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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  October 16, 2023 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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peeking to the new york economic club on thursday, liz. >> yeah, it's bond to create a certain amount of confusion, maria. long rates went up and they're doing the fed's job for them. i don't give them a lot of credit. the reason they're up is because we're having to borrow so much money to fund our deficit. i don't think this is a great story. maria: yeah, it's a good point to make because that's basically what people are saying on wall street that the market has done the work for the fed. when you see the ten year up to close to 4.7% this morning, that is exactly what we're talking about. liz peak, joe borelli, great having you this morning. great conversation all morning. have a good day, everybody. we appreciate you joining us. "varney & co." picks it up now with a market at the highs of the morning. stu, take it away. stuart: got it, good morning, maria, and good morning everyone. the war is fast becoming a standoff with iran. president biden laid down a red line, asked what he would say to the mullers considering an
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attack. he simply said don't. iran is threatening, its foreign minister said iran's hand is on the trigger. overnight, iran's proxy, hezbollah, fired antitank ziti missiles into israel and israeli defense force says 199 hostages taken by hamas and fbi director christopher wray warning about terror attacks inside america from lone actors and four iranians apprehended at the border this month. tension at a boiling point, the president canceled his trip to colorado. a wider war may be imminent but the stock market shows modest gains and the dow is actually gained nearly 500 points since the fighting began. the dow this morning looking for a gain of maybe 200 points and empire state manufacturing slowing down and that helps the market. the s&p 500 up 23, nasdaq up 50 points. this is premarket, but wash out for oil. i'm going to call it the canary
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in the financial coal mine at $87 a barrel this morning, had been at $88. if that goes up, the market may take a hit. watch out for interest rates too. slightly higher, the 10 year back to a yield of 4 -- well, at 470 now at 468 but the yield backing up up to the upside a little bit. the 2-year treasury, that's well above 5% and quoting at 506. there's good news, the price of gas down again. $3.60 and that's the average for regular and it's down ten-cents in a week. diesel coming in at $4.45. politics, jim jordan trying to solidify support for his speakership and may be a vote tomorrow. president biden having fun at gop's distress. he says this is not your father's republican party. the president is pulling a lot of money in for his reelection campaign, $71 million in the latest quarter and that's more than trump and gop hopefuls
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combined. there's a lot going on this monday, october 16, 2023, and we're going to cover it all. "varney & co." is about to begin. in israel, 30 americans are now confirmed dead, 13 are still missing. good morning, lauren. we know there's a threat of a wider war, what else is happen something lauren: trud trey yins on the ground in israel and reporting rockets from will be non-and hezbollah to the north -- lebanon and hezbollah to the north. lloyd austin was asked and he said he's not going to speculate. that's not a no. this is of course a two front war to the south in gaza and israeli invasion is imminent on this day nine, day five of civilian evacuations. president biden is prenyling support to israel, most recently in form of second carrier strike group to the region. there's reports that the president will travel to israel
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this week. of course secretary of state antony blinken is there. he's back in israel today, extended his trip and he's promoting extreme diplomacy after iran's foreign minister publicly warned-over a regional conflict. "if the scope of the war expands, heavy losses will befall america". stuart: that's a direct quote. join fox in supporting the israeli fund by scanning the qr code or donate at president biden said hamas needs eliminated entirely. roll tape. >> do you believe that hamas must be eliminated entirely? >> yes, i do. but there needs to be a palestinian authority, there needs to be a path to a palestinian state. >> you believe israel would pursue after what's occurred in
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>> not now. not now, but i think israel understands that significant portion of palestinian people do not share the views of hamas and hezbollah. stuart: david avella with me now. close to america being involved in a wider war. will republicans support that? >> absolutely. it's in making sure that our ally is safe and trying to bring stability back to the middle east and the overall picture, stuart, you know, keep in mind it is rare that a president from a political perspective gets to pick the environment that he runs in, and we're seeing president biden is going to face the same thing that now national security becomes a much bigger issue as we roll into the 2024 elections as more americans not only at home now feel the tug of their personal security being at threat, but now even internationally. we have some causes for concern as you've pointed them out out at the top of your hour.
