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tv   [untitled]    April 16, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EEST

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why don't they help us? well , because in israel these conscripts do not swim across the river, across the tisza, because when they are warned about a possible attack by iran, in israel they prepare to repel this attack, and also work with neighboring countries that could help repel this attack. we rejected any moments in this context, all the information, rolled into the asphalt and now we have. your problem with unmanned systems, well look, we have april, the month is ending, so the quarter has passed, of the million drones that zelenskyi said at the press conference, according to the idea, there should be 300 to 400 thousand drones in the army, i don’t know of any unit in which such a number of drones would be deployed somewhere, at least in the amount of 50 or 10% there, 10% there i have not even heard of such a thing, and that's all, then, well, what about the creation of
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a new type of troops, even a combat officer, my brother vadym sukharevskiy was appointed to lead this type of troops, well, there is a leader, there are no clan troops, i.e. structural units, subdivisions are not formed, what to do with it? your colleague yura botusov's analysis of the historical parallels was very good, where once the infantry was the main lever, and when tanks appeared, then gradually, gradually, the tanks no longer joined the infantry. there, on the contrary, infantry were put on armor, as they say, as an auxiliary function for tanks. today, if we see that the technological breakthrough is just that, well, the tanks of the first world war, we can say, today they are the drones of the third world war, yes, that is, if we see that the main lever on the battlefield is becoming drones, then what should we do, should we give drones to the infantry, or add infantry to the unmanned troops, you see, that's the whole difference. reformatting
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of military thinking. yes, mr. major, i hope that we will now reconnect with igor lapin. in his evening video address, president zelensky called on our western partners to strengthen sanctions against russia and its accomplices who resort to missile terror. let's listen to what the president of ukraine said. russia uses every day, every week, every month to cause significant damage. unfortunately, aid to ukraine is still limited, the russian state still has access to critical components that are necessary for the production of missiles and drones, in each missile that strikes ukraine, at least dozens of components, electronics, chips, which are supplied by companies from other countries and are imported through the territory of neighbors.
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russia, shahedas also have components produced in the free world, all this must be stopped and can be stopped and the connivance of terror and the ability of terrorists to find accomplices in the world major, you are in touch with us, i hope. yes yes. unfortunately, the connection was interrupted, and you started talking about unmanned systems and unmanned troops. and as a separate branch of the military, as infantry, how they help the infantry move forward, let's continue, well, that's how it should be, now it should be the other way around, drones should be at the forefront of the attack, as a branch of the army, the infantry should only be auxiliary , as they say, part of this story, eh, mr. major, in president zelenskyi talks about sanctions, which the west should implement against... uh
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, the russian federation about those contractors who provide components there that allow russia to very quickly create these shahedis, there are sanctions for two years, in your opinion, they don't work or they don't work enough , or our western partners do not want the russian federation to be completely defeated on the battlefield, what is the reason for these mantras about... sanctions and that they are ineffective. they lost contact with ihor lapin again. i hope that we will recover now and recruit mr. igor, and since zelensky has already stated that the west should strengthen sanctions, and this is connected, in particular, with the fact that russia uses iranian shaheds.
