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tv   Bulls Bears  FOX Business  August 6, 2019 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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>> thank you sue make such a comforting tone and has so much grace. >> a perfect person. >> there's so much anger and then the response just makes it louder. like take a breath. anyway come on that note, market is backup 311 today. bulls and bears starts right now. >> breaking news, not even the avengers could save this one, shares are following after hours on disappointed quarterly results. the numbers you need to know what and what are these for the screening disney service that is coming up. hello everyone, this is bulls and bears. we have a busy hour. the president slamming google over allegations that is trying to prevent him from winning a second term. were going to ask the man behind these accusations, former google engineer kevin -- what evidence does he have that google is trying to tip the scales. in the new york times under fire for changing a front-page headline to an article about the president speech yesterday, this
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after backlash from key democrats including aoc. now, the #cancel new york times is trending on twitter. media research center is here to sound off. that's coming up as well. meanwhile markets snapping back after they signaled they will hold back after further devaluations of the currency. the dow finishing up more than 300 points, recouping some of its losses after plunging 767-point yesterday. that was the worst trading day of the year. traders were relieved that china seemed to blink today but washington is pushing ahead on labeling beijing the currency manipulator. joining me now, i carol roth, zachary and steve forbes, despite today's truths by china's central bank the war words continue with the chinese saying labeling beijing a currency manipulator will severely damage financial orders
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and cause chaos in financial markets. is there anyway to strike a deal with the rhetoric getting so hot? >> david, i think the biggest impediments to us striking a deal is not the rhetoric, is that the chinese refused to negotiate in good faith. we had a deal that by all accounts was 150 pages long and very robust and at the 11th hour they declined not only to sign it but took about one third of the deal out. if they are not willing to negotiate in good faith, i don't think it matters with the rhetoric is. now, culturally they like to save face so i think it's more inflammatory and doesn't help it, but at the end of the day i think the biggest responsibility here lands with the chinese. david: china's not a currency many bleeder, david, for years the tide the want wrigley to the dollar. we criticize them for not having
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a revaluation, we get mad when they have a devaluation. chinese must wonder what's going on with the strange americans. in terms of a currency, that's the least of it. it went down a little bit because of the tariffs in the chinese economy. the fact of the matter is, the trade deal is the center, not currency. david: well, the president shrugging off trade concerns earlier tweeting out quote, massive amounts of money from china and other parts of the world pouring into the united states for reasons of safety, investment, and interest rates. we are in a very strong position. companies are also coming to the u.s. in big numbers, to be for thing to watch. let's bring a chief strategist chris campbell. good to see you. so, we are clearly a stronger partner in this negotiation than the chinese. but, i'm getting worried that the chinese have decided not to sign any deal before the election, are you here and that
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is well? >> that surprises me. it's better in chinese interest to cut a deal before the election. either way the outcome of the election, trump being reelected would become more emboldened and perhaps these were tariffs. democrats i have been watching a long time. i have served in this administration. democrats tend to do a lot of social issues when they negotiate trade agreements. if a democrat were to replace president trump it would be harder to get. >> on wall street a lot of the traders are saying their new view on this is maybe there is no deal at all. maybe this back-and-forth, tit for tat was just a negotiating strategy by the president to change things around, the whole paradigm and that's happening because you're seeing companies shift their manufacturing and shift the way they do business. maybe that's all you really needed. >> i think you will have a certain impact and a lot of pressure on china. china not having access to u.s. consumers because of a 25% tariff increase is not going to bode well and i don't know how long china will be able to do
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that and how long they'll be able to survive. >> do you think this china thing in effect they won't have a deal is a way of setting up an atmosphere where expectations are low and then they can cut a deal? >> they are trying to out trump trump. they'll never do a deal. make me an offer. >> i think there is an equal chance that what we see happening is both sides both markets are trying to placate their hard-liners on both sides. the chinese have some u.s. hard-liners and certainly in the united states. so, you can see both sides claim to their base and trying to find a way to give a little bit of room so when they ultimately get a deal a deal could be sold on both mac kurtz. >> sat, go ahead. >> what's extraordinary to me so far is if you look at the u.s. census data about monthly bilateral trade, is how on affected most of that has been with the exception of really severe hit to u.s. exports to
