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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  October 26, 2023 8:00am-9:00am EDT

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thursday, october 26, 8:00 a.m. east coast, breaking news
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at least 22 people are dead dozens others injured after two separate mass shootings in lewiston, maine last night one a restaurant another at bowling alley police searching for person of interest, 40-year-old robert card still on the run this morning, joining me right now former fbi assistant director being from fbi agent attorney chris swecker give us your reaction >> a morning, what we have a lethal combination of advanced military experience and training along with a mental illness, also someone has what i all kaweapon mass destruction ar-15, scope laser person that knows how to use it so this is -- to manhunt dozens agencies responding trying to get organized takes hours literally hours, multiple locations, and i think deliberate i think
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planned it this way, to increase the confusion so he could escape. well, let's talk about that because i want to get your take what fbi focused in on in terms of zeroing in on where he is. at this point, do you think he is still in that region? has he left? what are the most important things that that fbi is doing now to find him? >> yeah. i -- i mean they have to do a full workup on him in general his appearances habits, absorb network if you will, i know that he had a found his car remote location probably like a bank robber has what we call a switch car so he can jump into that other car nobody knows what it is he can being be miles hundreds of miles away by now, i think preplanned that as well. probably some location, where supplies staffed military guy knows how to do that sort of thing could lay low
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>> long gun using how does he get hands on i guess a military guy has capabilities to use it >> absolutely, construct our own just order parts, it if ever there were a case of red flags this is it. he had clearly went to get help was ideie. tion shooting up national guard unity mental health issue someone needs to step in intervene, i'm you know a conservative but you want a red flag law, in every state, where this type of conduct can result in he have sheriff's department taking weapons away >> how did something get missed like that? >> everybody think somebody else is going to do something about it nobody does anything about it. very common situation nobody
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people think well, not for me to do this not my job nobody thinks it is their job to pick up phone call somebody this is a situation, where i would say just universally people that knew him dropped the ball. maria: what do you want to say to the people of maine right now have gotten the rule to shelter in place chris as if, as a if look for him continues? >> absolutely. this person is lethal. you know, you want to make sure that if you leave the house, you are extremely hyper aware and if you see anything pick up the phone call 911 right away, i think this person has a plan i don't think out there wandering about to carjack or invade a home i never note if desperate mental issues he oubltz wanted to kill beam children in that
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bowling allie children importants night lay low do what police tell you to do how much more difficult does this become given a region talking about a river, swampy forest, trees in this area of maine. >> yeah, maine can be very rural, and if you know the woods you know the area you can find a place, again i think he prepositioned, supplies if going to hang out in woods, he knows woods better than anybody could be a place very familiar with, or, he has that switch car and far, far away. maria: all right. we will keep watching speak with you along the way we appreciate your insights chris from fbi, thank you live now to israel to the ground in maine pardon me fox news correspondent is joining us from lewiston, maine right now. reporter: latest from maine
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state police expanding accelerator in place adviserr advisory closings to include the town where person of interest as identified robert card lives community where his house is investigators said more than 100 local and federal involved in this stench a press conference at 10:30 hoping to get details would be -- of course, looking into if any sighting whatsoever if any area are that needs to be narrowed down to, to focus search this all began last night 6:56 lewiston police responded 20 two shootings one at bowling allie one bar by 8:00 maine state police announced active shooting in lewiston warned residents about manhunt to avoid area until they got all clear out that didn't happen by 10:25, officials issued county wide sherment in place
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at 11:00 lewiston police named robert card as person of interest when you look at map the two scenes where mass murdering he were pepper trade about four many times apart a bar and grill, spare re, recreation a river tough terrain explains much of maine, even specifically between all these small communities, there is a lot of woodlands, water, witnesses talking about what they went through how they survived take a listen >> on inside -- and, nowhere just came in, in back, seem like, holding a weapon, down the lane, i basically where
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pins are klummed on machine on top of machine about 10 minutes till the cops got there >> some internal law enforcement communications revealed that robert card is proficient when it comes to guns that he is training and works at a trainer with all sorts of military experience as well there are big concerns about him being armed and dangerous. as law enforcement have said that he is. maria we have that press conference keeping an eye on o 10:30 hopefully we get more information. maria: want to know if he radicalized, we will take you to israel later in the show we'll be right back. .
