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tv   [untitled]    April 17, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EEST

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applies to both military personnel, those called to the armed forces, and other security and defense sectors. if, by the way, i want to make a condition right away, i will not discuss the question of mobilization, it is necessary, but we say in economic terms, of course, yes, this million is 300, well, everyone who has relatives who were mobilized, knows when the guys come . in a part, they are given on three sheets what they need to buy at their own expense, well , yes or no, there is also the packing, there is also tactical clothing, which is definitely not enough, there and good helmets offer other things there, all this must be financed by the state, but you and i are talking at least 300 million each, i ’m not talking about what they will donate there, i’m not talking about cars, which... actually
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volunteers, that’s different question, although theoretically it should also come from the state budget, that is, 300 million, if we want to mobilize an additional 100 thousand people, it is 130 million, 130 billion uah from the state budget, i want to remind you that at the moment, in the security forces and defense, today everyone has, well, this one number said razumkov, speaking during the discussion of the articles of this draft law, already signed by the president today, he named a number: at the moment we have mobilized defense security forces of 12,000 people, we do arithmetic, of course, we take a million 200, multiply it by a million 300, and you and i will receive somewhere more than 1.6 tril hryvnias. this is what has
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already been used at the moment, that is, any additional ones, and, by the way, we still have 250 billion uah, the budget for the ministry of defense's purchase of the latest weapons, that is, the above, which i am talking about speaking, by the way, i want to remind you of the figure from ms. pidlasoi, who after one of the committees of the verkhovna rada named the figure that if we want to mobilize there 450,000, we need 700 billion hryvnias to... i will remind our viewers that ms. rokslana pidlyatsia is the head of the budget committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. yes yes yes. well, in principle, if you count like that, then the numbers roughly correspond to reality. that is, if we want to reach 100,000, calculate, we need 130 billion in the budget. they are not there, listen. well, yes, i, i verbatim, i'll just add right away so that you can then operate before that too. danylo gitman, this is already the chairman of the tax committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, he already said that... we are betting on
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taxes and on bonds of the domestic state loan, and the number, wait, let's not get confused, he said about the amount that concerns 70 thousand additional payments of hryvnias, and yes, well, in any case, it is there somewhere, i think, the amount we are talking about with you is estimated at 50-60 billion additional hryvnias, well, it is not 130, it is 50 billion for of all soldiers who fall under that category, it is 50 billion. is it per year or per month? no, no, no, it's for a year, it's an annual amount. everything, i understood, well, then, this is an annual amount, it’s only you these 70 00, you just need to understand that those 70 00 will be in addition to the payments that are made today, uh, well, and again i will say that these money is needed, the military, well, they should get even more in general, but i think that money will be found, so please, then continue, sorry that i took you a little bit, no, everything is fine, everything is fine, everything ok, so look, eh... we have 1.7
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trillion in budgeted revenues that still need to be collected, they have to be paid at the moment by those people who work in business and about which businesses are actually talking, what if you take away, then we will not pay you those taxes, but we always forget that hetmantsev said that taxes and its ovdp, ovdp, and domestic state loan bonds, but we keep forgetting that... ukraine's economy is only 60 % is light and 40% is in the shade, that is, it is 40% of the economy of ukraine, which does not pay a penny of taxes. well, that's how it happened historically. and when they talked about the so-called economic reservation, please excuse me, or paid reservation, they said whether it is bad or good, it is a way to extract a part of this gray business that does not pay a penny of taxes, the light, if it wants to... to keep his employees,
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let him, excuse me, please pay a legal wage, let him pay all taxes, let him pay tax on his company's income, and so on. increases income of the state budget, mr. oleg, we have literally 30 seconds, because i already have the floor, your recipe, very short, if possible, but you know, i think we will return to economy booking, there is no other way, this is my recipe for - to anyone, no matter what we say there, we definitely won't find those 130 billion in addition in any other way, but the most important thing is that this money is really spent on the wall, and taxes go to the war, thank you very much, mr. oleg, for your candor and professionalism, oleg penzyn, a member of the economic discussion club, was with us on was with us in... well, it is really necessary here again for the economy to live and for the army to be effective, today this news was reported when i was here on the air with marta liyarnyk on the day and it was such a blow to the head that dmytro kapranov died, brothers kapranova, dmytro and vitaliev, bright writers, media
