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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  February 17, 2023 10:00am-11:01am EST

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what causes a curve down there? who can treat this? stop typing, and start talking. it could be a medical condition called peyronie's disease, or pd. you're not alone, there is hope. find a specialized urologist who can diagnose and treat pd. visit today. there are some things that go better...together. like your workplace benefits... and retirement savings. with voya, considering all your financial choices together... can help you be better prepared for unexpected events. voya. well planned. well invested. well protected. ♪ ♪ you are still the one i kiss
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good night ♪ stuart: at the risk of sounding like a broken record you are looking at midtown manhattan on a friday rainy morning. very few people there. you see that all the time in new york city, mondays and fridays almost empty because people are working from home. they come into the office tuesday and wednesday, it is 10:00. midtown, straight to the money. down was down is down 120, nasdaq down 130. the yield on treasury securities going up, the 10 year treasury yields 388. this price of oil $80 a barrel, down after $75 a barrel. bitcoin at $23,900. that 9.
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that is the market. now this. it is really about performance, how well the federal government response to crisis. and activist government like the one we have now should be on the ball quickly. sadly, this administration with the ohio train wreck has dropped the ball. the federal emergency management agency just hours ago rejected ohio's request, the head of the environmental protection agency waited two weeks to visit the site. he insisted testing had not revealed any serious contamination but republican senator jay d vance showed a video showing chemicals bubbling up and local people continue to complain about headaches and rashes. where is the transportation secretary, pete buttigieg? like kamala harris who won't go to the board, pete buttigieg won't go to ohio.
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he tweets about a rule change for train wrecks under the trump administration. he blames trump. the criticism has been so intense, so much so that karine jean-pierre had to insist the president has to have absolute confidence and mayor pete. let's not forget mayor pete is in charge of $660 billion worth of green spending, two thirds of $1 trillion. his performance in ohio, his two month paternity leave during the supply-chain crisis and airport shutdowns suggest he's not up to the job. you want to be all government all the time, you better performance get the job done. second hour of varney just getting started. welcome back, sean duffy. do you think it is time for
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pete buttigieg to step down? >> i am in the impeach pete camp. that's what the house should do but this administration has billions of dollars for moving illegal migrants around the country transportation, billions of dollars is going to ukraine. karine jean-pierre said this disaster is a top priority for this administration. top priority? send the money, they need help. they don't have disposable income, they can't afford to rent a hotel, they can't afford to lose a paycheck. these people are struggling but a train disaster, help them out, they are americans. this administration wants to help everybody who isn't an american. when americans are in need they are nowhere to be found. pete buttigieg sent a tweet, show up, 90% of every job is just show up, go see people, look at this crash site with
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your own eyes. they make decisions from there but show people you care, show that you care by showing up, give a speech, don't tweet about it, speech about it, talk about it but they don't give a damn. stuart: performance is lacking in several respects. president biden snapped at reporters after they asked about his family's business ties to china. >> are you compromise by your family's business? >> president biden: give me a break. >> is there an overreaction? >> president biden: we have more people. stuart: he complains about the politeness of the reporter. sean, does china have something on biden and his family? >> can i say that with clear
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facts? no. if i look at the way president biden has behaved, there is no other rationale on why an american president won't put america first and make these concessions to china. more polite reporters, the remember how they treated donald trump, give me a break. you couldn't have a more docile reporter pool then covered his presidency but i was in politics for nine years. any republican who had any story like this would be asked about it every single day. president biden gets one question and he can't handle it. no one ever asks him. he is not confronted with this question which any good reporter every day should be asking about how much money made from his son hunter by foreign business dealings and whether he is compromised but they don't do their job because they are democrat activists in the media doing a disservice to the american people as well as president biden.
