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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  February 26, 2024 8:00am-9:00am EST

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>> welcome back gooped monday he morning thanks very much for joining us this morning i hope you are having a good morning. i am maria bartiromo. it is monday, february 26, it is 8:00 a.m. on the button east coast, time for hot topic of the hour a shake-up for republicans national committee one day before the michigan primary fox business grady trimble is live in detroit with more. >> good morning, maria. , this morning, rnc chair ronna mcdaniel announced she is stepping down from her position just automotive super tuesday said going to wait until you march 8th where rnc will have a spring training meeting that will allow, members of the rnc to, vote for her successor as well as new co-chair likely be handpicked by former president trump. now here in michigan former president is expecting a big win but many ways also turning
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attention to the general election, in november worth pointing out victory speech in south carolina over the weekend didn't mention former governor in last remaining competitor in the primary nikki haley, by name. in fact, over past several weeks teasing a possible vice president pick over the weekend we got a bit of a glimpse what some he conservative voters of might want to see in a vice president. they voted at cpac that south dakota governor kristi noem, vivek ramaswamy ramaswamy would be top pick for running mate. >> nike one million in small grass dosages the americans for prosperity for action announce would stop spending on haley's campaign and focus attention on house and senate
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races. >> i am not worried americans for prosperity amazing strong loo believe in freedom in limited government they belief in all things i as a conservative believe, they've been fantastic through states. >> afp said no amount of more than is going to change the outcome of this primary process. do you agree with that. >> i think we are going to continue to fight for 70% of americans that don't want a trump-biden rematch. >> on democrat side president biden is trying to fend off a campaign to vote not for him but rather, uncommitted, on the ballot. michigan governor whitmer says any vote other than for biden in her words supports a second trump term, so this primary maria will be a big test for her to see if they can help biden win at a time when michigan's arab-american community has been frustrated with the president's handling of the war in gaza we will see what happens a lot to cover
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tomorrow in michigan. >> thank you, of course we were expecting ronna mcdaniel to step down after i spoke with president trump, about it, weeks ago, i said trump was about to take a bigger role in the rnc because i had questioned him about rnc during my interview he suggested there would be changes afoot, watch. >> -- rnc doesn't seem strong the democrats have all money look at democrats actually, with the money, and -- spending it the rnc seeking cd lines reported lowest bank balance at point in any year 2016, co'merica says michigan gop defaulted on lone half a million dollars. >> i have a lot of money, and the money that they get people are not looking at rnc they want changes, i have nothing to do with rnc i am separate. >> how is ronna mcdaniel doing. >> uh i think did great whether she ran michigan for me i think okay initially in
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rnc i would say right now there will probably be some changes made. >> yes, changes made president recommended michael whatley, and lara trump, take the lead here. liz: i think a lot of republicans are very anxious that this election is going to be close. and if past is any indication, democrats are going to stop at absolutely nothing to win it, when i say that i i mean all kinds of dropbox ballot harvesting other measures republicans were really not prepared for in 2020. so i think that is the push for the rnc get really onboard, with the stuff claudia tenney was talked could about earlier lawyers ready to sue if election laws are changes the last minutetsets. >> it is worth pointing out joe biden has a big problem 5%
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is arab-american don't have like what is going on in israel, add to that, the rank-and-file uaw members, not happy about the ev mandates why joe biden walked those back a little bit recently he has problems in michigan, win for trump in 16, biden in 20, totally up for grabs in 4rgs. >> california governor gavin newsom again said not running for president not a shadowed campaign he call speculation idle charter on msnbc did have advice for president biden in this extraordinarily commentary, watch this. >> trump says he is ready to debate,w right mow should president biden debate . >> what should -- >> -- talking prior debates -- pure one hundred percent, purer projection guy refused to debate in his own primary.
