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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  August 30, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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a season? we will soon find out. that does it for us on "fox business tonight." we thank you so much for joining us. we'll be here all week on "fox business tonight." "the evening edit" starts in just a moment. elizabeth: okay, the president slammed now saying fund the police after democrats crushed could bees nationwide by defunding police. also no-cash bail, weak-on-crime d.a.s and even firing unvaccinated cops. democrats are now focused on pronounce, even outlawing whipped cream cans and biden also this calling gop voters semi-fascists this is the what is going on debate among cops. could this give cover to new hate attacks? this, new crime trends are now
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emerging really disturbing cops, we've got them. congressman jason smith, arizona attorney general mark brnovich, joe gamaldi, with the fraternal order of police, hans von spakovsky. carol roth, "washington examiner"'s byron york and "the hill"'s joe concha. president biden is in swing states 70 days before the midterms. still no plans to go to the border as biden's own border chief contradicts the white house saying yes, the border is in crisis. vice president kamala harris, the latest dodge who will pay for biden's one trillion dollar student loan handout what it is you. more details on the top fbi agent escorted out of fbi headquarters in d.c. on charges of political interference in fbi probes including hunter biden. white house now focused on europe's energy crisis. 20 million americans here at home can't pay their energy bills. plus why it is cloudy with a chance of fraud in the democrat's new green energy
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spending. i'm elizabeth macdonald. "the evening edit" starts right now. ♪ elizabeth: welcome to the show, you're watching fox business. we begin with stocks down for a third day as strong data, it is driving worries about fed rate hikes. we still have a no read on that yet. we'll stay on the story for you. there was a good read on consumer confidence, strong labor market, 11.2 million job openings. more than expected for july. we have got nearly two job openings for every jobless worker. this is a white hot inflation economy. hillary vaughn on capitol hill with the latest on how experts say the government is still making inflation worse. hillary. reporter: good evening, liz. republicans say new government spending is to blame for high prices we're seeing today but some democrats think what could be the cause might be the cure. democrats in battleground states handing out cash to help people
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deal with high grocery prices and gas prices ahead of the midterms. some states are already cutting checks. new mexico offering up to 500 bucks in relief payments. the final check hitting new mexican's bank accounts this week. in colorado eligible taxpayer getting a 750-dollar tax rebate by september 30th. delaware is also handing out checks. 300-dollar payment this is summer to help people offset higher prices. and in alaska, $3200 will start popping up in bank accounts on september 20th. part of it to help people handle inflation. some democrats in competitive races say it is businesses though that are to blame for high prices but republicans say it's government that is to blame and promising if they take back the senate majority in november they will put a stop to new government spending. liz. elizabeth: thank you, hillary vaughn, great report. joining us now ranking member of house budget, congressman jason smith, along with air tone attorney general mark bin very
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much. first to you, congressman, all the government spending right? talk ever 87,000 new i.c.e. agents in swing state pennsylvania funding cops after democrats defund the police crushed cops. what do you make of this? >> you cannot spend your way out of inflation. every policy this administration and the one-party democrat rule is putting forward is making inflation worse. they have spent 7 1/2 trillion dollars last year in the house of representatives in just new spending. in order to spend 7 1/2 trillion dollars you have to spend $10 million every day since jesus christ was born, liz. this is why inflation is up at a 40-year high. what do they want to do? spend more money. give more money away. elizabeth: where is the money for cops. the president is saying republicans were against funding cops. what do you say to that? >> yeah, well the president will say anything.
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republicans are always about our law enforesman and funding our police. just up until a few weeks ago this administration and so many members of congress i serve with, still, still, was defunding the police. that is unacceptable but now they're just trying to put shade and saying that republicans are against law enforcement the? no one buys that. no one is buying that bridge to nowhere. elizabeth: all of sudden fund cops when you have been crushing them, demoralizing them, attacking them for nearly three years. you know attorney general, border patrol chief raul ortiz, he testified in a florida lawsuit against homeland security, that is the lawsuit against homeland security. he is saying yeah, the border is in crisis under biden. let's watch this. >> since president biden was elected does this document indicate that aliens, illegally entering the united states perceive that they will be able to enter and remain in the united states?
