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tv   [untitled]    April 16, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EEST

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it is possible to rely on exclusively public information, which has been repeatedly announced, it is about the fact that ukraine received one patriot from the usa, one more from germany, germany and the netherlands also collected two, and from that we are already talking about three, but also the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyy said a few months ago that ukraine has received two more air defense systems that can shoot down anything, what exactly... was not the case, but the fact is that when it comes to an air defense system that can shoot down anything, it means that that he can effectively countering both direct ballistic missiles and aerodynamic targets such as aircraft falls under this category only of the available and of the available only two complexes because it works effectively both against things like the iskander and against aircraft that well, it has been proven many times by the so-called blocking patriot, and the sampets, but in relation to the sampets, then... the fact is that during
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all this time, after quite long talks, italy and france were able, these two large countries were only able to single out one complex, and therefore, and it was quite public, so it is unlikely that they would do it again, let alone two at once, and it would certainly not be a secret, given the position and publicity of rome and paris in this matter, therefore, most likely, ukraine after all, it has a little more than three patriot batteries, and the question of which patriots themselves are very, very important questions, because there are objectively now in service in nato countries, including and in the world in general, two types patriot: patriot pack 2 which uses rockets only jam which effectively fights precisely with aircraft, high-altitude aerodynamic targets at ranges of 160 km there, and there is pak 3, which has anti-missile capabilities and allows you to shoot down ballistic missiles such as iskander, shoot down kenzhals and even zircon. that is
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, this is the third pact, and it can also, of course, work with jmt missiles against aircraft. therefore , while we can only say approximately that ukraine has three dashes of five, probably, patriot systems, not all of them may be, it is 100% known about three. regarding the number of patriots in, for example, nato countries, that is recently jose berel at the summit of the european forum, he directly said that the western armies. that is , the western world, this is nato, this is the usa, plus its european segment, nato, then we are talking about the fact that, in general, we are talking about 100 batteries there, i will name the batteries, this is actually an anti-aircraft missile complex, because batteries are such an organizational staffing structure, but if you take exactly how many batteries of patriots, then there is only one, which usually consists of a single unit, one command post, 6.8 launchers, again, this configuration is quite vague, we are talking about modern digital for... a missile complex, so
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the number of launchers can be changed, as well as usually on the smaller side, some countries cannot afford such a number of launchers in one patriot battery, there, for example, sweden, it orders only a limited number of launchers, three or four, and japan is also far from a poor country, it has five launchers per battery, but if we talk about nato countries, we are talking about 100 tanks, if to be more precise according to the available information, then the language it's about... 95, of which 60 are directly in the united states, and 35 to 35, this is what europe has, and these 35, they are quite conditional, because it is more important, most likely, to talk more about 30, because now some countries are just in the process of receiving additional patriot systems, for example, such as sweden, such as romania, poland, but it too, so, let's say, it has a plan to increase the number of petriks. once for two more there are already two batteries
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of reinforced composition, and they are planning to order another 12 and so, therefore it is also necessary to understand that even receiving the first systems, for example, as sweden did it, this does not mean that they immediately went on combat duty, to this time you need to add usually a year and a half or two, this is the standard time until the full combat capability of the system arrives, when after they received it, that's why then, when we talk about seven or. 25 additional batteries for ukraine, how realistic are these figures in terms of what other countries have, can we hope that someone will share such a number? let's hope so, because there is a logical position of the will that broadcasts the ukrainian government, there are patriots in the countries, for example, germany may still have at least 105 paks. it is possible
