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tv   [untitled]    April 18, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EEST

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on the confiscation of russian assets and their transfer to ukraine, also on the banning of tiktok in the united states of america, also another part, according to the american media, will be border issues, in addition, they say that it will be possible to make amendments as well, so it should be expected that the vote , the voting process will be long enough, if even in the ideal version it will be put to a vote on saturday and this vote will take a long time, then there is a high probability that... this whole package will simply not pass. in in that case, lawmakers i spoke with say they expect republicans and other democrats who haven't signed a petition to bypass the speaker will do so, and that would be a second plan b to deal with the issue. katya, in this critical period, the mothers of the fallen american volunteers who fought for ukraine also arrived in washington, you know, you saw them, what message did they now address to the american legislators? in general , they ask that... now those who are fighting in
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ukraine, do not die from lack of help, from lack of ammunition and protection, i suggest listening to their statements. ukraine needs urgent help today, not only to have a chance to continue the fight, but to win this war and end it today. i am very proud of my son, his bravery and his decision to go and protect people he didn't even know. he understood very well the consequences of inaction against russia. to the dire situation in which the world now finds itself. we have spoken to congressmen now that any excuse for delaying this relief is simply appalling. on behalf of the organization, moms take action and on behalf of the american ideals we instill in our sons. we once again ask the congress. let's make sure that lack of equipment and other resources are no longer the main cause of death.
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those fighting in this unwanted war. giving aid to ukraine right now will be the same heroic act that my son did when he gave his american protective gear to his brother on the battlefield. indeed, the words of the mothers of the dead american volunteers are important. katy, thank you for yours work, kateryna lisunova was in touch with us from the congress. meanwhile, the american-ukrainian partnership forum is ongoing in washington. he gathered business leaders. government officials and other thought leaders to explore how to help ukraine rebuild and attract more private sector investment. let's talk more with yulia yarmolenko, who currently worked at the event. julia, i congratulate you. greetings ostap. julia, we will return to this topic later, but first of all, i know that we saw just recently the reaction of the white house to the house bill representatives, about whom we have already talked. share the details. ostap, literally an hour ago, the president of the united states, joe biden, issued a statement in which he said that he is very supportive of the ... aggressive
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legislative package that includes aid to both israel and ukraine. he said, in particular, that ukraine has been experiencing more and more bombings from russia in the last month, so help is critical. president biden urged the house of representatives to pass the bill without delay this week, after that the senate do the same. president biden said as soon as this bill comes to him for his signature, he will sign it immediately to, as president biden said, ...send a message to the world that we stand with our friends and we will not allow iran and russia to succeed. thank you for the important news, yulia, let's return to the topic of the american-ukrainian partnership forum, we know that this is the second such forum taking place in washington. as for this partnership, yuli is now affected by the inability of congress to approve critical aid for kyiv? ostapa is very influential and we know that high-ranking ukrainian officials, in particular the prime minister of ukraine denys, take part in this forum. as well as high-ranking officials
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of the united states. there was a minister of trade, there was also the head of the american chamber of commerce, a special representative for ukrainian reconstruction, peni pritzker. and all of them, during their speeches from the rostrum, all of them expressed disappointment that congress is delaying aid to ukraine for so long. they all said: "we need to finish, start." the united states said it would stand by ukraine, before victory, must complete this matter. and key. there is american aid in this, the continuation of american aid, both military and economic. let's hear what ms. pritzker had to say today. we are all well aware of the lack of ammunition, the loss of territory, the need to mobilize more ukrainian youth for the fight. and so, with uncertainty about us aid, all this shook ukraine's morale. but today, 784 days
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after russia's full-scale invasion, the house of representatives begins a belated debate on how to provide the vital security, economic and humanitarian support it needs. and which ukraine deserves. congressional leaders must fulfill the commitments they themselves made to ukrainians, to our allies, and most importantly to the american people. congressional action on additional funding is critical. this should be an easy fix. ostapa and we all know what mrs. pritzkil means by an easy solution, because we know that most of this additional funding goes to the purchase of new equipment to... to replenish the united states' own stockpiles, from which military aid is provided to ukraine, so penny pritzker said again, she does not understand why there is a delay, if it is directly beneficial to the united states, but also the victory of ukraine in general is beneficial to all to the democratic world, what did she say?
