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tv   [untitled]    April 22, 2024 1:00am-1:30am EEST

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he and china, in particular, scholz emphasized, because after the visit he said that many countries that are friends with russia are not satisfied with this war, they are not satisfied with this war, obviously because of the global consequences, because of the impact on the economy and because of the general situation in the world. what do you think is the rivalry between the united states and china in the asia-pacific region? region, how it affects the whole situation, because we see that the congress will deal with assistance today not only to ukraine, israel, but also to taiwan, other asian-texas allies of the chinese of the people, of the united states. the people's republic of china, in its turn, is taking an obvious initiative in order to somehow pull the allies of the united states to its side, but the minister of foreign affairs, vani, was in indonesia, and today, according to the plan, he has already held talks there in guinea, where the americans would like to have their real military capabilities. justin tachenko, the minister
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of foreign affairs of this country, that is, these are their clear, i would say, such attempts, even these countries of the pacific region, which are trying to pull their side with the united states, how can the americans counteract? well, the americans have created a real trap for china, especially recently we have seen such a partner trap, so to speak, because biden managed to establish relations between korea and japan and ... dig this triangle that is actively interacting, last week japan, the philippines, the united states also agreed on interaction, there is also alcus, there is quat, and accordingly, china feels that the united states has covered them with these clicks, china calls it, and of course it prepares and tries to advance its counter, countermeasures, and you called there those countries which china is trying to attract us. his side, well,
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it is not difficult for him, because economic interaction with these countries gives certain trump cards for china, however, as regards, let's say, indonesia, this is a country that is known for its, its policy of non-alignment, and rather interaction with by the united states, both indonesia and many countries in the asia-pacific region, it is a desire to establish a balance in the opposition to the united states of america. and china, because these countries in the region, both vocally and by their actions, very often show that they do not want to choose side and that they really do not like the fact that this tension is flaring up between the united states and china, which can develop into something more in their region, accordingly , this policy is more about balancing than, for example, about creating some alliances that will counteract there to the united...there of america, will they be
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directed, for example, against the united states of america, especially since china behaves quite aggressively, and it has territorial disputes and with the same indonesia as well, because it claims an economic zone that belongs to indonesia, just the countries of the region, and malaysia, let's say, and the philippines until now, until they clearly sided with the united states, but there is another... they have a bilateral treaty, all these countries try not to oppose china because the fact that they do not have such power to oppose him, accordingly, economic interaction is what helps to maintain peaceful relations, and to receive certain benefits from this interaction. ms. natalia, thank you. natalia plaksienko butyrska, expert on east asian issues, master of foreign policy. we have a short break, and in
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a few minutes we will return to you and we will talk with vitaly portnikov, also on all the most important topics of this week. there are discounts on linex forte capsules, 15% in podorozhnyk pharmacies, you and savings. there are discounts on dolgit cream and dolgit gel up to 30% in pharmacies. travel book pam and savings. there are 15% discounts on zzilor at podorozhnyk pam and oskad pharmacies. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the big ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting two hours air time two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to find out. about the war, right now
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we will talk more about the war, serhii zgurets is with us, and how the world is living, now about what happened in the world, yuriy fizar, yuriy dobrovechyu will speak in more detail , please, you have the floor. two hours to be aware of economic. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchyvka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. review of sports events from yevhen pastukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenii for the information about cultural news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on advent day. and also distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl's big broadcast. in winter, a project for smart and caring people in the evenings with espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united
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by football. stronger together. the war continues. and no only for territories. it is also a war. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. let's counter the information attacks of the russians in the chronicles of information war project with olga len. tuesday-thursday at 17:15, repeat tuesday-friday at 22:00. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on in the new two-hour. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and even feedback, you can express your opinion on the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko,
