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tv   Markets Now  FOX Business  August 21, 2012 1:00pm-3:00pm EDT

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s&p traded above. can they hold on? and the mighty mississippi river humbled by the drought of 2012. dry conditions have reduced water levels so much that barges are hitting sandbars. we will take you live to iowa with details. campaign finances symbolic for how president obama and candidate romney would run our country fiscally? we are keeping score. time for stocks now as we do every 15 minutes. checking in with nicole petallides. nicole: we are looking here at the dow. we are down about four points. we have had a really narrow trading range. although most of the major
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averages were fractional. we are up six in a row. the financials have been holding on beautifully. we are hovering around these four year highs. we have had quite a nice run. wanting to take a look at a name that has been under some serious pressure. best buy. sales are weak for notebook computers and televisions. they have been struggling to turn around. they have a new ceo that is coming in this week. hubert joly. he is a turnaround expert geared under a but of scrutiny because he was the head of tgi friday's and radisson. you have the founder who is trying to take best buy private and the board did not really agree with them and see eye to eye on that. in the meantime, the stock has been selling off and they will now provide profit forecast
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going forward. all they see right now is our profit dwindling. lori: struggling times for best buy. atlanta federal reserve dennis lockhart spoke. >> the u.s. economy has been a technical recovery since the summer of 2009. the recovery to date has been a scene of week growth and persistent high unemployment. by any number of measures, the strength of the recovery has been and remains disappointing. lori: week and disappointing. is lockhart suggesting the fed should get a jump on qe3? if so is it a good thing? let me ask you about the lockhart, it. he tends to favor tighter monetary policy. the fact that he is not shutting
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the door on more accommodation, is that telling and your you? >> i think the fed has taken extraordinary steps. when you look at monetary policy, it is most effective when it is being complement it by rote growth, regulatory and fiscal policies. in regulatory and fiscal policy to monetary policy with the economy appeared to stabilize, with core inflation running at the 2%, quantitative easing does not seem that compelling. lori: do you think we need to see more from the government, especially from the federal government? >> i think it would be extremely helpful if the fed was getting some support on the fiscal side, on the regulatory side. to give you one example,
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replacing the fiscal cliff at the end of the year with progrowth tax reform, with regulatory policies that are sensible in a context of economic growth. i think those actions would go a long way to supporting what the fed has been trying to do over the past four years and probably be much more stimulus at the margin in any additional action the fed could make. lori: you have to believe that the fed chief for an inky -- were looking for the outcome of the august jobs report to make the final determination. do you think that quantitative easing could be effective? >> i think that the margin, there is some benefit that you would likely see.
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i think in gdp terms it would be relatively small. the benefits intended to be three-six months. they quickly fade. the fed finds itself in a position of having to do more. i think we would see the same sort of pattern evolve again. while helpful somewhat at the margin, it has not been a complete fix. lori: baby you can agree or disagree with me, you saw that we have a tenure at about 1.84%. is that a message or maybe just a reflection? >> the tenth year is up about 40
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basis points. i think it is partly attributable to expectations for the fed to provide some stimulus. the economic data has been better of late. certainly suggesting that we stabilize relative to the downward trend that was more avid in the second quarter. lori: jim, thank you so much. >> all the factors are putting some upward pressure on long-term rates. lori: i hear a lot of phones in the background. thank you for joining us. get back to work, sir. in mississippi, the river is closed for business. draft drying up parts of the mississippi river. leaving vessels stranded because of these low water levels.
