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tv   [untitled]    April 19, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EEST

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a new concept of strategy for ukraine. it specifies that such a strategy should be multi-year, developed with specific and achievable goals, and prioritize the national security interests of the united states. how do you assess this concept of strategy for ukraine, how will it work? indeed, this requirement of an innovation was not in the document adopted by the senate, but the bill provides flexibility for the administration in this matter and gives it. the ability to keep certain information classified, so no administration is needed to come out and say, we will give this brigade 10 tanks, and we will give ukraine 12 atakams to destroy this base, and then they will leave. there is no such requirement. however, the clause pushes the biden administration toward a more proactive strategy to more clearly define its goals. the united states provided historic support to ukraine throughout this full-scale invasion, but it was not enough for ukraine to prevail. and it was not enough
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in time, it was not the necessary things, the proper material and military assistance. if we helped ukraine to win, we acted differently. and it is about trying to learn from these mistakes and getting the right support for ukraine, so that ukraine does not just survive, but wins. ok. there is one more innovation in this bill. it says that information on the support of the government of the russian federation by the islamic republic of iran should be provided. china and north korea, about the russian campaign in ukraine and its impact on the strategy of the white house, what does this mean? it is about finally formalizing what has been only discussed so far talked about this axis of authoritarianism, or as it is also called, the axis of evil. this point formalizes the idea that russia is not fighting alone in this war against ukraine and against europe. russia is doing this with the support of other authoritarian countries, such as iran, china and. another interesting aspect
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of this bill is the call to the president to send long -range attacks to ukraine when ukraine should expect them, and does this mean that the us has finally officially decided to send long-range atakams to ukraine. unfortunately, this does not mean that the united states the states are finally going to send long-range attacks to ukraine. this law does say that there is a requirement for the president to send long-range atakams to ukraine, but this ... provision is immediately followed by another provision that provides the president with the option not to do so if he believes that it would harm the national security of the united states, then he doesn't have to provide them, and he has to send a report to congress on why he won't , so that gives him some discretion, if this bill passes, i expect the pressure on the white house will push harder than ever to send these weapons, break this dam, and send long-range atakams to ukraine.
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this was the case with every other advanced us weapons system that was sent to ukraine. the white house said that the us could not provide such weapons, they were pressured, pushed and eventually forced to do so. i am sure that it will be the same with the long-distance ones. this is an important step, but we are not there yet. and finally, the last innovation that i want to discuss. this bill provides that the president of the united states enters into agreements with the government. regarding the return of economic aid provided by ukraine to the united states, but there are exceptions, how will it work? so, the us will still provide critical economic aid to ukraine, about $10 billion, but provide it as a conditionally repayable loan. at the same time, the president can also decide to forgive the loan, but there is a very important nuance here: the bill sets specific dates when parts of the loan. can be
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pardoned, there are two important dates: this november, on november 15, the president can decide to forgive up to 50% of this loan, so president joe biden can forgive half of this loan already this year. this date, of course, is a week after the us presidential election. so this was done so that, whoever won the election, biden could forgive 50% of the loan. the other 50% will be able to be forgiven on january 1, 2026, that is... two years from now, depending on who wins the presidential election this year, who will decide whether to forgive the second half of the loan. the full version of our conversation with doug klein about what the draft law on aid to ukraine provides for, see on the youtube channel and the website of the voice of america in ukraine. meanwhile, despite congressional delays in approving additional funding, the us state department continues to help rebuild ukraine. yuliya yarmolenko spoke with
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jose fernandez of the state department at the ukraine-ukraine partnership forum held in washington on april 17. fernandes told how america is restoring the ukrainian energy system, why sanctions against russia? effective and addressed concerns about whether it can ukraine relies on the us, as before. in recent weeks, russia has stepped up its attacks on power grids, just last week russia destroyed the trypilsk tes, one of the largest in the country. does the united states have a plan to help ukraine restore its power grid by next winter? russia's strategy is to have the will of ukrainians to fight, to survive, to preserve their own sovereignty, and one of the ways they are trying to achieve this is to try to destroy the energy sector so that the winters are as severe as possible, but we knew that was going to be the strategy, we knew that he would want to break the backbone of the resistance, so we