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which, by the way, were successfully shot down by the western partners of israel, israel was shot down in the night from april 13 to 14, we saw the effective operation of the air defense system and... the effective operation of the western partners of israel, great britain, the united states of america, as well as the eastern partners, israel, jordan, i.e. the countries that provided full support for these flying objects launched by iran on the night of the 13th to the 14th april, over 150 targets, all of them were hit, and well... you see now, friends, this is a video, how effectively this whole system worked, and of course, in this story, it is important to understand that iran attacked the state of israel, in including the same shaheds, these flying
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e-e mopeds, as we call them, which he exports and provides to the russian federation, we see the same shaheds in our skies, but we see... how quickly the western partners deal with these mopeds in the sky in the middle east. ihor lapin is with us again on communications, mr. major, let's hope that everything will be fine the second or third time. i am asking about these sanctions because president zelenskyi calls for the introduction of these sanctions, that is, these sanctions are not enough, do we need more of them, or simply... western partners give russia the opportunity not to be defeated by ukraine, well, let me state my position frankly: sanctions do not work in the context in which we would like. unfortunately, the great global world is very dependent on russia, on
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energy carriers, on their goods, on gas there, from the oil there, well, from everything that russia can produce there. and this is a very serious problem. only the iron curtain can save the world. of any country that attacks anyone, no matter where, not just sanctions, but an iron curse, nothing goes here, nor here, nor across the border, not beyond the border, first, second, any country or structure or organization , which helps the sanctioned company to get out, should automatically become an outcast, because otherwise, well, look, russia earned more than 550 billion euros on energy carriers in 22-23 years during full-scale aggression, and... we dream of american aid in the amount of 60 billion for this year, for example, you see, well , this is the whole big problem, and in order for sanctions to work better, you need to pursue your policy of diplomacy, not diplomacy, sloppy in sneakers and diplomacy of rudeness,
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i will never forget and will never forgive president zelenskyi's phrase joe, why are we not in nato yet, and that's why we're not in nato, you see, that's why we're not in nato. some say: look how the americans help israel and so on, and i say the same, because in israel, if you go to some single marathon, excuse me, some bad radish, i will say politely, and start telling something about some things, some disrespectful attitude towards the military or members their families, this person will never shake hands again in his life and will not be at any marathons, you look at what is happening in our country, well, that's the whole difference, and sanctions? can work only in a complex, when it is necessary for all peace, and for china to help circumvent sanctions less talk seriously with china as well, stop flirting, the european union is a serious consumer, there are problems in trade between china and america, i was recently shown a video of a half-empty port in shezhenia
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, china, where queues for raiding ships used to stand, and china feels this very strongly, they have very serious problems, and... they are beginning to refuse to reserve currency in yuan, who allows it to be done by the american, european partners, so we have to choose a side, either we are on the side of the axis of evil, or we are on side of the axis democracy, or we are on the side of those who fight against the axis of evil, or we are on the side of those who are afraid, sit, put their head under the pillow, as they say, and thus form the message of fear, well, here we are today there is no other choice, mr. major, on april 11, the verkhovna rada of ukraine adopted the law on mobilization, or rather, these are amendments to the laws on mobilization, and the deputy chairman of the verkhovna rada, oleksandr kornienko, says that president zelensky, in a positive scenario, will sign the law on
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mobilization within two weeks. with deputy minister of defense of ukraine ivan havrylyuk said at the meeting of the congress of local and regional authorities that since mid- may. re-examination will begin to confirm the fitness for service of those people who have been found to be of limited fitness. also, according to the statement, a system of recruiting centers is being developed, which should increase the number. contracts up to 4-5 thousand per month. let's listen to what ivan gavrilyuk said. we continue to develop the recruiting system for the ukrainian army. starting from february 11 , 2024, 10 recruiting positions are open in ukraine centers in five regions. these are lviv, poltava, zaporizhzhia, in kharkiv, two centers and in the dnipropetrovsk region, 27 more centers should be opened across the country by the end of june. mr.
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major, all the measures mentioned by the deputy minister of defense and the law on mobilization, how will they change and will they change the process of mobilization and the process of recruiting people who go to the armed forces? they buried the mobilization with one sentence, which they took away. by law, namely the issue of demobilization. in this context, it killed, effectively killed any motivation the part in the head of a person who wants to go to the recruiting center. in order to mobilize for retirement before 60. in our country, by the way, even in the absence of hostilities , servicemen were discharged from the army at 45, and now it is at 60. is that what you want to say? to say that someone will leave, no, maybe someone will leave, who feels strength, inspiration , possibilities, i don't know, i don't know many of them,