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undoubtedly, such questions arise not only in panipritzker, in many yura as well, we are talking not only about military support, but also about economic and humanitarian aid, for which there is also currently no money in... to the united states, you know, had the opportunity to talk with representatives of the state department today, how this lack of funds affects the ability to implement programs to support ukraine in other directions, economic, humanitarian, maybe others too. ostape is definitely making an impact, today i had the opportunity to speak with the deputy secretary of state of the united states, jose fernandez, he is in charge of economic development, also energy, and he told me that in fact the work does not stop, and in particular the state department working. with ukraine on the restoration of the damaged energy system, which was damaged definitely due to russian attacks. he said the state department is working with partners like japan, the european union to find the parts that can help actually rebuild that power grid, and other work is ongoing, he said, but
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he also expressed hope that eventually congress will approve this additional funding. let's listen. we continue to support ukraine in many ways. i tell people we are going to sleep with thinking about ukraine, we wake up thinking about ukraine, and in between we try to help ukraine. we certainly provided economic and military aid. now we are working on bringing american business to ukraine. there are opportunities there, both for our companies and for our banks. special representative penny pritzker is working on insurance options to try. reduce risk for american companies. there are many things we are working on, and at the same time we are very hopeful that congress will pass the bill. yuli, in short, what a role can private business play now when there are doubts at the state level about the reliability of american support?
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ostapa has a big role, but as the speakers said today, it should all happen in a complex, there should be state support from ukraine's partners, donor support and support from private business. but private business needs again some guarantees, which can be provided by the american legislators and the american executive, but they also want some reformation, and it can be on its part, ukraine can do, but as the deputy secretary of state told me, ukraine is already doing its part of the work, and yet now we want a little more, so that the congress will complete its work. thank you for this information, yulia yarmolenko was in touch with us from the white house. from their own. meanwhile , united states treasury secretary janet yellen is holding a series of meetings this week to discuss ways to use frozen russian assets to benefit ukraine. it happens at a time like before washington the heads of financial departments of a dozen countries gathered to discuss challenges for the world economy.
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a delegation from ukraine is also present at the meetings. let's talk about this in more detail with our journalist oksana bedratenko. oksana, i congratulate you. oksana, how are world financiers currently disposed to help ukraine? what do they say about it? indeed, the mood at this spring meeting of the imf and the world bank is different from what it was just six months ago at the corresponding meeting in the fall. at that time, as we remember, ukraine had a large program from the imf, as well as allies, provided ukraine with more than $40 billion in economic aid last year. now, it seems, the main task of the ukrainian delegation is to ensure... unrelenting attention to help ukraine among allies, despite other world crises, despite domestic political problems. for budgetary and defense support , help from the congress is urgently needed, the head of the national bank andriy
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pyshnyi told me about this in an interview, and the minister of finance janet yelen pointed out that the alternatives are actually a step away from there is no congress. let me emphasize, we are absolutely committed to supporting ukraine against the brutal russian invasion, there is no substitute. is acting in congress to provide both military and direct budget support to ukraine, and i am very hopeful for progress in congress. it cannot be replaced. however, i fear that russia is beginning to see signs that the us and its allies are getting tired, and it is becoming increasingly difficult for them to find ways to support ukraine. and this gives them hope that they can wait us out, wait for our determination to crumble. and ukraine needs more support, a constant stream of support, and so we're focused on releasing the economic. value and create a flow of resources from russian state assets and from those 285 billion dollars that are immobilized.