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jeff flock is down by the river and bettendorf, iowa with more. jeff: on the river, you are looking live at a tow heading down to the problem down there in mississippi. that is a tow of grain barges, about nine barges, exactly nine barges all strung together. they are writing compared to those that are not loaded. you can get some kind of an indication of how deep these barges ride in the water. this water level is about six or 7 feet right here lower than it should be. we are here and bettendorf, iowa. they are out catching catfish this afternoon here on the mississippi. you have a little depth finder. >> eight and a half foot feet
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and 76.7 degrees as the water temperature. jeff: when you get down south there, it is slowly becoming a huge problem with that chokepoint. lori: give us some perspective, what are normal levels if you are at 8.5 feet? >> normally this would be about 14 or 15 feet hi. this is down to its lowest level in history as we speak. lori: wow. this is a real crisis in the making. thank you, jeff flock for that report. abc announcing a shift in programming. jamie kimmel will be moved up. that hit them directly against jay leno. this comes to us from our friends at the wall street
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journal. let's go ahead and check shares of abc's parent company, disney, of course. just above $50 a share. let's talk about commodities, oil, in particular. ninety-seven dollars. fox business contributor phil flynn and is in the pits of the cme. issues out of the fed, the top of qe3. >> you see the euro hitting a three month high. the dow also bullish. believe it or not, they love it. you have other things going on as well. you have tropical activity down and the gulf of mexico. you have rising concerns about
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israel. the other big story today, obama's epa took another big loss. the court of appeals throughout the rule about cross state contamination. that is huge for the energy industry and it is huge for natural gas. when that story broke, we saw natural gas break. a loss for obama's epa and a went for energy. lori: the results of a surprising new study coming up. before you get rid of that cash, we will make some money with charles payne. first, let's take a look at metals as we head to break. ♪ [ male announcer ] let's level the playing field.
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♪ lori: it is time to make money with charles payne. he is a stock, product and solution devices. charles: sandisk. it is starting to become a household name. they sell for sandisk for the consumer. they have three major industries. mobile, computing, consumers, the trend are what i like. video. video is crazy.
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everyone has video on their phone. it is video, video, video. all of these same devices. the main problem with sandisk is they have a history of letting people down. in other words, i am still not 100% sold on management. the company itself, it has potential. the next move through 45 would be a huge workout taking it 253 -- $54. by the same token, once this thing gets going it is a classic momentum stock. i think it will be a classic momentum stock. it is doing pretty good. let me tell you, the market last year was 27 billion. it would be 45 billion in 2015. the opportunities are there to take. years ago, someone wanted to acquire them.
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i think it was samsung at a much higher price and they said, no. i think it was a smart idea on their part. i think from a pure fundamental point of view, as long as they can execute, which is obviously -- lori: will benefit all from iphone five? charles: that flash memory is really important. lori: charles, thank you for letting me use you for a couple minutes. as we do every 15 minutes, but check the markets. nicole petallides on the floor of the new york stock exchange. nicole: we are taking a look at some retail names in particular. we have noted that the dow and s&p are hovering around four year highs. let's take a look at urban outfitters. this is a team type retailer. they have had a lot of track it.
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they have managed to keep full price. 18% to the upside today for urban outfitters and hitting a new 52 week high. the analysts are all jumping on board, of course, and raising their price target. barnes & noble moved higher in the early going. trading as high as 13.07. their quarterly loss narrows. it has actually done well with "50 shades of gray." back to you. lori: now they are making a movie out of it, right, that book? nicole: if i have spare time, i read it. i enjoyed reading. lori: thank you, nicole. the capitals $400 million trading loss. charlie gasparino is talking with tom joyce.
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charlie joins us with the very latest. let's check the dollar. also some more comments news out of europe today as well. europe is really strong with that 12480 against the dollar. back after this. ♪ [ engine idling ]
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>> 21 minutes past the hour i am to this hottie with your fox news minute. todd akin says he will continue his campaign race. he apologizes for his recent remarks about race. he faces a 5:00 p.m. deadline. in the meantime crews and northern california making some progress fighting that huge fire. firefighters were able to improve their fire line health by shifting winds and more manpower. rising gas prices are not keeping americans from leaving home on labor day weekend. aaa says 33 million people will travel 50 or more. that is the highest level for
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labor day since the start of the recession back in late 2007. those are your news headlines. lori, back to you. by the way, the shades of gray thing, i read about a third of it. lori: you are getting to know me. thank you. a couple weeks out of bailing out the troubled knight security. they are bracing for possible regulatory action. fox business charlie gasparino has the latest. charlie: letting the dust settle and it has been two weeks since knight capital has been saved. the stock price has not really recovered that much. it is not in the distressed area of two dollars a share. that is down a little bit.
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there is some bet that it will go further. at least coming from the new crop of investors, what they expect, and i think it is interesting, usually the guys that put money in, they are looking at the worst case scenario, i talked with heads of the firms, here is what they are saying, they really do expect civil charges against knight security and maybe even individuals there. the charges will be over having potential faulty compliance systems. there was a rule known as market access systems. it is very dubious whether knight was with that. we do not know all the details yet. market access would have stopped that. apparently the trip wires were not there. the new investors are telling us they expect something coming down the pike based on that. it may be a fine.
