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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  March 5, 2024 5:00am-6:00am EST

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that in the world. solved a critical public health problem. >> the reaction was man conquers nature, may be a little too cocky because they haven't had a flood yet or any problems. stuart: one hundred 20 years later the former swamp is home to 3 million people and every year on st. patrick's day a local plumbers union dies the chicago river green. stuart: the first time they died the river was in the 1960s, plumbers used green dye to trace a sewage leak. they liked it so much they made it a s
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>> hello folks. welcome. the democratic doubled freak out continues. larger and larger. ruling in favor of trump on the ballot today. other trials likely to be delayed for months and months. the former president miles ahead of joe biden on key issues across the board. we have michigan -- weighing in on all of this. rich lowry will come around and argue that joe biden knowingly and purposely lou up the border back in 2021. steve "forbes" will tell us why bidenomics is not working and newt gingrich here to tell us about the across-the-board failure of the progressive big government socialism. let's go to grady trimble in d.c. on today's supreme court ruling. they will let donald trump on
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the ballot. >> yes, they will. it means former president trump stays on the ballot, not only in colorado, but also in other states and there are a slew of them that try to kick him off at their ballots including main which is of course another super tuesday state and illinois which has its primary later this month in their opinion, the justices ruled it's up to congress, not individual states. of course a civil war era amendment for those that participated in an insurrection from holding public office. the high court said state-by-state resolution of the question whether section three bars a particular president from candidate from serving would be quite unlikely to deal a uniform answer consistent with the basic principle that the president represents all the voters in the
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nation. that quote speaks to a key issue at the center of the oral arguments last month. several justices expressed concerns about one state being able to influence the outcome of the general election for the entire country. the former president called the decision today a big win for america. >> a very important decision. very well-crafted. i think it will go a long way towards bringing our country together. you cannot take somebody out of a race. the voters can take a person out of the race very quickly. the supreme court should not be doing that. >> trump also urged scotus to rule in his favor in another case. the supreme court will review whether trump has immunity and the special election interference case. maybe by may or june.
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>> what did the white house have to say about this decision? >> the biden campaign said we don't care. i am paraphrasing here. we will beat the president, the former president in an election and we are planning on him being on the ballot. >> okay. thank you very much. just a couple of thoughts from the on this whole thing. a slew of poles came out over the weekend as you know showing donald trump in the driver seat for the presidential election. head to head with joe biden trump is a likely winner. trump is a huge winner across the board. the economy, inflation, border, crime, woke, nobody likes joe biden's policies. people remember how well-off they were during trump's first term. the new york times poll, 40% say that trump gave them a real pay increase and then from 40 to 18% trump policies help them
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personally and 43% biden's policies hurt them personally. trump has an enthusiasm advantage of 48-23. if you want to hear a shocker, women are 20 percentage points more likely to say that trump's policies have helped them more than mr. biden's have. that according to the new york times cm pole. the pox news poll giving hispanics 43%. 1% of voters, 28% of blacks. trump cutting into the biden democratic vote big time. another important point, mr. trump has unified the republican party far more than joe biden has unified the democrats. according to the new york times cm pole, those that voted for mr. trump in 2020, 97% intent to
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support him this year. biden said they only gave him 83 %. also, 10% of biden voters intend to support trump. so, all of the talk about mr. trump's problems unifying the gop was really just a bunch of abundance yapping. except for a tiny sliver of romney, mccain and nikki haley sore loser republicans. they all know how to lose but not how to win. mr. trump has united the gop like nobody ever before. a political street fighter that has no intention of losing. look at all of these polls. what really jumps out is how totally unpopular joe biden is.
