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tv   [untitled]    May 18, 2024 5:00am-5:30am EEST

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partners, this is already in addition to what i talked about, with regard to american partners, with nato partners, we are working to ensure that first, after all, joint training, training of our military, especially those who are being mobilized again and are being prepared for of the armed forces of ukraine, and also on the territory of ukraine, it is, firstly, faster, secondly, cheaper, and thirdly, more effective for us, for the needs of the armed forces of ukraine, and secondly, we are seriously working to ensure that joint patrol of the ukrainian sky, even in ukraine, on the western border of ukraine, common, joint possible protection of energy and civilian objects along the western border of ukraine. from this, we believe and insist that it is possible and necessary to start joint efforts between ukraine and nato, but not exclusively in the form of conferences or meetings or conversations, already in specific... joint combat operations,
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anti-aircraft patrol, joint, and in the adjacent territories of ukraine and all everything that concerns the ukrainian sky. but as we understand, he means ukraine and himself including, then everything will start precisely with the first use of f-16, the first two or three squadrons and their strengthening with possible equipment, possible radars and not only nato member countries, our partners. and do you know, mr. valentin, when the first f-16 aircraft will appear in the sky of ukraine? it is known, but not for the enemy, that is why we do not announce it on the air, but i can tell you that ukrainians will hear and see, and then it is already clear that no one will hide this date. the new york times writes that ukraine has allegedly turned to its nato partners with a request for help train 150,000 recruits closer to the front line. for a faster deployment,
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the united states of america replied: no, but the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff believes that the deployment of nato instructors seems inevitable, has there been a conversation with the americans who were with blinkin in kyiv about the need to deploy these instructors from nato, and as americans in conversation, what do they say? first, nato member countries, great britain, poland. lithuania, estonia and others, up to spain, have previously trained the ukrainian military, especially air defense, pilots continue their training, by the way, and we must not forget romania, and yes, among these nato member countries that i have named, there are already those countries that have decided and agreed that they can send their instructors, they call trainers, but military instructors for the training of special units, well, it is meant. special purpose
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air defense, special operations forces, i.e., such specialties for the nato military and nato teachers and trainers have a higher degree, need our armed forces and these are the instructors we want, the general staff of ukraine wants on our territory, in our training centers for our defenders, i confirm that the answer is yes from the national partners. united states. by the way, you mentioned, in fact, for the united states of america and did not formulate such a request, ukraine, we understand very well how far the united states of america is, and even its military bases, those in europe, there are limited personnel, so we we work directly with those countries that are members of nato, such as velyka britain and others who have enough instructors and personnel to train our defenders on the territory of ukraine. mr. valentin, what about you... the future development
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of events on the russian-ukrainian front also depends on today's meeting between the two leaders of china and the russian federation, putin arrived in xijinping, putin's two-day visit to beijing is coming to an end, according to the statements that have already been made and the rhetoric voiced by both putin and xi jinping, which means that china will continue to bargain with the west for some preferences? in exchange for the fact that beijing will influence moscow's policy, i.e. how do you assess this visit and the prospects of china joining the civilized part of the world after all, well, let's say in reality what happened is not that russian propaganda is rebroadcasting or lying, that in fact, russian propaganda received an entry from china, as is the russian leader, because you remember, you are professional... serhiy,
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let us also remind the tv viewers how, it seems, one of putin's advisers, even before his arrival in china, already stated that no china is not on which peace conference will not go, we rule here, they almost don't rule china, we came and what. and we received the mardas, because china said that we will decide ourselves , including regarding participation in a peace conference in switzerland based on the ukrainian peace formula. second, xi jinping, the leader of china, officially came out and confirmed that china adheres and will adhere to and call for other principles of the un and the charter of the united nations organization, on the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the states, members of the un. i mean... and i think, first of all, like each of us about ukraine, and we are the founder of the un, that is exactly what we demand in the ukrainian formula for peace, complete withdrawal, restoration of our borders, withdrawal, meaning the aggressor's troops, as well as many other things that were left behind behind closed doors, but i think russian