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you have to ask how big the fine will be. usually they are not that large. can knight handle and other $25 million fine? this is something that will play out. that is why the stocks are down a litt bit. when they invested the money, that sunday afternoon when we all were working, i was watching "dark night" and e-mailing my sources and tweeting about this, they expected, they were essentially told that knight would keep current management. that tom joyce would stay for, who knows how long, but a period of time. here is what they are also saying, if these civil charges .2 senior management not taking the right steps to basically deal -- what they are saying is
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that could be the sort of spark that forces tom joyce to leave. that is what we have to worry about. we have to look at this investigation and where it goes. investigators are expecting something. let's face it, wiped out $700 million in shareholder value. this is something that that occurred here. it is not that they just made a mistake. a firm like knight can't implode and not have systemic impact where the rest of the firms fall apart. investors lost a lot of money here. that is when the sec acts. lori: the firm survived. what does that mean in the day today action. charlie: look at that stock price. it is up marginally today.
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it is going back down again as we are talking. with the market saying right now, when they did the deal, when they got the money from those investors, the stock traded at about three dollars a share. they made money. i think it is saying that they expect a lot of those investors to exercise their right to convert and start selling out. they do not want any part of this company. they are also saying that knight business model has been shaken dramatically. people are not dealing with them as much. and there are rumors out there that people at the firm are looking for other jobs. they are likely to lose a lot of their personnel. a lot of those guys get paid on
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stock. you do not get everything in cash. will they be getting cash, stock? i do not know. it does not sound like an operation -- there are many questions with this firm, clearly. that is what the market is saying right now. lori: charlie, thank you. mortgage rates hovering at record lows. mortgage profits are surging. let's take a look at some of today's winners and losers on the s&p 500. back with more after this. ♪
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the. >> time for stocks back to the floor of the new york stock exchange with nicole petallides. >> selanne on groupon and facebook. $19 on friday with the ipo price not a low of yesterday but selling off as insiders have the opportunity to start selling. one of the facebook directors you could see it more shares are available. barclays cut groupon from the underweight they have not seen the growth
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potential and have to do marketing as well. >> with the latest round of earnings but with the stagnant housing market should banks do more to help homeowners? how is it wells fargo reported 4.8 billion dollars with over of 150% from last year? >> wells fargo is a record machine. their refinancing existing mortgages which helps. but also an slight uptick which helps. they are the anomaly with banks growing from selling
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loan-loss reserves. looking at 47% growth but year after year it is down 3.5 5%. their mortgage specialist you can see that with the results. lori: looking at to the banks are greedy but with the homeowners and programmers -- programs to about the homeowners they would be offering mortgage origination rates similar to years ago. >> that's a great point* you
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have now with the durbin amendment, a dodd/frank, regulatory scrutiny with more demands for regulators and people are not making the money they used to so now they pass them to the consumer. where the banks had higher profit margin other areas are dramatically reduced. that they want to the government moved back but you have a business line and has been forever changed with the regulated dividend increase. we feel summer not the best place to be with the volatile oil market. they are making money but the vast majority are struggling with the revenue
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growth that this anemic. lori: i get the point* crystal clear but other analysts suggest there is much less competition with mortgages but then the higher restriction and the pressure to buy back but if the banks do what they're supposed to do they should not need extra revenue dollars. >> you need revenues to produce earnings. look at the shuttle inventory there needs to be the organic answer. i don't believe these programs will help people. and does not have anybody coming again, they cannot make the mortgage payment
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anyway reducing will not help. lori: just like the city of letting the homeowner read to the house? >> it is interesting. i would love to see that work. one group wants to keep the people in the house. if there renting it typical home that is not yet to be proven. not a reason in to buy the stock. i would check out the credit unions and avoid the conglomerate that is no know the customer. go to the micro level with a relationship. but the bigger banks have bigger issues i would go regional for the lower
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interest-rate. lori: thank you for your time. money troubles for the obama campaign? last month he ran a deficit. a stocks gained last couple? look at that tenure. it is up 1.8 %. the bond is at 2.9%. more after this.
