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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  February 28, 2024 8:00am-9:00am EST

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. maria: welcome back. good wednesday morning. thanks very much for joining us this morning. i hope you are having a good morning. i am maria bartiromo, wednesday, february 28, 8:00 a.m. on the button east coast, time for hot topic of the hour texas residents fleeing effects of wide-open border the danger it poses on their communities, many are calling on president biden important slicing ahead of his visit tomorrow leah hugh live in brownsville where the president will be tomorrow good morning. >> good morning, maria. that is right the border is certainly an issue that the
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residents of brownsville texas understood and live all too well they say a visit from president biden, this week, is just too little too late, it was just last year that migrants hovered thousands through processing center behind me two days ago, those numbers down to only 12, the processing center quiet, sources tell us that borrowed krfgs still happen just not happening here in brownsville to the same degree migrants shifting west of here, after texas installed events around brownsville residents tell us they are grateful to the state. >> the appearance changed least resistance texas putting up a fight i hope other states, notice that because it can make a difference, when your state stands up fights for you in federal government will not do it. it makes a difference. >> president biden will make his second visit to the border
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when he comes here to brownsville, the visit takes place after biden faced criticism from republicans, for not coming to the border when migrant encounters hit all-time record high just in december. but the lifelong brownsville resident we spoke with, doesn't want another presidential visit she wants action, border policies from the prior administration reinstating. >> it is simply this is not a complex problem, close the border. start vetting people, go back to policies that we had during trump administration. >> and, maria,, longshot not only one feels that way there is a new poll out monmouth shows for the first time a majority americans 53%, support building a border wall, we send back it towelling. maria: lydia thanks very much lydia hu brownsville a gallup poll finds immigration the top concern for american voters you heard from lydia 28%
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voters say so, the second issue government, you mentioned earlier this government topic is intersection. lee: we talked about immigration economy nation pt we haven't seen been talking about government what this means to the meaner people are concerned about trust in deposit they don't trust the system. it is very different than argument joe biden made in 2020 concern about democracy, this is trust in our institutions, most important to our freedoms and keeping us safe, these are issues thank really, really important show that there is a real advantage for donald trump's agenda. maria: because the people remember that fbi sat on the hunter biden laptop did not admit it was real, right before 2020 election else this remember that thank you russia collusion story was made up about donald trump, and there was no accountability there, i mean these things matter. >> they do at in when go
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through list hillary clinton email scandal she got rid of 30,000 emails they remember how donald trump was treated before election, after election 2015, 2017 walking through all this when you get to the everyday life, in the past three or four years we've seen attacks on institutions election system attacks on police defunding police cutting back people of aren't feeling safe seeing what is used this is against them a border that is open people from other countries not citizens being treated better than our homeless veterans in the united states not to perception but reality problem. >> the issue about, the impeachment inquiry, yesterday we had james comer in the studio here chairman of the oversight committee, and i asked him, about why joe biden and biden familiar were interested helping china gain control of oil in america. >> we have this. >> don't have that okay.
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i thought we had sound bite but michael shellenberger from, reporting undergo these influence peddling deals was china's efforts, to own american oil i find it really stunning that this cefc deal was enabling a bigger foot hold in america on oil americans are being told to, you know, hate over on fossil fuel's. >> the conspiracy, average of hunter biden unkwaifld ended up in energy sectors china and ukraine after biden got elected president first thing he did start to dismantle american energy plan no matter what you say about this people are not stupid they don't look at this say something is wrong something not in place i think this is again both what lee said earlier what he talked about, people not trusting government. maria: a short break come back to the subject we are
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getting started this hour coming up hunter biden on capitol hill two to hours time fire closed-door temperature wisconsin senator ron johnson here to weigh in on pattern one of biden influence peddling don't miss that you are watching "mornings with maria" live on well be right back.. ♪ ♪ . pudding... you got your corn chowder... (marci) so... is it safe around here? (stylist 2) sometimes. (luke) if a family of eight were to need a cold plunge, where would they find it? (stylist 1) ...and then they dip it in butter, then bam, it goes right in. (stylist 2) ...really cute vampire bar. (stylist 1) the reverend does like a blessing on the corn. (luke) donut shops. how far from here? (marci) no eyebrows? (luke) think of how light it'll feel in the summer. we've got to run. eleven thousand more neighborhoods to go! (vo) ding dong! homes-dot-com.
