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tv   [untitled]    April 16, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm EEST

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earth, so please listen to yourself, to your well-being, especially since the weather will be quite so capricious, well , actually, we are moving on to the weather forecast and we will traditionally start from the western regions, tomorrow in the western part of ukraine the weather will return to march , er, the maximum air temperature is 8-12°, there is also rain, it may be a little warmer in ternopil oblast and khmelnytskyi oblast, but... but in general cold rainy weather, in the north of ukraine it will also be cold tomorrow, well, considering the recent 26°, then it's just cold, i would say +9 +11°, a little warmer, as you can see in sumy region, but it will also prevail, wet, rainy weather, please tomorrow and dress warmly, and do not forget umbrellas and appropriate shoes. the summer will continue in the east of ukraine, the weather in ukraine is very contrasting, as you can see, kharkiv region, donetsk region is 22-26° without precipitation and
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even sunny. in the central part of ukraine , the weather will be colorful, for example, in vinnytsia it will be cool, almost cold, and in the dnipro it will be as much as +25°. well, it will rain in most regions of the center of ukraine, so here too umbrellas are relevant. no precipitation is expected in the southern part of ukraine tomorrow. there will be changeable cloudiness, a lot of sun and a high air temperature of 22-25° above zero, what can you say about tomorrow's weather in kyiv, it will be cold in kyiv tomorrow, only +9° and it will still rain, this is such a very diverse weather, i already said , what will we mention about frosts, here are the most likely frosts in ukraine according to preliminary forecasts on the night of april 19 and...
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april 20, so please do not rush to plant seedlings yet, it is better a little wait a few days, especially since if the air temperature is so low and it rains, then when the air temperature approaches 4-3°, even warm, this rain can turn into sleet. this is the nearest synoptic, ukrainian, i apologize, perspective, frost is likely, wet snow is likely, be careful. according to our forecast, according to our weather forecast on the espresso channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. over the next two hours we talk about ukraine, about the world, about the war and... about our victory today in the program.
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there is no chance without help. are russian troops advancing ukrainian defenses in the east every day? will a large-scale mobilization in ukraine save the situation? different pictures of threats: the usa is not going to protect the skies of ukraine, just like in israel, is it possible to push the limits of the help of the western allies? to cool down the situation sijin ping offered scholz four principles for the settlement of the so-called conflict in ukraine, with which the german chancellor can return from china? we will talk about this and other things for the next hour with our guests, politician roman bezsmertny, journalist tetyana vysotska and military expert oleksandr kovalenko. in the second part of our program, which will start in an hour, we will have people's deputies of ukraine. andrii osaadchuk,
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nikita poturaev and rostislav pavlenko. however, before starting our big conversation, let's watch a video of how yar looks now, which the russian occupiers are trying to capture by may 7, for a quarter of surviving building. the military was shown what yar looks like today. let's see.
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friends, we are working live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live there, please subscribe to our pages and also take part in our survey, today we ask you about this, do you hope that with the help of the united states of america, ukraine will stop. enemy offensive, yes, no, if you hope that with the help of the americans, ukraine will stop the offensive russian, 0800-211-381, no, 0800-211-382. all
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calls to these numbers are free, call, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, write your comment under this video. and, i also want to tell you that... you can join our pages, which are in various social networks, we are almost everywhere, so look for espresso news not only on the air of the tv channel and on the espresso website, but also on social networks. and we are in touch with roman bezsmertny, diplomat, ambassador of ukraine to the republic of belarus in 2010-11, people's deputy of several convocations and former vice president. to ukraine, mr. roman, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. good evening, mr. sergey. first of all, first of all, mr. roman, let's listen to what volodymyr zelensky said, addressing our international partners, after the whole world saw
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how effectively the partners of the state of israel repelled the attack of iran, and this caused. president zelensky has certain emotions, let's see and listen to what he said. we have run out of all the missiles that were protecting tripillia. so i want to ask you a question after yesterday: is israel in nato or not? here is the answer: israel is not a nato country. allies of nato countries, including the countries nato defends. the leaders of israel showed with the rana forces that israel was not alone, and this is a lesson, and this is an answer to all those who say on any continent that ukraine should be helped very carefully so as not to drag nato countries into war. mr. roman,
