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tv   Maria Bartiromos Wall Street  FOX Business  February 18, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EST

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maria: from the fox studio in new york city this is "maria
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bartiromo's wall street". maria: happy weekend from all, welcome to the program that utilizes the week that was in position you for the week ahead. i am maria bartiromo, missing from the report questions are growing over president biden cognitive ability sparked by what was included in the special counsel robert hur's report, there are new questions about what was left out of the report. senator chuck grassley and ron johnson are demanding more from to know why there was no mention of nine boxes worth of joe biden classified documents confirmed to have been taken by the national archives and records administration from a boston attorney's office back in november of 2022 the senators are calling robert hur's investigation and complete and they sent a letter to christopher wray attorney general merrick garland pushing for answers by next friday. this as we learn that robert hur will be testifying publicly at a house hearing on march 12, joining me not to get ahead of it wisconsin senator member of
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the homeland security committee ron johnson, it's great to see you, thank you for joining us today. >> great to be on. maria: what was left out and what do you think that we need to understand better about biden's handling of his classified documents? >> we thought it was a large omission from robert hur's report the nine boxes that were taken from the boston office. we believe the fbi has gone through those but there's no mention of the robert hur report, i don't no one that but there's so many things that are very suspicious, why would you leave that out and why wouldn't you acknowledge that you covered nine boxes and found nothing to move on but no mention whatsoever of the nine boxes of documents. maria: what about the assessment of joe biden in the report should you saying he's too feeble to prosecute but were supposed to believe he's fine to run the free world? >> without surprise anybody?
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what amazes me it takes an official report like that to all of a sudden get the mainstream media's attention with the fact that we have a president and mental decline, we certainly have a president that has been compromised and corrupt, that is pretty much the mainstream media will ignore those things but i think most americans understand that a gentleman as old as president biden is going to have issues in this president has some pretty significant issues. maria: it is a worry it feels like the stakes have gotten much higher with our adversaries on the march, the white house is now confirming that russia is developing antisatellite capabilities security experts including phonetic saying russia could be blind in the u.s. by using a nuclear capable weapon which will disable our satellites in space, kirby says they are taking the threat
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seriously but is still in development and not imminent. what you know about the senator. >> not much more than what's been reported, let's face it the president of the united states has to most demanding mo demandm job in the world and we have a feeble president and a president who is compromised, we have a president, president obama the defense secretary has been wrong on every foreign policy issue in the last 40 years and it remains unbroken. we have a problem in this country. maria: we see the ice, the custom enforcement is considering a mass release of thousand illegal migrants into the country they reportedly struggled with a $700 million budget shortfall they cannot afford the house everybody, dhs spokesperson was put to deflecting blame from the white house saying the administration has repeatedly a requested resources for the southwest border and congress has underfunded them. basically the white house is blaming you and your colleagues
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in congress. >> obviously it is not our fault, president biden has all the authority he needs to secure the border and president trump use the authority from the open border groups but he still use the current authority to secure the border present a body news the exact same authority to open it up, he can do this he just does not want to and more reports are coming out of the camps that china is one of them with military aged men and all the ngos the nongovernment organization facilitating it, it's a purposeful invasion in this country and is being aided and abetted by groups that get support from the united states government. we need a lot more oversight on this, the house is conducting some but the senate is completely a-wall in terms of understanding what is happening in this invasion there are southwest border and when i was
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chair of homeland security we held more than 30 hearings on the border issues back then in the border issues pale into compared to what happened with president biden of 6 billion people and a couple million guideways, as you said the groups of military aged men and most other cavity children more than 70% are 15 and older that has always been the case, we have a young man coming in in the military aged and the fact that president biden has not only allow this he facilitated it, he has encouraged it, they incentivize the massive invasion and now they're trying to blame republicans for this, this is absurd. >> i'm worried about the chinese nationals coming and you think they're being directed by xi jinping? >> i think there is a kind of problems in china has been voicing on america, the invasion of fentanyl into this country, from my standpoint this is a
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chinese communist plot to poison americans there using the precursor chemicals they use the sentiment through the mail and we took action against that so now they're sending those down to mexico to come across our border, it would not surprise me at all but is not just china, you director wray seeing all the signs that are flashing frontiers organizations as high as it's been since 9/11 i wonder how foreign fighters are coming to the country. is that why president biden has been so mild to his response to all the terrorist attacks on the soldiers in the you middle east because he fears or knows of sleeper cells in america and knows how iran may trigger them if he responds forcefully, we don't know we know this is incredibly dangerous is a clear and present danger and we ought to be closing on the border.
