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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  February 19, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EST

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cheryl: and good morning, i'm cheryl casone, i'm in nor maria bartiromo who is off today, it's monday, february 19, 7:00 a.m.
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on the east coast. it's time for the hot topic of the hour. a new york judge has ordered former president trump to pay $355 million in penalties in a civil fraud case, barring him from running businesses in the state for three years. former president says he will appeal the verdict which came down on friday. fox business' kelly o'grady live outside of trump tower in new york city with more on the fate of the trump empire. kelly. >> reporter: good morning to you, cheryl. that's right. listen, the ruling was bad but i think the headline was it could have been worse. friday's verdict overturned a previous ruling that would have dissolved all of trump's businesses in new york. he can still own things. but he's facing a lot of challenges for his new york empire ahead, the first that he can't serve as an executive in the state for three years, his sons for two. the courts appointed a monitor that will oversee the businesses during the period. this doesn't prevent him from
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appointing a trusted advisor or family member to run things. the financial penalties are huge. the judge ordered trump to pay $355 million, close to $100 million additional in interest. he could have to sell some of his new york real estate holdings. more than likely, he has close enough to that in cash on hand. he mentioned that he had 400 million as of a deposition last year. the biggest challenge is his financing needs. the judge ruled he can't get a loan from any institution with a new york charter. instead, he'll have to resort to smaller institutions or friends for any personal or business loans. there's also a world where former president trump doesn't remain in new york. and despite governor hochul trying to quell fears regarding the state's business environment, it's definitely a sentiment shared by other of new york business leaders. >> this is an assault on the 11th sector of the s&p 500
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which is real estate. if you're a developer and you see it happen in the state of new york, why would you take the risk to put up this much money and have a judge decide you're in some sort of breach of fraud where no damages occurred at all. this is the same process that occurs everywhere. >> reporter: certainly something on the minds of business leaders in new york. i will highlight if the appeal is denied, the 450 million will go straight to the treasury. that's a nice chunk of change for the state. cheryl: latisha james ran on the fact she would go after donald trump and she did. kelly, thank you very much. tiana, this is why this goes back to was this a trial about business and breaking the law or was this a trial about politics. >> of course it was about politics. that's why hochul explicitly said other business leaders you don't need to worry about this as long as you don't insert conservative movement thing here, right?
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of all the legal action, remember this is a pretty coordinated effort across all these das and prosecutors, this one might be the most insidious because it has nothing to do with trump the politician. nothing to do with stormy daniels and january 6th. so has to do with trump the business man doing what all businessmen do. the notion that trump not only over-inflated his property values in a way that every other businessman in real estate does, right, but also did so to cause damages to the tune of half a billion dollars. it's dishonest, right, and it's legally falatious. there is not going to be any recourse for this on a state level which will lead to more vulcanization, fewer conservative businessmen. if you want to forray into politics, speak your mind, you know new york is not a safe place to do business anymore.
