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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  February 27, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EST

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maria: welcome back. thanks for joining us this morning. i am maria bartiroma.
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distribute 20 seventh. it is 7:00 on the east coast. the polls are open in some counties in michigan for today's primary. a new poll shows donald trump closing in on president biden with young voters, biden at 52%, trump %, trump at 48%. president biden uses cheat sheets and prescreened answers at private donor events, worrying some democrats, raising concerns about donors about biden's age but that's not stop the president from joking about his age. here he is on seth meyers. >> this is an day gotcha show but you are currently 81 years old. >> president biden: who told you that? that classified. >> all jokes aside this is a concern for american voters. how do you address that concern going forward as you come up to the 24 election? >> president biden: number one, look at the other guy, he's an old as i am but he can't from ever his wife's name.
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maria: his attempt at being funny. >> he did better than the biden we often see. maybe a little jack benny humor but he was more cognizant than he has been. of his staff spent more time getting them on shows where he gets questions like this he would probably be doing better in the polls but if they keep having him go out and eating ice cream and doing his walk to the helicopter where he looks like he's trudging through sand on the beach, that helps more than these interviews. >> it's a hologram, the most controlled circumstances he does fine. can't have a leader reading off q cards. notice donald trump read off the queue card ever. wanting clarity and genuine response rather than a contrived in answer. maria: look younger voters, their great-grandfather, that's who they were trying to cater
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to last night by putting him on seth meyers. a later timeslot than the jimmy fallon show so it's obvious that they realize they cannot connect with the younger voter and that's why they put him on tiktok. it wasn't president biden saying he wanted to be on tiktok. it was the staff. maria: you are not allowed to have tiktok on your phone if you work in government, they banned it on devices. governments across the country. cheryl: it's an election year and he wants to get elected. maria: calling for biden's removal over his mental fitness saying he is planning to call on biden's cabinet to invoke the 20 fifth amendment of the constitution. what do you make of it? this is from ken buck who was pushing back. >> this is the kind of conversations it's worthy to have but always worthy to have when it's a somber deliberate
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conversation about president's cognitive health. when it is political warfare it becomes ridiculous. because it's ken buck we are able to have a genuine conversation about will this need a rise maybe not today but if elected to a second term. maria: of this has to go through the senate it dies in the senate, you know that. >> we have to take it seriously. it what they could do we say we have to take a real look, subjecting themselves to cognitive testing. maria: if he leaves office we've got kamala harris. cheryl: that's what voters are saying. people look at the polling. if you elect president biden you are electing kamala harris because the idea he can make it two more terms whatever that means is obviously in question. that's what the polling and voter analysis has shown us at all the primaries we've been covering so thoroughly. maria: what do the viewers ask, if it's not president biden in
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november who wears it and i don't know. i would assume it's gavin newsom or gretchen witmer but what about this rumor about michelle obama. a lot of democrats want to put in the seat. >> a lot of democrats would like to see their. whether or not she would want to be there is a great question. when these politicians leave office, they make millions of dollars on speeches and she's writing her books and they've got their netflix show that they've been producing which -- would she want to step back into the politics. that question is just the desperation of democrats right now because they are saddled with president biden and after that saddled with kamala harris and better give you the numbers. it's the polling that shows the dissatisfaction of the job approval ratings of both of them. hers are worse than his.
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maria: michigan's presidential primary is straightforward for democrats, 117 delegates up for grabs today. president biden favored moving toward the front of the 2,024 calendar in michigan. the michigan primary is underway. the gop primary will determine how 16 of michigan's 55 national convention delegates will be rewarded so we are watching what's happening in michigan because this is the number of delegates. a quick break and markets are on the move of a busy morning of retail earnings. macy's reporting mixed hours, mixed results in the last hour. the nasdaq up 35. others a fraction. you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business, stay with us.
