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tv   [untitled]    April 17, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm EEST

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together. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. abroad, hundreds of ukrainian men are standing in queues at passport centers to renew their documents, probably due to the law on mobilization, which comes into force in a month. in the meantime, discussions about american aid to ukraine continue in the congress. the issue may be resolved in the coming days, or it may drag on for weeks. in that case, what is plan b. we are talking about this today, but we are starting with chernihiv. as a result of the russian missile attack in city dozens of wounded and dead, this is
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svoboda live, my name is vlasta lazur, and we are starting. the air alarm sounded in chernihiv today at 8:49 am. in a few minutes, people heard explosions. russia attacked chernihiv with three iskander missiles, dozens were injured, the death toll continues to rise. a day of mourning has been declared in the city tomorrow. andrii titok, a correspondent of radio svoboda, is joining us from chernihiv, he is directly on the spot, andrii, hello, congratulations, sir, yes, i am there, i am first, let me first, the most important thing i will clarify, because as of 5 o'clock in the evening, i saw the number of 17 dead. tell me, please, what is known as of now? that's right, as of now we know 17 dead, 60 injured, these are the people who were injured and are in hospitals now.
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debris clearance is underway here on the spot, rescuers are trying to somehow clear, clear the destroyed floors and search further under the rubble for people, little by little life is being restored here, the streets are being cleaned, the entire space around which was littered with the remains of rockets is being cleaned, and here... i i stopped hearing andrii, andrii, can you or can you hear me, yes, i see the video, i understand, we have something to do with the connection, andrii is directly in chernihiv, maybe he will join us today, i hope, and we will hear all the details, tomorrow, let me remind you, a day of mourning has been announced in the city, and i will fix it at 5:00 p.m., it was known about 17 dead people, and as far as i understand, they are still investigating. rubble and it is possible that people,
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some part of people may be under these rubbles, we will monitor the situation in chernihiv, how will the events develop there, i also know that andriy joined, our colleagues say to me, yes, andriy, it’s fine, we hear you, please can you continue, yes, well, the last information available is 17 dead , 60 wounded, and as you can see, behind me, this is a fairly densely populated area, nigova, that is, there are many here, there are a significant number of high-rise buildings, and in general , quite a lot of people live here, there is a hospital behind me, a hospital and also literally near here 100 m from the arrival here the university, how it all happened, announced an air alert in chernihiv, and after some time, about 10 minutes there at 9 o'clock... there were three explosions one after
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the other, these three explosions happened and they were even visually audible, as they say, they were at about the same point where the russian iskanders hit, three russian iskanders, it was previously established that these were iskander missiles, at least that's what the head of chernihiv ova vyacheslav chaus said, they hit a hotel that had not been working for several years and... in fact, there was very little left of this eight-story, seven-eight-story building, and the ceilings were falling, and actually now the rescuers and utility workers are working to clear the rubble and look for injured people, to look for people who may be under the rubble, regarding damage to other infrastructure , it is known about 24 damaged houses, this is mainly...