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johnson at meeting with president biden other top congressional leadersw with white house yesterday discussed ukraine aid two upcoming government shutdowns potentially first deadline friday, second march 8, chuck schumer came out of the meeting saying that the priority is ukraine. watch this. >> the meeting on -- ukraine was one of the most intense i have ever encountered in my many meetings in the oval office the overwhelming sentiment we got to do ukraine now other issues including border when we sch address but not now. we said to the speaker get it done i told him this is wen of the moments i said i have been around a long time maybe four orfy times, that history is looking over your shoulder. if you don't do the right thing, whatever the immediate politics are, you will regret it. >> joining me right now wisconsin senator ron johnson
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membert senate homeland security you budget finance committee you are a somebody of the senate homeland security committee what is your reaction is it to what you justified heard from chuck schumer money needs together to ukraine now, the border could be done later. >> have i think it is amazing when we hear story after story of illegal migrants raping murdering americans only one individual in the oval office, was pointing out top priority of government should be secure our border to end that clear and present danger to america i give speaker johnson great deal of credit taking abuse of defending american people the other people in oval office are saying, are saying we have to first defend ukraine. listen, i am sympathetic with people of ukraine i think vice president is evil war criminal i haven't seen any strategy for ukraine to win making to point there is no way vladimir
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putin will lose what are we spending 60 billion dollars on again our top priority must be secure the border what american people expect amazing the leaders in that oval office, only one will acknowledged that reality. >> it is of amazing i astonished by chuck schumer day everybody taking with laken riley murdered had life ahead of her murdered skull was -- i can't even discuss it so disgusting was mangled no conversation whatsoever about that he said money needs to go to ukraine now. >> recent two-year-old killed in crossfire 14-year-old
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raped, by illegal migrants happening for years on biden administration unfortunately republican leadership as well, our leader, is his top priority is also ukraine. again, there is no strategy for o winning this war i know schumer said if they don't get 60 billion dollars if they get it win if they don't they lose how is he going to win in russia has four times population average age ukrainian soldier is 43. russia with an produce 4 1/2 million 155 million metershells 600 dollars a shell the west can do a million a year, 5 or five,000 dollars a shell look at reality our goal our goal should be reduce tension in the world not fuel the 234r5i78z of a two-year bloody still a populate. >> president is going to the border today, will it make a difference? >> no. >> pardon me president going to the border tomorrow my a
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methodical tomorrow thursday. >> only thing that will make a difference if public pressure is brought to bear, and president biden he riels rielgs he has realizes to secure the border we are asking for a mechanism to force this president to use authority he has president trump used existing law to secure border president biden using same authority to open the border can close it if he needs help, we are leap to do it we didn't want immigration bill we want a bill to force him secure the border again just -- so disappointing even our republican leader primary objective is ukraine funding not securing the border. maria: quite astonishing it is let me get the your take what is taking place on capitol hill hunter biden on capitol hill under oath before house oversight judiciary
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chirnt lawyer committee dmaments stopped bring smirnov, watch this. >> successfully used informant to pr criminals in the passed the with bureau over over a decade indicted moeven more coming out about the informant the fbi paid him to be a spy in rsh i indicted him because communicating with russia what they paid him over two years to do i don't know anything with smirnov, you know the circumstances around, his, indictment, and his rearrest changing of indictment by weiss very concerning, because everything that i've had, to do with the fbi has been very suspicious throughout the investigation, the trust level that i have with fbi is zero.
