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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  February 28, 2024 6:00am-7:00am EST

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maria: good wednesday morning, everybody. thanks very much for joining us this morning. i'm maria bartiromo. it is wednesday, februa february 28th. your top stories right now 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. he blowout in michigan, president trump handily beating nikki haley last night in the gop primary, picking up 12 delegates. president biden also winning his primary but the uncommitted voice making its presence known. we've got the latest coming up. look at markets, looking at a potential decline at the start of trading, futures in the red ahead of key economic data this morning, dow industrials right now down 126, nasdaq down 84, s&p 500 down 18. the second read of fourth quarter gdp out this morning at 8:30 a.m. eastern ahead of the federal reserve's preferred read on inflation, the pce index out tomorrow morning. european markets are mixed, the ft 100 negative down 53, cabbinc
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quarante down 8. in asia markets finished mostly lower. the one bright spot was korea, up 1%, chan shanghai composite n almost 2%. hunter biden on capitol hill for closed door em the. testimony. they will question him on the biden family business be and what the oversight compare man told me yesterday was a pattern of influence peddling or selling the family brand. congress putting the focus on the classified documents case, sending a subpoena to the department of justice for special counsel robert hur's interview with president biden. joining the conversation all morning long, adam johnson is here, doug collins is here and pollster lee carter will join us. "mornings with maria" is live right now. ♪
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maria: time for the hot topic of the hour. former president trump defeating nikki haley in the michigan primary yesterday, bringing him one step closer to securing the gop nomination. nikki haley says she has no plans of dropping out. watch. >> this isn't about him. it's about the american people. and if states like colorado and michigan and minnesota want to start winning again, you have to have somebody on the ticket that can win a general election. in every one of the early states, yes, did donald trump win? i give him that. where he lost 40% of the vote. you can't win a general election
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if you can't get 40% of republican primary voters. you just can't. maria: also president biden winning the democrat primary in michigan, despite more than 100,000 democrats voting uncommitted in an act of protest against biden's support for israel's war on gaza. let's get into it now. doug collins, your reaction? >> that's the most disingenuous speech i've heard. maria: from nikki haley. >> to go into the speech and to say 40% of the people voted against donald trump, 39% of those people twill vote for will vote for donald trumpin no. she's become a democratic surrogate. in the fall you'll see her in ads atta attacking president tr, attacking senate and republican leaders. that was disappointing. maria: do you think she is now helping biden? >> yes. she is helping biden. she's making a republican argument against donald trump
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and it's her face, her voice and there is the segment of independent voters which is 45, 45, got a 10% in the middle if you want to call it that and that's what she will be using it against. that clip sums it up. she has no political clue to what's going on. maria: as long as these donors keep giving her money, lee, she's going to keep going. look at this poll from emerson college and the hill. shows former president trump leading biden in wisconsin as well. that's by 3 points, putting him in a position to win now all seven key swing states, lee. >> that gets even more when you put rfk junior in the mix. so now nikki haley's starting with donald trump can't win a general election becomes flimsy when you look at the numbers. arizona by 6, pennsylvania by 5, wisconsin by 4, michigan by 3. he has a clear path to victory. her whole argument is she is the one who can beat biden.
