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tv   Wall Street Week  FOX Business  July 8, 2017 3:00am-3:30am EDT

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thanks for watching "strange inheritance." and remember -- you can't take it with you. autographed copy of puff continue's gambit. >> announcer: the new "wall street week." maria: welcome to "wall street week," the program that analyzes the week that was and helps position you for the week ahead. i'm maria bartiromo. billionaire investing icon mark mobius my special guest. everything from wall street to main street. all three major indices finishing in the green this holiday shortened week. take a look at some of the things that impacted your money. the june jobs report was released friday morning. 220,000 jobs were added last month.
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the unemployment rate did tick up to 4.4%. the federal reserve catching investor attention. fed polly makers were torn over inflation and how it will affect future interest rate increase. there was a debate on whether the fed should increase the securities. volvo says good-bye to the internal combustion engine. starting in 2019 all volvo models will be hybrid or solely powered by battery. that news contribute to a steep sell-off in tesla stock. it's down 20% from its highs. president trump stopped in poland before leading to hamburg, germany. the focus was on the president's
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first in-person meeting with russian president vladimir putin. the event has been. marthabeen been marredby anti-c. the president respond to north korea's test of an intercouldn't nentd alba his particular missile. >> i don't like to talk about what i have planned. but i have some severe things we are thinking about. i think we'll take a look at what happens over the coming weeks and months with respect to north korea. it's a shame that they are behaving this way. but they are behaving in a very, very dangerous manner, and something will have to be done about it. maria: world leaders are not the only ones watching north korea.
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investors are, too. mark mobius is joining us. good to have you in new york so we can talk in person. is north korea a concern for the way you allocate capital? >> it's dpef definitely a concern. anything happening in north korea will affect everybody everywhere in the world one way or the other. but we do have a lot of investments in south korea. the threat from the north has been there since we started investing 20 years ago. things are happening now could have tremendous effect. maria: i want to get a couple of news events in front of you. then for the rest of the show drill down on how to allocate capital in this market. china is one of the big stories
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with it comes to north korea. you are invested in china. do you think china could be doing more in terms of reining in north korea? >> definitely. they are afraid of a mass of immigrants coming from north korea into china. and also the trade of the merger of north and south which would create a problem depends on how the politics take place in that combined entity. i think china is playing it very, very cautiously. maria: they don't want to see democracy next door to them. they don't want all those refugees coming into china. let me move on to europe. temperature. your thoughts on the european central bank. mark: the euro is getting stronger against the u.s. dollar, so you are seeing money
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coming into the e.u. i think they probably feel stronger, and the ability to begin to wind down. they have been cautious in the sometime thus measures. maria: any indications of winding down the stimulus in europe? >> european stocks look good and will probably go higher. they will probably outperform the u.s. market for a while. maria: we'll talk more about that in terms of allocating capital. the jobs report coming out friday, the june number was better than expected. 220,000 jobs created. and i guess this gives the federal reserve cover that they will raise interest rates the second half of the year. >> some of the governors are saying, look, let's not take one
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measure as a sign we should do something. but they are saying now is the time for us to move, given the jobs report. so i think they are still debating and will move very, very cautiously. maria: we are talking about an economy in the u.s. that's slow moving. mark: trump wants to see 3%. i'm sure there will be a debate on what the feds should be doing. >> if they are able to implement the tax reform, lower taxes. if they are able to get the infrastructure program going in a big way, then you can see 2% growth in this country. maria: do you think we'll get tax reform and healthcare reform this year? if they don't get it done in
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'17, they will lose seats in '18. >> i don't think health reform will come easy. it may not happen. but tax reform will take place before the end of the year. maria: they want to lower taxes. >> that combined with the reduction of bureaucracy and impediments to growth within the small and medium sector is very important. maria: great analysis. we touched on the hot spot stories of the week. "wall street week" comes right back. stay with us. >> announcer: it was the meeting everyone was waiting for. president trump sitting down and looking vladimir putin in the eye. but what do investors say?
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maria: president trump meeting with fellow world leaders at the g20 up it in hamburg, germany. what can investors expect and how do you invest. mark mobius is with us. he morning markets have been outperforming since the beginning of the year. mark: the two years before the beginning of last year, 2016, when had under performance. the he morning markets were not doing badly. but in comparison to the u.s., they were second class. since the beginning of last year, we are able to see top performance. many people realized they were
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under weight in the he morning markets. 40% of exports. 40% of imports, 40% of gdp. if you are not in emerging market you are not getting the growth potential. growth is 4% average. you have china and india growing at 6%, 7%. maria: i want to get your take on the u.s. the growth numbers out of china, 6-7 percent. how do you invest in china? china, india, brazil, argentina. tell us how you approach china. mark: wee a lot of the -- a lot of the big stocks in china are in hong kong.
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now they are starting to open up the asia market. that means we could get into the small and medium size companies who have exciting thing happening in that territory. i think china will become much more important going forward. maria: how much more of a portfolio do you want in china? mark: now it's 28%. i don't want it to go too much higher because we can't ignore places like india growing at a greater rate than china. and brazil is coming along, too, as a result of reforms. maria: in india you have the rule of law. it's not communist. you have got other ideas in terms of the growth story in india. mark: the reforms modi is putting in place, particularly
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tax reform is exciting. maria: you say the he morning markets represent 30% of the he morning market capitalization. are you worried we'll see reciprocal tax when it comes to the west. the president said for those countries who charge that kind of a fee, we'll do the same. will that upset things in terms of trade? mark: i think the chinese will give in on a lot of these issues. they realize an open trade system globally is very, very good for china. so they are probably going to give concessions to trump. i think it's good trump is going after these countries which in many cases it's been unfair. not only in the import tariffs. but also in the trade in terms of investment.
