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tv   [untitled]    April 18, 2024 5:00am-5:29am EEST

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he was given the opportunity to print, to print this novel, which was later completely destroyed, and read it, i don't want to spoil who hasn't read it, but again, despite the fact that nykrasiv is a kyivan who writes with love about kyiv, this part of russian literature, and it should be treated that way, and today it is also dangerous, precisely because it is talentedly written, and that dolgakova is also, but again, i know that there will be a scream from the fans. it seems to me that he is generally a very overrated writer, he is the number one star only in the russian corner of the world literature, because those who hang around with the master and marguerite, the master marguerite, and, oh , forgive me, read elixirs of satan hoffman, read the angel of the west window by mairi, i think that we all read it very young, for example, when i read it in the second year master margariton's university, i was certainly impressed, as well as the white guard.
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but maybe it is worth re-reading it, but it is the way you re-read it, no, so that you, so that you understand, yes, that is, when you, i, when i re-read it, i re-watched it, i realized that it is not as strong as i then it seemed, that is, for a 20-year-old child, and a young person, it can be wow, and then you understand, it's like the steppe wolf of hermann hess, for 20 years you will be fascinated, and then the steppe wolf, the wolf must be read in the german original, this, otherwise, believe me. but bulgakov is a masterful writer, there is no question, but he is not a genius of mankind, and he is very overrated in our country, because he is not so well known in the west, but tell me, please, why does he trigger so much, why does he trigger so much , why such storms, now was the conclusion of the institute of national remembrance, yes regarding the inadmissibility of glorification, which screams started again, as you say, the bulgakov museum immediately reacted, immediately all the networks, this one this one. this document could
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have provoked, i read it before going on the air, it is written in a terrible language, such a cando on i.e. according to the message i agree, but how it is done and in the same place mostly the reaction, how it is done, but also the response of the museum you can find a lot of internal contradictions there, i say again, we are a democratic country despite the terrible war that which russia is leading... against us, and which russia is leading against us, and we cannot ban writers, the question is not whether we banned bulgakov or not, we will not come to private libraries and seize these books or burn them the books of russian writers on the squares, as they do with ukrainian literature, like real nazis, the question is not that, the question is that bulgakov, who is pushkin, this is an imperial marker, there cannot be monuments to these imperial writers on our streets, can't be... i would
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for example, the museum should be kept as a research center, or i would, for example, call it a museum of research, the study of russian chauvinism, for example, and bugakov is a chauvinist, a chauvinist, but not only him, i imagine what the reaction would be, of the management of this museum, maybe it would be terrible, but i am so radicalizing, you can find a formula, yes, and researchers should investigate, i even had such a metaphor once, what is russia? this is the plague barracks of history, but who should go into the plague barracks, well, into the chu, to treat, why it is necessary to treat, uh, doctors, risking health and life, in the same way , writers, philosophers, historians, social researchers, psychiatrists even have to enter the cultural, conditionally plague barracks of history, because i am sure that it is also mental perversion, if a person is arrogant and says that i am russian, well, today i am, well, okay, and there is more. crazy people, there are, there are
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maniacs, someone has kidney diseases, you need to see a doctor, yes, if this is a person with pride, if he says it with a sense of guilt, then, then, well, you can still do this to listen to a person, but i have not met such, so it is necessary to investigate, one cannot not investigate, the enemy must be known, but it should not be a subject on our land, and when we erect monuments, when we name houses, when we open or save. museums in honor of these people, then we simply mark the presence of the russian empire here, which is already killing us physically, look, we have three minutes left, i can't help but ask about another initiative, also written in a very interesting language, so there is a position, there is such an initiative a group that emerged, i understand in the bowels of the kyiv music academy, so we call the tchaikovsky conservatory, an initiative group was created. e, which
