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tv   [untitled]    April 19, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm EEST

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in russia, we are talking about it today, this is svoboda live, my name is vlasta lazur. let's start. satellite images of planet labs for april 19 appeared, which show the consequences of strikes on the airfield in occupied dzhankoy. the photos were published by the editorial staff of radio liberty's schema program. in particular, damage can be seen near ammunition depots and air defense systems. a series of explosions near the military airfield in the city. jankoi sounded during the night of april 17. the general staff of the armed forces reported that forces were behind the attack defense of ukraine. gur said that as a result of the attack , four launchers of the s-400 anti-aircraft missile complex, three radar stations, an air defense control center and surveillance equipment were destroyed or damaged. this airfield is one of the largest bases for russian helicopters, as well as a military transport hub that serves to move both equipment and ammunition. and personnel, well
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, today ukraine announced the destruction of a strategic russian bomber tu-22 m3, in gur they claim that the plane was shot down at a distance of about 300 km from ukraine, however , the ministry of defense of russia claims that the plane crashed in the stavropol territory due to a technical malfunction. we will talk about the details of the accidents and the role of the bomber in the russian-ukrainian war. your mother. on the morning of april 19 , a tu-22 m3 bomber crashed in the stavropol region of russia. russia confirmed the fact that the plane had crashed, and the governor of the region, vladimir vladimirov , noted that two pilots ejected and survived, one more died. the search for another as of 50 p.m. continues. russian media with reference to the russian defense forces claim that the bomber crashed due to a technical malfunction. here are 22 m3. the russian air force crashed in
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the stavropol territory after completing a combat mission while returning to the base airfield, the ministry of defense said. there was no ammunition on board, the plane fell in a deserted area, there is no destruction on the ground. according to preliminary data, the cause of the accident was a technical malfunction. in ukraine , other versions of the accident are put forward. the air force of ukraine added the tu-22m3 to the collection of downed objects as of eight in the morning. the spokesman of the air force of ukraine, i yevlash , confirmed to radio svoboda that this was a special operation jointly with the main directorate of intelligence. this is the first time that the air force, together with our partners, with gur, yes, other defense forces, were able to shoot down a tu-22 m3 strategic aviation aircraft, of course, and also shot down two kh-22 missiles, the first time that this aircraft fired , well, of course, this is a combo, today is a rainy day in the russian propaganda circles, i think... they will be there today very, very
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not happy, everything happens for the first time, we shot down for the first time at one time kinzhal, the first shot down was the zircon, now the first shot down was the tu-22, well, now we are waiting for the tu-95. gur representative andriy yusov said on radio svoboda that during the special operation, i quote, the miracle weapon was not used, and the plane was shot down by weapons that were modernized by gur specialists. destroyed during the execution of a combat mission, that is , another er... aircraft that was following it was forced to turn around, and this means that a number of missiles were not fired over ukraine, in general, the operation was, well, a certain repetition , taking into account, of course, operations gurmo on the downing of the a50 plane, which happened recently, so the distance this time is even greater, let us remind you that we are talking about a distance of about 300 km. from the ukrainian
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border, this is truly a landmark operation, a landmark result for ukraine. also , the representative gur said that due to the fall of the tu-22 m3, the intensity of missile attacks in the direction of the odesa region may decrease in the near future, because this aircraft was the carrier of the kha-22 cruise missiles and was operating in this area. olga armyanyshina, radio liberty. roman kostenko has already joined our broadcast, people's deputy, the voice faction and... the secretary of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence, roman, good evening, good evening, i will start with the last topic that we showed the material, look, in gur they say that due to the fall of tu -22m3 over time , the intensity of rocket fire may decrease, in particular in the direction of the odesa region, but today the plane fell in the morning, was it shot down there, the question is yes, in the afternoon in odesa there were another explosions, so as not to, you know, create the preconditions for any very big in
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ukrainians, does the downing of one plane have a global effect on something, no matter how valuable this plane is, or how unique this operation is, well , i think that gur means that... that the enemy will understand that he is not so close will be able to fly to the front line, simply and because of this, not because they, for example, will not have enough planes there, but these are such planes, here 22m3, we remember that they were also in ukraine, and when we were the budapest memorandum was signed, we simply destroyed them, and the decision was made to transfer the weapons of the russian federation, and the missiles on them fly up to 3,000 km, so these 200-300 km to the front line, where they can, let's say, be caught by our anti-aircraft defense, they may not reach, in principle, not come into effect of the anti-aircraft defense. i think that maybe for a while they will work out new tactics, and this may reduce the intensity, but given
