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tv   [untitled]    April 17, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EEST

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currently, the constitutional court of moldova is considering a draft decision in which a referendum on joining the eu is proposed to be held as early as october 20 this year. thus , the official position of the population will finally become clear, because according to the previous february survey of the moldovan company imas, opinions were divided almost in half. 47% of respondents consider the proposed referendum on joining the eu unnecessary, while it is useful. 44%. as many as 37% of citizens associate such a plebiscite with fears. incumbent president maia sanda will lose the next election. in addition, if moldovans were asked about joining the eurasian economic union, as many as 42% would vote for it. the question is whether russia will not finish the results of the referendum. the risks of russian influence on any elections in moldova are even considered serious.
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european officials are careful with their statements. unfortunately, i'm pretty sure there will be russian interference because that's what we see on a regular basis. be it the elections of local governors last year. there was a lot of that back then, i mean, we're talking about millions of euros and dollars that have been injected into the country in various ways to influence the political process here. citizens are often uncertain and unwilling to join the european union. intersects with russophile attitudes, here it is explained by the consequences of the hybrid war. the ex-prime minister, who resigned in 2023 due to lack of political support, compares moldova today with ukraine in 2014, the country is experiencing the so-called european awakening. we have now started to build our resilience, our tools to combat disinformation only after the invasion.
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a large-scale invasion of ukraine in 2022. we should have started in 2014, unfortunately, we did not have the political will then. in addition to hybrid attacks, russia continues to defend transnistria, which is not recognized by anyone, and the head of the eu delegation in moldova even suggests that the country can join the union without it. residents of moldova also differ in their assessment of the threat of a military conflict with the russian federation. we cannot say that such a risk does not exist, there is a risk, and it is very big, well, yes, yes, there is such a thing, i am afraid, to be honest, i am very afraid, well, maybe everything will be fine if we are in europe, i don't want to see it, i don't want it, we are moldovans, people are generally very peaceful, i am for peace in the whole world, there are no trends for this today, there is no common border between russia and .. and glory to the ukrainian soldiers, that such
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a border does not seem noticeable in the foreseeable future. the president also considers ukraine as a conditional guarantor of moldova's security. when asked about readiness to fight against russia, maya sando answered only about supporting ukraine. we continue to support ukraine, and we believe in victory of ukraine and peace in ukraine. we are very grateful, because ukraine is currently keeping the peace in moldova. to do everything we can to help our ukrainian friends. the citizens of moldova have at least six months to think about their choice, and in the meantime the country continues to adjust to european standards. according to the most optimistic forecasts, the republic of moldova has a chance to become a member of the eu by 2030, just like ukraine. kateryna galko, yulia belska from chisinau for espresso tv channel. thank you.
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colleagues, i am adding information, the constitutional court of moldova on tuesday, that is today announced a positive conclusion to the request of the deputies of the vlady diya and solidarity pas parties on holding a referendum on joining the european union, european pravda reports with reference to the newsmaker. now the final decision on holding a referendum must be approved by the parliament of the republic of moldova, well, let's see, we wish success to our friends and neighbors in russia and to the family. healthy states, let's say so, because we already have an unhealthy state by our side, we already know that in moldova this unhealthy state has also created an ulcer on the tyre, let's say yes, i mean this unrecognized republic, and now it's time to talk about events outside of ukraine, yuriy fizer is next to me, yuriy, good evening, please, good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us at this time , today about this, scholz and xi spoke in beijing about ukraine, when the vote on secession is planned. we
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need help from the house of representatives, and underwater russia, yes, russia continues to go under water, my name is yuriy fizar, this is a world about ukraine, and i will start in a moment. the response without a response in the white house reacted to numerous requests that sounded yesterday and that even i voiced in the column world about ukraine, about why the united states of america helped israel repel russian missile attacks, during a massive attack on the night of sunday, but at the same time refuses to help ukraine shoot down. russian missiles and drones. i also asked this question on the air. he was answered by the spokesman of the national security council of the white house, john kirbish. what he said? let's hear him directly. i knew this question would be too,
