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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  February 9, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EST

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cheryl: good morning, i'm cheryl casone, in for maria bartiromo. it is friday, february 9, you 7:00 a.m. on the east coast. it's time for the hot topic of the hour. fighting back, president biden combatives hours after the release of the special counsel's report that didn't charge the president for the hand lung of classified document, writing he did not charge him because he didn't think he could convince a jury to convict an elderly man. >> president biden, something the special counsel said in his report is that one of the reasons you were not charged is because in his description you are a well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory. >> i'm well meaning, i'm an elderly man, i know what i'm
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doing. i put the country back on its feet. cheryl: president biden went on to confuse foreign leaders again, this time the presidents of mexico and egypt. watch. >> as you know, initially the president of mexico did not want to open up the gate to a allow humanitarian material to get in. i talked to him. i convinced him to open the ga. i talked to bebe to open the gate. cheryl: democrats are accusing herr of this political hit job because herr was a trump appointee and now appointed special counsel to do the investigation. if you look at the pictures of the documents in the garage, for instance, it looks like the same as what we saw with president trump in mar-a-lago, they're open boxes, laying around.
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i'm not defending either person for having these documents just laying around, sensitive classified documents, it's not right on the other side, but joe biden isn't getting charged for that. because he's too old apparently. i don't know. interesting reasons here. >> i'm of the opinion that neither one of these men were selling see cre crest to the ruh --y --secrets to the russians oe chinese. you see the scales of justice weighed differently for president trump versus president biden. if the prosecutor wants to make the argument that no jury would convict a sl sleepy old nice gu, joe biden, i think that's a bibigger problem. the pros you c prosecutor made t during a high pressure moment
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for the president and for him to report that this is not someone that was cog at this nighly entirely -- cognitively entirely there, this will open the flood gates. i think this open the flood gates and starts maybe at least if not the flood gates cracking the dam a little bit on people starting to say joe biden shouldn't be the nominee. cheryl: to be clear, president trump is currently litigating this and being charged balls of becauseof his handling of classd documents, lawyers, courts, it's a serious indictment on a federal level. paul mcgala, he said this report says biden is cleared legally but is being kneecapped politically and he points out the age of president biden is his biggest liability at 81, is it his age or cognitive ability that's the biggest liability.
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the polling suggests people are worried about his cognitive ability. >> i think it's his cognitive ability. he lacks the capability to make decisions, other people are making decisions for him and he can't stand up to to advisors wo might be blatantly incorrect. he's a weak, spineless president, that's what it comes down to. the double standard of justice, it's a horrible thing. these are bad optics, once again for the young people. what they're being told is you really can't trust the judicial system, you really can't trust your government. all of this depends upon what side of the political fence you're on and that's going to determine how you're going to be treated by justice, how you're going to be treated by the government. cheryl: karine jean-pierre already saying well, he's going to be coming out, he's going to get his anual physical so stand by for that, i suppose, according to kjp. >> what we want is a cognitive test for joe biden. that's very important, see what the results are.
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>> i would settle for a soduku. cheryl: penn law school, they did a poll, 61% of voters -- this is wisconsin, by the way, i'll say that because it's an election year. that's a battle ground state. 61% say i biden is too old to be president, 21% said donald trump is. >> the american public can see in plain view what scrow goa iss going through. you look at wall street, would anyceo hire this man in any capacity whatsoever. of course not. i made a mistake of turning on another network yesterday. it was like the scene in casablanca when the cop comes in and says i'm shocked to find out that there's gambling here in casablanca. they were shocked and surprised to find out that joe biden has some mental decline, like they've been told it for the first time.