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that there is still a certain amount of it in what is called warehouses, maybe in a rather dead condition, because they removed them from the armed forces during the beginning of the 2000s, that is... they sold them off, maybe they took them out, that is, their fate is unknown, but they had , well, we can talk about the fact that she still has about ten, so when we fill only 10 patriots, and we hope that she will give us seven more pieces, yes, no, we are not talking about it, because of course, i just immediately understood that if there are patriots in the entire western world, then one fourth part, if we talk about 25, well, it already says that it cannot be easy, but... how and even about that , that if europe is in conditions where the usa is not at all with, well , so far there are no signs that this is objectively a blockade of aid to ukraine, i don't know what to call it, because it goes beyond any limits at all discussion, when the usa does not allocate aid for
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ukraine, and thereby shoots itself in the foot by the fact that now everyone in poland and in europe, and even in japan, the prime minister is already saying in a speech in congress that the united states should... return to the role of security guarantor, because there is no way to provide assistance when you promised to do so, so we exclude 60 batteries from the american ones in this situation, and then even seven batteries with 35 european batteries there is also a fairly significant mark, so of course it is not a question of the fact that somewhere there someone has a whole basement filled with these people, which is filled with patriots, you just have to remember where the keys are open and get out of them... anti-aircraft missile complexes, it is difficult, so immediately, when there is not even a nazga, after all, she is the leader of the coalition directly, which, she adds, must get air defense to ukraine, she immediately said that it will not be easy, it will be some rather complicated paths with the search for some kind of combination, well
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, again, berlin has experience when together with the netherlands they assembled one battery of patriots, the netherlands handed over, by the way, two launchers, germany gave the other one, and then... there could be such a situation that will come somewhere brothers, someone will give one launcher, someone will give a communication car, for example, one too, somewhere someone there will transfer a radar station, for example, somehow it will be restored, someone there will give it, because it is precisely the radar station that is the main core of the complex, without it it , well , let's put it this way, this is a separate conversation, but we believe that it cannot work without it, ah, and all this is additional, in fact, except... directly the question of where to get the patriot batteries themselves, well, here and there by the way, it should be noted that germany too she said that she would look for options beyond the borders of asia and the middle east. as i understand it, this is exactly asia, she means japan, which does not
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export weapons in principle, but perhaps transfers them to the americans, but, well, i recently filmed there. permanent self-restraint regarding the export of weapons and can transfer those missiles that it produces at mitsubishi under a license from lohit martin, this is against the mci missile to be sold to the usa, in the event that the usa does not provide assistance, you can forget about it, taiwan, well, there are seven batteries , well japan has 24, 25, and taiwan still has seven, taiwan will definitely not transfer anything, and south korea, of course, will not transfer any weapons either. to ukraine, and it is quite clear why, because there, next to them, is the dprk, which is constantly testing something there, firing missiles into the sea and demonstrating what they will do from the hive and everything else, and the middle east is a very difficult region from the point of view in terms of arms trade and diplomacy in general,
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but there really are patriots there, in particular, only in saudi arabia there can be up to 25, why up to 25, because we are talking about countries that, well much lower in the public sphere than, for example, the countries of europe or the usa, and therefore it is possible to talk only about a certain, well , gap, how much it can be there, it is 18 or 25 petri dishes, well, approximately this gap. saudi arabia is really quite a possible potential donor, because it is quite directly focused on european, american weapons, and let 's just say, there are chances in my opinion. but if , of course, berlin will not negotiate, because berlin has been blocking the sale of eurofighter fighters to saudi arabia since 18. therefore, here the participation of more london, which was also announced by the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine koleba, that london will also look for patriots, can be much more positive,
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because the trade balance of arms directly from saudi arabia and great britain is 10 billion over the last 10 years and pounds, dollars . mr. oleg, we are now talking about heels. about the complexes, and for some reason we forget, first of all, that probably the first place should be missiles for these systems, what about the production of means of impression podpeti? which needs, what opportunities do manufacturers have to satisfy the demand of both ukraine and other countries that use these weapons? here it becomes even more difficult, that is, it is clear that it is already clear that with the patriots they are not lying around somewhere, and there is also a problem with missiles, regarding the production of new missiles, because there are, of course , reserves, we, there is still hope that ukraine will receive after all, missiles from the reserve, and not to expect. until they are made, because otherwise everything becomes quite
