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tv   [untitled]    April 17, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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we are countering the information attacks of the russians in the information war chronicle project with olga ley. tuesday thursday at 17:15, repeat, tuesday, friday at 22:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback , you you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. what to do when there is a liver, aloholk, and what for the bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gall bladder, alohol with care and respect for the liver and gall bladder. the premium sponsor of the national team
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represents. united by football, stronger together. good evening, we are from ukraine. back to the conversation, the great aether continues, and i invite alexander to join me morshchevku, money during the war. oleksandr, good evening, please. good evening. thank you vasyl for his words, i congratulate the audience. in the next few minutes we are talking about the main thing, this is the exchange rate, also energy and the future harvest, how much they plan to remove from ukrainian fields, grain and oil, everything in detail in a moment: i am oleksandr morchevka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war, and important information from the partners of ukraine, the international monetary fund published a forecast for the dollar exchange rate.
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vasyl predicts that the hryvnia will fall this year, although it is insignificant, but we, in fact, consumers feel it, we already see in exchange offices that they are asking for almost 40 hryvnias per dollar, which the government did not even predict before, well, on behalf of our viewers, i will ask, if it is logical, i will ask a logical question, is this the limit, or actually how much it can cost, well, vasily, in the long run, the imf really predicted seven years ahead. the value of the dollar in our country is really like this, well, i will say the term devaluation, it continues this year and will continue in the next, well, according to the forecast of the fund's analysts, it is uah 50 per american they will ask for the end of 2027, well, i will only add, i think that the expert environment will support this opinion that recently the international monetary fund, it makes more such skeptical forecasts, well, expecting the worst. in my opinion, but ukrainian
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business, which also calculates the exchange rate for its activities, is more optimistic and they say that in fact the dollar will not grow as rapidly as the international community says, there are optimistic expectations regarding the growth of the gross domestic product, optimistic expectations regarding the improvement of business activity, well , at least these are the results of a survey from the national bank, well, so. let's go further: ukraine will lose 8 million tons of grain and oil crops. this year's harvest was estimated by the ministry of economy at the level of 70-74 million tons. this is a preliminary forecast, experts say, everything depends, mostly on the weather. sown less groundnut, barley, rape, but more soybeans. earlier, the ukrainian grain association said that farmers sow less, because the problem of selling the crop remains, and it is also important that nowadays with... sorry
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logistics and protests still take place at border points. well, just to talk about these actions, the so-called protest, from tomorrow. polish strikers plan to resume the blockade in front of the korchów krakiwiec checkpoint, they want to let only one truck through per hour. they promise not to interfere with the movement of humanitarian, military cargo, and passenger transport, says our state customs service. the poles plan to do this until april 20. well , the necessary repairs and inspections are not carried out at the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. this was reported by the acting official. correction of energy atom petro kotin. he noted that due to the lack of qualified personnel, the russians accept anyone who wants to work at the station. this is a threat to the equipment. well, indeed, the nuclear power plant needs constant inspections, according to the schedules. experts say that the international
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atomic energy agency is currently acting cautiously on the issue of the release of the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. well, of course, they say, the problem there is that they don't have the tools for... this and can't force russia in any way to leave the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, well, vasyl, indeed, i just returned from the nikopol region, which is located very close to the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, and once again, being in this area, i observed artillery shelling, which, in fact, happens almost every day, in nikopol , in marhanka, myrivska hromada, this is the situation, people... live and people work, cities live, cities work, but constant shelling really continues from the territory of zas, well, the magate can't do anything, unfortunately. next we talk about energy with an energy expert , program director of the psyche center,