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>> yes. >> is the crisis that is currently ongoing at the southern border making the border less safe for americans and aliens alike? >> yes. >> so if migrant populations believe that they're going, they're not going to be consequences, they will, more of them will come to the border is that what you're saying? >> there is an assumption that if migrant populations are told that there is a potential they may be released, yes, you can see increases. >> will increase at an exponential rate, is that what is being suggested here? >> well i do think it will increase, yeah. elizabeth: mr. brnovich, but the president and the homeland security secretary, they're zareing the border is secure and it is just a challenge. the border chief is saying no. he is rebutting that. what do you make of this? >> we know from our own
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litigation i.c.e. officials have testified america is less safe and less secure because of the biden administration policies. quite frankly i'm surprised joe biden is campaigning in pennsylvania instead of coming to the southern border because only place where he is more than 40% popular is amongst people illegally entering the country. so americans are paying the price every single day. every state is a border state and one stat, we keep losing sight of this, in arizona this year 50%, 57% of the overdose deaths are related to fentanyl. just four years ago it was 4%, liz. you and i talked about this on the air. there is a record amount of drugs coming into this country. cartels seized operational control. every single day americans are paying the price, not only fiscally but in lives lost because of president joe biden. elizabeth: to what mark just said, congressman, number of fentanyl overdoses is likely
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undercounted because hospital emergency rooms are not screening for fentanyl. let's get back to this, we have report that 700,000 illegal border-crossers this fiscal year, asia, china, mid-east, iran, syria, pakistan. the president has never been to the border since he came to the d.c. in nix on era. he says the border is secure bah he has never been there tens of thousands of irs agents to go after u.s. taxpayers and more boys not for more border patrol and more cops? what is happening here? >> it's a lack of leadership. the fact the president has been to the southern border. i've been to the southern border numerous times. of course the attorney general lives along the southern border. it's a disaster. more than 3.2 million people have illegally crossed the border since he has been in office. the fact that over 170 different countries have crossed the southern border. 170 different nationalities across the world have crossed the southern border. it is not secure.
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the american people know it. that is why it is on top of their concerns on almost everything right behind inflation. elizabeth: house republicans say they're going to probe this along with hunter biden and other issues you know if you take back control. mark, thousands of children and migrants die by record numbers trying to cross illegally. it is dangerous. you talked about it. drug and human traffickers, they get killed by them. the brutal terrain kills them. where is the farrest "squad" and all the posturing by democrats that went to the border under the prior administration? do they no longer care? visits by aoc and elizabeth warren nothing more than photo-ops to score political points? what is happening there? >> obviously intellectual honesty, consistency is not something aoc or the far left cares about. the only time they started addressing the border when places like washington, washington, d.c., new york city had to start dealing with giving free hotel rooms to people illegally entering the country.
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going back to what you brought up, liz, about the minors, it is estimated more than 140 every single day unaccompanied minors coming into our country. kids being exploited by the cartels. we're talking about the entire population of macon, georgia, in unaccompanied minors coming over here. we're paying the cost. elizabeth: i got to get to this. 277 terrorists on the watch list, 277, congressman. now caught at all ports ever entry this fiscal year. that is more last fiscal year combined. i have to bring a personal note to this i have to reveal to the viewer. my sister lost her brother-in-law on 9/11 a bunch of those guys are gone. generation of 9/11, why the lack of focus on this? >> list unaccepted, unacceptable that this administration by the stroke of the pen stopped the border wall construction.
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over $1.4 billion was appropriated in a bipartisan fashion to secure the border. by the stroke of the pen stopped the remain in mexico policy. he is doing this all by the stroke of the pen. he is allowing the southern border to be porous. people are able to be crossing there. he empowering the mexican cartel making a huge windfall of money charging people to come across the border including terrorists. it is devastating, horrendous. he should not be campaigning in pennsylvania and wisconsin. he should be campaigning at the southern border. elizabeth: jason smith, mark brnovich, thank you. a agent escorted out of fbi headquarters in d.c. with charges of political interference of government probes including hunter biden. what was alleged on social media showing bias. biden and democrat leaders criticized for defunding police. basically they're focusing on pronounce, no-cash bail, even banning whipped cream cans. cops are talking about dangerous
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new trends in crime. the president says he wants to fund police. joe gamaldi from the from tennal order of cops. he is next with us on "the evening edit." ♪ meet ron. that man is always on. and he's on it with jardiance for type 2 diabetes. his underhand sky serve? on fire. his grilling game? on point. and his a1c? ron is on it. with the once-daily pill, jardiance. jardiance not only lowers a1c... it goes beyond to reduce the risk of cardiovascular death for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease.