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cheryl: you worry if you speak out and if you're a conservative business person in new york and let's be clear, most of them are, you're worried about retribution from the state because does this empower the attorney general's office to go after others. if um in the kirchner family, i would wonder if i'm next. >> i would say not all real estate developers inflate prices but trump does because he has a name behind it. trump. it's like kim kardashian. if she owns something, she puts her name behind it, it automatically has more value to it. the trump name has value to it and real estate is subjective. my zillow estimate on my house is pretty low. i think it's worth more. every viewer, if you get a mortgage, you have to go to the bank and the bank does a valuation. the responsibility is on them. if you get insurance on your house you have to pay -- the insurance company is responsible for getting the valuation, you are not. real estate is subjective. that's the point where are the free markets working properly
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when the government dictates the val crew? that's a absolutely ridiculous what does this do for the future of politicians since this is a political narrative that's driven, what if there was a politician that's a businessman which we need in there that now will not run because they are scared that every single detail for the past 50 years will be gone through it will prevent good people, intelligence people that we need in office to run and that's the biggest precedent being set here. >> i used the term inflate not to imply that trump did so dishonestly because, look, of all of trump's businesses you can criticize in the past, his real estate game was what made him trump. no one is questioning his prowess when it comes to the real estate game, the fact that he took a lot of these buildings and did genuinely increase their value. look at the play d plaza, not tr from here, so the idea to punish him on the thing that he
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deserves the most credit for in his entire career outside of peace in the middle east for however long as we had it. cheryl: to be clear, in new york if you talk about -- it is difficult to value properties in new york because the new york market -- i've done business in three states, real estate, buying and selling, to your point. let's bring it down to just buying and selling a home or apartment and believe me, trying to find valuations in new york city real estate is next to impossible. you don't know what someone will pay. your zillow estimate may say 1 million and you get 2 million. that's in new york estimate that happens all the time. so i understand why that's trump's defense and he's got a great point there. >> like the stock market, when you have millions of buyers and sellers, there's a lot of liquidity. when you don't have many because you're buying $5 billion properties, one or two buyers can do that, you get a lot of valuations on that. >> i think that judge is the only person in the planet they thinks that property values are actually much lower than they
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really are. cheryl: exactly. >> we experienced the crazy housing market. cheryl: covid wasn't that bad for new york city real estate, you're right. i want to correct something i said last hour, i mentioned senator you butler saying a man shouldn't weigh in on the competition of two men, i was thinking about alex padilla. coming up, we are looking ahead to a big week of retail earnings, home depot and walmart both reporting before the bell tomorrow, nvidia is out after the bell on wednesday. got the word on wall street panel coming in to weigh in. don't miss a moment of it. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪
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cheryl: and time for to beet, top investors watching money your joining me mahoney asset management ceo ken mahoney, also with me is luke lloyd. i want to take a look at futures this morning, markets are closed for president's day but we are getting a peak into what we might get in the morning. we also got really negative numbers for friday, kind of an ugly close friday night after that higher than expected producer price index. as far as the year goes, we're up across the board but investors are warning that the war in the middle east could be a risk. what do you say? >> well, i think we have a goldilocks environment. not too hot to raise rates even though ppi and cpi were higher than we like and not too cold either. we have to go with the interest rate thing. we're in the two rate cut camp, others are six, eight.
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be careful what you wish for. if you have six or eight rate cuts this year that's accompanied by lower economic activity. we don't want to see that. we like to see the good news is good news. right now it's good news. overall, i think the investors are messing with action, that's capital expenditures, especially a.i. and semiconductors. if you talk about interest rates you may miss the big action and that's in the tech earnings we're seeing, a lot of companies beat guidance. the federal reserve may not be so restrictive now, they're either neutral or accomodative and that's a decent tail wind. cheryl: the rate cut story has changed. the beginning of the year we were talking about the fed telegraphed three rate cuts and the market looking for six. never heard anybody mention eight, ken, but i'll let that go because it's never going to happen. if pigs could fly. luke, talk about the fed right
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now. do you think they're on the right course? do you think even three rate cuts is possible considering the inflation data? >> it's possible. we could even have a rate hike. that's a potential now. the market's done nothing but get the bond market wrong essentially. a year ago they didn't think they would hike as much. now they priced in six rate cuts and now it's down to three and could go to two or one by the end of the year. at the end of the day, people are spending money. people are still fully employed. and that means people's spending addictions will continue and that's not going to stop. we saw u.k. and japan enter into a recession the past couple days. right now, japan's got 25% more debt compared to disposable income in their economy. u.k. has 50% more debt compared to their disposable income. we're on par in america with disposable income and average household debt. we can continue the spending addiction for a while whether coming from credit cards or people's savings. cheryl: you've got the
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addiction lifestyle side of investments. ken, let's talk about what's going on with earnings. you mentioned tech. we've got to talk about nvidia. this is going to be the report of t the week and some are sayig for the year. what drives nvidia drives the entire a.i. sector. >> it's a third weighting, past amazon, google for market cap, number three now which is 5% of the s&p 500 weighting, nasdaq, 5% too. we'll hear from jensen and company after the bell. remember, this quarter is supposed to be around 16 billion, now it's 22 billion. a lot of people think they missed it, i hear this all the time, ken, i think i missed it. you could have a 10% reaction. the ceo said we're in the second or third inning of this. i don't want to be here in extra innings, it's a long runway between now and the eighth
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inning. we're going to buy more. we've been consistent for the last year and change, saying microsoft and nvidia are our favorites. nvidia will set the tone, not as weighted as most people think, it's about 5%. cheryl: we talked about nvidia in the last hour and the fact that it's about the forecast. there's nothing else that matters in nvidia's report this week than the forecast. >> absolutely. the fact that it's running up so hard into the earnings report i would look at trimming going into this. we've been trimming on the way up. this is a stock you probably want to own for 10 or 15 years. that doesn't mean this right now is the best price point over the next 10 years. if you don't have any money in nvidia, wait until after the earnings, see what happens. we'll get insight on what the cloud computing and the corporate america is invested in but it's ahead of its skis and pricing in a lot of perfection. cheryl: when you hear and see headlines that say the world in turmoil, what does that mean for stocks, does that give you pause at all?