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the tactical and technical characteristics of them and their weapons, they may launch missiles too far, but for that we will have time, maybe shoot down these missiles already, well more time to shoot them down, so... i would answered these questions, and regarding the downing of the plane, i will say that, well, this is the next series after the downing of the a50, and it was shot down with the same weapon that the russians at one time tried very hard to prevent us from having, but thanks to our specialists have it, and it has already shown quite high efficiency, yes , it is finished there, but to actually destroy such two vessels as a50 and tu-22m... is a really great achievement of our and air forces, and those people, well, who there in guri they work, directly, uh, because they have this bro weapon reconfigured, because there was no faith in it anymore, but we see that it works. roman, but the day before, zaekonomist newspaper
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wrote that ukraine allegedly ignores the united states' warnings regarding the use of drones on the territory of russia. ukraine continues to manufacture super drones. which can already achieve their goals even supposedly in siberia, 300 km from the border, i am talking about the first part, about the fact that ukraine allegedly ignores warnings, respectively, any warnings that exist, or any advice that exists, not to pose there strikes on some specific targets in russia, should ukraine, in the position it is in now, heed these advices? well, if in general we have to talk about the war that is going on and how to win it, then it is impossible to win, no... impressive objects on the territory of the russian federation, it is impossible, let's say, to win this war by conducting combat operations only on the battlefield, because the entire economy, all the resources, the entire military infrastructure, no matter how much it is destroyed on the battlefield, it will be manufactured and go to
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our territory and here, let's say, conduct military operations crimes, to fight against us, therefore, of course, from a military point of view, we are obliged, our special services are obliged to strike at... russia, at its rear, as for our partners, i don't know, they have their own vision of this, i think that our diplomats should settle these issues, should speak, of course, they can give us, i don't know, any ultimatums, we won't give you something if you do it there, but that's what diplomacy is for and it should be here it is enough to play an important role in this war in order to to explain to our partners, they understand everything. i think that the most important thing is to simply explain clearly why we are doing it, and that we will continue to do it, and that without this there will be no victory. do you think ukraine will continue to do this, despite any advice, warnings or even bans, if they exist? well, i'm sure
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we should be doing it, if we're not, we won't be doing it, there has to be some good argument for it. for example, do not do this month and we will give you agaves there, they are in you will be and this from there, for example, will lead to the fact that you will have a balance of missiles from the russian federation, and they will stop firing at you, or do not do this, and we will give you 10 patriot systems and not a single missile will fall on your city, and you will have such a balance, you understand and we understand, that is , if there will be any such agreements, this is already a question for diplomats, and in particular, when russia attacks us and has the initiative to fight against us, we will listen to what m. .. well, we can't take blows, well, that's the road to defeat. i understood your answer. yes, look, i also want to discuss with you a number of publications in the western media, because this is what the western audience actually now learns and reads about ukraine. well, just two days ago, politsiko, an influential american publication,
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published a large article about the situation both on the battlefield and in ukraine, in general, under the headline: ukraine is headed for defeat, and they write that it is not only about , that the ukrainian... ukrainian military is running out of ammunition, they also write that the country allegedly lacks fighting spirit, which so necessary for victory, do you agree with these conclusions? absolutely not, well, absolutely i am... well, look, i don’t know who wrote it, in general, with what intention and with what mood, it’s absolutely not the case, yes, indeed , the enemy has intercepted the initiative somewhere in some directions, but ammunition at the moment , yes, they are not in such a quantity that would allow us to seize the initiative, but we use them, we apply them, yes, there are directions in which it is difficult because of the overwhelming forces of the enemy there, but that is the question in the first place that which is ours partners do not add anything to us, but to say that somewhere... there is some direction that is strategically critical, well, there is no such situation, such as there was, for example, in the 22nd year, when everything
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started until the month of may, it does not exist, and for the near future we have it, well, there is no such thing, on the contrary, the issue is now leveling out for us, now europe supplies us, i, as the secretary of the committee , see these supplies, they report to me that when it comes, yes, we had shortages, but now it is increasing, and now we hope, tomorrow a new... package will be voted on our partners in the united states, we saw a serious package there, including the atakamsa, i think it will generally give us an opportunity there and not to align, and seize the initiative, because it is a question of how we will qualitatively now begin to mobilize, protect our people, train them and supply them with ammunition in order to conduct combat operations successfully. we will still talk about american aid today, really on the ninth, tomorrow to be more precise, the states should vote for this aid, but at the same time,