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>> senator, zero trust in the fbi, from the chairman of the oversight committee your reaction. >> my trust might be lower than that, how many times you heard me say maria, troubling as biden family corruption is, even more trulying is corruption within federal law enforcement, to department of justice intelligence agencies complicit media i hope house members drill don on something media completely ignored the indictment, the fact that hunter biden over four years spent 1.6 million dollars in cash, opponent over 600,000 dollars on sex trafficking of women, a lot depend how many documents, chairman comer has with a answers hunter biden has in terms of that that documentation follow money we laid out kids a president biden was obviously, corrupt, compromised, compromised now in office never should have been elected but elected
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because of corruption, for example, 51 intelligence officials covered for the hunter biden laptop complicity 6 media covered you the for bidens continuing to do so -- >> republicans have to prove joe biden was aware is aware partnered in influence peddling at least two checks they identified directly to president biden one 10% for "the big guy" 40,000 dollars from 400,000 dollars, came from china, but i want to get your take on beings specifics in terms of evidence, that shows the president hands are dirty here. >> first of all, he lied repeatedly, why do you lie if you're you have nothing to cover-up? >> president biden was a don of the biden crime family often times dons sit above all the criminal activity that occurs but fully responsible for it, it was his name they were peddling, his position,
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that garnered millions of dollars from china from ukraine, from russia. he is the head of the familiar he was fully aware of it lied about the fact he was aware of it so i mean i think completely complicit. >> the evidence here, that actually, approves that is what i am asking for. did biden did joe biden benefit from all of this? i know several homes what is the salary of the senator? >> i think 170,000 dollars. >> 170,000 dollars salary of a vice president? >> couple hundred thousand dollar not totally on top of that the fact of the matter vice president biden used his office, his son used his father's position, they peddled that influence against what documents they have face it bidens not exactly forthcoming cooperating with investigators we offered voluntary interviews when i had ability to do investigations they didn't come in if accused of
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something you are innocent you want to talk to investigators approve innocence that is not o how bidens acted they've done everything to cover-up their guilty. maria: president biden according to forbes is worth estimates 10 million dollars, when he took office he was worth 10 million dollars according to forbes we don't know if that has anything to do with business deals, you know what i am getting at why i asked about salaries your take whether or not all of this is resonateding, former president trump won michigan gop primary yesterday new polling from emerson college the hill shows trump leading president biden in wisconsin by three points in a position to win, in seven key swing states now, including your own state senator your reaction, president biden also won, in the day democrat primary yesterday in michigan how is this playing out? >> well again unfortunately, so long able to claim old news we knew about this media covered i agree in earlier
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statement you talked about border is number one issue why it should be republicans pop priority i appreciate the speaker johnson standing firm there, and insisting that before we do anything for ukraine going to require our border is secure, i mean that is important, i think the second point trust in government, what happened during the coronavirus, the corruption of our health agencies fact they were lying not transparent still not transparent the fact you have a corrupt fbi department of justice, intel officials a serious issue i am glad that more americans have the eyes open to corruption of government complicit of the media. >> senator ron johnson in d.c. we'll be right back. . everyone say, “space pod.” cheese. [door creaks open]
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colta sclok sclok futures we are looking at negative tone expecting decline about an hour away from the opening bell, the dow industrials down 106 nasdaq down 83, s&p lower by 17 a third of a percent interest rates pulling back remaining elevated at 4. 9% on 10-year down one one-half basis points ahead of key inflation data waiting on federal reserve governor once again said inflation will keep
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slowing with interest rates at current levels but though a soon to start cutting rates second raid fourth quarter gdp out 4 minutes economists expect growth 3.3% unchange from last month's read we get january pce out tomorrow, joining me right now the bank of america vice chairman keith banks good to see you -- >> i know you've been constructive on macrostory the backdrop, do you still see growth in 2024 or do you worry, that we are going to look at downturn for the economy. >> we are instructive, as far as the economic forecast in particular, we are looking for a one percent growth in in the first two quarters this unique up to about 1.5% we are still confident that inflation even though going to bounce around a bit we do think the trend is downward, that in turn should allow the fed, to start cutting rates we think in june. we are expecting three rate cuts over the course of the year when you put all that