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>> you know, i mean, it does especially you look around the world and it's hard to say this but we have probably the best thing going here in the u.s. as luke mentioned before, unemployment rate below 4%, we have 3.7% unempl 3.7%. it's hard to believe with the politics, the noise, the craziness, the two wars we're fighting with proxy and a president that can't put two sentences together, lack of leadership but there's something about the u.s. ingenuity, the top tech names, they are world class. so i guess we're looking at two different things. it's pretty much a tale of two stock markets, technology and everything else with the backdrop of the news items every day, even that you mentioned about trump. i mean, he didn't lose money for bond holders, shareholders, i can understand going after him if he lied to shareholders.
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banks got their money back. this is the world we live in. some how, some way, we have a lot of innovation, ingenuity and the headlines, if you're keeping on the sideline if thinking about earnings and interest rates. cheryl: we haven't mentioned this yet but this morning, embargo lifted at 5:00 a.m., i want to get your comment, this is from the biden administration. it's basically they admit it's the chips and science act announcement, 1 and-a-half billion dollars, it's going to global foundries. they're going to be doing more chip manufacturing here in new york state, it's going to be job creation. there is a move, a long-term move to get chip production on u.s. soil. >> we are no longer in a nuclear arms race, we're in an artificial arms race with china. we need to bring that here. it's a national security threat and no matter if you're democrat or republican, you understand what that. so when it comes to government efficiencies, i would rather spend money on here production, here in america, reallocating
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tax dollars to that instead of areas that are inefficient that the government spends money on. at thend of the day it's reallocating dollars, and frankly better spent dollars. maria: ken, luke, thank you so much. appreciate it. great discussion. we've got a lot more coming up. a new poll reveals that most americans do not approve of the biden administration's handling of the border crisis. texas congressman keith severals here to weigh in next. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪
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cheryl: a new pew research center poll finds nearly 80% of americans think the biden administration is doing a bad job of handling the surge of migrants at the border, compared to 18% who say they're doing good job. texas congressman keith self is introducing a bill that prevents the federal aviation administration from authorizing airports to house illegal immigrants. in recent months, thousands of migrants have been living in airports in new york city, boston and chicago. let's bring in texas congressman keith self, he's a retired army
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special forces lieutenant colonel. congressman, this is interesting. so this is a bill that you're introducing but you're in texas and the migrant airport problem is in chicago, new york, and boston. what's the connection here? >> well, the connection is the entire nation now knows by your very numbers there in your poll that this is a national problem. who thought this up? who wants to house migrants in an airport? our worst terrorist attack in history originated in airports, the most vulnerable time of a flight is taking o off and landing. if someone was to smuggle a weapon into this holding area it would be an easy takedown of a jetliner. this idea is crazy. this is absolutely unacceptable. cheryl: what's interesting about this, it's almost laughable if it wasn't so sad, is the fact that the airport
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isn't where all the migrants are flooding into, it's the southern border. that is your state. governor abbott is continuing his fight and basically taking care of business on his own. now he's building a facility down there for troopers, he's trying to get national guard more involved. i mean, where's the focus for that? >> well, texas is doing its job because the federal government will not because the federal government refuses to do that. but you notice that the cartels have also moved the flow over to arizona and california. it works. it doesn't have to be perfect. have you to be serious about it. you have to do something. governor abbott is doing that and we're seeing the results in texas. the car he'll the is react -- cartel is reacting to it. cheryl: i want to bring in tiana lowe doescher. she's on set with me here in new york. she's got a question for you. >> i want to ask about the fracas in the house last week when your colleague, mike turner, leaked about this national security crisis that