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critical, and perhaps just explains what the search for patriots also rests on the number of missiles that will need to be transferred, that is, even if you get 25 batteries of patriots there, there may simply not be enough missiles for them, what is the problem with regard to the production of missiles, there are jmt missiles that are intended for destruction aerodynamic purposes, they are produced by rayton. and the officially announced rates of their production - 20 missiles per month, 240 per year, for all the patriots in education that exist. for understanding, if even just to charge these e, well, take all american patriots, and load them with these missiles, then that means that rayton should be running for about 7-8 years, just to provide one total zap of these american... patriots at the current rate, of course, it's expanding, that's the important aspect, that they are expanding
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the production of missiles, now the production of the gmt missile is starting in europe, and everything will be in germany, a joint venture by rate + mdba, camblock, but the first missiles should leave the factory in two years, and in the 27th year, the pace in the 26th - 27 year production rate of jam+ rockets should amount to 35 missiles per month, relative to missiles about... that is, which are intended for patriots and are supposed to shoot down already ballistic targets such as the same iskanders, work effectively against daggers, everything and other official messages and well, this is public information absolutely it became the subject there are congressional hearings in the congress , even budget cuts, the fact is that locket martin currently produces 500 mci anti-missile missiles. after all, well, it is still in japan, but
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again it is unknown, because japan did not announce any data, relatively american 500 units per year, with a plan to expand their production to 750 per year by the 27th year, but for this you need money from the pentagon, from the pentagon, the pentagon needs money from the us congress, that is, everything is complicated, but the plans are still 750 to 2027, realistic in any case, because again there are more and more patriots in the world, this is the main system that will definitely be in service for another decade, and even taking into account the fact that work is now underway to integrate these missiles, mc on american yams english and other systems with well agsh ship systems, mr. oleg, right now we are talking about patriots, about missiles for patriots, and in front of you i spoke with alantid badryuk, he says that we need to look around and look for countries that can also have
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anti-aircraft systems of defense, in particular turkey, south korea, in order to receive support there in such systems of similar power, conditionally speaking, what do you think about this, does it make sense to expand the fleet of our air defense systems? well, everything depends on the possibility, in particular, yes turkey, let's say this, has air defense projects, three national projects under the common name haysar, and their essence is to create its own air defense, this is against the background of the fact that turkey bought the s-400, received sanctions, patriot already the price tag didn't suit them there, which can be understood, after all, a billion dollars and rockets for 2-3 million dollars are quite expensive, so they went the way of investing maximum funds in creating their own. there is a really long-range khaysar-u missile complex,
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but at the same time it is only, let's say, on the stage of completion of tests and the beginning of serial production, that is, it is not that it is possible to get them in a ready form and in the right amount right now, it is actually, if you order, then you have to wait for years, in relation to south korea, then the whole problem. with this country in the fact that, again, in the case of anti-missile defense, it relies on american complexes, relies on patriots, relies on the american deployment complex and in the end... does not produce similar complexes with anti-missile defense capabilities, there is a country that really has the ability to create and sell anti-missile defense systems, which also does not export weapons to ukraine, like south korea, this is israel, this is the david's sling complex, the most interesting, it is already approved for
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export, its first customer was directly finland, and it differs much less . his missile costs, according to official data, they were announced in the pentagon 20% of the cost of the mci, that is , approximately 400-500 thousand dollars against three, and this missile should be integrated into the next iteration of the patriot paak-4, which is now is being developed, but here it is very important , after all, regarding these slings of david and this missile, to understand that israel still maintains such a... complicated political position regarding the transfer to ukraine and the sale or at least re-export to ukraine of weapons, and it blocks mr. oleg, just one minute, how would you predict the search for the patriot system for ukraine in the short or medium term? in your opinion, what can ukraine optimally count on?