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to be honest, well, i'm telling the truth, i just don't know many of them, even among those who was ready, said that if a summons comes, i will go, but i will not be caught as a volunteer, but when the order comes, i will leave, people don't have such a motive today, and the promise is vague that we will meet there somewhere in 8 months, by the way, this is a complete lie and nonsense, because there are no such norms as in ten months. it’s not written anywhere, it’s so blah blah blah, so by killing the motivating part of going to the recruiting center in this way, they can open at least 100 of them, it will be a waste of money, because it doesn’t fly like that, it won’t work like that, they need it now solve several issues, and what they will do with those who went on vacation and does not want to return to the army, this is the so-called sz. you can't even imagine how many such people there are now, and how many criminal cases there are, maybe the sbi will tell journalists, but ask how many criminal cases there are. in this regard, and it is not because people are not motivated, they were scared, they are in good faith, who have been fighting since the 14th year,
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you understand, but they come to the rear city, look at the results of the work of a single marathon, at discotheques, etc. they say, the population is grazing near restaurants for summer cafes and so on, and they say, and i'm going there mice, to death, to the swamp, to drones, to the russians, we now have either the t-200 or the t-300 to be released from the army. or you are under the article, and you can still be captured, then maybe they will change you if you survive, and then they will give you the right to demobilize, well, that is absurd, that’s all, they simply took, buried any motivation, thinking that it can be replaced with money, you cannot replace it with money, ukrainians are not going to fight for lard, or for sausage, or for money, because ukrainians are going to fight for their independence, for their state, they turn back and look for what they fight and they are awesome. they have, they are looking at what is relevant to them, but now you said the thesis that it is possible that
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somewhere there will be such a story that they will review those who are of limited suitability, well , that is correct, it is necessary to review those who cannot to fight, it is necessary to release them and everything, and not keep them somewhere on the ppd or somewhere in the reserve, and they receive that salary, and let's put it this way, and they don't go home either, why, that is, they can't go into battle, they keep them somewhere there conditionally ... speaking at the ppd in chernivtsi or zhytomyr is not allowed to go home, but he is sitting there in the barracks like a homeless person, because he is not for war and not for peace, because he has not yet been released for peace. next, what kind of moronic practice, today i get a call from my brother, wounded, he comes to the military unit, the chief gives him a referral to the vlk commission, attention, to the city of kramatorsk, the person goes there to kramatorsk, passes the vlk commission, shoots there. he rents some kind of housing, lives like a homeless person, because he still has a salary of 200 or 300 hryvnias, that is, this question has nowhere to go
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no, the problem did not go anywhere, because he is out of state, he was treated for a long time, he was taken out of state, how long will he live there, pass the medical commission, do you remember how much is given now, 12 months is given to pass vlk, that is normal, well, that is you understand, when idiots reach for that green button in the parliament, they generally have the impression that they are from outer space. what is happening next, transport mobilization, how do citizens feel, no, well, you can at least brag about who has two cars, get ready, this is something like these theses look like today that citizens of ukraine who have two cars can take one after the assessment, if there is a sedan and a jeep there, they can take the jeep and so on. i'm not talking about dos and don'ts, but one and a half yards for a marathon. next, the booking of circuses, football teams, these chupa-chups and shawarma producers, according to the decisions of local self-government bodies,
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including. this is normal? it is not normal. and in this way... in this way they simply kill any motivation, everything, and if there is no motivation, then they will swim through the yew, well that well, it’s not normal, that’s why i really like the theses of the deputy minister of defense, who sits, tells how many they will have, how they will soon have spaceships, roam the expanses of the world ocean, a kind of drone army, i say once again created, created, even the commander is type of troops what's next, but it's normal to look at what's happening and talk about the fact that we still can't demobilize people, but we had to leave, to be honest, we can mobilize, we need to in order to be dembel, it is necessary to mobilize not half a million, as the industrious bad guy said, but a million, then we will be able to make a full rotation and dembel,