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want to send tied i would without ukraine funding attached senators mike lee ted cruz roger marshall this would give 14.3 billion dollars in aid to i'd to fund iron to come, strips all aid to gaza that hamas could obtain joining me by senator ron johnson member senate homeland security committee good to see i thanks very much for being here tell me about common ground on this idea you know joe biden wants to coupleing everything together >> good morning. the fact of the matter is the support for o israel is almost universal, very strongly bipartisan can pass you know overnight we probably ought to do that combine with anything else controversial bog it down possibility not going through
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house recognize that reality. recognize, the -- crisis that israel is in, get them the aid the military support they need, i would also argue you said the humanitarian aid could be obtained by hamas you know it would be. the fact of the matter is hamas planned this stockpiled certainly weapons probably should have stockpiled medicine and find water for citizens as well. my guess is they probably did. if they didn't that is on them but there is no chance of humanitarian supplies getting to innocent plas yindz it is going to be taken over by hamas. maria: what is your reaction to white house response to what has taken place here? >> well, i am not quite sure, they respond to all kinds of things, i am sure they want their hundred-billion-dollar package 13 billion would go to supposedly securing border but that is not what it would be used for it would be used to improve the processing, make
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it more efficient of dits perking more illegal immigrants causing greater flow of illegal immigrants there you are package >> we all agree on supporting israel passed as quickly as possible >> partly how we got here the ebb inability to tie iran to any we've watched white house lower sanctions, on iran, enabling iran to general billions in oil revenue many say iran is behind this the "the wall street journal" reported that hamas fighters hamas terrorists trained in iran, the white house was quick yesterday to come out say we have no evidence of that we don't think it is true. >> again white house is fully aware coddling of iran began
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big time under obama administration ill revived nuclear agreement they never abandoned that nuclear program, over a hundred billion dollars funneled into largest state sponsor of trr in obama administration the biden administration relaxed sanctions on oil funneling tens of billions of dollars into large state response of terror fund direct hamas, hezbollah people fighting the terror war in yemen as well, that is what is happening here, they've been trying to appease iran all they've done is embolden iran >> in terms of ambassador to israel did president nominee jack lew advanced out of committee every republican on foreign relations committee imperceptible for rand paul opposed jack lew's nomination chuck schumer said he is going
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to move to confirm him as soon as possible what are your thoughts >> jack lew has history of advocating for iran coddling iran insult to toils send ambassador from united states to i israel on the side of existential threat that is why republicans voted against has literally populated with some most radical leftists people make no sense jack lew makes no sense as ambassador to israel >> who would you like to see there? >> someone supports israel doesn't support iran, basic there ought to be plenty people very good ambassadors to israel jack lew is not that person. maria: we've been speaking with a lot of house representatives this morning, who say there are getting back to business with new speaker in place iowa senator chuck grassley your colleague sending letter to the fbi
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saying his office received modification there were at least 40 confidential sources various criminal matters relating to joe biden, james biden, hunter biden fbi were aware of grassley side that was never followed up in any fbi dismissed it is a foreign disinformation, you have done a lot of reporting studying investigating on hunter biden joe biden james biden influence peddling story what about this. first of all. i recognize ever read senator grassley seven-page letter god bless whistleblowers coming to his office he is a champion of whistleblowers this is showing, pervasive corruption at the highest legals of the fbi not just about administration. this obstruction of justice this obstruction of investigations occurring under the trump administration under attorney general bill barr. again i don't know whether
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attorney general barr was aware of it but his underlings were frustrating they had a scheme to downplay not only downplay but to denigrate any >> on00 oun to dissuade us off our investigation corruption deep inside top of the fbi people ought to read that letter we need witnesses coming forward more whistleblowers but individuals that senator grassley lays out need tier interviewed by senator grassley hopefully my office can be involved as well serving the house >> james comer released in other says joe biden received he check for 200,000 dollars directly to him from his brother at a time his brother was being paid by the chinese, where do you expect this investigation to go? >> well we're going to fill in