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>> this from the guy mark said biden had three extraordinary years. >> o [laughter] >> yeah he also said that joe biden's age is strength, looedz me to wonder is gavin newsom's youth yes has been so unsuccessful when it comes to president biden potentially debating trump there is absolutely no way that is going to happen. you know. three, four yoorgs president biden did debate i don't think he did well at all the cognitive decline more er apparent throughout his presidency. he is not sharp enough to do the it why his late night interview was taped, there is no way going to stay up late he has to go to bed. he has been unable to even read teleprompter cleanly zero
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chance this happens. cheryl: gavin newsom thinking 2028 clear joe biden the nominee whether or not makes it four years ago if reelected, and end up with vice president harris, different conversation. but go back to ronna mcdaniel for a moment guys i mean if you look at twitter traffic right now excuse me x traffic on ronna mcdaniel's recess in aviation i keep seeing it is about time this needs to be over she is trying to -- gives "new york times" a statement this morning, saying we'll i got you rid of announcer: oh, 2022, popular vote, republicans got tired of losing, it wasn't just about big races talking down ballot races what liz her pointer earlier if you want a financially strong party come november not just about presidential race about senate about the house, that is where
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this really, really matters. and that is why i think, she knew it was time to step down. 2020 -- >> also election integrity we heard claudia tenney talk about efforts to ensure that we are confident have confidence in a free and fair election in november i don't know ronna was doing anything in that regard. cheryl: funny you bring that up ronna's statement talked about that being criticized for being behind the eight ball when it came to election integrity, again down bleat races, obviously, a job, we will see who next rnc chair is going to be interesting where this goes as you mentioned lara trump mentioned by father-in-law going to be -- the board has to elect -- michael whatley lara trump what president trump was recommending, we will watch that, we are going to slip in a short break we've got a lot coming up you are watching
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"mornings with maria" live on fox stay with us. ♪ ♪ ♪ hey you, with the small business...
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>> welcome back a massive week on capitol hill hunter about under oath on wednesday james comer testimonied o me he will testify publicly after that happens begin writing his impeachment report following testimony to get ahead of it pennsylvania congressman scott perry house oversight committee house freedom caucus on sunday i spoke with james comer and jim jordan told me the deal with cefc was similar to the deal joe biden did with amerco the healthcare company
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meaning they had same structure, they wanted to give joe biden, a seat on the board joe biden equity in the company, and they looked like it was a very similar structure. your thoughts? can you confirm that being on the house oversight committee? >> so a well, it does look like the same structure, maria but we shouldn't be surprised, right? it is same people making the agreement joe biden said he had no knowledge involvement with son boss business deals doesn't add up when you have a i know you call cefc some called front company it is intelligence gathering agency for communist party of china that is what it is to infiltrate america buy american politicians any way they can to affect policy change that is what cefc is an influence operation we should not be surprised it makes
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perfect sense we are going to continue to follow the information, of course, going to corroborate that with questions for hunter biden wednesday. i want to zmoer what miguel shellenberger is reporting it was china's control at the heart of the biden family influence peddling according to new whistleblower this whistleblower is james galanis in jail in alba interviewed friday told investigators joe biden was considering joining the board, of a ccp linked company that cefc house oversight committee told me about it on "sunday morning futures" yesterday i want your thoughts on this comer from yesterday, watch this. >> where had the to galanis
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the individual interviewed past friday what we learned was very similar to what ton bobulinski said he knew job made an integral role in helping set this up, that this deal was set up, when joe biden was vice president, and that they believed chinese believed joe biden was going to be an equity owner in this. >> quick one was chinese officials said sent hunter biden a diamond i am told many diamonds very good to hide wealth. >> got two from china one while joe biden was vice president while joe biden was vice president your family is not supposed to receive gifts hunter biden got porsche from kaz two diamonds from china, back to point chinese control u.s. oil and gas at hart of