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the head of the cia said that if there is not this aid, then ukraine may lose the war by the end of the year, by the end of this year, tell me , as of now, the prospects are really so sad, of course we hope that there will be aid, but as of now , there is none, if it is not there in the future, is there a prospect of losing the war by the end of this year? i don't see such a prospect, i think that our... partners are told about this and we understand why these signals are going to the west, well, first of all, so that they understand and help, put pressure on their governments, so that , that we lose, we must understand that in russia has strong allies, and iran and north korea, we understand, and other countries that help them quite a lot, we also have strong allies, but they do not help us so, not so resolutely, but when they help, in principle, their weapons , it outweighs the weapons provided. including that artillery, missiles are possible, the main thing is that
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decisions are made, so i, let's say, are not so pessimistic that we will lose by the end of the year, look, we did not lose in 20 the second year, and the situation that is now consists, it and the army that we have, and the army that is in the russian federation, well , you can’t compare it at all, it is a stronger army, we have more people, we have more experienced people, we have more weapons than it was in the 22nd year, and russia... is also building up , but there are absolutely no reasons for panic, i think that our partners will now give us weapons and we will level the situation where it is critical, if we speak in general and compare there, ukraine may lose by the end of the year without supplies, we must understand one thing thing: first of all, we, somehow, and our defense and industrial sector is being restored complex, there we can, of course, it is less than in the russian federation, but we are beginning to level it little by little, secondly... when we say this phrase about it by the end of the year, this can be said about any country in the world , except for the united states,
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india, i think, china and others, if you take one by one, no country can match the resources of the russian federation and lost this war faster, so we have to work ourselves, do everything in the country, for this about unite and allow diplomatically to encourage our partners to help, so it is not a request, not a plea, this is a fact on... god, i repeat once again, no country would have survived on its own either. then allow the question about a more recent perspective, may-june, yes? the president has repeatedly said that the russian troops are preparing some new offensive there, large-scale, well, how large-scale it will be, it is not known for may-june. you passed, you recently voted the law on mobilization, the president signed it, there are many critics of this bill, many say that the parliament passed it. so would to say, nothing big, because there is no motivation for the military there, the punishment for
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the so-called evaders is also not very if not tangible, in the meantime, prepare, prepare and train people until may, until june, when this offensive is planned, there is not much time left, what do you say to this and does ukraine really have time to properly prepare for such an offensive, if it eventually happens, so let's go in order, in general, the topic is not popular, but we talk about it... we talk about it in society, we see that yes, enough is enough society has a negative attitude towards it bill, but to say that the bill will be the first to mention in turn that... they said that there is no law at all, well , it cannot help mobilization, its main task is not mobilization, but that we have to put people on accounting, this was a task for the country, in general to see what we can, how many people we have, how many of them are suitable, how many are unsuitable, how many persons with disabilities, how many have left, well, in general
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, we have to understand what our human potential is, who can keep the economy, who can fight, who cannot, that is. and he must fulfill this function, everything is there for that, there are specifically 60 days for people to register for the military, this does not mean that these people will be immediately taken and sent to the front, it means that we we as a country, let's put it this way, will see these people in the database, this is a big fact, the other thing, you said that there is no punishment in this law for those who do not carry out punishments for evaders. punishment for military motivations, while this is a question, punishment, this is a question for law enforcement committee, they have a bill there, they still wanted to raise fines there, it is their question, they are considering something there, and now we already have fines in the law, in the criminal code, including administrative and criminal liability for e evasion, we understand it, regarding motivation, i
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have already talked several times, including with you, about my law 11012, which is... and we talked with the chairman of the committee a few days ago, and we will continue to implement it, but the victory in the fact that in this law from our that of the law that we registered, we set a general motivation for the destruction of the equipment, then 70 thousand we obliged the government to pay 70 thousand more to those who are on the front line, up to the company, as i said, for those who are in trenches, they already received at least 200,000, then those who go for a contract, motivation, a certificate for 150,000 uah is given, and there is a loan for an apartment without interest, plus 100,000 is paid there every year, in my opinion, this is the initial motivation, we will continue with motivation to work, that's why it's about training, and