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these are different conflicts, different airspace, different picture of threats, and the president made it clear from the very beginning of the conflict in ukraine that the united states of america is not with. participate in this conflict in a combat role, and we did not do that, we provide ukraine with the tools necessary to protect its airspace, well, this is an answer without an answer, agree, because in a word, let's move on, the russian war in ukraine and the search for peaceful ways its completion, this was almost the main topic during the meeting between german chancellor olaf scholz and the leader heavenly by the way, the chancellor of germany is just finishing his three-day visit today. they both agreed that the situation cannot be allowed to get out of control and escalate, as it could threaten not only the region, but the entire world. at the same time, the chinese leader once again voiced some four principles
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of settlement: focus on achieving peace and not pursue selfish interests, work on de-escalating the situation and not add fuel to the fire, create conditions for peaceful negotiations and avoid further exacerbation of conflicts, these are his four principles: minimize, the fourth is to minimize the negative impact of the conflict on the world economy, and not to undermine the stability of global industrial chains. both leaders also emphasized that in this situation even threats to use nuclear weapons are unacceptable, but olaf scholz wrote on his page in the twitter microblogging network after the meeting. like what scholz wrote? let's see. china's word carries weight in russia, so i asked the siv leader to influence russia to putin finally stopped his crazy campaign, withdrew his troops and ended this horrible war. well, good bet, answers
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from the chinese leader at this point we don't know if he agreed to influence. in the end, what he answered to olaf scholz about it, if he answered at all, was commendable. that olaf scholz just so directly said: you have influence on putin, please do your best to use this influence and not just say how you want to end the war in ukraine, the russian war, but also to it's some effort, and that's good. china will remain a supporter of promoting peace and dialogue, and will play a constructive role in promoting a political settlement, then again the word crisis in ukraine. the special deputy representative of china to the united nations, geng shuang, said this during a meeting of the un security council, but he did not specify exactly how they are going to do it, perhaps this is exactly what olaf scholz and sidzimpinim talked about today ,
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according to genshuang, official beijing is ready to provide the necessary conditions for russia and of ukraine for the possible start of negotiations between them, and even more, he called on the parties. gradually try to restore consensus and as soon as possible start again to start the search for ways to end the war peacefully. and not a word about russia having to do something either, which is to simply cease fire and withdraw all its troops to where they launched their full-scale invasion in february 2022. there is no such thing. sit down, negotiate, look for a table, we are even ready to give you this table. but there is no demand for russia. russia started this war, russia can fight it complete and china can press. by the way, the lion's share of this meeting of the un security council was devoted to nuclear safety, and after it the general
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director of the magat came out to the journalists. this is the rafael grossi international atomic energy agency. he called to prevent a nuclear catastrophe, recalling the recent shelling of the zaporizhzhya atom. power plant, again did not remember who exactly fired at this power plant, as if ukraine wants to provoke a catastrophe on its own territory, what? raphael grossi, come on let's hear him in direct speech. let me remind you that these attacks were carried out with the help of silent drones. firstly, as we all know, according to its technical and functional characteristics, the drone has a diverse trajectory: it soars, it circles, it can fly into the territory occupied by russia from different places, that is , the drone can fly from one side, belong to a completely different side, so we can't say who... is behind these attacks, that's why we try to provide information as accurately as possible
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it is possible: that is, some drones are flying, just some drones are flying and shelling, maybe it is ukraine shelling its own nuclear power plant and at the same time wants to provoke a nuclear disaster on its sovereign territory, well, this is terrible. the head of european diplomacy, josep borel , literally knocks on every door in the country. members of the european union and begs, asks to help ukraine as soon as possible with the allocation of air defense means. he said this himself in an interview with the french publication lemont. according to him, now on the battlefield in the quote "dynamic impasse" appeared in ukraine. this is the end of the quote, but at the same time, mr. borel emphasized that russia continues to slowly bite away territories from ukraine, and that is why the chief european diplomat is begging. leaders of the eu member states, to give ukraine air defense equipment, and if they do not have such, then it is urgent to buy
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somewhere and hand it over to kyiv, although the main european diplomat admitted that the matter is unfortunately moving slowly, and the contributions from different countries differ greatly, differ as amounts, as well as by the activity of their receipt. so, friday this week, the end of the working week. may be the day to vote for the bill on the allocation of additional aid for ukraine and israel in the house of representatives of the united states of america congress. speaker of the house mike johnson said this the day before after a meeting with colleagues from the republican party. according to him, they will not vote on the option that was already passed by the senate on february 13 this year. instead, it will be divided into four separate times. parts of aid to israel, aid to ukraine, aid to the countries of the indo-pacific region, and issues that