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>> i am cheryl casone. the george soros getting in on the game with manchester united. where the regulatory filings disclosing 7.8% of the soccer club. it appeared on the new york stock exchange august 10. shares are under pressure. to the expiration could be weighing on investors especially after facebook last week. home prices rose for the eighth straight month loopholes values climb during the month. also experiencing
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double-digit increases where home values continue to decline. this is the latest from fox business, giving you the power to prosper.
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>> campaign-finance is symbolic for how the president and mitt romney run fiscally the country? obamacare ran a deficit last month. mitt romney has $60 million in his coffers. lou dobbs is here. interestiinteresti ng how we judge the candidate by how they spend their cash. >> we judge them by every possible standard. obama's created the expectation with his team he
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would be the $1 billion president with a juggernaut of fund-raising and overwhelm whoever the republican nominee would be. it is the inverse aside from paul ryan, but the aspect that the republicans legal, substantially by 50% with cash on hand. it is staggering 27 mitt romney has matured campaign and has been criticized but the president drops a gem and it is the perfect pretense to counter. is it the same tactic with
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the campaign dollars? >> that is what everyone has a suggested. about this will be inundated with mitt romney adds attacking. i said 50 percent more it is actually one-third more. 186 /1 hundred $27 million. it is a huge. the potential is overwhelming. if we see this level open up, romney was behind remember four months ago. then suddenly things
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changed. he has a decided advantage. we built this is the theme for the republican convention. it is brilliant. friday the 13th the president said they did not build that. lori: that will be the turning point* in hindsight. regardless of the outcome. we love to have you with us. you can catch him every day also at 7:00 and 10:00 p.m.. "lou dobbs tonight." >> tonight we will talk about poverty and wealth which we need to create. lori: let's check the market's.
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coal miners getting a boost? >> they are getting a boost with energy stocks. natural resources has been a great resource because the federal court strikes down the adp role -- epa rule that affected the power plants and coal-fired plants that limits the air pollution to give them a boost. back to you. lori: getting our e economy back on track. my next guest says private dead is the main problem. u.s. economy cannot recover until them.
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here are soe of the winners and losers.
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37 best buy, barnes & noble, urban outfitters stomping grounds for back-to-school shopping. which retailer gets the list? >> the two that are not is a best buy with disappointing earnings. the one-year chart has lost half of this value. today at the nine year low
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missing estimates. sales down across-the-board domestic and international. barnes & noble reporting a loss the stock is hit today. it is down a few percent still there weren't and expected. the winner is urban outfitters. it is up 17%. off the charts today. improve the margin and topped estimates. lori: after spree keying 3-d yesterday privately held debt has reached $30 million. if the new brand as though. we got cut off with the president but look at
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consumer debt to? >> household that is split credit card debt and mortgages. lori: it does not get enough attention? >> monetary policy, housing policy is important for simulation it is important topics but underlying all that is a lot of debt of household balance sheets. you could see best buy sells -- sales down. with the data they have their not buying as much. lori: how do you motivate them then? >> people have lower income since 2009. it has declined 5%.
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they have less money so they turn to credit cards. about 2.5% through 2011. but now it has begun to increase. >> thinking of rising debt loads thinking of our own at $16 trillion. is there a problem of consumer debt becoming a bubble with stallone debt? >> we have consumer debt that drives the bubble. stallone will build up so no p inflated the cost of getting a college degree. fewer people will go to
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college which could be good if they go to a trade school. but whoever tries to push down the interest rates to borrow more cheaply drives the economy forward is the bubble. the fact we see consumer debt slowed down with the dealer averaging process should be a consume. that should not be the base line of the recovery. lori: what about the mortgage industry to build people out? >> housing that needs to decline faster. we could have cleared out the toxic debt a couple years ago.
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it is understandable to try to save the homeowner. i can understand politicians wanting to save them but now we have tried to that out. we will have another three or five years. we need to get rid of it a lot faster are the rich plus charitable? >> from the chronicle of philanthropy using tax deduction data households earning between 50 and $75,000 per year give the average of 7.6% of discretionary income to charity compared to 4.2% of those making over 100,000. 2.8% for those making over
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200,000 propelled should you john been now? they will guide you sue the next up. stay with us.