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maria: it is time for top investors watching your money. financial advisor sarah conger and chris mcmahon, all our and also this morning, thanks for joining the conversation. >> great to see you. maria: look at the market this morning ahead of mixed signals on retail, down dusters up a, nasdaq up 44, s&p 500 by 5 and 3 quarters after reading heard setting week, lowe's reported this morning but also cut its annual sales forecast, stock is down 2. 3%, macy's beat earnings but missed revenue, same store sales down 4. 2% and macy's also cut its sales forecast. it's closing one hundred 50 stores.
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macy's to a decline pretty quickly on this news, stock is down 3% on macy's. we are waiting retailer news from tjx tomorrow and best buy thursday. how would you assess the earnings period here. what does this say in your view about the consumer? >> earnings have been pretty good, pretty strong but how much capacity does the consumer have to spend. we see these people spending, recklessly spending, suicide spending, going down in a ball of flames but if we see inflation is still a problem, if we see these numbers thursday come out and inflation is still an issue, 7 rate cuts earlier in the year and if we see inflation is still a problem thursday. down to one rate cut by the end of the year. the record high student loans kicking back in october. how much capacity they have, people spending less
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everywhere. if it is down half of one%, average in-store purchase and these projects will be tabled, people buying houses so the consumer might be tapped out. i heard folks at whirlpool say in 2026 things will turn around. that's the question. we want to see the trend of decreasing sales released in the next 6 quarters. maria: i agree the consumer is being forced to trade down because everything is so expensive. i want to raise the issue of an analyst who is out with a note this morning that says congressional pressure to ban taylor. the chinese retailer trying to take market share from walmart right now. the company is a chinese company, parent company, stock is up 4. 5% and has had an incredible months. month. in 2023. what your take on this
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congressional pressure, the information reported key members of congress pressing the department of homeland security, over forced labor concerns which he said i can't rule that out, biden strongly anti-china, but be tempted to act. this is also a vehicle of surveillance. it is a chinese company, chris. chris:it's a big issue. we are worried about this thing. the surveillance issue, they are making chinese cars. if they had us market restrictions, it could be difficult in the automobile space. i believe in free markets but the chinese might need to be brushed back a little bit. the question is how much from walmart is coming up.
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in general if you ask, to take our friends in china, our friends at walmart or china, reasonable to ensure american jobs and manufacture. maria: they banned tiktok from government devices. we don't know. it could be a ban within. the analysts i want to be clear, it is unlikely in the near or medium term because of litigation risk. they got new power from congress and a large company like them would challenge dhs in court. the wall street journal is ready and very's blockbuster goat is blocking searches for the blockbuster firm. internships are up 462% over the last we 6 months, full-time semiconductor positions up 79%. 9%. what are your current investor strategies in the ai boom, we know nvidia is the market leader here. 80% of the advanced
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semiconductor chips we use for the military and advanced technology are made in taiwan and nvidia has that business locked up. >> it's unbelievable to see the tech rally continuing the same leaders from 2023 lead in 2024 but we believe generative ai will be one of the largest growths of the next decade. if you are an investor even after the magnificent tech run we've seen and the magnificent run we've seen with just those seven names, particularly the particular semiconductor you just spoke about you still need to make sure you have exposure. at the end of the day investors can't afford to be underexposed to check. it needs to make up a strategic component of your portfolio but you want to make sure at the same time that your entire portfolio is not one 234 or 7 days, you need diversification beyond that.
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we talk about it all the time but you cannot afford to have tech be underexposed in your portfolio. we do still believe in the text theme even after the magnificent run but make sure it's not your entire company. maria: would you buy nvidia at this price? 794. >> it's a good question. when you look at tech as a whole might look for a pullback of some sort to dip your toes in but the issue it becomes, thinking of the industry as a whole, looking for a pullback of that might not ever come, you have a risk of being underexposed for quarters if not years to come. we've seen that not just for the past quarter. if you waited last year for a pullback, if we had a few throughout the year there weren't many. and saying why not, that's right. maria: great to see you. you are with us this morning, appreciate that.
