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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  August 1, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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boo. that does it for us on "fox business tonight." thank you so much for watching. we're glad you could be here. "the evening edit" starts in just a few seconds. ♪ ♪. elizabeth: happening now, biden's democrats, the media in a credibility collapse. new analysis shows the democrats new so-called inflation reduction act will actually make your inflation worse and taxes are going up on the middle class. plus this is more proof of democrats contradicting themselves on recession. we've got the sound this shut of touch gaslighting and denialism. we'll break it down. and the biggest red flag proving a recession is likely here, layoffs beginning. with us fox news contributors
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karl rove, liz peek, jason chaffetz, congressman james comer, congressman dan meuser, dr. nicole saphier, darren porcher and texas attorney general ken paxton. this debate, far left cities are failing the mentally ill to go on to commit crimes. far left billionaire george soros speaks out but delivering a remarkably weak defense of his funding of weak on crime d.a.s destroying u.s. cities. house gop gearing up to grill fbi director christopher wray this week. allegations of biased fbi officials protecting hunter biden. foreign policy fallout of this. reports that hunter biden worked on oil and energy deals between china, ukraine and kazakhstan, all three of them joining in the deal together while his father was vice president. plus, how will china react? house speaker nancy pelosi could head to taiwan tomorrow. reports of transgender athletes physically harming female student athletes.
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parents are mobilizing for elections. we've got the latest. i'm elizabeth macdonald. "the evening edit" starts right now. ♪. elizabeth: welcome to the show. you're watching the fox business network the take a check of your money. starting with the stock market. stocks kicking off august despite losses in a seesaw session. energy and financials were dragging stocks down and a jam-packed week ahead. we've got speaker pelosi possibly visiting taiwan tomorrow. also key primaries tomorrow in five states. friday we get the july jobs report. expected it to show a slowdown there. all eyes on arizona democrat kristin sinema. yet to sign off on the democrats spending bill. misleading branded inflation reduction act. congress's powerful joint committee on taxation, that everyone's taxes will go,
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including americans earning below $400,000. this is breaking biden's campaign promise. this is biden's george h.w. bush's read my lips moment. edward lawrence in washington with more. reporter: liz, the renamed inflation reduction act has a number of things the president wants from the "build back better" in it. it also has $433 billion in additional spending. democrats are saying don't worry about it. tax increases will take care of that. taxes from 15% minimum corporate tax rate, allowing medicare to negotiate drug prices, expanded irs enforcement and closing carried interest loophole. joint committee on tax says says all of this will raise taxes on people making under $400,000 a year. the white house trying to spin that. >> it is not correct, i will give you why it is not correct. it is incomplete. the jct report that we're currently see something incomplete because it omits the actual benefits that americans would receive when it comes to
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prescription drugs, when it comes to lowering energy costs like utility bills. reporter: representative roger williams who owns car dealerships says the corporate tax rate would be enough to create further damage in this recession. >> eliminates any small business trying to save money so they can increase, hire more people, increase buying product. now they have to save money to pay the doggone taxes at that they're not going to be able to pay in most cases. reporter: talking about businesses slowing hiring rate. add that to the inflation we're seeing, slowing job growth, that adds to the hardship that people are seeing financially. back to you. elizabeth: edward lawrence thank you so much. joining me former white house deputy chief of staff karl rove and fox news contributor liz peek. great to see you both. thanks for joining us. >> you bet, liz. elizabeth: karl, university of pennsylvania wharton business school reports that this democrat tax-and-spend bill. it will not cut inflation it will make it worse and not grow
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u.s. gdp. >> what do you say to this? >> it will slightly increase inflation between now and 2024 but after 2024 decrease inflationthe effectiveness statistically indistinguishable from zero. reduction baloney of the doesn't increase economic growth. 0% increased economic growth by 2031 according to the penn model. in 20 years after that. it doesn't add to economic growth. when it comes to the deficit itself i was interested, the committee for responsible federal budget, sort of semiendorsed it, net deficit reduction in $305 billion. in a footnote with the deficit reduction with permanent aca subsidies. take aca subsidies only one more bill. who doesn't think the democrats
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will extend them for all 10 years f they are extended 10 years this bill adds $155 billion with the deficit even with the taxes in it. elizabeth: i love you with the microscope, magnifying class, karl. footnotes are pharmaceutical font type you can't read it. >> exactly. elizabeth: isn't it ironic, biden and his team years and years, praying on the 2020 downturn was the worse than the great depression, claimed necessitated biden's 2 trillion american recession plan, denied with turbocharged inflation caused recession. now they believe it won't happen again. biden wants everyone to think this is morning in america. >> i think it is hilarious they're tying deficit reduction to lowering inflation. to your point, liz, there was no connection between inflation and blowing out of american budget in the american rescue plan this is all smoke and mirrors.
