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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  February 17, 2023 8:00am-9:00am EST

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10-year average, what i am hearing across the board whether small or big boats as long as people can afford it we are still prioritizing our family fun being outside. maria this counts as being outside sign me up i will go outside any day i will send it back to you. maria: i love it, it is a tough assignment somebody has got to do it right madison that is great. >> absolutely, maria. >> greg and todd. >> to look wall street doing a harbinger for wall street i must admit i kind of zoned out during that entire, i am not in position to buy a boat let me cry over my cornice here,. >> stay right there next hour
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"mornings with maria" begins right now. maria: good friday morning. thanks very much for joining us this morning, i am maria bartiromo. it is friday, february 17. your top stories right now 8:00 a.m. on the button on the east coast, today markets are down once again, as we wrap up the week of earnings economic data, the dow industrials off the lows of the morning but, nonetheless, a decline 132, s&p is down 23. nasdaq lower by 97, we are waiting on import export prices 30 minutes' time the numbers as soon as they hit the tape earnings also on deck deer autonation a double beat earnings revenue above expectations amc networks out before opening bell waiting on that report stocks lower yesterday two federal reserve officials suggested 50 basis points hike would be appropriate at next meeting happening in a few weeks, the
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dow industrials, said and done down 431 points, nasdaq down 215 s&p down 57. o goldman sachs expecting three more hikes from the federal reserve, the nasdaq snapped a 3-day winning is it streak yeern markets under pressure this morning eurozone looks like this ft 100 down 16 cac quarante down 33, dax right now lower by 115. in asia overnight red across the board hong kong biggest weak spot hang seng down 1 1/4% breaking news only here chinese communist party is coming at america from land and air. i have learned in the rio grande valley alone border agents allowing up to 30 chinese nationals a day to enter america with notice to enter entering with no questions asked after paying 35,000 dollars a head for dangerous drug cartels more coming up president biden
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breaks silence on three unidentified objects shot down offers little assurance to people claiming u.s. got trigger happy missing larger china spy balloon a week earlier allowing it to travel throughout the country a week sending images of u.s. nuclear installations to beijing the president claims three small objects were not related to the china spy balloon program but shot down nay more details all morning long "mornings with maria" is live right now. maria: the white house is downplaying deficit claiming tournament biden, has reduced it watch this. >> the president has long made reducing the deficit and being fiscally responsible a priority going to continue to cut the deficit, by two trillion dollars in the upcoming fiscal year 2024 budget that is something you all are going to see on mauf 9
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he puts forth his budget congressional budget office projecting national debt will increase 19 trillion dollars next decade the hot topics all morning long greg faranello, todd piro former speaker of the house author of defeating big government socialism newt gingrich is here newt thanks so much for joining the conversation we are talking kicking off the conversation, here with debt and deserts your thoughts on that congressional budget office that report yesterday what -- >> jo abouted lies because joe biden lies says what everybody he thinks will serve purposes has no ripe to reality, what he hopes we will believe press secretary in same nonsense, there is almost nothing he says that i believe i don't worry about it much i know he won't be telling the truth,
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the fact is, the congressional budget office had a stunning report puts enormous pressure on biden administration to accept a responsible debt ceiling increase by responsible i mean that have thee cuts in spending we have to change the direction of the deficit, the united states can't just go adding more and more deficit, we are spending more to pay interest on debt than we pay for entire national security system. now if the you were a family or business, that is a crazy misallocation of are resources this administration passed trillions of dollars in additional spending can't with any claim of sincerity tell us they've been trying to reduce deficit, simple plainly not true. maria: all of this in the face of disasters everywhere you along spy balloon able to travel the country we don't know the damage that was done
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by this spy flight. able to snap being images of our nuclear installations, then you've got toxic chemical spills in ohio train derailment, and fema is refusing to aid the state of ohio. >> the -- the people of ohio frankly all americans have every reason to be furious clearly buttigieg ought to be fired failed totally with aviation recently now failed to be responsive to the problems in ohio, the chemical they were carrying if they combined certain way become literally a chemical warfare weapon of world war i, here down wind of that, a one mile perimeter, governor apparently did is nonsense if you are down wind you have problems people had pets die people furious at meeting, what yours seeing is probably the most
