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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  March 4, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EST

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because when your generac detects a power outage, it automatically powers up, giving your family the security and peace of mind they deserve. we don't have to worry about whether we lose power or not. if the utility company does not come through, our generac does. after the hurricane happened, we just want to be prepared for anything. 8 out of 10 home generators are generac, with thousands of satisfied customers. number one thing to prepare for is extended power outages. don't make it so hard on yourself, have a generac home standby generator. and owning a generator is easier than ever. special financing and low monthly payment options are available, and if you call now, you will also receive a free 5 year warranty valued at over $500. call or go online now to request your free quote.
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oh, it's the final count-down. that's right. europe, is it. europe? there is a band called europe? remind me too never listen to them. it's 10:00 a.m. eastern. any moment the supreme court will issue one ruling today. we'll likely hear a decision on the colorado case. it will derm -- determine if donald trump could be kept off the ballot. check the markets. the dow is down 70 points. minor losses for the s&p and nasdaq. the treasury is well below a quarter percent. oil hit 80 bucks per barrel earlier. bitcoin 66,178 per coin.
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now this. it was a terrible weekend for president biden. so bad, the wall street journal called it panic time at the white house. it started when the new york times revealed polling. an as astonishing 61% believe he's too old for the job. among all voters 73% said he's too old to be effective. this is the new york times giving the democratic their marching orders. prespresident trump is leading among hispanics. that's a 21% swing. biden leads among black voters. trump gets 3 23% of their supports. pie den cannot win with these numbers. wrong 60 minutes the former
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border chief never spoke to biden or harris for two years. that was at a time when thousands of haitians were crowded under the highway and agents were falsely accused of whipping mig migrants. what more? in a move that seemed like desperation. kamala harris is demanding a seize fire. is she speaking for the president? they believe this is away to get people of color back onboard. since when leaning on terrorist is away to win. last week, he said he revered biden's age. he said it's an asset. he's been so successful. he might want to revisit that. second hour of varney just
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getting started. okay, this is just coming in. the supreme court has ruled on the trump ballot case and ruled in trump's favor. molly hemingway is here. give us sigg any of dance on this. is trump winning on this or biden losing on this? >> this was an issue as soon as oral arguments were held they expected them to say colorado's attempt wouldn't be allow. i'm curious about the ruling. some thought it would be 7: 2 or unanimous. the questioning was very critical -- >> molly, can i interrupt for one second. it was a unanimous 9-0 decision. >> well, that really says a lot about t this attempt to
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remove from the ballot the republican nominee and keep from tens of millions of americans the right to vote for whom ever they would not. you just said it in your opening take with the polls. people are not supporting president biden and this is what's been in engaged in. they said coloradoans wouldn't have to veto for who whom they want to if it's donald trump. it's a really big setback for democrats in the effort they havement using the court fur political gain is not a great approach. >> back to my editorial, as you noted. i looked at the new york times polling and it's grim for the president. i agreed with the wall street journal it's panic time at the
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white house. how serious is this. are they on the verge of saying no mas. >> the problem for denials people find president biden to be old. the big problem they wouldn't care about it if they liked how the country was being run. no one believes president biden is running things any way. they would likely have him as figure head. it's a difficult problem to overcome. if they replace him with someone else. it's not like gavin newsome would have better policies. it's the policies they don't feel their lives would be better under the previous administration. it's politics 101. was your life better and they have a chance to compare the previous presidency with the current one and find the previous one to be much more attractive.
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what's kamala harris have for calling a seize fire. >> they have a problem most of their voters support israel. they have a powerful contingent that support hamas' efforts. you had people not voting for president biden in the primary and also among young voters. they need them to have a chance to defeat the republicans. >> really good stuff, come back and see us soon. greg -- grady is joining us. >> we have been reviewing this decision. a unanimous decision in favor of former president trump and also in favor of him not just in colorado but implications in other states trying to kick him off the ballet ballot like in maine and illinois where
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voters will go to the polls later this month. i'd like to read this quote. we conclude that states may disqualify persons holding or attempting to hold state office. they have no power under the constitution to enforce section 3. i don't think this is any surprise to anyone listening to oral arguments last month where the liberal justices on the supreme court said, if they make a decision that impacts the entire country they will air on the side of dccy and leave a candidate on-the-ball loath rather than removing. >> it's a trump win and biden loss. back to the markets. i have a bit of red inc. dow is down by 80. nasdaq down 86. jeff, it's an election year. trump is looking good. we have a stock market rally, are they connected?