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are working with a number of allies, japan, the europeans and others to get the parts to be ready for what russia is trying to do, so yes, we will and continue to help. and we have a number of activities in the works. in 2022, the united states introduced a number of rounds of sanctions against russia, but the russian economy seems to have been able to maintain some stability. is there anything else the united states can do to prevent russian military action? we we are doing a lot in this regard, but look, there is a limit to what you can achieve with sanctions. you can weaken the government, you can delay their plans, you can extend the time they need to rebuild their economy. that's what sanctions do, and we continue to do it. we have recently imposed sanctions on a number of companies in third countries that we know are being used by the russians to obtain
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weapons and continue their invasion. sanctions are part of my portfolio and i can tell you that every day we do ours work to make sure we hit the russian hackers. we and... ukraine has already done a lot, i spoke with the ukrainian minister of justice and the world bank, which did not mention that they set more than 200 conditions for borrowing, and the ukrainians fulfilled them. so ukraine is doing a lot in the fight against corruption, removing barriers. look, before the war, ukraine had a successful
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technological sector, agriculture. before the war, ukraine was the breadbasket of the world for centuries. these are industries that we want to pursue in the short term support. the world bank has also indicated some concerns that some fields need to be demined so that farmers can return. homes must be rebuilt so families can return, and so workers can return. these are all areas where there is opportunity in the short term. what role can the united states play in this matter? we are already working, usaid, the united states agency for international development. participated in the discussion, they have a program that indicates a number of reforms that ukraine can do, but the thing that they are saying is that ukraine is meeting these conditions, ukraine is improving its anti-corruption system, ukraine is improving its judicial system, we heard that on the panel, and if you think back over the last few months,
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you haven't heard about corruption allegations, the full version of this interview interview with the us deputy secretary of state about aid to ukraine, watch it on voice of america platforms in ukrainian. meanwhile, against the backdrop of increased russian missile attacks on ukraine, europe is looking for ways to provide kiev with vital air defense equipment. at the summit of the group of seven countries in brussels on april 17-18 , the eu leaders agreed on a statement on further unwavering assistance to ukraine in defense against russian aggression and promised urgent assistance to support the ukrainian energy industry. which became the target of new bombings by russia. on the sidelines of the meeting of foreign ministers, the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine , dmytro kuleba , discussed with us secretary of state anthony blinken the supply of patriot systems and the approval of aid by congress. we talk about this in more detail with our correspondent in london, bohdan
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by tsyupin congratulations bohdan. bohdan, please tell us what we hear from the representative of the united states at these meetings? well, actually, a position or a situation. where the united states finds itself now is unusual, because on the one hand the united states is the leader in providing military aid to ukraine, on the other hand there are obvious delays, which our viewers just ... heard about, so today the representative of the united states, secretary of state anthony blinken, on the one hand party announced the expected declarations of support for ukraine. on the other hand, he admitted that it is significant to what extent what the us does will depend on the decision of congress. it is now urgently necessary for all friends and supporters of ukraine to do their utmost to... provide ukraine with what it needs to continue its effective defense against this russian aggression. for
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the united states, that means approving the supplemental budget request the president requested for ukraine. as for the europeans, the attention is very focused on the united states, because we do not forget, the main, most powerful petri missile defense systems. are produced in the united states states, the us is also the missile supplier for these systems to a large extent, so the europeans are watching closely what is happening in the us, but at the same time there are very loud voices in europe reminding that european countries have at least dozens of systems, such as a patriot that europe has or can share. with ukraine. in these
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turbulent times, it is an encouraging sign that there are now signals from republicans in the us that intensive support for ukraine may continue. we actively campaigned for it. the chancellor in the congress, when i was there, as well many, many others over and over again. and that is why the minister of defense and i together took the initiative to ask ourselves once again what we can do together to protect. the us has, but not only. we cannot rely only on the us. we have to take responsibility and stop saying that the us will do everything. we have to do. we have patriots, we have anti-missile systems. we must take them out of our warehouses where they are and send them to ukraine, where the war is raging. i am sure we will do it, but it must be done quickly. ot in fact, bohdan, president zelenskyi says that in general ukraine needs 25 more patriots,