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d d dishonest in history every time you turn around some effort to protect their bureaucracy by telling us falsehoods i think in case of ohio, the senators, bipartisan senators are exactly right to be enraged. maria: todd piro there are people in this ohio down calling this train derailment their chernobyl this sound bite about mayor asked about pete buttigieg in down hal he was missing in action, watch this. >>. >> we don't have that sound booilt we will get that play that in a moment you know sound bite he says iheard from him i don't know where he is, and, of course, pete buttigieg came out with video saying look there are train derailments that happen all
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the time. >> the way pete buttigieg minimized this catastrophic event is beyond shocking, because let's face it we've been on this very show talking about, pete buttigieg's failings every other aspect of transportation. for the last two-plus years. but for him to then sort of tell himself to hold his own beer, have such a tone-deaf, quite frankly, offensive reaction to people crying out for help, from the federal government, is appalling, then to throw on top of of that fema saying, ahh, this isn't a disaster that kwaflz not only does it make you scratch your heed but makes you get angry you have been watching my show i have been watching your show both intooug people from this town desperate for help not just to try to find a different place to live not just help, in the next couple months to find housing for their kids, and look is a headed to 10, 15 down the line woifrd about what is going to
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happen to health some baseline blood tests maria, so that they can make the argument in 10, 15 years god forbid gets cancer some other malady this was the event that caused it a horrific scene in ohio for the pete buttigieg to have that kind of a response for this white house, to have that kind oblasé response. >> you have done great coverage on "fox & friends," quick break how markets move as we wrap up a wild week of earnings economic data, joining me mark luschini here to talk 2023 expectations for inflation how to invest around it "mornings with maria" live on fox business. . ♪ ♪ .
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back, futures indicating a decline start of trading this morning after a hotter than expected ppi report yesterday, comments from two officials about rates going higher, needing to be higher to stomp out inflation we got producer price index report out yesterday. it was up 7/10 of a percent month-over-month up 6% year-over-year worse than expected higher than expected, joining me right now is chief investment strategist mark luschini great to see you. thanks for being here what do you make of latest ppi, and cpi report how does that work into your work in terms of allocating capital right now? >> sure, good morning. as you mentioned, certainly both a little bit hotter than expected cpi face value didn't look quite so bad once you
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claude into numbers looking at run rate last three months what jay powell chairman of the federal reserve has mentioned something focusing on rather than year-over-year looking back that far, is suggesting if anything we've seen cpi level off not even accelerate the ppi affirmed more same feeds book to inflation readings ultimate if he had officials talking about proo aspect of even a 50 basis points hike at next meeting we continue to operate the say way since the beginning of the year which is thinking that, the federal reserve is going to do whatever it can in terms of evolve to slay inflation likely going to continue to weigh on economic, hasn't manifested so much in the first month half of this year we think still likely to lead to you prospects of recession
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if not perhaps 2023, maybe early 2024 due to strengthen in the labor market obviously, the consumer we saw by way of retail sales yesterday, continues to spend handsomely. maria: how much is priced into the market mark because we've got a market that is showing a gain 13% year-to-date on nasdaq. we've got in other inflation data next week, we will get second read of fourth are quarterly gdp thursday external consumption expensive on friday. do you expect a market disruption as these numbers show continued elevated inflation and growth slowing? >> maria we do, i think yesterday was indicative of that, maybe a little bit of today i think rally so far certainly encouraging much welcomed is a little i am possessous i think investors grabbed on to notion going to
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have goldlocks outcome disinflation without an economic contraction meaning a recession. and while i think that is plausible doesn't seem likely if economy operates positively throughout the course of the year if anything stocks fed resolve to raise interest rates even more if not at least hold them at higher level than market is currently anticipating throughout the balance of this year or secondly, if it would be a scenario in which the federal reserve is cutting rates like market currently expects, that more likely than not means recession it is really this thread the needle outcome market seems biting on again while not i'm plausible didn't have see likely better than last overall in terms of general returns we are still expecting to see volatility, as markets sway from looking at the inflation readings that