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says that it is necessary to return to ukrainian culture people who have ukrainian roots, despite the fact that they even created imperial culture. for example, they talk about chekhov, aivazovsky, kuindzhi and, i quote, a descendant of the cossack family chayok tchaikovsky. there 's a lot mixed up here, but it's just interesting to find out what you think about this initiative, because there are quite decent people who signed it, for example, ahtem seitablai, viktor yushchenko, as well as many other cultural figures, what do you think about this? well, first of all, we have to understand that if we treat questions of history like scientists, and this is a question of history, then the argument of ethnic origin is not scientific, it is some kind of primordialism, that ukrainianness is something that is given from birth, it's blood and soil, well, then i'm not ukrainian, but i have very little ukrainian blood, that's why i'm a constructivist here,
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thank god, the clear majority of our modern historians are, and i repeatedly repeat this formula of benedict anderson, nations are narration, nations and narrations. nations are products of the public imagination, and therefore it matters in what language we form these ideas, and it does not matter so much where a person was born, you can be born in ukraine, have a ukrainian surname and be a russian nazi, as we see many of the fugitives who are in moscow today , ethnic ukrainians, they are calling to kill us, isn't this an initiative to simply save chaykov on i think it's a commercial initiative, i think it's a commercial initiative in general, because it's necessary to sell. places for foreigners, say, there those who want, i know, many chinese came to study, tchaikovsky, yes tchaikovsky this label, but it is a russian label, you can't do anything with it, tchaikovsky, although it is easier with literature, there the marker is language, with music it is more difficult, although again, why is it more complicated, the most famous operas
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of tchaikovsky, they are related to russian plots, so let's not discuss it now, and with russian literature, well, ballets are different, yes. bavaria in the south of bavaria, seeing this lake near the castle, but tchaikovsky, we still have to understand historical context, tchaikovsky is perceived everywhere as a russian composer, and we remember these more, when you remember swan lakes, when the next gentsek dies on the... even on television, but i wish that in russia now the swans of the lake turned on all channels, in this, in this they accepted, here it is okay, but for them, for us, we have to soberly look at the world, tchaikovsky is a russian composer in the whole world, we will not be able to make him ukrainian, and there is no
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need , and we have our own, and we have to do our own, how said our classic, and there is something to be proud of, and more, again, this is an imperial complex. but , for example, i recently had a long topic, we don’t have a well-known female conductor from the city of brodovska, she is currently promoting ukrainian music, trying to do it, but there are no ukrainian masterpiece operas, let’s say classical ones of the 19th and 20th centuries, well, there aren’t any then no, well, it's difficult for me in the area of ​​music, i'm not so much in the material, well, let's say there are leads. number, if already in the field of my competence, there is a large number of beautiful, successful ones european nations that do not have their original, their original philosophy, so what? nothing, they live beautifully, they have their own literature, moreover, the recognition that we don't have something is a guarantee that it will appear, like the fantastic czech
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novel of the second half of the 20th century, prague was all german-speaking at the beginning of the 20th , at the end of the 19th, the case is associated with who, kavka first of all, or the same. who there writes novels about prague, in german, this is austria, after all, but the realization that this is so, gives birth already in the second, in the second in the middle of the 20th century, the kundera phenomenon, the grabal phenomenon, and this world -class fantastic novel, that is, this is the way, but we must honestly say, here we have it, and we are proud of it, it is ours, it is ambiguous here, the same one of ours can be a hero in some way, in some way, but here we just have a vacuum for... there is no such thing, there is no and there is no, and it is necessary to calmly admit it and work to make it happen. thank you for this conversation, a short conversation, however, the most interesting always begins when you have to finish the program, thank you for conversation, vakhtan kibuladze, philosopher and writer was a guest of the program proper names,
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we will see you in a week, thank you, watch... this week in the program judicial control with tatyana shustrova. judges in the service of the kremlin. who found an approach to the ukrainian themis? oleksandr babakov. this is putin's confidant. but what violations did the board commit? of the northern commercial court of appeal, handing over the poltava gzk to russian raiders. the decision is made absolutely with a corruption component. congratulations, you are watching a trial court control, i'm tatyana shustrova. the judicial reform in ukraine is ongoing, soon, a qualification assessment of all themis servants should be conducted for compliance with the criteria of integrity and professional ethics. obviously, not everyone will pass it, and it hasn't happened yet, the judges. continue to surprise us not only with their sky-high fortunes, but also with extremely absurd decisions, others run away from