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stuart: let's extend this for a moment. would the republican party support american troops boots on the ground? not flying jets off carrier to attack remote targets, but boots on the ground fighting directly with hamas or hezbollah. would the republicans support that? >> you're going to have republicans for it and republicans against it. the key here, stuart, is having republican leaders go to the president and to the secretary of defense and state and fbi and cia and say what do you need to win this war? what do you need to keep americans safe here at home? that's where republicans should be, and see where it goes. see what the administration's plans are and let's keep many mind, too, that the president and his cabinet are in charge of executing policy, but it requires an act of congress to declare a war so this is a time when house leaders and senate leaders and the president need
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to get on the same page. stuart: you think it might come to that, an actual declaration of war required? >> well, just in the larger scope of what is going on, stuart, we don't know where this is ultimately going to go, the point being is that ultimately the congress and the white have to be on the same page and republican leereds going to the president saying what's the plan and what do you need from us? stuart: got it. david, thank you for joining us this morning. we think it's a pivotal moment in the war. thank you. lauren, what do people think of how we're dealing with the crisis in israel? lauren: 18% say the u.s. is supporting israel too much. that's according to an abc poll. 29% say too little and about half of us 49% say just about right. while president biden has unpledged un-waiverring support to israel, look at his approval rating on handling the water,
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under water at 41%. this poll was taken one week after the start of israel hamas war. and maybe the question for people is the severity of israel's response. do they approve of that? the humanitarian crisis that is in israel. maybe that's coloring some people's views. stuart: ground invasion not yet startstarted and evacuation is l in progress. when the ground invasion starts and human casualties mount and maybe the pr situation will change and maybe public approval will change. maybe. that's what hamas would like. lauren: egypt says self-defense at first is turning into collective punishment and a lot of the humanitarian organizations are agreeing. i wonder how americans will feel about that if and when the invasion happens. stuart: that's a very good question. maybe public support will deteriorate a little. i hope not. lauren: i agree with you. stuart: check the markets in advance of wall street this morning. i've got the dow industrials up close to 200 points and i've got
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s&p and nasdaq also on the upside this morning. there you go. nasdaq up about 47 points as we speak. jeff seeker with us this monday morning. why is the market rallying when we're very close to a wider war in the middle east? >> i think, you know, the theme for the market is continually ignorance is bliss. the market focuses on a handful of things and ignores everything else. that's led to markets moving up higher in these tumultuous times. what i see, stuart, is a market that's focused in on the fed. last week on your show, we were talking about that war many just broke out between israel and hamas and everybody was in a panic, and you and i had just talked about how every time this happens, they parade out the federal reserve fishes and those federal reserve officials generally talk doveish about raising interest rates. last week was no exception. even after i left the show, the
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fed officials started talking and talking about lawyering interest rates or at least not raising interest rates in the next meeting and that's what the market's focused on. that's what's going to drive the market in the short term, but we'll see what supports it going forward. stuart: i think the market could be driven by the price of oil in the immediate future, if there's a wider war. that would upset what i'm going to -- not going to call it a rally but upside move. 500 point-blank layupses in a week of war -- points in the week of war, that's upset if the price of oil goes significantly higher. >> you're absolutely right, stuart. last week considering the vulnerable, you're talking about if iran enters this conflict, they control -- in that part of the mideast controls almost 50% of the oil. so if they interest rate conflict and something happens with the supply of oil and you see oil prices move up, you're going to see markets react to that. oil, i think, is i agree with
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you, it's the canary in the coal mine and one of the most important elements of the economy, and right now we're in a very vulnerable position but last week, oil was up a little but it was very well behaved considering what's hamming. stuart: $80 a barrel and down a couple cents. that's very interesting. i would say oil up, stock possibly down but hasn't happened yet. jeff, thanks for joining us. appreciate it. coming up, senator lindsey graham issued a stern warning to iran. roll tape. >> if hezbollah, which is a proxy of iran, launches a massive attack on israel, i would consider that a threat to the state of israel existential in nature. iran, if you escalate this war, we're coming for you. stuart: strong stuff. are we ready for a war with the mullers? kt mcfarland reacts to that. four iranians have been apprehended in texas since the
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beginning of this month and listed as special interest aliens. texas congressman pat fallon on that next. ♪ at ameriprise financial, our advice is personalized, based on your goals, whatever they may be. all that planning has paid off. looks like you can make this work. we can make this work. and the feeling of confidence that comes from our advice? i can make this work. that seems to be universal. i can make this work. i can make this work. no wonder more than 9 out of 10 clients are likely to recommend us. because advice worth listening to is advice worth talking about. ameriprise financial.