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so can donald trump. i think what she is trying to do is position herself for 2028 so she can, if trump doesn't win the general election she is go going to say i told you so, i was here for you all along and she'll be able to roll the tape and say it then. i think it's doing a lot of damage at this point and she should take a step back. maria: in order for the republicans to win in november, they need to get unified behind one person and beat biden. >> that's right a. doug mentions that 40% comment she made. she thought she was talking about trump. she can't win 40% of the vote so she's talking herself which is the irony of this whole thing. as she was speaking, nobody was even cheering, she got no support. the room was crickets. i don't know why she can't seem to think or why she can't seem to realize that her time has come and gone. her time may come back again in 2028. if she were smart, what she would do is try to attach
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herself to donald trump and become vice president because then she would be in prime position as incumbent but for some reason she's clouded by her desire i think to knock him down and a it's becoming destructive. maria: is she becoming destructive for her own plans? >> i think she's not only eating into the p problem with republicans, she eating into 2028 right here. she's taking 60% in south carolina, the others and they're looking and say why are attacking? donald trump got more votes in michigan last night than the entire democratic ticket. the entire democratic ticket, more votes in michigan. maria: i feel like ron desantis read the room at the right time. maybe he has a shot in 2028. a lot can happen in four years. we'll see. i don't knii don't know bow nik. we'll see what she does with her plans with all a of this. >> there's some think that she
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will do a no labels run and not walk away. maria: there were rumors yesterday, speculation, will she even partner with rfk. >> her speeches are looking more and more no label-ish all the time. that's an interesting point. you throw that in, rfk or you he throw that in, you've got a different landscape in november. does she want to do that and have no chance of becoming president? >> president nixon god rest his soul, the problem with being a third party candidate, you get hit from both sides. maria: we're just getting started this morning. markets are lower, futures indicating a decline at the start of trading, ahead of the second read of fourth quarter gdp. more are saying it's too soon to cut rates. we'll talk about it. new york city taxpayers get fleeced by eric adams' handling of the migrant crisis. the shocking report makes a buzz this morning. don't miss it. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪ if we go down, we go down
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together. ♪ (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪)
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maria: welcome back. take a look at futures this morning, we're expecting a decline at the start of trading, the dow industrials down 131, nasdaq down 83, s&p lower by 18 as we watch interest rates around 4.3%. the 10 year ahead of the key inflation data we're waiting on, the 10 year is down about 1 basis points at 4.29%. federal reserve governor michelle bowman reiterating her expectation is that inflation is going to continue to cool and interest rates hold at current levels but she said it's too soon to start cutting interest rates. we'll get the second read of fourth quarter gdp out this morning at 8:30 eastern, economists are expecting the economy to hold steady at 3.3% of growth, last month's advanced
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read. we also get the january pce index out tomorrow. let's get ahead of it with james yurio. good to see you. thank you for being here. your expectations for the data we're waiting on. >> the market to me seems like it's expecting it to be hotter than expected and i think so too. that's what you get for $34.3 trillion. you think of the numbers that have come in good over the last couple months, gdp and the labor day take. they're the -- data. they are the numbers heavily scrutinized by the analytical community. gdp, particularly by government spending. retail sales and durables, those have come in bad. it comes down to friday's pce michelle bowman said right now rates are restricted. it sseems like we're back to a period of disinflation although i don't think we are. if pce comes in light on friday,
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we can get back to rallying the stocks. maria: at this point we've got rates staying elevated, 4.3%. what are the opportunities in your view in terms of allocating capital right now? is it equities or fixed income? >> so here's the thing that bothers me about equities. every time we've pivoted from tightening to easing cycle it's had the same pattern. they say we're not going to ease. then like maybe we'll ease a little bit and all of a sudden burning timbers fall from the ceiling and they ease a bunch. the stock market has a bit of a correction to force the tend. i like things like gold, silver, bitcoin, because i believe when the treasury starts auctioning off long end bonds without the help of what's been in the reversed repo market for the last year i think that the fed will step back in and buy bonds and at that point in time the dollar will be hurt and those things -- eventually stocks will do well, they have a an 8 to 10% correction in the meantime. maria: bitcoin is climbing above $59,000, first time in over of two years, we're seeing