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apparently speaker johnson was sitting on. i want to ask you about a tweet you said. you said that in your time at the pentagon you had classified information and that leak should have never happened and you leaked it to the fisa 702 reauthorization debate, fisa for all of our viewers know how the deep state was able to spy on the trump campaign during 2016 it's domestic surveillance, often warrantless. why do you think the leak was made public and was the goal to try and just whip the votes for a clean reauthorization of this arguably unconstitutional fisa 702? >> absolutely. that's all it was. it was a leak that was designed to convince the members of congress that we had to do something, that we had to make -- have a clean reauthorization of section 702. i will not vote for that until we get a warrant in the reauthorization, must have a
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judicial review and judicial warrant before you can collect the data or you can use the data from u.s. citizens. this is a privacy issue and we cannot allow the fbi to look at data of americans without a warrant. it is a simple minimum requirement. cheryl: i want to move on to another national security issue and this is the issue with regards to nato and certainly rush russia and the death of yu alexei navalny on friday. president biden messed up when talking about the senate foreign aid bill. i want you to listen to what the president said. >> the idea that we're going to walk away from ukraine, the idea that we'll let nato begin to split is totally against the interest of the united states of america. so it's about time we make sure that congress pass the
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legislation funding nato. cheryl: the president saying funding nato. he meant to say funding ukraine. people get mixed up, certainly but i want to get your thoughts on that and also, look, our relationship with nato is becoming more crucial because you now have the russians potentially with either a nuclear weapon or some type of weapon that could take out satellites which could polarize and basically handicap operations not just in the united states but also in india andendchina according to the nek times. >> it's simple. the southern border should be our focus. until we close the southern border there's a group that says no funding, and that includes no ukraine funding. this is a simple process. we've got to take care of our only border and frankly i think the fact that we're not passing the ukraine funding and have not for several months, germany has announced they're going to meet their 2% gdp funding for their
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defense and they might go to 3.5% depending so germany is starting to react. as long as the united states is going to carry the burden, germany and france are going to let us do that. as soon as they realize they better step up to the plate, i think we're seeing -- starting to see them do that. they're realizing we better up our game in ukraine because the united states is not going to carry the entire load because we've got to secure our own southern border and then the national defense authorization act pivoted our defense toward china so germany and france need to step up and carry more of the burden. cheryl: you know, with regard to -- this is the new york times reporting, the fact that they're saying that secretary of state antony blinken actually was reaching out, this is before it was revealed, the information about the russian plan, the russian weapon, that basically blinken wanted to keep this quiet, under wraps because he was reaching out to india and china to tell them, look, it's
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not just going to be u.s. satellites that will be knocked out of the sky, it's going to be yours as well. does that kind of bolster the case that maybe this information should not have been made public the way it was? >> well, it shouldn't have been. i can't talk about the material because i received extremely classified briefing on it. i can talk about absolutely this should not have been. i was in code work programs in the pentagon. i can't even name the programs much less what they did. that's the level we're talking about here. this was a fireable offense by mike turner. this is unconscionable. it is probably illegal. it should not have happened. cheryl: congressman keith self, thank you for your commentary this morning and for joining us. we appreciate it. >> thank you so much. cheryl: thank you, sir. thank you for your service. all right, we've got a lot more coming up this morning. china is ramping up cyber attacks on the united states and fbi director christopher wray is warning that it's now at an
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unprecedented level. retired two star marine general, arnold punaro is here to weigh in coming up next. you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ we're talking about cashbackin. not a game! we're talking about cashbacking. we're talking about... we're not talking about practice? no... cashbacking. word. we're talking about cashbacking. cashbacking. cashbacking. cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? moving forward with node-positive breast cancer is overwhelming. but i never just found my way; i made it.
