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tv   [untitled]    April 28, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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the same chaos? well, there are a lot of examples when really, as you say, it became clear that the institutions or the situations that arise require, let's say, additional intervention or continuation of action, the introduction or continuation of action, actually these adaptive periods, and it was, it... continues, i am sure that if we are, we will really observe a situation where in two months due to various circumstances, well, let's say, they don't stick to the deadlines, that the registration authorities, let's say citizens, due to various circumstances or challenges that will us to wait for them in the future, of course, that knowing how the situation works in ukraine in general, i am sure that there will not be any repressive or there will not be... there will be immediately, you know,
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ultimate, ultimate relation, all the same, if it will be an understanding that there is a massive need for the extension of the registry, registration or movement of citizens on the territory of ukraine, it will require some additional efforts, i am sure that after all, either adaptation, or prolongation, or again the extension, let's say, of the entry into force, will be, because this, well this is not the first times, and there were situations, but what we have now... outlined deadlines, this at least gives everyone the opportunity to mobilize, gives an understanding that everyone needs to work intensively, there is no time to stretch, even now the challenges that are there appear, problems with queues or with certain electronic accounts, it is evened out and it will function and work, here it is important not to raise the council every time, actually try to interact as much as possible and listen to each other, sir? thank you for
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comment, ivan tymochko, our serviceman and head of the council of reservists of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine, was with us, but in the meantime we will talk about global aid to ukraine with money and weapons, with us is an expert on foreign and security policy, oleksandr khara. mr. alexander, congratulations, good morning, congratulations, on such an anniversary, let's push back, because it's just... people look at the calendar and say, oh, it's been two years since the us house of representatives passed the lendless act, well, you can already, as they say, and to uncork a bottle of coca-cola, but here the question arises, well, they signed the law on the forest, it was never used, so what was wrong and whether they will try to apply it again, i don’t know, whether it has already lost its force and more they will not vote on such a thing, and you know,
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we did not hear a clear explanation why it was not used, at least from official sources, one of the arguments that was given was that the congress allocated live funds that ukraine used and received the help that was provided to us until recently, and to be honest, i i don't think that after these, let's say, dramatic events in the congress, which began in october of last year and... when they started, let's say, to promote the idea of ​​extending funding to ukraine for the 24th year, is it unlikely that congress will be able to do something to do that, there are a large number of people who started using demagogic various arguments to say that it is necessary to stop aid to ukraine in general, well, but slavs, we saw the historic vote in the senate, and by the way, it is very interesting that it... reflects, well
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in fact, the attitude of average americans to of this war, where 2/3 of americans want ukraine to be supported either at the same, at the same level, or to increase aid, and slightly less than a third are those who say that aid should be stopped, well, it is clear that in america the most important factor , which is influencing all of these issues, it's donald trump, and we 've seen his evolution from, well... actually, we have to block aid, he's been giving such tacit instructions to the point where he 's taken a half step back and put forward the idea that ukraine should be helped, but it should be a loan, even if it is interest-free, free of charge, and in the end he gave the green light to mr. speaker mike johnson for this vote to take place and we saw how it happened.
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i think that most likely the key factor was not the destruction of ukrainian cities that we saw starting this year, not the influence of lobbying. ukrainian evangelicals who did not go to meetings, phone calls of ukrainian officials with mike johnson, donald trump's own understanding that he would not gain anything from what happens in ukraine, that is, we will lose some more territories, he realized that the democrats can just blame him, the republicans, and before the election day in november, i realized that this is not the best option, so i think this is the key. a moment that worked in our favor and trump felt it would be better for him if he still gave the green light, despite the fact that his staunch supporters in the house of representatives continued to demagogue this, you must have seen the amendments that
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margery taylor grimm tried to introduce , absolutely ridiculous on the one hand, and on the other on the other hand, they were definitely not written in the united states, but most likely in lubyanka. or maybe not, maybe she just reads maryana bezuglai’s facebook page regularly, you see, that’s all she cares about, that is, you explained how, say, even the rhetoric of presidential candidate trump has changed, but you never said whether the americans would try at any what schedules will the law on lendliss be put into effect once again, because it has lost its force, well, accordingly, they will vote on a new one or not to go back to this, well, i have not heard that anyone has such ideas, all the more so, after they voted, well, these supposedly large funds, 61 billion, although it is clear that there are large funds, they are only on paper, since, well, almost 20 billion is the money that will be invested in the american,