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stuart: israel's prime minister netanyahu vowed to demolish hamas. trey yingst with us, actually he's on the ground in israel. what's the latest, trey? reporter: yeah, stuart, good morning. we understand that there is no ceasefire in place. this follows reports that morning that indicated the ziti reallies may have been working behind the scenes to try and get
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some of the foreigners that are currently inside gaza out and get some aid into gaza, but we spoke with someone in the israeli military, a major who said this is not the case and israelis continue to hammer hamas positions on the gaza strip. artillery position in southern israel, we've seen the fire from this artillery targeting the northern part of gaza. it comes as rockets continue to be fired into southern and central israel, air raid sirens sounding some of the larger cities across israel today. we're getting new numbers from the israeli military about the hostages that were taken into gaza, they say 199 families have been notified that their loved ones were taken into the gaza strip following that massacre last weekend. the question now is how can they get them out and whether or not israel will launch this full scale ground operation that much of the region is anticipating. again, antony blinken, the secretary of state here meeting with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu trying to get
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a sense of what's happening on the southern gourder with gaza and northern border with lebanon. stuart: thank you, trey. texas congressman pat fallon here with me you. netanyahu says take hamas apart. full support from you guy s? >> i believe so, stuart. i don't know of any republican in the house or senate that is not in full support ovisrael. they're our close e ally in the middle east and one of our greatest allies in the world and we need to do inferring to support them and help guarantee their security. stuart: if hezbollah attacks on the northern front, if they attack, would we go in and support israel with our own military? >> i think we'll definitely give prime minister netanyahu hasn't asked for that and that would be a dramatic step because that's never happened, but we've give them the material that they need and in their support, but i do like the fact that lindsey graham, senator graham, you know, warned iran because that's what we call a deterrent.
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that's something that joe biden hasn't really learned the value of in the last two and a half years. stuart: border patrol says four iranians have been apprehended in eagle pass, texas, since the beginning of october and calling them special circumstance interest aliens. bigger numbers than that. 30 arraigns, 65 syrians, and 35 pakistanens, 100 russians and 2,000 chinese nationals all apprehended at southern border since october 1. congressman, that's making a lot of people really nervous. >> you know what, stuart, it makes me nervous and scares the crap out of me and should scare most americans and we've apprehended over 6,000 people from afghanistan last year, over 600 from iran, over 500 from syria and then thousands from russia and china. most of these countries -- they don't have the united states' best interest at heart and even, stuart, if 1% of the figures i shared with you or sleeper agents or terrorists, that's torrefying for this country. we have to secure the border.
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stuart: how are you going to -- we have to secure the border forthwith. i don't see it happening, congressman. how would it happen? what are you gone to do? can't build a wall in a couple of weeks. >> would have been nice to have a president of the united states that had the will to secure the border, which joe biden hasn't and at least if the american people demand it and he understands that he's going to be hammer in the polls come next november, he might actually begin to realize the value of oh, i don't know, things like the wait in mexico policy that president trump had initiated and border walls and whatever they want to call them impediments or barriers, they're walls and you need to build them. we need to begin, we need to start because this is frightening. god forbid what israel is going through now, i do not want and the worst of days for america to ever have to go through this. stuart: indeed. congressman jim jordan is aiming for a speaker vote tomorrow at noon we believe. he currently doesn't have the votes. what are you going to do with
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matt gaetz and the seven holdouts because they're dictating policy for your whole conference? >> well, you know what, that happened in january, stuart. the whole thing with the conference or most people know it at as the caucus-backed suspended ands. there's a process to -- caucus. there's a process to elect a speaker because you want to cut out the other party so they have no say and democrats do it to us and we try to them. that's done in state capitols across the country and the republican conference did it for almost 200 years. since the inception since the 1840s. but -- kevin mccarthy got 1 # 88 vote -- 188 votes to 31 and had a problem on the floor and steve scalise was the nominee with 113-99 and people not honoring the rules in the spirit of the caucus. why is there a conference if you can't move forward. jim jordan is the nominee and hope he doesn't go to the floor unless we have the votes.