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investment restrictions in these countries leave a lot to be desired. this is something we have to look at. >> you mention china opening itself up to a-shares. that was a big deal. >> a very big deal. that will take place over quite a long period of time, next year and gradually they will include those. in the meantime china will be opening up the capital account. the problem is bringing money in and out. bringing money in is one thing, but bringing it out isn't. maria: how tough is it investing in korea? you saw president trump with the new president of south korea who said i'll meet with the president of north korea any time as long as the conditions are favorable. do you worry with the north, all of this address, investing in
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companies in the south? mark: the companies we are investing in are global. samsung is global. l.g. is global. even the smaller and medium sized companies are have much oriented towards a global marketplace. if it's a war, all bets are off. but i don't see that happening anytime soon. maria: you want to invest in this part of the world because that's where the growth is. we want to talk with you about the u.s. as well. we'll take a short break. stay with us. >> announcer: investors bought pick on the promise of tax reform. but with no signs of progress, could investors start having
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maria: welcome back. the president is overseas and the house is on recess. two massive promises from the trump administration that investors are counting on, tax reform and healthcare. mark mobius is with us. you said healthcare will be hard, but you expect some reform fun it's just tax cuts. mark: i believe that will boost the economy to a great extent. maria: mitch mcconnell wants to save money by doing healthcare first. but you think the tax reform package will be lower individual
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taxes and corporate. that spurs behavior? mark: exactly. in the long run it will bring more money into the economy and tax collection at the end of the day. maria: tell us how you invest in the u.s. you invest in companies that had significant exposure to emerging markets. >> a significant number of companies have exposure to emerging markets. over 50% of the earnings are in emerge knowledge markets. you are seeing the increasingly, this is the case. maria: should they be identifying those companies that have a significant amount of their earnings in the growth hotpots? >> this is something they should look at. look at a company and see where they are. these high growth places. >> tell me what looks good to
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you in terms of individual names and what fits that bill. >> we are looking at companies in the internet space. and i don't mean just companies google, and companies like that. but company with the a big part of their earnings in emerging markets. the chinese would be probably at the top of the list. also those companies that have technology such as robotics and integrated circuit technology that is being done in emerging markets. that's a high growth interesting area. so you first get the category high growth and the country high growth, that combination can't be beat. maria: robotics is an area we talk about a lot in the u.s., but it's probably just beginning to get traction in the emerging markets. mark: it's ahead of the u.s. in many areas.
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china purchased one of the largest robotics companies in germany for the technology. the cars were being made automatically by robots. center few people actually on the line. maria: what does this tell us about where things are going. >> the combination of internet plus robotics is an incredibly powerful medium. you will see more and more of this combination taking place. maria: in terms of a risk of a market meltdown or anything substantial on the down side, what's your take? mark: we have to wind down this incredibly kiddity in the system. -- the incredible liquidity in the system. but there is so much happening around the world.
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we can't focus on that. regardless of what happens, these companies will survive. maria: those worries haven't stopped you from putting money into this market. mark: saying i'm afraid there may be a crisis, so i'm not going to invest. those who invest in good companies will do well. maria: there have been some false starts. mark: i think this recovery will last 5 years. had we started last year with emerging markets, we have quite a few years to go. maria: growth in the u.s. is beginning to pick up as well. >> everybody benefits so you will see a positive situation on a global scale. maria: what areas would you be looking at in that regard, 3%.
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>> i would look at global companies, globally oriented companies with good brands. in many of these countries, brands are important. because when people go to buy something they want to make sure the small amount of money they have to spend is in a product that will work. you will find global brands are very important. maria: that's a great point. thank you so much for joining us. us. mark mobius from
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maria: a lot of economic data to look for next week. retail sales. consumer sentiment. investors will be rinsing closely to federal reserve chair janet yellen.
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she has testimony wednesday. and take a look at friday. citi group and chase morgan and pnc is the bank earnings. congress is returning to washington this coming week. senate republicans are hoping to get their healthcare reform bill to the floor for a vote. and the hearings will begin or f.b.i. director christopher wray. coming you have next week on "wall street week," jim grant will be my special guest as we talk about the fed, interest rates and the bond market sell-off. i hope you will join me with our
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special guest, the former cia director to talk about the russia situation. stay with fox business. >> i'm bob massi. for 35 years, i've been practicing law and living in las vegas, ground zero for the american real-estate crisis. but it wasn't just vegas that was hit hard. lives were destroyed from coast to coast as the economy tanked. now it's a different story. the american dream is back. and nowhere is that more clear than the grand canyon state of arizona. so we headed from the strip to the desert to show you how to explore the new landscape and live the american dream. i'm gonna help real people who are facing some major problems, explain the bold plans that are changing how americans live, and take you behind the gates of properties you have to see to believe. at the end of the show,


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