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american defense and industrial complex and they will restore the stockpiles of ammunition that the united states has already transferred to ukraine, of course... they need to replenish them for armaments for ukraine there, approximately 14 billion dollars, and we have already seen the announcement of aid from washington, there is a lot there are interesting things, there are also systems, or rather missiles for air defense, anti-missile defense, well, there is such and such, let's say a rumor or, i don't know how to call it, that has already been passed on to us. a certain number of operational-tactical missiles with an attack, and officially, the pentagon already officially said that in the previous package, so this is no longer a hoax, not a rumor, well, yes, what are the questions, because there are five or six of them there are options, and whether we were provided with long-range, long-range,
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they say today in dzhankoy, they fixed just lessons learned, unlearned lessons, we still have we will collect this cotton, but it arrived just before those attacks. mr. oleksandr, look, you just nicely emphasized the fact that trump's position and opinion have changed, johnson also allegedly saw, received some kind of enlightenment. biden even earlier a month before everything was agreed, voted on, it turns out he already sent us the atakamsa, but now the question is whether this is the aid package that we received and can count on that september, october will be next, or is it, as some says actually the last thing we got from the united states. the question is, is it possible to use all this now as needed, instead of saving and looking for it, waiting for a more suitable opportunity? well, you know, there is a very important philosophical and strategic question here, because it is absolutely
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obvious that the biden administration has not changed its strategic approach to russia, to ukraine, to this war. it seems to them that by continuing to help us, the system is against us. yes, of course, it saves the lives of ukrainians, but the restrictions that were there, they remain, we cannot strike on russian territory itself, and it is clear that with the quality of the package provided to us, it is definitely, one might say, defensive, so that we hold our positions, and not accumulate something in order to liberate our own territories, if not this year, then the next, and this is actually a big problem, since... they definitely do not set the collapse of the putin regime as a political goal, in principle there can be two options for how this war can end, i am telling you about positive options for us, this is the military defeat of the russian federation in ukraine on ukrainian territory, and the second -
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this is the collapse of the russian regime, putin's regime, that is, the impossibility of continuing this war, well, that is exactly the goal, at least... so far the administration has not declared and even without declaring it has not changed its approaches, what it is giving us, and therefore, this which is, most likely, this is the maximum that we can get, and we will naturally wait for the results of the elections in the united states, because it is clear that if there is biden, then at least we will be supported at the same level, hoping that some successes of the armed forces forces of ukraine will push mr. putin to, as they call, a diplomatic settlement, what this settlement could be, well, we saw from the rumors, from the origins of this istanbul agreement. understood that it was capitulation, that is, it simply
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delayed the destruction of ukraine in time, taking into account how the russians saw the ukrainian armed forces, and here, well, in fact , they would be decorative, well, in fact , we live in such a world, but there is positive news, this is what is happening in europe, the europeans are of course too slow to react, but they realized that with trump, what could happen not only ukraine. will remain alone with russia, but europe will also be deprived, first of all , of the nuclear umbrella, well, as well as those commitments that are within the framework of nato, and that is why they began to arm themselves, the prime minister of the united kingdom announced the biggest, let's say yes, the increase in the defense budget, it is true, he says that by the 30th year they will reach 2.5% of gdp, but on the other hand, it is very positive that he immediately announced 500 million pounds of aid to ukraine,
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and there is also many interesting things that show, well, let's say, accents, as seen the british, the continuation of this war for ukraine, well, other europeans, and air defense systems, germany immediately said that at least one patriot system would be provided to us, others think, the spaniards there, the greeks hesitate, because... they have a very good neighbor, also a member nato, but they have constantly strained relations, and actually for that they need to get a large number of things in order to contain a possible conflict, this is actually the europeans, their turn of opinion, recently macron made a big speech primarily about the european future, but also the security aspects, we will hope that his words... they will not only be such projects, but will also be supported by serious, real aid
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to ukraine, france is somewhere there in the 15th place, among those who are outside the scope of that , which is transferred to us in the defense sphere, let's hope that they will enter at least five key countries, so the support of europe is, and this is understandable, is, let's say, such an important support that we can ... rely on, our military they can plan and defensive operations, maybe not god forbid, and accumulate resources for offensive operations. mr. oleksandr, thank you for such a thorough analysis, oleksandr kharabov is with us, an expert on foreign and security policy at the center for defense strategies. thank you for donating, 10,00 has already flown into the account, and stay with espresso, because a little later we will show more videos to encourage you to donate even more.
