 20 thousand in the city, that is 20% of the inhabitants, when it was really difficult, barrel artillery i worked
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around the city, but now i see that so far people are, you know, watching, what will happen next? 10 years of the war in slovyansk, we all remember very well, unfortunately, this hirkin strelkovy, who... is in prison in russia, his bandits who captured slovyansk, we remember heroic battles, mt. karachun, and 10 years of war is a lot, but... how are people, well, i think that many people remain during all this time in slovyansk, how to live these 10 years of war, and how are people, what are the moods of people in general , you know, you always want to see the light at the end of the tunnel in any case, there is not so much light here, the enemy is lurking somewhere a few tens of kilometers away and wants to rush here again, not by these bandits of girkin, but by his regular troops, well, as a person who leads the city. from the 15th year i can say that after the 14th, well, i was so depressed
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the mood of the residents, many of them also left at that time and decided for themselves whether to return or not, there were many idps in the city, forcibly displaced persons who, by the way, chose slovyansk as their new home, that is up to 10 thousand residents, who remained from other communities in our city, and gradually, i mean the 16th and 17th. year, the city somehow recovered and continued to recover, and this gave, as you say, the world at the end of the tunnel, some kind of perspective, but unfortunately, now we see that those people who left, many of them, especially young people, after two or three years of living outside the city, maybe i think that not everyone will return, but this is already the future , we will talk about the return a little later, now, for example, i would definitely not advise it... to return to the city, because we see that the activity of hostilities is increasing and the danger for especially civilians, i want to say that
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the last three arrivals, it happened during the day, that is, at 7 in the morning, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, there lunch there at 4:00 p.m., that is, it is a more dangerous time for civilians who are now outside, it is warm now, therefore, there is absolutely no need to return yet, we will deal with depression a little later after our victory, thank you. vadymlya, the head of the slavic city military administration was in touch with us, we thank him for the opportunity to talk, let's move on, but by the way, before we go on a short break, some information is also important if you want to view our broadcasts, some kind, some moment you need to review, or you, for example, want to know what was the most important for today, for example, or for yesterday, you can see all this information on our youtube channel, we are actively running our youtube channel. in order for there to be live broadcasts of our broadcasts, which you can actually
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performance. kratal is a natural force for your heart. premium sponsor of the national team represents united by football together are stronger. i congratulate you. this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live attack. political analysis objectively and meaningfully, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front, svobolaya openly and without prejudice, you draw your own conclusions, vasyl
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zima's big broadcast, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, to learn about the war and how the world lives, two hours to be informed economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. well, the informational marathon of the espresso tv channel in rozpal itself. now we will have the opportunity to talk about the geopolitical situation together with oleg shamshur, diplomat, extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to the united
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states from 2005 to 10 years. mr. oleg, welcome to espresso and thank you for agreeing. to talk, because there are actually a lot of events to talk about today. congratulations, let's try. so let's start with the events in the united states: aid to ukraine and israel, shall we? iran's attack on israel has now fueled talk of aid to both countries, and many analysts are inclined to believe that developments in the middle east could speed up the process of providing an aid package for ukraine. in particular, there are some encouraging messages from the united states. how do you assess the situation in general, yes, i mean comprehensively, will the congressmen really be ready to approve aid for israel and ukraine against the background of the events that are escalating in the middle east? as always , it is quite difficult to say unequivocally, a message appeared in our meeting with reference to schumer, the leader
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of the senate majority, that a compromise had been reached, i will look, he said that there is a consensus, or rather, there is a consensus about the need to provide aid to ukraine and israel. well, as always , the problem lies in the details, that is, until this moment, it is still not clear what the bill will look like, which, let's hope, the speaker of the house of representatives will still bring up for consideration. vote, will it be, separate aid to israel and separately to ukraine, will it be, a bill that repeats the one passed by the senate, it is not yet clear, i think that there will be clarity in the near future, and
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the vote, as influential congressmen and senators say, can to happen must this week also consider that, if i am not mistaken, next week the congress will not be in washington, that is, it will not work, that is, to some extent, this week is decisive, that is, now the chances have appeared in my opinion, especially after johnson's meeting with trump, who did not speak out against the provision of aid and suggested that it be provided in the form of a loan, that is , it is ... very important and we will see how things unfold in the near future, but to say that there is already a consensus on what it will look like, it is too early, and for now ... that, as far as i'm concerned, the discussion continues, this is probably today, tomorrow, and hopefully , at least a decision will be made as to what the bill would look like to
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be introduced by the speaker of the house of representatives. mr. oleger, here is the man who actually restored the olympic games in their modern form, baron pierobartin, wrote that sports are peace, and france, emmanuel macron, the french president. of the republic, first of all called on putin, because he is the aggressor starting from july 26, to declare a truce for the time of the summer olympic games in paris, in the ukrainian army i see at least the third assault the brigade reacted that you are completely out of your mind with the truce, but in general why, well, that is, it is obviously worth saying, i understand, it should probably be said to the french president, and what can be the reaction and is it not at all not worth special attention? i think it's a beautiful phrase, well, as you know, in ancient greece, when the olympic games were held, there was really no hostilities,