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their positions until the qualifications committee found them unfit and dismissed them in disgrace. today we will tell you about those who stood out, and first the news. the supreme council justice dismissed the judge of the kuznytsiv city court valery malkov, who was prosecuted for driving a car. for a tip for the first time, malkov was caught drunk driving in august 2019. at that time, the judiciary recommended the dismissal of serhiy varniak, judge of the kherson district administrative court. in august 2022, due to the russian occupation of kherson, the judge was assigned to work at the odesa district administrative court, but varniak never got there. instead , after the de-occupation of kherson, he moved to the present the temporarily occupied left bank of the kherson region, where he received a russian identification number and a pension. the final decision on the dismissal of the traitor from the post of ukrainian judge must now be made by the supreme council of justice. in ukraine
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, a complete reboot of the judicial system is underway. competitions are being held to fill vacant positions in the courts of the first and appellate instances, and the selection of judges for the constitutional court is underway. in parallel with these processes, there is a qualification assessment for the suitability of the positions of the current servants of themis. especially inventive trying to escape from retirement as early as possible. so that they are not expelled for violations, because judicial resignation is not just a pension, it is the extension of immunity and huge lifetime cash payments from the state, and until it is the turn to administer justice, there are still judges with very dubious reputations and sky-high fortunes, who in no way to be explained by official incomes. this is lyudmila kropyvna, a judge of the northern commercial court of appeal. recently, she is very afraid for her safety, forbids journalists to film her despite what she has public and, according to our information, travels accompanied by security. we do not know what scared the judge so much, but we really want to know
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about the origin of the funds that allowed her to purchase a large house in the suburbs of kyiv, an elite cottage town in kozen. koncha zaspa is a favorite residence of the political and business elite of ukraine. there is a lake, a river, parks, private beaches and, in general, a very picturesque place. at the end of 2021, lyudmila kropyvna bought a house of 260 m2 here with... a balcony and a swimming pool and 20 acres of precious land houses of the same area with a large living room and fireplace, kitchen, dining room, three bedrooms and a sauna cost here in the neighborhood of the judge from 1 million dollars. however , the price of ludmila kropyvna's house turned out to be almost eight times lower and amounts to slightly more than uah 5 million. it should be noted that by law, public officials, including judges, are not entitled to receive individual discounts other than those given to everyone. so, if the official buys. something at below-market prices, it can be seen as an undue reward or plain language
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bribe. and this is another judge of the northern commercial court of appeal, svitlana aldanova. and she also has a habit of underestimating the value of property. a few years ago, she bought a toyota raft-4 for allegedly $600, when the market value reached from $25. today, svitlana aldanova, a millionaire judge, according to the declaration, has almost uah 2 million in her bank account, and keeps another 2 million in cash. lyudmila kropyvna and svitlana aldanova made illegal decisions in the high-profile case of the raider seizure in favor of the russians of one of the ukrainian giants of economics, poltava mining and processing plant. at the same time , the elite property of kropyvna in kozyna appeared precisely after she, as a member of the collegium , began to consider the case of the transfer of gzk shares to raiders. the third judge from the collegium, larisa zubets, who has already changed her last name and is now ivanova, managed to escape to retirement. if you cannot count on... a fair court decision, then how can you do business in ukraine, and if there is also the russian factor,
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well, it creates, especially now during the war, an additional negative connotation, businessmen connected to the kremlin have been systematically pressuring and destroying the mining and metallurgical business, which is extremely important for the economy of ukraine, for more than one year, in particular through the courts, and the undemanding ukrainian themis blessed raiding attempts even in the midst of the war, despite billions in taxes that... enterprises pay to budget frekspo group, which includes the poltava mining and processing plant, paid almost uah 8 billion in 2022-23 alone and is one of the largest. of other ukrainian exporters. in september 2022, the board judges of the northern commercial court of appeal in the composition of kropyvna zubets and aldanova , by their decision, contrary to the law, gave more than 40% of the shares of poltava gzk to the former shareholders who owned the enterprise more than 20 years ago, to four offshore companies that were part of the russian vs energy group.