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on one hand could low good at the same time, other data that suggests that the federal reserve's resolve is going to stay committed to that making sure that they not only stamp out inflation but do so permanently not see, if this turn too dovish too soon. maria: you are right a lot of mixed data let me gri greg faranello into conversation most stunning to me questioned philly fed number we are expecting contraction 7% got a contraction of 24%, that day housing starts falling to pandemic lows in january as well, down 4 1/2% month-over-month even as we see jobs numbers that are holding up greg jump? greg: thank you, maria, markets nice to be with you, yeah, the data is mixed i mean that is just the reality i mean on employment certainly things like better than expected in general relative to narrative into 2023 data is
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coming in better than expected, i think manufacturing data has been weak in general my question, for mark we got a lot of data, between now and the next fed meeting, the pricing is -- as maria pointed out short term fed-speak we know some fed speakers are not voting members this year what do you think? is there -- what is your opinion on the likelihood if things continue to come in hot on inflation sided fed could potentially go 50 in march, then beyond that, where do you see the fed shaking out in terms of the terminal rate? >> sure. good question, obviously, unanswerable at this point, greg other than speculation. but, you know, i think that we've seen comments yesterday, on the prospect of a 50 basis points rate hike being indicative the federal reserve at least leaning a little bit more hawkish than what with we
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have seen recently was clearly expectations of 25 basis points in march and likely again in may. i think that they want to do two things here, one, make sure that they are acting again, soberly with regard to the fact particularly on demand side due to strengthen in labor market, the economy is operating at pretty decent pace but in addition to that, restore credible they lost largely calling inflation transitory, i think that stillodes favor 25 basis points rate hike because we have a lot of data between now and march i think the terminal rate is likely again well over 5, that 5 to 5 1/4, last expectations for the federal reserve's outlook for 2023 is at a minimum, if not even 5 1/4 perhaps 5 1/2 if economy continued to operate in the
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fashion it is currently pacing at according to federal reserve of atlanta shows gdp running at 2 1/2% annualized pace in first quarter. maria: that is right, mark good to see you. thanks very much mark luschini joining us this morning, your morning movers draftkings up in premarket sports betting company beating fourth quarter revenue and earnings expectations, draftking raised 2023 revenue outlook as well on track to open at the highest in five months that stock is up 60% year-to-date. up 7 1/2% this morning, also on move, deer, deer and company premarket agriculture equipment maker up after beating first quarter earnings per share estimates deer raised 2023 profit forecast, this stock is up about 6% in the last year it is up 2 2/3% right now stay with us. we'll be right back. . ♪ ♪ oh, yeah, with me, tonight --
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>> no one believes our border is secure, every state in the country has become a border state with this fentanyl crisis. fentanyl attacking streets of
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oregon we had largest drug bust in oregon's history in my district this past year. this has got to stop it starts with the secretary of homeland stop lying to the american public. >> it is not a republican or democrat issue, it is an american issue. maria: house speaker kevin mccarthy, and freshmen republicans slamming administration for ongoing border fentanyl crisis as a result of wide-open border policy they toured arizona southern borrowed yesterday today hakeem geography reeves, texas congressman hen quell air will visit in texas, member of the house transportation infrastructure committee lori chavez, congresswoman it is great to see you this morning. thanks very much for being here, you were with the speaker yesterday. speaker mccarthy at the border tell us about your trip what you were able to view we too
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have been to the border we have this program live from the border five times. what did you see? >> well, good morning, maria. thank you for having me. you know it was my -- honor and really our job to come down to the border, at the request of fellow congresswoman, this is his district speaker mccarthy wanting us freshman on the ground for several reasons, one we are recognizing some same issues in our home states i was here with congresswoman general, derrick, in oregon we're seeing fentanyl crisis hit the streets, we've been seeing that several years, the policies in place in oregon, you know in oregon we had our largest fentanyl drug bust this last year in my district oregon's fifth district 150,000 pills, enough powder to kill the entire state of oregon 4 1/2 million people, that is concerning not only to me but should be concerning to
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all americans. so, you know oftentimes we see stats it is hard to understand, unless we see for ourselves, hear the stories, and talk to the people the frontline workers on the ground, it is hard for us to grasp the real tragedy we are seeing on streets of america, so, it was important to me to get here to see for myself to listen to those stories, and i was grateful to do so -- >> yeah, my borrowed sources are telling me drug cartels are sending drones into texas, and dropping fentanyl at various places, and then they have runners to pick up the fentanyl later it is being trafficked into america, unfortunately once again all roads lead to communist china, what is going on in terms of all these attacks from communist china? we had spy balloon surveillance of america over our nuclear installations, we