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there was, well, temporary, but peace, and apparently macron wanted it to look both beautiful and there was some reference to traditions, or he was seriously hoping that... they would agree to it, i don't know, but our attitude can and should be determined by whether we need it, in my view, and i'm glad that my view coincides with what our military has said , it's hardly necessary, especially since it can start such a process that will then be quite difficult to stop, uh, so i think it's more of a - a call related to traditions, well, to, say, in some to express the positive, that he will not be
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supported and most importantly, by the main protagonists, it is almost understandable. yes, sir olezhe, i would also like your reaction to the statement of dmytro kolebin, that the minister of foreign affairs, who reacted to the criticism of the united states, regarding the strikes on russia. refinery kuleba noted that it is necessary to think in one's own interests, this is how he actually reacted to the statement of lloyd austin, the secretary of defense of the united states, who stated that the recent attacks by ukraine on russian oil refineries could affect the world energy markets and called on ukraine to focus on military facilities . coleba noted that we need to think in his own interests, and he says that loyt austin is really a great friend of ukraine, but in this matter, he honestly, koleba says, does not see the cause of the consequence. i would like your reaction, what do you think, whether our minister did the right thing, whether it was the right diplomatic statement, and actually, what do you think, whether the states will
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try to put pressure on ukraine so that we stop striking oil refineries factories? well, first of all, i already commented on this, and the first thing i would like to point out is that this is absolutely not the question that it is necessary... in the public sphere, and, unfortunately, it has already become a tradition that issues that should be discussed behind closed doors in principle are brought up for discussion or voiced, and in this case, a claim to our american partners, regarding the admissibility of the issue, i don't always, far from always agree with dmytro kuleba, but in this case i support him. we must proceed from our vision of the expediency of these or other military actions and in my opinion
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the refinery is absolutely possible for us and a necessary object for her attack, and including , i believe, one should take into account here, i would say propagandistic in the good sense of the word. effect, because in order, well, to have at least a little influence, to make a russian citizen think, it is necessary for him to feel, feel the war in, as they say, his own school. you know what else i want to ask, somehow this topic with the appointment of valery zaluzhny as ambassador to great britain has disappeared, from what i read, valery zaluzhny is still in reserve of the ministry of defense, although he passed through the lkk, and somehow here... there are no movements, and in general , someday we will get an ambassador in a country that is one of the key partners, or why was it at all, well then, because there is no understanding.
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what it was for, i can only speculate, it was to change the commander and to make it less public criticism, so we are changing him, but he is going to a very important diplomatic job, when and if that happens, this question is not for me, because i am not even close to the current government, but it is very... bad that there is no ambassador in one of the key partner countries, even if you imagine and it is clear that both the united states and great britain, other countries act first of all, and unfortunately, through their embassies, but all- after all, the role of our embassies is great, and even more so, and i repeat once again, in such key countries, and again it is delayed, again,
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honestly. things, i did not understand, or one can only assume for what reasons, and this is absolutely unacceptable, well, yes, you are already an important reaction of our partners in britain, and, therefore that it caused a certain uproar there, not only among politicians, but among ordinary citizens, well , the war hero will come there, everything, that, and then once and that's it, and then it's just, well, what trust, that is, you give a message, and then you you take it away and there is no understanding, but how to communicate with these people, because suddenly, suddenly, they will say something again, and it turns out that it is... just like that, they said it and forgot what they said, that is, definitely, and as you understand, all this, as they say, is taken into account, recorded, it is not always voiced, but definitely ours partners take this into account. thank you, mr. oleg, for your analysis. oleg shamshur, diplomat, extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to the united states of america, was at eteria espressogo for 10 years from 2005. we talked
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about the actual, in particular, aid to ukraine, so we understand that the allocation of aid from the united states is now a key issue that worries many ukrainians, and we understand that there is a high price for kuna, so yes, we understand that the events that are happening now in the middle east, they can somewhat speed up this process, let's hope that if they are going to talk about aid to israel, they will immediately take into account the possibility of providing aid to ukraine, so please yes, because, for example, the majority leader in the united states senate, democrat shaq schumar, says that there is a certain consensus on aid to ukraine and israel seems to have been reached, and here it is necessary to understand that there are certain republicans who are ready to help israel, but not very ready to help ukraine, well, maybe under the sauce of the fact that the middle east is becoming very, very restless now, they will still agree for this package, this is the bill that
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has already been passed. the senate, because if this bill, which was passed by the senate, is not passed, then the issue of assistance, or rather the submission of a new bill, is a question of duration, yes, that is, it will stretch this process over time, which neither israel nor ukraine is interested in, well, a lot congressmen also realize that this should not be done. so really, it's time to explain the delay with some political reasons, elections, the fact that i wanted to remove some in my state. restrictions on gas johnson in order to get economic benefit is already clear, well, simply prolonging this process further and further prolonging this process cannot be explained by anything other than playing along with the aggressor and, in general, the axis of evil, if johnson is ready to be a representative of the axis of evil, but obviously he understands this, well, that's why that again , there are simply no other reasons at the moment, well, i think that we will be ready to hear more news right now, and we hope so, maybe we will be able to hear more information about this in...
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the next issue of news that has already been prepared our colleagues and anna yevamelnik are ready to tell us about them, we congratulate you, we give you our own word, and we ask you to tell us briefly what this issue will be about. greetings, colleagues, thank you for your work, then the news team will work, we will tell about the main events of this hour and i will start this issue with the situation in poltava region. the occupiers attacked poltava, an explosion rang out in the city during the air raid, announced the head of the region philip pronin on the official telegram page.


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