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tv   [untitled]    April 16, 2024 5:30am-6:00am EEST

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these are those who are in the territory controlled by ukraine and do not have a reservation or the right to a postponement. well, for the time being, the discussion continued in ukrainian social networks, and ukrainians discussed the lack of a norm on demobilization. mariyana bezugla, deputy head of the parliamentary committee on national security, defense and intelligence, said that the law on demobilization. won't be until martial law is over, and it's only russia's fault, she says as long as the war continues, no demobilization laws will not happen, although the day before, the spokesman of the ministry of defense of ukraine, dmytro lazutkin, said that such a law could appear in eight months. now we see what bezugla says, and we saw how bezugla. did her business with
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the head of the armed forces of ukraine, how she sought his resignation, and in the end the president of ukraine signed a decree on the resignation of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, and now mariana is blunt and the same blunt says that the law on demobilization neither will she fully supported the former deputy minister of defense of ukraine, hanna malyar, who on the public airwaves quarreled with people's deputy from the voice party inna savsun during a discussion of the very norm or topic of demobilization of the military, malyar began to persistently advise servicemen, including inna sovsun's husband, to read the constitution, where it is written that demobilization during martial law is impossible, which brought the deputy to tears, whose husband, as i already said, has been at
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the front for... two years. let's see how it all turned out. my the man went to the front on february 24, 2022, and he is still there. and we are fighting for him, when he left, he knew the rule of the constitution that demobilization is impossible in advance. how do you reconcile this with the constitution? a clear norm. protect the country. but he fights.
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they blame that they did not finish reading the constitution, you are simply behaving rudely, ms. hanna, please excuse me, can you be sweetie now, give us such stories, and such stories, well, there are probably a lot of them. the whole studio in the public and tried to convince hanna malyar to listen to the other participants of this program, regarding what they think about demobilization, but anna malyer, who was once the deputy minister of defense of ukraine and was responsible for communications there, does not want to, by the way, she is also a communications officer. should have
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understood that people should be listened to, including family and friends, those who are at the front. today, hanna malyar published an apology to inna savsun on her facebook. she admitted that she had no moral right to react so emotionally to a talk show. i will quote mrs. malyar. i was outraged the fact that people's deputy inna sovsun abstained, that is, she did not vote. for a law that is vitally important for the country, but this does not excuse me, i am wrong, i apologize to the people's deputy of the faction of the voice of inna sovsun, this is a very strange apology, to be honest , because anna malyar should probably ask the question that in the law on mobilization took away this clause on demobilization, among other things, this clause on demobilization, on 36 months of service in... zsu
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during martial law was proposed to this law by the deputy of the servant of the people, mariana bezugla, the same maryana bezugla, who now says that the law on demo cars. it won't happen, and without demobilization, of course, this whole story with the law on mobilization looks just like a stick, a gingerbread, the gingerbread that should be in the form of demobilization, it simply does not exist, that is, ukrainians are told that you will have mobilized, but you will serve as long as necessary, until the next mobilized replace you there after 36 months or. or 48 months, and as long as you will serve, as long as you have the strength and as long this whole war will continue, frankly speaking, the behavior of hanna malyar
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disappointed me quite seriously, because frankly speaking, i thought that a person who was the deputy minister of defense of ukraine would still be more... restrained and responsible for her words and for what she says and for what she did in her position, moreover, all this happened on the air of the unified telethon, and therefore it was very strange, frankly speaking, and it all sounded very strange, so actually, actually that's not why we're doing polls, and we're asking you today, friends, about whether it is worth redirecting the funds from the single telethon to the armed forces of ukraine, because... actually, denys shmygallin, the prime minister of ukraine, answered that we will not do this. the petition on the presidential website was supported by 25,000 people, they demanded that these funds be redirected from the united telethon to the armed forces, but this did not happen. if
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you think that these funds from the single telethon should be redirected to the armed forces, please vote on youtube, or yes. or not, write your comment under this video, and take part in the phone survey, if you watch us on tv, call 0800 211 381, if you support the redirection of funds from a single telethon to the armed forces of ukraine, 0800 211 382, ​​please, this is for those who do not support such an idea, redirecting funds from a single telethon to the armed forces of ukraine. another topic that has been quite actively discussed both in the west and in ukraine in the last few days is the help of our partners. the european parliament will not consider the budget of the council of the european union until ukraine is provided with seven patriot systems.
