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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  March 20, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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new push to get manhattan d.a. alvin bragg to testify on a weak case that federal prosecutors the d.a. he himself already dropped. trump's hush-money payment to stormy daniels. the lawyer for d.a. witness. with us senator markwayne mullin, byron donalds and dan meuser, former independent counsel sol wisenberg, former arkansas governor mike huckabee hans von spakovsky. we have the rescue of silicon valley bank. and we break down president biden's false claim in 2020, hunter biden got no money from china? and the new push to stop a costly new california reparations bill that other states could copy. the president's first veto,
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let's him politicize your retirement savings when his budget has no fix to social security? i'm elizabeth macdonald. "the evening edit" starts right now. liz: welcome to the show. we begin with stocks up. banks rally as the fed along with five other central banks announced coordinated action to open the dollar spigots to boost bank liquidity. ubs moving to buy credit suisse for $3.3 billion. troubled first republic hits a new low in trading. it is stock cut about in half. we have more on the bank crisis later this hour. let's get you updated on this, house judiciary chair jim jordan and house oversight chair james comer, also brian steil asks manhattan d.a. alvin bragg to testify under oath in a transcribed interview why he may
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even arrest former president trump for alleged hush-money payments to stormy daniels back in 2016. all this to grind the nation's business in d.c. to a halt. grady trimble live on capitol hill with the update. >> reporter: liz, republicans wasted no time going after progressive district attorney alvin bragg calling possible indictment of former president trump politically motivated. congressman jim jordan who chairs the subcommittee on weaponization of the federal government is calling on bragg to testify before congress. jordan wants documents and communications related to the investigation into the former president's hush-money payment to stormy daniels. he is looking into whether the d.a.'s office used federal funds to conduct that investigation and he is questioning why bragg originally passed on this case. >> one thing i think changed his mind president trump announced
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he would run for president again. suddenly here they go. now they're coming after him for some alleged bookkeeping error? you've got to be kidding me. >> reporter: democrats on the other hand don't think jordan's probe is warranted. >> they continue to peddle conspiracy theories led by the so-called weaponization committee and the oversight committee as opposed to trying to find common ground with house democrats to try to make life better for everyday americans. >> reporter: so a lot of activity and responses from members of congress, liz, before this indictment has even come down. we'll see where it goes from here. liz: we'll have you on the story, grady trimble thanks for being with us. we have independent counsel former prosecutor sol wisenberg, hans von spakovsky from the heritage foundation. first to you, sol. what do you think of the d.a.'s case? >> we don't know exactly what the d.a.'s case is going to be,
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liz. but if it is as reported, it strikes me as a case that would not be brought against an ordinary citizen or a former president and that is what you have to ask yourself when ever you're trying to judge whether or not a prosecution is political. this is something that is usually prosecuted as a misdemeanor it is something that arguably happened outside the statute of limitations. we'll have to wait and see. when the charges, if the charges ever come out. liz: hans, manhattan d.a. is downgrading felonies and upgrading a misdemeanor, upgrading a misdemeanor into a felony. hans take out the words trump and stormy daniels. when you look at facts and circumstances of the case, isn't the doj's biggest problem, manhattan doj biggest problem, the star witness, michael cohen has a conviction for perjury, lying to congress in 2018?
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wouldn't defense attorneys just demolish cohen? >> i think they will. they have a bigger problem, that is the manhattan d.a. claiming a nuisance settle men he paid to stormy daniels was a violation of federal campaign law. the two federal ages have the responsibility for enforcing the federal law, are the u.s. justice department and federal election committee where i should be a commissioner. neither thought it was violation of federal law. they didn't prosecute donald trump or his campaign for this. what he is claiming is a federal violation he will have a pretty difficult time proving that in court. liz: also reports coming in, robert costello a former legal advisor to michael cohen he may testify before the grand jury, this was a revenge case, that this is going to be about cohen's credibility.