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manhattan da alvin bragg downgraded 60% of felony cases to lesser charges in the last year and 938 of the most serious charges downgraded in 2023, 834 which were brought down to misdemeanors. if you're planning a hawaiian vacation, the state is considering a tourist fee that leaders say will protect beaches and prevent wildfires, the proposed $25 fee would be collected when visitors check into a hotel or short-term rental. it could be approved this spring. heavy rain forces nascar officials to move the daytona 500 from sunday to today. that didn't stop the biggest stars from keeping the party going. dwayne the rock johnson and pitbull holding a press conference, pitbull promising to return next year, johnson will remain in town and fulfill his
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role as grand marshal. catch the daytona 50:04 p.m. this afternoon on fox. and the sweet treaties making a comeback this summer. they will bring back klondike's choco-taco. the new version includes a hand pressed wa waffle cone, dipped n chocolate, features sauce packets including chocolate chili, cinnamon, mango and a cheesecake dip. luke lloyd, are you in. >> absolutely. i'm addicted to taco bell. i need a budget, my taco bell budget. i spend too much money there. i try everything new that comes out there. talk about nascar -- >> i'm the exact same way. i live by a taco bell ca cantina where they serve margarito and
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beer. with take the taco, we have a. >> you have to try the grilled cheese burrito. >> i lived on take the a tacs before my wedding. cheryl: we need to discuss how much we love taco bell. it's a true thing, it's a real thing. guys, thanks. house intelligence committee chairman mike turner defending his decision to stownd the alarm on the russia nuclear threat. here's what he had to say yesterday. >> my concern is this is kind of like the chinese spy balloo, the administration is perhaps hiding inaction. this is about russia and the administration taking action. that's important. we need to make certain we avert what could be an international crisis. i was concerned that it appeared the administration was sleep walking into an international
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crisis. cheryl: antony blinken raising the possibility of russia putting a nuclear weapon in space with the chinese and end january counterparts on the sidelines in the munich security conference and the death of russian opposition leader alexi navalny reportedly in question. moscow is claiming he died of sudden death syndrome. joining me now the punaro group ceo and author of the ever shrinking fighting force, general arnold punaro. there's so much going on internationally right now. let's start with russia. obviously there's a lot of criticism and that's why turner was on meet the press yesterday, he's defending himself because his critics are saying he should not have released the intelligence into the public sphere. you heard his response. what do you say? >> cheryl, it's a privilege to be with you and mike turner is one of the most knowledgeable
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and north experienced national security experts we have in congress. he calls it as sees it no matter which administration is in power. he had the support of the full intelligence committee in bringing this to the attention of the american people. look, $17 trillion of the u.s. economy depends on space. questwedepend on space for final transactions, internet, military capabilities, precision, navigation and timing. we should be very concerned. any satellite weapons concerns have been around since the peak of the cold war and have now been renewed. i think it's appropriate to focus on this. this is one of the reasons that congress pushed the administration to create the u.s. war fighting space command and the space force to be able to hopefully deter our enemies from taking these kind of actions. cheryl: well, fbi director christopher wray reportedly warned that china's cyber aattacks on u.s. infrastructure are now at a, quote, scale greater than we've seen before
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and the chinese hacking network could be triggered at any moment and that bodies result our r infrastructure. your response? >> this points out what we all know and what some of the isolationist tendencies in the far right, far left of both parties don't understand. there is no more fortress america. we're not protected by two oceans and relatively safe borders anymore. our enemies can reach us from space, they can reach us with intercontinental ballistic missiles, reach us from underseas with missiles with warning times in minutes, not hours, they can go after us with cyber. that's another reason why the u.s. military has added to our war fare domains space and cyber. we created the u.s. cyber command to try to create offensive and defensive
