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tv   [untitled]    April 17, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EEST

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they do not feel in relation to what the russian government is doing, to everything that can only remind them of ukraine, but they say, as the classic said, the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing, today, and you know, because let’s say, this one, well, it’s like this, you can’t even say that it’s a church, i don’t know, well, it’s like it ’s made of such a hard material, but you can call it a mafa for the self-indulgence of the territory eh... near the historical museum of the national of ukraine in the place of the tithe church, well not quite there, well, by the way, there is a russian building next to it, and there is a court decision, but there is still some kind of trade going on there, something is happening and they cannot implement the decision, they cannot implement the court decision, again it has to be there is of national importance, well, the bequest is a museum, a museum, a reserve there, so of course the kyiv authorities cannot do it there, but in any case it is not being done and here you... you got ahead of
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my question, actually, i won't to repeat it about what and what does, russian churches are doing on the territory of ukraine, for example, we understand that russian politicians clearly say that we want to destroy the ukrainians as a phenomenon, and the russian orthodox, and patriarch kirill in particular, he called this war sacred, we are called the third reich and satanists, so the question it is not at all clear to me, maybe you have some communication with the brothers, there are some rumors, do you know from the series? well, someone has connections with politicians there, maybe there are parishioners, the electorate, because i can't find a clear explanation, honestly saying, i can't, there are clear bills submitted there that should not reach the second reading, they somehow always try to falsify it in such a way as to allegedly ban it and not ban it, and it's all very complicated, although everything can be done very simply, the enemy and his p there cannot be a column in the form of these priests of the fsb, who is not of the fsb, please go and serve in the church of ukraine, no one will kick you out of the church either.
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no one will expel, please, i think, friends, that during the 10 years of the russian-ukrainian war, every clergyman who was in of unity with the moscow patriarchate, he has already unequivocally decided for himself whether he is with ukraine, with the ukrainian people, or whether he remains a supporter of that abandoned russian church, and the question concerning actions in relation to those illegal... buildings is not only one, one tithe hood, which was built near the territory of the national reserve, there are actually hundreds, maybe even thousands of such buildings in ukraine, only there in one town of nikopol, where i served, they are the same have a place, i to you i will say more, in some churches
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today the name of the bloody kirill gundyaev is even openly remembered, who declared, as you rightly noticed, a holy war, and this issue must be solved comprehensively, i think that the lord gives intelligence to both our mozhanov leaders and our to the ukrainian people so that they ultimately make a clear decision for themselves that each, every temple is a mosque. of the patriarchy that is on ukrainian land today is a kind of cancerous tumor on the body of the entire ukrainian people, and the faster we recover, the to depend on the treatment, the treatment from that dishonor of the russian world. i thank you very much for participating, thank you for your comments, and we believe that in ukraine, at least, there will be no moscow influence of the church, or as they call it,
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the church, because as a church, ecclesia, assembly, community, between we have nothing in common, if you declare war on us, well, it will be possible to win, thank you for the conversation, svyatoslav skorhot, a cleric of the orthodox church of ukraine, was in contact with us in nigensk in the moscow region, this is the moscow region, destroyed the last church of the orthodox church of ukraine that existed in russia, by the way, many years ago, when petro poroshenko was the president, if i am not mistaken, the last library was closed. ukrainian, which was in russia, it was in moscow, in my opinion, it was named after lesya ukrainka, i don't remember exactly, the monument to lesya ukrainka, by the way , is still standing, well, what are shevchenko's monuments , obviously, but here there is nothing ukrainian there, there are no printed editions, nothing, ukrainian books, there is nothing like that, although i , by the way, have the first one or two books, which was published, ukrainian dreams in ukrainian, it was sold on russian websites for a long time, well, since ancient times, i don't know if there are, well, i think that there are ukrainian books, of course in russia, but in the sense that... .