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had a deadly due diligence covid-19, unleased from wuhan lab a cover-up by communist china will not allow investigation indoctrination wuhan lab an exclusive breaking news storied this morning from border sources tell me that in the rio grande valley alone border journalists allowing between 25, 35 nationals a day many worked with chinese chinese associated with ccp giving a notice to appear date means given a notice to appear court day may or may not come back years later, they are entering america, with no questions asked paying 35,000 dollars a headed to the drug cartels, we robbereded recordeddo we record $3,000 illegals
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crossing into america last fiscal year starred october 1, the numbers up 800% from last year, so congresswoman what can you tell us about the ties to the communist party if they are already abusing the student visa process why do they have to send chinese nationals to the wide-open southern border? what is behind this? >> well it should not be a surprise getting questions, as representatives from in our districts. you know doesn't make sense to us, that we have chinese violence doesn't make sense infiltrated by chinese nationals, hard to answer why people leave their country, and certainly with the covid lockdowns in china, certainly, with uyghurs, we understand request people want to leave. we have to secure our southern border secure it against all countries because we don't know who bad actors are hard to determine if open messaging open border by leaders, again,
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president biden, our border czar, vice president kamala harris have not visited the border important to me get eyes on it again as former mayor these things are important to us to get ice on the ground right away we have been hearing statistics you know 875,000 migrants cross in fiscal year 2023 listen to border agents tell us they've had 2900 rescues in this last year, from people traversing stream conditions, we have to wonder what is happening if we don't secure our border under this leadership it is going to take congress, to act, and that is why you are seeing freshmen congressman say we made a promise we talked to american people we said going to secure this border, we have to go into part of the country in order to do that. maria: i am with newt
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gingrich this morning along with greg faranello todd piro. >> jump in you consider another lement of chinese exploiting wide-open border each more disturbing, in terms of this administration's soft approach on china. newt: i think that the new china committee is very, very important. because you have to look at china on every front. the amount of money they've given top university of pennsylvania university of delaware for the biden centers of those two universities the amount penetrated many of our major universities harvard, mit, mit blocked then secretary of state pompeo to even speak on the campus as american secretary of state, because it might offended chinese, i think we have no idea how many different ways chinese have been offense guns
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us anybody who reads art of war this is the exactly the chinese believe in, slow patient study penetration of he oevent psychological domination greatest of all generals, they are methodically out to undermine isolate united states get us in position with biden president blinken paid a million dollars by penn biden center i think was funded by china indirectly through unfortunate, you have no idea whether protecting owes or protecting china. maria: a great point, then you've got 1 850 boxes of documents at university of delaware, china also sent millions to the university of delaware, but i want to get your take congresswoman on ineptitude of this administration, all in all, in face of the definitive happening in ohio.
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senator marco rubio calling for transportation secretary pete buttigieg to resign. after taking 10 days to address the ohio train derailment white house says president biden is standing by buttigieg, but listen to what happened at the town hall and when east palestine mayor was asked about buttigieg, watch. >>. >> i don't know -- -- >> he said your guess is as good as mine congresswoman they don't know where pete buttigieg is house transportation infrastructure committee holding a briefing today what are you expecting to hear what can you tell us about this? >> well, i think that what you are hearing is that desperation frustration, same here on border same that we when you wait 10 days, to get an answer to american people, it is very frustrating, we're expecting a briefing today,
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are on a call, and grateful that first responders there for people of ohio, and at this point, i am expecting from ntsb to get that briefing today but as a former mayor let me tell you you have to be readying to all the time that is not what is happening under this administration and under -- buttigieg. maria: pete buttigieg buttigieg not responsible people want him accountable government is supposed to work for people. that is not what is happening under this administration. maria: this you we would like to know where trillion dollars in infrastructure spending went.i' we'll be right back. .ve st in invesco qqq, . ccess to the nasdaq-100 innovations, like real time cgi. okay... yeah... oh. don't worry i got it! become an agent of innovation with invesco qqq