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♪. elizabeth: oak, president biden in pennsylvania today talking about funding police. this is 70 days before the
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midterms. critics say this is too little too late. crime is on the rise in u.s. cities nationwide. fox news bryan llenas on the ground in pennsylvania with more. bryan. reporter: liz, good evening. amid rising crime in cities, particularly gun violence nationwide over the last two years president biden unveiled his 37 billion-dollar safer america plan which among other things plans on hiring 100,000 new police officers over the next five years. the safer plan comes at a time when americans feel unsafe under the last two years of the biden administration. the latest "fox news" polling shows 81% of registered voters are extremely or very concerned about rising violent crime. and 51% of voters say they disapprove the biden's handling of crime. biden own stage today weighed in on pennsylvania's senate race touting democratic lieutenant governor john fetterman who has been sparring in ads with republican dr. mehmet oz over the issue of crime. dr. oz particularly trying to
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paint fetterman as soft on crime. president trump is holding a rally with dr. oz this saturday in wilkes-barre. meantime president biden will give a prime-time speech in philadelphia on thursday, not on the city's record murder rate under liberal d.a. larry krasner, but instead he will talk about how democracy is in peril. liz? elizabeth: got it. bryan, great to see you. thanks for your reporting there. joining us now from the fraternal order of police, joe gamaldi. great to have you on tonight, good to see you. joe your reaction to now the president saying he wants more funding for cops. this is 70 days before midterms. >> recent "gallup poll" said 80% of americans are worried about crime, one of the highest numbers in history. wanting to hire more police officers, mental health services is good thing, step in right direction, what the rank-and-file law forcement want to hear a full-throated support
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of law enforcement and condemnation of to the violence against us to the tune ever 230 police officers shot. you want to hire 100,000 police officers that will be hard to do recruitment is in the tank because we've been spit in the face for better part of decade. president wants to give a speech in philadelphia talking about crime, talk about the embarassment d.a. larry krasner and good for nothing rogue d.a.s in this country. if you want to help calm for larry krasner and his resignation. him and his brain trust allowed the city to descend in chaos in pursuit of a agenda. elizabeth: defund the police caused tens of thousands of cops to quit. tens of thousands more retiring early being demoralized and attacked. president biden attack on gop voters as semi-fascist. it was cited in a hate crime attack on a republican office in suburb o trend,
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pew research says homicides in u.s. cities hit levels unseen since the '90s as incarceration rates fell to 1995 levels. mit says the u.s. ranks in the bottom half of developed nations for police officers per capita. we have the lowest level of cops in this nation right now. i don't know if people realize that. >> yeah, i don't think people have any clue just how bad it is. as we talked about before, retirements are up 40%. resignations are up 20%. recruitment is completely in the tank. what have we been talking about for years, liz? we continue to let these criminals out over and over again through the woke revolving door criminal justice system, surprise, surprise, we're seeing our crime rate spike. 2021 was the deadliest year for our country for intentional homicides in almost 30 years. i don't know how much more data or examples we need. foregoodness sakes,wer just had a football player robbed in broad daylight in washington, d.c. where carjackings are up
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27%, robberies are up 17% and they're down hundreds of officers. what more evidence do we need? elizabeth: that was the washington commanders brian robinson shot during a carjacking a section of the hollywood walk of fame was closed after a teenager was shot dead. crew of upcoming apple tv show starring natalie portman fled baltimore from shooting, extortion threats from drug dealers. armed robbers on mopeds attacking stealing from people including in manhattan. the mopeds have no license plates so they are hard to track. what do you make of this, final word? >> you know what i make of this, liz, is that we're seeing complete culture of lawlessness in this country. we have burned down the institutions of law enforcement and law and order. now we're all living in the ashes. i'm telling you, i don't know what it is going to take for everybody in every major city in this country to wake up, vote out these woke prosecutors, these activists judges.