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>> keep in mind there have been 24 elections since 1928. 230 of those years were positive. the years the market was up in january 100% of the time in the election year the market was higher at the end of the year. you have the other factor that biden is the most antibusiness, antigrowth, anti-capitollism president in my lifetime. there is anna mar an anticipation that he will be out and trump will be in. we have a saying. survive to 25. those who want interest rates to be lower, more sustainable growth, less regulation. it survive to 25. i'm interested to see, if these
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poll numbers continue to move in trump's favor if the market will follow suit. >> there is a definite movement in trump's favor. there is definite progress towards trump. he's ahead in several swing states. the new york time and fox poll he's beating biden all over the place. you would think your money secure with trump. >> there are a few elements of inflation mainly energy. you don't have to like touch to believe he will bring energy prices down. that's good across-the-board. i don't care if you are a democrat or republican lower energy prices will lower inflation and stop sending so
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much money over seas and the american first agenda is better for the markets. >> got it, jeff. show me ford, please. >> they are up 2%. their strategy is working. push into hybrid sales. customers are shying a way from ev. hybrid sales are at 31% for them ass of last february. they are focused on gas cars, traditional cars. ev sales rose by 80%. the numbers were low. >> the base is so low to start with. >> overall sales up 10%. 192 vehicles sold by ford. >> what was the number? >> 174,000. >> not that bad. >> supermicro added to the s&p.
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>> they have tripled this year. it's up like 900% in the past year. in two weeks time. the 18th of march. they will be added to the s&p 500. just like that. >> as soon as you get the news the stop goes up. mutual funds people want to track it. >> ai is more dominant in the benchmark that all of these institutions follow. >> ai shifted the whole market. everything is moving up because of this. decker, they are show people. >> ugg and hoca's. >> do you own them? >> i have a loot of ughs.
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>> i have them but i'm not wearing them today. >> i'm told to get on with it. democratic congressman said biden can become a hero among progressives by recognizing a palestinian state, will that help him win back young voters. vice president harris demanded an immediate seize fire in gaza. is this biden's policy now? robert has more on that next. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product.
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i'd like to hit this one again. the supreme court ruled colorado must keep donald trump on-thon the ballot.
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it was a unanimous decision 9-0. palestine's capitol. had a large raid. trey, what's the latest? >> hey, stuart, good morning. people wondering 150 days into the conflict when there will be a seize fire deal. you might remember just last week president biden while eating ice cream hoped for a seize fire on monday. today's monday and no seize fire. we understand, yesterday, a hamas delegation arrived in egypt to continue conversations. the israeli's didn't send their teams to those meetings. before day took place thousands marched over the weekend calling for their loved ones and fellow sit sensors to be released. there is disagreements over what information hamas will provide. they are looking at what
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hostages are alive. significant process has been made towards a seize fire including a 6 week pause in fighting and release of hostages. israel will have to release palestinian hostages. this is taking place as the holly month will start this weekend. this lead to increased tension an and escalation into the region. they are working to get a deal with place. they want to enter the southern city of raphh. they delivered 38,000 meals to palestinians in need. similar drops are expected to continue. there are a lot of moving parts in all of this and the ongoing conversations. people are concerned, if unsu unsuccessful. also another group is still in
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the fill keeling a few people today. vice president harris called for an immediate seize fire in gaza. watch this. >> given the immense scale of suffering in gaza. there must be an immediate seize fire for at least the next six weeks. this is what is currently on the table. this will get the hostages out and get a significant amount of aid in. >> robert green way is joining me now. i have two questions. why would kamala harris do this now? is a seize fire biden's policy? >> well, to your first question this is a domestic political issue for the administration. that's the audience which nay are speaking too quiet clearly. it's clear we are done more to
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subvert them. in october it was the deadliest of our own and the hostages held by hamas, the greatest threat to israel and palestinians include americans. that's where the focus ought to be applied. >> i don't wish to use too strong of a word. kamala harris is asking israelis to surrender? >> look, it seems like we are making common cause for hamas' survival and not surrender. that's the fastest way to resolve this and get hostages back. in the end, what we are looking at now are concessions that will insure survival. >> surly, it should be unacceptable worldwide and take hostages in time of war and exploit them into peace. this is out-of-bounds.