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professor gennadiy ryabtsev joins our conversation. good evening, good evening, mr. gennadiy, well, i would like to talk about prospects. for ukrainians regarding the current that they receive to their homes, businesses receive kilowatts for their production, why is it that in the summer they are talking now, we can feel a shortage of current in our homes, why is it now that the russians are attacking critical infrastructure, why is it that in the summer we can to be in the middle power outages, tell me the details, well , you know... such forecasts have already been distributed, i haven't given my forecasts yet, and you have already promised everyone hourly power outages, well, i won't be there, but i will definitely hear you, tell me, what are you, what optimistic, possible scenarios do you see? well,
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i'm not looking at optimistic pessimistic scenarios, i'm looking at more realistic scenarios, so according to the real scenario now there really are... big problems with power supply to the city of kharkiv, because there is a lot of destruction there, on unfortunately, it is not possible to protect this place from attacks by unguided anti-aircraft missiles (s300-400), so the destruction there is significant, and the local self-government bodies are now doing everything to decentralize energy supply and unite small. power plants in a small distribution system in order to at least reduce the duration of power outages for the residents of kharkiv, and the difficult situation for industrial consumers in
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the kirovohrad region is also quite significant, primarily due to the high concentration of such enterprises and also significant damage to the energy infrastructure. in this region and on the third such negative impact of the shelling of the russian federation comes odessa and the regions adjacent to odessa, there are also problems there, although ukrenergo informs about the introduction of hourly shutdown schedules only for kharkiv, all other cities there or... it is about emergency switching off during peak hours, i.e. in the evening, or we are talking about normal energy supply, this also applies to the absolute majority of populated areas of ukraine, with the exception of those cities, those
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territorial communities, which are located along the front line, from time to time there is a substation malfunction after another arrival. or damage is caused to power lines, overhead power lines, and therefore the power industry until the time when they... er are allowed to do so by the military cannot, of course, restore the energy supply, according to the statistics of the ministry of energy, there are approximately three hundred such settlements, in relation to all other regions of ukraine, in the majority, in the absolute majority of them , expect some, as you called, fan shutdowns, actually stabilization ones. no power outages are expected, although ukrenergo, the distribution system operators
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, constantly ask ukrainians to be more rational in the use of electricity from 19:00 to 22:00, i.e. please, do not turn it on all at once during these hours. powerful electrical appliances, we do it either before the 19th or after the 22nd, then there will be no problems, at least until the peak of summer consumption, of course, if the density of our air defense will be at least at the current level, but it is desirable that she still becomes this... air defense is stronger, indeed, everything also depends on us consumers, and it was just that
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ukrenergo reported, well, due to a certain cold weather, due to a certain cyclone, current consumption among the businesses of ordinary consumers is now increasing, we need to save, and here, mr. gennady, i have a question for you, well , for example, mykhailo gonchar, as an expert on the energy market, says that it is not worth it now. also bet on wind generation and solar energy, but i spoke with ms. viktoria vaitsitska, and she says that it makes sense, so that more is right now in season to generate current thanks to renewable energy sources, what is your opinion, will generation save, well, at least in a certain season, it is live energy, live current from nature, well, everything will depend on which... regions of ukraine we are talking about, if it is about the regions of ukraine where
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the weather is sunny for 300 or more days a year, then i agree with ms. victoria, but mykhailo mykhailovych, he is a very experienced person, and he says that the sun does not shine 24 hours a day, and it shines in separate regions of ukraine only 50-70 days. out of 365, so in these regions it is better to use local energy sources, local, local fuel sources, local fuel, and for western ukraine, where there are small rivers, then these are small gas stations that have been working, by the way, since soviet times, there are more than 300 there were such gas stations, if we talk about poltava region, then why not use gas condensate, which is abundant there, if lviv... lviv-volyn basins and the dnieper basin, then there is
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a lot of thermal coal. if it is about agricultural regions, please straw, biomass and biogas, if it is a landfill of solid household waste. in each region, there is a type of fuel that is mainly worth using, creating, establishing for powering territorial communities, settlements. industrial enterprises have small power plants, and it is desirable that these plants could, would be able to produce not only electric, but also heat energy, and the operator of the ukrenergo transmission system, and the operators of the oblenergo distribution system, and the same mayor of kharkiv call for this. they all talk about that now there is no need to focus resources on construction, on huge... objects, if they cannot be protected from the air by 100%.