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the european parliament refused to decide on the funding of the council of the eu until member states could find these systems, and accordingly the proposal was made by the mep, former belgian prime minister guy verhotstat, he said this at a meeting of the european parliament, he was met with thunderous applause and support 515 votes, 62 meps opposed. let's listen to what the former prime minister of belgium said. for the past 20 days, the russians have been shelling ukrainian cities, hospitals, power plants, residential buildings, and i i consider it a scandal that europe, which opens the door for ukraine and the european council, is not able in such a situation to make a decision to send a certain number of anti-missile systems to ukraine. there are 100
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patriot complexes in europe, mr borel said. ukrainians ask for only seven. and we, the europeans, invite them to the european union and the european council, but we cannot. to do that, so i propose not to consider the 55 budget questions until we give ukraine these seven patriot systems. there was thunderous applause, but my colleague, the editor rfe/rl's rikard jozwick called the decision of the european parliament political theater, according to him , it is a purely technical matter of closing the accounts of the council's budget. of the european union for 2022, of course, this is the insistence of the european partners and our western partners that, oh, we can't help you, we can't do it, we can't provide you with air defense systems, we can't provide you additional
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funding, we cannot provide you with long-range weapons, long-range missiles, taurus that fly at 500 or more. kilometers, because we are afraid of an escalation with the russian federation, that is, that our relations will deteriorate, and we will generally quarrel with... and putin can use nuclear weapons, how to conduct politics and how to appease terrorists and aggressors, we saw in the night from april 13 to 14 of this year, when the western partners of the state of israel used all the weapons they had, including planes and air defense systems, and the israelis themselves use them. air defense systems in order to shoot down these fixed targets,
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the aerial targets that iran sent by hundreds on israel, and it did it not only from the territory of iran, but also from the territory of yemen, and we saw that this system works when everyone unites together against the aggressor, when all countries help that country , which comes under fire. and shoot down these air targets, everything works out, no one is afraid that iran, which officially does not have nuclear weapons, can find these nuclear weapons somewhere and or get some other weapons, no one is afraid of this, they just take and destroy it in the air, and most of air targets that flew from iran to israel, they were shot down on the way, that is , they did not reach the state of israel, well , here in this situation, of course, we mention
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that the congress of the united states of america has to make a decision on the provision of financial assistance to ukraine and, by the way, as well as to israel, the total amount is 100 billion, of which 61 billion dollars is aid to the ukrainian state, perhaps these days the fate of this package of 100 billion dollars is being decided, and here it is , first of all, we hope that together with as israel, we will also receive this help, if the planes of the north atlantic alliance, the united states of america, great britain cannot close our sky from these hundreds of thousands of rockets and shaheds flying at our heads from the side of the russian federation, but during a joint press conference with'. mike johnson of the house of representatives in his mar allagu estate, the former president
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of the united states of america donald trump again stated that the republicans plan to provide military aid to ukraine on loan. let's hear what trump said. we are considering it is right now and we are thinking of doing it in the form of a loan, not just a gift. we continue to give away gifts worth billions and billions. dollars, but much more important to me is the fact that europe should step forward and give money, if they don't give commensurately, i will be sorry because they will suffer much more than us. you see, trump is starting to measure who will give more aid to ukraine, western europe or the united states of america, let us give them a loan, let us give them a loan, and let they will force there everything they have left after... the russian attacks, and we will think about whether to give ukraine these 61 billion dollars or not, although
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this money is not cash, it is something that will be transferred to ukraine, and even more so , this money will be invested in the economy, in the american economy, the military-industrial complex, and we will already receive equipment or weapons from our american partners, but trump continues to play his game and continues to talk. that the united states of america does not owe ukraine anything, although i would like to remind you that in 1994 an agreement was signed the budapest memorandum, when ukraine officially renounced nuclear weapons, the fact that ukraine will never be a nuclear state, and actually one of the signatories of this memorandum was the united states of america, and now ukraine should demand ours. of security, so that they fulfill their guarantees, and
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just like israel, the sky of ukraine should be protected from the guarantors of the budapest memorandum, although one of the guarantors of this memorandum, russia, is now destroying ukraine and has attacked the ukrainian state, in the context of this, of course, it is worth mentioning also about... trump's words and views on ukraine and the fact that they are essentially identical to vladimir putin's views, donald trump's adviser said. fona hill, she told the guardian that the former president of the united states of america expressed a strong belief that ukraine should be part of russia, can you imagine, part of russia? this is what trump said, and this is what his advisor funa hill is saying, what did she say? trump made it very clear that he believed that ukraine, and certainly crimea, should