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the american public can see plainly what we all can see. cheryl: now they're attacking robert herr. if you look at the coverage, they're attacking robert herr, saying this is a political hit job. i a want to ask about the supreme court issue. the supreme court did you appear skeptical yesterday of colorado's decision to kick former president trump off the ballot there. here is president trump reacting. watch. >> i would just say that in watching the supreme court today, i thought it was very -- it's a very beautifuls process. i hope that democracy in this country will continue. cheryl: joe? >> it will be marked as a good day for the court when they decide on this, this is a great opportunity for the three liberal judges on the court, based on their questions, where they were more than fair to the opposite side, this is an opportunity for the court to really show itself as nonpartisan arbiters of justice and we should all root for them.
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cheryl: even sotomayor, if you listen to the audience, like one state should be deciding a national election? it did not go well for colorado yesterday. >> it would be horrible for democracy. you can't have a small set of self you appointed experts decide who gets to run for president of the united states. cheryl: also pandora's box that would open, i was grateful to hear all nine justices, the he way the questions were targeting the chol colorado attorney, thew what this could turn into, they know it could open up the door for all of a sudden wisconsin doesn't like a republican candidate or new york says we don't -- the democrat, you know, you ca lea can't leave it to the states. states.
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>> this undercuts the principle of popular sovereignty where the people have the right to decide. cheryl: that's why we have a supreme court. coming up, you how markets are moving ahead of a busy week of economic data coming out next week. we have a lot to look forward to, cpi tuesday, ppi friday, word on wall street is coming up next. don't miss a moment of it. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ j.p. morgan wealth management knows it's easy to get lost in investment research. get help with j.p morgan personal advisors. hey, david! ready to get started? work with advisors who create a plan with you, and help you find the right investments. so great getting to know you, let's take a look at your new investment plan.
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cheryl: time now for word on wall street. top investors watching your money. joining me now, lonski group founder, john lonski and former gartman editor. we're seeing a positive kickoff
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to the day. we're seeing a little be bit of an uptick in the futures market as we move towards the open, dow up 19, nasdaq up 55, s&p up 7. the s&p 500 crossed 5,000 for the first time yesterday, latest milestone, that was intraday. the s&p did slight ily close below that but it was the ninth record close of the year. really markets despite concerns about the economy, despite concerns we're not getting a lot of rate cuts, the markets are still powering higher. >> one of the reasons for this is there is still a lot of liquidity out there that's helping to fund this ebbing equity marketrally. if you have abundant liquidity you're still facing the risk of faster than expected price inflation. right now, the s&p 500 its pe ratio is around 20. however, this is above the long-term average that we have for the s&p 500 p.
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pe ratio. it's a little less, 17, 18, depending on your time perspective but the important point is this. currently, that 10 year treasury yield is at about 4.15%. and if i look back at the avere of the 10 year yield for the past five years, the past 1 of 0 years, i find out the average is 2.15%. the only argument for having such a high pe ratio compared to the averages of the past five to 10 years has to be that the market strongly expects a decline by interest rates by treasury bond yields and if that decline doesn't materialize, good luck. and -- cheryl: i want to win the lottery, but good luck. i'm probably not going to win the lottery. >> i want to add one thing. if we get a decline by interest rates that brings the 10 year yield down to 3% or lower we're
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probably going to have a recession and with that a lot of earnings disappointment. cheryl: recession, that's an interesting call from you on the economic side. let's go to the market side of this, dennis. pulling up stock arm right now. this is a i chip company. the stock is nearly 48% up from yesterday morning, they reported a better than expected number for the third quarter on wednesday. they have a higher multiple right now than nvidia. armies up -- there's the stock right now. that's the close yesterday. a little bit of pressure this morning. what a run for this one yesterday. what's going on here. >> unbelievable what we have here. nvidia, take a look at the xle, the s&p's energy etf and nvidia selling at more than the value of the s&p's etf. it makes no sense to me whatsoever. you have arm selling at a premium to nvidia. these numbers remind me of 25
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years ago when the value of the japanese emperor's palace sold for more than the entire value of california real estate. you have ridiculous overvaluation of some of these stocks. the market can remain i rational longer than you can i can remain solvent. cheryl: nvidia, nearly 700 bucks. it's amazing what's happening with that stock. >> unbelievable. cheryl: richmond fed's president said the central bank has time to be patient about the rate cuts. he says he's looking for move conviction -- more conviction that the slowing of inflation is broadening and sustainable. so the futures market is pricing the in a 63% chance for a may rate cut, 63% and we do have cpi and ppi data next week, dennis.