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>> no question. working to make sure aid and comfort is delivered to them. it's not a step we normally take when we face similar threats. again, the greatest threat is hamas. as soon as they are defeated the better for everyone. >> connor would like biden to recognize a palestinian state. watch this. >> if he can turn it around. not just calling for a seize fire. the fist american president to convene israel and leaders in palestine and civil isn't city and say i'll get this done. i'll recognize a palestinian state and have a two state solution. the end of occupation matters. the president had an amazing public service career. my plea is forget electoral politics. it's a capstone to his legacy.
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>> i'm sure you heard that. would you care to respond? >> i'm not sure what he's talking about and who would be in charge of it. this is meant as a domestic. right now under the circumstances it makes itle to no sense. >> why are people of color going towards hamas and opposing israel? >> well, i don't know that they are. it's difficult to judge where the support exists. except on the extreme left wing of many political parties. we have seen the support in the media. at the end of the day, the region is eager to see this sort of extremism irradicated. >> thank you for joining us on a very important day.
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>> my pleasure. >> the white house announced the first airdrop of food and aid into gaza. good morning, ashley. did biden have another gaf during the announcement? >> yes, he did. he twice confused gaza with ukraine. watch this. >> we will have additional food and supplies in ukraine and seek to open up other avenues including the possibility of a marine carter deliver large amounts of humanitarian assistance. >> yep, not once but twice. it wasn't smooth sailing for the first lady either. she was giving a speech on women's issues at an event jill biden was interrupted by pro
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palestinian. she apologized for keeping her appearance brief and spoke for just 14 minutes. >> thank you so much indeed. tomorrow is super tuesday. nikki haley vows to stay in the race through the big day. is there a realistic path forward. she will lose big time. we have a report on it. biden's weekend got worst after saturday night live took a jam at him. they said the president is full of energy behind closed doors. joe will react to that. we have trump's response to the supreme court ruling. what he had to say about it after this. investment opportunities
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life is better with the credit gods are on your side. rewards once available to the few are now accessible to the many. credit one bank. get cash back rewards, and live large. it's odd how in an instant things can transform. slipping out of balance into freefall. i'm glad i found stability amidst it all. gold. standing the test of time. after 1 hours worth of business a little red ink dow up by 74. lawrence is back washington the movers. that's a new high for nvidia. >> they were at $853. this is the third most valuable american company. we might get news because they are presenting at a tech company out in san francisco.
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>> i for got how many said 1,000. >> let's see if they are upping it since it took out 850. >> can you show must lyft and door dash. >> upgrading both. they actually think lyft and door dash could partner up. the price target is $23. it's at $17 now. >> one thing that astonished me is the stock price movement of ferrari. they cut the valuation. >> they say it got expensive. so, there are three cells in you count on ferrari. >> okay, next case, former president trump is riding high into super tuesday. that's tomorrow of course. his campaign is expecting a delicate avalanche. we'll breakdown the numbers.
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>> hey, good morning. really great numbers for former president. we will get to that in just a second. i'd like to share his first reaction to the huge ruling that just came down giving him eligibility for the colorado ballot. he wrote this is a big win for america. he doesn't have any public campaign events today. you could probably anticipate, he will want to talk about this more. it's such a huge victory for him and his campaign. the touch team told me, yes, they expect a huge avalanche of delegates come. they hope to clinch the nomination as early as next week. next tuesday. here is what the delegate count looks like. touch with 244. he sweeped michigan and idaho.
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he's far a way from the 43 delegates. north dakota is up for grabs. team trump is fired up about the brand-new polls including the head to head with president biden. you can see he's just edging him out there. nikki haley has 50% to biden's 42. come tuesday, she's spending quiet a bit of time with states with open primaries. she's also now picked up her endorsements she's no longer bound by the rnc pledge to endorse trump if he does win the nomination. trump meanwhile, is gaining ground in normally democrat leaning voters.