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unfortunately, this is the situation again. first of all depends on the usa, if the usa nevertheless adopts its general aid budget for ukraine, then the question of where to take the patriots, where to take the missiles to them, they automatically disappear, this opens up the possibility of increasing the necessary amount of ukrainian funds, in the conditions of blocking the us aid to ukraine, this is a very difficult issue, maybe in europe they will be able to assemble really one, maybe two batteries, this is in the short term. and in the future , of course, they can say that now one, two the day after tomorrow, and then more there, we will still find it there, but this can be later, of course, with such an aim for the 26th-28th year, mr. oleg, thank you very much for your professional comments, for your time, let me remind you that it was oleg katkov, editor-in-chief of defense
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express, our information and consulting company, and if we talk about the results of this program, then we really have a demand for... at least 25 patriot systems, we see that this is an extremely ambitious goal, if at best we will be able to get five systems of a similar class from our partners, it will be very, very good, we must also bet cooperation with european companies regarding the acquisition of european air defense systems, and still, do not forget about cooperative projects with a number of countries where we have to create joint... topics of air defense systems for various purposes, which are also extremely necessary for solving various tasks, and for for the protection of peaceful cities, and for the protection of the battlefield. so, we hope that these projects will develop and they will really have a concrete result on the front line. here were the main points related to the search for patriots for ukraine. stay on
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espresso channels. there will be a lot of interesting information. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours , we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today in the program. battle during the time of yar. putin ordered to capture. a key city until may 9, how does the armed forces hold their positions in the face of a shortage of ammunition and personnel? iron dome and david's sling. israeli air defense systems demonstrate almost one hundred percent efficiency. why ukraine does not have similar protection? china's plan for
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ukraine. an accomplice of the kremlin is trying to play the role of a mediator, which olaf scholz in beijing agrees on. with xi jinping. over the next hour, we will talk about this and other things with our guests, major of the armed forces of ukraine ihor lapin and diplomat volodymyr yelchenko. however, before starting our big conversation, let's watch a video of how hymers destroyed an enemy beech tree in donetsk region. the reactive salvo fire system was aimed at the russian anti-aircraft missile complex, aerial scouts of the 148th separate self-propelled howitzer. artillery division, let's see how it all happened.
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glory to the armed forces of ukraine! glory to heroes! friends, during our broadcast, we are conducting a survey, today we ask you the following question: should we redirect the funds from the single telethon to the armed forces of ukraine? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, if you have a personal opinion, a separate one, please leave it in the comments below this video, if you are watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think that... funds for a single telethon should be redirected to the armed forces of ukraine 0800 211 381 no 0800 211 382 all calls to
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these numbers are free vote at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. we have our first guest on the phone, this is ihor lapin, major of the armed forces of ukraine, special officer, people's deputy of ukraine of the eighth convocation. mr. major, i welcome you, thank you for being with us today. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. first of all, mr. major, let's talk about the situation, which is built around the temporary ravine, because the head of the armed forces of ukraine, oleksandr syrskyi, said that the higher military leadership of russia had given its occupying forces the task of capturing the time yar by may 9. i will quote the head of the armed forces of ukraine. the enemy is concentrating its efforts to break through ours. of defense, west of bakhmut, exit to the siverskyi donetsk channel, donetsk-donbass, possession of a settlement during the yar period,
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creation of conditions for further advancement to the kramatorsk agglomeration. implementation of plans the enemy is hindered by the heroic defense of our brigades, which literally dug into the ground, restraining the enemy's daily attacks. mr. major, how do you assess the current situation in the temporary area. and the main thing is russia's plans to seize the city by may 7, so let's be honest, they often make political statements, i mean the russians there until may 9, then until january 1, then before the presidential elections, then after the elections, then let's maybe after the holidays, i can say this sarcastically, but now, speaking realistically, are there any opportunities to capture the russians times, you understand that... today, unfortunately, we do not state the question of whether the time will stand, but we discuss the question of when they will seize it, this suggests that, this suggests that
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the planning of the defense of the city took place only according to the standards of the defense of the bakhmut fortress or the defense of avdiyivka, namely, we despise again the flanking attacks of the russians, who are trying to take the city into a semi-encirclement in order to simply... break the logistical chains and thus the city was under fire control from three parties, at least. we saw that the russians did it in the pasture. when they could not take bakhmut head-on, they first took salidar in the north, then in the south they also set fire to several settlements, and in fact bakhmut came under fire, in fact a bag of fire from three sides, similarly they worked in avdiivka. we remember this whole story, the only road through lastochkin was blocked in... actually from two sides, the russians in the south and in the north, actually took a bag in such a bag, in a trap, so to speak, and continued