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together in addition to, you know, a more positive corporation earnings outlook we think all that is a good macro bookdrop for the markets to keep doing pretty well. maria: a serious slowdown we are getting 3.3% growth today when we get gdp numbers three minutes' time you are talking about first quarter, being one is mr. percent that is a serious slowdown does that affect earnings, this you know, rising stock market the euphoria around stocks. >> it will be interesting to see, i think all the economic forecasters have been underestimating the strength of the economy we continue to kind of increase estimates as time has gone on. maybe higher growth as time goes on if we get 1, 1 1/2 enough to sustain query below consensus on profit we think profit growth enough 237 dollars for s&p, but as you go through 2 year what you do you
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blend issues earnings with next year's because the combination gets you about, 247 so we think that will be enough to sustain things. >> bottom line do you apply stocks here or hold off. >> we think we've had a heck of a run right. maria: yeah. >> many melt minimelt-up fourth quarter. maria: good word mini-- >> lows in october to end of december 16% move so far this year 6 1/2, so, i know typically if course of the year you get three episodes of 5% ish pullbacks wouldn't be surprised pullback near-term but using weakness to put cash back into the markets, as opportunities present 234e678z. >> how do you rue regulatory backdrop the vice president are sprufrgs says banks need to do more to spot risks as central bank sent to up oversight of counterparty risks, the window on trade some u.s. regional banks using
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hoping to use to reduce commercial real estate exposure a lot of worries about commercial real estate when comes to office space. >> commercial reone area we consider a potential wild card always risks commercial real estate a number 44% of the office related loans have negative equity, about 19.6% nationally office buildings vacant keep an eye on that will impact the smaller regional banks more than big banks i think five times exposure keep an eye on that you've been talking about eye on ukraine mideast all that potential disruptions to supply chains not a smooth ride out there but we do think the wild cards manageable we will keep an eye on. tech, look the magnificent seven as called are soaring continuing to soar, questioned evaluations on some would you put new money to work or wait
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it out. >> we are staying neutral, on the tech sector in general we want to be exposed, our view that we want could be in growth and value ways interesting magnificient 7 has become the magazine throw or four, some companies have stumbled from the stock performance standpoint. maria: hold that thought second read fourth quarter gdp cheryl casone with numbers. cheryl: , we came in read 3. % the first we had 3.3%, and, by the way, compare to q3, because the final gdp for q 3 was 4.9% we've gone from 4.9% q3 to 3.2% q4, consumer spending ask exports factored in numbers, all, of course, is the entrée to tomorrow's excuse me appetizer tomorrow pce you are going to have that tomorrow 8:30 the fed you know preferred rate of inflation
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see what markets do. maria: the pce said fed's favored inflation next thank you we've got fourth are quarter gdp lower than expected what do you look at we should be aware. >> most importantly with the consumer price index spending representing more than two-thirds of economic growth, or economic growth, you want to see if consumer is holding up our expectation the consumer will still in good health from both savings standpoint, you know real earnings growth standpoint, what moves it around veteran can move it around, then the government, component has been a positive contributor we expect in have election year that will continue to be the case with as a lot of fall levels get levers get mulled parse it out. >> parse of the reason consumer so strong fiscal
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money covid money you've got student loan forgiveness money slashing arrange keep inflation elevated is it not. >> it is exactly right if you look at we look at the checkinging savings accounts within bank of america, still above even, despite drawn down still above 2019 levels, then other thing helping consumer is household financial assets up 25%, since 2019. with unemployment still so low, your getting to a point wages are growing in real time, so all you will that has given the -- the consumer wherewithal, to your point a negative associated with that is inflation that we are dealing with. maria: sure are keith great to see you. thank you so much pg stay us. we'll be right back. . .
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israel-hamas qatar downplaying president biden's hopes a cease-fire deal would be reached in few days, the president, on his ice cream run on monday. >> i think -- >> -- cease-fire -- >> well, i hope, by the -- the end of the weekend, i mean the end of the weekend. >> my -- national security adviser tells me we are close not done yet my hope is by next monday we will have a cease-fire. >> yep that was him with seth meyers ice cream shop ben reportedly netanyahu was surprised according to comments premature do not match reality on the ground joining me former deputy