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tracy: the stock market scripting a little lower, but as i handed over to my colleagues, ashley and tracy, still in great shape in the best levels since the financial crisis. ashley: we are. the market continues to grind higher. more coming up later on this week including the european debt crisis which goes on and on, thank you very much. tracy: i'm tracy byrnes. ashley: and i am ashley webster. session lows on the last two hours of trading coming at the dallas s&p 500 rose the best levels in more than four years. the biggest movers ahead.
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tracy: risky business, many of the biggest funds are ditching stocks and betting on alternative investments. will it pay off? what is going to happen with all that? ashley: and more than 1% ahead of the clinical results after the bell. will dell be able to convince wall street to reinvent itself? we will have to see, a preview is ahead. always goes and ruins everything. time for stocks, nicole petallides on the floor of the new york stock exchange. >nicole: it is turning a little bit more red now. the dow has been breaking down little bit, down about 27 points right now, but the dow and s&p
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hovering at four year highs, so we have been climbing higher the past six weeks. let's take a look at a spy in particular. under a lot of scrutiny, a news media they are not too hot on yet. plus sales have been dwindling since the notebook and televisions, so with sales falling, they're not able to give their profit outlook any longer, they're suspending the profit outlook, down about 1% right now. back to you. tracy: nicole petallides, not looking good for best buy. much more on the troubled best buy coming up. covering the stocks, you can talk about it. by selling hold.
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ashley: as mor is more than pubg heads to nursing homes, they headed to college, or the retirement homes and college dorms the place to invest your money? yes, it does. some of the most recession resistant investments out there. partner and managing director joins me now. you liked real estate, but what in particular do you like? >> we do. relay for student housing sector, w would like storage facilities and medical facilities. all three of them have proven in prior recessions to be very resilient and the demographics are fantastic. tracy: if i'm interested in investing in student arms, kids are having such a hard time paying for college and going to college, under the assumption the dorm is the place to be, how do i do that? do i go and buy some apartment houses?
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>> we prefer not to do that, we prefer you be a little bit more diversified and buy from student housing at different universities throughout the country, so we are recommending going to a fund to aid their investments to save half a billion dollars investment diversify you throughout the student housing market. these investments go off about 9% cash flow. ashley: you work with a lot of small businesses as well. what is their biggest concern right now? speak of their biggest concern is the safety of assets. a lot of uncertainty out there. there is the fiscal cliff that will end at the end of this year, the bush tax cuts. there is uncertainty with the impending election coming up in november, and so they're really concerned about the safety of their assets. tracy: one of the positives we have heard is there is oil and
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gas boom going on in our own country. north dakota in particular. i know you think franking is part of the reason and a great way people can make money. >> we like the oil sector for that very reason. a lot of people aren't aware of it, but the third-largest oil producer in the world today. based on the new technology, we should emerge as the leader. the company that we like in favor are the more small to mid-cap oil companies. ashley: last time you were here was may 14, we are in a bear market right now, but we have had the dow and s&p four year highs, how is it this market grinds on upwards, what do you put that down to? speak we had to give the fed and the government more credit. the programs they have put forward have worked.
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continuing to keep interest rates low, continuing to do similar activity to buy back treasury secretaries has really helped the market. in addition to that, corporations have been extremely resilient. all-time record highs in record profits. ashley: thank you so much for joining us, appreciate it. >> my pleasure, thank you. tracy: we have talked about it before. a good move. there is a move by warren buffett today out of the muni bond sector, has wall street debating whether it is a red flag, of course elizabeth macdonald is here with the bottom line. you have to explain how he is out of the bond market.
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>> i'll explain both sides of this debate. what he did was essentially sold insurance, did not i insurance but sold insurance on muni bonds reportedly coming out of states like illinois, california and texas. so essentially, the insurance on it pay in the event of a bond defaults. got out of half of the trade early. also reporting that the other side of the trade that is still sitting on their books cannot be unilaterally settled because they basically had their future loss, the underlining bonds stretch out to 20-54. that is a red flag.