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i don't agree with training, because that's exactly who it is. the law is touching, they will come somewhere in the fall, but in our country the mobilization has not stopped, it is going and it has recently started to improve there, therefore, in our country, i think that precisely those people who leave constantly are now coming and standing up for the defense of the state, just as they will be ready by that time, the main thing now is to, let's say, motivate people normally, encourage and protect them and create conditions, including the western weapons, so that people feel, as minimums from a military point of view can feel. itself safely there by the cover of aviation artillery. roman, thank you very much. roman kostenko, people's deputy and secretary of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence. we also talked about the situation at the front. thank you. today, russia launched a missile attack on the dnipro. three people were killed and 24 injured. the search for people
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continues. the rocket damaged a five-story residential building. it is partially destroyed. well , in general, as a result. five were severely damaged high-rise buildings, two private houses, three educational institutions. see what is happening in the dnipro. i woke up from the explosion, saw that there was smoke, burning, something in the yard. it seemed that everything was exploding, there was a terrible noise, everything was collapsing, there were three such blows, one after another, when i looked into the room, there were no windows, everything was torn out, scattered around the bedroom,
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there were hits. residential building, partially destroyed upper floor, a fire broke out, the fire is contained, as of now , two dead and 16 injured are known of moderate severity, the number of victims will be specified, as the rubble is being sorted out and the emergency services are examining the apartments of the residential building, there is also a hit to the object of critical infrastructure. today we received nine victims of... one of the victims, it was a fracture of two tibia bones with displacement, he is currently being treated in our department and is being prepared for surgery, one of the... patients has a closed chest injury, he had a fragment that we have already removed and one female with a closed abdominal injury as well as a closed
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with a brain injury and a concussion, she is also currently in hospital treatment with us, they are all in a state of medium severity, have a psychological injury, our psychologist is helping them, and for now they are back. the head of the ukrainian president's office, andriy yermak, is among the hundred most influential people in the world. the rating was published this week by time magazine. yermak is the only ukrainian. who was on this list, he got into the category of leaders, where he appears on the list together with the prime minister of poland donald tusk, the head of the government of italy, giorgia meloni and
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the president of argentina, javier millais. this category is headed by yulia navalna, the widow of the russian opposition leader oleksii navalny. yermak was nominated, or more precisely, yermak was nominated to this list by former nato secretary general anders fograsmussen. in his column, he calls the head of the president's office a person who plays a central role in security. works of the ukrainian government, although i will remind you that the ukrainian government is headed by denys shmyhal, well, at least officially. a man who played a central role in keeping the government running. after the full-scale invasion, he carried zelenskyi's message to the world, creating a strong network of friends of ukraine from the west to the global south, uniting them around issues from sanctions to the environment. at an important moment for ukraine and for democracy, andrii. not only fulfills the role of a decisive leader, but also proved that he is one. well, at the end of last year, yermak took fourth place in the rating of the most influential people in europe according to
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the edition of politics. then he was submitted in the rating under the definition of the green cardinal of kyiv. by over the past 5 years, many officials and advisers close to zelenskyi have ingloriously left politics. instead, yermak's influence only grew. as ukrainian pravda journalists stated in their final publication for 2022. there is not a single government body left in ukraine that was not influenced by yermak. at the same time , there is no document in ukrainian legislation that would give the head of the president's office the right to influence officials outside the office. yes, the position of the head of the president's office does not have constitutional powers, but it does direct access to the president. yeremak has zelensky's absolute trust. he is trying to push out everyone who can express alternative opinions and provides monopoly access to zelensky, as she once stated in... radio liberty comments daria kalynyuk, corruption. where does the influence of andrii yarmak , the executive director of the opposition center , on the president end and why does the world media put the head of the office of the ukrainian presidency on
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the same level as world leaders? we'll talk about it in just a minute, but so do we ukrainians were asked what they know about andriy yarmak, who is not infrequently called vice-president in vyszka media and political circles, not without sarcasm. listen. do you know the name of andriy yarmak? no. well, i heard on the internet that i watched it, but it would be a shame, because i don't remember who exactly it is, apparently someone or something is singing, he has a very big influence on zelensky, and he fills everyone with such a plan instead of him, and in i have the impression that there may be some corruption schemes , but nothing concrete in principle i don't know, it's such a thing that needs to be sorted out here, uh, i'm not in...