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stuart: it's likely the democrats will come in to help select a speaker and they'll impose a severe penalty on republicans for doing that. it's likely, isn't it? >> i don't know if it's likely but possible, stuart. i want to have a conference process where that not likely and it's not possible because we're united. there's eternal votes in your family and whoever goes home and have the most vote and that's the way the process works and unfortunately it's broken. stuart: congressman pat fallon, thank you for joining us, simplet always appreciated. thank you very much. >> good bless, stuart. lauren: kevin mccarthy called the so called gang of disrupters. >> the real challenge here is eight republicans did something
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that every single democrats disrupting the nation and removing the speaker and taught people that why not go work with democrats and disrupt government this. will go down to history as one of the biggest mistakes these eight made in the process. lauren: no vote on house speaker till noon tomorrow at the earliest. can jim jordan line up enough support to get 217, the number of votes needed to be the speaker? is there an alternate candidate that emerges? we haven't had a speak fertilizer 13 days. stuart: i'm getting tired of it quite frankly. lauren: nine days of war and 13 days without a speaker. lauren: the senate on wednesday is having a classified briefing with blinken, austin, and the dni haines. the senate is getting things done and the house is -- stuart: is not. lauren: doing nothing. stuart: check the futures and may be surprised at this, a modest rally on wall street despite the -- what looks like a
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widening war. we'll be back with the opening bell. ♪ - [narrator] what will you do when the power goes out? power outages can be unpredictable and inconvenient, but with a generac home standby generator,
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coverage includes vision exams and a yearly allowance toward eyewear such as lenses or contacts. and hearing benefits include routine hearing exams and coverage toward hearing aids. you're covered for preventive services like annual mammograms and prostate exams. there's a zero-dollar copay for routine vaccines and telehealth visits. and you get worldwide coverage for emergencies when you travel. you get all of this in one convenient plan. plus, there's a cap on your out-of-pocket costs! so, call or go online today to see if there's a humana plan in your area, to find out if your doctor is in one of our networks, and to get our free decision guide. there's no obligation, just good information. humana - a more human way to healthcare. stuart: three minutes till the opening bell on wall street and things are looking pretty good
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this monday morning. dow up maybe 200 points. keith fitz with us this morning. keith, why is the market rallying when all hell is breaking lose in israel? >> i know, what a question; right? there's two things. i've been upmost of the night watching closely. one, there's rumor there would be a temporary ceasefire and a peace arrangement to allow humanitarian stuff in and out of the gaza strip that . doesn't look to be true but enough to get the futures moving. at the same time we're beginning to see the fed or think about having the fed trot out lower interest rates or even a cut or pause. traders have to get ahead of that whether they like what's happening in the middle east or not, stuart. stuart: to me, the big problem is the price of oil. looks like there's a possibility of a widening war. a widening war and surely drives up the price of oil, and i think that would drive the market lower. what say you? >> i agree with that, but here's the thing, if it's a measured increase in the price of oil, it may not drive the market lower because of all the leverage that the big traders use. they've hedged most of the risk out, stuart, at this point.
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where the average individual investor on the other hand has a opportunity if that's true and particularly invested in the big oil companies. stuart: you still like chevron, don't you? >> i do. that's one of my personal holdings and hoping to acquire more ovthat and like the dividend and the fact there's a debt efficient balance sheet and wall street thinks it's ready to write off. system of articulation stuart: just tell me off the top of your head, what's the dividend yield on chevron? >> i don't have the figure off the top evidence of infection-head, stuart. i haven't had my coffee yet. stuart: you're on the west coast, that's understandable. tesla reports later this week. you want it to go down so you can buy it? >> exactly. i love a sale. what person in the right mind goes to a 50% more sale? you wouldn't. if i think tesla comes in a bit lower on the deliveries, everybody will look at that but higher on the revenue, that's a good mix because they're not yet factoring in ai or power production, trading, insurance, finance. all the things that elon musk
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will be dropping big hints about and if i get the chance to buy iten oturu cheap, i'm going. stuart: occurs that higher oil prices if they move gas prices up, all very good news for tesla, electric car leader; right? >> it is. the other thing is uaw strike, as long as that drags on is the worst possible thing in the face of higher oil prices because it'll squeeze the auto makers at worst possible moment. stuart: okay. keith fitz is buying chevron. likes it. good dividend yield and find out what that is later. all right, keith, i'll get it. i'll get it. believe me, i'll get it. keith, thanks very much indeed. see you later. clapping and cheering and sooner or later, one of them reaches forward and presses the button so trading begins. if you're joining us, surprised to see the market doing what it's doing and likely in a very modest rally but a rally nonetheless. does a war on the overseas may expand and yet it's a rally. here we go. we're off and running and dow opened with a 200 point gain.