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euphoria here. micro strategy jumping after adding $155 million worth of bitcoin to its balance sheet. the company's bitcoin stake at $11 billion. would you buy bitcoin here, james? >> well, i do. i have been i've been buying it since the beginning of 2023. my thesis was extremely simple, blackrock was expanding into bitcoin, they're masters and overlords, i followed them like i followed nancy pelosi into a couple trades along the way. i'm into bitcoin. you have me at proxy for fiat currency. i believe there's poor stewardship of our currency and around the world. i was in bitcoin before i understood what it was and believe me i am only this much further in understanding it. it represents mistrust and i have plenty of that. maria: jump in here, adam. >> you, me and certainly a lot of us, jim. when i see bitcoin rise to 57,000 i think it probably goes up from here, to me that is risk
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on, people willing to deploy capital into what had been perceived as risky assets. are we over the whole inflation thing, jim? i want your opinion. cpi is the only one of the four may score inflation numbers -- major inflation numbers that's above 3%. pce is at down at 2 and gdp price index is down at you about one and-a-half. is the inflation thing a rear view story? >> no, i think it's still here, it will be lingering. i don't think it will explode again. i would like to calling you on . there's money in the system. it's a afraid to step out the risk curve and into the magnificent seven stocks or growth stocks. people are buying bitcoin, let's buy bitcoin. the cpi number is interesting. i think the cpi number probably if anything understates. the lag component of the real estate, rent part, will help that catch up a little bit too. i don't think cpi is going to
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fly higher. it started out as goods inflation. now it's into service as well, service inflation is up 5%. keep an eye on service inflation, keep an eye on owners equivalent rent, inflation is not where they the want it to be but i don't expect it to shoot up to 5% either. maria: jim, good to see you this morning. thanks so much. >> good to see you. maria: your morning mover this morning, take a look at warner brothers discovery and paramount, down in the premarket. the stocks fractionally lower, warner brothers discovery announcing they will halt potential merger talks with paramount global. talks were reported in december. paramount expected to report earnings after the bell tonight. warner brothers discovery stock down 46% in the last year, paramount down 49%. quick break and then a this. hunter biden is on capitol hill today to answer questions from the house oversight and judiciary committees about the family's pattern of influence peddling.tim burchett is here wa
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preview, next. ♪
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maria: welcome back. hunter biden will be on capitol hill today testifying under oath before the house oversight and judiciary committees, marking a crucial point in the republicans' impeachment investigation. hunter was originally subpoenaed to testify this past december but the first son defied that subpoena and instead showed up to the senate building, took a microphone, attacked the republicans' investigation. >> my father was not financially involved in my business and the depths of my addiction i was extremely irresponsible with my finances. to suggest that's grounds for impeachment inquiry is absurd, shameless. maria: joining me is tennessee
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congressman tim burchett. congressman, good to see you this morning. thank you for being here. what are you planning on asking hunter biden today? >> i would like to know if he paid in taxes on that $20 million and i would like to know what his qualifications were, what influence the chinese had with these investments and what was he selling, what was his product? he has no product. they always bring up the trump family but they have a product. they sold things, real estate, clothing, everything, you know, just name it and yet they bring that up but the reality is hunter had nothing but influence and that's all that it is. by the time they get to me, maria, i suspect most of the questions will be asked. and your excellent interview with chairman comer and jim jordan, i'm sure the democrats
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are going to throw up this one witness who is obviously they're trying to discredit him. the fbi said he lied to them and in fact he was their number one witness for 10 years, number one informant, paid informant. so i suspect there will be a lot of deflection because that's what you see from the hunter biden. he called his so-called press conference where he didn't take any questions from the media, they handled him with kid gloves on the senate side so he couldn't be brought in by our sergeant of arms and made a mockery of the committee by showing up unannounced. the so called big three in the national media n knew he was going to be there and we understood he's building a documentary or something. maria: chairman comer joined me yesterday on this program and here's what he said about the president and his family.