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more pieces of the puzzle chairman comer has done a great job off our foundation senator grassley and i laid out transactions flowing into the accounts of labyrinth forru you you money laundering we need bank records to various familiar members most of all president biden's bank records, we need to know where he has bank accounts in u.s.? some in cayman islands in switzerland who knows that needs to be thoroughly investigated the number of years past administrations fbi thwarted you know legitimate leads prevented agents from investigating joe biden's corruption. and, of course, we also know that this investigation is going to resume within the house what do you want to see, you want to see joe biden records i don't think you will
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get hands on that >> it is what investigators, investigators should have already obtained those back in 2019 before joe biden was ever president. again, they were obstructed by higher-ups in have fbi from obtaining those records that that was even under trump administration we've got a real problem of corruption partisan action look how fbi, totally followed leads on completely false narrative of trump with russia they turned back obstructed investigation we keep a spotlight on it thank you >> have a good day. maria: ron johnson in d.c. european central bank leaving rates unchangeed first pause in most aggressive series 6 rate hikes in ecb history we will take a closer look right after this.
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futures selling off we are expecting a decline start of trading dow industrials down 123 nasdaq down 129 s&p lower by 28 a full book of earnings to report this morning, and we want o so show interest rate spiking 10-year treasury eel up 1 1/3 basis points level 4.973% european
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central bank announced leaving interest rates unchangeded taking a pause, leaving, rates at 4%, happening moments ago, this is first pause, in the most aggressive series of rate hikes in ecb history you look to federal reserve monetary policy meeting next week, where, lots are expecting fd to take another pause joining me right now bank vice chairman keith banks great to see you. >> thank you so much for being here so here we are rates higher another fed meeting next week >> i believe, the fed will pause, in november, but we still think there is a possibility in december or january, you could see 25 basis points depending on again what data looks like, how hot or not so hot it is. but i think november probably a pause maria: i was looking at bank of america survey the other day said that i think 30% people still expect that there will be a recession, coming that things are slowing down
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as a result of higher interest rates, we are waiting on first read of gdp, for the third quarter any moment going to be out 3 minutes' time we are expecting a really strong number, expecting growth 4.3%, from the july through september. strong consumption growth as well what are you expecting from gdp? how does this sort of play into expectations for markets >> well, i think the expectations are probably going to prove correct, it is a surprisingly big number when you think about it but there is a couple things going on that continues to drive economic growth number one, you have just said it consumer right consumer has benefited from strong job market i think consumer wealth went up 31 trillion dollars, post-pandemic between, market action, and housing action, so consumer still looking good a lot of cash, that cash is coming down, but right now, it is still manifesting in strong real sales as we all know
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government has a lot of money into the economy through fiscal spending driving near-term as we look into 2024 we think going to see a meaningful deceleration in economic growth our economists not forecasting a recession, but they are forecasting growth to go down to about 1% or less at least first half of 2024. so, we should enjoy strong growth right now we do think as you look forward the starts to wane into 2024. maria: part of that impact of higher interest rates the impact of inflation we get 2 september pce index out tomorrow i know that is a favorite of the federal reserve in terms of tracking inflation look i know has come way down from highs you are seal elevated action in essentials food fuel shelter. >> no doubt i think typically consumer, the typically individual is struggling between gasoline prices food prices really, really feeling it. you can start i think going to
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start to see that if s december >> headwinds to the range first and foremost rates 10-year broached 5% level, 16-year high there is a lot of concern you said it you know a lot of surveys people still worried about a recession next year. so we've seen big, slowdown in europe, china struggling for a host of reasons, as i said expecting a deceleration in the u.s., the last thing obviously, is geopolitics, ukraine plus now war in mideast keeping the range pretty tight we kind of walked below the low end we have to wait and see what that looks like. maria: so far we haven't seen investors focus or see impact as a result of this unease across the world you think that is about to happen? >> yeah. i think people right now i think what is baked into