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maria: senator this is extraordinary, we appreciate you joining us as we can, thank you, sir. >> have a great day. >> senator ron johnson, wild week on wall street investors may look at alternatives to stocks and bonds, tony robbins is here to tell us the world's top asset managers are putting ♪ you were always so dedicated... ♪ we worked hard to build up the shop, save for college and our retirement. but we got there, thanks to our advisor and vanguard. now i see who all that hard work was for... it was always for you. seeing you carry on our legacy— i'm so proud. at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner. setting up the future for the ones you love. that's the value of ownership.
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mara, are you sure you don't want -to go bowling with us tonight? -yeah. no. there's my little marzipan! [ laughs ] oh, my daughter gives the best hugs! we're just passing through on our way to the jazz jamboree.
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[ imitates trumpet playing ] and we wanted to thank america's number-one motorcycle insurer -for saving us money. -thank you. [ laughs ] mara, your parents are -- exactly like me? i know, right? well, cherish your friends and loved ones. let's roll, daddio! let's boogie-woogie! maria: welcome back here's a look at where markets ended the week after we got data showing higher-than-expected consumer and wholesale inflation the market is up strongly this year on top of last year's gains but my next guest says alternative investing could get you better returns life and business strategist tony robbins with a new book holy grail of investing. it highlights the most successful asset managers and where they're putting their money outside of the traditional 60, 40 portfolio. >> i have this privilege of interviewing 13 of asset
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managers and alternative private equity, private credit, private real estate and are the masters of the universe, 50 people for the first book from karl icahn, warren buffett, what i love what they're doing you have the funds of 20 - $100 billion and they consistently are producing 20%, most of them are greater compound return some of them 30%, the general population does not understand, as decades large institutions, high net worth of people, pension funds, they have first access and no one knows about it there been rules that prevented most people from being able to do this after being accredited investor, those things are changing i want to interview and find the answers. one thing that i try to explain simple terms as people go to the public markets the high net worth have 46% in alternative investments, only 29%, why, if you look at the s&p 500 you can see that over 35 years account of nine-point to percent that's double your money every eight
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years. it's pretty awesome but if you have a basic private equity it is 14-point to percent that's 50% more money per year compounded and to give people perspective imagine a million dollars in the stock market 35 years ago it's worth 26 million now but the same number of private equity average private equity is $139 million in real value at a lower risk and get the returns that's what the title comes from his thought of the holy grail to share with the average investor. maria: you keep it simple you're talking about eight or nine ideas, keep it simple but one of the ideas you talk about private equity and private credit and you also talk about pro sports ownership, what you mean by that, can we have an opportunity to buy into a sports league. >> every major league except nfl in six weeks they will decide major league baseball, then ba, major league hockey and soccer
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have changed their rule so they can take small minority investors for more capital to grow why would you want to do this, besides funds given opportunity to own a monopoly you own the area and is also not tied to the stock market and not correlated. when inflation goes up they charge more for a hot dog but they're making money for the real estate all around the facilities and most importantly what they're doing on the media side and i mentioned before the l.a. dodgers peter bought them $2 billion, people said paying a billion too much a week later he announced the local television rights local only for 7 billion amid $5 billion or somebody like michael jordan he bought the charlotte team for 2,075,000,011 at half-million and bought it from 3 billion the other day and that's a minor return in the 60s and 70s they made 16% they have been through world war i, world war ii, they done 18% compounded the last 11 years where it's been 11% for the s&p
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500, is not tied to the stock market and you're reducing your risks where you have more uncorrelated assets if you get a - 12 you can reduce your risk 8% this is the number one formula and life and of a potential increase in the upside. maria: i want to 0 in on energy, the power of our lives, chapter five there is a lot of ways to invest in energy, there is a lot of ways for the demand for energy is there. >> when you talking to jamie dimon who i interviewed and anybody in the industry says by 2050 we will be 50% more energy the source of education, clean water and we don't have enough in terms of alternatives, how do you decide where to invest the very best, interview from quantum and from endcap, they have $60 billion in investments instead of try to figure out yourself here is what is so amazing you don't want to get into the funds anywhere there's
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a group in houston that i got introduced to that i'm a part of they take large sums of capital and buying a piece of the general partnership and invested limited partner all the proceeds from the book and you are feeding the world you delivered or given in 1 billion meals and your goal is 100 billion. >> i want to do it in ten years and we did it in eight years theirs. 50 million people on the verge of starvation not only 80 million the reason it jumped as a war in ukraine and it jumped because we need to be able to have fertilizer and one comes from russia there is a huge crunch, raising a hundred billion in if i could find 99 people like me i was not a billionaire when i started this i should be able to find 99, we got up to 60 billion meals and a year end a half so i'm really excited about it.
