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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  October 8, 2019 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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start my own small business as a kid, my parents, my family supported it. david: you learn a lot from those, that is it for "bulls and bears," we'll see you next time. melissa: u.s. market close near session lows on rising trade tensions, after u.s. puts 8 chinese tech companies on avoid black list. -- trade black list. and u.s. puts visa restriction. >> all of this as turkish president prepares to visit the white house, we'll ask retired general robert scales about this visit. and the battle over funding the border, new figures released by the government show an alarming
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-- we'lalarmingspike in apprehef illegals at the border. both sides of aisle kicking up pressure on impeachment, white house telling house democrats it will not participate in an impeachment inquiry after administration pulled plug on its ambassador to eu, testifying before the house over ukraine. leaving some democrats to cry obstruction. i am melissa francis in for elizabeth macdonald, the "evening edit" starts right now. melissa: we have all angles covers, edward lawrence in washington, gerri willis on the floor of new york stock exchange. and let's kick it off with edward. reporter: two days of deputy level talks with chinese have concluded, focus now is turning
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to thursday, and friday, when two heads of trade team will meet to see if a deal can be worked out, the chinese upset this week, talking about what happened in terms of 28 new chinese companies added to entity list. for national security concerns, also human rights concerns, some companies that chinese government has a huge ownership stake in, chinese foreign ministry calls this a mistake that needs to be corrected by u.s., chinese adding they will protect their sovereign security, white house economic advise or peterria of resai navd they of all separate. >> this administration has done on a number of fronts throughout the course of this administration to move things through process, that was done and ready to go this week, it is important statement but it is not part of the trade talks.
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simple as that. reporter: the chinese wanted to do a deal on parts of the agreement that both sides agreed upon, president trump said we've come this far, we would like to see a deal finished. today big news from federal reserve, in a speech by the chairman he said fed will start to organically grow the balance sheets starting now believing it will stabilize over night market keeping federal fund rate in target range. >> we believe our policy actions provide support for outlook, looking ahead, policy is not on a precip course, next omc meeting is several weeks away. reporter: he pointed to a few headwinds, first global slowdown, and brexit and trade uncertainty. he would not indicate if he supports a rate cut this month or not. melissa: to gerri willis at the
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new york stock exchange with how the markets reacted today. reporter: it was a tough day for the market, dow finished down 313, s&p down 46, and ed that ed that down 132 -- nasdaq down 132, all about trade, boeing one of the stocks trading lower, dow component down 1.6% after a talk about potential delay in delivery of 737 max jets. deliveries for first 9 months of year about half of levels of last year, company says that's have first order for for a max, deutsche bank cutting jobs, half in europe, this most radical restructuring the company has gone. melissa: thank you. >> to beijing, nba hardening their standoff, china cancels broadcast of nba preseason game
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this week as league commissioner adam silver said he will not apologize for a weekend tweet by a team executive for supporting hong kong. >> we're not apologizes for darrel exercises his freedom of expression, i regret having communicated with many friends in china so many people are upset, including millions of our fans. >> some companies are succumbing to press ou pressure of communi, the blizzard unit suspended a professional have game player. u.s. sports, brand bans removed a small number of submission and a sneaker design competition, including one giving a shot out to hong kong. joining me now, olivia esenior
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policy analyst at asian study center, what do you make of this? >> i think that china is acting in a way, bullying people across the pacific. we're seeing instances where china is now causing the u.s. and different entities to consider infringing on freedom of speech no matter what nba says, they are infringing on mr. morey's ability to to express his views, this is serious, u.s. standing in favor of democracy and freedom, not in favor of authoritarianism, that we've seen is the way of china, we can't allow china to affect those overarching freedom that americans hold deer. melissa: is it ironic, you look at how businesses are responding in this situation, and really you know microcosm of what has been going on for a long time that people have been ignores,
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companies have knuckled under to demands of china because they are the gatekeepers to so many customers and dollars. but now the president brought it to the attention of americans and they kind of see what is going on. but you know you look at things like you know vans or anyone else who wants to sell there caving to censorship, that has been going on for a long time because american companies want to make money. >> right, i think it is a shame, in any american company or nba or otherwise, capitulates to china demand because it might affect their bottom line, at the end of the day, nba issued in previous instances that its players and various individuals affiliated with the nba have freedom to expression their views. but apparently in this situation, the nba only allows its individuals affiliated with it to expression their views
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freely if it is on views that it thinks are so-called cool. >> but you know, where is -- i guess who are they all responsible to? if you look at a company like google or facebook who knuckled under to censorship in china. when you look at nba, the league is owned by the team owners, don't they have a right to decide, is it worth the pr? you know of the pressing speech that we can make our money or will people really boycott,tionn they make a financial decision. >> of course, companies have freedom of speech, and individuals inside of companies have freedom of day, everyone is beholden to respect when the constitution lays out.