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its work on the destruction, having a total advantage in artillery, the destruction of our armed forces of the defenders of ukraine. what happens during the summary? two months ago , ihor lapin went on the air and said: "friends, let's look at the settlement of ivanovske and there it is kalinovy ​​or something, i've already forgotten it, cholera is clear, i'm sorry." that settlement, i.e. to the south north of chasovoy yar, and in fact the russians left like that, they are now pressing in the north above chasovoy yar and where ivanovske is in the south, certainly not giving up their attempts to take it head-on, especially since they left on the outskirts of the city and they have already wedged themselves into the urban development there, not very far, deep, but actually approaching, let's say this, what will happen next... next, well, i don't know how they look, of course, i can't comment, to criticize or not to criticize the genius of the person who comments that the russians will then go to kramatorsk, i look at the map
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only... already from the point of view of what i see, what i know, of course, i do not know where the the main reserves of russia, where the main reserves of ukraine are located, and therefore it is difficult for me to comment on their future steps, whether they will go to the kramatorsk agglomeration, but i see something that they, both from the avdiiv direction and from the chasiv direction, will break into pokrovsk, because the logistics that actually go through pokrovsk, it feeds everyone.. . our groups, which are located in donetsk region, and this is actually logistics that comes from the dnipropetrovsk region, the issue of kramatorsk, well, maybe, but sloviansk, kramatorsk - there are quite serious building areas there, which can be used for bunkers and so further, therefore, i don't know how realistic this scenario is, i still look more to me, well,
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exactly the direction of pokrovsky. by that, of course, i understand that after the time of yar, something must be done with kostyantynivka, kostyantynivka is also not made with a finger, as they say, the town is not small either, i was there in my time, as they say, and i can orient myself where it is the main defensive lines can be passed, the more so there is a serious height difference and so on, that is, all this will happen, but the question is until may 9 or not until may 9, it all depends on the forces of means that the russians will throw there if they now throw their air units there. and we will still wait for the patriot from germany, maybe there for a month or two, then of course they will disassemble the splinter into molecules at that time, and that will be the end of it, but i emphasize once again, the question is whether they will still want to take city, whether the roosters or the south will still go into half-fire coverage, so to speak, take the bag and take it under fire control, this is already a matter of another discussion, and therefore we once again penetrated the defensive the component called the flank
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attack defense, now... well, to counter this, we remember how the third assault countered when it tried to let the defenders of avdiyivka out, yes, they started hitting the uh from several directions, but that's all - they still tried to stop the russians from attacking avdiivka from the north, but how will they work now, if we continue to dig into the ground and hold back the blows, then this is hopeless bullshit, because the russians have a total advantage. in artillery, they will simply dismantle any defensive line molecules, and assuming that we don't have any sly patriots there, the air force will do its dirty work, well, these are my thoughts about the combat situation, mr. major, the washington post writes that there are many patrolling in the sky above the front line in ukraine drones that hunt for any signs of movement, so ukrainian and russian troops, as the publication writes, have almost no...
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ability to move around the battlefield without being spotted and killed, we see how this war is turning into a war of drones, a war missiles, and how in this situation ukraine looks in confrontation with russian capabilities, well , how do we continue to work in a single marathon, write off 1.5 billion to finance the channels of oligarchs, now akhmetov lives very hard. to buy lyovochkin there, well, the state took over the function of financing olierarchical channels instead of directing additional funds to the needs of the armed forces of ukraine. at the same time, representatives of certain structures, very skillfully manipulating public opinion, formed, so to speak, a false idea of screaming drones instead of cobblestones and held rallies near the city administrations, well, what do i want to say, and then they will wonder
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why the united states from... killing rocket attacks on israel, and why they do not help us so much? well, because in israel , these conscripts do not swim across the river, across the tisza, because when they are warned about a possible attack by iran, in israel they prepare to repel this attack, and also work with neighboring countries that could help repel this attack. we rejected any moments in this context, all the information for... was put on the asphalt and now we have our own problem regarding unmanned systems, well , look, we have april, the month is ending, so the quarter has passed, of the million drones that zelensky talked about at the press conference , according to the idea , there should already be 300, 400,000 drones in the army, i do not know of any unit in which such a number of drones would be deployed somewhere, at least in the amount of 50 or 10% there, 10% there, i have not even heard of such a thing . well
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, that's all, then, well, we...


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