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markets is the assumption that it will be contained in the middle east, if we see an escalation other actors into the fray like iran or others that is not in markets right now the other thing you brought up, inflation has come down, but still problematic if inflation were 20 start to go the other way, that is not baked in either so wild cards, that could drive the market lower the flip side though is you've got a lot of negative sentiment, the survey that you referenced michael, it is interesting, that survey cash levels move up above 5% but will-bear indicator contrarian, bullish means bearish, negative fee increasedible a significantly looking at 5.75 trillion dollars in money market funds, that is a trillion dollars more than the peak during pandemic, so there is a lot of negativity, and if you were to
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get a couple things going 2 right way you could see money into the market this is where i think people believe we can see potentially a rally between now and year-end. maria: you know, we will see if in fact, the cash is used to buy stocks, or they want to go elsewhere with fixed income at 5%. obviously, a main point, the gdp is out went to get to gerri willis. gerri: that is right 4.89% that is first read third quarter gdp surprise upside we expected consensus with 4.3%, you can see that is a big positive number dow continues negative, 4.9% well over twice second quarter gdp, 2.1% first quarter gdp 2% you can see really, strong expansion here mostly due to consumers that you've been talking about, retail sales being, of course, strong looking ining rearview
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mirror, there was one stronger forecast out there the atlanta fed gdp now forecast 5.4%, for the quarter this quarter, of course, july to september gdp broadest read on economic growth. wow. . what with a stunner with actual coming in 4.9%, maria. maria: thanks very much markets off lows down 109 antibiotics down 104 on nasdaq, and i am talking with keith banks this morning keith you know when you see a number like this, i know you said probably going to see fed take another pause next week but does this do you think have enough juice to move the fed this could for the following meeting that is december meeting? >> it could well, depends on this is backward-looking right? number one, interesting, big number gerri said wow. 4.9% but i think can say what are indicators for fourth quarter, beyond but some point we need to see a cooling off
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of the economy which, we need to see, in our view, a slackening in labor market it is hard to a believe start next cycle unemployment below 4% not have to worry that very quickly you are going to see wages reflective of that, if activity picks up sustainably this is great to see but some point we do need to see cooling if fed is going to stay on sidelined not raise rates more >> moment ago you said that you could see year-end rally what are areas you are reviving clients get in on to participate in that rally >> we like energy, we think if a rally going to probably be led again by large cap tech seeing earnings now so we will see where earnings can sustain that, but we just don't think the markets can move higher yet, until unless technical is a driver >> let me point out 10-year reversed course now down 8/10 of a basis points 4.9% keith
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always great to talk with you keith banks joining us. we'll be right back. .
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maria: welcome back. the war in israel entering day 20 as israeli defense forces launched biggest ground incursion into gaza so far, fox news foreign correspondent trey yingst owing in southern israel with more trey? . reporter: maria, good morning right now we can hear small arms fire in the distance, likely an indication israelis concerned about more ground incursions into israeli territory, also have breaking news for you israeli military telling fox news that they have taken out a senior rocket commander from 4578z if second
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largest unity conducted between israeli security and air force that conducted airstrike against this militant inside gaza we have video raids took place overnight on northern part of gaza, the brigade entering the gaza strip with bulldozers tanks troops to take out cells along the border anti-tank guided missile unities threatened southern i would rocket fire continues into southern central israel 20 days into conflict hamas maintained ability to fire at major population of centers satellite images show border between israel and gaza, some gazan communities leveled by air force military working to built path benjamin netanyahu commended on tightening of possible ground operation >> translator: i want to be clear