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be part of russia, he really couldn't come to terms with the idea that ukraine. is an independent state, so, you see, it turns out that in all these statements that i will end russia's war with ukraine, and that i will convince zelensky and putin to sit down at the negotiating table, there is a fairly simple answer: trump, it turns out, never thought that ukraine and, of course, crimea... should be, he thought that they should be a part of russia and could not come to terms with the idea that ukraine is an independent state, at least that's what his advisor fona hill says. well, against this background, of course, we have high hopes and hopes for the global peace summit, which
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is to be held in switzerland on june 15, 16, 17, and the swiss side, as the organizer of this, has already announced this. of the global summit, putin reproaches geneva that, they say, switzerland is no longer a neutral state, and we will not go there at all, because, why go there, and he insists on returning to the so -called istanbul agreement, which was worked out by the negotiating teams of ukraine and russia in the first months of the large-scale invasion of russian troops on the territory of ukraine, and he announced this. during meeting with another of his cronies and the self-proclaimed president of the republic of belarus, alexander lukashenko, and he and lukashenko said: oleksandr hryhorovych, we want you to be a mediator in solving this issue, they call it a conflict, but simply put, in order to
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lukashenko became a mediator between putin and zelensky, when putin revealed the format of the future global peace summit in switzerland, let's hear what putin said. the idea of ​​holding a conference in switzerland is being promoted, but we are not invited there. more moreover, they believe that there is nothing for us to do there. at the same time, they say that it is impossible to solve anything without us, and since we do not go there, it is already a kind of panopticon. they say that... we refuse to negotiate, we are not invited, but they say that we refuse, it would not be so funny as it would be sad. i want to emphasize once again that we are in favor, but not in the format of imposing some schemes that have nothing to do with reality. here two grandfathers are sitting, one belarusian, one russian, and
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they are thinking about how the whole world depends on. of their will, from the fact that they are not invited somewhere, that they do not want to listen to them, that in general the whole world revolves around them, and this is actually, well, a real panopticon, because these people are isolated, one of them, the one sitting on the right, he already has an international criminal court warrant, this mustachioed grandfather, he is about to get this international criminal court warrant, they are military. criminals, and they are indignant that they are not invited anywhere, that they are not waiting for them in switzerland, for whom, who needs them there in switzerland, what to talk to them about, at which the way in which these negotiations should take place, and the way in which the discussion of this peace formula from zelenskyi should take place, when there will be two war
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criminals, one of whom already has a warrant from the international criminal court. they have completely lost the sense of reality, the sense of reality, they do not understand what is happening in the world at all, they are war criminals for the whole world, one of whom, the belarusian dictator lukashenko, during the same visit to putin, stated that nato is trying to draw belarus into russia's war against ukraine, but there is no such need and never was. let's hear what... if we went to war with ukraine today, it would n't do anything, since they have a border with belarus. it is barricaded so that it is impossible to get there, it is completely mined, concreted and 120,000 ukrainian military personnel are on this border, well, they
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want to throw them to the front against russia, put the french here, we are waiting. french people, finally come to ukraine and stand on the border with belarus, so that what lukashenko is talking about now will finally come true and... our military helped those who are on the eastern front, because after february 24, 22, we are forced to concrete the border with the republic of belarus, because we are forced to defend ourselves from this mustachioed father, from a person who became putin's co-aggressor, because on february 24, 22 exactly... the territory of the republic of belarus was crossed by columns of russian equipment, and as those who fought in the north of the kyiv region say,
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the belarusians actually entered the territory of the ukrainian state there, so these co-aggressors, they believe that they can somehow joking about the fact that the ukrainians built the border, strengthened it, concreted it, mined it, and what else to do if... from that northern border for us and southern for belarus , russian troops can enter again, and not only russian, but and belarusian, and no matter how much lukashenko and putin joke about it, one must always be ready and always remember that russia is an aggressor country. belarus is a country that is a co-aggressor led by alexander. lukashenko, well, while lukashenko and putin were thinking about the future there, about what should they do, in the russian city of naginsk,
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in the moscow region, they demolished the church of the holy trinity, it is the only church of the orthodox church of ukraine in the russian federation, and this was reported by the cleric of the orthodox church of ukraine, svyatoslav skorokhod, in the fourth week of great lent, the last spiritual barricade. the ukrainian spirit in russia has been destroyed. previously, the ukrainian library was closed in the swamps and the only organization of the ukrainian diaspora was liquidated, the priest recalled. well , that's how the russian federation is, which always tries to demonstrate that it is an orthodox state destroys orthodox churches already on its territory, not only launches rockets and mortars at the churches that are standing. on the territory of ukraine, and these churches are already being demolished, if this church belongs to the orthodox church of ukraine, it is a real