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and so i think at the end of the day, the primary issue that is at root is that china is using its heavy hand to make it so that americans condition enjoy the -- can't enjoy typical liberty our constitution and life here in america guarantees, we can't capitulate to china, considers that, they have over 1 million individuals inside of political reeducation facilities today, christians in china, pastors in china are thrown to prison, individuals who advocate speak out on behave of human rights they don't enjoy freedom of speech, we don't want to bring that way of life here to america. melissa: but hard to think we'll have an impact on when they are doing. we'll see. olivia thank you. >> thank you. melissa: sneak peak at a story that "evening edit" has been following, crisis at border, here to help break it down with new numbers. fox news william lajeunesse.
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reporter: well today customs and border protection reports when they consider a success, reducing daily border apprehensions from 5,000 to under 2000, and claims to have built 71 miles of border wall, portion of 509 mile of fence. including 287 miles of replacement barrier, and 222 miles of new wall in areas where none previously existed. the wall includes roads, cameras and sensors, costs about 10 billion, acting commissioner, mark morgan claims it worth it. >> all i care about is its being built. reporter: apprehended -- in 2019. highest since 2007, twice number the year trump took office, the yellow line, look at sharp drop in june, apption hundreds
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falling 2/3s from almost 150,000 a month turn 50,000. officials credit a crack count in mexico, new u.s. program that requires nearly all asylum seekers to remain south of the border while u.s. choirs considecourt considertheir appl. >> we have essentially ended catch and release, if you come to the border with a child, it is no longer an immediate passport into u.s., they will be afforded a lawful, and expedited process but not released to interior of united states, never to be heard from again. reporter: about 1500 migrants entire u.s. il illegally every . u.s. supreme court said that agency can refuse to admit asylum seeker who pass through other countries where we have a safe third country agreement,
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today, border patrol of begin implementing that. >> all righting with thank you. >> we'll have more on the border with former i.c.e. acting director ronald about tello coming up. >> next up, how panels plan to sousubpoena's trump ambassador o the ei . >> then later, speaker nancy pelosi unveils a plan to lower prescription drug frieses in seattle. -- drug prices in seattle.
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>> president is doing his job, you talk about hard earned tax dollars of american people going to a foreign government, the president the make sure there no corruption there. melissa: house committee planning to sou subpoena gordon sunland. to skip a planned deposition blocking congress from having a key figure testify on the. aimpeachment inquiry, catherine
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herridge joining us now. reporter: 90 minutes before ambassador gordon was to square off, democrat say they learned state department pulled the plug. >> president and secretary of state are taking actions that prevent us from getting the facts needed to protect the nation's security. reporter: the name appears in whistleblower complaint as a key figure after scwhrl 25 phone ju. in to corruption allegations gained bidens, in a statement his attorney said, ambassador sunland hopes that issues raised by state department, will beresolved promptly. he stands ready to testify on short notice. house speaker nancy pelosi weighing in schiff did not take
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reporter questions after leveling fresh allegation. >> ambassador has text-messages or e-mails on a personal device. the state department is with holding those messages. >> up to the committee as the evidence unjoalds, what time is the type to say yes or no. >> in response, republicans criticize pelosi for avoiding a full house vote. that would give both parties legal tools. >> we see a kangaroo court, minority does not have right for subpoenas. reporter: republicans called on democrats to release last week transcript from michael atkins atkinson.