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propaganda and putin himself are happy that it is good that at least behind closed doors, so if everyone saw what china really answered and how leader xi really feels about putin, then... i think that the collapse would be full, but there is a lot an important circumstance is that indeed for putin , china has remained the only window of hope, opportunities, as well as trade, and indeed, the kremlin regime is taking unprecedented steps regarding the economy, the return of land, energy resources for almost nothing to china, for the sake of at least some kind of support, at least for the sake of some image , that... russia has no longer become an outcast, in my opinion and my conclusion, russia is becoming an international outcast, not even any support, precisely the support of china, the russian leader did not receive, and this is actually, i think, very serious changes, god forbid, just , so that these
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the changes that have started now in beijing, in china, so that they will still be implemented in june in switzerland and then the international... community, together with the global country, china, have nevertheless completely switched to supporting ukraine and condemning russian aggression. thank you, mr. valentin, for the conversation, it was valentin nalyvaichenko, people's deputy of ukraine, former head of the security service of ukraine. friends, i want to remind you that we are working live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live on these platforms. please subscribe to our pages. and also take part in today's survey, today we ask you whether the uoc mp threatens the national security of ukraine. the question is serious enough, the question is debatable, but it is important for us to know your opinion, if you watch us on youtube, please vote yes, no, or leave your opinion
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about the existence of the uoc imp in ukraine, its future existence. if you are watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and call. if you believe that uoc. in threatens the national security of ukraine 0800 211 381 no 0800 211382 all calls to these numbers are free of charge vote at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote further on our contact oleksiy hetman, military analyst, reserve major of the national guard of ukraine, russian-ukrainian veteran war mr. major, i welcome you and i am glad to see you on our air, welcome, mr. major, let's start our conversation. the situation in kharkiv oblast, the defense forces managed to stabilize the situation with the offensive of russian troops in the north of the kharkiv region, and the enemy was able to advance no more than 10 km deep into ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi said this during today's
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press conference, in addition, he says that the russians in the kharkiv region were able to reach only the first of three lines of defense, i will quote mr. zelenskyi. the first line is not a border. it is impossible to build there, because our people died due to the appropriate weapons used by the russians, they are approximately there now , this is the first line that was built in the war under constant fire our military, the first and second lines are built by the military, the third line is built by the local authorities, it is the most powerful, not because it is better than the military, but simply because it is further from weapons, from shells, from shelling, sir major, how do you rate today? the situation in kharkiv oblast, to what extent did the enemy accomplish what he wanted to do and did he manage to do it? well, you know, the thing is, when we look at the map, there's the deep state, when we analyze the statements of, for example, the president, to
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things, he said quite the right things, everyone can support him here, i'm sure he had advisers who were aware of the situation, and what he said was in line with military standards. now. the second line, the third line is the most powerful and so on, i.e. here and there it was normal to express, it's good that until what you conducted it, in relation to and so on. the military is already starting, as they say, the nuances that, looking at the map, there are many kilometers wide or deep or not many, and this is what people are not told about, and there are strange analyzes, sometimes you hear, come on, these two areas that they created in kharkiv region, two bridgeheads, they are up to 10 km wide and deep, and these two bridgeheads, to measure them lengthwise, they will be approximately 13-15 km each. this is precisely the front along which the brigade is advancing, well, there is a certain section of the front,
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three km there, 3-5 km there is the battalion, well, and so on, that is, there are certain standards, and they are used militarily not because they like the standards , because that is how they are calculated, as they say, statutes are written in blood, especially martial statutes, regardless depending on which army conducts combat operations, the russians have a lot of outdated ones there... but these are the actions, they are prescribed in their combat statutes, and they are similar to other combat statutes, because the tactics of conducting warfare in the field are infantry, it has not changed, almost has not changed, the essence has changed since the time of the napoleonic wars, and maybe even earlier, the means by which you can attack the enemy have changed, and to me this is all that provides people to perform these tasks, and the logic is the same, a certain front line, a certain number of people for these ... the front lines have to hold the defense, a certain number of people must advance, as it should,