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immediately needed, immediately needed seven. what can the europeans offer to ukraine now, we know that there are already certain statements from germany, what have you heard? yes, so there is a german offer, on saturday in a conversation, in a telephone conversation between ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyi and german chancellor olaf scholz, there was a promise from germany that the country would provide ukraine with another patriot system, and today the chancellor of germany confirmed that it will happen already the third patriot system from germany for ukraine, and then he said the words that some people in europe have this impression a little confused, because after... you mr. scholz, which came from him at the eu summit in brussels, now, after
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that first step, that germany has done , the other partners are expected to provide, as he said, six more patriot systems, some have interpreted this as a promise, saying that olaf scholz has already stated that germany is providing one and ... that there are agreements for the other six systems that ukraine is waiting, but not yet looks, that is, there is a clear promise regarding one patriot system, the third, as germany says from berlin, regarding the others, we only know that they exist, there are apparently dozens of them in europe, there were statements that about 100 such installations. but then nato secretary general jens stoltenberg said that obviously the number
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is less than 100, but in any case seven, the impression is that the europeans can provide if they push themselves, will some countries dare to remove it from their weapons and give it to ukraine? bohdan, well, also, except this tomorrow, the meeting of the nato council begins, ukraine, at the initiative of ukraine, please tell me . what will be the focus of attention, why is it happening now? well, everything actually happens in connection with the fact that russia is now making reinforcements. attacks on the ukrainian energy system, the ukrainian president has already said that russia has destroyed almost the entire heat energy system in ukraine, this is very serious, ukraine, which until recently exported electricity to europe, is now forced to import, europeans are also very
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worried that russia, as it looks , aims at... systems related to gas supply systems, let's not forget that the pipelines through which europe receives gas from russia pass through ukraine, they also store gas in ukraine, there are gas storage facilities in which european companies store it, so again tomorrow on ukraine will also discuss this with the nato council. thank you bohdan, i will remind you about summit kryn. of the group of seven in brussels , bohdan tsyupan told us from london. and finally, a story from ukraine. american architect michael bahm improves living conditions for displaced people khmelnytskyi region. he arrived in ukraine in january 2023. at first he worked in ternopil region,
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and since last september he has been creating comfort in settlements of displaced persons in khmelnytskyi, khmelnytskyi. why did he come to ukraine, where the war is ongoing, did his relatives support such a decision, and who finances michael bem's projects? he told about it to tatyana kukuritsa and serhii rybchinsky. 33-year-old american michael behm, an architect from the state of montana. at the time, i had just received my master's degree in architecture from montana state university. so after graduation, i had time to... for the first time, michael came to ukraine in january 2023, the decision to go to a country where the war is going on was supported by relatives, says the husband. my older brother served in iraq and afghanistan as a military medic, my younger brother is a firefighter, so for my mom, what i do
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is the least dangerous of all her children do. in ukraine, michael bam improves housing conditions for forced migrants. he first worked in the ternopil region, and from the fall of 2023 in the zhvanetsk community in the khmelnytskyi region. almost all private estates in our villages were inhabited by immigrants. if we could create such a personal space for them. they did not live in dormitories, did not live in kindergartens, did not live in schools, they were all in private estates. some of the houses are habitable. how we washed, well, our dishes, basins, buckets of water, pots of hot water, he looked at it, he was horrified, his words were, i would not want my mother to live in such
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conditions, i will do everything i can i know how to make your life better. olena chichvarova and olena moravenko is a migrant from kramatorsk. they arrived in khmelnytskyi in march 2022. we agreed on everything, because we thought a month or two, no more. well, there are none, all conditions are in the yard. michael makes us a shower, a toilet, and a kitchen. there will also be a washing machine. this is the fourth house in khmelnytskyi region in which michael is improving living conditions, the first was the home of a large family from kherson. you can already eat, cook, wash, buy the baby and bathe the elder, the elder's room is already there, now she will not be with us separately. michael did more in the ternopil region comfortable life for eight families
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of immigrants. up to a dozen projects are planned to be implemented in khmelnytskyi. we begin. list of amenities that, in my opinion, immigrants need. then we assess the conditions in which they live to determine what they already have. for example, in this case, they have a house, heat, and a locked door, so that's good, and they just need a few extra things to improve their living conditions. the house in the village of sokil is the first, where michael does all the work himself. works on previous objects. contractors and implemented his projects. so here we have this problem: if you compare this house to this one, this one has thicker walls, and this one has very thin walls, and i need them in the... stove, we decided to do it from the inside, we're also going to replace two doors and two windows.