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influence peddling scheme what a smack in the face if true as joe biden tells the rest of us in america, to avoid pass to ill fuel companies jamming through climate change agenda and selling our oil and gas to china. >> exactly right about what is good for china as opposed to united states of america. maria, unfortunately, this seems complicated but just a standard old-fashioned cheap grft it is peanuts compared to what they can make controlling another country, especially united states of america's gas and oil policy. what cefc did. again not a company meant to do business it is a company set up to get influence over united states of america, what greater influence than to have the vice president and potentially the next president of the united states, what
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greater influence could there be at the bought it with dash can i diamonds, you know some slick conversation that is what it appears to be we should follow instincts on this. >> so disturbing a leading jewelry told me that sometimes, wealth individuals will use diamonds to hide wealth you don't put in will on taxes you hand it down to the next generation, and so he has two diamonds from china it is -- >> we're going to be following your investigation that is all i will say look. you've got another pressing issue dealing with president biden invited top four congressional leaders to the white house tomorrow to discuss upcoming shutdown deadline chuck schumer sent a alert to lawmakers claiming house republicans need time to sport out ifrjdz johnson to bibbing streements in the caucus do the right thing i think he is talking about you,
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and your colleagues when he says extremists on the freedom caucus your thoughts are you going to agree to another continuing resolution? >> well i'll tell you this maria what it is the normal contest from left chuck schumer in particular joe biden as well, we would like to see our southern border secured, the letter chuck schumer sent i read it mentions ukraine 12 is time america three times why don't we get real about this discussing what is plaguing american people a wide-open border crime, can't afford grocery bills, if that is extreme this is where most americans are right now. >> maybe but president biden apparently believers his state of the union address next week is going to be a reset for
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him, okay? so are you talking about open border republicans have failed, to secure. now some lawmakers are considering a bill that will prohibit the house or senate leadership from oversighting biden to address congress. would you go that far to say no you are not going to address america with state of the union until you secure the border? what kind of leverage are you going to have to get this border secured? we are seeing impact all across the country, a nursing student dead because of a migrant who came from venezuela, in december 2022 through open border in el paso, texas. >> illegalspouring in deaths across america we need every point of leverage every single point including spending certainly including an address to the people from congress he comes at the invitation of congress the republicans are in charge of the house there
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is no reason that we need to invite him to get more propaganda to actually blame the american people, for the crisis he caused, book spend time i reminding america day one he counter valed the last administration policies securing our border that is what possibly the time would be better spent used served using pm. >> so you think the state of the union will be propaganda? >> [laughter] i think you state of the union is a certain amount of propaganda regardless. but blaming the republicans for this, i reminded everybody we passed the best border security package ever come through congress a year and hatch ago or so it is dead in the senate, and president won't discuss it, how about we talk about that put with with some kuvend spending bill and we can get a deal done but until he is goinging to do that enforce it, i think we are going to be at odds. >> where understood, congressman, good to see you this morning thank you, sir. . >> god bless. >> scott perry and to you
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thank you, sir. . >> tomorrow join us for special interview with james comer the at 8:00 a.m. hour with the latest into hunter biden testimony on wednesday. stay with us. we'll be right back. . [ employees snoring ] anything can change the world of work. from hr to payroll, adp designs for the next anything. (qb) this is it. one play. this is when we find out... (luke) hey, quick question. student body math proficiency, would we say it's good? fair? satisfactory? (player 1) what? (luke) like a percentage, if you had to guess. (players) hey, get out of here man. get off the field. (luke) understood. (players) security! grab him! (marci) great student-teacher ratio... (luke) marci! we've got to go! marci! we have got to go! we bring you the real, in-depth school info.