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there is nothing ukrainian in the bookstores, they consider us existential enemies, and we do not consider them existential enemies, we simply know that they are our existential enemies, so we must act accordingly... well, we will now the conversation is on the topic, once again serhiy zgurets has not returned yet, he has his own task there, as they say, but he will return and conduct the military summaries of the day, i will say that today i will talk to our guest, but he has not yet joined the conversation, as soon as he appears, we we will definitely include him, it's a difficult situation, you know, you know, even when you as a presenter are conscious and work for a conscious channel that wants to inform, not shock or hype, now it's even difficult to talk about what, where, how and what is happening, because a lot is changing, it is not possible to talk about everything, but now the enemy has entered
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whether he went somewhere or not, left or not, and whether he was kicked out or not, a very dynamic situation, it is connected with many things, circumstances, and that is why, that is why i say, even for that reason, it is just to say that... not to say, it is difficult now, but i perfectly understand that my guest, i will introduce him as soon as he appears, we, i will include him in the conversation, vadym mazevich, he is the commander of the unit of unmanned, unmanned aviation, unmanned aviation complexes as part of the third a separate assault brigade, and therefore i will not say where the hostilities are conducted, where now they are performing tasks again, in which area, but in general we will talk about the mood, about the situation, about the possibilities and our... and the enemy about the prospects, i want to say by the way that the president of ukraine, the supreme commander-in-chief volodymyr zelenskyi, i believe , in this situation, did very correctly, saying not that we will lose without the help of the united states, because it does not say about terms, but that we will lose, well, that is, if we all
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die in this battle, we have lost, no, we they didn't lose, relatively speaking, but as i said sviatoslav the brave, prince of kyiv, the dead do not eat shame, but on the one hand, on the other hand. we understand that it will be very difficult for us, we will lose many people, objects and many other things too, if we don't have this help, well, we need financial support, yes, because of course our taxes go to support the ukrainian army , the ukrainian army needs not only maintenance, it needs treatment of the wounded, payments to the families of the dead, rehabilitation, there are other programs, support, weapons, and well, that is a plus newly mobilized, they must be prepared, i wish. to prepare, i believe and know that they are preparing, and therefore it is all a lot of money, it is clear that we need it, but what the president announced about it, it is important for the world to understand that there is no illusion, there is no illusion, there is a real heavy the fight against a very resourceful enemy, now, i listened to my
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inner voice again, i have a voice in my head, i'm joking, of course, and my colleagues said that the situation is difficult... obviously, now in that part of the front, where is the gentleman, where is the serviceman vadym azevich, commander of the unit of unmanned aircraft complexes as part of the third separate assault brigade , he is currently performing the tasks that are before him and his unit, so it is clear that talking to us is important, informing you is important, but it is more important now, of course, that the tasks are completed by his unit, so we wish you success, of course our... us, and i will now bring the story to your attention, because the president of ukraine volodymyr zlenskyi, by the way, very promptly, for which again plus-plus, as they say, signed the law on mobilization, now it is already a law signed by the president, and it must be published in the voice of ukraine,
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as it is the publication of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, also there in the government courier, obviously the government publication, and in 30 days it will enter into force, but, because i don't like the word coming into force, it is possible to enter into ... excuse me for shit, but the law is coming into force, and it will come into force and will be implemented, so what is provided by this law, well, it is signed, and it will be a diet, it is important to understand both those who can be mobilized and those , who is now mobilized, and to the families, let's see, everything my colleagues spread out on the shelves, and we will learn more, two versions of the bill, more than three months of work, more than 400 amendments and, in the end, 283 votes in favor. the verkhovna rada finally adopted a new law on mobilization. its strengthening is a necessary condition for ukraine's survival as a state, ukrainian servicemen say. western press writes about it. the ukrainian government avoided the unpopular topic. supreme commander-in-chief,
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president volodymyr zelenskyi in public speeches emphasized and continues to emphasize that the strengthening of conscription is initiative of the military command, for the implementation of which he was responsible. are carried by deputies. with regard to the bill, or one of the bills regarding the mobilization amendments, that was voted on this morning. at our request. that there are some changes in the mobilization of our troops, the military leadership, and according to this mobilization, there is a strengthening of control over deviations. among those who voted for, most of the servant of the people faction and voice, the trust group and former members of the banned opzh. the european solidarity and fatherland faction did not support the document, first of all, due to the decision of the profile... committee at the last moment to exclude from the draft law the provision on the demobilization of those
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who have been at the front since the first days of the full-scale invasion. i clearly emphasized our claims, which make the law adopted on mobilization extremely dangerous for the country and for the army. the first is the lack of clear legal guarantees of timely release for servicemen who have served 30. six months, 18 of them in the front line. the second is rotation, which must also take place to restore the combat capability of a person and a unit. the commander-in-chief of the armed forces oleksandr syrskyi asked deputies to exclude the norm regarding demobilization after 36 months of service. the same position was followed by his predecessor, valery zaluzhnyi. there is an acute shortage of people at the front, what will happen in a year is unknown. the enemy exceeds us by 7 dashes 10 times, we lack personnel. we
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now have two, some departments have three or four men left in our departments. according to the tactical standards for this unit , it is given that they defend a guaranteed 100 m of the defense front, if there are two men, they can defend 20 m. the question immediately arises, and who has 80 more? the position of the general staff regarding the terms and conditions of mobilization should be developed in a separate draft law. according to the ministry of defense, this should take about eight months, which means that for the time being , only one door will remain in the ukrainian army - the entrance. the way out is either a serious injury or a return from captivity. uncertainty increases tension among military personnel. of which they want to know when exactly they will be replaced by others. the new law should help significantly replenish the ranks
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of the defense forces. it provides as a whip for dodgers, as well as gingerbread for those who will join the ranks of the army. in particular, all citizens of ukraine who are on military registration must, within 60 days, from the moment the law enters into force, clarify their registration data. this also applies to those who are abroad. it will be possible to do this both face-to-face and by phone or. or through an electronic office, otherwise men of conscription age will not be able to receive consular services, as well as issue a foreign passport. basic military service is being established in ukraine instead of conscription, they will have to go through it citizens from 18 to 25 years old, up to 5 months in peacetime, up to three months during martial law. registration in the electronic cabinet is voluntary, summonses will not be sent through it. i dodge... will be deprived of the right to drive a car, those who do not update the data will face a fine, previously up to uah 22,500.