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>> barken has always been one of the more moderate members of the fomc. he's a voter this year. we have to take what he has to say with a great grain of salt, give it a great deal of importance. the fact that barken has become more hawkish for lack of a better term, joining miss metzger and miss daily, we need to pay attention to what he has to say. the fact that the market anticipated five, maybe six cuts in overnight fed funds rate by the year end probably has been put to bed. i think -- yo there's no chance we'll get a cut at the march fomc meeting, very little chance we get a cut in the may meeting. if we don't get one by june, then it becomes political so it will probably delay the cuts of the overnight fed funds rate until later in the year. i'm not of the idea that the cut is coming very quickly. cheryl: i agree with you. we hear jerome powell is not
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supposed to be political. it is an election year. less got to be pressure on him had. if you're the fed and you telegraph three rate cuts and you don't deliver, that is really going to be where i think the market is going to have a strong reaction and not in a good way. >> you're exactly right, cheryl. and what bothers me is this latest pick-up by wage growth and with that you should see faster income growth and believe me if that remains the case you're not going to see the reduction in inflation that the fed wants before it goes ahead and cuts rates. cheryl: all right. dennis garth man, john lonski, thanks to both of you. dennis, we'll see you soon. john is going to stay with us. and we've got a lot more coming up this morning. governor abbott unveiling a new plan to expand border enforcement along the texas, mexico border to deter migrant crossings, texas congresswoman beth van duyne is here to weigh next. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business.
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xfinity rewards presents: '1st and 10gs.' xfinity is giving away ten grand to a new lucky winner for every first and ten during the big game. enter daily through february 9th for a chance to win 10gs. with the ultimate speed, power, and reliability the xfinity 10g network is made for streaming live sports. because it's only live once. join xfinity rewards on the xfinity app or go to for your chance to win. >> we are dealing with the
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biggest border crisis since america had borders. texas will have built more of the trump border wall than even trump built in the state of texas. the president of the united states is not enforcing the laws that are already on the books. he does not need more laws. he ha has the tools in his toolx to do exactly what texas is doing and that's to deny illegal entry into the country. steve: that was texas governor greg abbott speaking at the border yesterday announcing new plans to expand operation lone star while slamming president biden saying that congress does not need to pass any new bills to secure the border, the biden administration now reportedly considering using executive action to deter illegal immigrants at the southern border. just last week president biden claimed he had no more power to defend the border. watch. >> you said the border is secure. >> no, it's not. it hasn't been for the last 10
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years. i've been saying that for the last 10 years. >> have you done everything you can do with executive authority or is there more you could do? >> i've done all i could do. cheryl: joining me now is texas congresswoman beth van duyne, a member of the house ways and means and small business community the. once again, governor abt boughts trying to secure the border, we've had legal pushback from president biden. president biden acts like there's nothing he can do when he could have signed executive orders months ago. >> yeah, well, he's signed executive orders from day one which has caused the problem. he took away remain in mexico policy. he immediately stopped construction of our border. let mayorkas know to basically ignore federal law. he used executive order over and over of again to make the border less safe so the idea that somehow now he can't do the
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executive order to do the same thing he's done to cause the damage is ridiculous. the office is saying now that the senate bill didn't pass, he's going to use the executive order. he always had the authority. you don't need a whole new immigration bill. you don't need any new laws. you need to enforce the laws that we have. that's what you've soon governor abbott do. as a result, the crossings at the texas border have gone down considerably, we had over 71 you thousand apprehensions ins december and just over 16,000 in january because the state of texas stepped up. i quite honestly think what that abbott is doing something and president biden is knowing his poll numbers are dropping. cheryl: your colleagues on the republican side have taken a lot of heat to about the fact that the senate bill got tanked.