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support from voters under 30. democrats with near record support now among hispanics. suburban women. we caught up with a black voter here in florida that voted for biden in 2020. he said he doesn't want to vote for the president this year and he said he's hearing a lot of that in his community. take a listen. >> i have a lot of friends that are african-american that are voting for trump. they voted for him the first year too, actually. they didn't feel like they got from b biden. they felt like when trump was in office -- >> coming back out here live will haley dropout after super tuesday if she can't gain momentum and enough delegates to have some sort of an influence come after republican national convention. i'm told by sources familiar
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that team trump hasn't reached out to team haley to cut a deal targeteers her to dropout before the rnc. >> thank you so much indeed. let's get back to the supreme court that unanimously ruled in favor of donald trump. trump we responded on truth social saying this is a big win for america. by the way, we learned we can confirm that donald trump will speak at 12:00 noon today. joe, the guy on the right of the screen. what do you make of this? >> this was the stupid strategy ever employed by democrats to take the leading candidate, for the gop nomination off the ballot by fiot in es since when they knew the supreme court would rule he would have to be back on the ballot in colorado.
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the fact this came back 9-0 took away the mag a supreme court we hear about on msnbc. this is rocket fuel for trump's campaign. he will have a huge super tuesday. the momentum is at trump's back. this is their own error. >> i'd like to get back to the times poll. donald trump is leading by 50 points if the election was today. now, when the new york times poll comes out like this, it's the new york times. that's a big deal. the times is the bible of the democrats. does this end biden as a viable force in this election? maybe i'm going too far with that. you know what i mean? >> i know what you mean.
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they haven't endorsed a republican candidate since dwight. we have seen poll after poll with the lead over biden. in 2016 no polls showed thump leading. he's leading in all of the states and they decide elections. biden is weaker than 2020. him acknowledging supporters among black. you can see why he cares about border security. if the election were held today, to answer your question is biden finished. it would be trump in an electoral landslide. so much can happen. i'm sure you saw, saturday
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night live took aim at his age over the weekend. roll that tape, please. the new york times poll today has him down 5 points and many voters have concerns about his age. can he make the case with the speed and sharpness someone like you can. >> joe can do it better. joe's incredible. >> hello, pleasure to talk about the most vigorous man i know. he's a whirlwind. >> i'm exhausted. i was with biden for the past weekend and he whipped me out. he's a dynamo. >> that's almost cruel, isn't it? >> it's cruel and tough weekend for chief biden. the new york times poll and saturday night live mocking him. they are hardly consistent in doing so. this marks a shift change. the whispers are full throated
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pleas from everyone outside of the hard left that wants joe biden to step aside. that prompts the same question we have been talking about. kamala harris, michelle obama that hasn't worked outside of netflix in 30 years. gavin newsome. democrats are in a real pickle. i'm not sure biden will walk a way without a fight because that would be humiliated and no president would like to go out like lbj did 50 years ago. >> i never had someone have as much funnation you have had. >> this is the sweet spot as we call on american baseball. >> thank you. dhs secretary responded to the saturday night live skit. ashley, what did he have to say? >> well, he said, look. everyone needs comic relief. in an interview with the real
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cnn he was asked if there is coon certain about the president's age. here is his response? >> they should spend time with joe biden, like i have done. let me share something with you. i prepare a lot for meetings with him and engagements with him because he's remarkably detailed oriented, probing, and operationally focused. >> as long as it's on a note card. biden has come under more scrutiny. last week, when he looked very frail when he visited the southern border. the white house maintains the president is just fine. a dynamo, you name it. snl got this right. >> that was fun. wasn't it. a family in new york is unable to evict a squatter from their $2 million dream home.
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we will speak to anna anna anti-squatter activist. ♪ you were always so dedicated... ♪ we worked hard to build up the shop, save for college and our retirement. but we got there, thanks to our advisor and vanguard. now i see who all that hard work was for... it was always for you. seeing you carry on our legacy— i'm so proud. at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner.
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just coming at us. donald trump just addressed the supreme court you m unanimous decision to keep him on-the-ball lot. equally important they will soon make this. the presidency will be relegated. this is far from what the founders intended. nay will not be able to function without complete immunity. trump will speak more at noon on the latest ruling.