9:44 am
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plantain, pam, and savings. try phlebodia 600. pink french pills for acute hemorrhoids. flebodia 600. treat hemorrhoids without any side effects. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's make better roads, we will still... we will still have a special view on events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond its borders, what a world dreams, mr. norman, we can imagine it, all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. on espresso. the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava
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barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who reflect and comment. the most relevant public discussions, which news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week, and actually who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday, clearly, the topics will be relevant, guests special, own names with myroslava barchuk, sunday 17:10 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. once again, we congratulate the new viewers who have joined the channel, today, on this festive sunday, we remind you that i am not the one who beats, the willow beats, attacks with attacks, and
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everything beats where it needs to be, like yurko zhoravel draws, and i strike, and the willow strikes, from now on. easter is in a week, so congratulations. our concert of festive greetings continues, and now there will be a greeting from our guys who destroyed the russian urals on the left bank of the kherson region. drones used to fly there, they fly there all the time , the main thing now is that the delivery vehicle flies very efficiently. these are the greetings from the left bank of the kherson region. we even see such videos, in fact there are many, many of them. not everyone can show, you understand that your money is invested better than in any of the european banks, that's why you pointed the qr code with a camera, or simply copied the card number and paid, then you immediately have a video report from us about your invested funds, well, we are including the head of the committee of the verkhovna rada in the conversation
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of ukraine on freedom of speech, people's deputy yaroslav yurchyshyn is with us, mr. yaroslav, congratulations. good morning. and what kind of human rights violations in ukraine, in the single news marathon, you can see for yourself and how we will fight against it, because the state department says that it is not good. what does he see? well, you and i have already talked about this many times, it's a shame that once again ukraine loses, does not lose a chance, it's difficult to lose a chance, to independently correct certain things there. or until our partners abroad pay attention to them, and now in a rather mild form, but if we don't do anything to do, it is very likely that simply solving the problems that currently exist in ensuring the right to information and freedom of speech
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will simply appear in the conditions of another aid, which is what he actually emphasizes. the state department immediately, in order to properly present it in a balanced way, the first thing that the state department says, despite the war, ukraine provides the opportunity for every person to freely express his opinion and, in principle, not to bear responsibility for it, yes, that is, freedom of speech, freedom of expression is guaranteed here, but, ah, the creation of a single marathon, now provides extraordinary opportunities for the government. direct the information policy, and in this there is a certain risk, according to the state department itself, that this... distorts the information picture itself primarily due to the lack of balance, and that is, there is very little that is critical of the actions of the authorities in a single marathon,
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and right here in in principle, the state department itself gives an answer as to why this happened, emphasizing the problem of disconnection from the live air, as the state department says, of channels associated with opposition parties. straight fifth espresso channel, logically it would be very easy to resolve the issue of the state department's remarks by giving access to the channels of agreement, well , balancing the single marathon, in principle the most logical thing would be to transfer the resources that we are currently investing in the single marathon to a public broadcaster, which, unlike other channels, which are in a single marathon, has a high level. you say the simplest and most logical thing, but just yesterday we saw another wolf and it moves and exactly the opposite, you know, it is difficult to live in a country when
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all the people call you mariana bezugla, but this was the first signal that a coordinated attack by the public broadcaster was beginning, so we see the public and svitlana ostapa from the supervisory board says that the representatives of the so -called... channel are happy, and that was once there was a channel that covered the work of your parliament, now it is a haven for the ivanovs, petrovs and the other sidarovs, and in this case we see the opposite, let’s throw out the public, because the public keeps the balance, and there you can hear, ay-yay-yay, horror, there may be yaroslav yurchyshyn to appear and any other representative of the opposition party, it is impossible to do this, this is what we see, actually, instead of adequately evaluating, so far , the comments of the state department, and i want to emphasize that from our partners, actually and criticism of the single marathon, and disconnection
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of channels, and certain problems with access to information that appeared during the war, and attention is drawn not for the first time, for the first time it was already sounded at the level of the european parliament and recommendations, actually resolutions of the european parliament, and now instead. .. in order to to correct mistakes in a logical way, that 's how to demonstrate: look, we hear you, we see that yes, this is purely a conclusion of the bureau for issues of democracy, yes, this is not a mandatory document, but you have reservations, society has long let's recall the actual petition of pavlo bilaus, a veteran and hero of ukraine, which has gathered a sufficient number there in a fairly quick time. votes to redirect the money from the single marathon to more important needs, well, in the opinion of a veteran, of course , this is the armed forces, we understand that it is necessary to invest in information security as well, but