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watch? >> they had successfully used this informment to prosecute criminals in the past. they indicted him and more is coming out about a what role he played with the fbi. the fbi paid him to be a spy in russia. they indicted him because he was communicating with russia. but that's what they paid him for over 10 years to do. i don't know anything about smirnoff. but the circumstances around his indictment and his he re-arrest and the changing of the original indictment by weiss is very concerning because everything that i've had to do with the fbi has been very suspicious throughout this investigation. the trust level that i have with the fbi is zero. maria: wow. and that is a significant statement, zero trust in the fbi. but you and your colleagues are going to have to prove that joe biden had knowledge of and participated in this influence
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peddling and potential money laundering scheme that the committees say has gone on for a decade. can you do it can you prove it? >> i think we already have, maria. you have the notes from the informants, you have the banking records, which show his own brother says that he was beside him at a very important meeting on the phone with these folks and so it just -- i don't know how much more we need to prove other than the fact that the justice department doesn't want to investigate i that's what i think the american public is going to be shown. when it goes to the senate the chamber won't do anything, sit on his hands like he has in the past. but i think an election is coming up, maria. i think people are tired of this and 20 million so called conservatives that stayed home last election cycle with the border and everything else and inflation, and this absentee
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president, it's going to pay dividends for the republicans. maria: i want to get back to what you said about ukraine and schumer in a moment. first, here's doug collins with us this morning. go ahead. >> good morning, good to see you. one of the things that's tied together especially with hunter and ukraine and everything else is something that's pending in congress, not getting the you attention, and that's the fisa reauthorization. when you deal with the fbi, when you talk about not trust, get the intelligence community in there. we've got to have reform there. what's the latest there? i know you've been working on this. how can we make sure that people understand that fisa has to be reformed, not just something that can be pushed through again. >> [ indiscernible ] maria: you go in and out, tim. tim burchett, you're going in and out seems like. i want to get your take on --
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you want to try that again, congressman? >> can you hear me now? maria: yes, go ahead. >> i was going to say with these fisa investigations of course all they do is use it as a back door to investigate americans and the fbi is at the head of that. if we don't reform it, if we just pass it as exists today, the you abuse will continue. ful until we get the reforms in place, we don't need to reauthorize that. maria: let's talk about the business at hand. president biden met with top congressional leaders at the white house yesterday discussing ukraine aid, two upcoming potential government shutdowns, the first deadline this friday. speaker johnson said he's opted -- says he says he's optimistic about funding the government. watch this. >> overwhelming sentiments is we've got to do ukraine now.
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there's other issues including the border we should address, but not now. we said to the speaker, get it done. >> the first priority is the border and making sure it's secure. it's trial for action. it's -- it's time for action. it's a catastrophe. it must stop. maria: where is this going? schumer said the money has to go to ukraine now. the border can come later. no mention whatsoever of the murder of the nursing student, laken riley, because of an illegal who entered the country in september of 2022 through el paso. >> no, of course there wouldn't be, maria. their concern is never with the american border, with our constitutional duty. it's always overseas. there was over 50 abuses of the money that we sent over there, there was very little if any notation or filing of this money even though there was something in the legislation which is focused.
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we know the night vision goggles which are a hot commodity on the black market, it's basically unchecked where that went and it's millions of dollars stolen and the money we sent to ukraine and for some reason the democrats do not care about our southern border and the reason they don't care about our southern border, the truth is, is that all these folks are going to come in here, won't be able to do it in tennessee, but a lot of them will be able to do mail-in ballots because there is no verification there. we do not show an id. it's about power and evil corruption is what i think is going on in the white house. maria: congressman, you've been talking about securing the border for a long time. laken riley is one story. there are others. bill he me li melugin tweeted at another death at the hand of an iillegal.
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why can't you secure the border. >> not enough congressmen have the guts to do what needs be done. bottom line. we sent hr2 to the senate which we feel would have gone a long way towards securing the border. no one is talking about that. the white house won't bring it up. schumer won't bring it up. yet, he's allowed to say that the republicans are blocking the order because of the bogus policy that allows 5,000 people over the border before we shut it down. maria: thank you. we'll be watching your work. quick break and then donald trump and joe biden headed for the southern border tomorrow though biden chose a sector which is seeing a slower flow than we've seen in months. mayra flores is here next on what to expect. it's right there near her district where she was campaigning. back in a minute.