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start getting our country back on track. elizabeth: got it, joe gamaldi, thanks for service of our country. good to see you. white house focuses on the energy crisis. 20 million americans at home can't pay energy bills. why it is cloudy with a chance of fraud in the democrats new green energy spending. the story coming up. ♪. another busy day? of course - you're a cio in 2022. but you're ready. because you've got the next generation in global secure networking from comcast business. with fully integrated security solutions all in one place. so you're covered. on-premise and in the cloud. you can run things the way you want - your team, ours or a mix of both. with the nation's largest ip converged network. from the most innovative company. bring on today with comcast business. powering possibilities. ♪ my relationship with my credit cards wasn't good.
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elizabeth: a bombshell report, top fbi agent tim tim thiebault, stalling fbi probe against hunter biden as misinformation. kelly o'grady with more. reporter: intense scrutiny of the fbi. special agent timothy that thibault closing the case without providing a valid reason, that is required by fbi guidelines. senator chuck grassley is leading the effort to highlight these allegations sharing a statement with fox news, quote, mr. thibault's latent partisanship undermined work and reputation of the fbi bill. political bias should have no place at the fbi.
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the effort to restore their crediteddability can't stop with this. the relationship with meta, days after mark zuckerberg revealed to joe rogan that facebook limited distribution of the hunter biden story following a fbi warning republican leaders are demanding answers. senators ron johnson, chuck grassley sending a letter to the ceo last night the american people need to know whether the fbi used facebook as part of a alleged plan to discredit information about hunter biden fbi warning made no mention of the laptop story specifically gop leaders are seeking records of all communication and names of those privy to the exchanges. regardless this growing scrutiny of the fbi and facebook continue a trend of waning trust of these inflew ending institutions ahead of the midterms. elizabeth: thank you, kelly o'grady. thank you, heritage foundation hans von spakovsky, good to see you. we talked to fbi officials. many are upset what is going on
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at d.c. headquarters. many others say they can be fair. thibault shows political bias, william barr haas gone rogue. retweeting the lincoln project. calling out trump white house abuses in the general michael flynn case and more. where do you come down on this? >> what amazes me someone who exhibited his political biases so openly continued to be the assistant special agent in charge of the washington field office. yeah he is gone now but what in the world does it say about the lack of supervision by fbi leadership that he was allowed to continue in this position for so long when he was in an office that made decisions about investigations, who was targeted potential leaders in the government in this country? the fact that he continued in that position so long, particularly with all of the complaints coming in from whistle-blowers about the double
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standards that he applied, not just in the hunter biden case, but apparently other cases that raises serious questions hough the fbi is operating. elizabeth: listen to senator klobuchar on the bill maher show say this is wrong. christopher wray admitted in testimony it is wrong. watch this. >> is it okay do have a conspiracy to get rid of trump? look, let's not pussyfoot around this. he was selling the influence of his father joe biden. i mean most political sons do. let's not pretend at least wasn't going on. >> you have to make sure that you're treating people fairly. >> isn't it true that mr. thibault, agent thibault, excuse me and fbi supervisory intelligence analyst brian ot-an covers up derogatory information
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about mr. hunter biden while working for the fbi? >> i should say that when i read the remember that describes the kinds of things that you're talking about, i found it deeply troubling. elizabeth: so he finds it deeply troubling. your reaction? >> well, i don't understand how he could only know about it once he read the letters from senator grassley relating what the whistle-blowers were saying. like i said. this was no big secret. these were social media posts. were they not monitoring what this agent is doing? is the leadership so bad at supervising they didn't know about it. elizabeth: hans, to your point, senator grassley says bias inside the fbi predates trump. it dates back before hillary clinton. >> yes. elizabeth: he is saying es, tense sieve information from whistle-blowers, fbi whistle-blowers to senator chuck grassley office around
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senator ron johnson office, asking doj to look into this, basically relying on reporting information from hillary clinton's campaign and the dnc-funded steele dossier which hillary paid for and campaign paid for. also information from left-wing non-profits, that is they're using to launch probes. that is what he is hearing, what they're hearing from whistle-blowers. what do you say, final word? >> what that says the fbi is not acting properly. they should only be opening investigations when they have properly verified real evidence, not things coming in from organizations that have a bias and a prejudice and are trying to get someone targeted for a political investigation. elizabeth: yeah. we should say there are thousands and thousands of good men and women working hard in the fbi to catch the bad guys and you know, it is not fair to them. hans von spakovsky, thanks for joining us. good to see you. elon musk why he could win his fight with twitter because