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it is desirable to create and install such small cogeneration plants, to combine them into distribution systems and also to join the market of so-called auxiliary services, as well as excess energy, giving it in the case of joining the combined energy system for its stabilization and further reliable operation. thank you for. recommendations are really living energy, it is available in ukraine, in various regions own, and this is important in order for us to restore vasyl's generation, gennadiy ryabtsev, expert on energy issues, professor, was in touch with us. well , it was a good idea from mr. gennadiy that each region could join such a common boiler of electricity production, the south would provide solar, solar power plants from the south would provide kilowatts to our unified network, and transcarpathia would provide energy from rivers, wind generation could be on zhytomyr region in
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cooler windy regions, and all this will support our consumption with you. or die, it is really very relevant during the war, well, in the ssr it was such a large industrial part of the soviet union, everything was here, well, it was big, well, now the time is different, something is collapsing, we need to do something different, something new, well, this is it it's fine, the main thing is that it happens all the time, but there are options, most importantly, i will thank you for watching us, but the big broadcast continues, there will still be a lot of interesting things, stay with us. thanks to oleksandr marchavka, now i invite serhii rudenko to the conversation, the verdict program starts at 8 p.m., and what will be discussed, serhii, please tell me, good evening. good evening, vasyl, today we will talk about the decision of the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe. this institution unanimously approved the resolution, which does not recognize the legitimacy of the russian leader putin, and paris appeals to the
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member countries of the council of europe and countries observing the stop. all contacts with the criminal putin government, how it will affect the russian-ukrainian war and russia's position in the world, we will talk about all this during our broadcast, in the first part of our the program, which will start at 8:00 p.m., will include general serhiy krivonos, people's deputy of ukraine oleksiy honcharenko, who, by the way , is there at the paris meeting in strasbourg, he will join and explain what these decisions mean for ukraine, what these... decisions mean for russia and what these decisions mean for the world. the third guest of our first part of the program will be maksym rozumny, doctor of political sciences. with him, we will talk about the situation in the world after iran's attack on israel, repelling the attack, collective repulsion of the attack, israeli and
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iranian, forgive me, and why israel itself does not give an answer. on the territory of iran, the question arises as to why the western world did not protect ukraine from missiles and drones in russia, why the west is trying to restrain the ukrainians who seek to destroy military facilities and critical infrastructure facilities on the territory of the russian state. by the way, if we talk about the same parliamentary assembly of the council of europe, today paria admitted that the oil refinery. russia's factories and oil infrastructure are legitimate targets for the defense forces of ukraine, and this is an answer to those in washington who believed that there is no need to touch the russian refinery, saying that it is infrastructure, civilian infrastructure, but this infrastructure, which is used for the military purposes of the russian federation. in the second part of our program
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, we will have political experts volodymyr fesenko and viktor boberenko. we are talking about extremists in cassocks, about a branch of the russian orthodox church that exists on the territory of the post-soviet territory, including in estonia and ukraine. in estonia, they are thinking of banning it activities of the moscow patriarchate, and they want to recognize this church as extremist. today, paria also adopted a resolution that speaks of the russian orthodox church as a tool. in propaganda and in putin's activities, terrorist activities, and this is a sufficiently important signal for the verkhovna rada of ukraine, where eventually they have to pass a bill according to which the branch of the russian orthodox church in ukraine, or the branch of any russian churches in ukraine, their activities will be prohibited , whether it will be a decision, when it will be