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you know, what you gentlemen are saying, the u.s. attorney's office for the southern district, federal election commission, they both declined to charge trump in 2019 over this. so did manhattan d.a. alvin bragg. watch this from lanny davis. sol, we would like your reaction. lanny davis, a lawyer for michael cohen on msnbc. saying they have the evidence here to convict trump in this case. >> other than michael cohen's word that the president directed him to do this, do they have other physical evidence that the president directed michael cohen? >> is there any independent evidence that mr. trump said to mr. cohen you need to do this, i don't want to do this? that may come down to mr. cohen's word versus mr. trump's. liz: could be he said he said, sol. >> yes. but not only that, remember, like hans started to point out, the statute of limitations for a misdemeanor in new york for this misdemeanor falseification of
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business records is two years. they can only up that to a felony which has a longer statute of limitations if they can say that the falseification was carried out in order to commit a felony. as hans pointed out the federal government declined to prosecute the case was so weak. i think there will be some real legal difficulties, forget about anything else. again you ask yourself the question, would anybody else be prosecuted for this, not only given the time-lapse, seriousness, lack of seriousness of the offense, the problems with prosecuting it? liz: hans, given what sol just said, reportedly cohen said he is being asked to be available to be called in as a rebuttal witness. if this does all of this happens, trump is arrested the nation's business will grind to a halt. you will see medicare, social security reform put on backburner already has been but
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also border crisis, banking crisis, we have record inflation. reports that the white house and democrats fear this could backfire. this is the weakest case against trump. they would let trump paint all the cases against him as illegitimate. he is phasing more than a dozen investigations. what do you think, hans? >> this is political distraction the nation does not need right now, when we have some other serious issues that need to be dealt with. by the way, just one quick thing, that is, if in fact trump had used campaign finance money to make this settlement, then i think the fec and the justice department actually would have prosecuted him. why? for using campaign funds to pay a personal expense. that is why they didn't go after him because this was not a campaign >> okay let's move of to this we've got republican senators lawmakers asking why now. why is the da doing this as he's setting free in new
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york city career criminals? that's what's been happening here in new york. let's watch this. >> this is the law operating as it should, without fear or favor, for anyone. >> on his first day in office, new york district attorney alvin bragg announced all the crimes he would not prosecute. we have finally stumbled upon the one crime worth a full weight of alvin bragg's office. forget about guns and robbery and acts of violence. what really gets his attention is paying someone to be quiet about sex. >> you're lucky if you don't get mugged on the way to where you're going. >> at a time when there's a crime wave in new york city, the fact that the manhattan d. a . thinks that indicting president trump his top priority , i think, just tells you everything that you need to know about the radical left in this country. >> elizabeth: what do you think? >> i'd go back to what i said
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before. ask yourself would a week old case like this be brought against anybody, any normal person or former president and i think the answer is no. that's just a legal fact. >> elizabeth: what's your final word? >> my final word is this seems to be a political liam ambitious da going on with a case. >> elizabeth: gentlemen, thanks for joining us tonight. look whose back with us, congressman from house financial services, okay, congressman, good to see you tonight. morgan stanley warns we do have a banking crisis that is not over. what do you make of this report the federal reserve warns silicon valley bank at least four years before its collapse, the federal reserve of san francisco issued a half a dozen citations. it was under supervisory review but then they missed the red flag hiding in plain sight? this is the "wall street journal" reporting the story. what do you think? >> well and since those
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issuances, silicon valley bank doubled in size, so they ran a lot of risks, they were very mismanaged, the fed reserve out of san francisco did a terrible job from a regulatory standpoint so they really didn't do their jobs and the level of management was terrible so what we have now is we have some investigations going to take place. our financial services committee will have vice chair of the fed michael barr, the chairman of the fdic in next week and look to get answers but the real reason for the answers, liz, is so we don't put blame on the well-managed banks that was caused or at least highlights by these mismanaged banks because they are outliers. they've done a lot of things along the way. now, there is some fragility to the banking system but it's not due to the banks management. it's only due to this creating a