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of a twitter whistle-blower's explosive charges against them. why it is cloudy with a chance of fraud in the democrats new green energy spending bill. business pro carol roth on "the evening edit" next. >> earlier last year when the colonial pipeline was hacked, it was shut down, i was hoping that would draw enough attention to show how vulnerable our infrastructure especially up here in the northeast, where we have heavy, big population. we're relying on just a few small pipelines. ♪
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elizabeth: okay the white house is focused on the energy crisis in europe due to natural gas supply disruptions because of russia's war in ukraine. back home 20 million cannot pay their energy bills. that is happening right here in the u.s. jeff flock has more from philadelphia. jeff. reporter: liz, i'm at an electric power substation here in philadelphia where, by the way, electric rates are supposed to rise thursday of this week by
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11%. sounds like a lot but that is nothing compared to what is going on in europe right now where prices have gotten so high. look at some steps they're taking to reduce demand in germany, for example. the town of hanover, cutting off hot water to public buildings. italy limiting air conditioning to 81 degrees. can't go any lower. in spain cutting off lights to buildings overnight. france fining shopkeepers who leave their doors open while the air conditioning is on. yes, a very different scene now here in the u.s. but just like in the u.s. europe has high demand for electricity and just like europe here in the u.s. we are taking steps to limit our supply. i leave you with these numbers, liz, if you make $38,000 or less you spend about 25% of your budget on electricity. if you're wealthy, make over $240,000, that is just less than 5% of your budget.
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the hardest hit peoples, perhaps the folks with the least ability to pay the bills, liz? elizabeth: tough story. jeff flock, great reporting as always. joining us former wall street investment banker, author of the war on small business a great book, carol roth is with us. carol a pleasure always to have you on because you're such a good watchdog. we have government watchdog groups also saying warning, carol, really poor oversight, no strings attached on the $369 billion democrats got for climate change. it is going out of energy department, department of interior. remember solyndra? now they're talking new money for parks, forests, air monitors? >> yeah. this is basically just legalized money laundering, liz. it is getting more money to the people who are wealthy and well-connected and consolidating power among those who are benefiting from the green initiatives and who is bearing the brunt of the burden like we heard jeff say? it is the middle class, it is the working class.
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it is the small business and i think there is this sort of fantasy belief there is a transition. all of sudden it is going to be okay? it is not. if we continue down this road there will be more pain, more suffering and costs on the other side. elizabeth: talk about that. they want 228 million u.s. car drivers only to drive electric cars. experts warn the power grid will collapse. it is hit with power blackouts in california and texas. there is talk that the u.s. must double the electricity output in next two decades to deal with this. by the way, electric cars are really heavy. batteries are half the cost of the electric cars. they're so heavy, ripping up roads and bridges we're paying nearly 2 trillion in infrastructure to fix. >> we think because there is green label on something, all of sudden it is great. we have had no real debate on all of the potential downsize. like you said, ripping up of the roads, incredible costs, some of
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the mining of minerals, the disposal of it, just taking it at face value and unfortunately these are real costs that are going to be borne by all of us. elizabeth: here is the other costs. carol, you're a numbers person. let's go through this. let's show the viewer this. california governor newsom he too wants to end all oil and gas drilling in california. that is what the biden white house wants. oil and gas supports jobs and tax revenues needed to fund. that money goes to fund schools, roads, parks, libraries, public health t supports tens of millions of jobs nationwide. what will happen when we go all aelectric? >> think about not only all the jobs but i add another one for you. we have auto loans, $1.4 trillion. who is going to absorb the losses for that? who will absorb the losses of equity for everybody who made an investments in their cars? and then on top of that the cost to replace batteries, right now
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the cost after chevy volt is $3400 to, $34,000. this is just, dollars, upon dollars, upon dollars. this is not a realistic situation. unfortunately the people who are pushing it have no idea about anything financial or economic. elizabeth: the white house climate czar, he continues to work in secret with green energy groups. we don't know who is on his payroll. they prefer not to disclose and, they're redacting identities of all of that. we don't know who he is all talking to commandeering this budget money going out the door for climate change, you know what i mean? there is so little oversight there. the white house thinks it is an energy policy to drain the strategic reserves when that is a national security issue. it is not for political crises. it is for hurricanes. >> yes. that is exactly it. we're not releasing things because you know, you fallen down on the job here, you need to cover yourself politically. it is for real emergency sis.