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tightening of ground invasion unanimously decided by world cabinet with chief of staff in the cabinet we will act in order to ensure best terms for our soldiers for the coming operation, when we get into gaza down road when we collect highest price from those murderers committed horrible atrocities hamas. israelis say conducted 250 airstrikes past 24 hours also number of hostages inside gaza is rising, the latest number that we have from israeli, officials 224 people held inside the strip. maria: unbelievable, 224 hostages trey we heard in that sound bite netanyahu saying it is the parliament going to decide whether where how they go in a retaliate against atrocities of october 7 is there a feeling on the ground in terms of what that looks
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like once israel does perform that ground >> we understand israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu going to get input of war cabinet to try to determine best path forward but disperse some blame for what will taps, remember there is a political aspect to all of this, netanyahu has been immense precious how something could take place what israel to youed most secure border in the entire world there are those questions but also the questions about what will happen to israeli soldiers when they enter gaza, bloody street-to-street urban battles there will be a high amount of israeli casualties if that is large scale ground invasion netanyahu wants to bring in entire war cabinet into decision take advice of the americans that are using their intelligence, on the ground to advise key middle east partner
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>> amazing you have such from hamas terrorists they are still going you reported earlier they were rockets fired near in tel aviv; right? >> remarkable, 20 days into this convict hamas islamic jihad the medium long-range rockets not destroyed despite thousands airstrikes against friendship they watch each, every move using all technology to spare to southern front not enough they are able to fire on major population centers north of tel aviv, there was a direct hit with shrapnel hitting a building hundreds of thousands in these areas a threat we brought that story hospital in southern city mothers delivering babies fortified maternity ward the trauma from october 7 massacre spread
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throughout israel, very, very difficult days >> difficult dangerous for jewish state and world trey yingst joining us on the ground, in southern israelu, at least with 22 dead dozens injured after two separate mass shootings in lewiston, maine one at restaurant another bowling alley police searching for person of interest, 40 year-old robert card on the run this morning israeli-hamas war spark concerns over terror threat in the united states, anti-semitic incidents up about 400%, just since october 7 alone according to antidefamation league natalie is joining me from long island new york is a survivor of the hamas music festival attack thanks so much for being here this morning. >> is this thank god that you are okay, you said that you feel safer in israel than in the united states right now
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right >> yes, i did say that. >> why? >> because in israel our government is taking threat very seriously where attacks are on israel soil but here in states like you said -- it has attacks have gone up 400% i don't see much happening to stop that i don't see seem being reprimand ford what they are doing especially college campuses other night jewish students locked in library on college campus because hamas protesters were trying to get in. are they being reprimanded? have i would like to hear that is kwhapg. maria: so far pushback that we've seen from some students on college campuses, obviously, are uninformed, are from donors, from people who are saying you know we work on wall street you are not going to get a job because you are ignoring atrocities, what else do you want to see?
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>> i want to see students i want toz more statements, i want to see colleges say if you do such and such act you will be expelled not fair people try to go to school fear for lives. i grew up in new york one of the biggest jewish communities in america i have never grown up with experience anti-semitism to see fellow jews afraid to go to school >> is this israel military confirmed 224 people hostage by hamas right now as war enters day 20 fell us about, the hamas attack where were you when you first heard rockets >> when i first hear rockets by our camp sight me and my
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friends, come to festival together resting, we wanted to wake up for the sunrise at the festival supposed to be best part, looking forward to. we i was woken up by a girl on campsite wanted to reassure me make sure i was awake alert told me rockets had been intercepted everything should be fine will probably pass hopefully festival will continue try to imagine a festival anywhere else in in world coachella suddenly rockets are over his head, no other would react the way these israeli citizens reacted for them sadly that is reality something that they see all the time, but they've been in bomb shelters countless times in their lives, nobody understood the -- the gravity of the spacing in the beginning nobody could imagine that it would get to where it got to.