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that's roughly equivalent of about two-thirds of one percent. weight there the dow 30 almost all of them are up, only three of them at this point -- two of them are down. how about that? s&p 500 also opening higher to the tune of, let's see the percentage. about almost a half percentage point and the nasdaq composite, that too has opened hirer to the tune of one-third of 1%. what we always do, we show you big tech. that's where the money is. what are they doing this morning? all of them with the exception of apple are up. apple is at 176. meta 318 now. solid gain there. microsoft 331, moving up. amazon 130, alphabet 138. again, there's only two losers in the dow 30. better take a look at apple. down this morning, down a couple of bucks at 176. there are new -- what is it? refreshed i pads or something coming up? what is it? lauren: a big nothing burger if
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you ask me. reportedly apple will announce three new i pads including the new air and the new ipad mini. faster chips, nothing -- stuart: i thought it was a refreshed something. lauren: reports saying they're announcing them this year, not releasing them this year so the release is in 2024. why are shares down 1%? i'm going off a report that iphone 15, the new phone, those sales in china are weak and big reason is competition from huawei's new devices. stuart: they'll do it every time. 177 on apple at the moment. busy weeks for apple earnings. lauren: tomorrow we get banks, bank of america and goldman sachs and hear from johnson & johnson and morgan stanley reports on wednesday along with tesla and middle ear space netflix kicking off earns for megacap and they're also reporting and thursday at&t, american airlines, friday you get american express. trying to slow it down and the screen can catch up with me.
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what are we expecting overall from this third quarter earning season? a pickup in profit growth after a pretty tepid start to the year. stuart: that would affect the market. lieululu lemon. it's up and i know why. system of articulation lauren: they're replaces -- lauren: they're replacing activision blizzard and replacing microsoft for $7 billion. lulu lemon gets added to s&p 500 and stocks go straight up .y do they go up ahead of that? because demand would increase because you see rebalancing of portfolios and miochol funds and etfs tracking this. stuart: tract index and buy that stock because it's in the index. i got that. i know rite aid is filing for bankruptcy. i don't know when but they're filing for bankruptcy. what was their big problem?
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lauren: opioid osess and if they can pause the claims and consolidate the claims. they'll stay open about 2,000 stores and 17 states and smaller than wall greens and smaller than cvs. look at that . stuart: don't forget, everything is locked up. that doesn't do business any good. lauren: coming into that, shares down 80% this year and writing was on the wall. stuart: that's right. it really was. ferrari. what's the story? you can buy with a crypto? lauren: isn't that surprising? stuart: is that why it's up a buck? lauren: no, cool or unexpected story and feels like most of the big companies steer clear of the volatility of crypto currencies when it comes to a major purchase, a use case scenario but ferrari is saying our customers are requesting that they can buy our $200,000 sports cars in crypto. not to medical examiner many of their customers are young and they're rich because of crypto
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so they're accepting it. stuart: that would make ferrari a holder of crypto and speculating on the future value. if i buy a ferrari with crypto, i've given them x number of bitcoin or whatever and they hold that bitcoin. if the bitcoin value goes down, ferrari loses. lauren: i guess that's a gamble they're willing to take. i know big pay is their processer and bit pay is doing all the due diligence to make sure all the sources are legitimate. stuart: that's the first story we've had in a long time with somebody can buy something with crypto. lauren: something big and expensive with crypto. stuart: we haven't heard that for a long time. next case vaccine makers. they're all down this morning. most of them are -- well, most. not all. what's the story? lauren: the news, pfizer is the story and the stock is up over 3%. the story with pfizer is weak covid vaccine sales and expect the vaccine sales to fall by $2 billion this year. and paxlovid falling by
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$7 billion. pfizer says we're slashing guidance by 13% for the fiscal year. why is the stock up 3%? because of cost cutting. more than $3 billion in cost cutting. take a look at moderna, down 3.5%, bio-tech, partners with pfizer down 6.6%. they're more exposed and more of one trick pony and more exposed to covid and moderna and bio-tech is down and novavax down earlier. stuart: i don't know anyone that got a new vaccine. lauren: i thought there was a big number. stuart: 330 million people. lauren: maybe when you put it lake that. stuart: let me have my say here; right? lauren: you're right, stuart. i'm wrong. i stand down. stuart: excellent. the dow industrials at this point, 5 -- nearly 6 minutes into the session and up 230 points on a monday morning with a war overseas. 33,000 and whatever the -- 33,900. you realize a week ago -- no,
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ten days ago, friday october 6, on that day before the fighting began, the dow industrials closed out at 33,400. somewhere in that region. now we're at 33,900 with eight days of fighting behind us. how about that? extra odder their stuff. show me the -- extraordinary stuff. caterpillar, microsoft, sis koenen, intel, honeywell and s&p winners. news corporation, there's news there. fire, humana, broad come, old complain indian flight light. lulu lemon going in s&p 500 and 10-year treasury yield going up, 4.71%. not sure how the nasdaq will take that. price of gold going down, $13 lower, $19.27. bitcoin, 289. there's a rally for you. up over $1,000. price of oil is down again. $87 a barrel.