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stuart: pretty soon you are going to tell us how you really feel. >> you came in with shania twain, you are still the one in my heart. stuart: you are all right, i take it all back. president biden finally addressed the public on the chinese spy flight shot down over america. what are republicans saying? lauren: they are mocking him. senator tom cotton says china is mocking him also. stay with fox news digital, the ccp is laughing at him, too dangerous for america. senator dan sullivan, the president after mark left the american people with more questions. senator ted cruz, biden is providing a powerful deterrent for any high school science
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club that might try to invade us. it is possible their balloon might have been blasted by f-22s. he lets the chinese spy balloon, the real thing of surveillance take a trip across the country over monetary basis, then shoots down three we don't know whats, ufos, objects. stuart: thanks. back to the markets. leo kelley joins me. how pervasive is inflation? what does it mean for the fed and the economy? >> i have been amazed how the community has ignored the reality of inflation. this is going to take a long time to fix. when we think about the fed's actions they were slow to get started, just now starting to catch up. we are going to have to do some
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time and there will be additional damage in the short run. on the other side of that we will be okay. stuart: is it something like the 1970s, the stock market stayed kind of like this through much of the decade. do you make much money in the market, are we looking at a situation reminiscent of the 1970s? >> this could actually happen. the amount of capital put in the system for two straight years, we saw money supply grow over 25% the year and everybody thinks raising rates will lower inflation. it is not true. this will take a long time. we are could be dealing with inflation for several years and we are looking at the beginning
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of a secular change, all of that will impact markets. there will be new leadership as a result. people could make money in the 70s but it was a little rough along the way. stuart: i was around in 1970s. one last one. kathy would thinks going towards disinflation, what do you think of that? >> i was around in the 70s and what i remember, i remember oil getting so high that we had to decide whether or not we were going to buy food or wood. or would. it can get tough out there. in terms of kathy would, the idea that disinflation is astonishing, you have to realize her portfolio has struggled over the last year, sometimes you start to rationalize your expectations
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when rooting for the recovery of your portfolio. we are seeing a lot of that. a lot of investors just wanted to go back to the way it was. stuart: we will see you again soon. i've got movers on the screen. airbnb is down 7%. lauren: it was up 63%, it is up 22% this week alone and counting for today's 7% decline. they put out greater earnings so i call this a profit-taking. stuart: auto nation, where are they? up or down? lauren: big demand for spare parts, services, and overall the company says inventory levels are still very low which means prices are still very
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high. stuart: i want to know about mode dharna and the flu vaccine. lauren: they were using the mrna technology, it was in a late stage trial and the results were not so good. didn't prove to be any more effective. stuart: open a i just addressed recent claims of bias on their chat gpt platform. lauren: they understand the bias and looking for our patients as they deal with it and they compare open ai not just software but training a dog, people are programming it, training the dog in the open ai system. it needs to be updated, needs to be fine tuned and that is what they say they are doing. the new york post said can you write an essay in the new york
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post's style about hunter biden. they said no, we can't, that is bias, that is inflammatory, but can you do it in the style of cnn and it was able to do that. so open ai is saying we know this is happening. we will perfect it. stuart: that is fascinating. now this. a new report says the pentagon warned about ufos just weeks before those three flying objects were shot down. josh boswell will join us in the next hour. ohio residents near the train derailment site report new illnesses beachside being told the it is safe. senator marco rubio calling for transportation secretary buttigieg to step down which i will ask bill johnson next.
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>> they are saying there's no evidence of high-level contamination which could indicate there is low level contamination. i believe they allow the records to go back too soon. it is not just about the drinking water. the majority of people are on municipal city water which is safe enough to drink but what about making formula for their children, drinking water for their pets? stuart: that was doctor nicole sapphire --saphier.