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>> take a look at fusts fractional move across the board dow industrials down 13 nasdaq up 15, the s&p 500 down a quarter as interest rates hold around 4.2% on 10-year take a look at 10-year treasure yield the-year-old 4.2% 10-year down a fraction a big week of inflation on deck as well second read of the fourth quarter gdp out wednesday, january pce index thursday joining us right now to get ahead u.s. bank s asset group chief investment officer eric freedman thanks so much for being here what are your expectations, for this data this week? i know are pce could be a market mover. >> great to be with you, maria we do think pce is important, as i mentioned a lot of fed speakers, that inflationary data we think most likely outcome benches want to jawbone expectations that they
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are going to cut rates soon the reason still fixated on 2% number, as core gauge of living ins we are well above that across consumer inflation as well as producer inflation we approved but still above that 2% number so i think fed is going to be tested on guidance about cutting interest rates want options open until inflation rolls over we think later this year not imminently. >> a bloomberg survey finds economists lowered recession forecast to 40% u.s. job growth has been stronger, expectations if that continues as well strong consumer spending, in your capital markets outlook you say consumer spending bolstered economic growth in corporate earnings despite normalizing levels what do you expect from retail consumer spending this year? >> maria a great point, i would really encourage viewers pay attention what happens to
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retail earnings this week one of the things we're seeing at the margin, is lowering income consumer starting to pare back spending, something accepted we've seen credit card debt, pick up we've seen the rate people have to pay on credit card debt higher a ramp on treadmill when these interest rates are elevated that runner is likely to slow down we think will avoid recession our economics team has been dead-on with call so far last 18 months we think a slowing trend economy growing 1 1/2 to, you know, 1% number as dealer this year avoiding recession but in particular lower income consumers starting to pare back spending some level of a slowdown are retailers. >> i wondered what you think about artificial intelligence how ai has been driving this market, i spoke with howard lutnick ceo of kanter
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fitzgerald asked about euphoria. >> of course, dot com bubble every show we talk ai every time you know it is overblown, but some excitement for awhile then excitement will cool but right now nvidia has the ball everybody has got, infuse ai into business we have to, everybody has so, that is great for the business. >> so what about that is it a bubble should i buy now or have i missed it? >> a maria we would be underweight ai at one's peril not betting against ai the phenomena if someone lived in san francisco during dot com mania worked on wall street at that point it was much for expansive the mania hype about the internet versus a.i., ai is real again valuations can get well above reasonableness
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we're not there yet we think he investors should have a position if you will across that system or one of the things i think difficult, places to invest in ai a scare story right now howard does great work very he talented firm we think momentum continues because, capex is justifying it seeing companies not just largely companies involved you are starting to see more middle market companies we think hype not necessarily over hyped but near-term could be a little bit of a slowdown we would not be underweight, a space investors should have a position in >>thanks very much good to talk with you this morning we appreciate it being eric freedman joining us, the director result of a wide-open border illegal venezuelan migrants linked to in other crimes in the united states like murder of georgia nursing student venezuela president
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maduro shutting the down on deportations. he won't take anybody back, carol county texas sheriff is here with more on that don't miss it you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. . . . voya provides tools that help you make the right investment and benefit choices. so you can reach today's financial goals. and look forward to a more confident future. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected. before you use ai to transform business, accelerate growth, predict trends, you need to begin with trust. introducing watsonx governance. helping you govern any ai, as data, models, and policies change, so you can scale it responsibly. let's create ai that begins with trust,
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. >> welcome back, suspect accused of measuring 22-year-old university georgia nurgs hoournd riley confirmed illegal migrant from venezuela crossed into america through el paso, texas border december of 2022 one year later arrested in new york city for child endangerment released before ice could issue a detainer as a wave of violent crimes across the country linked to venezuelans migrants and gangs venezuelan president
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maduro is refusing to accept any deportations. >> joining me, former border patrol agent, thanks very much for being here today. >> good morning, thank you for having me a pleasure to be here. >> can you assess from your important standpoint what is going on with venezuelans gangs migrants in america today? >> you know not just venezuela to be how soon those it is mexico, central america, many countries in south america the reason is because, we are a country governed by rule of law we are a country that has consequences when you break the law, we are a country that primarily has respect for law enforcement unless you're in ironically one of the things in cities -- >> you say we have respect for the law, and we follow the law, but frankly sheriff we're not doing that okay?