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then at some point we have to put that oil back in and so what is going to be the additional costs as oil prices continue to rise? i mean this is, just a complete scam and we need a really appreciate, liz, you keep bringing this up, we get a chance to keep talking about it, because i think more people really need to understand this is and energy scam. elizabeth: got it. carol roth, we'll have you back on again soon. thanks for spending time with us tonight. good to see you. >> always a pleasure. elizabeth: look at this protests outside of the u.s. open in new york, demanding an end to vaccine mandates for foreign travelers after 21-time grand slam champion novak djokovic banned for being unvaccinated. john mcenroe calls this a joke and idiotic. elon musk could win the fight with twitter because of a twitter whistleblower's charges against twitter. "the hill"'s joe concha next ond "the evening edit"
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♪. elizabeth: look who is here, from "the hill," joe concha. you're a great writer. joy, we love your stuff. what do you think of elon musk sending a second letter to twitter saying yeah, i should cancel my 44 billion-dollar buyout deal. you have a whistle-blower, former security chief of twitter saying twitter has got serious privacy and security vulnerabilities. putting users, u.s. national security at risk. what do you think of this story? >> liz, elon musk has the wind at his back because of what the whistle-blower is alleging this is chillingly powerful stuff. this is not some low level guy. this is the former head of security at twitter, blowing the whistle the way the company has gone about its business. even says the company may have jeopardized u.s. national security while misleading regulators and investors. this could take down the whole company. obviously the biggest shame in this sordid tale, elon musk will not likely be the new owner of twitter. elizabeth: who will buy it?
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>> that is the thing. twitter can't get a better deal probably could at $39 a their at this point. i think maybe they don't have any buyers. i think elon musk himself has soured on this. boy, once i pulled up the hood i see what is underneath the hood i don't like this car anymore, i'm not buying it. i'm not buying twitter. there are too many bots and too much unethical behavior going on from his view, from the whistle-blower's view, i don't quantity any part of this company anymore i think he is thinking at this point. elizabeth: the whistle-blower will testify before senate judiciary on september 13th. what is he going to say about all this? what is he going to say about all the talk of bias and wiping out and blocking and taking down, you know, twitter media, twitter accounts attacking conservatives as well? >> i have a feeling the hunter biden laptop will come up quite often in this and that story, what twitter did, i mean this is north korean kind of stuff, liz where you censor a story, you suppress sharing the
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story from your millions of members. kayleigh mcenany can tell you when she tried to share the hunter biden laptop story they locked out her account. the way they have acted, not even being biased, actually being activists trying to get joe biden elected, trying to get democrats elected, serving at the pleasure of that party is very clear at this point and we're going to learn a lot on september 13th when the whistle-blower comes forward. he knows a lot as head of security at company. elizabeth: jon levine, you watch only msnbc or even cnn at that time, noticeably, msnbc, like bermuda triangle of no news, what really happened in the 2020 race. what is your take on what is going on with facebook's mark zuckerberg saying yeah, the fbi came to us came to us saying russian propaganda, weeks before
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the "new york post" broke the hunter biden laptop story before the 2020 race, showing political connections, selling the biden family name in china, in russia, kazakhstan and around the world and flying on air force two with secret service protection to do millions of dollars worth of deals? >> amazing, right? you mentioned jon levine before. your viewers should know, "new york post," i worked with jon, he is an excellent reporter. listen to what he has to say. the hunter biden story is important. not so of what hunter biden did, yes influence peddling and using family name and who profited from it. listen to tony tony bobulinski who was his business partner, he is compromised with companies that may have been in the news, liz, russia, ukraine, most importantly china. that is why we need to get to the bottom of this. no one is denying it anymore. elizabeth: guarden variety political corruption.