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fortifications should be built as i should, they are becoming more difficult, before it was usually rare, now it is a little more difficult, especially the third line, there should be multi-story, two-story dugouts, there should be capsules for storage of the personnel of the massed shelling, communication and passages between the first, second and second third lines must be established , there must be... rapams can also be silenced, well , it can break from an explosion, but here, even like in the second world war, you have to go and look for a way to connect it, because you guys can jam a wireless conductive connection, here is a connection, here you need conductors, well, and so on, that is, there are many nuances, the fact that they now have these two sections 13-15 km wider, this is... according to the regulations, this is how the brigade should advance, roughly this is its section of the front. there is information that they want
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to expand it to 70 km, commander syrsky said that they are trying to expand it, it's not a very good sign, because it's just like that, because they didn't expand, just 70 km is a section, well up to 100 km, 50, 60, 70, it should be advancing there, this is the length of the front, the length of the front along which it should be advancing d. most likely this 18th division, which is located there, they used to create a bridgehead again according to the prescribed combat rules according to the combat statutes, 10-15% of the personnel, the other main forces were preserved and the extended section of the front means that this division will try to advance, whether or not they succeed in advancing to the second or third line, well that will show how built they are and how many of our troops should be there, because on such a... front, well, let's say, well, for example, a battalion, but it has to maintain defense there 3-5
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km, well, for example, up to 2 km deep, well, that is , there are certain standards, that is, no, we constantly say to attract reserves there, one more thing, for each section of land at a certain distance, there are certain standards, how many mines should be laid, how many guns should be stationed, how many heavy equipment, how many people there should be... how many automatic weapons there should be, how many machine guns there should be, mortars and so on, that is, no one sits around and invents all this, it is all written down in combat statutes, in general, in the statutes of the armed forces, and this is also a tactic, when it is being built, it is based on normative documents and according to them, well, there are many nuances , you can change some of the cunning tactics there, but you can add it, make it better, that is, mr. major, there is military science, which in principle. should
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stand where the snipers should stand on defense, as well as on annoying people who are far from military affairs start to analyze, draw some arrows on the map, where to move there, or someone starts to say, let's do it, write me a war plan, that is, it is a head disease that is already incurable and so on, that is, it is all prescribed . and everything is calculated, sometimes it happens that it is necessary to get a larger, wider section of the front with a smaller number, we have seen this many times, well, here it turns on... tactical tactics are such that allow a smaller number to have a certain section, well there you need to maneuver, there you need to make counterattacks, there you need to do active defense, that is, it all adds up, i just want to know why it is so, well, i will tell you almost in detail, there are basic rules of warfare, basic,
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in the united states, in great britain, in ukraine , in the russian federation, the bases, you can... but you can’t replace the bases, you see, you can’t put a battalion on an area of ​​100 km to conduct combat operations, it will simply be demolished and so on, it is impossible to make fortifications without to be behind the third line of rokats on the road along which you can move quickly and so that there are moves between the first, second and third lines, along which you can move, without this you cannot, well, that is , you can try to improve, but... you first do what needs to be done, and then add so that it becomes possible better, it can be done, and when, instead of doing the right thing, some person comes who thinks that he knows everything and understands everything perfectly, starts telling the army what they need to do, well, it causes, you know, already don't be angry, because they are already angry, there is enough anger for the enemy, i challenge you, honestly, the guys will tell me what
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causes apathy, because come kambrikh there or kambar listen, we were here, but we listened, well, it’s the same... guys, let them tell, we know what to do with us , yes, a dugout is here, a machine gun nest is here, snipers here and there, that's all, we are holding the defense, we are fighting, and let them say what they want, well, you can't break society, relations, and society like that, information that goes to society , so that it sometimes simply contradicts itself, in general bypasses the fact that, what the military know and do on the battlefield can make a big difference, if a person does not understand, well, let him say in general terms, this is also not bad, it is such a strategic, political, economic trickery, well, when i climb, start telling how to fight, how to build defense, how where, who should be located, how to mine or not to mine, to the military, who studied for this, who passed tests, even when they were young men, as they say, young men, and so