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china. those have actually gone down 20%. there has been a little softening of u.s. imports from china. granted we have only had the tariffs and place in september. so may be a leg of fact, when you add in the currency devaluation, the fact that all the talk of companies rejiggering their supply chains which is happening to some degree, were still importing massive amounts of material from china and are running a surplus in services. one does this actually start to bite? maybe when there's another 10% on all of the goods. it's been extraordinary how resilient the u.s. bilateral trade agreement has been in spite of it all. >> there is only so much you can do to absorb increase costs. you can do it short-term, but ultimately it is going to have an impact and especially on profit margins. they put that 10% to 300 billion you don't get a deal in, he raises to 20 or 25 and you put
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tariffs on auto imports from europe, you're going to have a real economic hit. >> i wasn't put that on the defensive end, is just remarking on the fact that you haven't seen the change you would've thought. >> but you mention the surplus in services, but overall the united states is a deficit with products is growing 7% despite the tariffs. some would say maybe because of the tariffs. >> your earlier point, it's moving but it hasn't moved back it's have a significant impact in the chinese market. >> traders though have priced in some kind of deal before the election, at least they did up until monday. do you think they're recalculating all of this right now? is that why the market is taking a hit? >> from what i hear the notion from inside the administration is pushing hard to get a deal before the election. i believe it's in china's interest to do so. >> a question for you chris, in
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terms of the presidents recent tweets and the administration labeling china as a currency manipulator, how much of this is directed squarely in china and how much do you think is meant to put pressure on jerome powell? >> that's a good question. i think he tried to be independent of the fed. i would certainly suggest that the fed is an independent agency and genuinely is, much to our chagrin in treasury. but i think it's obviously been very frustrated with the president and the administration of their independence. i think on both sides of what china has done but look, the cut that he did a couple of days ago perhaps stabilize some of the markets are on the rebound right now like he said perhaps another cut in the future. >> let's hope at least one more. chris, great to see you come
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back again. resident trump slimming google ceo in a series of tweets stemming from accusations that the tech giant is using its resources to pry tried to prevent reelection. coming up the man at the center of the controversy, kevin claims that google has that advice against conservatives. he'll tell you why the company will use all of its power to make sure that trump loses in 2020. first, walt disney reported third-quarter earnings after the close. we will break down the reports. what that could mean for disney's future trying to cut the cord. that a speaker is just a speaker. ♪ or - that the journey can't be the destination. most people haven't driven a lincoln. discover the lincoln approach to craftsmanship at the lincoln summer invitation. right now, get 0% apr on all 2019 lincoln vehicles
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>> disney shares are taking a hit after missing on the top and the bottom line for the for quarter, jackie has been covering the result. >> the market had high expectations today because of the volatility we have seen. traders say they are focused on disney because they wanted to see good earnings and want to
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see it diverts the attention if you will back to the fundamentals of the u.s. economy. unfortunately disney did not meet the expectation line, actually reporting a dollar 35 a share. there was a big mists from an expectation of a dollar 75. -- came in under. disney is seen lawsons and streaming and investments in espn, disney plus and hulu. that is the future of this business. he wants to compete with the likes of netflix and the other services that are out there. also seen that on growing integration of the fox entertainment assets that it required in march was taking a little bit more time than expected. disney plus is going to launch in november. they will charge $6.90 a month, if you choose to go with the plan. investors are looking at this compare to netflix who was the first mover in the space. it had a very rough quarter.
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it's all about original content. it's about competition in the space. so many more players there now. the question is, it is disney really going to compete here? one final point, the highest grossing films help them. avengers, 2.79 billion globally. that was the highest grossing film of all time. those kinds of titles, lying king, toy story four will help them in the future. you can see there down more than 3%, coming back a little bit. investors are going to look at this and not be as negative as they were. >> let's zero in on the cord cutting. i think that is the most interest to people have to pay cable bills. disney will launch the streaming service this fall. as a new study shows the number of americans that are cutting the cord on their cable is continuing to grow. the report by you markets as by 2021 the number of households with a traditional pay-tv subscription is going to fall below 80 million with more than one fifth of all households becoming cord cutters.