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maria: welcome back. senator jd vance asking for a crackdown on violent illegal migrants after the murder of georgia nursing p student laken riley. cheryl casone with all the details. >> senator vance is pushing legislation that targets violent illegal immigrants in the wake of the death of laken riley. the bill is called kate's law, co-sponsored by senator cruz. named for kate steinly, sheaf was the 32-year-old woman that was shot and killed in 2015 by a mexican illegal immigrant who had already been deported five times. so vance says passing the you law and other measures to make it easier to deport of these violent migrants should be a priority, a venezuelan i'll lee he gal immigrant charged with the murder of laken riley as we've been reporting all week. now to a fox weather alert for you. the nation's main nuclear
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weapons plant shutting down overnight as out-of-control wildfires scorching more than 370,000 acres so far. governor greg abbott issuing a disaster declaration for 60 counties and this is prompting evacuations, school closures for millions of residents there. and then look at this video. heavy smoke engulfing a texas field, the flames bleeding into oklahoma, this was yesterday. several agencies working to contain the blaze. and then i want to show you this, the most prominent wildfires that are still burning in texas right now. this thanks to our colleagues over at fox weather. all right. well, apple is ending plans to develop its own electric vehicle, the company spent billions of dollars over several years, reportedly known as project titan. the employees will be shuted to some other roles, in particular artificial intelligence but there could be layoffs as well. let's take a look at the stock in the premarket, shares of
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apple are slightly higher this morning. and then finally this, another electric day of testimony in the fani willis misconduct case in georgia when a key witness, the former law partner and divorce attorney took the stand and admitted this. >> did you lie to ms. merchant when you told her facts about mr. wade and ms. willis' relationship. >> i mentioned earlier that i speculated on some things. >> so the relationship between wade and fani willis a key factor in whether or not she can continue as the lead prosecutor against donald trump. that's the latest episode of days of our lives thanks to our friends in georgia. >> i've never seen as attorney, i've never seen a witness that uncomfortable. there was one question where he said he was speculating. he was talking to the defense
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attorney about his former friend and he said i was just speculating. and then they asked what was the reason for speculating. he sat there for the longest time. he said i don't know. i don't know. it was like either you were very incompetent or just not very bright. maria: that and they were sig there. that had to be intimidating. >> the bigger question is what happens. is fani willis done? i don't understand how she can continue. maria: president biden and former president trump are both planning trips to the southern border tomorrow. biden will travel to brownsville, texas where trump plans to deliver remarks 325 miles away in eagle pass, texas. the number of recent illegal migrant apprehensions at the brownsville station have been some of the lowest across the southern border by the way. brownsville reporting just 12 my grant apprehensions on -- migrant apprehensions on monday.
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eagle pass saw over 500 on the same day. joining me is former texas congresswoman and congressional candidate, mayra flores. good to see you. thanks very much for being here. this is -- >> good to see you. maria: this is close to the district you were campaigning for. assess the backdrop for us here as these two go to the border tomorrow. >> well, he's coming because president trump is coming to south texas. that's the only reason why he's coming because for three and-a-half years the biden administration have done absolutely nothing to secure the border, they allowed millions of illegal immigrants to come into this country, they have empowered murderers, rapists, human traffickers to operate freely in our country. maria: we see immigration and the border has become the number one issue for a number of voters and perhaps that's another reason that is pushing joe biden to go to the border. but what is he going to see? is he going to change his stance once he goes there? he we've been there many times and we've seen what's taking
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place. what is he going to see in brownsville? >> well, he's absolutely not going to change anything, he's not going to bring back policies that president trump had four years ago and he's just coming just to take pictures and to make it seem like he's actually doing something when we all know he's not doing nothing and that is why we need new leadership coming this november and that's exactly what the people of rio grande valley are going to do, they're going to elect new leadership. maria: jason owens posted on x that in the last 72 hours border be patrol agents throughout the southwest border apprehended 11 migrants with violent criminal histories. the history includes child molestation, aggravated assault, rape, murder. in louisiana, a 19-year-old illegal migrant was arrested for the rape of a 14-year-old girl at knife point. meanwhile, republicans on the house homeland security committee are demanding documents and information from