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lot of fear within depositors, so we need to quell that in a business-like manner. >> elizabeth: so somehow, all ignored in silicon valley banks balance sheet it was the subprime lender to the climate change for nearly half of silicon valleys climate change by tech companies that no other banks wanted to touch. they took it a flow of money for climate change, no guardrails, so now, it's systemically risky. it's politically systemically risky, and now the biden white house backstop its up guaranteed deposits and now we've got regional banks demanding the same. that pushes spreading. >> yeah, it is, and janet yellen, the other day, didn't help the effort. was it yesterday, related to or friday, related to the question from the oklahoma senator regarding their banks in oklahoma. she stated that very much she
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had the authority to decide and pick and choose who receives their deposits and that's nonsense. what we have to do is assure that the liquidity is there, for banks, that depositors will be under these, continue to be shakey circumstances, that the funding is there, but we get to the bottom of it, we point out who the bad players were here, and they are brought to justice as well as making sure that we sell the assets of these highly mismanaged banks well before any nfib insurance or excuse me, fdic insurance rates go up. >> elizabeth: yeah, well, so you know, we've been reporting since this broke out that this is like the crisis of the 80s and now we've got turmoil, more banks could get clobbered if the fed raises rates again this week, talking maybe a quarter point but essentially the federal reserve
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is now doing the exact opposite of what they did in 2008 tightening and raising rates into the teeth of a banking crisis as the federal reserve is loaning banks more than half what it gave out in the 2008 crisis. congressman, i like your reaction, please, to hbo's bill maher on how all this is connected to the recent wave of blowout spending. watch this. >> and interest rates spiked, right, because of inflation. >> yes. >> okay, so, when uncle sugar was very generous during covid -- >> [laughter] >> -- right? that was the result of that. that's what caused the inflation , a lot of what caused the inflation. you can not put $6 trillion that you don't have in people's pockets and not expect some inflation. that's what caused this. >> [applause] >> so it's all connected. >> elizabeth: uncle sugar. how come the white house did not recognize that that would happen how come democrats did not recognize that would happen and
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republicans too. >> well, the fed, who i have respect for , jerome powell, refused to acknowledge that the white house was working against him, with the type of spending that was taking place, so he had his stimulus taking place, his qe, while the white house continued its excessive spending and so basically raising interest rates where it was having minimal effect upon inflation, so therefore, we very much have both and how rapid it was. this is unprecedented how fast those interest rate increased and that's what was really the root cause of throwing these banks so far off. >> elizabeth: got it. >> overleveraged in treasuries. >> elizabeth: got it. thanks for joining us good to see you. we have the update on the president's first veto that will let the white house politicize your retirement savings. when the president's budget has no fix to social security. plus, congressman byron donalds coming up.
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we're going to breakdown the president's false claim in 2020 that hunter biden got no money from china and he's still saying it today even as bank records show otherwise. that's next, on the evening edit liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. with the money we saved, we tried electric unicycles. i think i've got it! doggy-paddle! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ after advil. let's dive in. but, what about your back? it's fine. before advil. advil, dual action bites, pain, two ways. advil targets pain at the source. acetaminophen blocks, pain signals, advil, dual action. nothing, it really is something. as an expedia member, you can save up to 30% when you add a hotel to your flight. so you can have a bit more money, to do even less.
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elizabeth: look whose back from house oversight is congressman byron donalds. it's always a pleasure having you on, sir. okay let's go through this. so we would like your thoughts on this. the president denies at least $1 million in payments from china to his family despite bank records and the question is why isn't the biden family defending themselves by say showing contracts for these deals? no one pays millions of dollars inside money without a contract and you know what seed money for what? >> um, he's lying, because they know they got caught red handed. they don't acknowledge it with contracts because it looks terrible, it's highly unethical, and they really can't defend it. look, here is what people need to understand. when joe biden was vice president of the united states on his way out the door, he, his brother and son were going all across the globe, to china trying to find ways to create, in my opinion, this business venture called "biden inc." and what is this business venture? it's all about influence pedal ing. he leaves office and then a
