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tv   [untitled]    April 15, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EEST

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on yourself, wait for our broadcast, stay with espress. iran launched a massive attack on israel, most of the strikes were repelled, but the united states and other allies of tel aviv are calling on the israeli... authorities to exercise restraint due to the possible escalation of hostilities throughout the region, but how this will affect the war in ukraine, that will be discussed in the next 15 minutes broadcast by the bbc live from london, dzaferov studio. so over the weekend, iran hit israel with about three hundred drones and missiles. iran said it was a response to a strike on iranian territory consulate in syria, which was two weeks ago. then high-ranking iranian
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soldiers died, tehran was sure that israel was behind the shelling. at the time, the israeli authorities did not deny or deny their involvement. the israel defense forces say 99% of missiles and drones have been destroyed before they reach the country's airspace. let's take a closer look at what iran's attack was like and how israel, with the help of its allies, was able to defend itself. first, they knew about the attack in advance. warned however, it was a massive attack. a total of 300 weapons, and namely more than 170 combat drones, 30 cruise missiles and 120 ballistic missiles. most of them launched iran itself. and this is the first time that iran has directly attacked israel from its territory, but the united states says that some strikes have been carried out from iraq, syria and yemen. how do the viewers evaluate? such actions of iran.
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after all, israel has spent billions of dollars to prepare for just such a scenario. and with the help of his allies, he largely neutralized an attack that could have had far greater consequences. so how did you repel such an attack? both israel and the us were warned and prepared. american destroyers were in the eastern part of the mediterranean sea. they shot down a pile of... ballistic missiles. british typhoon fighters took off from cyprus and shot down a number of drones. american planes and fighter jets in jordan did the same. well, israel itself has one of the most advanced air defense systems in the world, which has several levels of protection. the first level is arrow missiles, they are capable of intercepting ballistic missiles at a distance of hundreds of kilometers. the second -
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this is david's sling, an anti-missile defense system that protects against short- and medium-range threats, and the iron dome system is known to many. and here are the next shots, iran demonstrated that it wants to take risks, but not very much. he wanted the other side to pay for their actions, but without a wider escalation and full confrontation. israel claims most of the missiles and drones fired by iran were shot down before they reached their territory. for example, this missile was shot down over iraq, but there were also exceptions: an iranian missile passed through all layers of defense and hit the airbase. and this is confirmation that the target of the attack was military facilities. the attack was a calculated attack by iran, which used only a fraction of its firepower. enough
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to get its message across, but not enough to overwhelm israel's air defenses. israel says it will decide how to proceed. many countries condemned iran's attack, but also called on the israeli authorities to exercise restraint. this is the united states, and great britain, and more russia and china. and the secretary general of the un warns that the near east is on the edge of the abyss and it is time for... de-escalation, so what will israel do next after such a massive attack by iran? israel's air defenses were put on alert, fighter jets countered waves of iranian drones and missiles fired at israeli targets. iran attacked israel directly from its territory for the first time. explosions were heard throughout the country, including in jerusalem and tel aviv. israel says 99% of more than 300
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drone missiles launched by iran intercepted some of those that flew in were hit here. at the secret nevatim air base, in the south. israel not far from there , seven-year-old amina khasola was seriously injured when a fragment of a rocket hit the house. the children were scared and wanted to run away from the house, and that's when the rocket hit our house. israel's military cabinet convened to plan its next course of action. one of its members, benny gund, said: "israel will demand retribution in full when the time comes." the council also gathered for an emergency meeting un security. and he called for sanctions against iran and confirmed his right to reply. this attack crossed all red lines and israel reserves the legal right to respond. we are not frogs in boiling water, we are a nation of lions. after such a massive and direct attack
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on israel, the whole world, not to mention israel, cannot come to terms with it. we will protect our future. meanwhile. iran's un ambassador said iran retaliated with a deadly attack on its consulate in syria, and it was justified. these countries, especially the united states, have defended israel from any responsibility for the gas massacre. at the same time, they denied iran its legitimate right to self-defense against israeli armed attacks on our diplomatic institutions. amid rising tensions, these attacks received widespread international condemnation. world leaders are now pushing for de-escalation, calling for calm in the region. all attention is now on israel and how it will react. and we talk more about this with diplomats, the former minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, volodymyr ogrysk, he is in touch with us.