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the department of homeland security on the venezuelan national charged with the murder of georgia college student laken riley. in a letter to the department of homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas, homeland chairman mark green writes this, this tragedy underscores the concern about the security of our nation and potential for criminal aliens to take advantage of the vulnerabilities created by the biden administration's open border policies. what's your reaction? give us a sense of what you're seeing on the ground when you talk to people who live there, citizens, what kind of an impact are they had seeing from this open border situation? >> what makes my blood boil is that many of them have already been arrested here. we a beautiful girl who was murdered in georgia and this illegal ai alien was arrested fe months ago and then released. we're seeing decreasing crime because they're coming into our country because the biden
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administration is allowing these criminals to come into the country. all the criminals that were in venezuela are now here. the people in south texas are angry. not only is the border situation out of control but also the economy is out of control and they're wo worried about the say of their children a few weeks ago i shared a video of how drugs were being crossed right in front of school aged children, right in front of them. they saw it happening right in front of them. here in brownsville. so this is happening right here, right next door to us. we don't need to see it on tv. we're seeing it every single day. i'm a border patrol wife. i see firsthand what the biden administration has done to our borders, how he destroyed everything. i have family in mexico that i don't visit. i know that millions of mexican americans have family in mexico that they don't visit as much. why? because they're afraid. they're afraid because we know that the mexican cartel is right across. they have full control of the southern border. no one can cross into the united states illegally.
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they have to pay them. so illegal immigration is empowering these cartels that have destroyed honestly mexico and they're trying to do the same thing here in the united states. maria: and i want to know what happens once they get into the united states. are they still paying those drug cartels? because a source told me recently that he believes human trafficking is going to be as prevalent throughout america as fentanyl is right now within the next two years. because what they're doing is the chinese communist party is working with the mexican drug cartels, setting up business as fronts but they're actually putting some of the people that they help cross the border to work like inddentured servants. what do you know about this? >> absolutely. no, it is true. many of them don't have the money to pay all at once. what they do is they pay in payments and that's exactly what is happening right now and if they don't pay, they threaten them, hurting their families
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back home and they know what these people are all about. they have no he respect for human life for anyone. they will kill family members if they don't pay what they're owed. maria: they have to become indentured servants once they're in america and go work at massage parlors. >> modern slavery. maria: wow. and we're feeling it in all different ways. new york city mayor eric adams is doubling down on his call to modify new york sanctuary city law, as the city faces this migrant crime wave. here's the mayor yesterday. watch this. >> i don't believe people who are violent in our city and commit repeated crimes should have the privilege of being in our city. some people have a different belief than that. if i had my way, if you are repeatedly committing crimes in our city, you don't have the right to be in our city and tarnish those overwhelming
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number who are here following the rules. that a is what i believe. maria: well that sounds practical and yet we don't send these people back. they get processed and they're back on the street. >> well, well, well, absolutely. like i mentioned earlier, the precious girl who was murdered in georgia, w that illegal immigrant was arrested five months ago and they released him. i have been saying that a anyone committing crimes should be deported immediately. there is no reason they should be released. that's what the democrat party has been doing for the past three and-a-half years. they have been releasing criminals into our country, into our communities. maria: thank you. we will be watching this and keeping a spotlight on the story. thank you sow much. quick break and then new york city taxpayers footing a massive bill to pay for eric adams'
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migrant crisis. we'll get into the cost on the other side of this break. ♪ ♪(song in french)♪ (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) book in the app