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capabilities. the key is deterrence. today is president's day. we should remember the lessons of our most prominent national security presidents, george washington, franklin roosevelt, eisenhower, ronald reagan. washington said to be prepared for war is the most effective means of keeping peace, reagan said peace through strength we're not nearly as prepared as we should be r, not nearly as strong as we should be. deterrence is the key. you want to deter a war, you want to deter cyber attacks. we need to beef up in all thee capabilities. to be effective, you have to have capability. it's got to be credible and our enemies need to understand that we will use it when we need to. cheryl: obviously we are under severe -- there are severe concerns about what's happening around the world. i want you to listen to this take on what's happening with regards to russia. listen to this. >> putin's responsible whether he ordered it, he's responsible and it's a a reflection of who e
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is. it can be tolerate -- it cannot be tolerated. cheryl: he's saying it can't be tolerated, he's responsible. he was asked about the death of alexei navalny. what do we do now? is it more sanctions? more money to ukraine to fight russia? what's the answer here? putin's this big of a threat and we've got this a weekend of mourning over the death of alexei navalny. what's the answer? we didn't get one from the president what is it though? >> you made the point, the world is more dangerous than the peak of the cold war and we've got threats from china, russia, iran, north korea and global terrorism and you have to deter these across the board. it's certainly not helpful that russia and you putin is making gains is ukraine because the ukrainian military is running out of ammunition. i've been unfortunately in fire fights where you run out of ammunition, it's not a good thing to and congress is on
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vacation, had haven't passed the defense funding bill, the house hasn't passed th the ukraine, taiwan and israeli aid. that's why adversaries are taking advantage. they see the west weakening and see we're not on top of our game you've got to have deterrence across the board for all of these threats. they've got to be credible and they have to believe we're going to use it. as washington said, the best way to prevent war is to be prepared for war and we've got to do a heck of a lot more preparation here on president's day. cheryl: well, military recruitment down double digits, i don't know that that is the case. i want to bring in tiana lowe doescher. >> i want to ask one point about intelligence gathering. earlier congressman self tied congressman turner's disclosure of the russian space nuke threat to the fisa 702 reauthorization debate, washington post reporting that the way intelligence was gathered
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specifically about russian space nukes was overseas through you . the question was this, at the heart of the debate for reauthorization is about he domestic warrantless surveillance and warrantless surveillance of american citizens, not foreign national as abroad. do you think that reforming sierra to make it -- reforming fisa to make it that american citizens are held to a higher standard, whether or not they can approve domestic surveillance, would this impede the ability to gather intelligence like this russia case? >> tiana, excellent, excellent observation and question. the bottom line is, as we've said, these threats are everywhere. they're not just overseas. they're here to the u.s. on our home territory. those people that are turning isolationists don't seem to understand that. we need to be able to gather intelligence to basically had protect the american people whether it's abroad or at home. we need certainly to try to protect against unwanterred
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surveillance but it's a very, very dangerous world we live in. a lot of dangers at home and certainly i think the congress should basically provide our intelligence apparatus with the tools that they need to protect the united states of america, our allies and partners whether it's overseas or here at home. cheryl: maybe the progressive democrats that keep trying to tell bent m benjamin net netanyo do, maybe we need to think about what to do to protect the united states. thank you for being here. >> thank you so much. cheryl: we've got a lot more coming up. trouble in paradise, the democratic party squad member rashida tlaib encouraging michigan residents not to support president biden. that's making a buzz this morning and we've got all the details next. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪
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maria: this week on "mornings with maria," tomorrow iran claims a major naval advancement and a direct threat to israel and the united states. general jack keane reacts. wednesday, the first brother set to testify on president biden's controversial business deals. congressman jason smith will join me. thursday, we take you to the water cooler for stories creating the biggest morning buzz with the best panel the in the business. katrina campins takes us inside the real estate market to find the hottest hidden gems, it's all right here on "mornings wito maria.u " -you can make this work. -we can make this work. it can help you reach them with confidence. no wonder more than 9 out of 10 of our clients are likely to recommend us. ameriprise financial.