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so, will disney's hedging it's pet payoff? >> look, i think david all of these companies whether netflix, disney, comcast, are going to be delivered massive amounts of content on multiple platforms to hundreds of millions of people. there is no question that disney has to be in this, they should be spending as much aggressively it's incredibly deep-pocketed and well-run company. it really doesn't matter for quarter or two or three of their earnings taken hits if they are investing in a channel but they absolutely have to be in going forward. you might be more worried if you're netflix at this point. this is a case where more content is just be getting ever more content. we should not be looking at it for that reason is a negative. this company has to spend in order to build the future. it's doing it. >> amen zach. they say content is king. the nice thing about disney as opposed to other services is
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that they own a massive content library. that is really the pieces that bob has been putting in place over the years. he has made these acquisitions and people scratch their heads at first but now it's looking very impressive. the biggest that you need to worry about is what they will do when bob stops down in 2021 and as we head to the end of the year people are going to be looking ahead to 2021. one of the most iconic ceos, has he done enough to insulate the company. >> this particular area may be of those cases where everyone is going to end up losing but the consumer will end up winning. >> i like that. >> night flicks cuts their prices and tries to appease us and in terms of content you will get great content but it would be a case consumer winds and content producers not so much. >> i've seen the figures on the cutting of the cord. it is impressive that one fifth of all cable customers have cut the cord.
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on the other hand, the cascade hasn't really begun. where you see half of all subscriptions. once you think that begins? a real cascade where we end up with a minority of households having any cable cord. >> i think it will take time but you have seen the numbers increase. it was when at&t and comcast reported there were about a million more cord cutters from the previous quarter. you are definitely seeing the trend. the problem is people cut the cord to save money but there's so many different streaming services. if you have fear of missing out, and you get every single service, you're going to find that your spending more on those services streaming then you were on the cord service, the cable service. what people will start to do is look at that and say, which services do i really need and they will try to drill down to it. there's just more competition. >> you're going to have more people spend more money.
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with the cord cutting it is bizarre. people cut the cord with their cable bundle but they will subscribe to a particular cable channel via streaming service because they want to watch sports events. the aggregate spend and set going up. the content is in a price war with each other. but this is going to be a complicated multitier world with people spending money on different platforms. >> in the meanwhile, one former google engineers taken on the tech giant claiming not only is google biased against conservatives, but they are actually seeking to influence the 2020 election. kevin. >> he joining us next. rs might seem the same, but some give their clients cookie cutter portfolios. fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs.
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>> google again is facing charges of using its awesome influence on the internet to affect an election. a former google engineer who claims he was fired in part because of his own conservative views says the company is actively seeking to influence the 2020 election against president trump. the president referred to the engineers claims in a series of tweets this morning saying that he would be watching google closely. joining us now is that former google engineer, a kevin. kevin, thank you for coming in. so, explain to us exactly how is google planning on tipping the scales against the president in the coming election? >> well, google has a lot of mechanisms for many played in public opinion. youtube itself deletes about 8 million videos and 3 million channels every three months. they censor conservative content constantly. there are polling politicians and ads. people inside google have talked about things like remotely turning off donald trumps phone to turn it into a brick.
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or to disable his staffers e-mail accounts. they're looking for ways to manipulate the electoral process. >> kevin, steve forbes here. in terms of google itself, is there any recognition that there might be political retribution? as you know project -- has a couple of google people say like you in public that they discriminate, actively discriminate and post about discriminating against -- university which is good mainstream, it has people giving lectures. >> they don't seem very concerned, do they. i've seen videos from their executives were the executives say they show up in front of congress, they tell the congressman what they want to hear and then they go off and do their own thing. it doesn't seem like they're taking it very seriously. >> this is carol ross. when i think about things like programming for ranking in
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search results. there is some level of bias when you're trying to decide who gets to be first and second, how much of the bias that you think that you are alleging google has is implicit versus explicit? >> that's hard to say. i think people like google have a very specific worldview of the group don't necessarily think they are two sides to every issue and in a lot of cases they believe we are the moral authority, we have the right view on things and everybody else is backward. think that's where the danger comes from my kevin, i'm wondering google put out the statement in reaction to your allegation. quote, we force our workplace policies without regard to political viewpoint. lively debate is a hallmark of googles culture. harassment, discrimination and the unauthorized access and theft of confidential company information is not. so, google actually says with all due respect that you were
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fired after you violated company policies including downloading confidential google documents. how do you respond to their statement and those allegations against you? >> that's completely false. what happen is google followed me for reporting harassment and discrimination and other workplace issues but internally and externally. >> kevin, you are making a lot of accusations that a biased culture is somehow working its way into an algorithm that the ceo of google in front of congress has denied unequivocally. so, while what you're saying certainly appeals to a conservative base on the president and his huge technology company has it in for the republican party and for the administration, your app offering zero proof that the algorithm, let's say the culture is as biased as you say but the