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why online it, is this an indication they were defaults coming? they have been very low, so the flipside is the muni market improves, it has been improving in value, that is essentially taking money off the table to deploy their capital elsewhere. tracy: that could be profit-taking. >> that could be profit-taking. the debate here is sitting on half the trade. the traders piggyback when they see moves like this, so will that other half get beaten up? getting beaten up in the market negatively, we don't know yet. it has not been reported yet. the other side of it, they got the big fight, losses on the principle to on the actual price
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of the bondholders bond holdersa big deal. she will be back with more, i am sure. ashley: the move raising prices in designing the most expensive sneaker ever despite the weak economy, we will get into particulars next with charles payne on the story. tracy: the fed's next move, more activities in? more money, more money, more money. details coming up, but as we do every day, look at how oil is trading at $96.73.
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serious investors are choosing fidelity.
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tracy: d. go sneaker shopping for your back-to-school? open the wallet, man. or don't do it. five to 10%, i know, also debuting the first sneaker ever, the lebronx. walk in the mud if you're going to get dirty. i don't know. with more on making how to make money with charles payne, he is here.
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do we buy a nike because of the shoe? >> nike has a problem. leave it or not, the margins are starting to come in a little bit. it cost more. they're making a lot of sneakers in vietnam, not china anymore. they have some input cost also. any company has the ability to pass on price increases for me is a sign, a signal. if consumers are willing to pay more, look at apple. despite a long line of would-be ipod and iphone competitors, but nike -- ashley: appl nike has stronger competitors. >> not really, but it is maybe. who else? tracy: adidas is not that hot here.
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>> those are your two global giants sort of duking it out, if you will. it is tough, my son just going to sneakers in the last year. i grew up on it. he did not want to look, something was wrong. ashley: that brings up a good point. it is crazy. >> kanye west came out, retail they got a store up here come it is like the hottest place to go. 3000, $4000 already. people go and actually buy them. i still think if you have a
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portfolio and you're not worried about flipping this stock, full of the five-year, 20 year chart and you'll see what i'm talking about. if you have a great company, i think it will be great. so many kids, i would advise don't spend your money on this. buy the stock, $20 skips and buy stocks. another intangible. back in the day, i ran home a lot. ashley: they come with their own electronics. tracy: i am with you. fly the kids off to where they want to go. every 15 minutes, before the
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new york stock exchange, nicole, we have to be slowing up a little bit. nicole: i don't know why my kids need sneakers at all. whatever they have, the jordans, chris paul, dwayne wade, they have a lot of sneakers, sadly. talking about these two stocks. they both hit new 52-week lows, all-time lows because of their ipo. the heavy insider is now able to sell, only the beginning. the lockout expiration coming in phases. last thursday was the first part and more shares will become available late october into early november and november 14 more so. this goes into next year when mark zuckerberg himself can sell. let's take a look at groupon. they cut the price target, gwendolyn customer growth in they have to spend more in
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marketing. back to you. tracy: those are some ugly charts for companies who have not done a market that long. ashley: on deck even more trouble for embattled retailer best buy cutting profit in one day after its new ceo sent the stock tumbling. that is not a good sign. a best buy analyst shares his insights next. tracy: let's take a look at how the dollar is doing today.
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>> 21 minutes past the hour, i am juliann huddy with your fox news minute. come is when todd akin will continue his campaign as calls grow for his to leave the race. mitch mcconnell now says he should step down. republican lawmaker released a new ad apologizing for his recent remarks about rape. akin faces a 5:00 p.m. deadline if he will abandon his bid against democratic incumbent. the wildfire burning on the edge of three california towns 170 miles from sacramento. the blaze 35% contained, additional crews are there with a shift in wind direction helping in the fight.
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cranes are being used to remove cars from the scene of a deadly derailment overnight in maryland. the freight train fell from a bridge killing two female college students on the track crushing vehicles in the parking lot below. it is not yet known what caused the accident. those are your news headlines, now back to ashley and tracy. have a great day, guys. tracy: u2. >> thank you. ashley: shares of best buy turning a fraction higher. a rough go as of late. missing the wall street earnings expectations in the second quarter saying it was not forecasting profits the rest of the fiscal year. my next guest cut his price target $17 from 20 and maintained his hold rating on the stock. joining me now. i guess the first question, how hard of a job is the new ceo having turned his company around?