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sorry, mr. president, we just are not that into you anymore. giving you a shot and you bundled it almost from day one. you created an affordability crisis that makes it impossible to live in your economy especially gasoline and groceries and mortgages. you created a so-called woke culture traditional american middle-class values. ruining our reputation abroad. happening all around the world. i will step back a little more from the unpopularity theme and suggest this. how many americans are reject joe biden far left progressive big government socialism. across-the-board failure. in direct contrast, mr. trump is saying we will drain washington, d.c. swamp of woke progressivism
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we will restore freedom, democracy, economic growth, optimism and america's standing in the world. a much needed dose of common sense. right now you have to say the advantages trump. let's hash through all of this. joining us now welcome back tutor dixon. host of the podcast. then -- no, then dominant should , i've got to get that right. spectator world and fox news contributor. our friend alex marla. co-author of the breitbart in. breaking biden.
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exposing the hidden forces in secret money machine. his family and his administration. a lot to chew on here. let me just start with you. i see this many different levels the economy is being rejected did i think joe biden is being rejected. i think that it is a cliché. even if the economy does a little bit better. biden does not get any credit. people are not into joe biden. what does it mean at this stage in the game. eight months before the election or so. >> first off, larry, it is always a pleasure to be on with you. you know how much i respect you.
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i got to meet you for the first time when i was 13 years old. i think this is one of these weird elections. not the economy stupid. the fact is joe biden, so many people around him who he depended on to win last time around i don't think he will be able to make the coalition work again. what you see in those numbers, what you see in the polling numbers is the progressive wing of the party turning against him on a number of different respects including gaza, by the way. the way he has treated israel and the way he has dealt with foreign policy around the world. there is something more fundamental going on here. the american people, they do not want to have a president they
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cannot count on to last for more years. that is what they see when they look at joe biden. that is something very logical. a depressing moment i think for the democratic party that they are having to roll him out again and try to make the american people see if he can make it four more years. they are not buying that. they are rejecting it. that is why you see the poll numbers behaving the way they are. >> welcome back to the show. this may not be solely about the economy the way many elections are tiered i do think it is about the failure of progressivism. i do think borders and security and law and order, i mean, all of these things seem to be collapsing around joe biden who does not seem either physically or cognitively capable of doing much about it if anything. that gives trump a big advantage
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i don't know, this is march. the election is not until november. between now and then, what do you expect to see from donald trump. he has the advantage in all of these polls, but as you know, polls are not boats. where does mr. trump go with the advantage so far. >> thank you for having me. i think that donald trump can go really far in dates like my home state michigan because we are seeing this, like you said, the progressive wing of the party break off and that is in some cases, students at decided to vote uncommitted and in some cases it is our arab-american population that decided to vote uncommitted. we have a person from wayne county come out today and say i want to announce and say i voted uncommitted because i thought, wayne county for those that do not know is the detroit area. he said i came out and i voted
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uncommitted. i don't feel like joe biden has taken time to reach out to this committee. to what then said, i think they are also saying can this guy make it another four years on joe biden. we feel more comfortable that donald trump can and we feel comfortable that he will file vice president that is comfortable as well. if he cannot make it then we end up with kamala and that is a mess, too. this is a nightmare. the economy still is playing a pole. making a lot more money on their donald trump. he can come back to them and say i will bring jobs back. i will bring the economy back. you will not have to worry about the border. everything is in his favor right now. nothing is in joe biden's favor. >> they got a pay cut. middle-class workers, i don't care. they all got a pay cut under biden. they got a pay increase under
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trump. let me just play trumpet speaking today on unification after the supreme court decision take a listen. >> a very big day for america. a very big day for liberty. just a great day for this country. i hope it is unifying like i think. it is a big step forward. unification. >> it may seem ironic. mr. trump is a guy defending democracy. mr. trump talking about unity. one more thing here. people don't like joe biden. i nokia's old, but he is mean. this is not the joe biden of 10, 15, 20 years ago. he is mean. he is nasty. he is difficult. i think that that is killing him among other things. what do you think?