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there is a septic tank. there will be a toilet, a shower, a wall here. the door, and i drew what will be there. michael is a volunteer of the charity organization ukraine relief and ford, which helps ukrainians. he develops a project to improve living conditions and determines its cost, financed by donors. the last few the work was funded by a retired doctor from montana who wished to remain anonymous. i grew up in a poor family and many people helped us, so i grew up with extraordinary. understanding the importance of helping people in need, and when i began to improve my own life, instead of accumulating material values, i decided to help others. michael behm
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plans to stay in ukraine and participate in post-war reconstruction. good afternoon, we are waiting. tetiana kukurika serhiy repchynskyi for the voice of america from the zhvanets community khmelnytskyi region. i want to eat breakfast. download the voice of america mobile application. the application allows you to bypass blocking automatically thanks to the built-in vpn service. read news, watch informative programs and videos, and listen to podcasts of the ukrainian voice of america service. for even more inspiring stories, watch the voice on the voice of america ukrainian youtube channel. thank you for staying with us, see you soon,
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there are 15% discounts on kvayt in the pharmacies psylansky, pam and oskad. vasyl zima's big ether, this is the big ether, my name is vasyl zima and we are we are starting two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, we will discuss many important topics with you today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhii zgurets with us, and what the world is doing, now about , what happened in the world will be told in more detail by yuriy fizar, yuliy, good evening, please speak to you. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchuvka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. but the news sport review of sporting events by yevhen pastukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite
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presenters. thank you very much, elina chechenii, for the information about culture news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day of advent, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. the events of the day in... hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, together stronger weekly. the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts
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give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. verdict with serhii ruden. from now on, in the new two-hour format , even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday, from 20 to 22 on espresso. premium sponsor. represents the national team. united by football, stronger together. glory
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to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy ordenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health, for the next two hours we will talk about ukraine, about the world, about the war and about our victory, today in the program: explosions at the dzhankoya airfield, the enemy has suffered significant losses in air defense equipment of crimea, which will lead to demilitarization... in search of additional air defense systems, europe can transfer patriot and other equipment from its own arsenals to ukraine. what did eu leaders agree on in brussels? a critically important decision: the us congress is ready to unblock military aid to ukraine, which prompted trumpists to make concessions. about this and other things, during the next hour
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we will talk with ours. as guests, army general mykolyum malomuzhe, military officer and head and people's deputy of ukraine roman kostenko and military and political expert volodymyr tsybulko. however, before starting our big conversation, let's watch a video of how ukrainian fighters repelled a russian assault in the verkhokamyanka and zolotarivka area of ​​luhansk region. in two days, the defenders destroyed and damaged 10 units of enemy equipment, that is 6. mtlb and four t-80 bv tanks . the video of the combat work was released in the 118th separate territorial defense brigade. let's see.
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friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are now watch us on these platforms please subscribe our pages and also like this video. in addition, you can vote in our poll, today we ask you whether ukraine should cooperate with the russian opposition? yes,
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no, please vote on youtube. with the corresponding button, or write your comment under this video, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think that ukraine should cooperate with the russian opposition (0800-211-381 and 0800 211 382). all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. we have our first guest on the phone - mykola malamush, general. of the army of ukraine, head of the foreign intelligence service of ukraine in 2005-10. mr. general, i welcome you, thank you for being with us today. congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. mr. general, the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine released footage of the night attack on the military airfield in dzhanko, which took place yesterday, and there, as reported by the general staff , four s-400 launchers were hit,
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air defense control point. three pls and airspace observation equipment foundation m. what do these strikes mean, mr. generals, is it preparation for the demilitarization of the peninsula, or is it the continuation of the demilitarization of the peninsula and the destruction of those installations that hit the peaceful cities of ukraine, in particular, four of these s-400 launchers, from which they struck odesa, constipation'. kherson and dnipropetrovsk regions? well, first of all, we are talking about what is moving to a new tactic of neutralizing strategic weapons of the russian federation, this is striking a piecemeal object of missile launchers, airfields that launch missiles or, for example, carry cabs, but of course, these are ammunition depots, these are guidance systems.


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