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the windows of the houses were blown out, also 252 apartments, they were also damaged, well, you see, special equipment is driving here now. and people are provided with the necessary help, that is, it keeps going accepting applications for people to receive building materials to rebuild their homes. i was at the scene of the incident, literally immediately after the flight, there were many dead people, i saw many dead people, these people were on the street, they were just dead on the street, they were dead in cars. a lot of injured people, that is, these are people, if i understand correctly, the building was not working, and the people who died are those who were there, well, by chance for some reason happened to be nearby, or walked by, or drove by, yes, including such civilians were the victims
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that is, i saw men who, at the time of the explosion, were in a car and they actually died in that car, since they were in the car, there were people who were just lying on... the street on the sides of the roads, and there were people who , and they were taken from other places, i understood, but look, there was information that the rubble was being dismantled, i do not know if it is true that the rubble was being dismantled, and there could allegedly be people under the rubble, do i understand correctly that we are we can rule out that there are unlikely to be people under the rubble, there may be people under the rubble and the rescuers are actually for this, they disassemble all the ceilings to find, maybe there were people there, maybe there were people there. you are right, and i understand that you have prepared the material that we can now look at, in fact further in the story, this is literally the first hour and a half from the moment of the missile strike, eyewitness accounts, comments from officials, in fact everything that i
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saw at the scene immediately after the missile strike, let's see. the wife was brushing her teeth, then the windows were blown out, then she got up, quickly went down to the basement, ugh, well, the dream has passed, the dream has passed, it's scary, well, very powerful, very powerful, it feels like you've flown right into the house, ugh. very, how many explosions there were, three explosions, one i got up quickly, the dog started running towards us, i don't know where to hide, then the second explosion, the third explosion that i picked up the dog and went down from the ninth floor, together with the dog even i didn't
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feel it, although the dog weighs 30 kg, and it has never run so fast, never so fast, it's very scary. light and gas, we will decide by the end of the day, in the afternoon. when include for so that fewer people need to be resettled, a place has been determined where to resettle people whose housing will be damaged, so that it will not be possible to spend the night there, they are working, there is a stock of osb film in order to quickly provide people with the opportunity to spend the night in their apartments, even now a hot
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meal will be organized for services that are involved in liquidation of the consequences, as well as for victims, families with children, we are ready to accommodate them in a hotel, in principle. we are working to ensure that people sleep in normal , comfortable conditions at night, if this is not possible to do at their home. we are only fixing it so that it does not fall on people who work, and now to another topic, the law on improving certain issues of mobilization, military registration and passing military service, popularly it is simply called the law on mobilization of the future on may 18. currently, the text of the document has appeared on the pages of the official edition of the verkhovna rada , voice of ukraine, so it will enter into force in a month. the day before, let me remind you, the law was signed by the president. here it should be noted that in yesterday's evening address
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the president did not say a word about it. the opposition often accuses the head of state that he has distanced himself from this document and does not communicate it with society. the main task of the law, let me remind you, was declared to be strengthening. tion processes, however, among military experts and even among the deputies who voted for the document, there is no unequivocal opinion about whether this law is able to cope with the task as a result, they say in... when it was adopted on april 11, a radio liberty interlocutor said. and the next day, according to eyewitnesses, update about half a thousand applicants came to submit documents. the queue did not end even at the beginning of the week, and some people took their place at night. 52-year-old mykola excused himself from work and came from another city, 150 km from prague. on saturday, mykola says, 400 coupons were issued here, but they didn't let him through, so he came a second time. because it's here. passport or embassy, ​​the embassy is now the only place where you can apply for a new one through the tsc according to the new law, but i
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will not go to ukraine to the tsc, then first of all they will not let me out of there, i have a long stay here, i am here i live, officially, i pay taxes, everything is as it should be, but now there is such a problem. the law stipulates that ukrainians abroad will not be able to obtain consular services or issue a passport without military authorization. medical documents, so people are trying to catch up before it becomes valid. do you think that these queues are related to the new law on mobilization or not? maybe yes, maybe not, i can't comment on that, but i think that in most cases yes, people came here. most of the interviewed men are not ready to speak on camera, they say they have come to update the documents as planned, or just in case, the mobilization law is also reluctant to respond. do you think that this agitation is connected with the law on mobilization or not? and you came here because of this
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law? no, i still have my passport for a long time, i just want to make another one, so i'm just a passport running out. because of this, there was also a stir in warsaw. an hour before the opening of the passport service , about 300 men gathered, some came from as far as lithuania or latvia, those who left the occupation through russia. the news about the fact that from april 15 it will be impossible to get the service on a first-come, first-served basis. however , the possibility of online registration quickly became unavailable, complain in the queue in prague. they were called from kyiv, they were called from there, they were called from there. this is not the case in the free world and will not be in the free world. you understand, we will advertise everywhere, wherever possible, and this will not