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a decision, and of course the main question... y some way, after all, the ukrainians will manage to close this church on the territory of the ukrainian state, because it is the fifth column of the russian orthodox church in ukraine, and it, of course, must be fought. we start our broadcast at 8 p.m. and end at 10 p.m., so vasyl azima's big broadcast continues, and we will be on the air in 10 minutes, stay with espresso, vasyl, i promise you. thank you, sergey. on the 20th, we meet serhiy rudenko, now an interesting discussion took place between major taylor green, she is a republican deputy and yakov doblaich, chief rabbi. of ukraine and the city of kyiv, she says: well, i will immediately translate from english to ukrainian, she says: it is anti-semitism, to combine aid to the israeli army and aid to ukrainian
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nazis, she writes like this about us, ukrainian nazis. yakov doblaich answers very wisely, there are no nazis in ukraine, he writes, but only russian, russian occupation troops. russia attacks christians in occupied ukraine, on occupied ukrainian territory. the russian army destroyed more than 400 baptists. well, i should definitely react to this a phenomenon like nazism, if it were in ukraine, he is very popular, he clearly tells that it is enough to carry this delusion about nazis in ukraine who are killing christians here, some other such darkness, voiced by the honorable mrs. major taylor green, and blake, the cipher, like him recorded in network x, says. inviters, everything is without problems, and it is very good that from every platform, someone who has access and influence speaks about what is in ukraine, and thus simply refutes, but here are such
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accusations, such as, in particular, from major taylor green, that's what they talked about, now about sports news from evgeny pastukhov, let's see, on tuesday, the first semi-finalists of the uefa champions league were decided, paris saint-germain. after losing at home with a score of 2:3 , they lost to barcelona on the road, although it was the catalans who opened the scoring at the start of the meeting, rafinha scored the goal, but in the middle of the first half, barca remained in the minority after the expulsion of ronald araujo. psg took advantage of the numerical advantage. the guests scored four goals against andre terstegen, ousmane dembele and vitinia each, kylian mbappe scored a double. french forward entered the top ten best scorers. moat of the champions league at the age of 25. he scored 48 goals in the elite eurocup. in the state of the leopards, after the defeat, they complained about the refereeing. i
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believe that the removal was not necessary. it's a shame, but i'm extremely proud of what i've achieved, what we have under the current conditions. when we played 11 against 11, we did very well. well, we were better than paris saint-germain. and the referee's decision cost us the game. i feel very, very happy, i think my team deserved it. we were in the game all the time and we started impressively. evidently, extraction played an important role. all together, and the fact that we played most of the match against a team operating in the minority. you need to know how to play in such cases and avoid mistakes. i think that the result is fair. paris saint-germain will play against borussia dortmund for a ticket to the final. it was the german team that became the second semi-finalist of the champions league the day before. borussia on their own field took revenge against
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atletico madrid for the defeat in the first match duels the hosts managed to score against matrasniki four times, and the madrid team responded with two goals. the total score for the sum of the two matches is 5:4 in favor of bumblebees. two more participants of the semi-finals will be decided today. city will play against real madrid with the support of their home fans. a week ago, a real spectacle took place at the santiago bernabéu. the teams scored six goals and did not decide the winner. the reigning champions cup holder has only a slight advantage due to the home field factor. however, real madrid looks more or less the only one a team in the tournament that can stop the townspeople. in wednesday's other match , bayern munich host london arsenal. the teams' first game in london ended in a draw. 2:2 , both quarterfinal matches will start at 10 p.m. kyiv time. kyiv dynamo continues to pursue shakhtar donetsk.