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every weekday from 8 to 10 pm on espresso, we return. to the live broadcast, the saturday political club, and now we will talk with vitaly portnikov, as i said, about the main topics of this week, so, mr. vitaly, the main topic is, after all , the vote that is currently in the house of representatives right in voting is taking place these minutes, in fact the first amendments are already being considered, there are four in total, if i don't... what should we expect? we are 100% sure that help it will happen to ukraine that other bills will be voted on, at least there about support for israel, the same, what is your opinion? i think so. i see no reason now for that
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not to happen, for the simple reason that we have seen the numbers of procedural voting. and they were there by more than 2/3 of the votes, there is a bipartisan majority, so we just have to wait. wait for the vote on all three of these bills proposed by the speaker, it will literally be in the next few hours, well at least there is no reason to believe that this will somehow fail, according to all the observers who are currently dealing with the congress, well, it should be as planned. was not before they were brought before the house, its representatives, and by the way, there may be another quite interesting situation, that the senate may vote tomorrow, uh, it will also be a very serious story then, and because we
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will receive earlier this help than the previous ones could get, so this is also a very important point, but what happened? why johnson, trump, a whole host of republicans, who, relatively speaking, before that opposed aid to ukraine, or blocked it, that is, we remember that de facto aid to ukraine, not only ukraine, has been blocked since october of last year. what happened in the last two weeks? why there was not so much a radical change of approaches and a radical change. the opinion of the same johnson, i think that it could be a real understanding of the mood of the voters, including the voters of the republican party,
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it is connected not only with ukraine, it is connected with israel, we spoke with you, when there was an attack by iran on israel, why delay the help now. it will be much more difficult, you say about two weeks, but when did the attack take place? exactly, we were in the studio exactly a week ago, by the way, and an hour after the end of our broadcast. of course, because it became clear that if the republicans fail this test, they can lose many important votes, you know, while the war in the gas sector was going on, uh, it could be dragged somehow, israel can argue anyway, and the united states itself does not want activation of the military actions, here is a situation where israel has to actively defend itself, let's say against further attacks. money may be needed for the air defense system, for the same missiles, and
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the republicans say, no, we will not vote for all this, it is generally general aid, not only to ukraine and israel, it is generally aid in the form of money, what about says donald trump, we don't want to help them because we have american problems, but he doesn't specifically single out ukraine, it's a general principle, if we give someone money, let them give it back, and that's it things, thanks to this statement, we have 7.5 billion credit in this ukrainian legislation, but it is clear that they could no longer afford the luxury of dragging on for a long time, and this attack, it changed the situation quite seriously, well, besides that, you understand , we may not fully understand these people, i mean johnson, mike mccaul, the chairman of the foreign affairs committee, a republican, by the way, from texas, he said, when we're discussing this vote, every congressman should ask : i am a chamberlain or churchill, yes there is a question, and so everyone understands it,
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johnson also understands it, if he does not risk anything in particular, he sees that this situation will have a rather serious effect on the course of military operations, that it will be against his values, and at the same time he sees that he will not... be dismissed, that trump supports him, because trump now needs johnson, that conservatives in the republican factions have no desire to set the procedure for his vote, they talk about it, but do not do what the democrats say what they are for it won't be voted on, why would i even change the rule according to which the speaker can be removed at the request of one or two congressmen, well, here's a quote from johnson, my son is going to teach. at the naval academy this fall, this
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is a challenge for me, as it is for many american families, this is not a game or a joke, we cannot play politics, we must do the right thing, and i will give every member of the house the opportunity to vote accordingly of my conscience and will, i will give you the opportunity to vote by a large number, but we are talking only about that is, to give an opportunity to vote, the speaker does not... decide how the congressmen will vote, they can vote against, he gives them the opportunity to express their positions, that is the frequency of his conscience as the speaker of the house of representatives, and that is why congressmen like taylor are so angry green suddenly became our big heroine too, because what she says, what she writes, what she offers, in general, is very strange, very strange , because they understand that there is a stable majority in this situation, and this majority is