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that is, in the midst of russia's full-scale war against ukraine, almost half of the shares went to the russians. the current deputy chairman of the russian state duma oleksandr babakov, together with his partner yevhen giner, tried to seize control of the enterprise. president of the central sports club of the russian army. judges pugs were happy to help them in this. the decision is made absolutely with a corruption component. ugh. and it is obvious that absurd decisions are often brought to the courts. and on su'. in essence, investors and business owners can hope at best for a higher instance, the supreme court or even international courts, this does not necessarily mean that this is normal. babakov is known not only for the fact that he voted for the annexation of crimea, the introduction of troops into ukraine and the recognition of terrorists
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ldnr. he is currently wanted by the sbu and under sanctions of ukraine, the usa and the eu. and in the united states. a criminal case is pending for the implementation of hostile political plans against ukraine and the usa. oleksandr babakov is a pensioner who, as a deputy, voted for the annexation of crimea. currently , this is the deputy chairman of the state duma of russia, this is a co-advisor, this is putin's confidant. the second person is also a citizen of the russian federation, yevhenii giner. he is the owner of the csk football club. cska deciphers as the central sports club of the army of the russian federation. he is also wanted and under us sanctions. in addition, he is a partner of the russian corporation rosteg, which exports military products and is headed by an old friend of vladimir putin, sergei chemizov. in the fall of 2023, the sbu informed chemizov, who, in particular, supplies daggers for attacks on ukraine, of suspicion of financing russian aggression. this
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and all aircraft that are produced, they are produced at our enterprises. all brands of aircraft. this is an engine manufacturing company that manufactures all engines, including for space, aircraft, helicopters and ships, both civil and military. the ukrainian state bureau of investigation directly names babakov and giner as the leaders of the organized crime group archers, as stated in the joint investigation of the schema program on radio liberty and the scaner project. according to the conclusions of the sbi , the indicated group of russian citizens illegally obtained a number of ukrainian critical infrastructure objects by means of illegal means. frauds poltava gzk turned out to be another strategic object, control over which kremlin businessmen, the wallets of russian aggression, tried to seize, and a trio of ukrainian judges helped them in this. the pakhs board consists of lyudmila kropyvna, svitlana aldanova and larisa zubets. this is how, apparently, after bribing the ukrainian femme, the leader of the raiders, the vice-speaker of the russian state duma babakov,
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disposed of the stolen ukrainian assets in the propagandist solov'ov program. turning to the new territories, i want to say that the expenses should not go there from the budget of russia. we must consider these territories as economically ready to implement there. production there is the future income of both these territories and russia, in particular, and we should invest there, not based on our budget capabilities, but based on the capabilities of the economy of these territories. however , luzhnikovsky did not manage to manage the poltava mining and beneficiation plant for a long time. last year, forkspo managed to defend its rights. the grand chamber of the supreme court canceled the decision of the northern court of appeal. actually recognizing that judges kropyvna, zubets and aldanova, giving enterprise to the russians, mistakes were made. without any legal grounds and contrary to authority, they changed the subject of the dispute and went beyond the scope of reviewing the case. the motivational and resolutive part of the pachs ruling were contradictory and based on mutually exclusive conclusions. also, a trio
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of judges led by kropyvna intervened in the ownership of the ferrekpo company, changing the rulings. non-existent shares for existing ones, and also knowingly and unjustifiably ignored government regulations and legal norms, and was guided by assumptions instead of evidence. at the same time, having taken 40% of the shares from the legal owners, the judges left the funds received by them for the sold and disputed shares - 27 million dollars - in the possession of the plaintiff and third parties. so, thanks to the pachs decision , kremlin businessmen not only got richer by 27 million, but also actually received the troika awards for free. new shares of poltava gzk with a total value of uah 1.241 million. therefore, a year ago, by the decision of the great chamber of the supreme court, the decisions of kropyvna, altanova and zubets were annulled. and the shares of poltava gzk were transferred to the rightful owner ferexpo company.