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maria: we should also point out, the reason this is so important is because it's personal. you were the recipient of meals when you had nothing at 11 years old on thanksgiving. how did you go from that baby tony with nothing to where you are today give us our audience some advice on how you did this. >> yet to be obsessed with adding value and that's what i like about the gentleman they're not trying to create alpha their funding businesses to make it better my whole thing you have to do for others than anybody else i have 114 companies we do 7 billion in business and privilege to have without adding value and everybody's working business every time i turn morning and i tend out hours about 90000 hours, i started about 17 years old it helps to have years under you and improving. maria: great to see you. my thanks to tony robbins, one
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company making big bucks sending items into space including a barbie, take tax and a chicken
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call for an information kit and gift. both are free with no obligation. maria: companies are spending big to send their products into space, sent into space as a large variety of items more than 0 feet above the earth surface including a chicken nugget, a bottle of heinz ketchup even apply a supermarket to pay to launch the supermarket into space went on to sell 10 million of them the same week the cofounders of sent into space doctor chris rose and alex baker, thank you so much for being here this weekend, we
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appreciate it you are the head of projects and business developments working closely for businesses to send into space, tell me what market to see the their. >> that is a great question i think the romance the majesty of spice, where the new spice in the unexplored nature of the environment with bragging rights could you want more as a brand then to showcase your product in your service provision within the dramatic backdrop of the earth from space, it's of one of the best into space in talking with clients for the first time in all the fantastic ways in which we can progress the brand and the unique environment. it is absolutely incredible give
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us a sense of what you're sending, i would disagree with chris sent into space i deal with the technical and creative aspects in the blending of incredible imagery, all of which has the ultimate goal of delivering a strong return on investment for clients, like you mentioned it went on to sell out in the uk stores were that project. we boast that we have the highest engagement post on a number of big multinational company social media accounts and it's really interesting subject matter and we could deliver the incredible results. >> the results are clear, you
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have billionaire backed companies like blue origin, spacex, virgin galactic reigniting interest in getting humans into space, what are your observations so far when you look at some of the products that you been able to send into space? >> i think one of our strengths we see some examples on the screens some of the presentation opportunities that were be able to make available for our clients but where we specialize is dynamic activation opportunities where we can explore a plethora of different ways in which a brand can realize her activation in space weather with robotics or revelation opportunities, injection so we have a sense of data relative to their ambitions. if this is the premier of a new movie we might do that on a digital screen in space or if it's opening of a new store in the release of a new
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autobiography about the first book signing and space by a remote man there is no constraints to what we do because we were backwards forwards. maria: very cool stuff i know you have meat and potato by harry's bar a uk pub that organizes the world champion pie eating competition. we talked about the ketchup, what are the prices on the so how do you monetize this? prices vary depending on the campaign there's a lot of different things that go into the campaign and like how we how high we want to go on the complexity. prices can range from a few thousand to hundreds of thousands depending on the campaign. maria: what happens to the products when they get to space have you tracked what happens next once these things go up?
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>> were very conscientious when it comes to environmental policy, that's very important to work with some of the biggest companies in the world we have in strict environmental policies themselves we have to be mindful of all aspects of that we don't want to be accused and we don't leave anything floating above the earth and all the results back and might have limits and a degree of merchandise to become a giveaway opportunity. again very important that we retrieve everything 100% tractive record. >> great to have you both on the program we so appreciate this thing, it's making me get an ice bath again. what do you mean? these straps are mind-blowing! they collect hundreds of data points like hrv and rem sleep, so you know all you need for recovery. and you are? i'm an invesco qqq, a fund that gives me access to...
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those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy. you always got your mind on the green. not you. you! your business bank account with quickbooks money now earns 5% apy. (♪) that's how you business differently. intuit quickbooks. (luke) this will be a gold mine of local intel. just you wait. (marci) right. so, tell us about this corn festival? (stylist 1) oooh you got your corn pudding... you got your corn chowder... (marci) so... is it safe around here? (stylist 2) sometimes. (luke) if a family of eight were to need a cold plunge, where would they find it? (stylist 1) ...and then they dip it in butter, then bam, it goes right in. (stylist 2) ...really cute vampire bar. (stylist 1) the reverend does like a blessing on the corn. (luke) donut shops. how far from here? (marci) no eyebrows? (luke) think of how light it'll feel in the summer. we've got to run. eleven thousand more neighborhoods to go! (vo) ding dong! homes-dot-com.
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a chance to rock like elton john he's auctioning off 900 items were $10 million coming off the sale of his atlanta home is getting rid of paintings to pinball machines and some of the most lavish items included 1990 atlee convertible a grand piano and a cartier sapphire ring estimated to go for tens of thousands of dollars, christie's is hosting the auction and it kicks off on wednesday in new york we will be following on "mornings with maria" six to 9:00 a.m. eastern on fox business, join us weekdays and i will see you on fox news on sunday 10:00 a.m. sunday morning on the fox news channel for "sunday morning futures", exclusive interviewer with lara trump, ted cruz, george papadopoulos and congressman michael walt for us on fox business, thank you so much for joining us have a great rest of the weekend and i will see you next time. >> "barron's roundtable" sponsored by global


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