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national advisory author of revolution trump washington we, the people kh mcfarland back good to see you. thank you so much for being here look the president has gone been pushing for cease-fire since this began, i am wondering your thoughts we still don't have any expectation that the hostages are going to be released; right? >> yeah, president biden only for political purposes only because he had a primary in michigan, only because michigan has a large pro-palestinian anti-israeli voted plok he wanted to make sure he got those voters there is no peace agreement near there is no cease-fire near because both sides are really, in a really pretty intractable position israel wants hostages back to finish off hamas, hamas palestinians say well, you know, we want a cease-fire right away hostages are pretty good leverage not letting those go the problem israel
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faces if it doesn't he eliminate nato senior leadership hamas so far not able to do if it doesn't limit them hamas comes back, to after september 11 we almost completely he eliminate naitdz al-qaeda one got away osama bin laden got away regrouped, al-qaeda isis went on 20 years, to paralyze the world, so israel has to finish the job. maria: look. israel says it wants to finish the job but, again, it he now you are into sort of the public expectation and you know painting israel as if it is doing something wrong. because it is retaliating from an unprovoked attack from hamas, and you know secretary pompeo was with me over the weekend, and basically said you know, it appears with all of this talk of cease-fire,
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cease-fire, is what united states wants it is pitting america against israel, at a critical moment what is the impact of it. >> yeah, this is the problem with israel needs united states america's weapons to resupply what it is using american intelligence to fight hamas a goal of iran a lot of world community is, united states from israel so illed is isolated iran's goal for 40 years get america out of middle east, redesigned the state of israel, now using hamas as weapon of choice to do it. maria: very hoyings foreign affairs committee chairman mccaul, to hold him in contempt of congress for allegedly withholding. he wants the view on
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afghanistan filed detailed internal review writes law does not afford state department to blanket authority, to hide behind executive branch confidentiality interests to obstruct oning access to truth this was talked about so much, because of our fallen 13 servicemen and women, but does appear that that withdrawal of as said it was put our adversaries on the a much do you feel that struck them to become more aggressive. >> that was a turning point joe biden, against all advice, generals ambassadors don't do it don't turn it to pal about an joe biden overruled everybody look being what happened we turned afghanistan over to taliban trillions of
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dollars american equipment one of the most sophisticated air bases in the world turned to china bad that way really bad on world stage everyone of our adversaries looked at that said what the hell he screwed-up in afghanistan, how bad biden is this is our time, and you can afghanistan botched withdrawal putin made a move in ukraine china made a remove on taiwan irwithstand using proxies in the middle east to make move against israel. >> where does this go watching foreign policy across the world very aggressive against america, whether it be you know, the russia acts against ukraine or hamas against israel. you've got china in the backdrop you've talked so much about china, and the communist party efforts to overtake united states the as number one superpower what should be
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done to put america back in leading position across the world in your view. >> the world is on fire we are potentially at war three different parts of the world the single most important thing the president of the united states would do he won't say american energy independence going to pump, drill, force price of oil global drown bankrupt russia take care of ukraine bankrupt iran takes care of middle east problem china the neediest country a lot of leverage on china american energy independence dominance drill, baby, drill. maria: that is not what he is going to do in fact, i am wondering why are china has such a strong hand when it comes to america's energy business we talked about this yesterday. with the chairman of the committee, the oversight committee, with regard to the biden family deals, i mean, why was the energy sector so
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important in terms of dealmaking with cefc now china has real hand it is able to do deals across the world on oil. >> not only on oil, but if you look at biden's green deal prosperity act all equipment components a lot of the green new deal facilities are manufactured in china not only is china able to buy oil claep on world stage china is also, selling to us at high prices a lot of green renewable, what is biden's connection always soft on china is there a quid pro quo, biden crime family good policies for china i think could get a calendar up comparing dates when biden family took money decisions made in china's favor. maria: are we are keeping a spotlight on it, as you know. it is good to see this you morning. thanks so much. >> thank you, maria.
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maria: . >> kt mcfarland, hunter biden headed to capitol hill 90 minutes' time closed-door testimony with house oversight judiciary committee questioned on selling the biden family brand we've got details you are watching "mornings with maria" live on stay with us. . ♪ ♪ ♪ (vo) antarctica...