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million dollars shows up in their bank accounts through all of the different members of the family? we all know what this is, america. these are hand-outs to the biden family because of influenced pedaling. fast forward to now, he's president of the united states. the american people should understand how much money has gone to his family from foreign entities and if that is impacting his decision-making as commander-in-chief, the american people have a right to know. >> elizabeth: congressman, we would like to please get your reaction to the president. it started with this false claim and a debate with trump in 2020, that they were getting no money for china. are you going to see more on this and cnn report on how this doesn't look good. let's watch this. >> [inaudible] >> hunter biden and his business associates sent over $1 million to free up
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family members any reaction? >> that's not true. my son has not made money in terms of this thing about what are you talking about? china. the only guy that made money from china is this guy. >> on a certain level, just as a lay person you hear this and it doesn't sound good. there's a guy named john robinson walker gets $3 million from a choice-based company and proceed to wire it out to people named hunter biden and another is a company that belongs to the president's brother james biden and another amount of money to beau biden's widow. so, again, from a layperson, that doesn't look good. >> elizabeth: what do you think, congressman? >> joe biden yeahs lying. had ewas lying to the american people then. the media was covering up his lies and now we have the proof in bank statements so let me also say this. our investigations are continuing. we're just starting with this , and i know some of the news media are trying to say oh, well where is the ill-legality? this is highly unethical for the president's family to be
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making money around the globe and especially from our greatest rival which is china, and somebody please tell me what the biden family business actually is, other than influence pedaling because joe biden has been involved at the highest levels of our government for 50 years. somebody please tell me that. he's been lying to the american people this entire time. >> elizabeth: and they never disputed the hunter biden laptop , the biden white house and hunter biden has never said anything on the laptop was wrong or false, so let's watch house oversight chair james comer. we've been covering this story since september 2020. james comer now says he believes that there are 11 more deals that they are getting more information on, more than what we've already been reporting on here in the evening edit. let's watch this. >> there are as many as 11 more deals. now, we don't know what those deals are. with the bidens in the beginning the white house denied having any knowledge or the fact that
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their family was involved in any sort of way, shape, or form with the ccp. this is one deal we have 11 more to go and i'm pretty confident we'll be getting more bank records in very soon. >> elizabeth: congressman, can you tell us what are the 11 more to go? >> well look i'm not going to get into that. our investigations speak for themselves but let me level set for the american people. the president and his family have been doing business deals with foreign entities and the chinese. we have proven that. these are serious implications. we are going to get to the bottom of it and hold this administration accountable. >> elizabeth: you know the other thing too, congressman , those 51 intelligence officials who signed that letter before the 2020 election claiming hunter biden's laptop had "the classic earmarks of a russian disinformation operation " they don't look so good today because hunter in his new counter-lawsuit against john paul izaac the owner of that computer repair shop, hunter is
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suing him for invasion of privacy. hunter in that court filing is admitting that it is my laptop. >> no, of course he has to admit it because those are the facts, and what's mostly troubling is the biden campaign at the time, elements of the dn c, these intelligence officials, former intelligence officials, they were pushing out this information knowing they were lying, just to protect joe biden. we have to get back to fact and truth in the united states. not just protection of people and politics, just so they can get elected. it is wrong and the american people are the ones who suffer as a result. >> elizabeth: congressman donalds thanks for joining us tonight. good to see you. >> any time. >> elizabeth: this debate coming up the brand new push to stop a costly new california reparations bill that other states could copy and we've got senator mark wayne mullen on the president's first veto and politicizing your retirement savings when his budget, the president's budget has no fix to social security.