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lauren: up over 6% on friday. stuart: it was indeed. fbi director ch christopher wray warning of domestic terror threats. >> we're seeing a threat of terrorism in the unit increased because of what's happening in the middle east. >> yes, make ago major effort to make sure that doesn't happen. stuart: more on that later in the show. terrible images out of israel and weighing on all of us. dr. marc siegle here to give us guidance hon how to cope. jp morgan jamie dimon said this is the most dangerous time for the world in decades and the war in ukraine and israel may have a far reaching affect on trade and geopolitical relationships. could be more bad news for biden. we have the report after this. ♪
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9:41 am
9:42 am
stuart: on the market this is monday morning, 12 minutes into the session this. is a rally.
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dow up 230 and nasdaq up nearly 100 points and solid gain for s&p up 60%. america's top banker, jamie dimon sounding alarm on the economy. edward lawrence with us. what is jamie dimon saying, edward? reporter: yeah, said this could be the most dangerous time the world has seen in decades and that was the statement that led earnings report he put out and it popped up under joe biden's tenure and inflation up 17% and the month he took office and second major conflict in israel and has president biden defending his position on israel's two-state solution and iran played a role in the attack by hamas. listen. >> iran constantly supports hamas and hezbollah, i don't mean that, but in tern terms if fio that foreign knowledge or helped plan the attack. there's no evidence of that at
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this point. >> so the latest fox news poll shows 72% of people don't report of the way -- don't approve of the way things are going and hamas increased threat of terrorism in the middle east and the southern border crossings played a role and now attention is divided. treasury secretary warning the fate of the global economy rests not in the middle east but win in ukraine and in luxembourg the treasury secretary said "we cannot allow israel to lose nor economic reasons and showing the will to win on the battlefield and this comes down to open border and energy policies that have given oil prices, which have had oil prices rise and giving russia and iran more money to play with. stu, the president expected to go to colorado today and he has postpone that had trip because of what's going on in the middle east. back to you.
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stuart: show me the price of oil, please. it was down a little earlier. it's down now $87 a barrel. steve moore joining us. look, steve, the threat of inflation surely comes from a wider war with iran and a rising price of oil. where am i going wrong here? >> yeah, you would think so. you know, when you look at $87 a barrel price, let's not forget when trump was president, there was $50-$60 a barrel oil and a lot is self-inflicted wound that we have a president that declared war on american energy and paying a high price for it both in terms of the economy and national security. we estimate, i think i mentioned a couple weeks ago on your show, we estimate that we would be producing about 3 million more barrels a day in the united states and that would be an extra $250 million or so every day that instead flowing to these countries like iran would be money here at home. that's been, i think, a factor with a negative effect on the economy.