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concern the security of the united states. according to speaker johnson, within the next few days it will be necessary to complete all the procedural aspects of preparing the bill for the vote, which may take place on friday. well, what else did mike johnson say, who is taking so long to bring this bill to a vote. let's listen to him himself. there are events in the world that we all follow very closely. we also know that everyone is watching our reaction. all around us are terrorists, tyrants and terrible leaders such as putin, xi and the leadership of iran. they are all very interested in whether america will stand up for its allies and our own interests around the world, and we will. well, but i have to tell you about what is already happening inside the republican party. there was no dissatisfaction with this division of these bills
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into one, some republicans say that if this bill passed the senate, why is it now being divided here, although we remember that this was the previous priority demand of mike johnson, and the biggest dissatisfaction was expressed, of course, by margery taylor green, but the point is, she didn't say last night that she was going to ... impeach speaker mike johnson, which leads me personally to believe that during the meeting on saturday night with mike johnson, after all, donald trump gave the go-ahead, gave this go-ahead to finally vote, so it's a little bit delayed, because every law is now necessary, every bill, and four of them will have to be voted on separately, after they are voted on, they need to send to the senate, for the senate to vote for them in the same way... it will take a little bit longer, maybe a week, two or three, but something inside
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tells me that after all, soon this money will be unlocked, i would like to, but it is the same in the white house expressed some skepticism about what mike johnson said and did yesterday. for example, the official representative of the white house, karin jahn, said the following. we listen to her in direct speech. we will not accept an agreement in which aid to different countries is separated. in fact, it will not help either israel or ukraine. it will actually delay providing the necessary support they need. to fight, we see what is happening in ukraine every day, and if the republicans do not want to drag out the process, if the speaker wants to do it in the easiest and fastest way, then there is an amendment to the national security law that is waiting for consideration and ready to be put on the floor for a vote , we know that this law will get bipartisan support, yeah, but right now the vote is
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just an opinion from the white house, they don't like it because ... it was their law, they're not voting on their law, but most likely just not their vote, and the white house will still be happy, that is, there will be some kind of bonus for president joe biden. let's go further: the long delay on the part of the american congress in allocating much-needed aid to ukraine has already had an impact on the battlefield. the situation is difficult, russian troops have achieved certain successes on the front line. about it the day before during. patrick ryder, an official representative of the pentagon, i.e. the us ministry of defense, said at the briefing. he once again emphasized that the ukrainian armed forces really need a lot, in particular, anti-aircraft defense equipment. but - says general ryder. washington cannot provide it yet due to the lack of a corresponding decision from congress. well,
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we are all waiting for this decision. and in copenhagen. this is the capital of denmark, today, unfortunately, the ancient building of the stock exchange, which was built back in 1625, was on fire , the oldest stock exchange in the world, yes, the cause of the fire is currently unknown, according to one of the versions, it could have caught fire in the part where restoration work was carried out , very quickly the fire covered the left part of the building, which now used by the danish chamber of commerce and which also houses a museum, just half an hour after the start. the spire of the ancient building collapsed during the fire, the area around it was immediately closed off, everyone who was inside was evacuated, unfortunately it is known that the fire destroyed many historical artifacts, although some were saved, and the fire was extinguished, but the smoldering inside is still going on, and in conclusion
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, it is becoming a tradition that i end the world column about water and russia. about ukraine tyumen region for exit, that is, for evacuation. russian siberia is still taking over the baton of conquests. the water level in the rivers of the tyumen region is approaching extremely critical levels. in some regions through which the ishim river flows, for example, the water level in it has reached almost 7 m 90 cm, while large water continues to arrive. because of this, the local authorities declared total. evacuation people are asked to immediately leave their homes and leave the flooded area, they are allowed to take only documents and valuables with them, they are waiting for the possible the breach of the dam. we are waiting for a possible breakthrough of the dam, vasyl and i, and not only that, but the ukrainian agent, the one who breaks the dams , continues to work, so, well, that’s all i have in the world about ukraine section, that’s all only
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for today, tomorrow there will be more, as always there will be more in our next broadcast, so don't switch. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity. we tell bakhmut the main thing on weekdays at 9:00.