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algorithm discriminates against conservatives. you're getting a lot of play for saying this but zero proof that is true. >> i think it all boils down to individual decisions. google has a bottom subculture where individual engineers have a great deal of latitude in deciding what they work on, what they fix and don't fix. one thing i saw there is of a liberal reporter will e-mail google about a problem, engineers will pick it up voluntarily very eagerly. though fix it within hours, it will be a priority for them. if conservatives complain about something it won't be a priority. when i complained about seeming correct results were donald trumps book research for may pictures of his book and it shows -- instead i filed a complaint about it and they sat on it for nine months. >> we all remember those videos
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that appeared after the election in 2016 of the google executiv executives. it was kind of a dirge. some executives seem to be on the edge of crying and they made statements and they would not let this happen again, were looking at a video. there was a time when engineers were known as more conservative than the average folk. clearly that has changed with the new virtual reality of engineers. you know why? >> i've noticed that too. that engineers use to be more apolitical. i believe it's a combination. google gets a lot of new grants from college and a lot aren't activated when they come in. the more activist employees are given free reign. there's no adults in the room. there's nobody telling them treat your coworkers with respect and act on bias. it's not part of the culture. >> is there group inside google
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that is really whipping? that's a strong word, but influencing management in a way in which management has to do things to appease this group have they given into that kind of activism? >> i would say that's true in my experience. there is a group loosely defined but there are a lot of activist employees and can pressure the management and the management pretty much always caves. >> again you have to be careful between making an allegation of cultural bias that leans politically which may be true google just like chick-fil-a probably leans toward the more conservative direction and whether or not that translates into a product effect. while you're saying that there's cultural issues and can point to an example, it's an algorithm that was constructed by different people that use globally. unless you can demonstrate to us
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and anyone else other than getting attention because you're making these allegations, that's all they are. the algorithm itself are you alleging it has been programmed by liberals intent on discriminating against conservatives? >> i would not use the term algorithm to talk about the bias. their blacklists and parameters that go in there's ways the system is configured. there's moderation decisions. if there yanking monetization from dennis regular videos that's the human decision at algorithm. >> it was great talking. see us again. >> thank you. >> it's not just california, new york state $15 minimum wage hike is taking a big bite out of the big apples businesses. we could say just looking for something to blame when things go south. are they right?
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>> new york city adding itself to the list of cities struggling with higher wages. six-month after enacting a 15-dollar minimum wage business owners are seeing increased labor costs have forced them to cut staff, raise prices and eliminate shifts. advocates say other factors are harming the businesses, not just higher wages, but who should we believe? >> you know who i believe? i believe thomas dowell, milton
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freeman, anybody who has any understanding of basic economics. we knew this was going to happen. you can't interfere in the free market and arbitrarily increase wages and not expect is going to have a ripple effects. this was a major concern from the small business community. it's obvious it's playing out this way. we have 30.2 million small business owners in this country that risk their capital that work overtime hours that would put everyone else to shame. >> i'm going to disagree on this one. it is certainly true in the experience with seattle which is one of the first large municipal areas to do this. it can hurt level lower level. but we have a long tradition of establishing a baseline federal minimum wage in many cities have followed suit and establish their own. the idea that this is all ever been the unfettered unmitigated unregulated premarket is a myth
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over the past 80 years and the point of it was to establish some level of what is the basic wage that no one should be expected to work below. we can argue about whether $15 is too high, anybody who lives in new york city knows it's not that high in new york city. >> new york city is not the united states. it has hurt small businesses in the market will do it in my home state of new jersey supermarkets are paying 11 or $13 an hour for entry workers because that's what the market does. when you mandated it did not create employment or did not get the u.s. economy out of that recession depression, so leave it to market forces, they will get the pay. young people who need work experience they don't command a high price in the market but over half the people who start out earning the minimum wage end up being above the minimum wage
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within 12 months in the workforce. >> another point rush limbaugh made about democrats 15-dollar minimum wage kind of falling flat because there's so many jobs in america right now. far more than there are people looking for jobs. take a listen. >> take a look at the job openings they you can find where jobs that pay over $100,000 a year that are available right now in the united states. there are more jobs than there are people to fill them. democrats are talking about $15 an hour minimum wage. >> jackie, i'm looking at which list the jobs available. thousands upon thousands. 6500 data scientist jobs. nursing manager 83000 base salary. the list goes on and on. >> there are a lot of great jobs on there and the pay is high. the problem we are facing is
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finding the skilled labor to be able to fill those jobs. there are two pieces to the debate. >> but employers are so desperate they are willing to train people they have hired before they have the skills. >> that is a different story and something we should work and aspire to. when it comes to the minimum wage being $15 yes, it hurt small businesses in global and international bridges businesses trying to compete with china and mexico. i think of my farming story. how can i possibly compete when i have to pay $15 an hour to someone. >> i encourage anyone to go to you don't have to be a professional to make $100,000 these days. meanwhile all the news less the left has anything to say about it. did liberal backlash get the new york times to change its headlines? president -- sounding off on that, coming up next.