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by the way though, in response to what jamie dimon was saying, "the wall street journal" reported this morning, may have seen t stuart, there's only one country this year of all the advanced countries that has outperformed expectations. you know what country that is? stuart: tell me. >> united states. stuart: i figured. >> we've had faster growth than expected and remember at the beginning of this year, all your wall street economist friends said we're going into a recession, we didn't have one. the big problem is, yeah, we're growing at a -- at least in a positive direction but not nearly the growth we need. we need to get back to 3-3.5% growth. under biden we've averaged about 1.5% growth and that's not fast enough and never going to bring the debt down with a growth rate that low. stuart: do you mind going back to the price of oil. just bear with me, speculate with me for a second. a wider war looks distinctly possible and i'm not forecasting it and does look like a possibility i could say at this
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moment. if that happened and the price of oil went to $100 a barrel or more, what impact on inflation, what impact on our economy. just speculate with me, steve. >> that's not a wild speculation at all, stuart, i'm surprised the world oil price has mott risen more than in the last 10-12 days. $100 a barrel of oil is very plausible scenario especially if this war intensifies and, you know, your question almost answers itself, stuart f. you have $100 a barrel oil, that means the price of just about everything is group of people that rise and any progress we've made on inflation in the last six months or so would be reversed by that. so energy is the master resource and it's involved in everything that is produced, manufacturing, construction, internet, it all uses amazing amounts of emergency and would mean that inflation -- energy, and would mean inflation running at 4% would rise to 5-6% range.
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stuart: if only our president had not ended america's energy independence on day one. >> it's amazing because for example his first, you know, act in office was to kill the keystone xl pipeline to not transport it and canada said we're building new -- no, everyone is building pipelines except the united states. stuart: ridiculous, really is. steven moore, you're the voice of reason here. thanks very much, steve. see you again real soon. >> you too. stuart: we talked about threat of artificial intelligence to white collar jobs. all right, lauren, is there a threat to blue collar job s? lauren: all jobs. going down the west side highway, if you see the fiver sign, freelance marketplace saying ai took my job and under it to the next level meaning ai is coming after all of our jobs with maybe not taking them away, but changing them. maybe upping them if you will. if you want the optimistic point of view. but blue collar workers fear the
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automation in manufacturing. that's one of the reasons the uaw, auto workers are on strike. if you add in intelligence to the manufacturing type jobs, that makes the robot the digital twin of the human beings. that's really scary. stuart: yeah. lauren: and cool. i was in shop with my son the other day and he's 5. it was like a narrow robot and my son is like, what's that? i said it's going to scan the aisles and when there's not enough milk on the shelves, it's going to alert a human being stuart: coming up, this is a pivotal moment and if -- will they un-loeb our military and that's my take at the top of the hour. efforts ramping up to get americans home and state department organizing flights out of israel and governor of florida ron desantis says nearly 300 florideans returned home after being stranded and latest
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9:54 am
stuart: administration ramping up efforts to get americans home and state department organized charter flights out of israel and those flights are underway. lydia hu at newark airport and any updates on the airlines getting people out of israel? reporter: not at the moment, stuart. american, united and delta all continue cancellation of flights between united states and israel and america saying flights remain suspended through december 4. but those major careerers are increasing the number of flights flights to surrounding european cities and idea that any american able to get out of israel to a european city would have increased opportunity to bet back to the united states. now, israel's national airline el-al continues limited flights between the united states and israel. listen to this, here's one passenger who touched down at jfk airport in new york this morning. >> coming out of israel is really difficult.
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i've had four flights that have been canceled and lucky enough to now get on el-al flight and they've been saving so many people getting out of there. i have to say the canadian government and u.s. government are taking people to athens or cyprus and not bringing them back to their countries, which is a real issue. reporter: now according to the associated press, biden administration will continue at least four chartered flights per day to take americans out of surrounding european cities and florida governor ron desantis welcomed more than 260 people fleeing israel that landed in tampa last night. desantis signed an executive order last week to deliver flights to israel for stranded americans. >> devoid of leadership and we step up and led. we're happy to deliver that and getting ready to welcome them back to the united states of america. reporter: now, stuart, it's
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likely safe to say any american that is able to board a chartered flight in israel to get out is likely relieved but do note that the state department requires all passengers who are using a chartered flight to sign an agreement tafanely they will pay the -- that they will re-pain the american government to get them back. stuart: thank you, lydia at newark airport. still ahead, the governor of florida ron desantis says the u.s. should not accept gaza refugees. does lisa booth agree with that? she's on the show. a cnn poll finds the majority of americans say israel's response to hamas' attack is justified. joe concha take it is on. the 10:00 hour of "varney & co." ask next and, yes, we have got a rally. ♪
9:57 am
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10:00 am
stuart: good morning,


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