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other restrictions, such as seizure of property, did not make it to the final version of the law. another innovation: all men who were first diagnosed with disability of the second and third groups after february 24, 2022 will have to undergo the vlc again. this does not apply servicemen who were seriously injured during from a full-scale invasion, a number of motivations are provided, for example, the right to a one-time compensation of 50% of the first installment on a mortgage loan and an additional payment of uah 100,000, plus another 100,000 after the second year of service. also , servicemen and their spouses will not be charged interest for using the loan, and fines and penalties, if it is not about a car or a mortgage. the month is at zero for the count. they will serve for three years, for the destruction or capture of the enemy equipment, additional leave and remuneration, and
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at the request of the parliament, the cabinet of ministers still passed a resolution on additional payment of uah 70,000 per month for those on the front lines. the society is already actively discussing the new law. many civilians are dissatisfied with the increased control and sanctions of military personnel to the document opposite claims. briefly according to the adopted law. in my personal opinion, it should have been tougher, especially in terms of the responsibility of evaders, because now i don’t see effective norms there at all, but taking into account the tenacity with which people's deputies worked... it's good that they accepted at least something. the age of those subject to mobilization is also changing. at the beginning of april, president zelenskyi finally signed the bill, adopted 10 months ago, on lowering the conscription age from 27 to 25 years. ato veteran taras chmut, head of one of the largest charitable foundations "return alive", in
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an interview with ukrainian pravda expressed the opinion that the signature appeared too late. in my opinion, mobilization should take place from the 20th. we have wasted too much time if we want to to survive as a country, we have to go back to the war, face it, accept it as a reality and start doing something about it, because otherwise it's all for nothing, all these hundreds of thousands of people who have died, who are maimed, who are dying today, while we are talking here, it's all in vain, how many people... plan to call up the ukrainian army additionally. previously , the president voiced the figure of 500,000, saying that this was exactly the number that the military leadership had asked for, but recently zelenskyi emphasized that there is no need for such a large-scale mobilization now, since the ukrainian the general staff conducted audits and found internal reserves, that is, those military units that had not yet directly participated in
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military operations on the front line. according to the estimates of ukrainian intelligence on june 1 in russia. 300,000 additional military personnel are being prepared for a major offensive. ukraine's defense forces need to make up for the losses they suffered during two years of full-scale invasion. according to the estimates of the internet publication techsti.orgua, which are based on open data, the mobilization reserve of ukraine is 5,200 thousand men aged 25 to 60 years. these are those who are in the territory controlled by ukraine and do not have armor. or the right to postponement, well, these are the innovations provided by the law on mobilization, which was signed today by the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, it will come into force in 30 days, and we have the opportunity to talk briefly, but in essence, with vadym mazevich, the commander of the unmanned aviation unit complexes as part of the third separate assault brigade,
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mr. vadim, i congratulate you. mr. vadim, can you hear me? you me, i understand that now the connection can hardly be perfect, but, unfortunately, there is no connection yet, well, we understand that it is not an easy situation, we, we, we will wait, there is nothing like that here, we have there is still time for news, and we can wait, at least to hear at least some key, key theses, because again, now is a difficult situation, today we spoke with ivan karychevsky, a military expert of defense express, he says that when attention is focused on the time gap ... because putin said to take time until may 9, it is necessary to understand that the front line along which the enemy can about must break through, or should break through, if he wants to really go further in donetsk region, it is about 60 km, but again we are talking about some significant points, and, because it is easier to understand that way, the battle for chasivyar is , of course, a battle on the 60-km section of the front - it is not very clear, because it is already some kind of military art, well
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, the only thing you can ask there is that there are fortifications, well, obviously there are somewhere, somewhere... it has to be done in another way to act, it is worth acting, it is possible to act, it is not possible to act, the important thing here is that everything should be done quickly, again, as well as for the supply of weapons to ukraine, the adoption of this long-suffering bill, which must be adopted by the house of representatives of the united states of america, yuri fizer will tell more about it, i will not talk today, because i think that there are many, well, simply inspiring mike johnson's statements, in particular, are different, the information about there is different, that... there are already 124,000 draft laws, well, i'm joking, of course, only four of them are ready and only one about ukraine, whether it will be submitted or not, these are all difficult, but all these difficulties, and these the difficulties have been going on for quite a long time, there was the christmas break, then the easter break, i hope that by the independence day of the united states of america on the 4th of july, because there will obviously be a break again, that by then we will be able to pass this bill, because then somewhere else some
