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tv   [untitled]    April 17, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EEST

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to turn ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. countering russian information attacks from the chronicles of information war project with olga ley. tuesday thursday at 17:15, repeat, tuesday friday at 22:00. greetings, i'm olga len, these are war chronicles. i will remind to you about our collection, which is very important, espresso and the civil, non-governmental organization baza yua zproti, call to support the collection for fpv drones for the 93rd brigade of the cold yard and the 72nd brigade of the black zaporozhets. own production, testing, variations according to needs for the defenders, we can provide all this by raising 2 million hryvnias together, and half of this amount we have collected for... thanks to you
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, we are moving quite quickly, the first successful applications of fpv on the battlefield are already there, so join us, whatever please, a donation to the armed forces is your investment in our victory, and any help in this case is very important, please join, see private bank, monobank, you can uh, make your contribution, qr code, numbers , bills, everything is and will be during our conversation with you. well, actually, now let's see what has been happening on the front line for the past few days. map of hostilities for the period april 10-17, 2024. the russians are throwing reserves to break through the front. russia has intensified offensive operations the most.
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concentrating the attack on the yara front west of avdiivka. in the marion and ughledar directions, the situation remains steadily difficult, in the luhansk region there is an operational pause in the offensive. on average , more than 70 combat clashes take place per day. a triple attack on chasiv yar. there are times of yar the place to which most of the kabobs of the entire line of the eastern front now fly. the russians understand that it will be very difficult for them to take the city. is located on a commanding height, and therefore destroys our defensive redoubts as much as possible. the enemy is breaking through to the chasiv yar in three ways: through the almost occupied bohdanivka, through the forest north of the highway from ivanivskoye, and also along the bahmud chasiv yar road, which leads through the already occupied khromovo. as the occupiers, advancing through khromov, came close to the temporary yar, as recently as last week, and a further attack on the city without the involvement of the flanks is hopeless, then this week.
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they concentrated on the northern and southern flanks of their offensive. the russians could not develop an attack through bohdanivka, so they concentrated on the full occupation of the village. at the same time, unexpectedly, the rashtites were able to pass through the forest north of ivanovsky and come almost close to the north-donetsk canal. at this point they are accumulating their forces for a further breakthrough through the canal, which is a significant obstacle, probably due to the too rapid advance of the enemy. the general staff started reorganizing and strengthening the brigades responsible for this section of the front, because chasivya is a strategically important city in our defense system. postavdiyiv front, almost the only positive news in this section is that the russians did not manage to gain a foothold on the left bank of the durna river between orlivka and se semenivka. all attempts to make a defense breakthrough in this city ended fatally for them. after that
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, the enemy, who threw almost all reserves at the breakthrough of the front, shifted the direction of the attack and began advance north of berdychi in the direction of novobakhmutivka and ocheretny. here, attacking along the railway track, the russians were able to break through to a depth of almost 3.5 km. this breakthrough of the first positions of the defense forces was not fatal for the armed forces. the lines of defense did not collapse, but were flexibly adjusted to the new reality. however, this created a semi-encirclement threat for the defenders holding the western part of the b. and also from the west to the flank of the defenders of semenivka. a little further south, an enemy airstrike destroyed the bridge between northern and southern umansk. therefore, the russians continued their advance to the west, occupied a significant part of the space between umansky and occupied pervomaysky, and are trying to break through further in the direction of yasnobrodivka, where our defense line is set up. in this direction, the rashists attack with all their might, realizing that the lack of ammunition significantly limits the capabilities of the armed forces. however , engagement. of all available reserves in order
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to break through the front can play an evil joke with them, because their losses also increase significantly. kurakhiv direction. to the north of maryanka. the occupiers managed to get into the southeast part of krasnohorivka, on which the armed forces of ukraine directed not only heavy artillery mortar fire, but also airstrikes. the video even recorded the lightning jump of our stormtroopers, which smoked out the occupants from the high-rise building with explosives. fierce heavy fighting is currently taking place in the city. despite the active offensive actions of the russians in the novamikhaivka region, the armed forces of ukraine managed to stop the enemy's offensive within a week. no changes were recorded on this part of the front. however, it is obvious that the occupiers regard the ughledar direction as extraordinary promising for an offensive, and therefore accumulate resources in neighboring areas and throw them into battle. thus, the other day, a small advance of the enemy was recorded in the gray zone east of the village of