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oksano certainly talks a lot about the possibility of using frozen russian assets for the benefit of ukraine. are we now seeing some new impetus in these conversations and perhaps some vision for future action? so, observers emphasize that now the us has intensified the discussion of the possible. use of russian frozen assets in favor of ukraine, and there are several options being proposed and discussed, from confiscation of assets to using these assets as collateral in order to raise the debt and ensure a constant flow of income for ukraine. this is being discussed in a series of bilateral meetings, for example us treasury secretary janet hellen will be talking about it with uk treasury secretary jeremy hunt here in washington. right now there is a round table where representatives of the group of seven are discussing the messages
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possible options for using these frozen assets, according to such optimistic forecasts voiced by officials, a certain decision can be expected already in june at the summit of the countries of the group of seven, about the expectations of the ukrainian delegation from this washington one. in an interview , the head of the national bank of ukraine , andrii pishnyi, told me about the early world financiers and what options for dealing with russian confiscated and immobilized russian assets are acceptable for ukraine. the war has been going on for over two years years, and unfortunately we really have to fight for attention. we feel it, we see it, to some extent it is a natural process, but it is a challenge. which forces us to be even more proactive, to articulate even more clearly the
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damage, the horror that the full-scale russian invasion of ukraine brings with it, so this problem is really felt, we see it, in marrakesh, the world bank and the international monetary fund made a good statement that ukraine's victory would be the best positive scenario for... stability and the global economy, and it is, but now it it is necessary to materialize in the understanding of the risks that this war entails, and to motivate to action, this action should not involve a reduction in the amount of support. the mission of the ukrainian delegation, precisely during these spring meetings, is precisely to return the ukrainian discussion as much as possible. nematics, this is such a historic, you know, unique moment when ukraine in
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these negotiations can say that we have fulfilled our part of the obligations, implement the assurances you gave us. you said about immovable assets, it sounds different options from confiscation to using the assets as collateral, which is the most... likely path. each of the options requires at least two basic answers. the first is political, the second is legal. in my deep conviction, it is precisely in this sequence, through this discussion at the gsm level, from the point of view of which of the options will be a priority, or perhaps a cascade of decisions that will gradually open ukraine's access. that's what 's needed in order to... then the law schools that today define the obvious that is
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the opportunity to find a legal justification, to structure this decision in such a way that it complies with international rules and does not undermine them in any way, but for this we need political will, we see that this dialogue continues today, and we see that this dialogue is quite intense. i can say in the course of the meetings that took place in these two days that each meeting in one way or another touched on this issue. either on our initiative or on the initiative of our partners, and this means that the answer will soon be found, at least we are interested in it, and this is one of the key issues of the ukrainian delegation during this visit. do you expect any decisions already this week or in
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june, at the g7 summit? i expect these decisions every day, this is, you know, our... a small dream worth 300 billion, which is very important for ukraine, because, first of all, it will be evidence that the democratic world, in addition to statements, actions, discussion, search for options, moved to the active phase of implementation, secondly, will it comply with the principles of justice, is there a threat to macro-stability, if congress continues to delay the approval of this aid? risk: as i said, we are critically dependent on a sufficient amount of military and financial assistance, the program that exists with the european union, the program that exists with the world bank, the financial assistance that individual countries give us, norway, japan,
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canada, that's all very important things i would like to take the opportunity to say thanks. to our partners for this, it is very valuable, especially now, but really, in the event that the flow of international military aid is not restored, precisely from the key partner of the united states, and we are counting on it, the risks are increasing significantly, and in view of this, the negative effects on expectations, inflation, exchange rate and... macro-financial stability are also increasing, there are also positive risks, the so-called, well, in particular, the solution of the issue of ukraine's access to immobilized and mobilized assets, if it is resolved, in the near future, it will create an additional financial flow and resource, which again will open up additional
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opportunities for us to carry out currency liberalization, to give more. oxygen, freedom for the movement of capital, and thus make the economic situation as stable as possible, and the recovery processes more rapid. it was an interview of oksana bedrotenko with the head of the ukrainian national bank andriy pyshny, see it also on the voice of america web platforms. and at the end, the story about how americans were able to feel. ukrainian war through virtual reality, they had such an opportunity at the work closeup exhibition in los angeles. khrystyna shevchenko watched the visitors' reactions. there is an exhibition at the chinese theater in hollywood wor up close. virtual technology transports people from california to war-torn ukraine. the video they see in the glasses is a
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360-degree view of borodyanka gostomel's kyiv irpinna. but here are not only pictures of destruction, but also pictures. what did these cities look like before the invasion? sad, angry why just photos can tell very little, but here it looks more real. some viewers are at a loss for words after seeing the brutality of the russian invaders. oh god, what scoundrels. video in virtual reality makes a strong impression on viewers, before and after, as an american, you don't really see it, meaning i didn't know what ukraine looked like before, seeing the before and after gives more perspective, the damage and loss of life, the families that were affected, it's hard. actually, a lot of different feelings, it's