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how have you responded to that? now the democrats are saying, look, we gave them a bill, they wanted border security, we anded it to them on a silver platter and they backed out. how do you respond to that they. >> one, i would say the house actually passed the bill, hr2 that they've been sitting on since may and they were concerned with protecting our border they would have passed hr2 in 2023. they didn't. they don't need another bill to be able to secure our border. we had security on our border under the trump a administration. all they had to do was continue those policies. they didn't. innothey didn't on purpose. now they're trying to out of desperation for an election to change the narrative but people understand as reflected in biden's tanking polling numbers. cheryl: they've seen the writing on the wall. that's the best way to say it. because we have no wall. sorry, pun intended. let's talk about -- just, you
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know, the first thing biden did, he comes in and he's like no more wall. i want to talk about what happened in new york with the migrants. nypd has just released this body cam footage. it shows the attack on these two officers by a mob of illegal immigrants, it happened in times square a few days ago. manmanhattan da alvin bragg saie secsecured indictments against these people. some of them were arrested in arizona after they got on busses and high tailed it out of this city. your reaction. >> we have 10 million illegal immigrants who crossed our border. that's the ones we know about. we have 300 on the terrorist watch list. we're catching thousands and thousands coming in from china and from countries that want to dos us harm. this is the tip of the spear. when you look at duis that are
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happening from the people that are not supposed to be here and families being murdered. you see murders and rapes on a regular basis from people that are not supposed to be in this country. this is biden administration that caused this. when you see police being brutally attacked they the middle of the day and immigrants let go with no bail, we don't have ids on them, don't know where they're going and basically flipping the camera, flipping the country off on the way out with entitlement mentality. this has b has been createssed. we could stop tomorrow if we enforce the laws. the biden administration is not doing it on purpose. every american is seeing these images and it's frightening. cheryl: they don't care. flipping the bird to the camera. joe, jump in here. >> here in new york we have this video of these migrants attacking the police officers. we have another incident where migrants fired a shot in a retail store right in times square two days ago. and despite all of that, people
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still love to vilify governor abbott for what he's doing, not just with bussing folks here but what he's doing with razor wire and barricades on the border. can you educate a new yorker like me about how politics is playing out in texas for governor a abbott. >> look, i mean, i think you're seeing people who are supporting governor abbott. we had a press conference in d.c. which is the congressional members of texas, 100% standing behind the governor. it's pathetic that he has to spend state funds that we're already spending tax dollars to d.c. to do the job. last year alone they had to spend over $5 billion from the texas fund, this year they've budgeted 6.43 billion to handle it. he's doing the job the federal government not only has caused but they're trying to prevent him from row detectiving his own borders but again, what you're seeing is what happens when you enforce our laws. he's decreased crossings from
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71,000 last month to just over 16,000 this month, only using the laws that are on the books and the biden administration could do it. they're not doing it. and i think you're seeing all these governors from across the country support him because they recognize it's not just a texas issue. this is across the country. cheryl: every state's a border state and in particular these blue cities which we are sitting in right now, we have seen the effects of that. i want to switch gears really quick. special counsel robert herr opting not to charge president biden for willfully retaining classified documents, he thought a jury wouldn't convict an elderly man with a poor memory. claudia tenney is calling to invoke the 25th amendment to remove the president from office. >> if he can't stand trial, he certainly can't carry out the dutiesas president of the united states and commander in chief. you either have to ross cyst him or he has to be removed under