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the oldest gun maker in america remington closing it's doors. they are leaving new york for georgia. we are live at the factory cleeseing in new york. why are they going to a red state? >> stuart georgia is much more gun friendly. they are closing up shop and very expensive fact toy run. with this decision 300 employees will be without a job. many worked here for generations. >> it's a kick in the gut and slap in the face.
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i have given them everything i can. product around the world. it's really sued. >> the mayor whose dad worked for remington for 37 yearless said the loss is a cultural and financial loss. the village will lose $1 million in revenue when remington leaves. $1 million in a $14 million budget, that's a significant hit for the village. the mayor said the plan is to increase property taxes be 3% or less f to makeup the difference. he's confident they will bounce back. he's disappointed state leadership is okay with this happening. >> many were doing a happy dance when this happened. i stand behind that statement. they are notice pleased that remington is leaving new york state. >> remington, again, the oldest gunman fracturer in the u.s. has
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been hit by financial problems over re recent years. they were sold multiple times and filed for bankruptcy twice. in 2022. the company paid $72 million as part of the lawsuit in sandy hook. this factory has 300 employees that will be out of a job this afternoon. back to you. thank you so much indeed. a family in queens has been struggling eviction a quarter from their dream home.
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they tried to drain them through utility abuse and caused a flood. flash is an a activist joining them now. what would you do to get them out because you can't use force. >> it's an u an unfortunately situation. i use that civil matter against them. depending on, you know, the situation if it's an elderly person i would usually move the family out so they are not involved and no prepercussions. >> this guy, brett flores, was the caretaker of the man who lived in that house. the man died in 2023 and the quarter refused to move he
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stayed and wrecked the place. >> i'm finding that to be very common. >> if they have something to lose i'll expose them. i'm determined to move in with them or do a lockout. >> move in with the squatter? >> yeah, i mean, sometimes that's what i have to do. move the family out, we move in and occupy the space with them. set up cameras and hope they leave on their own. >> brave guy. i wonder if the people in queens will try that. we will see. state's that stooped enforcing marijuana laws are seeing an uptick in illegal farms made by chinese immigrants.
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stopped enforcing their marijuana laws. william has the story. have chinese immigrants taken over the black market. >> in large part, yes. this is the thing. states that decriminalized there are no penalties and very profitable attracting a lot of wealthy investors and taking over as you mentioned the u.s. illegal marijuana production in the country. so, chinese money is coming in buying up plans and homes and warehouses and using chinese immigrants brought over the border to grow the pot and associates deliver it with staggering profits. >> this site had 4,000 marijuana plants. somewhere at today's yield 2 to $3 million at h wholesale
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values. >> on friday they hit three warehouses protected my multiple steel doors. they call this sophisticated and difficult to prosecute. this happens where pot is legal and penalties are lax. they found 270 chinese owned homes growing pot. oklahoma 2,000 chinese linked marijuana farms and in california chinese control 75% of the production in many areas. >> we have seen quiet the influence in the aimmunity of chinese owned sites in l.a. county since 2021. >> we have seen, just, tremendous explosion of chinese folks coming in and buying land and growing illegal marijuana. >> so, that's up near the oregon
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border where there are about 8 thank you grow houses. the fine of $500 growing without a license most of the laborers are out the next day. >> they are trafficking labor to do the cultivation. >> there are 50 members of coon democratic and republican. they are asking for a briefing for the extend of the communist party growing pot in the country. >> all right, william. thank you indeed. the supreme court ruled in favor of donald trump. states must keep them on their ballots. dr.carson will be around to talk about that. dr.dr.mark said smoking marijuana is just as harmful as smoking cigarettes.
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the 11:00 hour is up next. trading at schwab is now powered by ameritrade, unlocking the power of thinkorswim, the award-winning trading platforms. bring your trades into focus on thinkorswim desktop with robust charting and analysis tools, including over 400 technical studies. tailor the platforms to your unique needs with nearly endless customization. and track market trends with up-to-the-minute news and insights. trade brilliantly with schwab. power outages can be unpredictable, inconvenient, and disruptive to your life, posing a real threat to your family's comfort and safety. when the power goes out, you have no lights,
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- [narrator] through generous community support, we've connected warriors and their families with no cost physical and mental health services, legislative advocacy, career assistance, and life skill training for 20 years, and we are just getting started.


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