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lucas tomlinson is in east palestine, what is the latest? >> reporter: the epa administrator spoke earlier on fox, he said the water in east palestine is ready to go and safe to drink and that governor mike the wine running point. >> the state has primacy and the state's leading in its recovery and testing of the water. if your water was tested by the state we believe it is safe to drink. >> epa chief michael regan spoke to the community and observed water being tested. he met with epa members doing the testing and came to reassure the public. he is the highest ranking official from the biden admin a station to visit in east palestine, two weeks after the massive train derailment, the rest of the country watching
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the massive chinese spy craft moving across the country some residents are joining a class-action lawsuit, we spoke to some people, the railway has been giving out checks for $1000 to anyone in the east palestinian zip code. it does not bar anyone from it in the future. it helped the epa to test the air. 500 homes in this community and paid out $2 million to residents. ohio governor mike the wine -- make the wine spoke earlier. it comes back good. telling people you are on the city water, you can drink that. we are testing who tests a private well, we are testing that. >> reporter: schools here in the community have been back in person since monday. there is a women's basketball
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playoff game at east palestine high school cancel because the opposing team refused to show up. stuart: thank you very much. congressman bill johnson, republican from ohio, joins me now. you are on your way back assessing the derailment site. what did you see when you were there? >> i can tell you the people are very concerned. they don't -- i was there last monday. i was there from the town hall meeting wednesday. i was there yesterday with the epa administrator. i know that the mayor and everybody is saying it has been tested and i think the city water, private wells have a
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long way to go to make sure people get their water source from a private well, that those are being tested too. that's where the state epa is coming in and trying to go as far possible, all residents have to do is ask. stuart: senator marco rubio is calling for pete buttigieg to step down. do you think he should resign? >> at this point, he's kind of absent without leave. he hasn't done his job. we have a disaster of a train crash. what does he do? he plays it down like one of many thousands that happen every year. he made no effort to come to east palestine and see what this disaster has inflicted on that community.
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to get somebody in that seat that cares. stuart: the white house promised to hold norfolk southern accountable. watch this please. >> we are going to try to figure out an answer to what occurred. we will get through this together, and hold norfolk southern accountable. and our message to folks in ohio is to listen to state and local officials. it's important to listen to them, to allow them to do their work. and we will do everything we can to keep the community healthy and safe. stuart: i'm not sure you could hear that but the white house is pointing the finger at norfolk southern. what say you to that? >> i plan to hold norfolk southern accountable. this was there train, they were
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in charge of it, they were hauling the chemicals, this is a clear choice, they are the ones that have to be held accountable and i am going to see to that too. there is the surf club under the epa's authority, the epa notified norfolk southern they had potential liability for disastrous environmental issue like this. we have a long way to go. i am on my way back up there. through monday or longer. we are going to get questions answered that that community asks. blue on your the first congressman to appear on this program on the air while driving a car and you did a pretty good job. hope you can come again soon. republican senator jay d vance
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from ohio, should people -- just how polluted the water is near the site of that derailment. >> looking at coloration and that water, he says don't drink it. he wouldn't drink it, he dared the administrator of the epa to drink it. >> from the community that is expected. to tell people that tap water is safe, by all means. >> it is about trust. trust how you feel. if you feel sick don't drink it. if you see 3500 dead fish in a river, stay away. there are worries about cross-contamination. he is claiming, you saw the chemicals, the discoloration. how do you trust what the state and government tells you?
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stuart: us jets intercepted russian warplanes near alaska for the second time this week. we will bring you that story. the new york fire department warning about the growing threat of lithium-ion batteries that are in everyday items that fire officials say are causing more deadly house fires. a report on that coming up next. ♪ ♪ i got into debt in college and, no matter how much i paid, it followed me everywhere. so i consolidated it into a low-rate personal loan from sofi. get a personal loan with no fees, low fixed rates, and borrow up to $100k. sofi. get your money right. ♪ inner voice (kombucha brewer): if i just stare at these payroll forms...
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disney employees say no, we are not. they signed a petition warning of imploding long-term harm, what is long-term harm of commuting to work? their schedules, their life, the new life they have established working from home. stuart: they don't like it. lauren: we will see how it plays out. stuart: we are seeing this from other companies as well. in the first quarter. lauren: redchin expect to wire loss, they expect the recovery has stalled because of higher mortgage rates, potential buyers dabbled a little bit. they are back on the sidelines. stuart: mortgage rates have gone up for second straight week. not sure where we are.