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>> i think trump gets it. this election is about donald trump's personal baggage. he will lose some of that lead. if it's a referendum around joe biden, around actually supporting democracy, supporting our republic, this decision was a big one from the democrats, too. seen as a once keeping it off the ballot. they have been walking around telling us they are the authorities around democracy. keeping the republican nominee off the ballot in one state or multiple states. they could have never defended that across the next six months. they got bailed out in a big way he has clearly learned some big lessons. >> it would've been cool and to their advantage if they came out and applauded this decision. >> would've made them look much better. >> i will let you take that. i have another soundbite that i
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want you to hear. they have been wrong on so many things. the weaponization of justice is one of them. nobody liked the idea of keeping trump off the ballot. nobody much like so hold off their organs trump and what they did in new york. here is more of trump or mar-a-lago today. hang on a second. >> i want to win based on my policies. we will cut taxes. we will get interest rates down. you will be able to buy homes again. i want to stop wars. i want to stop the war in ukraine with russia. i want to stop in israel. you would not have had inflation caused by high energy prices. >> it is just like, he is hitting on all cylinders here. this is a positive message driven trump. economy plus.
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it is stopping wars. i think he is getting young people because he does not want to fight wars. maybe we can be strong enough. i mean, trump at the top of his game. >> i think the more that we hear from him along these lines the better. one of the things that we really see, the decision that the democrats made the radical left made to try to engage in this type of welfare, it is absolutely blown up in their face. they have completely failed. they tried to essentially take off the ballot, you know, the former president of the united states in a way a rational american response to, wait a minute, that does not sound like democracy. that does not sound like the ability to have a republic.
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that is something that i think is very healthy about the american populace. the fact that the supreme court rejected this is very good as well. i am very satisfied with this decision. i hope that we can move on to having a real contest. i think it's one that the former president is winning. >> i think this gives him a big lift. just a couple days before the state of the union. my eyes are old. i swear i read in this whole they are not women, 20 percentage points more likely to say that trump's policies helped them more than mr. biden's. i swear i read that in the pool. i know how firm i am. i think that that is an extraordinary number and i will give you the last word. >> absolutely. we are buying gas.
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we are buying the groceries and we know how much everything costs and we know the impact to our families. you will hear joe biden talking a lot about corporate greed and the blame game and the republicans will let me do what i need to do. at the end of the day, mothers out there know what it's like to try to take care of their aging parents and children at the same time and how much it is costing them and they know that that is on joe biden. >> awesome stuff. thank you ever so much to all of you. we will see what happens. coming up next we will talk about my dear friend rich. why he thinks joe biden knowing and purposely blew up the border right away in early 2021. it is a double freak out for the democrats. stick around. i am kudlow.
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when i was your age, we never had anything like this. what? wifi? wifi that works all over the house, even the basement. the basement. so i can finally throw that party... and invite shannon barnes. dream do come true. xfinity gives you reliable wifi with wall-to-wall coverage on all your devices, even when everyone is online. maybe we'll even get married one day. i wonder what i will be doing? probably still living here with mom and dad. fast reliable speeds right where you need them. that's wall-to-wall wifi on the xfinity 10g network. biden illegal migrant crisis now on the hook for $2.3 billion to house and feed illegals.