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continue, 45-year-old andriy told rfe/rl that he has been living in the czech republic for 20 years, and he has been in line for 3 hours. we perfectly understand, everyone understands what they want to say and why, but we do not understand way, we will not see the way forward, you understand, this is the way to... absolutely nowhere, they want international scandals, they want this, that will be all, this is all waiting for them, you understand, but it is so easy, so easy to wipe their feet on us, for what , it won't happen, in the meantime , posts about so-called intermediaries who sell coupons in an electronic queue began to appear on the network, the state migration service called to beware of the services of fraudsters, radio liberty sent a document to... the state-owned enterprise about the situation in service centers, however, no response at the time of publication
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received, if i don't do it, i will come here again, and then let god's will be done, as it will be, as it will be, there is no point in going here to stand there, i have been standing here since 5 o'clock in the morning, well, now we will discuss all this, by fedir venislavskyi, people's deputy, servant of the people and representative of the committee on national security has already joined the broadcast. defense and intelligence. good evening. i congratulate you. mr. vanislavsky, how was it for you to watch these queues of men abroad, did you expect that the law you passed would cause such effect? well, by and large, this is the result of citizens not reading carefully the law that we passed or the project that we passed, on the one hand, on the other hand, what we talked about with you last year, unfortunately , information policy does not always help to prevent this from happening, because... there
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will definitely be no negative consequences for citizens of ukraine who want to update their data, documents, passports, or obtain consular services, from updating personal data to obtain consular services, it is only a means to so that we understand which of the citizens of ukraine who are conscripted, stay, temporarily reside, or permanently reside abroad, so that we do not send them, well, the tsc did not send them summonses, no... that's it for now and resources, but even the very fact that people are now going to territorial and consular institutions, i apologize, and trying to renew their documents, this also helps us, as a state, to understand how many citizens of ukraine are abroad, so that i am convinced that this queue that you are now demonstrating is probably, well not all of them, to put it mildly, i don't want to make estimates, but certainly not all of them are on the consular register, like citizens living abroad, so the very fact that they will appear at consular
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institutions is already easy for the state's understanding of the categories of persons and specifically persons, because if a person... issues new documents or receives some other services, then he at least identifies himself as a person who is in one or another country, so this is the same result that, well, i probably shouldn't have expected such queues, but just right in order for us to identify all those who are abroad and not to send them summonses in ukraine, including the corresponding decision was made. don't you see, look, in a month the law will come into force, and we don't know if there will be queues like this, or if people will not be willing to go to them anymore. passport centers abroad, don't you see the risks that these people will eventually renounce ukrainian citizenship en masse, precisely because in order to update their passport data, they will have to obtain these military registration documents, and they won't want to do that. look, for this, once again, it is necessary to explain to the citizens that receiving a military registration document does not in any way, does not in any way
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mean that these citizens will be mobilized tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, because... there is no mechanism that would force the citizens of ukraine to return , if they do not want it abroad, if they legally crossed the state border, if there are no criminal proceedings against them in ukraine, in principle it is quite difficult, and if it is illegal, even, well, if it is illegal, it is either administrative an offense or a criminal act, and here the norms of international law come into force, and our law enforcement agencies, which have the right to declare extradition, can apply so that citizens, if criminal proceedings are registered against them, will be... . the relevant documents are submitted for international as part of international legal cooperation and such citizens can hypothetically be returned, but as a lawyer i can say that this is a very long procedure, and i think that it is unlikely to lead to some mass result of the return of citizens to ukraine, but answering your question whether this will lead to the termination
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of citizenship, this is one of the arguments that we discussed at the committee during the meeting, and... i emphasize once again that updating personal data does not mean , that citizens are forced, will be forced to return to ukraine, they can, including at consular institutions , get a military registration document if they do not have it, and the ministry of defense together with the ministry of foreign affairs right now develop appropriate mechanisms, and the state will understand what number and how many citizens of ukraine who are conscripts are or live abroad. then, as a lawyer, answer my questions. your colleagues, lawyers say that this is a restriction on receiving consular services, yes, but in fact it will be a restriction without military registration documents, they will no longer be able to receive any consular services in a month, what is this restriction, it is illegal and unconstitutional and that it between contradicts international norms of international law, ba rather, your colleagues told me that the main legal
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department of the verkhovna rada also gave a corresponding opinion that this is not constitutional and illegal, but you still left this rule, or you? do you agree that this rule is unconstitutional and illegal? well, first of all, i don't agree that it's unconstitutional because we didn't provide for consular services. we have provided that if a person who is abroad needs consular services, they can receive them at the same time as the renewal personal data in military registration documents, i.e. a person came for consular service, the consular institution helped her update her personal data, she received consular service, no one refuses to receive consular... services, i.e. if a person updated his military registration documents abroad, it already means to her, first of all, the summons will not come, yes, that's right, i understand, you will already know that she is abroad, has a mechanism for serving a summons, abroad, because it is served by representatives of the sp, and by they border, let's say, their jurisdiction does not extend. okay, then one more question,