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karl talked about a lot of the things but another thing they're doing to make the numbers work is counting the elimination of a trump program that was going to cost $122 billion that no one expected to go into effect. basically they're counting it won't happen it was not going to happen. there is 122 approximately dollars make this program work, make numbers work, but it isn't real. it is all a fraud. this does h does not counter inflation it doesn't reduce the deficits. by the way the national association of manufacturers says it will cost hundreds of thousand of jobs. this is pretty stunning. elizabeth: how will it help the small business guy if you sic the irs on them or help the taxpayer or put irs agents on them. >> right. elizabeth: to liz's point denying fact past 10 times the economy had two straight quarters of negative growth a
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recession was declared. watch how democrats agreed to that. >> while they have navied the second quarter from a technical definition of recession the fact is we are now into the third quarter and we need, we need to have another stimulus package. >> well a recession is two quarters in a row of negative growth. i don't think we'll have that. >> well the definition is really crossing zero but i take your point. elizabeth: all right, so what, karl, what changed. this is gaslighting denialism. this is misleading messaging. this is why baden is heading to the lowest approval rating of any president. he is heading into the 20s. america is not falling for this, karl? >> in fact his approval rating in gallup of all the post-world war ii presidents from dwight eisenhower now ward, in the sixth quarter of their service in office, which he just finished he has the lowest ratings of any them, lower than trump, lower than carter. you know this is, and that is because people are feeling the
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effect of the biden economy every time they go to the grocery store, every time they look at their stack of bills and compare it to their paycheck and every time they go fill up the car with gas. i love it how they just, they ought to lean into it. frankly they ought to lean, look we understand the country is in a tough situation but we've got a plan to get us out instead of saying no, no, what you're feeling is not real because we really aren't in recession. we may not be in recession, we may be in worse, stagflation. we may see economic growth slow, inflation rise, the deficit rise and the country suffer badly because they can't get their act together. elizabeth: it is, to karl's point, liz, messaging, right? the messaging is so irritating and annoying. watch the white house, watch people like paul krugman say a downturn means is a good thing that a recession is a good thing. watch this. >> paul signs this is a strong economy and probability of a recession next year is not particularly elevated.
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>> it's a strong economy. nothing about it suggests that it is close to or vulnerable to a recession. >> this is not an economy that's in recession. >> you do not see the job growth of the labor, the strong labor market we're seeing currently in a recession. >> how worried should americans be that we could be in a recession? >> we're not going to be in a recession. >> can we dispense with the recession debate real quick? are we in a recession and does the term matter? >> no, we aren't and no it doesn't. elizabeth: can we dispense paul krugman and brian stelter. paul krugman admitted he was wrong about inflation. we have 32,000 layoffs in the tech sector. the tech sector is seeing lay qualifies. talking tesla, netflix, possibly google. google emails flying around they're warning about layoffs! where does brian stelter makes what, a bazillion dollars, he is in a ivory tower, everyone else
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is. go head ahead liz. >> brian deece, i can't get over. no sign of recession with down gdp. employment front, liz, i think jay powell is behind the curve again, just as he was on inflation. i think he is not paying attention to the employment numbers. you mentioned tech. let's talk about autos where there have been layoffs. talk about retail, every retail store is warning that they're going to be cutting costs. how do you do that in retail? you cut employment. elizabeth: yeah. >> i think we're at a tipping point, going forward we'll see this jobs market begin to soften. elizabeth: we've been through riots, peaceful protests antifa is just an idea, afghanistan success, shutting everything down. >> they lie. >> shutting everything down to flatten the curve. you know what i mean? now, inflation is transitory? karl, come back to you next time, liz, this is just off the chain, it is off the hook.