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mitch rochelle is our real estate guy. our mortgage rates going up? not good news for the housing market. >> half a foot back in the water and mortgage rates picked up. we have this tug-of-war, between higher cost, the prices come down, mortgage rates are coming down in the near term. we are about to enter the spring home buying season. realtors have noticeable pickup in volume. that's a good sign. stuart: looking is a good sign. tell me about a trend, looking for more affordable housing and
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we are going towards manufactured homes. we used to call them trailer parks. is there a trend toward the trailer park again? >> trailer parks, that's not a sexy term. we are calling them mobile home communities. they are not mobile. these are stationary homes, they are manufactured, they sit on a piece of land but they are very affordable, and a couple months, housing starts, prices still remain extraordinarily high. people say, more folks are turning to manufactured home communities. they offer tremendous amenities, they have a lot of activities and we are seeing a trend and it has legs and we
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see more of it. stuart: if i went to a manufactured home community in a nice part of florida, for example, how much would it cost to get a manufactured home with a pool, access to a pool, pickle ball court, what does it cost to do that? >> there's two pieces of that equation, what it costs for the land and what does acosta on the home. many times the community itself just charges you rent for the land and you purchase the home and put the home on top of it. it can be a fraction of what a similar sized home would cost in another community. stuart: could i do okay for one hundred thousand dollars? >> 100%. you may have a single life but
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it is a place to live. stuart: i will remember that. thank you very much. let's get serious here. lithium-ion batteries are found in everyday items, cell phones, appliances, kids toys. fire officials say they are causing deadly fires that are difficult to put out. live in brooklyn, new york, how many fires are caused by these batteries? >> reporter: at least 42 lithium-ion battery fires across the country, 24 in new york city alone including the building behind me which put out the flames earlier this week. fdny just arrived moments ago to do more work at the scene. lithium-ion batteries are found in everything from the scooters they bikes, even cell phones and laptops. if they ignite it can go from smoke to a room engulfed in flames in 30 seconds.
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these fires are happening everywhere. firefighters south of boston claimed charging e scooters, last week a battery fire left four people injured on a united airlines flight. colorado mom kristi carlton says her son's toy, battery-powered have a board, exploded in their home last week. she was able to get it outside into the snow but firefighters had to break it apart to put out the fire. >> i went back outside and have not called 911 yet because i thought i had gotten the flames taken care of. as i was taking a video of it it exploded again. then went on to explode again. i feel like i bought my son a bomb for his birthday? >> the consumer product safety commission says there were at least 208 fires or overheating incidents from 2,020 one through 2,022. 19 of those were fatal.
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fire safety experts say there is little time to escape. >> if they are to get an extinction, by the time they come back chances are it is already untenable and they are not going to have an impact. >> reporter: back out here on scene, things are pretty loud, fdny arrived to do more processing at the brooklyn building behind me which went up in flames tuesday morning. experts recommend buying safety tested batteries, follow manufacturer's instructions. for larger items, charge them outside if you can. stuart: you are all right, good story. tesla recalling hundreds of thousands, i'm going to ask why they are recalling of this stuff but thank you for the hard work you have been doing.
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ashley: my pleasure, always a team effort. it is great to have you back. a potential problem, and the system may cause crashes by allowing vehicles to act unsafe, and entering a stop sign controlled intersection before coming to a stop. they may have trouble responding to changes in posted speed limits. and over the air software update, to address these. stuart: don't forget to send in your friday feedback stuff.
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send it to manufacturing psychedelics like lsd, magic mushrooms, looking to expand its license to include cocaine and heroin. how does that help drug crisis? we speak to an effective from lucy scientific discovery next. this thing, it's making me get an ice bath again. what do you mean? these straps are mind-blowing! they collect hundreds of data points like hrv and rem sleep, so you know all you need for recovery.
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10:41 am
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and more peace of mind... consider adding this. an aarp medicare supplement plan. take charge of your health care today. just use this...or this to call unitedhealthcare about an aarp medicare supplement plan. stuart: lucy scientific discovery just ran the nasdaq closing, and richard is the executive director at executive scientific.
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you are the only licensed manufacturer of lsd, and psychotropic mushrooms. what is the medical use for those drugs? >> the uses are drug addiction for substance abuse, anxiety, ptsd, all of those are highly primal. stuart: the patients get high, >> they don't quite get high, and and it is not the high you are talking about. stuart: the dosage you might have gotten in the 1960s. >> it will be done with the help of a physician. stuart: at the moment you need a prescription. >> correct.