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characters, publishers, i as a writer, generally young, first came to them publishing house zeleny pes, it was somewhere in korinivka, i remember it very, very much in kyiv. a long time ago, but this is a huge phenomenon in ukrainian culture, bro kapranov, unfortunately, dmytro suddenly passed away this morning, vitaly, his brother, reported this on facebook, hundreds of posts with memories of dmytro kapranov appeared on social networks within a day, lina chenina will tell about these thoughts. lina, good evening, you have the floor, please, good evening vasyl, i congratulate our viewers, natalka didenko, our colleague with you, probably wrote the most accurately. on facebook, she was an acquaintance, and they wrote with vitaly and dmytro that they either loved them very much or did not love them very much, and i agree with that i agree, and usually such people are very interesting, i will tell you in a few seconds. indeed, on
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the facebook page of the kapranov brothers , this message appeared 5 hours ago, friends, we are in trouble. dmytro died suddenly this morning, when there is a farewell, i will write tomorrow, everything else is canceled, sorry, there are a lot of distributions, and a lot of people started writing different memories, really, and literally an hour ago, vitaliy also apparently wrote that we will sing the mitra on thursday at 11 in the morning in mykhailivskyi, then on baikovo, and of course i read very, very much various memories and well... for example, our colleague and military serviceman vakhtan kimpiani, he reminded everyone that the kapranov brothers started publishing a book, books since the 90s, they lived in russia then, these brothers were called such a magazine, and it was published in the ukrainian language in
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moscow in 1991, writes vakhtang kipiani, in general, many may be surprised that dmytro and vitaly, they were not ukrainian, ukrainian-speaking from born or older, they did not study ukrainian at school, obviously at the university either, because they graduated from two russian universities and in the 90s lived in a bowl, as i already said, but they had to adapt and many people in general cannot imagine how i am the prime minister of the russian-speaking kapranov brothers, let's listen to what dmytro says in in fact, in his last interview, it came out today. the fact is that we , too, have been russian speakers since childhood, our family spoke russian, the only one who spoke ukrainian was sometimes my grandmother, because she was a french teacher, and she said, well, in order to have a language in form, you need to speak it sometimes, and read it, but
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we also switched to ukrainian during the war, the only thing is that this war had not yet happened, people were not killed, it was in the 90s years, the fact is that we are too. uh, i think that many people, of course, do not, do not separate these two brothers, imagine together, uh, and i can only myself, or rather, i cannot even imagine what vitaly is going through now, having lost his brother, they were always together, they always did projects together, published books, wrote books, ah, and they also made a youtube channel, it is one of the most popular in ukraine, it seems that they started making it in 2019, it is called... it is named after tg shevchenko, and there are already almost a million subscribers, and there they talk against kapranova about completely, completely different things, not only related to ukraine, they tell some historical, cultural things, they tell a lot about israel recently,
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and their channel was extremely popular and is now developing more and more popular, well, i really hope , which will continue it in italy lead, myself already, unfortunately,... well, it's a pity, of course, and i think that - now there are a lot, i don't think, i know, i read a lot of kind words, everyone wrote. acquaintances of the kapranov brothers and dmytro and most often, according to my observations, wrote precisely about the principles of these two people, about the fact that they make compromises very difficult, that there are some principles that are important to them, and that is why they have such a character, which definitely is definitely memorable, and as i said at the beginning, there are many people who also love the kapranov brothers, and there are those who do not like them very much, i i think that this is how they usually treat... people who have character. well, vasyl, i'll give you the floor on this. thank you dear
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scientists, it is really a big loss, because 56 years for a writer, especially, is quite a young age, maturity, understanding of life, a lot of potential, strength, and they made a great youtube channel named after tg shevchenko. i watched it with pleasure, we, we talked on the air, off the air, well, it’s simple, you know how, well, yes, you, when something like this happens, you say, it shouldn’t have happened like this, and when you read the news, how at the front beautiful people are dying, and you say it shouldn't have happened, but it is clear that this happens at the front, here is an eternal memory, sincere, sincere thanks for the work, for the love for the book and for ukraine, dmytro kapranov, may he rest in peace , thank you, well, more about that, natalka didenko will tell us about the weather in ukraine tomorrow. ms. natalya, i congratulate you, i think you will also say a few words about dmytro kapranov.