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you talked about this. the president had a negative net worth reportedly last decade. he is looking around saying everybody else is making money. why not me? that is what the reporters on the story are saying, but then he put his brother james biden and hunter biden on the stick to go out there and sell the biden family name. your final word? >> my final word is that i hope we get a lot of answers when republicans take back the house in november. they probably should. i think this will be their first order of business as far as hearings. what did hunter biden know, when did he know it. elizabeth: senate finance committee laid out the road map of bank records, treasury records own this joe concha we'll have you back on. thanks for coming on the show. looks at protests outside the u.s. open in new york. want end to vaccine mandates against foreign travelers after 21-time grand slam champion banned for being unvaccinated. the washington examiner's byron york. john mcenroe said this was a
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joke doing that. this all happening next on "the evening edit." >> where is dr. fauci on this one? he will have an opinion about absolutely everything. we got labor day coming up next week. he will tell you how many people could come to your backyard next week. estments is different than other money managers. (other money manager) different how? aren't we all just looking for the hottest stocks? (fisher investments) nope. we use diversified strategies to position our client's portfolios for their long-term goals. (other money manager) but you still sell investments that generate high commissions for you, right? (fisher investments) no, we don't sell commission products. we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client's best interest. (other money manager) so when do you make more money, only when your clients make more money? (fisher investments) yep. we do better when our clients do better. at fisher investments, we're clearly different. i'm a performing artist. so a healthy diet is one of the most important things. i also feel the same way about my dog. we got her the farmer's dog sent in the mail. it was all fresh. i want my dog to have a healthy and long life. the farmer's dog helps that out. see the benefits of fresh food at
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>> russian media reports former soviet leader has passed away. few leaders have had such a profound effect on their time. in six years he lifted the iron curtain offered the geopolitical landscape forever. he ended the cold war without bloodshed. he failed to break the soviet union. he has such a powerful legacy. he was 91 years old. byron york is joining us now. good to see you. would you like to comment on that? >> he had an extraordinary legacy, basically putting an end to soviet union without a huge, violent, terrible war. on the other hand, a great victory for the united states. a great story about ronald reagan first taking office sitting around with a bunch of his advisor speaking in complex ways about the cold war. reagan said this is my idea
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about the cold war, we win, they lose. he helped bring it into the soviet union. >> let's have it to this. protest outside the u.s. open demanding and into vaccine mandates for foreign travelers. novak djokovic band for being unvaccinated. >> i think john is exactly right here. novak djokovic is unvaccinated. last year he was also unvaccinated. covid was more serious. he played in the u.s. open. remember, he was in the final period trying to win the grand slam. he played in the tournament. last year at the u.s. open, there was a vaccine, proof of vaccination requirement for fans to come and watch the u.s. open. there is not such a requirement now.
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novak djokovic played last year before people were required to have a vaccine i know he cannot even get in the country to play before people that are not required to be vaccinated. it really makes no sense. >> let's watch this exchange between white house press secretary and our own peter ducey on this. watch. >> how come migrants are allowed to come into this country but world-class tennis players are not? someone walks into texas or arizona unvaccinated, they are allowed to stay? >> that is not how it works. >> no. >> that is what is happening. >> it's not like somebody walks over,. >> that is exactly what is happening. thousands of people are walking in a day. some of them turned themselves over, some of them are caught. tens of thousands of week are not. >> your reaction to that, by
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written. >> peter is exactly right there. they are, in fact, walking over. the number of people crossing the border illegally into the united states from what are called other countries, not from mexico, not from the northern triangle countries, that is grown and grown and grown from europe, asia, south america and all over the world. there is no vaccination requirement. they come here in large numbers because policies allow them to stay in the country. that makes the requirement, the band that novak djokovic seemed like a joke. >> you have what is still going on in public schools. we want to protect children, absolutely. numerous studies, the children, you know, they are pretty
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powerful immune systems against covid. that is what doctors tell media around the world, but we have mask mandates and covid restrictions. there is a backlash against that from parents in california, wisconsin. a boy kicked out of school for not wearing a mask and his father sent a cease-and-desist letter to the principal. there is bullying and harassment going on here. your word on this. >> they are mandates are just all over the place. there is solid public opposition to these mandates. we have seen officials for the teacher unions that are the strongest voices during the pandemic trying to keep schools closed now acting up maybe they did not do that at all. trying to forget what they did. in some political races.
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the democratic candidate for governor of pennsylvania is the attorney general of the state defended a lot of covid measures. now that he is running for covid himself said he did not really support them that much. >> thank you for joining us. you've been watching "the evening edit." join us again tomorrow night and have a good evening. ♪ >> the hunter biden saga starting to stink worse than a three week old tuna sandwich. now the narrative is going up in flames. will there be any accountability or a new election as donald trump is now demanding. i am here for kennedy. the fbi agent in charge of the hunter biden probe just resigned. one month after the fbi director dismissed him from his supervisory role. timothy tebow. not the


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