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partially satisfy the press network company. the ruling of the northern commercial court of appeal of september 12, 2022 in case 910/2512 was annulled. interestingly, shortly after the supreme court put an end to this case, four of the raiders' offshore companies went into liquidation. everything points to the fact that they were created specifically. for this device, and the decision of the pags panel is due to the corrupt influence of the russians. why since 19 years have they not led to the reform of the judicial system, have they not cleared the bar of primaries, the first instance and the second instance of the court, and the first instance and the appeal, many examples of absolutely, well, let's say, absurd decisions, abuse of the decision, and when it turns out that this company can be organized... raids, when they can take the management hostage, when they can to block , to paralyze conscious activity, that this
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very significantly discriminates ukraine in the world, flaxpo is quoted on the london stock exchange, and the poltava gzk is considered one of the most attractive investment objects on the markets, so the actions around it are not only a blow to economy of the state in the midst of russian aggression, as well as investment. in ukraine. the attempt to put pressure on foreign investors can also affect international aid to ukraine in wartime conditions, and the illegal actions of pocket judges in these fights without rules endanger the entire judicial reform, which is a key condition for ukraine's further movement towards the european union. today i have everything, it was judicial control and i am tetyana shustrova. if you want to report corrupt judges or illegal decisions. write to me on facebook or to this e-mail the address see you in exactly a week. good bye. exclusively on the air of our channel. greetings
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friends. politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on... the border between ukraine and poland, topics that resonate in our society: drone attacks on kyiv and other ukrainian cities, drone attacks on moscow and others cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov, and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's make it up, help us figure it out. in the present and to predict the future for the world, trump's second presidency will be a terrible project for those who care and think politclub every sunday at 20:10 on espresso.
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verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, as well as feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day by phone. turn on and turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. see this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. contest to the constitutional court. as the candidate's nephew, he was promoted in the courts where she worked. i cannot forbid him. but why does the contestant, a law professor, collect executive proceedings. the year turned out to be difficult for all of us. on april 18, fr 5:45 p.m. judicial control program with tetyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. greetings
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espresso viewers. today in the studio with you, i am artem logutenko, journalist and part-time presenter. today we will talk about a very difficult topic, about one of the most terrible crimes of the russian regime, which is the deportation of ukrainian children. a talented lawyer from the regional human rights center is with me in the studio. ms. kateryna rashevska, ms. kateryna, greetings, good afternoon, i would like to start a conversation with you about the number of children that the rashists took to the territory of the russian federation, while preparing for the broadcast, i was surprised at how striking the difference in official data is, for example, dmytro lubynets, the representative of the verkhovna rada on human rights
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, named the number... his colleague darya gerosymchuk, the president's representative for children's affairs, named 300,000. actually, the president himself talks about 19,500 children. well, in russia, official data tell us about 700,000 small ukrainians, whom they took out of the temporarily occupied lands of ukraine. ms. kateryna, tell me why there is such a striking difference in the official data and... and which of them is worth to us believe? this is actually the question that interests, including the foreign audience, any discussion usually starts with this: how many ukrainian children did the russian federation deport or forcibly relocate? and the answer to this question is simple and complex at the same time: only the russian federation, as the aggressor state that carried out this deportation, knows how many children it kidnapped, because it is its duty to provide the appropriate
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list of children, a list to inter'. of the people's committee of the red cross in order for these children to return home to their parents, other relatives, or, for example, have already returned to ukrainian foster families. at the same time , the russian federation ignores this obligation, by the way, many other obligations under international law, and therefore we still do not have such a list, although from time to time nebendzia, the representative of russia at the un, or their place of foreign affairs, serhii lavrov are talking about some kind of list, which will probably even be published somewhere. although without specifying where. so we have some numbers, you name them, i'll try to explain the plus-minus difference in human language. 19,546 ukrainian children are currently identified, information about them is available on the children of war platform. the administrator of this information is the national information bureau, that is, a structure created in accordance with the norms of international humanitarian law. our competent authorities, including the attorney general's office,
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insist that the numbers. fully verified, tested and trusted. is this the final number? no, and even in my work experience, we often overidentify children, which are not in this database. what does that mean, why aren't they there? these can be status children, orphans, children deprived of parental care, as well as, unfortunately, war orphans who lost their parents due to the actions of the russian federation, no one was looking for them, that is why no one contacted and that is why there is no information , we do this, on behalf of the relatives of these children, yes, trying to facilitate the return of such children to ukraine, because they should not be discriminated in any way there, just because of what is not there are currently in this base, so the base is dynamic, and it is updated and will be updated, i hope, not at the expense of the fact that the russian federation will continue to deport and forcibly relocate ukrainians...


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