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and not a small promise, we will think about a new law because we are in force today ... that we vote, they threw out one sentence, they threw out one sentence and now they will spend a year thinking about writing an entire law, well, you understand that no one will do this, well, it’s a waste, people understand it, lawyers understand it, soldiers in the trenches understand it, but exactly the main thing is the usurpation of power, which happens with the help of licking the greatest leader of our time, by the way, i just didn't talk about zelenskyi, but about yermak, because in our country the only marathon was licking first kirill tymoshenko, and then yermak, that's all, and what's next, and we'll do it later. .. looking back, what state are we fighting for? on the one hand, we fight for our families, for our loved ones, for our relatives, soldiers fight for their brothers, for the soldiers who are next to them in the trenches, that's clear, and on the other hand , even if the news is not included, how about electronic casino helps to live today, the financing of the state of ukraine, no, what is the problem in the army, has anyone thought, and this is
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a trend, what is the problem, so you understand, because this adrenaline surge, then they sit and add adrenaline che... gadgets in times of calm, well, that’s not normal, and what zelensky banned, no, he said that we need to figure it out and take control, this is a normal topic, they already took control of gambling during the war, we only know there was not enough casino today, but everything is fine with us, not yet the casino is enough, and i don’t need to tell you about the budgets, the daily budget, they spend on taxes, but they rake up the other 364 days, you know, in a year... one day they paid for taxes, and the other 364 days are in their pockets, that ’s all , as for the casino, and such troubles, well, believe me, we can list these betrayals, it’s already me, well , i really don’t want to be, you know, a traitor and always keep everything in the same gate, but on the other hand, well, if we’re going to talk about it be silent, well, you and i stick our tongues in the same place, and then what comes out, and then there will be impunity in general, you look at
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what the western partners are saying, well, they are talking about bep reform, judicial reform, by the way, about armor, all the mints have been booked, prosecutors have been booked, investigators have been booked, the resistance has been booked, judges have been booked , but lawyers have not been booked, this is me you have an example of the case of chervinskyi, in which the representatives of the tsc can simply judge at the request of the sbuchnyk and hand the summons to the lawyers, but how will the adversarial nature of the process then take place, i.e. i’m sorry, girl, the patrol policewoman won’t write me out herself a fine for an unfastened seat belt will be issued. no problems, but what else are four healthy bulls doing next to her, i don’t know, on the kyiv track, it’s flat, that ’s all, and that’s called social justice, and if there is no social justice, a soldier sits in a trench and thinks, we have to save today football teams at a time when there are no men in the villages, there is no one to sow bread, but they keep
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football teams, only marathons, and all that crap, we won't... already enumerate, by the way, the ministry of culture is not bad for itself 20 these workers were booked, i was i calculated that if it is 10 thousand dollars for each one, well, look, you can write off 20 million, such an increase is normal, and then we will see, by the way, you know that in our country, who among us, the most of the declarants do not save in hryvnias, in cryptocurrency, recently the journalists dug up, the investigation was done, you are in the first place... and then savings in cryptocurrency appeared among the declarants, the national police in ukraine, glory to ukraine, it’s called, damn, i don’t have enough evil for that trash, thank you, sir major, you are welcome. conversation for your emotionality and for your analysis, it was major of the armed forces of ukraine ihor lapin, friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our platforms in youtube and
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facebook, for those who are currently watching us on youtube, please take participation in our survey, we ask you about whether it is worth redirecting the funds from the single telethon to the armed forces of ukraine, yes, no, or write your own opinion in the comments under this video, if you watch us on tv, take it. background or phones and vote yes 0800 211 381, if you believe that the money that goes to the single telethon can be redirected to the armed forces. by the way, today the prime minister of ukraine denys shmigal said that this is impossible and he will not do it, this is a response to a petition signed by 25 thousand ukrainians, and no, if you think that there is no need to redirect funds from a single telethon on zsu, 0800 211 382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we have
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communications volodymyr yelchenko, diplomat, representative of ukraine at the un in 2015-19, ambassador of ukraine to the united states of america in 2020-21. mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast. good evening to you too. let's. mr. volodymyr, let's start with yesterday's video address of the president of ukraine zelensky, who , after the partners of the state of israel successfully repelled an attack by iran, called on our partners not to turn a blind eye to russian attacks on ukraine, to provide ukraine with the same protection that israel has. let's hear what said president zelensky. modern aviation proves its effectiveness, modern air defense systems are capable of protecting life. now in the middle east, this was demonstrated
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when aviation and air defense shot down iranian taheda missiles that were aimed at israel. the whole world sees what real defense is, sees that it is possible, and the whole world saw that israel was not alone in this defense. the allies destroyed the threat in the sky, and when ukraine tells the allies that unity provides the best protection, its effectiveness, they already they themselves know well, know and provide, and when ukraine says that the allies cannot turn a blind eye to russian missiles and drones, it means that it is necessary to act and act strongly. mr. volodymyr, i have been a witness for the past two days. how ukrainians argued in social networks about what and why, why they helped israel to repel the attack, and why they did not help us, well, in fact, president