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this person was able to murder this beautiful nursing student in georgia, because he was let out. in new york city. he was arrested in new york city. he breached the country in texas. in your neighborhood, you know in el paso. and there was no following up of the law. >> yes, ma'am that boiled down to this administration, boils down to not having any -- at borders we are not a country of law, at our borders this administration, has completely dismantled everything border patrol put in place look the border patrol can be a hundred years old in may this magazines completely dismantled everything we have done to accomplish what we accomplished along the border, it goes to this administration. >> you see so much in texas, sheriff i want you to explain to us what you see on a daily bass days i have been told houston right now a hotbed,
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and some of the most successful businesses are fake ids you've got kids dragging, 18-wheelerers from border to houston dropping ilz off in houston they get papers go where everybody they want give us some stories that you had been witness to -- >> i got a call last night went out 2:00 in the morning impounded a car seized from two hondurans allowed on political you asylum here to smuggle illegal aliens night before last same illegal aliens in. >> what happens in eagle pass el paso what we see in zai asylum-seekers we don't have that here don't have people wanting to surrender here we forgot secured our border from those want to enter illegally as well not only has this
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administration allowed open borders, for those who want to come and claim asylum, with they don't have a right to it we still have those who are entering our country, illegally undetected when we do detect them give chase they run we, they needed -- that is the county. >> how is this affecting the citizens of terrell county? >> landowners, this is the ten they largest county in state of texas over 2300 square miles 54 miles border with mexico, land o owners have homes broken into water lines broken by illegals they think there are cameras to watch them, on trash that is left on the property i tell you, i go to -- terrell county, trash, we are having tremendous amount, i want to make another
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point is this when this administration took over we went, from about -- a year of 289% increase first year this administration took over now 418% increase, from last year, so we've seen like rest of the border significant activity crossings here in our county. >> i want to your county i spoke with farmers, and ran of owners they say they won't even throw out the garbage without holding her pistol, they have to hold their guns at all times, because they are afraid they see strangers trashing their property, to my face i felt so bad when i spoke with him in del rio cheryl casone you have family in terrell county right now. cheryl: --, terrell county i have to tell you sheriff what you know the memories i have, of the neighboring communities
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so different from what they are today i rent went walk saddened to see what happened like terrell county towards louisiana, shreveport all texas communities towns have been destroyed, by illegal immigration happening last decade but my question to you, is, what can we learn now about why these migrants are now shifting to arizona and california? from your experience not just as sheriff now but from time on border what we do we need to know what do people of arizona and california need to know about what you've been through in texas. >> to go back a few decades i first chairman on border patrol, each administration, before this administration, had actually, a safer border they built infrastructure technology, had more border patrol agents starting with president clinton obviously, some administrations more than others this administration again, is completely --
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abandoned the border, but to get to your point arizona-california we added infrastructure pan mature technology in thosers a shifted -- what happened governor annot put more resources on border funded local law enforcement like myself that has increased presence on border now shifting that activity back to places where we have infrastructure, and where it was more secure. >> let's be clear under the trump administration borrowed encounters were at 40-year low now 20-year high, in the last, year, of the trump administration, that was 2020, there was a total of 405,000 encounters the whole year 2020. in december of 2023 alone one month, there was 302000. so, you know the trump administration, has serious security at the border biden administration overturned that, sheriff i want your thoughts on chinese nationals coming in i spoke with mike
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pompeo about that he said this will haunt us going forward he is questioning with whether or not they are being directed by the ccp to come here and ultimately be saboteurs. at some point. what are your thoughts? >> deeply concerning i tell you -- it is unreal, and the numbers continue to rise more than we have seen southwest border as a matter of fact chinese nationals outnumbering arrests of mexican issue nationals in california border, without a doubn going t migrate across the united states earthly i think another 9 months of this administration, allowing this to happen before we can see resolution at the border. >> disturbing sheriff we so appreciate your work, and your
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time this morning, sir. thank you. >> thank you all god bless. >>, god bless you, quick break my next guest says will not do business in new york anymore after the president trump civil fraud verdict they could seize his property you are pg watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ ♪ time to celebrate -- ♪ ♪ new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates,