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democrat issued a sou subpoena. melissa: thank you. >> senate judiciary committee chairman lindsey graham invited president trump's lawyer rudy guliani to testify before the committee on uian, former president, tells fox news he intend to go on tomorrow, we guarding the attorney. >> i lynn privilege and executive privilege. join me, robert ray, democrats very much controlling narrative here, they have the show, they are not giving republicans access to anything. >> do you see it as a move to change of the narrative? >> i know so you have to, right now congress on recess. if this will continue, as an an
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inquire is undefined, not a sense where one received from the house. seems fair game if this is real just about politics. then two can play. and there is no reason why the sonat should do when it can to change the mayortive and the -- they call it an immuch am quirey. >> they claim in part they have right to do this in their oversight capacity, but as letter from white house council today to varying committees indicated, you can't have to both ways, you have extra -- the rice to exer size your over right capacity, but is cler based on what the speaker
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subjected, they don't want to have a vote be they don't want to give republican a write in a bipartisan way to have pubment in the kind wire and it not stonewalling new. that is the press' shorthand way of this this is white house pushing back on behalf of the executive branch to say in a constitution will process here. the house just cannot act on its open dleu its leadership, it is do show based on past practice if there is a vote of the house. melissa: that part of tactic, then second part, hepon republicans, do they have hearings of their own talk about that? >> right, and why not, i guess it team to me ifly one side of the story will never cam out house, it. >> so that people have make
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their own judgment about what they should make of it. melissa: rudy guliani has been all over television show, how that different. >> not recently. of course, now having higher council and latest representation of my first reaction highwa how can he testd gaffe gat1/2 great around? -- navigate around, not easy. >> we'll need your expertise thank you. >> thank you. melissa: all right we're keeping an eye on other stories. in california, new rent control law to help fix the state affordable housing problem. under the law, california will captainial re rent increase, 5% plus rate of inflation, and it makes it tougher for landlords to evict tenants.
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>> chicago conde nast traveler survey of readers, picks. its architecture as first rate, and museums, great food unites e people. hong kong -- is abandoning the bid, to buy the london stock exchange. tie up would have created a 7 billion dollar giants. london expects concerned including hong kong exchange's ties to government of chinese territory that's gives mainland ruling communist party influence over its operations. >> and oprah winfrey made largest endow a endowment in hif moore house college, donated 13 million to school during a visit celebrating 20 anniversary of oprah winfrey scholar program, back in 1989, it holds 12
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melissa: today house speaker nancy pelosi visited seattle to discuss her plan to lower prescription drug costs from dc, fox news hillary vaughn with details. reporter: house democrats are laser focused on impeachment on capitol hill. house speaker nancy pelosi is busy in seattle today, focusing
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on another item, on her agenda, lowering the cost of prescription drugs. at a hospital today in seattle, she said she wants u.s. 8 u.s. r to pay relatively the same price that other patients are paying overseas to buy drugs. >> whatever the drug, in u.s. it says company cannot charge more than -- this is essential. i do believe that we can do this in a nonpartisan or bipartisan way, president said to me, he wants to do this, i take this sincsincerely. reporter: bill would make a few major changes to help drugs become more affordable allowing federal government to negotiate with the companies directly, pelosi plan punishes drug companies who don't want to negotiate down their prices with a 65% excise tax on gross sales
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and increases it by 10% every quarter the company refuses to negotiate, cap senior out of pocket drug cost at 200,000 a year for 4 prescriptions. and senate working on its own bills to address cost of rising drug, pelosi thinks that congress can make a compromise to lower costs for consumers by the end of this year. >> thank you, hillary. melissa: joining us lara trump. >> absolutely. melissa: this was a great example. the devil in details in the drug plans, but this is where on paper, the president and speaker pelosi have wanted to do similar things, can they work together on this, they could find common ground and actually work together? if not for the other issue that is going on, you know with -- leavinleadings impeachment rusho
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you think any work can be done. >> i think the american people would like to see that, who would be great if we saw a bipartisan effort, on something so official to american people, like lowering prescription drug prices, they are lowest right now than they have been in 50 years, than thanks to president trump, he cares about this. but it would be nice to see some harmony and maybe we can all take cues and work together. melissa: do you think it is realistic? if i know correctly, the government is really over spending on drugs, you talk about prices coming down to individuals. then you say who is paying, it is our legislator 2 agreed three medicare, medicaid to pay crazy prices for drug, how does that work behind closed-doors. while she says one thing about wants to impeachment him then
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get business done. >> it is tough, i give president's lot of credit for even considering to work with nancy pelosi, to your point leading charge to try to impeach him from office, it would tak hd for anyone to serious let's take that working with her. try to get president trump out of offers, because they know none of their candidates are good, maybe we could move past impeachment stuff, get something done for american people. melissa: a lot of people were looking that this. ellen, a big story, she was sitting next to former president at a game, people say, how could you talk to him, we have come to a sad place, where you are now not allowed to friends with someone who does not have the same pleefbeliefs, how have we n here?