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stuart: will you feel the same way as marijuana when you start out with medical marijuana and then go to recreational marijuana. will we see recreational lsd anytime soon? >> it will not be us, i don't think in the near future that is what is going to happen. stuart: which disorders do these drugs treat? >> one of the main ones is ptsd, 10 or 15 million people suffer from ptsd and anxiety, depression and substance abuse. stuart: substance abuse. can you control or stop it? >> it can help you with whatever addiction. stuart: you are also trying to expand with health canada into cocaine and heroin. how does that help? >> it sounds intuitive but so many people die of overdose and unsafe supply, it has been --
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and keep them alive. a safe supply of those drugs to whatever the organizations, one step in the right direction. we went any competition at this? >> a number of other license makers. stuart: you are getting back lash? >> on lsd and psychotropic mushrooms. >> it is not legal and only under clinical trial. stuart: we appreciate you being with us today. do you remember blockbuster?
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the last one standing released an iconic super bowl bad that is spiking sales. you won't believe how well they did on budget. a record-breaking super bowl for the sports books. draft king ceo jason robbins on the show to tell us about the super bowl affect next. ♪
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stuart: the last remaining blockbuster, the video rental people, the last one in america released a retro super bowl ad on social media during the super bowl, their sales are surging. how much are we talking? ashley: how about up by 200%? the one remaining store in oregon posted the ad on social media because couldn't afford the $7 million rate on tv. watch this. >> when the world ends.
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and the internet streams no more. we will still be here. stuart: it is hilarious. on the cockroaches and blockbuster will survive. it struck a chord with people who remember the good old days of running around the video store hoping to find a new release. the store says it still gets emails from people around the country who decorate their basements like a blockbuster location. complete with a vhs player. not a streaming device and site. inside. i remember going to blockbuster with the kids, there was a moment in time but just one left. 100 million sports betting transactions were placed during super bowl weekend, that is up
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25% compared to the last year. the ceo of draft kings joining us now. this is when the big game was stayed where sports betting was legal and your company made $800 million in the latest quarter. can i assume you are recession proof? >> i don't know that you can assume anybody is recession proof because we are not in a recession, but we are seeing strong performance with pretty much every year we look at, every way we slice it, seeing healthy consumer behavior. stuart: what was the biggest bet placed with your company on the super bowl? >> i don't know that this was the biggest but there was $1.7 million bet placed on the chiefs. stuart: that person is walking away with a significant gain.
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as a complete outsider, it looks to me like you are changing the whole gambling experience, making it more fun and interesting. i'm fascinated by what you are doing. >> them entertainment products, the goal is to make it as fun and interesting as possible, we listen to our customers. usually they tell you what they want. the better you are at using the data and interacting and doing research the more you will understand that. we've gotten so much smarter year over year on the product front, learned about what our customers want and how to operate things the way our customers want. we are a year and a half into having migrated to our own platform. the quality of the technology is better than ever. all this while putting a heavy focus on cost efficiency and expense management. stuart: you've gone from a $500 million revenue and one quarter
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to $800 million and a quarter. can you continue that growth in the >> it is seasonal business. if you look year-over-year it is tremendous, 73%. really strong growth. we expect other big growth in 2023. we just improved our guidance by one hundred 25 million at the end point and the revenue side. we are seeing exciting things, we had a real inflection point for the industry. stuart: your stock is up 15%. tiger woods's return to the pga tour, the genesis invitational. did people bet big on tiger? >> it amazes me, tiger will never go out of style, 90% of bets priced in at 150. so i think it seems attractive to a lot of people but 98% on
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that. we won the bet, will he make the cut? yes or no? >> we have other bets but that one struck me in particular. you don't often see almost one hundred% of bets on one side of anything. it's a testament to the popularity of it. stuart: is the tournament progresses do you adjust the odds of him making a cut or not? >> of course. every bit of data we get we adjust in real-time. keep betting throughout. you double down or take the other side, until the end of the second round. stuart: i'm tempted to bet on premier league soccer. jason robbins, congratulations on a terrific performance. hope to see you again soon. still had on this program, art
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laffer, steve hilton, daily mail senior reporter josh boswell and homeland security adviser michael l bony. the 11:00 hour of varney is next. ♪ ♪ maybe it's perfecting that special place that you want to keep in the family... ...or passing down the family business... ...or giving back to the places that inspire you. no matter your purpose, at pnc private bank, we will work with you every step of the way to help you achieve it. so let us focus on the how. just tell us - what's your why? ♪
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