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i haven't heard him, and what do you know, i don't want to talk about this topic, he's a cool management, that's exactly how i feel , and from the point of view of what they are doing, well, there are questions, there are big questions, the fact that we receive such informational support, we are talked about and helped and so on, these are still the actions, well, first of all, of the president, i i understand, and who is the head of the office there, they are also up to...
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darya kalyniuk, executive director of the countermeasures center, joined our broadcast corruption good evening. good evening. daria, i quoted you when in the 21st year it was established that yarmak is trying to push out everyone who has some alternative points of view in the office. and when he was included in the ranking of emerging people according to the version of time this year, you said that you, you asked a rhetorical question, does zelensky notice that he finds himself in yermak's shadow and soon. might lose power, sounds pretty, you know, not very optimistic, can you follow up on that idea, what do you mean? is, every vice president dreams of becoming the president, there is such a joke, you know, and the eyewitnesses of andriy borysovich yarmak's ambitions are higher than just being a person who supports zelenskyi, he has long been more than zelenskyi's assistant, for a long time more than just the head
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of the office. zelensky, whose function should be simply to organize the work of the president. moreover, andriy yermak is already much more than the prime minister of ukraine, although we have our own prime minister, i don't know, it's interesting to ask ordinary citizens if they know who our prime minister is, denys shmehal , he is now with visit to america, but yarmak has more political influence than the prime minister. andriy borisovych has focused a lot of functions on himself and performs them in manual mode, this is manual management of the country, which significantly limits our flexibility and our strength and our ability to give back to the russian aggressor and work more effectively in the international geopolitical field, therefore that
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it depends on yermak whether a minister will be appointed to the position of minister, it depends on yermak whether a deputy minister will be appointed to the position of deputy minister, and even heads of departments of individual ministries are agreed by yarmak. yermak replaces the secretary of the national security council, we have the secretary of the national security council, that is, there is sullivan in america, everyone knows him, he is responsible for policy on issues. security of the president of the united states, in our country, besides the president, the secretary of the national security council should be responsible for ukraine's security policy, but in our country the secretary of the national security council generally smokes bamboo somewhere on the page, and in fact the secretary, adviser, minister of defense, security and foreign affairs is , who is andrii yermak, and who is in charge, so who is in charge? yes who
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runs the country, well, andriy yermak, eh, and the president, zelenskyi, either does not notice this, or it suits him, eh, because zelenskyi, there is trust in him, there is popular love for volodymyr zelenskyi, so far, so far, volodymyr zelenskyi is respected for not running away, yes, when the full-scale invasion began, volodymyr zelenskyi... knows how to communicate with society, he feels people, he is a public figure, yarmak is a less public figure, but he is already out, he is in it has the ambition to be more public, he wants his loved, but society does not accept the fair, no one elected him, no one authorized him, did not authorize him with such powers, he is outside the constitution, but if we...


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