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mykilske, on the outskirts of ugledar. tokmak and berdyan directions. during the week, the russians again stepped up their efforts to revise the results of the summer. counteroffensive of the armed forces of ukraine. in the long-suffering and almost completely destroyed robot, there are daily battles , the occupiers are trying to gain a foothold in the central part of the village, however, the defense forces they are kicked out of there every day. and this has been going on for about a month. during this time, the rashists managed to somewhat expand the gray zone of the robot, but they still cannot get a foothold in it. after a two-week pause, russian troops again tried to advance on staromajor. like a few... weeks ago, they managed to knock out our military from several strongholds to the southwest of the settlement, we hope that now, as then, we will take back these important positions for the defense of the village, which are located on key heights on this part of the front. the intensity of the fighting
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on the entire front can be evidenced by the much higher than average rate of destruction of enemy equipment, in particular, during the 15 days of april, our soldiers managed to eliminate more than 200 tanks, almost 500 vehicles, more than 500 art systems and more than 800 cars, we are winning every day. death to enemies. well, these are quite dynamic events, let's talk about this and a little about other things, also with petr chernyk, military expert, colonel of the armed forces of ukraine. i congratulate you, mr. peter, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. you know what, let's start a little with what was not in our review, actually, here are the last days about it. for example, the attack on chernigov in the city center, russian, three iskanders, well , that’s enough, i would say, well, a lot was spent, let’s be honest, before that, they also hit kharkov with missiles, sumy is also trying to go to the city center, these attacks are constant in
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the city center , the goal they are pursuing, because of course, this is fueling such, you know, rumors that somewhere they are preparing an offensive, something else, something else. er, how would you interpret all this that is happening, because of course, well it is, let's say, disappointing news for us, but everything is clear and obvious, the enemy has come to the conclusion that he cannot realize the strategic goal he has set for himself, the strategic goal is extremely clear, liquidating ukrainian statehood, the moscow sub-empire is impossible without ukraine, this is the main reason for this war, and if so, if it is not possible to return all of ukraine back, then it must be destroyed, and they are sowing terror and... panic, in my opinion, achieving the completely opposite goal, we are not , we didn't just stop fearing them, our rage and the hatred for them is only growing stronger in our hearts, but unfortunately the enemy will continue to do so until the last day of this war. and tell me, well, it has already
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been heard from many of our leaders that a few patriot batteries would of course help in this situation, but here is a little different, as if like an askepek, it is clear that... we need to strengthen air defense, but in such a situation proximity to the state border, to the front line, on the other hand, they will be very vulnerable, but still, providing additional some means, it really helped us, is it also possible that our expectations are a little too high for these possible supplies, this problem can objectively be solved by the f-16, the f-16 is equipped with it, first. the agm 158 jason missile, which can deliver strikes from 300 to 900 km, the second is the agm 154 dzhe rocket-glider bomb, which can operate at distances even up to 60 km, the only question is whether the allies would allow us to use this weapon against
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the launchers, why ? because here there is a nuance of crossing the border of poison, which is called a weapon nato, which strikes on the territory of the russian federation, iskander is a 500 km task. i have already said that the agm 158 missile is a 900 km strike target, no matter what point this iskander is at, this missile is definitely capable of reaching it. but there are two points: firstly, there are no f-16s themselves yet, secondly, how would the russians react if nato-american weapons were hit on their territory, well, after all , norway also said the other day that we will transfer norwegian f-16s , which are updated, which ukrainian pilots are being trained in good shape together with their danish and dutch colleagues, and they say that there will be opportunities for long-range strikes. also these weapons, well, actually , the only question here is when they will be, this is
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the question, of course we do not know yet, and we cannot say anything so objectively about this yet and somehow we have not heard, well, let's look at everything so more or less the front line, of course now we see the most such danger for the time ravine and i would say for pokrovsk, do you see? you, well, maybe some priorities, or from the way the enemy accumulates his forces, what can we say, where, after all, where he is aiming now, it is obvious and clear, his goals have not changed and will not change, to go to the administrative borders donetsk region and luhansk region, today donetsk region is occupied by 57%, luhansk region by 98%, the enemy will implement this task, why the führer said that it should have been done last year. the first time warp was until december 14 last year, the second time warp was
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until the self-reassignment of the fuehrer to the desertion of the president of the russian federation, and really nothing has changed and will not change in them. in my opinion, putin is pursuing a fairly clear strategy of reaching the administrative borders of these two regions. let me remind you that casus belli, i.e., the reason for the war, was the recognition of them first as independent states, and then their inclusion in the russian federation, and if he succeeded in this... plan, he can make a rather satanic mole, tell the whole world, i completed a special military operation, the ukrainians do not want to end the war, and in fact, especially in the part that concerns the global south, there may be many, many countries, including turkey, who would start pressuring ukraine that it is time to finally look for a formula to get out of this war. a dangerous plan, we must do everything possible to foil it, two time indicators, we foiled, we hope we will foil. the third, well, how could we disrupt this, because now we also have