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good evening, we are from ukraine, we continue, great ether, i remind you that my name is vasyl zemai, now we will talk about money, and
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oleksandr morchyvka will return, i hope tomorrow, and today i will try, well , i will not, i will ask questions, and our guest will explain more, oleg penzyn is with us, a member of the economic discussion club, mr. oleg, i congratulate you, i am glad to see you, very much, mr. vasyl, let's start, let's start, first with what warms the pocket. well, now the armed forces of ukraine still have to warm up in a good sense, this money, but cash, and a few days ago there was information that the dollar suddenly became more expensive, well, i won’t say that it was a record, because i don’t know all the indicators there, but it was becoming more expensive, and today i read the information that the national bank said, well, about the increase in the value of the currency stand once or twice, and i stopped the growth of the dollar, i don’t understand how it can be like that, please explain what is happening and how it can... affect, i don’t know, on us, on purchasing power, on inflation, on what anything please well, the national bank conducts an independent policy. it is necessary to understand that on
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today he is the only currency seller in the country. so. and in fact , it creates that supply that extinguishes the demand. so when we talk to you about the course that is set today, it is the course that is fully agreed upon. national bank of ukraine, i want to remind you that in the budget for 24 years , the average annual rate was set at 46. now the rate is 39.5, and i think that the national bank will not raise it above 40. now he goes a little to a meeting with the ministry of finance, why? because, well, you have to understand that all macro-financial assistance, from which later social security is paid. payments come to the ministry of finance in the form of dollars, and the more expensive it sells that currency to the national bank, the more profitable, that is, the weaker the exchange rate,
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the more profitable it is for the ministry of finance, it would generally be happy if the exchange rate there was 40, but the national bank of ukraine is still responsible for inflation, the weaker the hryvnia exchange rate, the higher the inflation, you and i also understand this, that's why it balances so slightly. on the level of a little bit to meet the ministry of finance, on the other hand, to keep the inflationary processes with sufficiently rigid monetary methods, and we today we have inflation of 3.2%, from march to march, is it a lot or is it little, but do you know how much there was inflation in the united states of america during this same time from march 23 to march 24, well, i'm glad to be curious, i don't know , i won't lie, i'll tell you 3.5%. but the growth of the population's income must also be looked at, well, no, look, we are already talking about inflation, the national bank is responsible for inflation, the national bank is not responsible
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for the real incomes of the population, that is, today it is for a warring country, which is all sits in borrowing, established inflation that is less than what was in the united states of america, is that good or bad, well, for our consumers, for people, it's probably up to... and i want to tell you that we have pre-calculated the cost of the easter basket, yes in advance, it will be cheaper than last year, due to eggs, which are 40% cheaper there, due to sugar, which is cheaper, oil, which is cheaper, flour, which is cheaper , meat is more expensive there, butter there more expensive, but it turns out in general somewhere at the level of minus 10%, well plus or minus, we haven't fully calculated yet, but we will. easter passover will definitely be cheaper, so let's imagine the conditions in which you and i live, so when we talk about the hryvnia exchange rate, it is a component of
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the processes that i am now explaining, and there are many factors that affect on the real incomes of the population, in fact, let's remember with you that in march the real incomes of the population increased, we saw an increase in the minimum wage, indexation of pensions was carried out. at with such inflation as it is, we can really say that the incomes of the population have increased, real incomes, so here is the answer to your question, are incomes increasing, but on the other hand, well, we received help from the international monetary fund, we, is it not from the polish union, yes from the european union, here are these 50 billion, well, not all at once, but they went and got 4.6 billion, and plus now the netherlands is promising help, there is japan, something, well... in any case, but on the other hand, if they help, it is not only because everyone is so kind-hearted, although that too, we are a victim of aggression now, yes, but on the other hand, it means that they obviously believe