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>> you are right, this is sad. that is where we are in this country. i actually don't technology is where we are, i think there are a lot of extreme people on either end, ellen got a lock lot of flack for standing up, good for her, i supported her, we should be able to befriends with people who have different views, that is what america is about, not on the principle we're of same idea and same way, we're allowed to have different ideas, we should be able to share in teach other company with different ideas. but you know, i blame a lot a lot of blame on mainstream media, there is this idea they continue to drive there is such hatred, every day, you and i walk down the street, i see people being kind to one another, i hear positive things, slen said teven said to me, dayy
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people don't see, that easy for people to be behind a phone or a computer and say nasty things to ellen, but i commend for, and standing up and saying i'm friends with george bush that is okay. melissa: a lot of people say stuff on-line or e-mail or facebook, they say meanest things about each other. they blame the president, say she started it on twitter. how do you respond. >> that is ridiculous, the president, is known for his tweets, but they are honest, treats from donald trump have been same since before he was president to now. he is the same guy he has always been, when he is attacked, he attacks back, i think that is okay, i think that is why people like him, he a fight, we've needed a fighter in country for american people for a long time, but you see it gun spun out of control -- get spun out of control, and media narrative
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driven by the idea we're divided and there is so much hate, i don't really believe that the case. people are brave when they can hide behind their computer, but i think day-to-day, if somebody halted and you needed to help a fellow citizen or human, i think we're all ready to do that most people would. melissa: i hope you are right, i am going through my head things that people have done that are mean, a lot on-line or celebrities who say something, but not the face-to-face thing. >> i don't think so. melissa: interesting. thank you. >> i hope not. melissa: we all have kids, thank you. >> thank you. melissa: next up, other political battle, one for fundraising of dollars who is winning, who losing, and who is about to miss the cut? and later in show, turkey rejects president trump's threats, that he would destroy the turkish economy if they cross him over military operations in syria.
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decision guide from humana. there is no obligation, so call the number on your screen right now to see if your doctor is in our network; to find out if you can save on your prescriptions and to get our free decision guide. licensed humana sales agents are standing by, so call now. melissa: latest on college admission scandal, fox news in boston with details, mollie. reporter: one month in prison each for marcia and greg abbott. prosecute are say, they are only parents to pursue the exam cheating route twice, leading to one count of conspiracy fraud, shelling out shelling 50,000 tot taker correct their daughters s.a.t., and another to cheat on the test, they paid bribes from
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family charitable foundation in court attorneys for each details family pressure unfolding at the time of the crime, failing marriage, a son struggling with addiction, daughter they were trying to help, suffering from lyme disease, they expected remorse before the judge, greg abbott tearfuly apologized. in marcia's letter she writes of offer made by scheme mastermind, i should have walked away, by then i saw him as a lifeline, was afraid of what might happen to my daughter if i backed out, looking back, i am horrified. what should have been flashing danger was sti stead was seen as help. >> and than that which was recommended for felicity huffman, who was viewed less
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culpable. she got two weeks from a judge laughlilaughto usc. higher if laughlin goes to trial. >> mollie thank you. >> 2020 democrat release third quarter fundraising numbers, showing where candidates stand, what it means for next bait, until the democratic national convention, joining me now ford o'connel. what do you make of the numbers? frontrunner is lacking in donations? >> latest third quarter fundraising haul is not i in in sink with latest numbers, that not good for joe biden, he is slipping in polls.
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when you are fourth in fundraising that is a good indicator there is not a lot of enthusiasm. melissa: do you think of it as leading or lagging indicator, the fundraising, i remember before they said elizabeth warren was spending a lot of money but not raising a bunch. she said she was spending money to gain ground, that turned out to be the kate, i case. >> a good sign biden is falling in polls. i think that elizabeth warren is a very different animal, she has not been throwing a lot of traditional fund-raisers, here number pop up, with on-line deny renewable fundraising. actually in rcprogram average, this is fires time she frontrunner she over tooked by
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then morning. melissa: so biden most of it iss donors average 44 a person. he is among the big money. they are getting a little bit scared. but he could maybe turn that? and get momentum back in the big money could jump back? >> he could turn it, next best chance is in october 15 in debate in ohio, we have been watching situation now where essentially elizabeth warren is now the front-runner, not joe biden, they are top two, but rights now, elizabeth warren is gaining -- not just national polls, but iowa, new hampshire, california, she is running table, only problem she has, and reason why biden is an obstacle biden getting near majority of caafrican-american voters.