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a problem with equipment, a problem with weapons, well, that is, what can we now oppose in principle to this such an obvious plan and the fact that russia obviously gathered some reserves, nevertheless, we see, well, let's start with the last part of the reserves, she began to gather, i don't think that they have a great potential of direct... troops that are ready to join, as additional to the hostilities. along the line of demarcation, there are about 470,000, relatively painlessly they replace up to 30,000 per month, we also exterminate them somewhere, and we have started the forum of 14 new divisions, 16 new mechanized brigades and two combined armies, they have strategic potential for this yes, from one and a half to three a million men of the mobilization reserve also have kalashnikov assault rifles on... in warehouses, there are many cartridge and projectile factories working at full capacity, will such
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a number of people be able to increase it to 300,000 quickly, in my opinion no, i think they will not succeed faster than the fall of the current year, and what do we need, and from the first day we need weapons, as much as possible, do our allies have them, but i don’t know how to break through their summer of psychology, because there exclusively everything in psychological moments, we think that these are exclusively rational people, but far from it, they are people, they have their own feelings. about the world, there are our own fears and most importantly, we have our own interests , first of all the usa, how they understand these interests for themselves, what we have to do and have begun to do it, especially since the spring of this year, is to build our own line of meritocracy , it is now called or menergem or is it an analogue of surovikin, there is still no alternative, to fill everything with concrete, to fill everything with iron structures, because otherwise it will be very, very difficult to withstand, and when really... the american one will be unlocked first of all package, i am sure that it will happen, only
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in my opinion, it will not be free help, but it will be in the form of a loan, but considering the fact that the need for weapons is overripe not even yesterday, the day after yesterday, so be it yes, well, we are still waiting, as i understand it, for deliveries of these, what the czech republic found, have we already waited for them, it is interesting, because somehow i have not heard, maybe you have heard something, a working case, it is there. he is on the march, but what, where, when, in what quantity arrived and how did it arrive, these are really endless questions, which we need to detail, let's go from the opposite, if everything was already so bad, by the way... a lot of media platforms in the west are being modeled, although, in my opinion, it is nothing more than moscow's throw-in, then we would, let's be sober, they would not have been able to hold the line of defense, and the enemy would still have implemented their strategic task, but after they really managed to take with the help of a huge number of kabs, in fact, for the most part, they
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do not have great breakthrough successes, well now they have, in principle, what they did with avdiivka. is done with the time gap and it is simply not very noticeable, even so our analysts noted that in fact this, well, how can we say, the greatest number of use of kabs is now observed precisely in the time gap, the bombing of the time gap, and unfortunately, well, probably that is the tactic used by russia is simply to wipe out the cities, and that 's how they fight, and until we find a counter to exactly... this way of war, well, unfortunately, i think we can't hope for some good promotion though somewhere, well, it’s there for me, there is a reason for counteraction, we, we already mentioned the f-16, the f-16 is a universal machine, it works as an interceptor, that is , it hunts with cruise missiles, but it works as a fighter, it has excellent aim 120 amram missiles, the long-range strike mission is 180 km, these
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large-caliber bombs are fap-250, fap-500 and fap-1500. or udab odab 500p, one-time bomb cartridges of 250-500 caliber are dropped from a distance of 40-70 km, they cannot be dropped from further away, and at fairly high altitudes of 10-15 km, these bodies are easily lifted by these missiles, it's easy, but there is a nuance, it is necessary that these f16 equipped with these missiles finally appear. let me remind you that up to six of these missiles can be on board. six machines in the air can make a revolution. why the revolution? because the russians have no more working machines, the same su-34, more than 80 units. so, 6x6 is 36 rockets, that's quite a lot, as soon as the carrier is targeted and two rockets fly in his direction, he is doomed, i emphasize, doomed. ugh. well, by the way, in addition to the fact that there is
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a possibility, well, let's put it this way, there will be a possibility, i hope to shoot them down, f-16, but... in the end, our other attempts to do something about it there are also not sleeping, well, in the end, we are trying to strike airfields, the last one is also tonight, this is actually the airfield in dzhankoi flew in, not in airplanes, which is true, it seems to be talking about the destruction of three launchers of the s-400 air defense system, as if the launchers were damaged . bks 300, well, actually there is the composition of the bc and everything, well, if it is confirmed, then it looks quite good, also this whole story, isn’t it, because also in principle lately, all the tsrk have been working not as a defense, but rather as an attempt, well, an offensive weapon, when they shell our own
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territory with them, it is also, of course, very good that several launchers have been demonstrated, but i must ... emphasize that it is necessary to be sober they produced more than 560 s-400 launchers. s-300 is more than 400. this is still quite a lot. and they have from 5 to 700 missiles of this class in reserve for the beginning of the war. of course, somewhere within the limits, i think they have already used 150,000. but there is more rather large ammunition. here, success is actually more strategic. what does it consist of? russia dropped from the second position for the first time in the past year. as an arms dealer in the world, by the way, this is the first time since the 60s, this is very serious, they sold weapons to more than 35 countries, according to the results of last year, barely 15, and here, and this is really, just thanks because we are primarily implementing their air defense system. big buyers: brazil, malaysia,