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i congratulate you, mr. volodymyr, now what will happen to the package of aid to ukraine, which is stuck in the us congress, because there is provision for aid to israel. do you think this attack by iran will somehow expedite the proceedings? well, i think we don't have much time left to wait and let's stay optimistic, the support should be here, i'm not saying in two hours or 5 hours, but it's not weeks, it's days. therefore, let's proceed from the fact that both ukraine and israel are finally what is needed. will receive, the conditions may be different, but i think that in the situation in which we are now, then we will not put forward conditions for us, before receiving weapons, we will understand further, well, in your opinion, it will be connected with the attack of iran on
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israel? i think that iran's attack on israel undoubtedly catalyzed this process, that's true, but also... so to speak and without taking into account this particular episode, one way or another the situation with aid has gradually shifted to our side, just trump on it makes no sense to hold on to this position, because he will lose very seriously domestically, that's exactly what he is he is most afraid. in general, this is the attention of western partners of ukraine, in your opinion. will it now be even more focused on the middle east? i think that it will be concentrated in the same way in the middle east and in ukraine, to a greater extent definitely in ukraine, because in fact it
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is about its main and main element of this axis of evil, and therefore comparing russia and iran is unlikely . it is possible, it is unlikely that such parallels can even arise as some kind of competition. russia is what really needs to be defeated. in what form, how quickly? that's it a question to which our western partners cannot give an answer so far, but they would like to. well, again, in your opinion, why do the allies, the united states and great britain, help israel to repel such an attack, but they do not help ukraine to repel russian attacks in this way? it's a mystery to me, frankly, because there is no difference in the fact that americans shoot down
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missiles or drones on the territory of another country, not a country. the one that launches these missiles, that is, the usa did not shoot down the missiles over iran, they shot them down rockets over other territories, or on the territory of israel, and so on. therefore , we did not enter into a direct confrontation with iran, the same applies 100% to the situation with russia, but when it comes to russia, many of our western partners begin to shake their hands, well, because you know, just as there is an axis of evil, there is also an axis of fear , which was formed by washington and berlin, and this is transmitted to the entire alliance and it is... sad, but why , in your opinion, is the attitude towards iran, it is different than towards russia, very far, or what is it
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connected with? connected? i think that now the attitude to iran should be treated as one of the links of this axis of evil, and now there is a great opportunity to finally put an end to the iranian missile program and the iranian nuclear program, well , but for this you need... to have political will and not to be afraid, again the key word is fear , not to be afraid to make difficult, difficult, but necessary decisions, and this is precisely what is missing in the west now, we hear one word de-escalation, in my opinion, de-escalation has now become synonymous with the loss of the ability to think and act, this is what our western world is experiencing today it's a great pity, but just at the un. they also called for restraint in israel so that it does not lead to escalation, but the west condemns
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the actions of iran, many western countries, and how will this affect russia, if it will affect it at all, because after all, israel and russia are quite friendly relationship? you know, if a collective measure would put iran in its place, it would have a very good effect on the relations between iran and russia. then russia would understand that its terror would be ended in the same way, but not regional, but global character but then again , decisive actions are needed here, why russian missiles cannot be shot down over ukrainian territory, this is really a mystery, that is, to explain it by the fact that it could be an escalation, is simply not to give answers to the questions that need to be answered , and calls not to bomb... the russian refinery, which they say somehow affects the price of oil, well, that's just
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cynicism and hypocrisy, it's the same as what to offer, let's give you a couple of patriots there, but the russians are all one thing you will be attacked, and we actually before that we invite you, if we go this way, then probably it would be necessary to offer us missiles with a range of 500 km plus in order for us to destroy the entire military. the infrastructure that is on the territory of russia, from where planes take off that bombard peaceful ukrainian cities and villages, i think that it should also come to the conclusion that the western partners should shoot down russian missiles together with us, and when a certain compromise, it would be possible to agree that the ukrainian troops would not destroy the refinery, but also... have additional 5 7 10
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patriot-type systems necessary for us, since then it is, as they say, a good deal, and otherwise it is just a mockery of common sense. thank you, the former minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, volodymyr hurysko, was in touch with us. thank you again. so, on the night of april 14, iran hit israel with about three hundred drones and missiles. according to the israelis, it carries out some launches. came from iraq and yemen. tigiran says this attack was a response to the attack on the iranian diplomatic mission in syria. then no one is responsible did not take himself, but iran is sure that these were the actions of israel. according to tel aviv, they managed to repel most of the iranian drones and missiles, and now israel's allies, including the united states and great britain, are calling on israel to exercise restraint in its response to the iranian attack so as not to escalate the conflict. in the great war in the middle east. so, that's all for today,