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after a week of streaming they knocked us down... dial up speeds. like from the 90s. great times. all i can do say is that my life is pre-- i like watching the puddles gather rain. -hey, your mom and i procreated to that song. oh, ew! i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is. >> this is the way you raise re our voices. don't make us more invisible. we feel neglected and unseen by our government. if you want us to be louder, then come here and vote uncommitted. cheryl: time for the morning buzz. that was michigan congresswoman and squad member rashida tlaib telling fellow state democrats to reject president biden in the primary, instead she is urging residents to vote, quote,
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uncommitted. show they're unhappy with the biden administration's handling of the israel hamas war. last year tlaib accused biden of approving of palestinian genocide and warned we will remember in 2024. former white house ethics lawyer writing on x, quote, this is a great way to hand michigan to trump in november. >> i find it funny that rashida tlaib thinks that she hasn't gotten enough attention over like the last four years, all democrats have done is give the hamas caucus attention and it blows up t in their faces. the idea that joe biden is what's standing in the way between israel and a cease fire, it's this progressive thing that exists in their collective consciousness. they don't understand that everyone in israel including the arab and non-jewish operation is in full support of the military operation in gaza right now. biden, he was being a pretty good ally to netanyahu and now
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obviously is trying to walk that back because he's terrified of the hamas caucus here at home. but that's not going to stop netanyahu. they are close. they are circling rafa right now. there are rumors that sinwar ah has already been captured. that's not going to stop. the idea that the genocide -- the genocide, the attempted genocide was on october 7th. this is the same congresswoman that had to go full all lives matter, refusal to condemn -- she was the only member of the house to not vote for a resolution condemning the sexual violence against israeli and jewish women on october 7th. why? because she accused of the idf of sexually abusing children so not only is this woman wrong, she's also an idiot. cheryl: she is doing something that's a disservice to the party. if you're going to be a dam at the end of the day -- a democrat at the end of the day, maybe you
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should stay with your party. what she is doing is splintering. that's the point that was made on x. all you're doing is you're going to hand -- this is a swing state. you're going to hand that swing state to donald trump. if it is donald trump, i should say, we still have a primary in south carolina. we still have nikki haley who is running in the primary. so be clear. if it is eventually donald trump -- whoever the republican candidate is, i'll leave it had. >> this is the selfish interest of politicians, not about the group as whole or what's best for the country. she is trying to backtrack on the negative attention she's got and come out and say joe biden isn't the guy we need because everyone isn't happy about this. it's about her. that being said, if you look at the white house website, i want to take a broader look at this, it explains what the president is supposed to do. the president is responsible for the execution and enforcement of the laws created by congress. after reading the hur documents,
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who think's joe biden is going to actually be responsible for executing the laws of the country? nobody is going to think that. the second thing, obviously commander in chief when it comes to geopolitical events or wars. who thinks he is going to be the best guy to have the nuclear codes or to strategize when it comes to what to do for military operations. cheryl: going back to tlaib, what frustrates me about the squad is they're so selfish and they're going for attention. alialexandria ocasio-cortez hast met a camera she doesn't want to be in front of or lipstick shade what that she wants to put on. it's about her celebrity and her power. they don't care about the country, they care about themselves. >> god forbid congress gets something done. that's why they release the pie in the sky green new deal, things that won't pass because they just want the headline. they don't care about the bill
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becoming law. cheryl: rashida tlaib doesn't care about the fact she could be working to oust her boss which at the end of the day is president biden and it's her first, biden second apparently. we're going to take a quick break. when we come back we'll have a lot more on the top stories of the day. you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ they're all expecting more. more efficiency. more benefits. more growth. when you realize you can give your people everything, and more. thank you very much. [applause] ask, "now what?" here's what. you go with prudential to protect, empower and grow. with everything you need to deliver, you guessed it... more. one more thing... who's your rock? learn more at
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