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>> elizabeth: joining us now from the senate health committee , senator mark wayne mu llen. senator good to see you, sir. what was your reaction when you heard president biden vetoed that bipartisan bill that both house and senate democrats want ed. the president will let asset managers politicize retirement savings for 152 million americans to focus on climate change? we're talking nearly $12 trillion. what do you think? >> liz, this just shows the president's priorities, you know? he once said show me your budget , i'll show you your priorities, and then his budget he talked about climate change 148 times and now, he's politicizing our retirement. he's politicizing america's retirement by saying that you use esg which is environmental social governance, which might
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as well be environmental social justice to make decisions on how you're going to invest money and i want you to just think about this. the silicon valley bank made a decision not to diversify their accounts, and had made a decision because the board, not to invest in fossil fuels and fossil fuels are a state in oklahoma's economy and the country's economy and revenue throughout the entire country and by the way, if reliable and affordable energy is the backbone of our economy so it's always a safe bet and so for them to say that they can't, that they can now use a metric by saying that if you contribute to the climate in any way that the woke far left deems fit, that they can use that not to invest in that company and play games with your retirement. it's absolutely shameful. >> elizabeth: yeah, so the president just doesn't have a plan. his budget has no plan to fix social security. democrat senator joe manchin
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says biden is jeopardizing the retirement of americans. this passed the senate 50-46 passed the house 216-204, so the majority of democrats wanted it. so the other thing too is it's getting more expensive out there , senator. dollar tree, dollar free now says it will not sell eggs any more, because eggs are too expensive for their low price policy. we would like your reaction to gop senator bill cassidy. he got into a fiery debate. the president is all attack. he's only saying talking about rick scott's plan that the republicans do not support. what he, what he does not have a plan in his budget on social security. watch this. >> oh, come on. you know better than that. it's one senator saying one thing that the president gloms on to because he doesn't want to actually have to come up with a plan. he's the president of the united states. he should come forward with a plan or else there will be a 25 % cut for people who currently
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depend upon social security. if that doesn't matter to you, you either run for re-election, you're too old to care or too rich to need the money. >> elizabeth: what do you think, senator? >> bill is absolutely correct as the president said in the state of the union he's blaming republicans for trying to cut social security but we all know it's going to go broke if we don't make changes and in his budget he didn't say one thing about it, and in fact only thing he talked about was raising taxes, taking it out of our communities and out of the businesses that provide jobs that send the revenue to washington d.c. and say hey, you're not sending enough let's send more because we're doing so good at spending them. that's a joke. they are absolutely horrible at spending our money and when he had an opportunity to set, put his, i guess you'd say money where his mouth is, he chose to punt and not even talk about social security one single time, so once again, his priorities are all towards the left. only thing he wants to do is
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push this woke radical green agenda which like i said he mentioned climate change 148 times and mentioned fentanyl which is a crisis in all of our backyards twice. not the border one-time. >> elizabeth: you know, senator, in the president's tweet today he brings up, he's politicizing it and bringing up maga republicans. nobody believes his tweet today. he's basically saying his move will protect retirement savings. nobody believes that. few americans believe that. it's because, you know what? it's not credible. you know, senator kennedy also insists that republicans have repeatedly said they do want to work with democrats in the white house. let's watch senator mitt romney spar with the omb director. they are still hammering home the point that they think is true, that republicans want to cut social security. we went through the archives of what republicans are saying. what the omb director is saying and what the white house is saying is now not true. watch this. >> do you recognize that in the next 10 years or so, the
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trust fund on social security is going to run out and under the law, benefits be cut dramatically. like 25%. >> i'm aware. >> why is it then that the president's budget there's no effort to address that whatsoever. >> while we clearly disagree on this , there are some who have policies on websites. i'm having to print them and send them to the committee whether they have changed their position is another thing, who want to cut have policies. >> i'm sorry that was not the question. the question was -- >> so this president. >> i'm sorry you have to answer the questions don't change the topic. i asked the question why does the president's budget not layout how you would protect social security? >> this president believes the existential threat to social security for those who want to cut it. >> elizabeth: okay forgive me. the white house what they are putting out there is false. >> right. >> elizabeth: the president's budget when you look at it has no detailed plan to fix or
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rescue or help out social security. they don't have a leg to stand on here. the budget has a detailed plan for medicare, not social security. your final word. >> liz, when you don't have anything to stand on, you have to divert and you have to deny, and what the democrats are doing right now is they are diverting blame to maga, for donald trump, which is a joke, and you're denying that you are not interested in whatever you're blaming someone else in doing, and so the fact is is that they have no plan, because they have no future. they know that the american people don't believe in what they are saying, and so they are trying to look at anything but themselves, because they can't admit they are wrong and let me tell you something. you can't admit you're wrong, then you're destined to make a mistake over and over and over again and unfortunately we're going to have to deal with this for the next 18 months. >> elizabeth: senator mullin, thanks for joining us it's good to see you. we're getting reports in from media outlets saying the nations
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business in d.c. will grind to a halt if former president trump is arrested tomorrow. we've got record inflation and border crisis and banks collapsing. also, we've got online news host c. j. pierson on a new push to stop a costly new california reparations bill that other states could copy. that's next in "evening edit." ♪ what play is that? ♪ when you play here... no backboard! tuck your elbow. ♪ fade away! why is it your grocery order arrives the second you remember everything you forgot to order? like. without. fail. who drank all the milk? fresh groceries and more. unlimited free delivery. walmart plus. age-related macular degeneration may lead to severe vision loss and if you're taking a multi-vitamin alone, you may be missing a critical piece...