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maria: what did you do then? >> after few minutes rockets kept coming we came to understand this wasn't a regular situation the festival shut off music asked everybody please evacuate to cars on our way to cars we saw -- still didn't know how intense obviously, nobody could have predicted that i asked friends if i could stop use bathrooms we figured, everyone at the same time stuck in traffic, the biggest fear maybe scrap from rockets interposed hitting on cars a few days ago i saw provide surfaced of the terrorists coming to the bathroom moments after i was there shooting every stall trying to kill anyone hiding inside, since attack that was one of the most intense things for me to see, realize how close i was to death
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unbelievable pro plas tip troops calling for national walkout protesters at more than 100 campuses taking part you calling for cease-fire in gaza to cut ties with manufactures providing weapons to israel, do you think these students are uninformed or are they just not aware of what has taken place here? >> i think very misinformed, unfortunately, with what i've seen in many provides a lot of people misinformed want to stay misinformed as much as you show proof videos there are so horrific provides lambs live-streamed everything after shows individuals they say this is cgi, this is fake but a lot of protesters don't understand this sknt a fight between israel and palestine this is a fight between israel
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and hamas terrorist organization, just as complicit in death of innocent palestinians citizens of gaza as death of innocent israelis using these as if human shields. maria: natalie thank you very much for sharing your story with us >> thank you >> natalie sanandaji good to see you we pray for you an em your friends, we'll be right back stay with us. . [alarm] >> instructor: veer right. [ringing] >> instructor: and slow down. >> tech: so when he got a cracked windshield, he turned to safelite. we're the experts at replacing glass and recalibrating your vehicle's camera, so automatic emergency braking and lane departure warning work properly to get you back on the road safely. >> instructor: and that means a lot! >> tech: schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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natalie 6 welcome back ford reaching tentative deal could end nearly 6 week of longs strike fox business joint venture jeff live in pennsylvania with more >> at least against ford important to note the strike against stellantis and gm plants gm plant this morning, that continues but unusual move uaw not only announcing a tentative agreement but saying they are going to bring picket lines down they are typically don't do that the picket lines in wayne michigan where they make ford broncos, chicago assembly plant where they make forward explorer, kentucky truck plant where they make super duty trucks picket lines come down despite not yet ratified, sean fain
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>> we told ford to pony up they did we won things nobody thought was possible together, we are turning the tide for the working class in this country but, every uaw member of ford will get a vote on this deal and majority rules. >> will come next week in trmz what have they got a lot of money 68% increase in start at salaries 33% increase top earners, 25% overall, 11% increase in first year cost of living restored to get to tooir tiers retirement savings enhanced they will be able to strike if ford were to shut down a plant, as you know the president, was out at any picket lines one point during this strike, he issued a
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statement, saying, quote now, testament this is a testament to the power of employers employees coming together to work out differences at bargaining table in a manner that helps businesses succeed hoping pay benefits they can raise a family on no the strategy to bring picket lines down ad ford they think puts more pressure on gm and stellantis to fall in line but, as you know, in this strike nothing follows a pattern we will see how it goes. maria: big raise there jeff flock in pennsylvania, we'll be right back. stay with us. . there is this preconception. some things are for boys. but diversity drives innovation. my goal is to really flip the script. pick something that you love and go for it. how do we live in space? how do we live on the moon? i want to help figure that out.
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maria: welcome back. we've got a lot of breaking news this morning, of course, following the mass shooting in maine all morning long,s 22 people can dead in lewiston, maine. the person of interest, robert card, is still on the run and considered armed and dangerous. a press conference scheduled for 10:30 eastern. also following economic news, gdp much better than expected. your final word. >> my final word is after the interview with natalie, we're learning there's so much propaganda out there there. it's important to have moral clarity, because it's really a battle of truth and good versus evil is, and reporting matters. what we're sending out there matters because with it does incite e violence. have to the stay clear on that. maria: and we're waiting for a
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ground invasion into gaza by israel, and that will also crystallize what's going on there. ryan, on the economic data, we've got a market that has given up much of the losses and is now in positive territory after a better than expected gdp number, up 4.9% for the quarter. this is the first reading, so it will likely be changed and updated, but what are your thoughts here? >> yeah. i mean, red hot, a lot higher than the 0 president most -- 0% most economists thought at the beginning of the quarter, the depth of the consumer, the u.s. economy is drastically overrated. don't let those economists fool you, i think we're in really good shape here in the u.s. maria: so you're buying this market. >> i'm optimistic. maria: all right. thank you so much. it is 30 minutes before the opening bell, is and we've got a market that is mixed, dow industrialses up 16 having reversed course from triple-digit losses. stu the, take it away. stuart: not reversal. good morning, everyone. first, the war.


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