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hunter biden on capitol hill testifying under oath avenue house oversight judiciary committee a crucial point in republicans impeachment inquiry, and investigation into joe biden, house oversight committee chairman james comer joined me yesterday on this program to discuss how the biden family,peddled influence in china according to the house watch this. >> the biden ss trying to please left base to profit from chinese communist party daylight and dark the bidens helping china do all the things, that biden's blocking american energy from doing in the united states like paid
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hunter biden mills of dollars expecting joe biden 10% owner to implement the belt road initiative in the united states take over american energy american manufacturing buy american farmland what we're trying to get china not to do in united states joe biden was getting his family getting paid to help china. >> wow! , this is just extraordinary, and michael shellenberger with this in public chinese control over u.s. oil and gas is at if he heart of the biden family influence peddling. >> it is the thing we just heard from kt mcfarland take away russia iran china in position of coming for energy if we just dealt with new jersey go back to what we're glowing to hear i don't think you hear anything from hunter biden possibly other issues you are going to see he had no experience no background drug addict on ukraine china energy related very first tightening
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when joe biden gets into office dismantling, get rid of gas stoves, such much more expensive made in china batteries for evs in china beginning of to communist china i don't understand this. >> this is the whole bottom line the exchange for oil and gas station spry that we have, the middle going into everything right now cell phones everything else batteries far worse than anything else environmentally there is a pattern here. maria: that is whatcomer said yesterday. lee: a pattern here, and the way that hunter biden and all of this is treated is so 2ki69 than the way trump and his family was treated that is large reason 80% americans believe there is two tiered system of justice. and it is that is including democrats, people they see
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through this they say things are not fair. the other reason look at polling talking about earlier gallup poll is immigration, one issue number two trust in government we don't trust systems because we see this that things are unfair we had enough of it. maria: yeah. feels bike dan goldman o former colleague near adam schiff just tweeted this, you are all fools nor not understanding fbi verification of the laptop its in 2019 is irrelevant to authentication of the hard drive peddleded in 2020 by giuliani spent year openly colluding with russian spies. >> if you want to say i goldman go to testimony in impeachment buddy collins look it up, accuse question who told him to do this sat there like gnat, on a lopg, the journalist they had to look at
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numbers didn't want anything to do put up to give all the lies about donald trump what happened in ukraine a, and then elected to congress thank you new york. to do this this is a man nothing but day democratic shield. >> i don't know how possible everybody doesn't see this same way, if laptop was real we know was real why aren't we acknowledging it becoming national security risk i know what you are going to energy. >> yeah. >> why as investor you with a don't capitalize on this. >> of course,, two things that make the world go round let's face it money, and oil. you know what with u.s. -- >> you sold oil to china -- >> we could be selling a lot more if we proud more if we empou erred procures to do what they do bet as points out i think brl abruptly irasian in the question isn't it strange biden some things so
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beholden to left side offiths party, that it is giving up on our two biggest points of leverage, oil and money >> somebody is getting paid biden family? i don't know. >> -- we'll be right stay with us. . . . anyone can become an agent of innovation with invesco qqq, a fund that gives you access to nasdaq-100 innovations. i go through a lot of pants. before investing carefully read and consider fund
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(qb) this is it. one play. this is when we find out... (luke) hey, quick question. student body math proficiency, would we say it's good? fair? satisfactory? (player 1) what? (luke) like a percentage, if you had to guess. (players) hey, get out of here man. get off the field. (luke) understood. (players) security! grab him! (marci) great student-teacher ratio... (luke) marci! we've got to go! marci! we have got to go! we bring you the real, in-depth school info. (marci) what were you thinking? (luke) i don't know. i. don't know. (vo) ding dong!
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maria: welcome back. time for the big buzz of the morning. talk about a happy meal, an abandoned mcdonald's in alaska going viral online because of the untouched menu and what it shows. it shows what prices were in 1994. check this out. the cost of a happy meal? $3.36. nice. other prices from the '90s include 99 cent french fries. a choose burger -- cheese burg just over $1. the average cost today, $5.69, adam. >> painful. i went to the bureau of labor statistics, how much inflation has there been since '94? about 110%. which is why the fed is trying to get prices back down. i mean, inflation is really a bad thing. maria: and and that was of the number one issue for voters before they figured out the
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border is a mess and national security risk. >> that's right. and i think the other thing that happens is people separate out the economy and inflation in polling, and it's really i think people look at them together, because that's the lens they're looking at through the world. it's still one of the top concerns of americans. you remember things, but it's not that long ago that mcdonald's still had a dollar menu with. you don't have to go back to 1993 -- maria: before we go, real quick on term limits, you don't think term limits would work. >> it's not the universal solution everyone makes it out to be because of the institutional problems many in d.c. and here's an interesting statistic, the turnover in the united states house right now is less than 8 years -- maria: but you're talking about the staff. the staff knows how to -- >> the staff as well. maria: term limits on the staff. >> you've got to have a whole traditional change in d.c. understanding that our country's at stake. maria: adam johnson, doug collins, lee carter, great show is. thank you so much is. see you again tomorrow, everybody. very and company picks it up. stuart: goodor


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