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kyiv won three points in the postponed match of the 16th round of the championship of ukraine, beating minai. oleksandr shovkovskyi's wards quickly took the lead thanks to vitaliy buyalskyi's goal. even before the break, dynamo doubled their lead advantage after dmytro nemcheninov's own goal. in the second half, minaj responded with a goal by timur. korablin, but the dynamo winger nazar voloshyn put an end to the meeting. 3:1 in favor of white and blue. well, thank you for being with us with a big party, i'm not saying goodbye yet, because natalka, well, i'm saying goodbye, but natalka didenko, literally in a moment, will tell you about what the weather will be like in ukraine tomorrow, at 8 p.m. serhiy rudenko , meet, be with espresso, take care and let this evening be good for you. and ms. natalie. good evening, please word. congratulations to vasyl, congratulations, our dear viewers, now we will talk about rain, about snow, a word about all kinds of interesting synoptic things, and
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not only that, literally in a second. cyclones and atmospheric fronts came to ukraine, rain increased, decreased, not everywhere, which is true, but in many regions of ukraine , the air temperature, and today we will start our meeting with a conversation about the rain, what kind of rain it is, and especially what kind of gradation, because we very often we hear strong, moderate or light there, so we will remember together... and figure it out, someone will know what kind of rain it is and how to call it correctly from a meteorological point of view, so the rain is small, of course, it is from zero whole to 3 mm, well, what is 0, i will explain to you later, moderate rain is from 4x to 14 mm, significant rain is there is already a dangerous phenomenon from 15 to 49
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mm, here are these millimeters. it is counted for 12 hours, that is, for a night or for a day, for half a day. there is a term heavy downpour - it is when it falls from 30 to 49 mm in a period of one hour or less, this is already a spontaneous phenomenon, and it can be very dangerous with all kinds of consequences. precipitation, rain is measured using rain gauge or rain gauge, which consists of a rain gauge or rain gauge bucket, into which precipitation actually falls, then this precipitation is poured into a special glass in which. there is an indication of the amount of precipitation exactly in millimeters, i told you about 0.0, well, according to logic, it’s like nothing, in fact it is, of course, rain, and sometimes this statistic is 0.0, which is called rain traces, and it helps the forecaster , this is just the case when we sometimes hear without significant precipitation, i.e. there are traces of rain, so after all, this is an inconsequential or completely weak rain, and the forecast
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it is true, well , we will of course talk with you about the rains, what they will be and whether there will be any in the near future, and now we will move on to our pressing sub-topic: magnetic storms, and now for your attention, as always, a forecast diagram, and from it you can see that tomorrow the activation of the earth's magnetic field is expected, magnetic vortices, especially as you can see at night and in the morning, so please, whoever reacts to such strong magnetic activity, take this into account and ... take some wise, of course, reasonable prevention, well and let's move on to the actual weather forecast and start traditionally from the western regions, so the next day in the western regions of ukraine, april 18, it will be cold, from 9 to 12 ° c, in the carpathians it will be even colder, it will rain, in the carpathians there will be snow and sleet, dear drivers , tourists should also try to refrain from any
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long-distance trips and hikes in the mountains for the time being. in the north of ukraine. the weather tomorrow is also, i would say, uncomfortable. it will be very cold, maximum only 6-8° of heat. it's a little warmer in sumy region, like you see, but also not just rainy weather is expected, there may be heavy rains in the north tomorrow. the wishes are the same as for travelers in the western regions, that is , motorists especially, to be very attentive and careful. in the east of ukraine tomorrow , not just warm weather, but very warm weather will continue, as you can see. from 22 to 26°, there is no significant precipitation and the sun will even peek out in some places, in the central part of ukraine, rain is expected tomorrow, there may be heavy rains in vinnytsia, cherkasy region, the air temperature is very varied, you see, that, for example, real summer is still delayed in dnipropetrovsk region, it will be much colder in cherkasy region and vinnytsia region. the southern part of ukraine will have
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the most comfortable weather tomorrow. because there, as you can see, it is 24-25° from the maps, precipitation is not expected, well, odesa will be overcast, maybe with clouds, and there is a chance of rain, well , the weather in kyiv tomorrow, i would say, in such a non-scientific term, is uncomfortable, because tomorrow it will be very cold, the maximum is only +7°, it will rain and in the capital tomorrow there is even a possibility of heavy , significant rain, therefore, of course, appropriate clothes very warm clothes tomorrow. umbrellas and drivers, do not forget to turn on the headlights. literally in one or two sentences i will say, it is impossible to say about extremely important information. on the night of april 19 , frost is expected in the west of ukraine, and on the night of april 20, frost is expected in most regions of ukraine, except for the south. please take note of this very important forecast, and of course, always keep an eye out for updated forecasts on the espresso channel.


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