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kind of holiday, thanksgiving day, i don't remember when, well, in a word, there can be many holidays, but we have to understand that it is necessary now, and... that's why effective mobilization, effective strengthening of the armed forces of ukraine, is not easy, not easy , and effective provision of weapons, ammunition and logistics, that's why you also see now here, here that, here, no, here, like that, everything was guessed by the qr code on your screen, please go, we are collecting 2 million uah for fp reeds for legendary, in fact of the legendary and heroic 90th brigade of the third kholodny yar brigade and the 72nd brigade of the black zaporozhets. these brigades are fighting at the front. if not for these brigades, it is not really known where the enemy would have been, at least at the beginning of a full-scale invasion. so. well, as far as i understand, we are not succeeding to establish a connection, once again, strength and effort to vadym mazayevich, the commander of the unit of disembodied aviation complexes in the third separate assault brigade and
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his comrades, and well, then the news, and let me tell you about the most important thing, and let's start here why the national anti-corruption bureau is looking for oleh gladkovskyi, the ex-deputy secretary of the nsdc went abroad, he is accused of abuse in the purchase of cars for the army, the amount of damages... is estimated at more than 17 million hryvnias, and let me remind you that in october 19 year of the official was arrested, later bail was paid for him, in the amount of over uah 10 million, on march 22 , the court transferred these funds to the armed forces of ukraine, instead, the preventive measure was changed to a personal bond, hladkovskyi stopped appearing at meetings. oleksand, and... then the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi signed the law on mobilization in our country, the relevant information appeared on the official web portal of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. the people's deputies approved the document
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on april 11, and it provides, in particular, for lowering the conscription age from 27 to 25 years. those who will ignore the summons, the court will take away the right to drive a vehicle, all military obligations must be clarified at the military headquarters, but now it is called the territorial assembly center, he clarified. now mine is on hold here, so they have to clarify their data in the military department, now students who get a second higher education will be accepted into the army, and those who received the second and third groups of disabilities after february 24 , 2022 will have to pass the medical board again, because there may be suspicions that valk's results were inadequate then, that's a hoax irrelevant, let's say, it also applies to those who are limited to... the law comes into force in a month. the human rights commissioner of the verkhovna rada of ukraine also commented on the adopted draft law. in my
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opinion, the draft law, which was adopted in the conditions in which ukraine is now, is the best option that we could hope for. now the procedure looks as democratic as possible, without coercion, everyone. military servicemen must go through the procedure of checking their data in the register, after that those who will not comply norms of the law will be subject to the actions of, again, democratic principles in our country. shame, that's how ukrainian president volodymyr zelensky called the fear of russia's defeat in the war with ukraine, which some western partners have. the head of our state gave an interview to an american tv channel. pva, he noted that the west, in particular, is afraid of the migration crisis and worries about the future of nuclear weapons and cautions. if ukraine does not resist, then
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the other countries of the north atlantic alliance will have to fight with russia. everyone is afraid, god forbid, that china will be strong, god forbid that putin will not be there, and there will be many states, what will happen to the nuclear weapons that are on the territory of russia. it seems that control is now taking place. nuclear weapons, and this is what i 'm telling you about, all such voices, all such messages, all this is the shame i'm talking about, by the way, why can't there be independent states on the territory of russia, but what can i say, here is yakutia the republic of sakha, it is a fifth part of the territory of the entire russian federation, for its territory, sakha is larger than all the countries of the european union combined, well, that is would be a great state, which, by the way, has gold, diamonds, everything there is possible... it was at one time captured by the moscow kingdom and people were cut off, so i think that these people have the right today to justice and at least an attempt to build their own the state, and