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please, you have the floor. congratulations. well, you know, it's so painful and so wrong that it's hard to even realize it, because the boys and i we were friends, we have been friends for many, many years, and i cannot, well, separate them completely, this incredible charisma, this avalanche-like energy, this uncompromisingness. and dmytro and vitaliy, they always knew which side of the barricade they were on, i really want to emphasize that they were uncompromising, patriots of their land, their country, well, all their talents, that’s clear, we know it all, but very, very sad, and i would like to take this opportunity to express my condolences to all their simply beautiful family, bright memory to dmytro. we are starting our next forecast
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synoptic meeting and we say what the weather will be like tomorrow, the next day, april 17. well , since the weather is changing in the direction of cooling and is already on the horizon, well, at least according to preliminary prognostic signs, there is even a possibility of frost, then we will start with frost, what it is, what it is like and how late it can be in ukraine and how for a long time, so, well, frost is a decrease in the short-term temperature of both the soil and the surface layer of air to 0° and below with a generally positive air temperature in daylight hours, as a rule - this cold comes back after the heat in our country somewhere in may , in june, and there are also early autumn frosts , and we certainly won't have them, that is, i want to emphasize that even at the beginning of june, according to statistics , frosts occur in ukraine, they are of two types... advection and radiation advection - that is, advection is the transfer of cold air,
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it is a consequence of such a cold wave, the invasion of a cold arctic mass, when it occurs, well, radiation, nepolites with radiation are observed during night cooling of the soil when it emits infrared radiation, of course, as a rule, frosts in anticyclones, when it is a cloudless night, when the sky is not covered by clouds, to protect plants from frosts are used... and shelter, and watering the soil is very useful, and smoke screens are so helpful, well we know that smoke curtains are generally made, orchards or vineyards are fumigated, when there is a threat of frost, well , whether there will be frost and when it will be, we will talk about it at the end of our meeting today, and now magnetic storms, and now for your attention, a forecast chart, from which it can be seen that tomorrow from noon there will be a certain... activation of the earth's magnetic field, so please listen to yourself, to your well-being, especially since the weather
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will be quite so capricious, well, actually let's move on to the weather forecast and we will traditionally start from the western regions, tomorrow in the western part of ukraine the weather will return to march, er, the maximum air temperature is 8.12°, there will also be rain, it may be a little warmer in ternopil region. and khmelnytskyi, but generally cold and rainy weather. tomorrow is also cold in the north of ukraine, well, considering the recent 26°, it's just cold, i'd say, plus... 9 +11° is a little warmer, as you can see in sumy oblast, but wet, rainy weather will also prevail, please , tomorrow and dress warmly and don't forget umbrellas and appropriate shoes. summer will continue in the east of ukraine, the weather in ukraine is very contrasting, as you can see, kharkiv region, luhansk region, donetsk region are 22-26° without precipitation and even sunny. in the central
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part of ukraine, the weather will be colorful, because for example, in vinnytsia it will be cool, almost cold, and in the dnipro it will be +25°, and it will rain in most regions of the center of ukraine, so umbrellas are also relevant here. no precipitation is expected in the southern part of ukraine tomorrow, there will be changeable cloudiness, lots of sun and high air temperature, 22-25° above zero. what can you say about tomorrow's weather in kyiv? it will be cold in kyiv tomorrow, only +9° and it will still rain, this is such a very diverse weather, i already said that we will mention frosts, so this is the most probable frosts in ukraine according to preliminary forecasts on the night of april 19 and 20, so please do not hurry with
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the seedlings yet, it is still better to wait a few days, uh, especially if the temperature is so low air. and it will rain, then when the air temperature approaches 4-3° , even warm, this rain can turn into wet snow, this is the nearest synoptic, ukrainian, sorry, perspective, frosts are likely, wet snow is likely, carefully follow our forecast, according to our by the weather forecast on the espresso channel, good evening, we are from... welcome to the espresso channel. today, in our military program, we will talk about how ukraine can and wants to strengthen its air defense system. ukraine's need to increase air defense funds has become so obvious that, for example,