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. >> welcome back, former president trump,s ordered to do pay more than 350 million dollars in damages also barred from running businesses in new york for three years, over a civil business fraud trial, last week, new york attorney general letitia james is now mocking trolling the former president because civil fraud fine he owes new york state is growing with interest. kathy hochul claims this is an extenuating circumstance, not expected for the average new yorker, watch this. >> this is really -- an
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extraordinarily unusual circumstance, that the law-abiding rule following new yorkers businesspeople have nothing to worry about, because, they are very different than donald trump and his behavior. >> as she did not she did not explain what that behavior she is referring to is. joining me right now o'leary ventures are chairman kevin o'leary your reaction, how do you think trump's fine impacted investors and businesses in new york? >> developers are all asking the same question is this fine penalty interest commensurate with the act the crime so to speak. remember there is no money lost no victim here, essentially under half a billion-dollar fine for a situation where no monies you were o lost farmed pate supposed banks fully paid back we are wondering do this make sense asking ourselves how long for the appellate court
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to bring down to a reasonable number i have no idea what that is. meantime, while this is going through the system, none of us want new money to work in new york analytic gets resolved not just governor's words about behavior none of us understand, i don't understand what she said there wasn't, to me one investor but very concerned about next step of seizing assets capital comes to america because of the civility of the justice system, and this is not stable, in terms of many people's ice, domestically and s internationally seizing assets happens in venezuela doesn't happen in new york. so this is a little scary. >> we heard letitia james say it, you know said very clearly, if trump can't come up with the 400 million we will start seizing his assets you heard kathy hochul say this is extenuating situation, this is an extraordinary
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situation based on trump, look, let's be clear, they hate trump can't stand the guy deep hatred for trump want to stop him from becoming president going to stop a to whatever levels it takes that is basically what she just told you, i don't know if you are ever going to get in their ire if you become the person they hate maybe you are next i don't know. >> well that is why i am worried about it new york is one of the top states for hydro power, being electricity hottest area of commercial real estate, a.i. data centers 3.6-billion-dollar projects, 400 jobs, five more jobs avrpt stabilized, in aggregating 3.6 billion, with our think new york would want one i don't know an ai developer or data center developer looking at new york that would be upstate new york niagara falls the
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states being considered, quite exodus of capital going to north dakota oklahoma, west virginia montana tennessee they have the same power and if you look at governors there spending that much money you are in partnership with government, 22 years we build over two years create 400 jobs, we need a governor like kevin sted doug burgum don't sequester assets don't seize them provide. >> new york no longer on that list i am sad about this i want new york to be successful i am saying about this. >> a lot of people want new york to be successful me too doesn't mean i am staying there if this behavior continues so would you kevin o'leary would you consider putting money in north dakota, in west virginia montana states you mentioned because of this? is that what you are going to do exactly maria, i am doing
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that already put money in north dakota. yes, absolutely yes, the states getting the money now. >> you he mentioned ai, i want to ask you about, valuation here because i spoke with ceo of kanter fitzgerald over the weekend lutnick, i asked him with all this euphoria about ai is this a bubble the way dot com was in 90s? watch this. >> of course, it is a dot com bubble, ai, i mean if every show we talk about ai every time, you know it is overblown, but there will be excitement for a while then the excitement will cool. right now nvidia has the ball everybody has a -- infoois ai into business infuse into the business that is great for the business. >> what about that kevin are valuations congestion away from you at this point? >> to bubble? >> i don't agree with him, the productivity ha. bument into
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market hitting new highs this affects all 11 sectors of the s&p there is probably anywhere between 15 and 30% productivity will there be volatility yes nvidia leaving charts every business i invest there is ai component every week more investment in it so i am not i think we're in first inning, i think going to continue to grow bottom line, fatern margin as we cut costs using ai tools. >> what is most important undiscovered great value what industry. >> financial services, digital payment systems not on might have had yet there is so much opportunity there stopping fraud in financial services a.i. going to be great at that a. >> kevin great to see you. thank you. >> take care. >> all right. kevin o hear wry joining us stay with us, we'll be right back you are watching
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the morning you asked and i am answering today's two-part question comes from tina on instagram she asked me what song did you dance to on your wedding day and you do think the democrat presidential candidate will be since we know it won't be joe biden. thank you for the question, the song that we danced to was fly me to the moon. we had a band that saying it and it was so beautiful. and amazingly and celebrating 25 years with my husband this year, there we are wedding weekend june 13, 1999. as far as the democrat cand candidate. i think you probably be gavin newsom or gretchen whitmer. we'll see about that, what do you think our temper, who will be the democrat if not joe bi biden. >> i'm a gretchen whitmer. maria: was leave it there, mark tepper, liz peek, cheryl casone, "varney & company" begw.


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