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so that this money works correctly, what the government actually does, well, look, i, in principle, if, unfortunately, we have certain such - speakers, on whom i press there, test all kinds of toxic narratives, society. understanding that we are in such a psychological state that we cannot react, of course he actively reacts, but at that time a much more critical situation is taking place, really, and allegedly at the meeting, well, allegedly, because i was not present, i heard from other people on the question was raised at the meeting of the editors of the actual channels on the redistribution of slots, and, that is, the period when the channels are on the air, and there was a proposal... from representatives of the rada channel, although the press service of the verkhovna rada asked svitlana ostapa whether these are the authorized representatives of the rada channel, because in fact
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the channel is in the telethon the council is represented by the adviser to the director of the channel, and there is no such position in the staff schedule of the parliamentary channel, that is , it is not entirely clear who represents it, so this person proposed, well, let's exclude the marathon with a majority of votes. there, unfortunately, is not the only public marathon, with slots, evening prime-time slots, that is, there , look, show the public at night, there in the morning, in the afternoon, when people don’t watch, or don’t watch so often in the evening, no, let’s actually promote other channels, but first of all, there is no this format of decision-making by the majority, and, that is, according to the memorandum, all channels must agree, well, it is clear that the public is unlikely to... agree and it is not a fact that others will agree, but even despite the fact that the decision, as far as i know, was not accepted, still this topic are being pushed further, and from what i can
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conclude, the authorities have taken the path... the most dangerous for the country, expecting that now there will be less attention to us, because the elections to the european parliament are in june, now everyone is in the elections, it is clear that a certain period even after the elections, as a result of the elections, everyone will deal with internal issues, realizing that now in the united states the activation of the electoral process is underway, they decided to clear the field, at least if the decisions on social issues are actually made as they are now ... all this will mean that the clearing of the information field for some needs, and there someone says in response to a change of government, someone there says that we should expect a more difficult situation at the front, and accordingly we need greater control and the like, but the point is not that, the point is that now they are trying not to respond adequately to the recommendations of our international partners so far, in the hope that our international partners will now be busy
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with their own issues, thus not having to... pay more attention to us as much as is necessary, and solve their own, i'm sorry, internally, here we are as a committee, we keep this situation under control, of course, we will try to act depending on the position, you understand the composition of my committee, in each committee there are more representatives of the majority, to what extent my colleagues will have enough independence and readiness to actually protect the public interest, we will see, but to what extent. .. i know, my friend , our public council under the committee is already preparing an appeal on this situation, i really hope that ah, i am convinced that she will stand up for the public, because actually, mr. yaroslav, i will sum it up like this , what do you say, by in fact, it looks like this, what you said at the beginning, that we again do not want to introduce changes voluntarily on our own initiative, but we understand that even
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after the elections to... the parliament in june , it is assumed that this process will still begin talks about ukraine's accession to the eu, and in any case, sooner or later, whether it will be in june or november, but they will get to all our freedom of speech, and in any case we will have to implement these changes and make all this more transparent, is there a meaning to resist so much time, these extra months, it will give something to the authorities, if a few more months... well, the entire information flow will be controlled by us for one and a half minutes, and this will only give the opposite result, not that people will start loving the authorities more, trust in it will fall will be, not only from the side of society, but from the side of our international partners, and this is already a problem for the entire country, because the lower the level of trust in a warring country, the slower the speed of aid delivery, i think this is very critical. yes
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, yes, we will actually finalize simply so at the end of our conversation, i just wanted to ask you, do you read maryana's facebook page in the morning? look, i have established a rule of information hygiene for myself, i ignore the fact that there is no content, but you yourself just said that precisely because of it , annoying and not always legitimate topics are thrown in, well , why play along with that , who want to use you as test subjects to know where they are going and control the process. roman, for this i just need to chat with the espresso channel and save your nerves, and i highly recommend once again, friends, to everyone, don't wait for anonymous telegram channels, don't read maryana endlessly either in the morning or in the evening, the less there will be a reaction to her. the
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less harm it will bring, yaroslav yurchyshyn, almost quoted professor preobrazhensky, that do not read soviet newspapers and maryana's page at night. thank you, mr. yaroslav, yaroslav yurchyshyn, people's deputy and chairman of the parliament's committee on freedom of speech. instead, and at night, and in the morning, and during the day, and in fact every even hour, see news on espresso. khrystyna parubiy already has a selection of the latest information and is ready to share it, because it is 10:00 and news time. greetings colleague. the occupiers have banned mass events in the occupied part of luhansk region. why? i will tell you all the details in a moment in the issue, as well as the situation in other regions of ukraine. wait.
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