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on, who have been doing this for 15-20 years , and want to ask a person who gives advice, how do you know, this person wants to ask. well, it’s just, well, i’m talking with my brothers, well , listen, people, well, at first they were already angry , then they laughed, and now it just causes apathy . some great advice is especially annoying when people gather and start drawing some arrows on the map. as the guardian writes , kyiv warned about preparations for an offensive. of the russian federation in the kharkiv region, but unprepared defense lines prevented him from stopping, they write the british, delays in the supply of weapons, as well as a lack of manpower, i quote what the british publication writes: it is suicidal for ukraine to have its main line of defense on the border, where the russians can hit it with artillery and guided aerial bombs, and the ukrainians, due to
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american restrictions, have no available weapons , such as systems of salvo fire hymers to strike back cites. military analyst george baros, who explained why russian forces were able to mass safely on the other side of the border. major, that's what the british write, what putin said today, that we are not going to capture kharkiv at all, this is not our goal, putin always lies, so we do not even take into account what he says, he was going even in the 22nd year wanted to capture kharkiv, they entered kharkiv and on the 24th he did not want to enter. to bite kharkiv, well, this is probably a lie of the highest kind, in your opinion, that the russians want to create a so-called sanitary zone in the kharkiv region, as putin says, well, if he says this about this sanitary zone, then well then we can say, and we want a sanitary zone only on that side, bilhorodsk, kursk region, let's make such a sanitary
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zone as well, and we will strive for this sanitary zone, what the russians want from... we constantly listen to what they they say, we are trying to analyze, well, let them sort it out between themselves, lovrov and putin, lovrov says that we want to create a sanitary zone, there is more than 100 km, and kharkiv falls, and sumy falls into this sanitary zone, putin says that they do not want capture kharkiv, and so do we we begin to analyze whether he is lying or not, what difference does it make to us whether he is lying or not, we see what is happening, we see the preparatory actions that this group, which is located in the north, is currently taking. from kharkiv, that they are trying to capture kharkiv, well , of course, with such a large number of people, one division is not capable of doing it, it takes a lot, it is an army, no less, and even better , not even an army... it is necessary to attract two or three armies there , then you can try, theoretically try to do it, for today i am sure that they just want
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to get as close as possible to kharkiv, so that they can already have it under artillery fire control, so that they can shoot the self-propelled guns there, well, whatever guns they have, whatever they have, so that not only can to use the rockets and flying bombs that i have on... around kharkov, so that it would be possible, if anything, to use artillery, and in this way to create impossible conditions for the civilian population to be there, to start evacuation or some other actions, well, although what else actions, if there will be shelling from artillery, then people must be evacuated, especially children must be forcibly evacuated, that is, it is a big problem, and what they say about the first line of defense, that it was impossible to build it in... along the border, well, that's right, this is correct, but it is presented in such a context that they look a little bit unclear, this is where our partners begin, the prohibitions of the united states
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to fire on the territory of russia, oh we see tractors, here you see people, thank you for putting such a video, here are these people are working, you can imagine that there is no border is there no border, imagine that the enemy is just 100 m or 500 m away, it is possible to do it with a tractor, if there... with an rpg from a shot of rpomogo, well, how is that, well, here we are, this is how it should be built, it should work machinery, bulldozers, excavators, they have to dig there and so on, people don't dig it up with shovels, you don't disturb reinforced concrete there with buckets, well, how can a tractor drive, dig something at a distance of 200-300 m from the enemy, again it doesn't matter, there is a border, there is no border, what is attached to this border, the military does not consider administrative ones at all borders or political borders, for them it is the topography of the area, for them the enemy, his positions, our positions, we are advancing, holding the defense, moving, everything that, as it is written in the military affairs, is for politicians, the border is, that is, administrative
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borders donetsk oblast or luhansk oblast, there were talks that putin wants to capture them, i have a simple question, can someone point to where, being on the ground, where, where the border of donetsk oblast passes, administratively, no one will show, and what the military has to focus on it, no, they they will orientate themselves where... where are understandable heights, where are lowlands, where, where it is more convenient to hold a position, from which side it is better to advance, and so on. therefore, from the conversation about what was not built near the border a few hundred meters from the enemy, and it could not be built there, even the russians, when they were building their syurovikin lines in order to establish half-day offensive actions, well, almost a year ago, they were also building them a few kilometers from the contact line from our troops, if it started building in 100-200. they would simply solve them they did not build anything there, here is another question, why was it not so densely mined near the border, is it true or not, that