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the 25th amendment. cheryl: your response to that? >> i agree with her wholeheartedly. we've been calling for this president to step down for years. understanding the fact that he has a declining memory. we can't afford a weekend at bernie's presidency which is what we've seen. it's dangerous for every american and for the future of our country. this is a man who has our nuclear codes when we're on the praecipes on a number of wars and he's the commander in chief and also i think it shows a two tiered justice system when they're going after president trump for the same charges and they are giving this man a pass because they're saying he is elderly and has a poor memory. and is sympathetic. this is on the world stage. get the man the help he needs but for god's sake get him off the world stage. the rest of the world is a is watching this. cheryl: we have several op-eds
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saying the exact same thing, mike pompeo saying that, mike pence saying that, that we're in a perilous juncture as a nation, if we appear weak on the world stage because of a weak president, that is a bad situation. we've got a lot more coming up, the race for the white house is heating up. will the 2024 ticket be a biden trump rematch or will congresswoman t tenney's call to invoke the 25th amendment remove the president biden. we'll have more coming up. you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪
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cheryl: special counsel robert herr finding that president biden, quote, will physically retained classified documents but opting not to charge the president because he thought a jury would not convict a, quote, elderly man with a poor memory. biden was unable to recall when he started as vice president in the obama administration and when his son died. biden defending himself. >> i know there's some attention paid to a report about my recollection of events. there's reports that i don't remember when my son died. how the hell dare you raise take that. cheryl: let's bring in democratic consultant, julian
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epstein and civil rights torn and radio host and fox news contributor, leo terrel. leo, first to you. your reaction to everything that happened last night, the report and of course president biden coming out and being very combative with reporters. >> americans saw a train wreck last night. everything that robert herr said about joe biden's cognitive skills was true. in fact, joe biden actually proved it last night. this man did not recall the proper name for the president of egypt and mexico. what we have here, cheryl, what bothers me is that you have had democrats lying to the american people about the mental state of mind of joe biden. joe biden is unfit to appear in trial, he's unfit to serve as president, 2 25th amendment should be in place. what i find appalling is the mainstream media protected this guy for three years.
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no one in this country right now knows who is running the country. this is a train wreck and it's occurring, joe biden should not be president. cheryl: julian, he had another flub last night, i've got to ask you about this. he confused egypt's president, calling him the president of mexico. he had the earlier flub at an event this week in vegas with mideron, he meant macron. there's a lot going on here, julian. >> i hate to say it. the press conference was supposed to be a pushback. it ended up being an emperor's wearing no clothes moment for the president. he looked angry. he looked mean-spirited toward the reporter that asked him the question about the herr report and he did look frail. leo makes a good point. i have been saying for a long time that i don't think he should be running for offs a. i think -- office. i think he should have stepped aside after the first term.
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i voted for joe biden. i think more people in my party need to show the guts, need to step away from the group think, need to say what everyone else is thinking which is that he doesn't look like he has the mental competency to be running for a second term right now and to be president in a second term and that's one of the main reasons why he is behind in almost every single poll. the pollsters keep asking this question, do you think president biden has the mental competency to be commander in chief in a second term and the numbers are bad and the numbers are even bad within the democratic apartment. i hate to say it. you have to be a straight shooter and say what everyone is thinking but is too scared to say on the democratic side i which is that he should not be seeking a second term. cheryl: if you vote for joe biden, you have to consider whether or not you want kamala harris to be your president and that's sadly a true thinking among democrats that i talk to.