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brian yannis is live at the roosevelt hotel with all the details. i remember when it was a fabulous elegant place to be. >> that is not the case today. new york city says they have spent about a billion dollars just to house about 15,000 migrant families and their children like the roosevelt since july alone. costing $400 a night to have one migrant family and these hotels. new york state last summer decided they offered to help by launching a $25 million migrant relocation program paying an entire year's rent for every family that chooses to move out of the city. they don't want them. just for are now accepting migrant relocations after a
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spokesperson says the county is no longer participating in this program geared suffolk county is not or will it be a sanctuary city and we have not agreed towards accepting undocumented migrants. rockland county republican executive says ultimately, this is the city's problem. >> because you asked for it. we do not have the ability to do it. >> this voluntary relocation program was meant to help 12,050 migrant families but just 178 families have been moved with another 460 waiting to be relocated. migrants simply do not want to leave the city because they are afraid they will not find work. >> we do not have that sound. the bottom line is to qualified these families have to apply for asylum and be on track for work
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authorization. new york city saying they want to open this up to everyone. larry. >> i cannot say that i blame them. thank you ever so much for that report. stay with this topic of immigration. we bring in rich lowry. he writes in the new york post " joe biden knowingly and purposely blew up the border in 2021. rich, welcome back. that kind of says it all. this was not brought upon him. this was not some immaculate problem. this is of his own making. >> absolutely. two weeks after taking office and executive order, sweeping executive order, all about how we lead our people and enrolling back 10, a dozen trump policy statements, proclamations, remaining in mexico. within weeks, literally, that is
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all gone. they fought to end it. when he got an executive order to end it i've considered it carefully. this reduced migrant flows but we are ending it anyway. that was basic attitude. whatever trump created had to be destroyed. >> tent and tend and tens of executive orders and decisions that they overturned. he wrote about remaining in mexico and the asylum agreement which probably deserved a little bit more attention. >> we talked about this before. he had to force these countries to go along with this. it gets them to agree to the safer country agreements. if you're from honduras and you want asylum, okay, why don't you go to guatemala and claim asylum we take for granted, we throw
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down these phrases a lot. these are things that did not exist except for trump folks were outraged by the fact they could not control the border either and had to come up with really creative solutions that worked. they stopped the flow and was blowing up deliberately. >> on that point, you have about 500 miles biden stopped the wall , what greg abbott is doing with the barb wire fence, barricades can work. cutting back with the barricades which of course the bidens opposed. that is a laboratory experiment. rich lowry, there are two things here. section 212 in section 287 g of the immigration and nationality act. one allows the president, congressional laws signed way in the past.
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it can stop people from coming in illegally and you can deport criminals in a sanctuary city or not. there are executive authorities, mandates to do this. new york times article this week this really shows us the character, these different men. trump want to do everything unilaterally. congress gave the president a lot of authority in this area that biden just does not want to use. it really was a creative way that worked. this is why biden will get no traction. he blew it up deliberately. it is in black and white. it is all right there. >> we tried in the trump years to have a legal immigration reform which i still hope someday may be enacted or at least looked at again. i am in favor of legal immigration.
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how big an election issue is this going to be. i know it's big. you have known us a long time. how big is big? >> it is top three. showing the number one issue. we have all been around for a while now. we have seen this flow. we have seen the pictures. showing us the video. you live in cities, you see it. a billion dollars since july just to house 15,000 families? and then this game of hot potato who will take them. maybe would not have to play hot potato if you stop them from coming in the first place. >> tragic laws. national review. >> appreciated. feel better. >> i'm doing my best. lots of honey and tea on the set the economy may be improving. joe biden has nothing to do with it.
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voters are just not into joe biden anymore. we are meant to steve "forbes". coming in telling us about it all of that when kudlow returns. get help reaching your goals with j.p. morgan wealth plan, a digital money coach in the chase mobile® app. use it to set and track your goals, big and small... and see how changes you make today... could help put them within reach. from your first big move to retiring poolside - and the other goals along the way. wealth plan can help get you there. ♪ j.p. morgan wealth management.