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maria: welcome back. time for the morning buzz. a new report from the new york city comptroller is accusing mayor eric adams of wasting millions of taxpayer dollars to hire employees for city migrant shelters. the report says adams introduced no bid contracts allowing companies to charge ridiculous amounts of money for the staff. the report finds private security staff were being paid $117 an hour compared to the average rate of $27 an hour. this as adams is planning to shell out $53 million in prepaid debit cards for migrants. this is -- these costs are adding up. who is paying for this? >> new york taxpayers. that's the reason businesses are leaving, be. can i walk around new york for more than four, five days and claim that i'm here and all of a sudden get the free money. we don't have that in georgia. it's shocking that he's allowed
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to get away with it in the name of being come passionate and all this other stuff, this is the reason that people are coming across the border and dodging life and limb and everything else and paying cartels to get here because they know -- they believe they've been sold the end of the rainbow. maria: haven't we seen a tipping point? people are onto this. >> people are really onto this. the most recent gallup poll of, 28% of americans say it's the number issue for them. it's the first time immigration is the number one issue since before covid, since 2019. this is staggering shift in one month that we've had this much of an increased f focus, people are on to it. whether it's the crimes that are committed or what people perceive is unfair, prepaid cards, cell phones, hotel rooms. look at how much people are paid
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to be security guards. maria: a friend of mind when to an apple store, she wanted to buy two phones, trying to figure out which plan to buy to pay for the phones. she said a family of five walked in, you a appeared to be foreig, could have been migrants, were likely illegal immigrants and the woman said to the person who was working with my friend, she said we need five iphones, the iphone 15 and five ipads, here's my card and gave them a prepaid card. five ipads and five phones, they wanted the 15. and they just -- they had the card so they didn't have to do what my friend was doing which was trying to figure out a plan to pay for this. >> wow. thousands of dollars worth of hardware. you mentioned the $117 an hour, that's what the security r guard's getting paid to look after migrants. i did a quick calculation on the calculator, $117,000 an hour equates to $243,000 per year. a five year nypd, new york city police officer, five year nypd
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veteran, 150. so show up and be a guard for the migrants, make 243 or be a five year new york city police officer and make 150. everything about this is crazy. from people getting prepaid cards so they can buy stuff at the iphone store to hiring migrants to kicking kids out of public school gymnasiums, no class today i'm sorry, no gym, because we need the space to put beds down for migrants, it's crazy. everything about it is wrong. maria: that's why lee has the numbers she has in the polling because this is it. people know what's going on. >> you've seen it, those numbers that lee talked about, you start to see them in iowa, new hampshire, mainstream media aside from here is having to report it because when they come out with exit polls, people say immigration. immigration in new hampshire, 106 years ago who would -- 10 years ago who would have said that. i said the breakout of the border has been the thing that
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enlightened the immigration law, no longer on the southern border, it's new york, philadelphia, chicago. liberals are saying wait, wait, there's a problem here. we like it when it's on the border. we don't like it here. maria: that's why the congress and senators say the same thing, every state is a border state because every state is feeling the impact of this. >> that's absolutely right. as much as people criticized governor abbott an desantis for their movement of pub be likelyy -- publicly moving immigrants it did a lot to raise awareness. people criticized president trump when he talked about the border and the wall. it was almost a joke to democrats. now no one should behalfing. maria: they're unloading prisons and sending them here. he was mocked. he was right. we'll take a break. when we come back the house is pushing back on the doj''s stone wall of the release of robert
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hur's interview of president biden's documents case. it's the hot topic of the hour. we'll be right back. ♪ ain't that america for you and me. ♪ ain't that america something to see, baby. ♪ ain't that america home of the free, yeah. ♪ little pink houses for you and me. ♪ and - ahoy! it's the explorer! each helping to protect their money with chase. woah, a lost card isn't keeping this thrill seeker down. lost her card, not the vibe. the soul searcher, is finding his identity, and helping to protect it. .. 's looking to dive deeper... all while chase looks out for her. because these friends have chase. alerts that help check. tools that help protect. one bank that puts you in control. chase. make more of what's yours.
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