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again, your colleagues, admittedly from the opposition factions and parties, they speak. that as a result of this, ukraine may receive a bunch of lawsuits from the european court of human rights, and ukraine will be forced to pay compensation to those people whom it will restrict from consular services. and as soon as this man whom we showed, one of them, said that it would be a big international scandal, he was there threatening. do you, as a lawyer, tell me please, can the adopted law contribute to the mass appeal of ukrainians abroad to the european court of human rights? no, the simple short answer is no, because... in order for a citizen of ukraine to apply to the european court of human rights, he must use all national remedies to protect his rights if he believes that his rights have been violated, or are being violated, created , or obstacles are created in the realization of his constitutional rights. liberties, he must apply to the court of first instance, then to appeal, if his decision was not satisfied in the appeal procedure, and only after the decision entered into legal force, gained legal force, he has the right to appeal to
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the european court of human rights, and the practice of the european court shows that the courts, the european the court refuses if a person has not used these national means of protection of the violated right, so i am not worried and i am not afraid that there will be any mass appeals to the european court from the point of view of the procedure, but from the point of view of the essence of the violation. rights, i do not see what right is violated, no one, i emphasize once again, refuses to provide consular services, we have specifically written in the law in such a way that consular services are provided simultaneously with the updating of passports, we can just assume now that men will not want to update these military registration documents, and accordingly, if they do not have these documents updated, they will no longer be able to receive consular services, that's right, well , look, if a person needs consular services. looks like it is, first, we we are talking about the fact that consular services, there is a list of those consular services that are provided regardless of whether a person has updated or not, yes, these are vital,
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let's say, necessary situations, and in another way, on the other hand, i i think that when citizens understand that the fact of being abroad and the need to update personal data are in no way related to receiving a summons and the need to return to ukraine, they will calmly update all their passports. personal data in military registration documents and will continue to do so to live abroad, as they did until today, well, there are some who say that they are not going to return to ukraine now, so the question is debatable here, whether they will return, tell me whether the adopted law will be able to contribute to the fact that all conscripts will be registered, everyone, including those who are abroad and those who are in ukraine, because in fact there is little danger to them, well, except for restrictions on driving a car, but who... is not, then there are no restrictions at all will be, i understand correctly, you understand not quite correctly, because right now the law enforcement committee is considering in the second
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reading, preparing for the second reading a bill on strengthening administrative responsibility for non-fulfillment of duties related to military registration, fines will be significantly increased, on the one hand, on the other hand, this is the goal, the main goal, one of the main among the main goals and objectives of this law, which we adopted and yesterday the president... signed, is precisely the fact that every male citizen of ukraine aged 18 to 60 must update his personal military records, personal military records, including those who have the right to postpone the draft, those who are reserved, regardless of status, place of work, service and so on, that is, people's deputies, all men must update their personal data, ministers, heads of central bodies and so on, everyone should update their personal data just in order for us to finally... form a clear and completely understandable army, a single register of those who have the opportunity, are capable and can or cannot defend the motherland, well, if they don't
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update, so that the maximum that awaits them is this fines, if they are not updated, then a fine, yes, a fine, but the fine will be significant, i think that this is already an issue of the law enforcement committee, they will work out some other mechanisms to increase responsibility for failure to fulfill this constitutional duty by and large yakuza to protect the homeland, we will see what further mechanisms will be involved, and when we talk about the restriction of the right to drive, it comes only for non-fulfillment of the requirement of the tsc about the need to update one's personal military registration data, in in principle, i said at the beginning that such a task of this law, the law on mobilization , was to strengthen the mobilization itself, so what do you think, will this law cope with these tasks? it is possible to talk about the strengthening of mobilization quite conditionally, because, as i have already said, a lot of resources, human and technical, and material time are used in order to make,
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write out, travel, and deliver summonses to the places of residence of citizens of ukraine, who are there in principle do not live, this applies not only to citizens living abroad, but also internally displaced persons, because a lot of internally displaced persons are not on the military register at the addresses where they are registered, because it is temporary... when we get the overall picture of who the state can count on, the toks will not run after ten those people who are not on the spot, but there will be specifically ten of those who can receive and fulfill their military military duty, that's why i am convinced. that this law will definitely improve the mobilization procedure, it closes on the one hand disputes for those who used legal mechanisms before the entry into force of this law.