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>> thank you. melissa: ahead on "evening edit," turkey rejects president trump's threat that he would destroy the turkish economy if they crossed him. >> and new numbers in borders and custom control. we when we come back. 2,000 fence posts. 900 acres. 48 bales. all before lunch, which we caught last saturday. we earn our scars. we wear our work ethic. we work until the work's done. and when it is, a few hours of shuteye to rest up for tomorrow, the day we'll finally get something done. ( ♪ )
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melissa: lou dobbs is joining us with a preview of his program. >> thank you. tonight, among our guests hars r meaharmeet dhillon mead dillon. and an extra ordinary day at white house this administration says to adam schiff, chairman of house intelligence committee, they will no longer recognize wherever this inquiry is as legitimate. under the constitution. it is going to be a show, melissa, we hope you will join us. you promised last night you would always join us. >> i will not miss it, will not, i will watch several times over,
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having recorded it, lou dobbs, thank you. >> see you at top of hour. melissa: president trump facing backlash from both sides of aisle as he pulls troops from syria. and turkey moves in on kurds. as turkey president prepares to visit the white house, joining me now, retired general robert scales, you know a lot of people say they can't make sense of the move on president's end, but those who say there are a lot of themes that play that we don't know what is your take? >> my take it is sad in my opinion that this withdrawal will be so present t precipitout personal with me, i know kurdish officers, i have been to kurdish stan, there are two military organization in middle east who can fight democracies, and on our side, that is the israeli army and the army of kurdistan.
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so, they fought for us, 10,000 died in an alliance with the united states to defeat isis. so there is a lot of sadness i guess in military community now that their fate is uncertain. melissa: there was a report that we're not actually leaving but just moving to a different position, do you buy into this. >> i don't know. time will tell, i know president is getting push back on both sides of the aisle to rethink his policy. i have made calls today, trusted friends in pentagon, and almost to a ma a man or woman they tel, if we are going to pull out of syria we need to do it with guarantees, carefully and a plan in place, and some type of a residual state behind force that keeps russian out, iranians out and assad out of eastern syria. that is in our national inevitable rest to do that. melissa: if the turkish
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president e erdogan comes to u., what would you ask him about this? a suggested today, that lindsey gragraham ask him his plans in region. >> woe, the turks have been going after the kurds for a hundred years, remember what they did with the armenians in 1920s. the -- hatred between the turk expesand kurds, goes back two d. administration would have to get something hard, fast with guaranteed tied that would protect kurdish interest, the kurds are scared to death, they are pulling out of fortresses, tearing them down pulling further east, they don't have the heavy equipment the to stand uup the turks this is tender period. melissa: is there something that
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turkish president could have given our president, something we traded i'm not saying personaly or politically, in terms of all of the other you know pieces of the puzzle in the region, another situation we need their help in to make it make sense. >> not right now. erdogan has a representation of being a back stabber. he is not thought well off in middle east or europe, kurds don't trust him, it would have to be a personal handshake between him and president he guarantees to president in some way, we won't face genocide with the kurds, there are a lot of people in middle east who are nervous about this to include the israelis who don't see anything good out of this. melissa: interesting general robert scale thank you. >> thank you. melissa: next up border patrol said they apprehended a million illegal immigrants at bord
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either fiscal year, we break it down, coming up. >> these numbers are numbers that no immigration system in the world is designed to handle including ours. with sofi, get your credit cards right- by consolidating your credit card debt into one monthly payment. and get your interest rate right. so you can save big. get a no-fee personal loan up to $100k. ..
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6:57 pm
announcer: fidelity is redefining value with zero account fees for brokerage accounts. and zero minimums to open an account. at fidelity those zeros really add up. ♪ maybe i'll win ♪ saved by zero melissa: the acting commissioner of discuss tosms and border protection laying out the challenges his agents face
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securing our border. joining me is the former acting director immigration, discuss tosms and enforcement. he held that post until april of this year. we had one of our reporters on earlier in this show breaking down the numbers. there was a big decline since may. what do you make of it? >> i have to hand it to this president for leveraging tariffs with mexico to get them to do what they are doing. unprecedented support followed up by the diplomatic work of the fashion security secretary and the way asylum laws are used for people coming through on that dangerous journey.
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i sphere without a back stop from congress, this could get bad again. melissa: there was a least pressure. he need tariffs and trade to doing something about the border. he got a ton of criticism on that front, but it could easily go back in the other direction. how long do you think they will be able to maintain this enforcement in the other countries? >> it remains to be seen with mexico that they won't do this because of the threat of tariffs. the smugglers organizations are designed to bring people to that border. melissa: are you surprised we saw this detain the last four months? >> no, we changed the calculation. people are no longer getting released into the country as of last week. that will change th -- change te
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calculation. melissa: i will be back at 4:00 p.m. eastern when connell mcshane. [♪] lou: good evening. the democratic party is in a mess of its own making and the radical dimms may be victims of their own nefarious plot to try to overthrow the president of the united states. they may be the victims of the disastrous consequences they intended for president trump and the republican party. for more than two weeks the dimms carried out what is clearly an soccer straighted effort to bring forward a so-called whistleblower to attack the presidents with false claims and charges based on hearsay. then we found t


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