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the european parliament this week refused to vote for budget funds. issue of the council of the eu, until ukraine receives additional patriot systems, because the meps themselves believe that there are as many as 100 patriot systems in europe and it is quite possible and quite logical to transfer at least seven to ukraine for the protection of our cities, but these are the words of politicians, and it does not actually mean that the governments of european countries are about to make a decision to share the petria. there with ukraine. so, what is the reality and what can ukraine do to really strengthen its anti-aircraft capabilities both on the battlefield and in the skies above our civilian cities in view of the russian threats, which are still not diminishing. we will talk about this in the next issue of our military magazine
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programs war and weapons. my name is serhiy sgurets, i am the director of the information and consulting company defense express, which is now jointly with the channel. espresso seeks to highlight the most relevant trends in the life of our defense-industrial complex and our armed forces. and now we are joined by valentin badrak, director of the army, conversion and disarmament research center, military analyst and writer, mr. valentino, welcome , nice to see and hear from you. congratulations, mr. sergey, as always, i am very glad of the invitation. we are with you literally before the program, they discussed the fact that now the war is changing and each side is trying to... use the advantages of technology in one way or another, and the one who adapts faster, in principle, he really, well, has a certain opportunity to overtake the enemy, and he , who does faster work on mistakes, also, well, has a profit from this work, but i would like you to now so generally evaluate the modern battlefield, which
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is crucial on it and as an additional issue ... with our air defense , is this the same race for technology going on there, where each side is trying to find the weaknesses of the other, well, i’ll probably start with the general from the battlefield, but sometime in september , the military actually signaled from the front that the war of drones had begun, and it was on the one hand caused by insufficiency. already in ukraine, and in the country itself, the aggressors in russia, namely artillery systems, modern and very. i would say that these are smart ammunition that could be used very actively, and to be honest, a competition immediately started in
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how these drones will be modernized, and we have seen very serious things that have happened, that is, the dynamics of technological changes have increased since september 23rd, well , just in... several times we have also seen the creation of drones, fpvi drones by self-absorption of targets, we also saw drones with thermal imagers, which was not the case before, but in a mass form, we can see now, just yesterday there was an interesting report that in russia they seem to have developed a communication system and are moving from pprc to dynamic. frequency changes, and this seems to make it very difficult the drone situation but at the same time the fpv efficiency of drones
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is estimated by the military to be around 10 to 40% and they say it takes somewhere around 10 drones to take out a tank for example and a lot of drones get lost rap affects a lot... but this also affects new, even old, new technologies, for example, from hunting rifles that shoot down small drones, to, for example, rebov rifles, very diverse technologies, interceptors are now developing very actively, the americans have already made a purchase as many as 600 coyotes, yes interceptors, and... all this prompts experts to talk about certain changes. now there are opinions that , firstly, rap will have a greater influence, and secondly,
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there will be changes in the sense that, for example, ground operations will make up, well , the main, or the core of capabilities on the battlefield, and already at the beginning of january the ukrainians demonstrated... several such interesting things, well, in particular, a kamikaze drone went as far as 4 km to the enemy and destroyed a bridge, this is a very similar trend, very interesting, demonstrated by deminers who literally in front of the enemy 100 m to the enemy can demining, and these are unmanned platforms, these are very serious things, then the development of underwater... drones, mini, even mini-submarine shuttles, these are all points, and of course the development of air systems, for example, china created, interestingly,
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a drone , literally it was reported in march, a drone that is able to split into three, six other drones and create a swarm of drones, controlled, so these are very powerful ideas, powerful systems, but... mainly what we have, which do we have to draw a conclusion? the conclusion is as follows: we lead combined warfare, in combined warfare is when very expensive things collide with very cheap, but mass technologies, and we see that, we see that cheap mass technologies, in the war of attrition begin to dominate, we see the exhaustion of the ukrainian air defense system . we see the depletion of russian artillery, in fact, when drones surpass and increase the effect of work efficiency and