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indonesia, india, egypt are already very serious think whether it makes sense to continue to extend the contracts with the russians, that's right. on the s-400 world markets, one division is from eight to 12 machines with all attached machines, because there are still many attached machines chartered billion, billion 200 million dollars for one division, this is a serious blow, very serious, we remember, until they have a freely convertible currency, as long as they have one at all, the more this flow of that currency is cut off, the better, because really, their economy is being systematically undermined. well, apart from that showed that if they had these ic-300s and s-400s , they would have to protect at least this airfield, but it turned out the other way around, that is, they themselves suffered, that's right. specifically, just specifically in this case, it was more about the repair of these complexes, because there is a poor repair system, this type of
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rentdrome usually covers the 9k-37 beech, usually covers the tor m2 and usually covers the panzer c1 or even an old wasp with the radii of hitting flying objects from 10 to 40 km, if these micompros are followed, the beech can be up to 67. really precisely this part of the weapon has been revised, and this is again very, very good, because it undermines their image as a manufacturer of reliable self-sufficient weapons, tell me, are there any conclusions already from those strikes on airfields, which our various forces tried to do in principle and sbu and gur in different ways, whether or not it is possible. to say about the damaged planes or about the fact that somehow it was possible to change the way the russians acted as a result, because it was a whole series of strikes, even there was such a series,
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when in one day there were three of these airfields, which by the way, how do you assess it, it’s been a couple of weeks already, you can already say something, well, there is a certain step forward, but it’s not yet the massiveness that we need, we need, we need bombing for... the beginning of the second world war when over germany in two years more than 1, million tons, i emphasize a million tons of bombs of different caliber in two years, more than 800 thousand aircraft in currencies were made, well, we understand that the ratio of forces and means were not those that were in world war ii, but if such factories burned every day, i emphasize, every day, once or twice, for a month, so every day something flew, then there would definitely be... some more systematic success. currently, we are on that path and will follow the exponent, time will tell what high tonality this exponent will reach. well, probably, for this we need not
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only drones, but also what you said, planes that would hit, maybe some more, i don’t know, there with missile weapons, it is possible, it would be more really faster, more more effective, well, one can only assume that, and that's it... probably the last thing i want is you to ask, it is clear that now our troops, who are literally restraining these offensive impulses of the russians, are gaining time, but if we talk about this time, how much of this time can be won, how much, for what can it be won, that is, well how would you estimate this reserve of how much we can... wait and when we need to wait for some such cardinal reinforcement, i formulated it so very very so maybe so carefully
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, but cardinal reinforcement is needed for yesterday, without high-quality weapons, this war is not it will be won, we do not have such a number of personnel and we cannot afford the zhukivshchyna practiced by the russians, let's give it honestly and objectively, not a donation of 140 million or? they say four black-mouthed bitches, simonian, how is it that russian civilization is fighting with a nation of 35 million people, but we have four less, well, it is very serious, it is very serious, it is a struggle of quality and quantity, in terms of quality, we are quite enough we give good advice, in fact absolutely all types of western weapons, starting from ordinary mg-42 machine guns and the most massive jet grenade launcher from carl gustav or pro... javelin tank missile systems, ending with brilliant artillery installations caesar, trf1, fh77, pan and the like, everything is really better, much
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better, but no one canceled the quantity. the russians use the obvious tactics of large infantry waves. we will recall that the brodovsky cauldron of the second world war carefully studied this topic. the germans had enough ammunition, cartridges, and machine guns, but they did not have enough machine gun belts physically. we recharge, so was the colossal the human shaft, of course, this shaft is smaller now, well, but the scale of that war and this war are also disproportionate to each other, weapons, weapons and once more weapons, this is what is now fundamentally valuable and necessary. well, yes, one to 10 shells is not the wrong volume that allows you to really, well, somehow fight with weapons. thank you very much, petro chernyk, we have to go for... now for a break, i remind you, join our gathering at the fividla of the 93rd brigade of the kholodnaya yar of the 72nd brigade of the black zaporozhets, you have already helped us to
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gather half of it, i want still collect another half from what we dream of, and now there is a pause, after that we will talk with the representative of the khortyts landslides, in more detail about chasiv yar and what is around it. usual affairs become unreal. heavy bags are not for my sore back, for back pain, try dolgit cream. long-acting cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. with the cream dolgit, whatever you want, i will lift. dolgit - the only yellow cream for joint and back pain. turn on well - it's when everything is as you want. click and now you control the game. the bird and you are in a tv show. oh, what is needed. mgoogle. turn on hundreds
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