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the main thing we have in voting for each, for each of these draft laws, and including them we must add that in fact a large number of republicans supported this aid to ukraine, that is, not just a minority supported it, after all... the majority, and by the way, from minute to minute it will the vote for aid to ukraine in the congress, in the house of representatives, so now we see it, by the way, you see, here is the vote, this is 838, this is the peace through force law, this law comes from these assets, as it is called, russian assets may be confiscated. that's where it can be to be banned from tiktok, 360
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congressmen in total, 186 republicans and 174 democrats voted for this bill, 80 38, so it is still very important for us to see how the next bills will be voted, now we are also talking about this, by the way, this is the first of four. which concerns, yes, because in total there will be four separate draft laws, and here we saw the first one, it has already been voted, this, by the way, is symptomatic, it is... that with almost 100% probability other draft laws will also be voted on, i.e. the next , it will be by for the help of israel, and the third, if i am not mistaken, is for the help of ukraine, so we, well, we can now follow this vote with a vote, how it will look, this is, as far as i understand, the next will be
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a vote now, as i understand it, 830 , this is ukrainian law, here we are. we can watch it live, it's a law, no, it's not a ukrainian law, i'm sorry, it's a law about the indo-pacific region, but now we 'll see all the laws, it's 836, the law about money for allies in the indo-pacific region, we see it, 5 minutes, by the way, is in congressmen in order to vote, press for or against, and when 5 minutes pass..., then there will be the next draft law, which most likely will already apply to ukraine, so we are watching, well, in fact, in fact, if you look, now, now, there is already a majority, and now there will be, but pay attention, the interesting thing is that you see, so far in this law on the innotechean region, i just wonder
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what the party majority is in each draft law, you see, it is overwhelming by majority vote. it's all accepted there is practically a full, uh, uh, majority, bipartisan, you see, there are practically no democrats voting against, uh, and republicans are, yes, well, all, practically, no, not that already 2/3, more than 2/3, now will be the most important moment for us, so we are waiting. we will look at, i think, all four of these laws to make sure that they pass in a package to the senate, because the senate has to vote on all four laws, but there are literally a few minutes left, so i would like to remind you that it can reminds you, dear viewers, of the football atmosphere
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match, but this is not a football match, because the lives of our defenders and yours depend on this money, and your life... your own life depends, because this is an air defense system, this is money for improving the ukrainian defense, this is what we are now we see, this is a very important moment for everything that we generally perceive as the future of the ukrainian-russian confrontation, well , there are literally two minutes left, and by the way, when we were talking where... a few minutes ago about what most republicans no matter what they are supported these for all they said, it was simply necessary to give the possibility that there is in fact a minority, a minority that is about trump or the most ultra-ultra-right, ultra- conservative, as they are called, they are
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now we will actually see them, what is their number relatively speaking 33 , 33, well... another 17, well, up to 50 people did not vote, and in general, republicans practically vote like democrats, but i also wonder who and why the republicans are, they have always traditionally supported taiwan, they believed, like president trump, that china is the main threat of this whole story, why don't they vote for uh... aid to taiwan, it's a strange story, really, but now the main news, you see, andriy in the russian newspaper izvestia, the us house of representatives passed a bill on the confiscation of frozen assets of ukraine on barks of russia in favor of ukraine, so as you can see, we are not the only ones who are closely following this
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vote, our russian neighbors know that their money would now say this, and this too. by the way, interestingly, this will be a precedent, it will actually be an impetus for other countries, because a lot of countries they were saying, listen, well look, the united states of america doesn't vote, the united states of america doesn't confiscate, neither do we, we won't confiscate either, in this case, we now see that the united states of america has actually set an example, and a similar now, we can expect similar actions in... finally, including from european partners, because in fact, the most money, the most russian frozen funds, they are located on the territory of the european union, there we are talking about dozens. billions of euros, dollars, therefore, of course, this will be a good example for other countries to join in this, and accordingly, this will mean
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that it is quite possible that we will have additional support so that we can fight the russian aggressor in the future, well, the law has been passed, 385 votes in favor, that's not even 2/3. it is 3/4, even 75%, plus even, yes, only 34, the republicans voted against, in fact, and we expect the next law from minute to minute, it will already be a law for ukraine, as far as i understand, it will be now announced, after the results of this legislation will be announced. you see, it is not the speaker who announces these laws, he specially whips them, so to speak, but now a new one is announced, as i understand it, a new
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law will be announced, it will be a law on additional allocations for assistance to ukraine, here it is, now announced. that's what it's called, it's law 803, and voting on this law will begin now. if of course there won't be