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quick break and the michigan primary kicking off today. 16 delegates at stake for the republicans. donald trump and nikki haley facing off again. tuesday a week away, we are looking at all things 2,024 with michigan congresswoman lisa maclean from michigan, you are watching "mornings with maria," stay with us. ♪ ♪(song in french)♪ (♪) (♪)
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(♪) (♪) book in the app to find your perfect somewhere.
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i think he's having a midlife crisis i'm not. you got us t-mobile home internet lite. after a week of streaming they knocked us down... dial up speeds. like from the 90s. great times. all i can do say is that my life is pre-- i like watching the puddles gather rain.
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-hey, your mom and i procreated to that song. oh, ew! i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is.
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therey polls are open in michigan, donald trump against nikki haley in the state gop primary, 16 delegates are up for grabs. president biden facing a challenge in michigan is some lawmakers urging democrats to vote uncommitted. because of biden's support for israel. joining me is lisa maclean. thanks so much for being here this morning. how do you expect today's primary in michigan to play out. >> reporter: it's going to be a remarkable day for donald trump. i think he is going to win convincingly. i think it will be an
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embarrassment for the current president. i think if i had to predict, it's a good possibility that he will get more uncommitted votes than president biden. people in michigan are tired of the open borders, tired of inflation and tired of the government interfering in their life. are you have to do is compare and contrast the last three years versus what we had under donald trump. we delivered, michigan delivered for trump in 16 and i think we are doing it in this year. maria: with the 16 delegates today, if you are right, trump wins again, he's got super tuesday a week from today with lots more delegates, he could get the number of delegates needed by mid-march. >> i think that's a very realistic possibility and if i was a betting woman that is exactly what i would bet on. america has spoken.
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maria: is the republican party unified behind trump? >> i believe so. i believe so. you are never going to get 100% but are you have to do is look at the policies and the biden administration. inflation is up, crime is up, open border, you can go on and on, they want some peace, stability and they want their dollars to go farther and they know that under donald trump that happens. maria: was that is what people want across the country. in michigan specifically the economy is the number one issue followed by immigration. i want your thoughts from the time of the oversight committee, hunter biden is going to testify tomorrow for the oversight and judiciary committees, new information from hunter's former associate in a prison in alabama, come are told me house investigators interviewed him and he told house investigators that hunter put president biden on speakerphone during a 2014 call
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with a russian oligarch. oligarchs. the former mayor of moscow. told him be good to my boy, congresswoman. and tony bobulinki told me he met with the president in 2017, he got involved in these businesses, net with governor - never met with hunter's partners and we got these confronting stories. >> the biden web of corruption and deceit runs very deep and at every turn we find more and more and the story keeps changing one day to the next, first, president biden said never been involved and then to your point we have people saying i have bobulinki, i met with the president, all you have to do is look no further than the energy policies.
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why is president biden so down on american energy but so excited about chinese energy. i wonder why. president biden is the goose that produces the golden egg. without his brand and his influence peddling the money for that family, the biden family collapses. it's going to be interesting what hunter biden has to say tomorrow. the bar of him telling truth being truthful is pretty low, but we will see. maria: michael shellenberger reported that the oil and gas industry and china's ownership of america's oil and gas, is that what you see because chinese company, an energy company, when you consider the fact this administration has been putting off fossil fuels,
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canceling lng contracts etc. but all the while enabling more our combo dating china to acquire oil and gas in this country, that's pretty stunning. >> i'm not much for coincidences and i think that's what's happening. they are not cutting off fossil fuels, they are cutting off american fossil fuels, china builds a new call plant every week so they are not cutting off, they are cutting off our fossil fuels, they are not cutting off chinese fossil fuels which is interesting to me, from the green energy lovers. maria: look what is happening with regards to lng exports in this country. president biden, now he is being sued by the american petroleum institute and environmentalism in the same side because of what he's doing in the golf. the best domestic energy