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i want to ask about this. former president trump says the justice department should drop the charges against him given herr's decision not to charge president biden. if you look at the photos in the report, the boxes look similar to the boxes that were at mar-a-lago. does president trump have a point, leo? >> thank you for that question, cheryl. president trump has a perfect point. let me be as clear as possible. joe biden never had -- never had the authority to remove documents, classified documents as a senator or a vice president. president trump has the authority as the president. that's a major distinction. and what you have right now, what the american people need to understand is, you have selective prosecution. president trump is being prosecuted because he's a republican and he's not part of the democrat elite. you look at the situation with hillary clinton. joe biden, if he is fit to serve
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as president, he is fit to apeer in trial but they're not going to go after him because he's a democrat. president trump's attorneys should file a motion for dismissal based on selective prosecution, not today, they should file it yesterday. cheryl: julian. >> the disthat distinction the on the left is that donald trump tried to obstruct the investigation into his mar-a-lago documents case, biden cooperated. i think that's an important distinction. i think that's useful and bears some weight in prosecutorial decisions. on the other hand, president biden was not being investigated for obstruction. he was investigated under the espionage act for wrecklessness and wrecklessness with respect to how the documents were cared for. you had documents that were taken when he was senator and vice president. the documents dealt with sensitive national security
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measures. he shared that information. i think there's a case to be made, a case could be made for wrecklessness and democrats are going to have a hard time explaining why on the one hand trump is being prosecuted under obstruction and biden is not being prosecuted under wrecklessesness. look, my view on this, i've been very clear. i don't think these prosecutions should be occurring during campaign season. i think if democrats and the justice department wanted to bring these caseses against trump, these should have been well in advance of campaign season. the fact that the january 6 matter won't be brought until a, may and june, i think it's outrageous. i think it's an abuse. they waited until the myof campaign season. i think that's wrong and more people on my side, more people on the democratic side should be standing up and saying that's just wrong. you don't bring prosecutions like this against an owe posing may -- opposing major party candidate in the middle of campaign season. if you want to do it, do it in
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advance of that. cheryl: this new gallup poll is showing that democrats are losing support from black and hispanic voters. they still have the advantage with black voters, 47% lead is the smallest the poll has recorded dating to 1999. leo, first to you. what do you make of the new numbers? >> i'll tell you right now, the democrats' playbook is dead. they played the race card, cheryl many this country is not living they 1955. there is no systemic racism. blacks and hispanics are leaving the democrat party for one reason. dales are -- democrats are wrong on immigration, crime in blue cities, inflation, poor schools. they have a comparison between the trump administration and biden administration and guess what, blacks and a hispanics prefer the trump administration. joe biden's policies are a disaster, not just for blacks and browns but for all americans and that's why he has a 35%
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approval rating. his policies do not work for all americans. cheryl: really quick, i want to play this quick sound bite, this is joe biden on the campaign trail with charlamagne tha god. play this, guys. >> if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or trump, then you ain't black. >> it's not to do with trump, it's the fact that i want something for my community. cheryl: leo, go ahead. >> quickly on that. that's the reason why i left the democrat party, that's a racist, offensive comment, what black people are not a monolithic group, we have individual minds. that's why i voted for trump in 2020, i plan to vote for him in 2024. cheryl: julian. >> well, democrats have lost blacks by about 20 percentage points on party id, losing hispanics busying numbers, losing the male vote, the working class vote and a big part of this is because the party has gone too far left and
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it hurts me to say that because i voted democrat all my life but if you look at just the issue of immigration, the issue of immigration has been handled so poorly by this white house. borders could have been shut down under existing authorities as occurred under trump and obama. biden is losing by about 30 percentage points, if you look how people feel on the question of the economy, most americans lost income under the biden administration. that's a big reason why parts of this democratic base are hemorrhaging now. people do not like how far left the party has gone on a host of issues and you see it in all the polling. they're behind on the issues. if the democratic party wants to be viable going forward, they've got to move back to the sensor the. much closer to where they were during the clinton years and you see this showing up in the polling constantly. cheryl: i agree. julian, leo, great discussion, gentlemen. thank you for being here. >> thanks for having us, cheryl. cheryl: all right. >> thank you. cheryl: all right. well, super bowl lviii, we are
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just two days you a way which means the best commercials of the year are premiering. we've got a preview and they are making a buzz this morning. we'll be right back. ♪ awkward question... is there going to be anything... -left over? -yeah. oh, absolutely. (inner monologue) my kids don't know what they want. you know who knows what she wants? me! with empower, we get all of our financial questions answered. so you don't have to worry. empower. what's next. jorge has always put the ones he loves first. but when it comes to caring for his teeth he's let his own maintenance take a back seat. well maybe it's time to shift gears on that. because aspen dental has the latest technology and equipment. with a staff that goes out of their way to provide exceptional care. plus free exams and x-rays for new patients without insurance and 20% off treatment plans.