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it's ridiculous. >> i think that is where the polling comes from. people don't believe the administration. i think that started in afghanistan and it was compounded by claims that "build back better," spending another 3 trillion would douse inflation. wasn't going to happen. elizabeth: karl rove, liz peek, thanks for joining us. house gop gearing up to grill fbi director christopher wray. whistle-blowers alleging biased fbi officials are protecting hunter biden. this top debate how far left cities are failing the mentally ill who go on to commit crimes. also how far left billionaire george soros finally speaking out. he is delivering a weak defense though of his funding of weak on crime d.a.s. darren porcher, dr. nicole saphier ahead on "the evening edit." >> even in a city as liberal as san francisco the democratic voters there just recalled their
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radical soros prosecutor. when you have gone too far to the left for literal san francisco democrats you have gone off the deep end. ♪ moving forward with node- positive breast cancer is overwhelming. but i never just found my way; i made it. and did all i could to prevent recurrence.
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♪. elizabeth: now you may be seeing more and more of this, stores are putting their goods for sale
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under lock and key, locking them up because of a crime wave of retail theft. lydia hu has more. lydia. reporter: good evening, liz. we arrived here at this walgreens here in new york city to report on how drugstores are implementing more security measures to protect their products on the shelves when our security detail caught what appears to be a theft under folding right before our eyes. you have to to see this video in order to believe it. this man walked into a store, helped himself to toilet paper, paper towels, turned around, left the cash registers without paying. weren't by our cameras set up in front of the store so bold. rise of theft and shoplifting that drugstores are resorting to more locks and keys. food products are being locked up. for example, we saw honey, chocolate, miss stachyose,
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coffee, ice cream all stored under lock and key -- pistachios. some customers are frustrated by inconvenience. >> the time, i don't like to be treated like i'm living in a police state. reporter: spokesperson for walgreen's who also owns duane reade, retail crime is one of the top issues facing industry. we install measures like anti-theft devices security personnel, for example, to insure theft and safety and security in our stores. here in new york city theft for items under $1000 it is up by 40% over last year, but, liz, perhaps what is more telling than that data is that video we caught, liz. back to you. elizabeth: great journalism there. lydia hu, thank you so much. joining us now former nypd lieutenant darren porcher and dr. nicole saphier. so great to have you both back on. we want to show you this. sit tyke for a second. when will the crime and street mob violence stop.
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watch this. [sirens] >> chicago, we have got a mob. just jumped on my car. holy [bleep] just popped my window. >> will you still even now on supervised -- >> i have to get me an outfit. >> have to what? >> get a new outfit. >> get a new outfit. >> so you will go steal it. >> i have to go work. >> work is stealing? >> i don't call it stealing. professional booster. elizabeth: so it is sort of normalizing crime, right, darren porcher? >> yes this is unfortunate. we look at intersection of theft in these retail establishments what is happening is, we as common consumer are experiencing the burden of these costs that are going up, especially under the joe biden administration where we've seen meteoric rise
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of theft going up. liberal d.a.s in new york, chicago, los angeles, san francisco, pennsylvania, should say philadelphia, what it is causing climate of allowing criminals to act with impunity. we're under siege. something needs to be done now this is the perfect time to move forward the agenda of the social contract. elizabeth: doctor, you've been on the front lines, right? you know that more than 15 u.s. cities saw their murder rates shatter their prior records but george soros to what darren porcher is saying, he is trying to defend his funding weak on crime d.a.s in op-ed for "the wall street journal" he is leaving out what darren porcher liberal san francisco voters booted from office his d.a. of choice, chesa boudin, l.a. d.a., george gascon facing second recall. we have woke d.a.s in new york, chicago. we have to pay for their woke ideology on the streets. go ahead.