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production we have as far as lng exports and that also puts our allies in europe at risk. they are getting a lot of their experts from us. we cut that down. that's my first question in my other question with regards to michigan voting. something i mentioned about the auto industry, you had union leaders that will say they are endorsing president biden but then workers in masses, they say i am maturing two questions that you but if you could answer each i would appreciate it. >> let's start with michigan because that's closest to home today. you are spot on with that, the rank and file are behind donald trump because the rank-and-file understand that this usually push and this evening mandate, won't color push, it's a mandate is going to result in less union workers because less
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parts are required to make the evs so the average union workers afraid they are going to lose their job under president biden and they are right about that. if you look at macomb county which is what i represent it is heavily otto manufacturing, they are one hundred% behind trump and i think they will come out today and voice their opinion on that. as it pertains for the oil industry and the gas industry you couldn't be more correct on that topic either. why are you making us dependent on foreign adversaries when we have cleaner energy in america that we can benefit from economically. i can't connect the dots. maria: what do you say to skeptics on the oversight
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impeachment inquiry, one witness is being indicted, he says it was russian information when he said burisma executive told him you got to give one biden 5 million and the other 5 million and that's how we get protection and the second witness is in an alabama prison. this is why people like jamie raskin and others are marking republicans and the impeachment inquiry right now. >> if you can't win on the issues you have to attack people personally and what other defense does raskin have? i will say again the web of deceit and corruption by the biden family runs deep and starts with president biden. maria: good to see you this morning. thank you so much. lisa maclean joining us. in the next hour i will be speaking with the chairman at the house oversight committee, james comber is here in studio with me at 8 a.m. eastern am eastern. we will find out the latest out of the hunter biden testimony.
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quick break and president biden visits the border, his expected to go on thursday, the same day donald trump, border patrol says it's too little too late. we will get into it with the national border patrol vice president with an update from the southern border, you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" i'm thinking company wide power nap.
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if you got sick because of the drinking water at camp lejeune, you don't need to pay someone to get the va care and benefits you deserve, call 1-800-myva411, or visit for more information. maria: frightening moments for donald trump junior after mysterious envelope shows up at his doorstep. cheryl casone with the details. cheryl: this is concerning your
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hazmat unit responding to don junior's home in jupiter, florida after he opened a letter that contained a white powdery substance. initial testing indicates the powder is not deadly but has been sent to a lab to determine what it is. authorities say the american couple who disappeared in the caribbean after three escaped prisoners ransacked their yacht are likely dead. the husband and wife in virginia vanished last week when their yacht was docked off the coast of grenada. police say the suspect stole the boat, took it to st. vincent and likely after attacking the couple on board through their bodies overboard. the prisoners were recaptured on wednesday so they are in custody. maria: new concerns about mexico's popular vacation resorts particularly along the 80 mile stretch of the caribbean coastline, this is cancún, this was once considered a safe place for
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tourists but warring cartels are threatening the $30 billion revenue this generated. also the safety of americans, represent the largest amount of visitors to this region. american tourist recently shot, caught between cartels that were exchanging gunfire. then there is this. as the fentanyl crisis continues to grip the nation local prosecutors in california are starting to use a new strategy to combat the flow of drugs into the stage as overdoses, local prosecutors are starting to charge the drug dealers with murder. a man was sentenced to 15 years to life after he provided roosevelt team with a fentanyl contaminated pill that proved lethal to the teenager. it is so bad that local prosecutors are doing this on their own to deal with the fentanyl that's flowing to the state of california.