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look for more stories on our website and on our social media pages. and we will be on the air again tomorrow at 21. take care. greetings, friends, the second part is on the air of the tv channel program verdict. my name is serhii rudenko, today we will talk about the law on mobilization and who bit the former deputy defense minister of ukraine hanna malyar, and also about the loan from trump and how lviv customs officers work a little for the state and a little for themselves, well, at least they are the same about they say
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let me remind you that we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our platforms. on youtube and facebook, for those who are currently watching us on these sites, please subscribe to our pages and take part in our survey, today we ask you about the following: should the funds from the single telethon be redirected to the armed forces of ukraine? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, if you have your own opinion, please write in the comments below this video. if you're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote. if you think that the funds from the single telethon should be redirected to the armed forces (0800-211-381), no (0800-211-382). all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. let's start our conversation with the law on
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mobilization and what, in fact, is provided for by this law. let me remind you that... on april 11 , the verkhovna rada of ukraine adopted a bill on mobilization as a whole, but the parliamentarians removed from the document a provision that would have provided for the demobilization of military personnel after 36 months of service. let's look at the story about what and how will happen from now on after the president signs the law on mobilization. versions of the draft law: more than three months of work, over 4,000 edits and 283 upvotes in the end. the verkhovna rada finally adopted a new law on mobilization. its strengthening is a necessary condition for the survival of ukraine as a state, ukrainian servicemen say. the western press writes about it. the ukrainian government
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avoided the unpopular topic. commander-in-chief, president volodymyr zelenskyi emphasized in public speeches. and continues to emphasize that strengthening the conscription is an initiative of the military command, the implementation of which is the responsibility of the deputies. as for the law, or one of the laws regarding changes to mobilization, what was voted this morning, at the request of our, our troops, the military leadership , there are some changes in mobilization, and according to this. so there is a strengthening of control over evasions. among those who voted for, most of the servant of the people faction and voice, the trust group and former members of the banned opzh. the european solidarity and motherland fractions did not support the document. first of all, due to the decision of the specialized committee at the last moment
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to exclude from the draft law the provision on the demobilization of those at the front since the first days of a full-scale invasion. i clearly emphasized our claims, which make the law adopted on mobilization extremely dangerous for the country and for the army. the first is the lack of clear legislative guarantees of timely release for servicemen who have served 36 months, 18 of them in the front line. the second is rotation, which must also take place to restore combat capability. person and part. he asked the deputies to exclude the rule regarding demobilization after 36 months of service commander-in-chief of the armed forces oleksandr syrskyi. the same position was followed by his predecessor, valery zaluzhnyi. there is an acute shortage of people at the front, what will happen in a year is unknown. the enemy exceeds us by all dashes
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10 times. we are short of staff. we. now there are two, some departments have three or four men left, according to the tactical regulations for this department , it is given that they defend a guaranteed 100 m of the defense front, if there are two men, they can defend 20 m of the front, the question immediately arises, and who another 80? the position of the general staff develop regarding mobi terms and conditions. a separate bill, according to the ministry of defense , it should take about eight months, which means that there will be only one entrance door to the ukrainian army for the time being. the way out is either a serious injury or a return from captivity. uncertainty increases tension among military personnel. many of them want to know when exactly they will be replaced by others. the new
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law should help significantly replenish the ranks of the defense forces. it envisages both a whip for evasives and gingerbread for those who will join the ranks of the army. in particular, all citizens ukrainians who are on military registration must within 60 days from the moment of recruitment by law. to clarify credentials, this also applies to those who are abroad. it will be possible to do this both face-to-face, and by phone or through an electronic cabinet. otherwise, men of conscription age will not be able to receive consular services, as well as issue a foreign passport. in ukraine , basic military service is being established instead of fixed-term, citizens from 18 to 25 years of age will have to go through it, up to five months in peacetime, up to three months. under time of martial law. registration in the electronic cabinet is voluntary. the summons will not be sent through it. evaders will be deprived of the right to drive a car. those who do not update