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>> to be a difficult one, facing a lot of issues from the products as well as heightened competition's from amazon. he has been touted as a turnaround expert of sorts. he is not a retail executive. ashley: would you agree best buy has been incredibly slow at responding to consumers buying online. they really did nothing, did they? >> they had best up for a while. interface with consumers lack. for the past several years now amazon and others taking market share from best buy online. ashley: there is are those who say it is a showroom, they call it a showroom in. consumers go in, check out the product and go buy it online, back in june best buy said they
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would and that, how in the heck do you and something like that? you cannot stop people from coming into the store. >> said this before, much easier said than done, but best buy needs more exclusive products that are not sold online. much easier said than done, challenging product cycle right now a lot of the key categories going back five, seven years ago there was more brand equity on the tv names, less so now as the prices commoditized but best buy needs unique items. ashley: i think the store layout is pretty awesome, wouldn't you agree? >> probably best buy would agree as well, the country and still have products that do not sell as well. ashley: complicated all this,
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the former founder trying to take over the company, how does that complicate everything? >> is a complicated and factor in adding another dimension as well. i don't think a deal gets done. i don't see the founder and former chairman being able to secure the finances to get the deal done. ashley: thank you so much, appreciate it. tracy: the stars are huge compared to go from one end to another. i'm a technological idiot, i don't know anything. we have a multi-zillion dollar bet, so why are some high-profile funds given up on stocks instead of investing in alternative investments? next. ashley: a look at the winners and losers. down 33, but we have some winners.
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to smart phones. >> [laughter] >> get a check on the market's. ashley: we have an nicole petallides at new york stock exchange. >> herewith john from meridian equity partners. we had six weeks of gains at levels since 2008. does that make you feel more bullish? >> i feel bullish. people look for excuses to take profits. earnings is okay. date is okay. getting closer to the
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election and europe is a wild card. >> we see that today. that could help along. we see $1 lower. >> not normally that correlation but everybody looks for something to hold onto. but august before the election things will stay status quo. the market wants to move higher. just let it ride. >> bite the tape.
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ashley: we will be back in 15 minutes. >> hysterically low interest rates force pension funds to find alternative investments. it seems risky? >> polish energy facility? [laughter] whenever you have got markets have been volatile managers are looking for gains. calpers has 15% in alternative investment. south carolina decided it was the way to go paid $344 million and they paid more management with the
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deficit of $14 billion. i started thinking jon corzine is targeting the public pension market. tracy: i see new jersey is on the last. >> they are chasing returns right now. tracy: hopefully the polish energy firms bring money. [laughter] >> tonight we have a great conversation about the fiscal cliff and will have fun with him. ashley: 6:00 and at 9:00 every night. except thursday. dennis la carte says
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recovery has been weak. making those at the world affairs council this morning. is he calling for more stimulus? peter barnes? >> la carte told reporters he is undecided on stimulus. he is a voting member of the fomc. so we do listen. he remains worried of job creation calls it disappointing hinting he could support the stimulus or quantitative easing. he raised concerns of the fiscal cliff in washington. >> there is a risk monetary policy applied to
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aggressively to problems only resolve by fiscal reform by making tough choices of public resources. >> failing to address the fiscal cliff has a horrible implications maybe they say they will hold off that would make an argument for not doing anything when they meet again. >> others note and the jobs report september 7th will give lockhart more data they look for on whether to stimulate more. ashley: we have to wait and see. and said devastating drought
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slowing traffic on the mighty mississippi with jeff flock. >> walking the banks today. see how that is sitting high? it is not loaded. then they cannot get through. a man on the frontlines of the problem. next.
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>> i am adam shapiro. the train derailment west a baltimore causing problems for verizon. customers are having trouble completing long distance calls. they say they don't know how many customers are affected. it will provide a further update at 5:00 p.m. eastern. more americans keeping up with their car payments according to transunion delinquent late -- payments at least 60 days late have dropped. the bears made their way to
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wall street. this is the latest from fox business, giving you the power to prosper.
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>> crude-oil futures gaining $96.68 a barrel that is of three months i hoping the eurozone will get back together. out good luck. jeff flock is in the midwest the most active shipping lane is at a standstill stranding over 100 barges. jeff flock is at bettendorf, iowa. this is not good news at. >> south of us they had it
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opened up but now not deep enough. how many years have you spend on the river? >> 40 years. >> you are stopped dead. >> no way around it. no bypass 42 were. if the river is closed we wait. >> how much it is shipped this is not even mighty. it gets wide down south. 60% of grain we export, a 20% of steel and coal. it is used it. >> of fertilizer comes up, a cement, building products, the components of midwest industry.