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maria: it has become commonplace, ethanol killing americans and the story about cancún and all those vacation areas really scary. people need to hear that to understand the danger that exists. thank you. president biden and donald trump each planning separate trips to the southern border, this thursday. biden will travel to brownsville, texas, trump is planning to deliver remarks 325 miles away in eagle pass. here is president biden on his trip yesterday. >> president biden: i was planning to go thursday. i didn't know apparently that my good friend is going. >> we meet with migrants while you're there. >> president biden: i'm not going to announce ahead of time. maria: the border patrol union is slamming the trip saying unfortunately a visit by president biden three years into his term and after
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repeatedly saying there is no crisis is too little too late. monmouth university paul find 61% of americans say illegal immigration is a serious problem. compared to 10% who say it's not serious at all. joining me is national border patrol council vice president and border patrol agent, great to see you, thanks for being here. assess the border today first and i want your take on these trips from the president and the former president. >> he to say it but there is no border, the border has been destroyed by this administration. maria: so you are seeing people coming, you are talking at the peak, 10,000 people a day. are we talking 10,000 people a day. in texas, in eagle pass were governor abbott took up the razor wire and the slow down because of the razor wire but where else are you seeing the gaps and are you still talking 10,000 people a day? >> san diego has blown up from
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people all over the world and it is a huge problem, people from all over the world continue to cross, still the number one area forgot aways and when you look at what this administration has done the last 3 years, over 7 million entries, 7 million encounters they know about, that's just that they know about, you can't factor in the got aways because there's no number with the got aways and it continues to grow and grow and grow and now, so close to an election he decides to stay there is a problem, he's been saying there isn't a problem this entire time. maria: that's what i was asking joe barela, can he get away with that? fixing the border, going to the border and fix everything after for 3 years straight telling us there is no problem, the border is secure, how many times did we hear all hundred mayorkas say the border is secure? >> they've continuously said it, continuously ignored that there's a problem, staff is talked about it, so there's no problem, the border is secure.
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from day one the chaos started and he's done nothing about it and now obviously, what are we going to expect, he's going to say he couldn't fix it if he wants to but he's not going to and if he does it will be just for short-term, if you would get reelected he would go back to what he's been doing this entire time. maria: here's joe barela in new york. >> you have president biden and donald trump visiting the border, donald trump's poll numbers are looking better than they've been in a while, president biden's not so much, trump's promise to give is promising if elected which is a good possibility, he will permit the biggest border deportation strategy in history, can you describe what that will take, will this be a significant undertaking and will be hard to given the state of affairs the biden administration will be leading in? >> it will take some time and effort from other agencies because what we've seen is individuals coming across the
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border after asylum get released and a lot of these individuals if they don't have criminal background, they could have from it is, no records, they are getting released throughout the united states. we've seen individuals commit crimes and murder of american citizens and many more are here. maria: we've been talking about the deadly consequences and the biden admin a station is addressing the tragic murder of laken riley who was out for a job and now she's dead, the white house as we want to extend our deepest condolences to the family and loved ones of laken hope riley, donald trump is blaming biden's border policy, he points out her accused killer who was released in new york city after injuring her child, he vows to begin the
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largest deportation operation of the illegals in american history as you heard. of reelected president, he told me you have to do that, how do you deport 10 million people? we are talking about more than 7 million encounters and another 2 million got aways that we know of, that we've seen on surveillance cameras, then there's a host of others, no idea if they got away, what they are doing. the fact we are seeing deadly consequences shouldn't surprise anybody, should it? >> it shouldn't but there will be many more on the hands of this administration because the individuals coming into the country, the drugs that are coming into the country, falls on their hands as well and if there's one individual that has shown he can drop the numbers and help the border its donald trump. maria: i want your take on the chinese nationals coming in and i asked mike pompeo about this
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this weekend because you've got something like 20,000 chinese nationals encountered just since october. here's secretary pompeo on that. watch. has the president done anything about the thousands or tens of thousands of chinese nationals that are coming through the open border? what do you make of that? >> he has welcomed them. he processed them and said see you in a decade. maria: why are they here? >> you know this. the chinese communist party has total control of who leave their country. anybody who came here from china would have a hard time escaping the chinese communist party. they went with the chinese calmest party's permission. they are doing the work of the chinese commonest party, this will come back to haunt us in the years ahead. maria: what about that? have you encountered any of this? >> we've seen individuals from