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>> you said it perfectly. unfortunately you see normal relationship of crime. when it comes to crime there is tricky relationship with crime and mental illness. unfortunately what happens with the policies, when you arrest and release them, people needing mental health treatments or evaluations are sent back on the street. majority of people committing large crimes, violent crimes, not due to mental illness, but it is more for mental illness, petty crimes, theft, jaywalking are those from mental illness. if you evaluate them, get them proper treatment they need, supervision, it is possible you could get them into safe housing, get them back into the employment world, maybe off the streets. elizabeth: going to get to what the doctor just pointed out, darren porcher, what george soros left out, he didn't mention how defund the cops is hurting these cities that you cited as well. he didn't mention how they weaken the rules, weaken the crime laws. he doesn't name the research he is pointing to to make his claim
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what he is doing is a good thing, you know? what the doctor was pointing out, critics are saying the aclu, legal aid society, their ex-at persuading courts to release mentally ill people who need help in name of freedom but don't focus on medical care what is best for them. where do you come down on this debate? >> i believe these communities are under siege. when we look to what the actions of george soros are committing to, clearly causing these communities to spiral out of control. we saw a lot of the democrats or the liberal districts lose in a lot of these down-ballot elections based on the defund police agenda. clear that people in these communities want to be afforded greater protections by law enforcement, however george soros is looking through this with no peripheral vision based on the woke moment. this woke movement is a absolute, catastrophic failure.
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time for practitioners of law enforcement to step up to be at forefront and we need our elected officials to support them in crime to gain precipitant drops. elizabeth: darren pointed out, you have george soros pushing to fund weak on crime, d.a.s, doctor, and what you're talking about too, how the aclu, other progressive groups are weakening laws like new york city kendra's law in 1999 claiming it is authoritarian and racist. they would say to courts you have to order mental treatment of mentally ill, once a month injections. we're not saying all criminals are mentally ill but this is all a problem out there, right. >> undoubtedly. we have a severe mental illness crisis across the country. he referred to court ordered treatment called kendra's law in new york. many other states have the laws in place but they're underutilized. either a family member, friend, someone who petitions to the
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court, a physician sees the person, the court says it is in this person's best interests for them and their community that they underbo treatment for their mental illness. it doesn't have to be hospitalized. it is not like 1950 where you're institutionalized. the person and people around them have to take their medication. elizabeth: wish we had time for this debate. we talk to people all the time. they say the exact same thing dr. daryn porcher and dr. nicole saphier. come back soon. >> thanks for having us. >> house gop gearing up to grill fbi director christopher way on thursday. bias by fbi officials protecting hunter biden. reports that hunter biden worked on a potential oil energy deal between china, ukraine and kazakhstan while his father was vice president. congressman james comer takes it
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own next on "the evening edit." >> it was obvious hunter biden was selling access to the vice president to these foreigners and these foreign companies. ♪ this is koli. my foster fail (laughs). when i first started fostering koli i had been giving him kibble. it never looked or felt like real food. but with the farmer's dog you can see the pieces of turkey. it smells like actual food. i saw a difference almost overnight. healthy poops, healthy dog, right? as he's aged, he's still quite energetic and youthful.
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elizabeth: welcome back to the show, ranking member of house oversight, congressman james comer. congressman a pleasure having you on, good to see you. >> good to see you. elizabeth: fbi director christopher wray is testifying
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this thursday. how will you get the fbi director deliver proof that the fbi officials in d.c. are politicized and bias? because whistle-blowers are telling senator chuck grassley's office that the fbi is discrediting undermining any probe into hunter biden as disinformation, fbi officials in headquarters. what is your line of questioning going to be? >> well the director knows that we have received information from whistle-blowers. he probably knows who the whistle-blowers are if he is a pretty good fbi director. so he will have the opportunity to prove the whistle-blowers wrong but the thing that is obvious to me and everyone else who kept up with this hunter biden situation, if you date back to the time as vice president the fbi knew that he had 150 suspicious activity reports on his bank account. that is the bank saying to the federal government we have a pretty good indication he is
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committing some type of criminal activity. this is from at least five different banks, 150 of these. in addition to the fact they knew hunter biden was traveling to some countries where any american, if any american traveled to the government would be concerned. so they had to know that hunter biden was selling access to the biden government. they had to know that they were influenced peddling, not just hunter biden and his brother. these are questions he will have the opportunity toe question. elizabeth: the fbi had his laptop since 2019. there has been a d.o.t. probe since 2018 into hunter biden. joe biden met with 14 of hunter biden's business associates from mexico, ukraine, kazakhstan. during the course of his vice presidency in april 2014, congressman emails when vice president biden oversaw ukraine, hunter was talking about an oil and energy deal with the ukraine company that hunter worked at, burisma,