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>> that is acorn barge out there. >> 195 feet by 35 feet wide scolding 1400 tons is slanted on the front but the box barge goes behind backed holding 1600 tons. >> you have reductions you have to offload. how much do you take off? >> each instance is 17 tons almost one full semitrailer load. >> you lose that every inch. it is about 6 feet low. do the math? >> ashley webster was there
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covering the flood. >> record high now we have record low. ashley: jeff flock. thank you. customer's satisfaction is that the 20 year high according to the customer's satisfaction index. automakers are paying attention to the quality. scoring 84 out of 100. six out of nine domestic france sought increases with ford lincoln at the best. the plumber satisfied with auto industry the and hospitals or banks or u.s. government and in newspapers.
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[laughter] the most stolen car is still the honda civic and honda accord according to the national crime bureau. they told me by the way it is the most stolen car. [laughter] i got it here at -- any way. news this afternoon abc will split jimmy kimmel live and against jail leno and david letterman. >> just after cutbacks abc's mills weakness moving him to the 11:30 p.m. time one of the biggest shakeups of television. "jimmy kimmel live" can post of rise. 15% total viewers in july.
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jlo's ratings are down 26% and has been in these eighth time slot since americans were held hostage in iran. but now it beats 3.8 million viewers. it brings in almost 2 million with jimmy kimmel so starting march 1st undue friday night prime-time version of "nightline" in addition to the other one. this has been in the works but announcing today after leno takes the $5 million pay cut.
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now you have to long-term gray heads who are in their sixties. letterman is 65 and jay leno is 62. he will be 45 when kimmel takes a seat. >> is the merry? >> he gets big then gets married? [laughter] [talking over each other] it is time for a stocks at new york stock exchange with nicole petallides. >> look at apple. the all-time high.
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it is pulling back but analysts jumping on board with a price target now making great records the zoologist market cap surpass saying their records. is down 1.2%. so much anticipation. >> hewlett-packard's up tomorrow how are the pioneers holding up to mobile computing? here are some of the winners and losers. the dow is down 53 points.
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>> urban outfitters soaring after reporting strong results in the second quarter the more bill report after the bell today. sandra smith has more. setting up positive tone here is the one week to our. the stock year to date up 34%. the average price target
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might be a little pricey after getting a big job. american eagle reports tomorrow. huge optimism the formerly by executive took over and doing spectacular. those results are expected to be great. but seal out after the bell. on the subside struggling. hanging on by a thread. the product assortment is criticized. they wanted new management. the ceo was only their 11 months then he was pushed out with no replacement. tracy: that was a good way
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that the product line is cheesy. [laughter] shares of dell and hp have lost more than half their value. still reports today and hewlett-packard to borrow. what do expect? to our analyst joins us to talk the tells -- details. they cannot and win the war because they rely on windows 84 sales to continue? >> exactly. the pc market is struggling with tablets and consumers slowdown. even with the laptops. until then it is not what is
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driving the crowd. >> even with the cloud. dell mr. everything. you expect them to miss on the revenue side? is the reliance on small and medium businesses? can they continue to make it? >> 50% comes where they are trying to emphasize. only trying to focus on the profitable side is a hard game to play. and 35% of revenue trying to grow revenue from.
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tracy: michael dell came back. should he leave no? >> it is the steps they're taking it is a huge transition to make. tracy: the same story at age p.? all of the leadership changes. we have seen cost-cutting with the $8 billion goodwill charge. what are you expecting? >> a similar story. it will be weak also with two other areas both will be weak as well it will not be good news on in the top line
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>> both stocks eased years ago into earnings? >> no. you will want to wait to what thank you for being honest. [laughter] ashley: fox business exclusive terry duffy joins liz claman as the exchange goes into your up. >> closing at the four year high. "countdown to the closing bell" is next.
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liz: good afternoon, everybody, this is "countdown to the closing bell." we are beginning right now. major indices pulling back from four year highs hit earlier today. the dow rallying as much as 55 points earlier in the day before doing the exact opposite droppint


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