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how appropriate are president zelensky's criticisms of our western partners and the comparison of ukraine and israel. and the first thing that is important, i did not see here in words of the president's events, there is only a statement of facts, the fact is that israel is not a nato country, but israel is the main partner of nato outside nato, there is such a status, and it must be taken into account, it is, firstly, secondly, israel. has about 10 agreements on mutual assistance in security matters with the united states of america, but even this is not decisive in the situation we are talking about now, what is decisive is the provision of assistance
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based on a certain legal mechanism, such a legal mechanism for ukraine is the budapest memorandum, or as his... accurately called the memorandum on security guarantees of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of ukraine in connection with the accession of ukraine to the treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. pay attention to how over the years this fundamental document has been discredited in ukraine's relations with its european partners. and the united states of america. i drew your attention to the fact that this document was signed by the prime minister, major from great britain, president bill clinton from the united states of america. this document voted by the un security council, it
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was joined by france and china, and despite the fact that this document is a direct violation of the un charter. and the treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons is russia, the obligations of all others under this document, i.e. great britain, france, china and the united states of america remain as guarantors of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of ukraine. how many years have passed? for 30 years, we have heard endlessly that this is not such a bad document. note the other day what the lord foreign secretary said david cameron, that great britain has elected. in helping israel to eliminate cruise
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missiles, ballistic missiles and shahet drones, based on an agreement concluded as a procedural agreement on joint actions to eliminate the state and affairs of the islamic state, this is a procedural document that provided for technological compatibility. therefore, it can be said that what russia has succeeded in, as you and i have talked about more than once, is to destroy the system of international law. the discrediting of the budapest memorandum, which i quoted today, as it is called, in fact, this is the key, and in the current situation, the fact is that it would be more important if the president, the government, the ministry of foreign... affairs, having gathered the leaders of the budapest memorandum, explained to them that this document is
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part of the following decision of the relevant council security, the un charter and the treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, gives grounds for france, great britain, and the united states of america not only to provide assistance with equipment, weapons, ammunition, and so on, but also to take participation in assistance regarding elimination of attacks carried out by the russian regime with the help of ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and drones, especially since this attack is taking place on civilian objects. hence, from my point of view, it is necessary to clearly formulate the task of diplomatic services to convene a meeting. the mother of the budapest memorandum, and it is important that this be done before the so-called peace summit,
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which must be reached, i have said this more than once, and today's conversation between scholz and sijinping is an additional confirmation, because there, as you can see, there is a whole lot of discussion other format therefore, from my point of view, the president only stated the fact, why it is so there, here it is completely different. this was answered the day before by the representative of the state department of the white house, john kirby, and the minister of foreign affairs of the united kingdom, lord david cameron, but unfortunately, they do not have an argument, and no one, please note, neither from the ukrainian side, from officials, nor from the united states the united states of america, nor great britain, does not use the full for some reason. a new foundation, which makes it possible to use more accurately today
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such a mechanism, especially since during the repulse of the attack on israel , the aegis system was also involved, this is the anti-missile defense system of the north atlantic alliance, because the capture of targets, their guidance, their guidance, aiming, even commands to fire, were actually given in... automatic mode, similar operations without this global system of control over the sky are impossible, no pilots, no ships could individually liquidate more than 400 objects, which are concentrated in such a small area, that is, we we see the work of the nato anti-missile defense system and its participants as follows. as great britain, france, the united states of america, and this was carried out from anti-missile carriers at sea, in
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the air and on land, the whole complex was involved. i can only say that in the ijisbrau system, it copes with its tasks, if we add to this the two models and systems that operate in israel, this is the iron dome and... the shield, david, then we see quite a lot, a stunning result in terms of eliminating this threat. so from my point of view. today, absolutely all open spaces are open to dialogue about involvement, including this system for helping ukraine. i emphasize once again, there are all legal grounds for this, work is needed. mr. roman, you mentioned the signatories of the budapest memorandum and france, which signed this memorandum with