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any changes and amendments, as far as i understand, so here it is, you see with us. air at such a historical moment, practically the last air too was a historical moment, in general, every time we now find, every saturday, it turns out that all such key geopolitical events are not simple, not only for ukraine, but for the world, and those events that are happening now in ukraine, this is the war of russia against ukraine, this is also a geopolitical event, well, yes, if we say that the speaker of the house of representatives of the american parliament can lose his position in connection with the aid to ukraine. it looks strange in general, however, from the point of view of the past, it was difficult to imagine how it would be, but now i
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i understand, the question is there, as far as i remember, there were certain amendments, and they can also be voted on, but everything will be announced now, we can see when this ceremony takes place in the house of representatives. we see it live and it's law 835, it's a law to help ukraine, and it seems to me that it's an amendment, an amendment, das of indiana part b, you see, yes, that's right, that is, it's an amendment to the law, to the law, now we'll see, we see that...rats vote against, yes that, and even, and even notice that the republicans are also in the majority, well, they are mostly
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the majority and now they are voting against, yes, there were several amendments allowed to be voted on, four, four, so now we will also see a vote on them, as far as i understand, the house of representatives will all fail, it is already clear, they're voted on faster than bills, so it's fast, literally within a minute, and you and i can watch these amendments being voted on, you know ms. sparts, she's now opposing aid to ukraine, even though she's the first female congresswoman ukrainian background, who became a member of congress, and she is a loyal supporter of donald trump, by the way, recently she wanted to leave. congress, but then decided that she would stay, and so she made such an amendment that did not pass.
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the vast majority of congressmen are practically all republicans and half yes all all democrats and half republicans from this amendment by karaskoi we see that the republicans are divided 50 to 50, that is actually interesting, by the way yes, if in the past, the past vote for the bill itself, there in fact it was almost consolidated consolidated. now we see that in fact they are divided almost 50 to 50, so we are watching further, there are a few seconds left before the end of voting on this amendment, and most likely after it it has not passed all, so will be amendment two now from the major yes, so it will be the second amendment, well, by the way, you see that the house of representatives does not allow 155 references to be voted on, they are the ones that can really reasonably
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change the essence. of the law, so there you can't just talk about women and the law, well, as in as in to our verkhovna rada, as it is called an amendment sleep, yes, there is no such thing there, everyone knows it, now the second amendment is being announced, and this too, it is important, it has been announced, voting on this second amendment is now starting, see the second amendment with the proposed one.
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zeros, that is, it's just a game like that, almost taylor, he knows very well that the amendments will not pass, and as you can see, if the victoria sports amendment had some supporters among the republicans, then there is not even a split in half, the majority of republicans vote against this amendment, and almost all democrats, i wonder who this one democrat who agreed with it, maybe confused the button. he will say later that it is necessary, he will say later that this vote must be withdrawn, as it is in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, this actually happens. well, here we also see that congress has an absolute consensus to reject this amendment, yes, so we're actually watching this situation with you right now,
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30 seconds from now. it will end, well, i think we can see that donald trump has become more be cautious about aid to ukraine. andrii, you see what he said, that he believes that it can be given as a pretense that the united states is not interested in ukraine falling, he also said that, moreover, i will tell you, mr. vitaly, that this week there was a statement by donald trump, where he said that europe has more, that the problem is precisely that... yes, that is, the rhetoric that ukraine does not actually need to give has changed, more, but not to us, that everything after all, europe needs to get involved, and then they will get involved the united states of america, that is, the rhetoric has changed, and you said, i absolutely agree with you that most likely the issue here is that the majority of voters, even republicans, are still in favor of
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ukraine, maybe they are not in favor. for maintaining the current support of the united states of america for ukraine at the current level, and it is already a victory that in fact the opinion of the voters still influenced even such a person as donald trump. well, you see, by and large, that the iranian attack on... israel, she also showed that these are all things that are really happening in one country, that israeli politicians have already started to say everything, and you understand when this is the next one, the fourth one, that the third one was missed for some reason, well, it’s interesting how difficult it is for us to fully understand this procedure, this is another law.


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