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resources in order to know that when there are resources, everything can be built, believe me, everything will work out. and the operational command south has a new commander, he is general gennady shapovalov. the commander of the ground forces oleksandr pavlyuk introduced the new commander personally composition it was reported in the headquarters of the operational command south. shapovalo, a graduate of the ostroh academy and the us army war college, built a military career from the commander of a tank platoon to the commander of a separate motorized infantry brigade named after yakov handziuk. he became a brigadier general in march 22. we wish you strength and effort in the performance of your official duties in the defense of ukraine and the destruction of the enemy who entered our territory. mr. general. the consequences of bad weather are being overcome in zaporizhzhia due to the strong wind that raged in the city the day before more than 450 trees and branches, power lines and traffic lights were damaged,
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roofs of high-rise buildings were damaged until... more than 100 utility workers started work, sawing and removing trees, repairing street lighting, also cleaning roads and sidewalks from garbage, they say the work will be enough for tomorrow. well, in the temporarily occupied territory of zaporizhzhia, a local deputy of the occupation authorities, anton yakymenko, was blown up , the explosion rang out in the village of yakymivka, another councilor, volodymyr rogo, told about it, he noted that an attempt had been made and accused ukrainian special services in this noak. in general , anton yakymenko entered the top three candidates from the party of the russian dictator putin, united russia, in the fake local pseudo-elections, in which he is currently in an unknown state. well, i can say yes, i think he is in an unsatisfactory condition. important conversation: us president joe biden met with czech prime minister petr fiala at the white house. together, they discussed security issues, as well as aid to ukraine,
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reuters reports. during the conversation. the american leader noted support from the czech republic, in particular efforts to provide artillery ammunition for ukrainians. biden separately emphasized the importance of congress passing the draft law on the aid package to ukraine . fiala is expected to visit the us congress, where he will try to convince its members to sign additional financial support for ukraine, i would say not even additional, but the promised financial support for ukraine. more than 200 exotic animals in... died during a fire in the yevpatoria zoo in temporarily occupied crimea, i remind you, ukrainian crimea. at night, zvirynets tropyk burned down there park, enemy ministry of emergency situations reports. it started on the roof of the building, the fire quickly covered more than 600 km of territory, it was difficult to cope with the fire, due to the large amount of hay in the enclosures , unfortunately, almost all the animals were burned alive. only a few were saved, including two bears. the cause of the tragedy
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is called the occupiers. short circuit. well, a short circuit occurred in the heads of those russians who actually started the aggression against ukraine and led to what is now happening throughout the territory of our country. it's short unfortunately, it is not possible to fix the short circuit yet. like ukraine, moldova will try to become a full member of the european union by 2030. however, if ukrainians made such a choice consciously and gave their lives for it, moldovans are still hesitating where and with whom they want to move forward. halko found out about the mood in the center of chisinau, more about the situation later in our story. chisinau is still trying to decide whether it will become the capital of a future european country, or whether it will remain the capital of a post-soviet state. referendum on accession to the european union in moldova is planned to be held already in the fall, however, the opinions of the country's citizens still differ. i support
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the referendum. i support the referendum because i believe that our future, the future as a country of moldova, is exclusively in the european union. i believe that this is a more progressive way, a way of development, as it seems to me. if the will of european officials, politicians and deputies is there. we would have gone there a long time ago, but sometimes they don't let us in? i am still in favor of moldova being an independent country, rather i'm not for everything. integration, stay at home, don't look for integration, stay at home and don't look for integration, because you see that europe is becoming poor, but not all citizens have decided on a choice, very often in the center of chisinau we heard this, i'm not aware at all , i don't know about it at all, i don't know about politics, to be honest, i don't immerse myself in political topics, i'm nothing, i don't think about anything and i don't even want to bother with the constitutional court of moldova.
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is considering a draft decision in which a referendum on joining the eu is proposed to be held already on the 20th october this year. thus , the official position of the population will finally become clear, because according to the previous february survey of the moldovan company imas, opinions were divided almost in half. 47% of respondents consider the proposed referendum on eu membership unnecessary, while 44% consider it useful. as many as 37.7% of citizens associate the holding of such a plebiscite with the fears of the current president, maia sandu, that she will lose the next election. in addition, if moldovans were asked about joining the eurasian economic union, as many as 42% would vote for it. the question is whether or not russia finalizes the results of the referendum. the risks of russian influence on any elections in moldova are even considered serious.


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