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communist china's third most powerful, china national offshore oil in kazakhstan. that was going on as well. >> you look, just this week congress passed a bill that would essentially cost the taxpayers in increased inflation unknown amount to try to bring chip manufacturing back to the united states from china. so we're spending money we don't have to try to take manufacturing back to the united states at a time when the vice president's son was trying to sell energy. at the time when trump was president we were energy independent but he is trying to sell energy help our ad veer varies profit off of american energy. it is not right. the biden family profited from our adversaries too long. the fbi director knew this. we want to know why something wasn't done sooner? why did you try to go along with this adam schiff russia conspiracy theory with trump,
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base it on a completely fictitious steele dossier that didn't have actual information, proof, evidence that showed hunter biden was doing much worse but nothing was ever mentioned about hunter biden? liz, if we had never gotten access to the laptop we probably would have never known this. elizabeth: so to your point, by the way the trump white house had sanctioned china's sino corp. from ties to china's military. sounds like you will have public hears when you take back control of congress. are they going to be public hearings? >> absolutely. they will be transparent hearings. difference what the oversight committee will do versus the oversight investigation, versus the january 6th, this will be a real committee this is not a stacked deck like nancy pelosi did with the committee. these will be republicans and democrats. if the democrats want to defend the indefensible with respect to biden influence peddling they have five minutes each to do
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that. elizabeth: he will get them on the record. going to get them on the record. tv cameras in there, reporters in there. lauren: more and more you and i talk about this, more and more we see what reporting and documents show, they liked energy and infrastructure deals. hunter was working on a oil deal with mexican business associates, individuals and people from mexico. they were touring the west wing and that the then vice president reportedly took them on a tour of the white house press briefing room and then you know, and hunter biden was going on air force two to mexico and also to china. was that when they were doing the cefc deal with china's big energy conglomerate? is that what hunter was doing? >> absolutely, liz. the whole reason we're investigating hunter biden we fear his shady business dealings compromised joe biden and his administration. just think all these past shady energy deals coming public, with ukraine, russia, china, what is
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the first decision joe biden made as president, the very first decision? was to cancel the keystone pipeline, to cancel the keystone pipeline. he allowed russia to have their pipeline. he already put america last and our adversaries energy policies first. is this because of hunter's shady business dealings, that is the question. elizabeth: congressman comer, come back soon. >> thanks for having me. elizabeth: china's army releasing new propaganda video of its military powers as speaker pelosi could reportedly head to taiwan as early as tomorrow. congressman dan meuser. the stone strike that took out al qaeda leader al-zawahiri. president speaks tonight. we're on it next. >> we're shrinking in front of the bear. we're shrinking in front of the panda as it is. it just shows america's weakness under this particular administration. ♪
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elizabeth: back with us now, pennsylvania congressman dan meuser. great to have you on. reports al-zawahiri was killed n afghanistan? he was a thorn in the side and key to the 9/11 terror attacks. >> thanks, liz. hoorah to the military. he was basically bin laden's number two. the world is better place with him not in it. elizabeth: how will this affect what is going on inside of afghanistan between al qaeda and the taliban? >> i'm sure al-qaeda doesn't appreciate it but that is just too bad. he is recognized terrorists. he has blood on his hands of a number of u.s. military and it's a sign if you are a terrorist and continue these actions
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against the united states your life is very well in jeopardy. elizabeth: congressman, there is also this, reports coming in speaker nancy pelosi heading to taiwan. critics saying this is literally raining on china's parade because it is now celebrating the anniversary of the founding of its communist peoples liberation army. china warns the military will not sit idly by but what will china actually do? the republicans are saying nancy pelosi should go. >> yeah, well, look, this is, we've got an international incident on our hands here. speaker pelosi goes on a congressional delegation trip, next thing you know the bumbling white house along with a dereliction in diplomacy frankly, this should have been squared away before, has created a international incident no question china is wrong, threatening they're dangerous. they're threatening to shoot down of the plane of the speaker