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a reservation, but there is another country, the people's republic of china, which also signed the bdp with a reservation. memorandum, and it was about the fact that china guaranteed not to use nuclear weapons against ukraine and to defend ukraine in the event of the use of these nuclear weapons. you mentioned this three-day visit by scholz to beijing, and obviously scholz is trying to convince xijing ping now before his european tour, before going to france and several smaller european countries, that china... er participate in the global peace summit and convince for china to take this part without the participation of russia, without the condition that the russians must be there, you mentioned the fact that shodenpin, well, the conversation actually came down to the fact that china would like the russians to be there there, and obviously this is a consequence of
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lavov's talks with sidzin piny already there, because lavrov flew there the day before, how? you appreciate the special attention to china and to xi jinping in the current conditions, because both scholz, biden, and macron, they show a desire to convince xi jinping that his word counts for a lot, well, including for putin, well, if we didn't have time at all, i would say yes, sydzenpinya's word absolutely. what is not worth for putin, xijinbin has absolutely no influence on putin's position, more moreover, i can say that in this pair putin plays the leading role, not xi jinping. it is putin who can impose one or another position on xi jinping. this is the first. second, president joseph biden and chancellor scholz, in dialogue with
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sidzenpin, resolved their issues, that is , the united states of america. and germany. today, germany is china's number one partner in terms of gross figures in europe. the number two country is france. if you look at the composition of the delegation, more than three dozen representatives of the big ones arrived in china together with scholz transnational corporations and national companies of germany. that is, in fact... this is the main content of this conversation, of course, in the course of this dialogue, it was necessary to repeat that part of the conversation that took place with joseph biden, which related to issues related to influence on moscow, influence on moscow, first of all issues peace in ukraine,
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and on the basis of the un charter, i.e. exit, liberation of territories, ah, withdrawal. full of troops and so on, in response to this, as we can see, xi jinping announced that a year and a half ago it was written in these 12 points, supplementing the proposals to the so-called peace plan, if you look at the 12 points of this peace plan, let beijing call them whatever you want, the four principles that are fashionable in the philosophy of confucianism. another nine of them deal exclusively with the interests of china's interests, while being with the second point of the principles that xi jinping talks about, which says that none of those who participate in this process should aim for any selfish interests . i want one more time to emphasize, in nine out of 12 points
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of the proposals of the trust plan , the interests of china will clearly stick out. including the so-called termination of long-arm sanctions, because china is definitely involved in supplying russia with components for missile weapons, drones , and so on, and now it is clear that not only microcircuits and semiconductors, but from the conversation with president joseph biden and then under during the visit of the secretary of the treasury of the united states. it became clear to america's elin that chinese banks even finance companies that produce ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and drones. because the main, main issue of the conversation between the ministers of finance, ellen, and the head of the national central bank of china was that if this continues,
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the united states will immediately impose sanctions. pay attention to how it is formed, if this continues, that is , today we are dealing with the fact that china is not only supplying components, but also financing russian enterprises that will produce. weapons, which he then shoots at ukrainians, hence the four principles he proclaims china is just smoke in the eyes of sholtz and the ukrainians, and we have been hearing about it for a whole year , if not from the mouth of the special envoy lihuey, now it will also be put into the mouth of sholtz, and in this case from my point of view here important ukrainian initiatives and... actions, i was surprised by one thing, how upon arriving in kyiv, lihuey was most grateful and satisfied with
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the representatives of the ukrainian authorities, as he said, from the communication of his last trip to europe, so much information was given to him comprehensively, it would be very interesting, and what kind of information is so comprehensive he was given, for which he bowed so much to the ukrainian leaders, mr. rman, another issue that will be considered, literally in a few days, i hope, is the consideration of the issue of providing ukraine, israel and taiwan, no, it is not known yet, is it going to be together or is it all separate aid from the united states of america, the speaker of the congress of the united states of america, mike johnson said that he has four separate bills, and that's actually... these four separate bills will be introduced to the house of representatives of the congress of the united states of america. at the same time, president