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shame, there is nothing to say here. friends, during our broadcast, i will remind you that we are conducting a survey and asking you whether it is worth redirecting the funds from the single telethon to the armed forces of ukraine. yes, no, it's pretty simple on youtube if you have an opinion. regarding this survey, please write in the comments under this video, if you watch us on tv, please vote if you think that funds from the united telethon should be redirected to the armed forces of ukraine (0800-211 381, no) , 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote, the actual reason for this poll: the statement of denys shmyhal, the prime minister of ukraine, that he considers it inappropriate redirection of funds intended for
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of telethons edyni novyny and tv channel freedom to finance the purchase of drones and pickups for the needs of the armed forces of ukraine. i will quote mr. shmyhal. since ensuring information security is part of state policy in the field. of national security and defense, and the implementation of a unified information policy is a priority task of national security, the financing of relevant measures is a significant component of countering the military aggression of the russian federation against ukraine, in particular in the information space, respectively redistribution of the expenses specified in the petition by directing them to the needs of other components of the security and defense sector is not expedient, - said denys. shmygal, i think that ihor kolomoiskyi, dmytro firtash, viktor pinchuk and rinat akhmetov
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could not even dream before. that their information resources will be financed from the state budget, because this pool of tv channels of the united telethon is financed from the state budget, and before the beginning of the great war this was not the case, and now all these expenses, which are in the pool of these tv channels, which, i will remind you once again, belong to ukrainian oligarchs, they receive subsidies from... the state budget, and of course, the office of the president of ukraine and zelenskyi's team fully control the content of this single telethon, and of course, it should be remembered that two years have passed since then , as zelenskyi's team threw out the espresso tv channel, the fifth channel and the direct channel from t-2, and here a completely logical question arises, why some.
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tv channels that are in a single telethon receive these budgetary funding, and we were generally excluded from those platforms, on which we spoke earlier, there are a lot of questions, unfortunately we do not have the answers. however, we have an answer to one more question that has been raised over the past few days, this is about the question about the chief inspector of the lviv customs yulia dryga. who flaunted her belongings, her clothes, was fired from her job after she revealed in a video that her clothes cost a total of about $800. dryga became the heroine of blogger mykola karma's tiktok, who asks people on the streets of lviv about their clothes. let's look at this is vanity from a chief inspector,
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a former chief inspector. of the lviv customs office, baginsky hat 18, the dog’s name is gucci, she even has a gucci leash, then gucci is specially made for dogs, how much does such a strap cost, somewhere around $200, $200, a bag, yes, you already know the prices of all technologists, and if i , everyone answered me like that, then i would n't have had anything to remove, maybe they bought it through bayer, maybe it was cheaper by one and a half and the shoes were about 800 dollars, huh? hours hours of cards and how much it costs somewhere 5 00 somewhere yes, the bug is so tall, i took somewhere 2 sisters chalcedony and one and a half probably what do you do a little for yourself a little for the state government work interest yes i look at this former chief specialist of lviv customs and think, well, you must not have any sense at all and generally tact and and so trying
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to show off in front of the audience, talking about these generally sky-high prices for clothes that she spent, for sky-high money that she spent to buy a dog leash, well, frankly, somehow does not fit in chairman, how is this even possible, we remember when zelenskyi came to power in 2019, the first thing he did was go to the customs there and start. collect customs officers and tell, i will show you how to live honestly on one salary, and he raised these customs officers, those who have the internet, please look for customs officers and asked there, what kind of car do you have, a land cruiser, and where is it from you have this car, what kind of smartphone do you have, the iphone is the latest model, and where did you get this money, this show this show
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raising these customs officers, then... a pause of 5 years, you see that nothing has changed at the customs office, it turns out that the main specialists of the lviv customs office, just as they bought expensive things, continue to buy them, and for them there is no war, and they are not ashamed to behave like this at all, and they what is happening in ukraine does not hurt at all, because no sane person would ever do such a thing, even more so during... war, even more so, working in a public position, well, it means that managers do not work with staff, and maybe managers are like that themselves, as well as this former principal lviv customs specialist. on this, friends, i am putting a full stop, during our program we will continue to conduct surveys, i wanted to say, we are continuing, we are completing the survey.


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