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of the house. we haven't heard a word of from the captain of the ship, supposedly our captain of the ship for three days. we have a situation we have to muster through. this started because of perception of weakness t began with afghanistan, it continued into the ukraine. we've got this, our credibility is very much on the line and one of the reasons is because of the message from our, our speaker, who kind of started this as well as the white house for not backing up the speaker but because we are not serious about strengthing our military, our national security, our own domestic safety, having the strongest economy in the world. instead we're busy taxing climate change and adding windmills and wind turbines and just doing things that do not strengthen the united states of america. and these things happen. so we need to deal with this we should be straight with china,
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show respect, say this is what we're doing and whatever it is we do it. whether speaker pelosi goes or not, we should be very clear in what our intentions are. elizabeth: we've got the uss ronald reagan, aircraft carrier and china frigates and destroyer coming in facing off in the south china sea. so your final word? >> well you know what? we're showing the military might. it sure would be nice if this incompetent white house would show some back channel wit and might and diplomacy from strength which is really the only way the ccp as well as russia, only thing they listen to. elizabeth: congressman meuser, thanks for joining us. good to see you. >> thanks, liz. elizabeth: sure. border states making fun of democrats complaining about illegal immigrants flowing into their cities. border states say join the club. reports of parent getting upset about this, transgender athletes physically harming female
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student athletes. parents are mobilizing for elections on all sorts of issues. this is one thing they have been talking about. jason chaffetz next on "the evening edit". ♪. izing your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. if anyone objects to this marriage... (emu squawks) kevin, no! not today. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ bath fitter doesn't just fit your bath. only pay for what you need. we fit your life. when you're tired of looking at your tired old bath, we fit your style, with hundreds of design options. when a normal day is anything but normal, we fit your schedule, with our unique tub over tub process, installed in as little as a day. when high quality is the only quality that matters, we fit your standards, with a lifetime guarantee.
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elizabeth: back with us now former utah congressman jason chaffetz. sir, so good to see you again. >> grad to be with you. elizabeth: you and i talked about how this powerful new voting bloc, parents. they're upset with toxic school agendas. they're upset, look at this, 1.3 million students have left public schools since the pandemic. there is that new study. so this is, people are talking about this from coast to coast. there is also this, a 25-year-old transgender cheerleader, head medlock, born a biological male, kicked off of a texas cheerleading camp ad ranger college just outside of dallas. got a criminal citation, jason, allegedly choked a 17-year-old
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female teammate claiming disrespect and trans phobia, allegedly tried to triangle this person. the father of this girl is really upset about it. parents are outraged about it. what do you say what is going on? >> i don't blame these parents. authorities are involved. i don't know all the details of the case, the allegation is fret strong -- pretty strong choking out this young woman. why should anybody put up with that? there is no room for assault, again, i don't know all the, all the nuances of the case but we'll see how that goes forward. look, parents need to take control of their schools, their school boards, what is going on the athletic field. i think they would rather just have it run smoothly but those places that aren't going to listen to parents, parents will have to say, hey, we're in charge here, not you. elizabeth: jason the other thing too is, we're hearing anecdotally of female student athletes getting injured in
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volleyball, in soccer, all sorts of sports. parents are very upset about that too, but nobody really is talking about it. it really started to take off with the university of pennsylvania, right, what happened with swimmer lia thomas who competed as a male between 2017 and 2020. then transitioned and started winning as a transgender female. that is when the debate started taking off. how do you see it playing out in the elections coming up? we have 18 states now with legislation that bans or limits transgender participation? so how do you see this going forward? >> i think the extremists taking it too far. they have pushed too many limits here. look, really if you look at the heart of it they want to get rid of women's sports. i don't think that parents and community as a whole want to get rid of women's sports and, allowing these young girls to develop their own talents, their own skills, in all of the things
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they learn about being involved and engaged in team sports. why should whole rest of the community have to gravitate to somebody's extreme when we have some places that you know what? if you're a biological male you shouldn't be involved and engaged in women's sports. i think that is that simple. if they make it complicated in other places. elizabeth: "new york times" calling parents getting into political action, quote, potentially destablizing. these are parents who join the anti-vaccine and anti-mask cause. your final word on that? >> what are they afraid of? why are the democrats scared to death parents will see what they're being taught, look what they're shown to read, and why are they so scared about the parents being involved and engaged in organized sports? that should be encouraged, not mocked at all. it's the parents, the government works for the parents. elizabeth: jason chaffetz, come back soon, good to see you. >> thank you.