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zelenskyi says that without a new package of american aid, ukraine will have no chance of winning over russia, he said this in an interview with the pbs television company. let's listen to what zelensky said. i tell you frankly, without this help. and we won't have a chance to win, and you have to be much stronger than your enemy. that's what i'm talking about, 1:10 artillery shell today, can we stand like that? no, in any case, with these statistics, they will push us back every day. if we want to defend one hundred percent what is under our control today, we must... well, i just don't
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know who else zelensky is convincing and whether it is possible to convince anyone when the issue of aid to ukraine moves into the realm of domestic politics, and it has long since moved into politics in the united states of america , mr. sergey, here... you are saying absolutely true things, this problem is not even a problem of internal politics, but an internal situation in the republican party, why is mike johnson acting like this, he is in limbo, he only has one dear, is to do what donald trump tells him, or his closest associates in the so -called maza, there are 10 or 11 of them... is in the house of representatives, who he controls, who he directs and gives instructions, even this position, which was announced by mike johnson, the speaker
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of the house of representatives, that there would be four, four bills, even though we know that the aid was supposed to go to ukraine, israel, and taiwan, where the fourth was taken, and the fourth was taken because... during this time agreements were signed with the philippines and with japan, which also need financing. donald trump hasn't learned that yet, and that's why he hides them behind the word asia, and mike johnson hides this aid behind the words indo-china, indo-pacific . what is the way out of this situation? i have no doubt that ukraine's aid will be empty. that was voted, because the topic that gave birth to this aid to israel from great britain, france, and washington is
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a topic that can be buried under so'. and candidate donald trump, and paradoxically, also candidate joseph biden, so it is impossible to explain these different approaches, and this it is necessary to clearly understand that it is impossible, apart from thinking up, inventing and so on, all kinds of conspiracy theories, moreover, to already start pointing to the fact that washington is conducting some kind of charade there behind ukraine's back. which is not the case today, but if this difference in approach and double standards continue, it is obvious that this will appear very quickly, it is obvious that at the next meeting the loan lease for ukraine will be voted on, what trump calls a loan, or that's how it's translated, because i used to listen to it
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press conference... johnson and donald trump from maralago, this is from the trump residence, then both trump and mike johnson used the concept of lendlease, but either an illiterate translator or he was told to say so, translated it as a loan, it is about lendlease , and this is a very important thing, in order to start a lendlease, you need resources directly, and they are needed much more than what... is described by the number 65 or 64, but damn - that's the business of the americans themselves. the situation is not better in israel either, because rightly so experts who followed what was happening write to this day. israel and its allies, mr. serhiu, should pay attention to this, with maximum efforts they stopped
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the minimal threat. israel, if these talents from washington, from brussels and from london finally hammer into their heads that maximum efforts were made to knock down these 300 objects, and this is the minimum number, which you give in quotation marks, that iraq gave to israel, it is necessary it's easy for everyone to understand the situation we are all in now, and especially... ukraine and israel, and these internal clashes that continue there between trump and biden, between michael johnson and this margery greene, who is already in the third or fourth act submitting a resolution for johnson's resignation, all this fuss about who and how many of these will go funds, it must be stopped, otherwise, as the president's speech showed.
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biden with xi jinping, xi jinping spoke in putin's clichés. this is a very dangerous thing, it indicates that there is simultaneous tension and intensification of actions on the russian-ukrainian level front, in israel, and an attack directly from the territory of iran on israel, and there it has been going on since october 23 of last year, the iran-israel war, but now the attack is being conducted from... the territory of iran, and in the end it is necessary to understand that the missiles to reach iran was sometimes flown through the territory of four states. can you imagine, once planes with civilians were shot down, which flew into the territory of a foreign state. now 300 objects are flying over the territory of iraq, syria, lebanon, saudi arabia, because they were firing not only from the territory of iran, but also from yemen. and it becomes as if
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a common phenomenon. then you should not be surprised at what can develop further. from here it is obvious that we are not only talking about ukraine, we are talking about the critical situation that exists on the russian-ukrainian front, about iran's attack against israel. if it is possible to do this and build up the tension here, taiwan will not ... stand, because from xi jinping's rhetoric in the conversation with biden, it is clear how china is starting to press. china intensified its actions and pressure on the philippines over territorial claims. the situation between the northern and south korea, and in a conversation with joseph biden, xi jinping just...


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