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in our ability. give, no, look, first of all, i wouldn't even talk about mediocrity, these are moral and ethical things that have no, no place in interstate relations, especially in financial relations, and yes, i would say something differently , japan's aid, well, because japan feels in approximately the same condition as ukraine today, why, because japan and the russian federation have territorial claims to part of the kuril ridge. today, ukraine has real territorial claims against the russian federation regarding the occupied crimea and those territories that are currently temporarily under occupation of ukrainian land. so japan will help from a moral and ethical and from a financial and economic point of view. the european union is a war in europe, the european union, no matter how far-right come to power there, but it understands the danger that if the war spills over into
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the countries there are. whom the union, therefore he helps rather, not because of some moral and ethical feelings, but because he is really afraid, both this and the fears of this, they are very effective, first of all it is necessary to understand that these are the countries of eastern europe, the baltic countries in general at the present moment in real reality feel like almost front-line countries, so that there is nothing accidental here either, the united states of america has its own specifics, has its own. interests, but now those interests have gone a little to the side in connection with the election campaign, although i have great hope that this week they after all, the house of representatives will vote on aid to ukraine, i think it will happen and we can already see that they have taken a step, even the republican party has taken it, so in reality, for each of our partners , you can find absolutely objective explanations as to why everything is happening like this, let's go now, well, we have time, let's make it,
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a few... important questions, you and i have talked about this topic many times before, but now the law on mobilization has been passed, it does not say, as far as i understand, what it is must be 5,000, this was a figure announced by the president at the final press conference last year, so this 500 was no longer, well, again, this is a question for the highest military and political leadership of the state, we were guided by this figure, but colonel general the syrian commander-in-chief of the armed forces said that now there is no need, well, in any case, under the law, of course, many soldiers will join the ranks of the armed forces, many will need rehabilitation assistance and so on and so on and so on, and business made such a proposal that let's somehow, as it was said, flexibly approach the mobilization of people from the real sector and from private business, because they pay taxes, and we don't mind mobilizing them either, let's somehow look at it so that we basically pulled out financially, i now
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want from you real... numbers that will give a result, what the economy can give, i say first of all now, not the budgetary sphere, to the military so that there are resources left that can continue to pay taxes , i have no doubt that many soldiers who, let's say, they can leave the army, they can also join the ranks of the economy, enterprises and also pay taxes, but here we have to talk about real numbers, so that it doesn't happen that at some stage, let's say, oh, we don't have missiles, without the usa we will lose, well, that was obvious before, but with which, at some stage we said: we didn't have missiles, we didn't protect ternopil, this tripoli test, well, that's how it happened, so that it wouldn't happen later, that we had no money, many people were taken away, our economy collapsed, so what can we do now give it realistically, please, each mobilized costs uah 1,300 per year, this is the minimum, each mobilized 1,300 hryvnias per year for the budget, this applies to both military personnel, those
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called to the armed forces, and other sectors of security and defense . if, by the way , i want to make a deal right away, i will not discuss the question of mobilization, it is necessary, and, and, we are talking in economic terms, of course, yes, yes, eh, this million is 300, well, everyone who has relatives who were are mobilized, they know when the boys come to the unit, they are given... on on three sheets, what they need to buy at their own expense, well, yes or no, yes, there is unloading, there is also tactical clothing, which is definitely not enough, there is also uh and good helmets offer other things, all this absolutely has to be financed by the state, but you and i are talking about a minimum of 300 million, i'm not talking about what will be subsidized there, i'm not talking about cars that are actually purchased
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by volunteers. this is another question, although theoretical.


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