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>> border states now making fun of democrats complain about illegal immigrants flooding into their cities. d.c. mayor calling for the national guard again. border states say join the club. you see what we're dealing with. how does this change u.s. policy? texas attorney general ken paxton next on "the evening edit." >> because of their actions every single community is now a border city. this is a national crisis. ♪.
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biden authorizing a trump border wall in arizona ahead of the midterm elections and dc's mayor mural browser championed human rights issue and again asking for the national guard to be activated because illegal immigrants are pouring in and saying dc is at its tipping point. mike emmanuel has more from washington. >> good evening. some suggest this could help border state democrats like arizona senator mark kelly in november. homeland security says the work to close four wide gaps near yuma will better protect migrants at risk of falling down a slope or drowning in a low section of the colorado river. the mayor of yuma tells fox he's
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hearing it'll look different than president trump's border wall but he'll take it. >> it'll be more of a different type of barrier, but a positive barrier in any case will be a big and dramatic improvement. >> the white house claims this is not a flip-flop on the border wall. since migrantsrt sededededrrgiv intonngtonngto dc,ayor moralur nts tont act ae thehehec d onna nauaaluardndox obtnedainedne s fromromm plann plag pourceoue fro fro covid-19 and civil disturbances, the readiness from the dc national guard has been severely degraded and the dc guard "does not currently have a standing domestic response capability". dc should exhaust other options first is the suggestion. liz. >> great reporting, thank you for joining us. back with us now, texas attorney general ken paxton. it's great to have you on.
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first your reaction with the border wall in arizona. >> look, he's done nothing up till now and we'll take what he's giving us, but i'm sure he's trying to help the senator win his reelection. it's a minor change with no dramatic impact on the gourder as -- border as a whole and wish the biden administration would do this across the border instead of a little place to have a story to tell. >> it's in an open area of arizona, the third most busiest crossing, and people say this is a new ellis island and people around the world are showing up at this border area : >> yeah, closing a small location doesn't fix the problem. this needs to be a plan for the entire border, not just for one section of the border. again, i'll take what i can get, but this is not going to change dramatically the number of people crossing the border. >> is texas going to indefinitely, indefinitely send illegal immigrants to washington and other states like new york?
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>> i sure hope so. i think it puts pressure on the biden administration and certainly shows some of the other states that have had to deal with the border crisis like we have and still really aren't, but they're getting a touch of it and they're feeling it with just talking about dc getting close to 0.1% of total illegal immigrants since biden has been around and imagine if they had to deal with 1 bernards healthcares instead -- 1% instead of 4,000 dealing with 40,000. can you imagine the outcry. we're dealing with 50 to 60% of the border crossings and no one comes to our aid. >> edward lawrence and peter doocey challenging the border secretary. >> on other subjects, why is the biden administration building a border wall in arizona? >> so we're not fibbishing the wall. finishing the wall. we're cleaning up the mess the prior administration left behind in their failed attempt to build
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a wall. >> what's the difference between texas crossing into dc and the federal government flying migrants to new york in the middle of the night in other cities? >> it's very different because we're not using migrants as a political pawn. >> your word on that? >> it's ridiculous. they're using this as political, that's all it is is political and the idea that the mess was created by donald trump. all we have to do is look at the fact, look at the numbers of illegal immigrants coming across during the trump administration during his last year versus what's happening now, it's up about 300% or more and the reality is the numbers do not bolster with the administration is now saying. >> final word: eight counties in texas have declared an invasion under the u.s. constitution. when will the state of texas declare one? >> that's a question for the governor and it's a challenging issue and these border counties
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are being invaded. the state of texas is being invaded and yet most of the people are turning themselves into the border agents and they're not running across the border and avoiding it, they're actually turning themselves into the federal government. >> got it. ken paxton, thanks for joining us. come back soon. i'm elizabeth and you're watching "the evening edit" on fox business. hope you'll join us again tomorrow night. kennedy: breaking news tonight and two intention officials tell fox news that ayman al-zawahiri was killed this weekend. does al-qaida have a heavy presence in the middle east, specifically afghanistan and what threat does the group still pose to the u.s. and the world. here with me now, u.s. army combat veteran kcch seattle radio host brian


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