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cheryl: time for the morning buzz. super bowl sunday is two days away. some of the most anticipated tv commercials have been making plenty of noise. viewers can expect to see lots of familiar faces with a little bit of nostalgia. first up, bud light trying to rally back customers with faces like i peyton manning and post malone. watch. >> i was thinking he was my best friend. >> how you doing? >> hey. >> post malone. >> hey. >> i wish i was at that fight. >> he's going to need another bicep. house party. ccheryl: is bud light going to. >> it has a chance. it's so far down in the basement currently. they can only move higher in terms of sales. i think it's going to have a positive impact on sales.
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cheryl: budweiser is bringing back the clydesdale as well, they're staying anti-political. >> they was a staple of my childhood, the clydesdale from budweiser. i would drink anything if i could hang out with joe rogan, post malone and peyton manning. if bud light wants me to drink it on air, bring them here. cheryl: uber eats are giving us a star studded ad including a mini reunion from a popular '990s sitcom, watch this. >> remember when you were a pepper lady. >>.>> paprika girl. >> have we met? cheryl: jennifer aniston, david davids schwimmer from friends . >> i'm excited about the
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commercial. i'm not a friends guy. cheryl: i'm a friends person. i was the most jazzed about this one. if its going to be the super bowl, this is when the biggest name stars come out because the payday is huge. >> i think i'm with you. we all really like the friends cast. they seem to overshadow the message of the commercial which is use uber eats. i totally missed that entirely. cheryl: interesting, john lonski. oh, okay. if anybody from uber is watching, you heard it here first. we get the metrics on monday after the ads. finally, judge jule judy turns o judge beauty in an advertisement for alf cosmetics. >> i sentence you to glowing skin. >> what do i get? >> sorry, no makeup could cover up irritating. >> that's okay. i'm not being irritating. >> judge beauty serves eyes,
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lips, facts. cheryl: bigger story here is the fact that they know that advertisers know there's a huge new demographic watching the super bowl and it's going to be taylor swift fans. >> it's a makeup commercial. i've got to give it to judge juy a, she looks great in the commercial, i would buy that if i could look as young and fresh as her in her age. cheryl: dove soap it going to be advertising sunday, they're expecting record ratings for the super bowl because of taylor swift. >> i'm kind of like disappointed in the commercial. i think it's high time that they have some sort of cosmetic that us bald guys can use to cover our shine. it's not there yet. maybe there's an opportunity for someone. cheryl: maybe there is. elf cot messices, maybe there's -- coug cosmetics, maybe there's stuff for men. >> when a guy comes out of a pool with a full head of hair and flaps it in the wind, i get
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jealous. i know what you're talking about. cheryl: for the game on sunday, what's going to be interesting is to see how the ads land. we're seeing this year companies are not getting political. because they're all worried about social media backlash. you saw what happened to bud light. we've seen it with other companies. they're very, very afraid, very nervous. several marketing executives have come out and said it about this year. >> think about it historically. we could could spit ball a few examples of companies that got political, not just dylan mulvaney, bud light, but there are many examples over time. they've got to realize. nobody wants the politics m m they their super bowl ads, nobody wants politics when they're wanting friends and they see a commercial come up. the politics belong on networks like this and other networks. cheryl: i think they're finally paying attention with athe dismal ratings. >> i think that's true. people are tired of being told what to think when they're
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buying a product. all they want is the highest quality product at the lowest possible price. leave us alone. game.l: all i want is a goo i'm tired of boring super bowls. i don't think this is going to be boring. i think it's going to be a great game and in the next hour we're going to have our predictions about what this game's going to look like on sunday and a couple of special guests are going to be joining us. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back. ♪ i love your dress. oh thanks! i splurged a little because liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty. did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”? baby: liberty. can you say “auntie”?
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