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china, from chad, from the islamic republic, from egypt, from all over the world, it is reported that 168 different countries of individuals have been coming into the united states under this administration and the scarier part is not just that we don't know what they're, record may be in their own country but a lot of these individuals, they don't know where they are right now. that makes it scarier. maria: the reason i ask about the ccp's involvement, i'm being told the ccp is working with drug cartels and they are setting up businesses all over the country, whether it's massage parlors or other small businesses where to front for human trafficking and one source told me within two years human trafficking will be as prevalent as fentanyl. in america. >> one hundred% correct, the drug cartels control everything coming across the board, they are the ones that are in control. the reason you see large
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caravans coming across into the united states and they get to the border they are broken apart in different areas because the cartels are the ones that will dictate where people cross, how many people cross and do it so they can disrupt law enforcement and in turn bring their people across. maria: they are becoming indentured servants once they get here. thank you. we will be watching you for sure. quick break and wendy's on the new unappetizing plan, wait until you hear this one. you are watching "mornings with maria" on fox business. ♪
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>> hunter biden testifies an impeachment inquiry. chris sweater on the consequences. and friday a group of migrants crossing the border illegally since biden took office. congressman and former texas sheriff reacts. right here on "mornings with maria". jen y. and jen z. each planning their future through the chase mobile app. jen x is planning a summer in portugal with some help from j.p. morgan wealth plan. let's go whiskers. jen y is working with a banker to budget for her birthday. you only turn 30 once. and jen z? her credit's golden. hello new apartment. three jens getting ahead with chase. solutions that grow with you. one bank for now. for later. for life. chase. make more of what's yours. before you use ai to transform business, accelerate growth, predict trends, you need to begin with trust. introducing watsonx governance.
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therey time for the morning those. wendy's plans on testing uber style surge pricing model. the cost of its menu items will change based on the time of day and demand to. if you go in afternoon, it will be more money than if you got one at 11. the. dynamic pricing, to be compatible with flexing, to provide the food they love and value. chris:this is in my wheelhouse. these people feed their families this time of day, they won't respond at 2:00. this makes people bananas. i will give it 60 days and it is all over.
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maria: if it is 1:00 it is $8. >> will be digital until prices change, at noon, 3 or 4 or whatever. a lot of franchisees being crushed by high labor costs, by crime. i am in support of this, two sides to this make sense to me. maria: everybody else wants a burger when i'm getting it. stick to your plate. >> i am overweight and cheap and in the wheelhouse, a family of four, sometimes we want a cheap meal. not every meal can be one hundred dollars, we are going to wendy's because it's a discounted thing. every wendy's across the street
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from mcdonald's, they are going down the block. >> it has to be predictable. maria: it has to be predictable but you think this will pay the bills so you're okay with it. cheryl: there are so many issues. i will say retail but it's a retail story when it comes to these restaurants. i would rather have it be this way, wendy's has to shut down and you have this empty dilapidated building where wendy's used to be. who doesn't love a good frosty. i will pay whatever. the best invention ever. maria: there's never going to be a cheap softy or burger. once you get into this realm, prices are up. >> the french fries as well. maria: we have a big our coming up. james comber is here in the
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house, hunter biden set to testify before the haze committee and judiciary committee thursday. if they are testifying tomorrow we have a preview. you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪)
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back. good tuesday morning. thanks very much for joining us i hope you are having a good morning. i am maria bartiromo,tize, february 27, before 8:00 a.m. on the east coast, hunter biden headed 20 capitol hill first son under oath testifying before house oversight judiciary committees as house investigators have explosive new testimony from former business partner galanis claims hunter put joe biden on speakerphone with former mayor of moscow yelina baturina and husband told them he be good to my boy unquote joining me live oversight
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committee chairman kentucky congressman james comer as why is that point important in terms galanis temperature from interview of him in alabama galanis very good witness how biden brand operating we established the businesses bidens were in selling access to joe biden selling "the brand." what galanis was able to confirm that escrow did in fact, communicate with one of the people the russian oligarch who wired hunter biden 3 1/2 million dollars this happened while joe biden was vice president. despite many times that joe biden did not ever have any knowledge of family's shady business schemes, this was more evidence that joe biden knew full well with a was o going on, he asked her be good to his son, not -- they wider 3 1/2 million


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