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guaranteed income and home selling for just a dollar. imagine that in san francisco. one big criticism though is slavery was never legal in california once it became a state. another issue is how to pay for all this. as of now california has no solution and missed a $22 billion budget deficit that's already driven by runaway social spending, for context the 360,000 award would add another 640 billion on top of that, so we asked californians how they feel about reparations and cost was a big concern. >> can we afford it? is it possible? you know? but i definitely think that i would lean for it if way to pay. >> it's hard enough to get money out for flood control, for something as way back as reparations for black people is not financially feasible. reporter: and california could just be the start as we're seeing recommendations gain steam in areas like boston, new york, tennessee. critics point out though part of
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our inflation crisis came from these handouts. liz, this would likely make it worse. >> elizabeth: kelly o'grady always great reporting thank you so much and look whose here. joining us online news host, he's c. j. pearson, a pleasure to have you on. what do you make of this story, what's your reaction to this? >> this is so ludacris. i know this isn't news to you, but it maybe news to the left and those in san francisco, but i was never a slave, nor was anyone else alive today, and so the issue of reparations is just actually a non-issue when you look at it but just another example of the left wagging a ca rrot in the face of black america hoping we will buckle to their demands. >> elizabeth: do other ava degree with you? >> many people do. this is an issue that black people haven't been talking about but what we're seeing from san francisco and again from white liberal leftist in cities like san francisco, is that instead of actually trying to earn the black vote they try to buy the black vote but what
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we're seeing in every single inner city across america is that black americans are waking up saying these people have not done a single thing for us so why do they deserve our support and reparations won't get it. >> elizabeth: i'd like to get your reaction to hbo's bill maher on this plan. watch this. >> you know, when people ask why you're talking against the woke craziness? because it's crazy. is it not crazy? they said said it would cost, and by the way, the district doesn't have a history of slavery or anything like that. you know? >> [laughter] >> it would cost every citizen $600,000 each. this is madness, is it not? >> elizabeth: so he says that it's madness. you know, cj, we've talked to people from california. they are really worried there's a police shortage in san francisco and other cities, after defund the police. they are really worried about wildfires torching entire towns with electrical transmission
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wires dropping as california pushes to electrify. there's no infrastructure protection there for people in california. they are really worried about that too much less flooding and, you know, mudslides and more. is there any way this could pass in california? >> you know, based on the trajectory of california, the actual answer is yes, it very well could pass but as you said this isn't a worry on the minds of californians. living in l.a. now my worry is the homeless encampments on every single corner in the city but liz, speaking to you as a 20 -year-old young black man, i've got to tell you it's not a worry of mine. i've never been in chains, i'll never know chains and i have certainly never known slavery and so in this attempt to buy the support of black americans instead of actually creating an agenda to earn their support? it just goes to show that the black community will never be respected by those on the left and we should demand more and stop settling for less. >> elizabeth:cj pearson, great
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to have you on the show. we'll have you back on again soon. my hot take, our hot take is coming up, plus former governor mike huckabee, we've got new reports coming in from the hill magazine. d.c. will grind to a halt if former president trump is arrested tomorrow, but before we head to break, let's check in with our buddies dagen and sean and see what's coming up on their show next hour. >> sean: hey, we have andy mccarthy coming up breaking down the potential trump indictment coming this week, the legal analysis and breakdown of the case. >> dagen: i will bring out sean's inner nerd, dork if you will, when we talk to thomas hoe nig, the former president of the kansas city fed , also vice chair of the fdic , about what is causing all of these problems in the banking system, plus i get to use the telestrater. >> senator: steve hilton coming up as well as tom homan, all in about 13 minutes.