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malpolice say shots rang out after a fight between two parties, now one man is in custody. paramount global announcing price increase for strategic service later to happen after company merges with showtime, the première plan will rise to 11.99 from 9.99 essentially plan without showtime going up a buck to 5.99, increases will take effect across all channel third party platforms am zorn roku apple a peek at paramount down about a percent. the family of bruce willis sharing a sad update on actor diagnosed with frontal temporal dementia, this nearly a year after the star retired in acting over an afascia
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diagnosis ex-wife writing on instagram this painful it is a relief to finally have a clear diagnosis, if he could day would respond bringing attention connectedness with those dealings with this disease, frontal temporal degeneration by progressive nerve cell loss in frontal or temporal lobes no treatment a devastating loss here. maria: it is lydia thanks very much we see some promise on work in this area, but no cure. after almost a weoeek week of silence president biden spoke out. >> we don't yet know exactly what three objects were, nothing light now suggests there were related to china spy balloon program or surveillance vehicles from other any other country, these
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three objects most likely balloons tied to private companies, recreation research institutions. i expect to be speaking with president xi, i hope we have -- going to get to the bottom of this i make no apologies, for taking down that balloon. . >> why would he even consider making any apologies california congressman darrell issa reacted on twitter saying a military officer reached out to me tonight biden's speech on the balloons was all lies. during the briefing, biden snapped at a reporter over a question, that the reporter asked about his family's influence peddling, the president refused to say if he was compromised by china. former house speaker fox news contributor author of defeating big government socialism newt gingrich with us this hour newt your thoughts on all of this? i guess the first question i have is why is it that biden is many constantly on his
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heels defending the u.s.-china relationship? why would anyone think that he is supposed to apologize? they sent the surveillance balloon to us. newt: i think that first of all, biden doesn't have a clue about the nature of the chinese threat, i think that he is totally compromised by what he and -- biden minimize said spent something like 88 hours with xi jinping over years speech in philadelphia said probably spent more time with xi jinping than any other foreign leader occupancy he didn't learn anything. take capital of balloons we are told -- continue shoot down balloon over united states worried about calculator damage suddenly they can shoot down other three things not worried cat collateral damage, the job of
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american air defense when first picked up that balloon outside of las ta should have shot it down then, that system is very clear. it is directly from the -- the command north america north american air defense norad to secretary of defense to the president nobody else in middle they death penalty do anything frankly i don't think would have ever told us, about the chinese balloon, if the nup in montana had not published a picture of it, at that point they were so embarrassed, that they didn't know what to do had all totally phony argument the defense department actually thought shooting down a chinese balloon over montana would cause collateral damage you need to playoff every children in chain of command because that is a level of incompetence makes afghanistan look like success i think on a good day walks around not sure he lies i think he believes whatever he says has no
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relationship to truth or reality. i find that very frightening when the only thing that comforts me about biden as president is the thought of kamala harris as president. at that point okay, biden maybe out to lunch but at least not totally irrationale a sobering point in time american people knees to realize what we're doing through is. maria: it is true living in really dangerous times i think congress will not move to impeach joe biden because afraid of of nebraska two don't want to get into that situation we know that donald trump saw china as adversary from day one remember when he had xi jinping at mar-a-lago 2017 basically dropped a bomb during chocolate cake moment having dessert saying, by the way, we are sending strikes to syria right now, because, they used chemicals on their people. utah senator mitt romney says
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president trump will most likely be gop nominee in 2024 still vowing not to support trump if the case admitting that is wait looks like woman reporting on fund-raising email sent out by former president says gop should quote the master the democrats own game harvesting ballots in every state that we can, says president trump, what are your thoughts feels like trump is recognizing that the republicans have failed when it comes to understanding dealing with mail-in voting, the potential fraud that exists there. and correcting it newt do you debris with romney number one trump will be nominee? number two what about his change in stance? on mail-in ballots? newt: first of all, i do agree with mitt romney that -- clearly the front-runner is donald trump, all things being even, probably will be nominee although i think desantis