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someone tried to demine something there at all, but that needs to be dealt with, and the fact that the lines must be located, well, definitely not close to and built during the war not close to the enemy, well, that’s obvious, that’s right, this edition writes that they couldn’t build, they couldn’t build a border at all, not a border at all, it’s not important to build a short distance away. there is no road here meaning, we have permission to shoot deep into, well, we would have been given permission, we would have fired 100 km deep, so that it would change, in the krasnodar region we got into an oil refinery, there was a fire, and actually, well, the night before that there was an attack the airfield of belbek, crimea, where two mig-31 and one su-27 aircraft were destroyed. how does this affect the capabilities and capabilities of the russian federation in the war with ukraine, do they have these capabilities and resources much more than
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our capabilities? no, i don't think it's possible to ask the question like that, i think that we produce drones, while we don't have permission to shoot, well, that's a separate conversation, here it's not permission, here it's a request, let's talk a little, well, two words about it, there are international rules, rules. customs and traditions of war, and there is an international criminal code, which states what is a war crime and what cannot be done during war, to attack enemy objects during aggression against your country, where they were not, the country that was attacked, has the right, so neither the united states, nor great britain, nor our other dear partners, they can forbid us what is allowed by international law, because international law is above domestic legislation, well, at least the country is civilized, so they, they cannot forbid us to do what we have the right to do by law, they can ask us not to do it, these are different things, they constantly they say fence, they
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can't forbid us, they can ask us not to do it. well, that's it, about our drones, about what we're doing with these attacks, well, we're destroying their infrastructure, we're destroying their logistics, we need to destroy theirs, especially in crimea, all the airfields that are not far from the front line or our border, so that there is less opportunity to attack them with the most powerful kabs, we need to destroy their anti-aircraft means. well, of course , all military enterprises that are connected to the armed forces, oil refineries, we already understand that this processed oil, diesel, there is gasoline, everything else goes to the maintenance of the russian army in the first place, so so far they do not feel a shortage of fuel, but if we continue to smoke, then i think that there will be a shortage, a shortage will begin, because these are serious things, how many factories have already been burned down
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, thank you, thank you, mr. major, it was... oleksiy hetman, reserve major of the national guard of ukraine, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war. friends, we are working live on telekanaluso, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live there. please subscribe to our pages, like this video so that it can be promoted in youtube trends. well, take part in our survey. today we ask you about whether the uoc-mp threatens the national security of ukraine. yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube. or yes or no, if you have a separate opinion, please write in the comments below this video. if you are sitting in front of the tv and watching us on tv, then pick up your smartphones or phones and vote. if you believe that the uocmp threatens the national security of ukraine, 0800 211 381, no, 0800-211-382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will summarize this voting. next, we have yevhen
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magda, executive. director of the institute of world politics, mr. yevhen, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, congratulations, mr. serhiy, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, let's start our conversation, mr. yevhen, with the topic of the ukrainian orthodox church and today's event, which, to which they went in kyiv for a long time, the demolition of the orthodox mob on the site of the tenth church in kyiv, this... chapel, the scandalous chapel was built in 2007, and it was illegally built by believers of the uocp, near the foundations davnyorska ot tithe church, which i mentioned, is in the unesco buffer zone. the state executive service of ukraine ensured the execution of the court decision on the dismantling of an illegal structure on the territory of the national museum of the history of ukraine. the ukrainian orthodox church of ukraine called the demolition of the chapel illegal, since it
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allegedly took place without attaching any documents to the register of executive proceedings, how do you perceive this story about this illegal chapel and the work of the ukrainian orthodox church in general in the territory of ukraine, we ask our viewers and tv viewers, or the uocp threatens the national security of ukraine. this topic, it seems to me, needs the same solution as this chapel in the uocmp, that is... do we need to wake up at a certain moment in the morning and hear that the uocmp in our country, as a church that threatens the national security of ukraine, has ceased to exist? we cannot do that, because it must be a decision of the verkhovna rada, and the verkhovna rada, although it has a majority, frankly speaking, is afraid to make this decision, because there are agents of influence there, including within the monomajority.
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of the russian orthodox church.


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