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>> elizabeth: well, we're so delight today have back on the show former arkansas governor mike huckabee. governor, good to see you again. governor, what do you think of the manhattan da possibly indicting even arresting former president trump over hush money payments to stormy daniels seven years ago. what's your reaction? >> well i think it's like a lot
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of other people. the good news is alvin bragg has done such a great job of clean ing up crime in new york. now it's one of the safest cities in the world and people feel totally comfortable walking all hours of the day and night, riding the subways, and taking their children in midtown. obviously, i'm being sarcastic and the sad thing is alvin bragg is being serious. he actually believes this is a great way for him to spend the taxpayers money in new york, but the bigger danger is that he's creating a template for the future, and if he honestly believes that this is going to make civility in this country better, politics more focused on helping serve the people who struggle everyday to put food on their table, then he really is insane and needs to be taken away himself. maybe not fingerprinted but taken away by men in white coats and locked up in a rubber room where he can't hurt himself. this is really seriously dangerous stuff, because if this becomes the new playbook of
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dealing with your political opponents, weaponizing your prosecuting authority, to go after people, then one of these days the democrats are going to rule the day they ever did it because it'll be coming after them. >> elizabeth: so, the federal prosecutors said we're not going to take this case up. even manhattan da bragg said we're not going to do this. the federal election commission dropped this and a lot of things d.c. is dealing with, the banking crisis, social security, medicare, the parental bill of rights on the floor, hearings on tiktok, i mean, d.c. basically is going to go into open warfare if this happens and the kitchen table issues we all talk about is an issue. that could be pushed aside. >> totally, and what makes this even crazier is that their star witness, the one person whose going to go and upon whom they are going to rest their case is a guy whose currently in prison for perjury and fraud.
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i mean, when that's your star witness, you're kind of in trouble to begin with, but i really do hope that one thing will happen, should donald trump be arrested which i hope he isn't. i think it's absurd. i hope that those of us who support him will be very clear in saying to folks. don't get confrontational, don't yell and scream and don't take it to the streets, don't take the bait because there are people on the left that would just love to see people get ril ed up and go and break a window. i don't think that's going to happen. i think people realize that this is total nonsense and i think that the proper reaction, roll your eyes, and let donald trump's lawyers go to work and have a sane, rational judge throw this so far out of the court that alvin bragg can't even find it. >> elizabeth: governor, do you think it will happen? >> that he will be arrested? >> elizabeth: yeah. >> i think he probably will try it. i just think he's just that crazy. look at what he's already done on his first day in office. he decided to reroute so many of
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the felonies and turn them into misdemeanors and now he wants to turn a misdemeanor that the feds wouldn't touch and turn it into a felony, but why the people of new york elect goones like this is what i don't understand and what ought to happen is, you know, an outrageous reaction, not about donald trump but about alvin bragg and his abusing the taxpayers money. >> elizabeth: former governor huckabee. thanks for joining us tonight. >> thank you, liz. >> elizabeth: my hot take, don't move it's a good one. you could see nothing here. or here. even here. or you could see, everything that could be.
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♪. liz: tonight's hot take the big debate about systemic problems in the justice department. critics cite the weak case by the manhattan d.a. against trump over hush payments to stormy daniels seven years ago. even federal prosecutors, fec, manhattan d.a. himself dropped the case. so why now? what new evidence could they possibly have now? manhattan's d.a. bragg michael cohen undercut by his own lawyer lanny davis. cohen was convicted perjury. if the house investigations would the biden family business dealings with china been revealed. the 50 intelligence officials who claimed the russian laptop story was propaganda before the 2020 election don't look so
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good. hunter admitted it is his laptop in a major court filing. this is going on, all of this, record inflation with the manhattan d.a. record inflation, banking, border crises, social security and medicare need to be reformed. okay, we're going to stay on the story for you throughout coming weeks. these are hot button topics we'll have breaking news on. email to tune in tomorrow, congressman greg stuebe, legal-eagle andy mccarthy and tom dupree. you've been watching "the evening edit" own fox business. now it is time for "the bottom line" with dagen and sean. guys, that case again trump looks really weak. dagen: yeah. sean: incredibly weak, suspect. this will crack the countrywide open. we have andy mccarthy to break the case down. emac, thanks for kicking it over
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to us.


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