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their data will be fined. previously up to uah 22,500. other restrictions, such as seizure of property, did not make it to the final version of the law. another innovation: all men who were diagnosed with disability for the first time after february 24, 2022. the second and third groups will have to pass the vlk again. this does not apply to military personnel who received heavy injuries during a full scale invasion. a number of incentives are provided, for example, the right to a one-time compensation of 50% of the first mortgage loan payment and an additional payment of uah 1,000. plus another 100,000 after the second year of service. also , servicemen and their wives or husbands will not be charged. interest on the use of credit, and fines and penalties, if it is not about a car or a mortgage. a month at zero will be counted as
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three years of service. for the destruction or capture of enemy equipment, additional leave and remuneration. and still at the request of the parliament, the cabinet of ministers still adopted a resolution on additional payment of uah 70,000 per month for those on the front lines. the society is already actively discussing the new law. many civilians are not happy with the increase. control and sanctions, servicemen have opposing claims to the document. briefly according to the adopted law. in my personal opinion, it should have been tougher, especially in terms of the responsibility of evaders, because now i don’t see effective norms there at all, but taking into account the tenacity with which the people worked deputies, it's good that they accepted at least something. the age of those subject to mobilization is also changing. at the beginning of april, president zelensky finally signed. the draft law was adopted 10 months ago on lowering the conscription age from 27 to 25 years. ato veteran taras chmut, head of one of the largest
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charitable foundations, come back alive, in an interview with ukrainian pravda, expressed the opinion that the signature appeared too late. in my opinion, mobilization should take place from the 20th. we have wasted too much time, if we want to survive as a country, we have to go back to war face, accept it as a reality and start doing something about it, because otherwise it is all in vain, all these hundreds of thousands of people who died, who are maimed, who are dying today, while we are talking here, it is all in vain. how many additional people are planned to be drafted into the ukrainian army? previously, the president voiced the figure of 500,000, saying that this was exactly the number the military leadership had asked for. but recently, zelenskyi emphasized that there is no need for such large-scale mobilization now, since the ukrainian general staff conducted audits and found internal reserves, that is, those military units that
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have not yet directly participated in military operations on the front line. according to ukrainian intelligence, on june 1 russia is preparing another 300,000 additional military personnel for a major offensive. ukraine's defense forces need to make up for the losses they have suffered in... two years of full-scale invasion. according to the estimates of the internet publication teksta.orgua, which are based on open data, the mobilization reserve of ukraine is 5,200 thousand men, aged from 25 to 60 years. it those who are in the territory under the control of ukraine and do not have a reservation or the right to a postponement. well, so far the discussion continued in ukrainian social networks, and ukrainians discussed the lack of a norm on demobilization. mariana bezugla, deputy head of the parliamentary committee on national security, defense and intelligence,
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said. that there will be no demobilization law until the end of martial law, and only russia is to blame for this, she says that while the war continues, there will be no demobilization laws will not be, although the day before the spokesman of the ministry of defense of ukraine dmytro lazutkin said that such a law could appear in 8 months. now we see what bezugla is saying, and... we saw how bezugla did her business with the head of the armed forces of ukraine, how she sought his resignation, and in the end, the president of ukraine signed a decree on the resignation of the hard-working man from the post of commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, and now mariyana bezugla, the same bezugla, says that there will be no law on demobilization, and she fully supported the former deputy
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minister of defense of ukraine, malyar, who had an argument on the public airwaves with people's deputy from the voice party inna savsun during the discussion of precisely the norm or topic of demobilization of the military, malyar began to persistently advise servicemen, including inna sovsun's husband, to read the constitution, where it is written that demobilization during martial law is impossible, which brought the depot to tears.
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and such stories, well, probably a lot, for 7 months now, i have no connection with society, the whole studio is in public, and tried to convince hanna myler to listen to other participants of this program about what they think about demobilization, but anna mahler, who was once the deputy minister of defense of ukraine and was in charge, does not want to. for communications, by the way, and she, as a communicator, should have understood that people should be listened to, listened to, including family and friends, those who are at the front. today, hanna malyar published an apology to inna savsun on her facebook, she admitted that she had no moral right to react so emotionally to a talk show. to quote ms. malar. i was outraged by the fact that people's
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deputy inna. sovsun abstained, that is , she did not vote for a law that is vital for the country, but this does not excuse me, i am wrong, i apologize to the people's deputy of the faction inna sovsun, this is a very strange apology, to be honest, because anna malyar probably had to ask the question that this clause on demobilization was removed from the law on mobilization, among other things, this clause on demobilization about... 36 months of service in the armed forces during martial law before this law was proposed by the deputy of the servant of the people, mariana bezugla, the same mariana bezugla, who now says that there will be no law on demobilization, and without demobilization, of course, all this the story with the law on mobilization looks just like a gingerbread man, a gingerbread man who should be...


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