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>> the new york times changing its front-page headline after backlash from democrats. here's the original headline. trump urges unity versus racism. 2020 hopefuls including cory booker, made a world war, blasting the times for that headline from the characterization of trump speech yesterday and the mass shootings in el paso and dayton. even alexandria ocasio-cortez weighed in tweeting quote, let this front-page serve as a reminder of how white supremacy is aided by and often relies upon cowardice of mainstream institutions. now, take a look at how the paper reacted or changed its headline for the second edition. a ceiling hates but not guns. here now is media research
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center founder and president, brent roselle. brent, what you make of this? >> you got a laugh. what the new york times headline was the truth. the problem with the truth is that it goes against the narrative. the hard left and all of these candidates, everyone have been trying endlessly to try to portray donald trump is a racist. they did it after charlottesville, they did it with el paso, everything goes back to him being a racist. the problem is, he's not. so would damned if you do, damned if you don't. if he doesn't speak out strongly enough against racism than he's condemned. if he speaks out against racism then you take away the headline and put another headline in there. this is the radical left that is clearly out of control. >> brandt, the new york times has some fine reporting and also
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a lot of hot garbage including headlines including anti-semitic outfits. a lot of things for people to be enraged about. this is what they're outraged about, don't people understand this level of hypocrisy is exactly what got donald trump elected president in the first place? >> yeah good point. return it around, donald trump ran in his number one issue has been the fake news media. why? because he knows the country is furious at what they are doing and they're only making making it worse. look at cnn. tomorrow night they are going to be in el paso for a town hall. my god, we haven't. it the dead yet and cnn is down there on a ratings plunge. this is for ratings and they are using this awful event to push for gun control. this is the kindest stuff that has the pap public disgusted with the press. >> brents, take a look at the
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future, donald trump leaves office weather next year or four or five years from now, what happens in the new york times? isn't he the best thing that is happened to the times? what happens when he is gone? did they wither away? >> i've wondered about that. what happens to cnn and msnbc. they've made the corporate decision to be anti- trump network. they went in the direction of carving that piece of the pie and trying to get that radical audience. well, they have succeeded even though in the case of cnn and means 571,000 people prime time at night but that's what they carved out for themselves. what happens when they lose that? i don't know what's going to happen to a lot of these news outlets. >> you making these sweeping generalizations about the country as this and that, all
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poles combined put donald trumps approval rating at 43 or 43%. you can correct my math, who are clearly don't agree with what your sweeping generalization. in addition, the new york times and his liberal readers notwithstanding, was the president saying send them back where they can go back to the countries they were from that was fuel for this wire in the first place and whatever you characterize it as is a major issue for the president to say that about four u.s. citizens. >> and you will agree, that with mika this morning who said the president wants, he wants mass murders. you're saying that rhetoric is responsible for people dying. donald trump is responsible for people dying. are you saying that? >> i'm not saying that.