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governor desantis is very form midable a large bloc of people willing to give a lot of money to stop trump this is not the over you have to say president trump, is the front-runner most likely nominee i also think what is always been impressive about trump because not a professional politicians, he can look with a cold business eye, at reality of the facts if we don't compete on ballot harvesting we are going to lose if we don't learn to you o to campaign earlier we are going to lose. it makes no sense to save money till october if people start voting in early september,at least in one state, 60% people that volunteered before republican advertising campaign reached it's peak i this is what you will see with trump he has come up with a series of videos, some which have very powerful profound ideas proposed, for example, parents ought to be allowed to hire and fire principals of school
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their children go to i did a podcast with investigative reporter from baltimore baltimore city schools have 23 schools where zero students out of 2000 zero, could be -- children oughtity saved parents take control of the school instead of teachers union, bureaucrats i am for whatever it takes to save children, trump providing real issue leadership in those areas i think we are at beginning a long, very interesting campaign. maria: going to be something to watch for sure newt we are happy you are with us hole area stay right there. we've got a lot more to come. we'll be right back, everybody. stay with us. ♪ ♪ ♪ . at adp, we use data-driven insights
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maria: welcome back, skwef businessman vivek ramaswamy is considering a run for the 2024 white house making the rounds delivering messages against the invasion of quote woke liberal ideology in the business world we want to talk to vivek and find out how he is going to move forward, do we have that? okay. we are waiting on vivek to join the conversation, but let
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me get to todd piro greg faranello newt gingrich with us this morning todd thoughts on 2024 playing field as newt told us president trump is likely to be the candidate for the republican party, if not governor ron desantis also has a significant amount of support from -- and nikki haley has throne her hat in the ring. >> i think based on the way the last couple months have gone, a number of individuals in the conservative space if you will feeling about what emboldened to enter the race, if we have learned one thing over the course last six plus years never count donald trump out. now grand, he has much he stronger headwinds ron desantis a formidable opponent assuming he enters the race i don't like the way people are provening the nikki haley discussion only to become vice president because i think a
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lot is sectionist misogynistic the like the at the end of the day the untiling fact is correct she is positioning herself to be vice president our friend vivek had him on my show i am taking one hundred percent full credit for that, but he is an interesting player because brings so much difference to the table especially notion of your corporations basically controlling your life are far-left. i am right, i am going to bringing corporations not to knees but what they should be profit centers not woke ideology centers. >> what did you think about comment about nikki haley says whole talk about major makes me uncomfortable said cohosts on cnn, i think wrong a record to go down says nikki haley is past her prime. whatever that means. >> implicit is saying people, women that are over 20 years
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of age or out of 20s past prime, maria i am not going to say guess your age i am going to assume you are over 20 years of age that your past your 20s i would say you are completely in your prime, right now. look at ratings, maria is crushing it oftentimes beating don lemon's show horribly misogynistic comment he should not have made. >> don lemon on cnn, how nikki haley responded to be clear i am not calling for competence tests for sexist middle and i will cinitiative nanchors only for people who make our laws 75 plus, she wrote on twitter stay with us everybody we'll be right back. . can help you open those doors. by helping you create a comprehensive wealth plan, with the right balance of risk and reward. doors were meant to be opened.
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maria: time for "the big buzz" of the morning. chocohaulics rejoyce a professor at rutgers university says he has discovered the formula for a healthy low fat chocolate using a 3d printer no less. the 3d printed chocolate is substituted with water and oil mimicking the characteristics of "coco" butter, and it's all 3d, todd. todd: i'm embarrassed this involves the state of new jersey. the state college of new jersey no less. the maria, the state food of new jersey, is egg and cheese literally so the fact they are coming up with chocolate with no
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fat shohei ohtani fence ever. i don't want anymore of this story. i'm giving the balance of my time to greg. maria: greg, go ahead. >> todd is pumping me up here. i love chocolate. for full disclosure, i love dark chocolate and when i eat chocolate i'm eating the real thing. that's all i have to say on it. maria: and you probably don't want it made by a 3d printer i would imagine. >> absolutely not. maria: newt gingrich final word from you. its been a great honor to have you this hour, newt. >> look, i have a deep prejudice and i learned how to swim in hershey pool and i'm totally for hershey and i don't think it's about to go to 3d printing of non-chocolate chocolates. maria: yeah, good point great to see everybody this morning thank you, greg, todd piro and newt gingrich. have a great weekend everybody i'll see see you tonight on wall street and sunday on "sunday morning futures", "varney" & company picks it up here. stimulus take it away. stuart: good morning, maria, goodorng


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