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perform, well yes, of course, they do not perform the full spectrum, but only about 30-40% of the functions of artillery, but at the expense of dynamics, for the account of cheapness, one projectile, well, of course, on the russian market it costs about $600-700 for itself there, but here now... one ammunition costs up to $8,000, recently the namo company reported that it had increased to $800 dollars, at the beginning of the year nato concluded a contract where there were already 5.5 thousand dollars for one munition, i am not talking about smart munitions that cost more than 60 thousand dollars per munition, yes, and one drone costs 600 dollars there, if it will be more technological, then it is all the same will cost no more than 2-3 thousand dollars, but how does this dynamic affect precisely the
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opposition of anti-aircraft systems. of defense, you mentioned that ukrainian air defense is slowly being depleted, probably due to the fact that the enemy uses shaheds or cheaper missiles there, and uses more expensive missiles for strikes on such important targets, as this dynamic affects the formation of the russian strategy there offensive, our defense, when it comes to air defense systems, a very important point is related to the creation of the echelon itself. noi air defense and the creation, so to speak, of a sequence of targets, literally today we read such an insider's report about yesterday, and about the fact that a ukrainian s-300 was shot down in odesa, hit by a drone, and according to the ukrainian military, this happened because they were not allowed
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to shoot down the drone. who was above them, formally, everything is correct, it reflects the essence of the problem itself, but now ukraine has focused on the fact that it is the patriots, the patriot systems, that the patriot missile is looking for in the world, we know that the patriot missile costs from two to four million dollars, and now i will go back to the madness itself, if it were possible to take a significant amount to accumulate and collect a significant amount. the number of systems, say, the same skyranger, skynex with programmable ammunition, then in fact all the issues of enemy drones and a significant part of missiles, they would take over, and then only ballistics would be dealt with, say, the same patriots, and for example, airplanes at long distances there, 50-70 km from the front line,
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this is it... the moment is important, the second is important the moment that it is necessary to look more broadly at the market than only at the market of patriots, well , for example, let me remind you that in february of this year, during the exhibition, saudi arabia concluded a new contract with south korea for 10 batteries of a new, well, not quite the new system , but the medium-range system, as it is called. chong gung yes, which can reliably shoot down missiles at a distance of 40 km, and such a system would also take over part of the tasks if, for example, the european union, europe could buy off, but the main question is also patriots, and with other issues, with other systems, the fact is that we have encountered a remarkable, remarkable selfishness of european
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countries. because now each of the countries thinks that they need to defend themselves, and ukraine, well, no matter what happens, yes, it is telling that the president of moldova called on the leadership of the netherlands, yesterday, yes there was this information, to transfer their batteries to ukraine, in there are three batteries of patriots, and it’s not like that, it’s really not like that, it’s hot now, right now, today and now we need to protect ukraine, i’m not saying there about countries like greece, yes, which are under the great influence of moscow, and they are unlikely to hand over their batteries, but let's say, the same germany of its ten batteries, well, it could hand over a couple of three, the same poland or romania , who have just purchased patriot systems, could well share
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the queue, yes become. so to speak, secondly, why, why is it important to prove this to europe, because otherwise they themselves will have to use these systems to fight against hostile russia when it attacks european nato countries. well, of course, and of course, the purchase of patriot systems outside of the european union, outside of europe, it can also be, and well... again, yesterday, yesterday's speech by the prime minister of japan, mr. kishida, in the united states congress, where he called not to give up the leadership of the united states, and apparently he hinted that the united states could also sell to the europeans, say 5-10 batteries of its 60 patriot batteries, but...


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