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very sad, but it also makes me very angry. i am very angry that russia has caused so much damage and destruction to such a beautiful country as ukraine. we're up close is a project that uses 360 panoramic photos, drone videos and 3d models. project initiator mykola omelchenko shot many locations personally. many russians began to say that people who take pictures and prove that they bombed civilian locations, schools, military bases, but simply chose a good angle, are not so bad, well, not with 360. you choose where to watch, how to watch and when to watch. the project traveled through many us states and european countries, as well as australia. most people, mykola says, react very emotionally to what they see. 30% of people who take off their glasses have wet eyes, but they may not cry with them, wet things, 30% fundamentally change their opinion about what is really happening in
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ukraine. however, the most difficult task was to encourage people to come to the exhibition, say the organizers of the event in los angeles foundation. the museum is dedicated to the war in ukraine, virtual reality is free. volunteer and activist mira ruben is trying to... invite tourists to see the exhibition for free on hollywood boulevard. it's very, very hard to get people interested. we even give free tv. tv, this, so that someone, if someone will go to look at virtual reality, absolutely, people walk away, turn away, it's very difficult, even for someone to listen to you. but the organizers and creators of the exhibition will not give up. series world close constantly. from los angeles khrystyna shevchenko, bohdan shevchenko for voice of america. download the voice of america mobile application. the application
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allows you to bypass blocking automatically thanks to the built-in vpn service. read news, watch informative programs and videos, and listen to podcasts of the ukrainian voice of america service. and we will be on that goodbye, also watch our daily briefings from monday to friday at exactly 18:00 kyiv time on youtube and facebook, where you can ask us your questions live. thank you for trusting the voice of america in ukrainian, good night and good morning. see you soon, see you soon.
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every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want understand how our today will affect the our tomorrow, see saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, strong together. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand.
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glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program. me my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today in the program. to protect the sky, ukrainian cities continue to suffer from terrorist attacks by russia, against which anti-aircraft fire. help from partners can be counted on. illegitimate putin. the council of europe is calling not to recognize the results of the presidential elections in russia. what will happen to the frozen.
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russian assets. chinese diplomacy. beijing seeks mediation between kyiv and moscow did scholz manage to convince sijin ping to abandon his support for putin? over the next hour, we will talk about this and other things with our guests, major general serhiy kryvonos, people's deputy of ukraine oleksiy honcharenko and political expert maksym rozumny. in the second part of our program, we will have political experts. volodymyr pesenko and viktor boberenko. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest watching a video of the consequences of the attack by the russian occupiers on chernihiv. this morning they hit the city ​​with three iskander missiles. unfortunately, 17 people were killed and at least 60 were injured as a result of the early morning attack by the russians on the city of chernihiv. let's see.
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okay, so what? i was going to work, i just hear a whistle like an airplane, i understand that it is not an airplane, i looked up at the sky, i certainly didn't see anything, but i heard only an explosion, one, two, well, that's all. the main thing is that people, it will all
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be rebuilt without god, the main thing is that they die, die, quietly, no one will return everything, people, breeds. eternal memory to the dead and death to the russian occupiers. friends, we we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live on these platforms, please take part in our survey, today we ask you this: do you consider the russian orthodox church a terrorist organization? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you watch us on tv,
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pick up your smartphone or phone. vote 0800 211 381 if you consider the russian orthodox church a terrorist organization, if you do not consider this church a terrorist organization 0800-211-382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote. i would like to introduce today's first guest, serhiy kryvonos, major general of the reserve, first deputy commander of the sso in 2016-19, deputy. secretary of the national national bank in 2019-20. mr. general, i welcome you, thank you for being with us today. good evening, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. mr. general, let's start our conversation with the attack of the ukrainian defense forces on the military airfield in dzhankoi on the night of april 17, in the temporarily occupied crimea, explosions rang out, destroyed
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in advance. according to three s-400 launchers and a radar, 22 occupiers went missing, a point for receiving and repairing military equipment was also hit, according to preliminary information, the blow was inflicted by two atakams tactical ballistic missiles. so, mr. general, what do these strikes mean? in ukraine, there is more opportunity to strike on the territory of the occupied crimea, or it is planned, so to speak. work on the destruction of the occupiers on the peninsula? we understand that each rocket, which we have now in our stockpile, in our arsenals, it is valuable enough and expensive enough, so to choose from the huge number of targets that we have, the number one task, so that it is the most effective use of these missiles, so that we do not forget the microscopes, so this is the plan


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