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deferments from the draft there in connection with the acquisition of the third and fourth education had the right to defer those who registered a couple of persons for one disabled person, guardianship or guardianship there, these citizens will no longer be able to use such deferments, therefore this law will undoubtedly allow for more effective implementation of the tsk sp its functions regarding mobilization tasks. and here i will voice the thesis that i wrote in my column, pavlo kazarin, he is a well-known ukrainian journalist and military serviceman since february 24. on the 22nd, i apologize, and he said, well, he was thinking about the topic of demobilization and the absence, and the lack of clear terms of service, and let me remind you, this law does not provide for clear terms of service for the military and active in the future, so pavlo says that in order to bring back home those who at the beginning of the war stood in queues for military officers, it is necessary to have a similar queue for military officers today, and the current version of the law does not guarantee this in any way, don't you
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agree? well, the fact is that besides of this law on mobilization preparation and mobilization, we are also considering in the committee a whole series of legislative acts related to the stimulation, with the encouragement, just for military service, on the one hand, on the other hand, even in this law we have foreseen a whole series of such moments , which allow citizens of ukraine to be more effectively or more actively involved in military service, that's why i don't fully agree with mr. pavl, i think that this law, it... will significantly, to a large extent, improve the issue with mobilization with voluntary involvement in military service. another thing is that the russian offensive is already being planned for may, june, and many servicemen and military experts have serious doubts that you passed this law in time, and also doubts that it will help anything. don't you think it's a little late? no, of course, it's a little politicized, you and i talked about it
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a couple of months ago. the process of adopting this law, many political forces hyped this law and now i will continue, continue hype, in order to demonstrate that they want more liberal rules, broader criteria for postponement of the draft, the possibility of releasing from military service those servicemen who have been fighting for a long time, and on the other hand, you know, it is in dissonance with that information , which you have just announced, that indeed the russian federation has not given up its plans to completely occupy the territories. of ukraine and she will do it against this background, make a decision about dismissal from military service, probably not is quite correct, then we will wait for the algorithm that the cabinet of ministers of ukraine will work out in this matter, and then we will consider it in parliament. yes, you also mentioned about who hypes and who doesn’t hype, and about communication, look, volodymyr zelenskyi signed this law the day before, i noticed that, for example, even in yesterday’s evening address, he
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did not communicate this moment at all with ... by society, although the president actually has a tradition of telling society what laws he passed, for example, he once reported that he signed the law on national minorities, or that he signed the law on the selection of judges of the constitutional court, the president has a tradition of communication, adopted and signed laws, why did he once again keep silent about the law on mobilization, this is the law of the year in general, the most important, perhaps , which was adopted this year, why does the president continue to be silent, well, first of all, i am not now... a representative of the president, so i cannot answer why, the president, you, until recently, were the president's representative in the verkhovna rada, and before that representative the president in the constitutional court, but i want to remind you that the president has spoken many and many times about this draft law in his public speeches, so i do not see any problems with the fact that he did not report or did not speak about the signing of this law in your public appeals to the citizens of ukraine, and as for those...


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