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i'm saying there is legitimate issues the presidents point of use. >> you just did. yes you did. >> i'm talking about gun violence. don't put words in my mouth. >> that's exactly what you did. you can't blame rhetoric as an esoteric term. you're saying is the presidents actions that were responsible for this. this is the reality. >> i said no such thing. >> you sound like a refund in 2016. >> i'm wondering if the actual changing of the headline as a journalist myself, forward bite. if it doesn't really speak to the issue that donald trump has been bringing up all along and calling certain new sources fake news, when you take a headline you put out there and you actually bowed to pressure and change it, is that not fake news? >> well, it is especially what
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the new york times put in their was factual objective truth. it is what donald trump did. what that tells me is the left has so much power that they can change truth in a newspaper like the new york times, that's it for the idea of the new york times be in a believable newspaper. >> and to have a ocasio-cortez claim that the new york times itself is an aid to white supremacy was a remarkable statement. >> that's what you say on either a, you're on mushrooms, r&b, you have no idea what you're talking about. >> we will leave the viewer to guess what he means by the mushrooms. brent, great to see you. thank you very much. a new poll finding which politician is the least popular in all of new york and it might not be who you expect.
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>> a new poll is out showing mayor in 2020 hopeful, bill de blasio is actually new york's least popular politician. pulling 26% view him favorably while 67% tonight. the blahs use approval is lower than chuck schumer, kirsten gillibrand and t should james. even president trump, who lost the liberal state by over 20 points in 2016 is more popular then mayor defazio. people hate de blasio so borchard his own state, does he have any chance in winning the white house? >> no. no, he does not. it's extraordinary when you look at the results of the last mayoral election. bill de blasio got 727,000 votes
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and is to be a b .3 million people. i know a lot of people do not vote in of elections. some of that can be chalked up or down in this case to turn out. but think about that. he got less than 10% of the population of new york. maybe that is less than 20% of the actual electorate. that's an extraordinary thing. it helps explain the enigma and mystery and not in a good way of merit bill de blasio. >> you know -- has a chance of winning this. in the reason he is running is that he wants to get a job either on cable when he leaves office or in the next administration if it's democratic. and that has to be one where he can collect a nice salary. he hasn't worked as a mayor, why should he work and they care being. >> i would say am insulted by his running.
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and really there's enough wrong in new york that he needs to fix. he should set his sights on a current job. >> i have to ask a question. obviously i am the one here that's from chicago not new york. who are these 26% of the people who view him favorably? it appears to me is the most inseparable human being. do they have a really big family? i will speak up. i know there are a lot of them there. clearly it is isolated in certain regions. the bottom line there are liberal new yorkers. people who are mugged by reality, people who will eventually votes at least less so to one election. i think there is an opening to conservative running for mayor. >> i thought you were a friend.
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>> for de blasio you had two republican males who were very popular followed by bloomberg. it's john who ran a few years ago, a very successful executive. were finding everything, real estate, he has some good idea. right now there is a vacuum for a position in new york, big vacuum as streets get dirtier and less safe. meanwhile buyers beware, the one of the worlds top ranked airlines just admitting it is tracking you not only in the airport but actually in your seat during your flight, is that an invasion of privacy or security necessity. we debate that up next. it's just not right. but with sofi, you can get your credit cards right -
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david: cathay pacific airways defending its use of cameras to
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monitor passengers in the airport and on individual flights. the hong kong airline says it uses cctv footage in airport lounges and plane cabins to protect customers and staff. it says the seatback entertainment systems do not have cameras. but that might be coming. is security moyer important than privacy when it comes to this? >> is there any data that supports the fact that it's helping with protocol. >> this is really -- it is an invasion of privacy. all of the cameras have gone the too far. you walk on the streets of new york city, usual being monitors every second. it feels invasive and like we are living in a different world. the privacy is more important. we invited a stranger maimed
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alexa to live in our houses. a stranger named siri who lives in our phone. google takes pictures of every location on earth. i challenge earning anyone to find a place on earth the where we have privacy. >> this program should be ground. they want to see what you are reading and doing. they are doing it in more and more cities in china. it has nothing to do with safety. it's about control. >> the tech executive famously said about all this. you have no privacy, get over it. as way of saying look this is what we unleashed. we have been talk about this on this program. we'll be talking about one of the limitations of it. with all these devices with this world of you are vaultans on the
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one hand and companies selling on the other. david: i have think of pictures of me with my mouth open and sleeping and god knows what else if it's a bumpy flight. [♪] liz: stocks bouncing back after china blinks and not devaluing as deeply as feared after the trump administration labeled china a currency manipulator. the debate on when this deal with china will end. china, now a known quart. why democrats are see you lengths. why they cannot play politics with this fight. i will tell you which top democrats begged president trump to declare china a


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