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zelenskyi calls to treat ukraine as israel, why the united states of america, great britain and germany, who participated in repelling this attack, where there were 150 air targets from iran on the state of israel, why are they not doing the same for ukraine, which is repelling the attack. in the russian federation? it is difficult for me to answer this question, the call of president zelenskyi is very timely, of course, but unfortunately, the comparison, let's say, if we talk about the behavior of our partners, in the situation with israel and in our situation, is clearly not in our favor, and it causes very many questions, well, if you approach from a formal point of view, then it is clear that there are the difference, well, first of all, iran is separated from israel by a considerable distance, that is, there is no common border, that is, let's say,
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closing the sky over ukraine, in the case of russia it is much more difficult technically, let's say from a technical point of view, well, if we speak more globally, then the difference is that israel has a special status. partnership with all the named countries, and primarily it is about the fact that there is an agreement between israel and the united states, where israel is considered a so-called key partner or ally of the united states outside nato, that is, not being a member of nato, israel in fact, it has all the same security guarantees, well , almost everything that is provided by the fifth article of washing'. who the treaty on the creation of nato, that's what the difference is, on the other hand, i remember how we asked and begged both the united states and
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nato countries, and... to close the sky over ukraine, to make a so-called no-fly zone, on the very the beginning of this war, after the invasion of russia, in february 24th, but this was also never done, instead we waited for a very long time - air defense systems, which we finally began to receive after a certain time, well now we see that even those systems that are already at our disposal are clearly not enough, if you listen to the experts, i mean military experts, who claim that there are about a thousand patriot systems around the world today, these are precisely the systems, and not installations, that is, not one machine, but, well, let's say this, a thousand batteries, and, well, let's say this, mostly most of them are located in the countries of the middle east, and...
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also in poland, germany, and of course in the territory of the united states itself states of america, but if you consider that the patriot system, it doesn't protect against nuclear weapons, which is probably, well, let's put it this way, the main danger to the united states, to imagine an air attack against the united states by canada or mexico, well , it's very difficult for me personally, i think. this is absolutely unrealistic, and therefore the question arises, why those patriot systems that are uh, well, in a state of conservation or somewhere in reserve in the us army, they are not transferred to ukraine, so maybe not no, not all of them, let’s say, well, in a state of normal operation, maybe something needs to be repaired, fixed, but one way or another everything that has already been handed over to us is
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not enough, well, if we add to that... the delay with the aid package for ukraine in the amount of 60 billion dollars, then it complicates the situation even more, so i repeat once again, here the comparison is clearly not in favor, er, and i think our partners should think about this, i hope and believe that this iranian attack on izal, it will make our partners a little agitated, and the first signs of this are already there, this is the statement of er... the leader of democracy in the us congress, who said that it was already supposedly achieved some kind of compromise on the issue of unblocking aid, which has been in congress for many months, to israel, ukraine, and taiwan. let's hope that happens within the next few days, if not weeks. and after that
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, the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine. dmytro kuleba called on international partners to take bold steps to provide ukraine with additional air defense systems, other weapons and ammunition. let's listen to dmytro kuleba. we urgently need additional patriot and other modern air defense systems, weapons and ammunition. ukrainian air defense now protects not only ukrainian skies from russian aerial terror. but also neighboring moldova, romania and poland from the immediate threat of missiles and drones entering their airspace . mr. volodymyr, judging by the reaction of israel's partners, western partners, they clearly understand what happens when 100 rockets, or a combined attack, rockets and shahedis, land on one state, they understand what this leads to, and obviously, in situation with ukraine
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they also understand. that 100 missiles, or there are 70 missiles and 30 missiles that fly in one night, they cause great destruction in ukraine, this is billions of dollars, they calculated, it seems, almost 500 billion have been caused to ukraine, during the last period alone. how can you explain this indecision of our western partners, why, having 100 patriots, they... can give seven patriots, as dmytro kuleb is asking for, or 25 patriots, as president zelensky is asking for? well, you know, it's very difficult to understand, especially on on an emotional level, and at the same time it is necessary to understand that there is a difference between, say, russia and iran, that is, the fear of nuclear weapons in russia still prevails, the status of russia, that is , it...


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