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president biden hitting the camp pain trail touting bidenomics. the voters are not buying what he is selling. they just are not that into m. we are always into edward lawrence. [laughter] >> starting at the state of the union. the unemployment rate under 4% for years. they have added back all the jobs lost in the pandemic in the economy has created 5.4 million jobs. what the president will not say is overall prices have risen 18% year-over-year. instituting his policies and
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2021. real wages down 2.1% in that time. to fox news team decision-makers and the democratic pollster, we give you both sides here. listen. >> there is a performance problem that voters don't think the biden administration has done well, has helped them, dealt with critical issues like the economy and inflation. a secondary element to it, the traits, they think biden does not seem up to the task. >> 61% of registered voters believe that president has failed handling the economy. 58% say he has failed helping the working class. 71% say he has failed in approving border security. when you look at what voters find important you see nervous feeling starting to take hold. 37% see the economy has a number one issue followed by 21% seeing
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immigration is a top concern. take a listen. >> we are moving in the general election phase with two candidates viewed as deeply flawed. one thing is perhaps reality by most measures it seems like we have avoided a recession in the economy is on a strong track. >> when you dig into the gdp numbers, government spending has played a very large pool in pushing economic slowdown going forward. we will let you decide. >> absolutely. government spending plus transfer payments. stimulating consumer demand. thank you for that. as always. let's bring in our guest from the biden economy. steve "forbes". author of inflation. what it is, why it's bad and how to fix it. presidential medal recipient and
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author of taxes have consequences. talking to. cheryl: -- steve on the set as you deserted us and stayed away, the reality is, hunter trump, the average working stiff, white , brown, black, female, whatever, a real pay increase under paul. it got a real pay cut. so, not surprisingly the voters favored the pay increase. that may be a little too simplified. polls are showing up. what do you think. >> i think that that is exactly correct. i think wages were up something like $6000 under trump and they dropped sharply under biden right away. they have been rising a little bit lately. number two, prices are up. what did lauren say?
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18% since biden took office. prices were not up anything like that under trump. trump did a much better job. what you are seeing right now, larry, the remnants of the trump tax cuts and jobs act still providing a lot of strength to the economy and i don't think this has anything to do with bidenomics at all. i don't think it's improving very much. what we do see is literally trump policies. >> i want to pick up on that. i have been mulling this over, too. government spending. transfer payments. boosting the gdp calculations. >> throw it all in. one of the biggest factors we have not talked about enough his profits. the mother's milk of stock symbol lifeblood of the economy. trump cut corporate taxes. large and small businesses. to some extent now post pandemic
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, the profit story is helping to stabilize the economy only legitimate private-sector thing out there. of course not a day goes by. you will hear it again. the state of the union, joe biden will tax the rich -- rich people greedy corporations that don't pay their fair share we will send them to the irs. how ironic is that. >> cutting tax rates from 35% to 21%. you look at profits today and one of the huge things about the talk about recession year after year as companies have gotten their acts together. they are prepared. usually recessions come when you are not expecting it. people have plenty of time to prepare for it. business investment not as strong as it should be because it is still uncertain. one of the things i hope the campaign will do coming this
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november is put out a reaganesque kind of tax cut showing you elect us and we will do things to make your life better. you will get a feast when this economy really recovers. >> if biden would listen to you and steve "forbes" and cut tax rates we would put this chart up on the board. every time tax rates are reduced the rich pay more. almost 50% now. biden want the rich to pay their fair share. lower tax rates, higher tax revenues. should have won a nobel prize for it. biden can have his cake and eat it, too. what do you make of that. >> i love being on with the two of you. i love you both dearly. what i say on that is it is obvious.
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rich people like to keep their income so when tax rates go down they can report more of their income. the share of their tax rate increases. that is exactly what happens every single time. it is just the truth that is happened. all the tax returns. more in taxes, not less. the economy underperforms. it is very sad that no one else is looking at this from mit or harvard or berkeley. they denied the actual events actual facts that stare us right in the face. >> you know what it stands for politically? working folks. they do not tape business the way biden does. they do not hate profits. they know they need to share the wages. they got a raise under trump and they got a pay cut under biden. in many ways, it is that simple. give the last word.
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>> the americans are not in mbs people. they want to know are my prospects getting better. can i get ahead. can my family get ahead. they want a bright future for themselves and for the country. biden is going after this destructive class warfare. we will get these people. that is not the american people. he should listen to reagan speeches at night. doesn't have to read them, just listen to audio. [laughter] i'm telling you, people are jealous. thank you, steve "forbes" and art laffer. new yay marriage coming around to tell me about the across the board failure about progressive big government socialist models. people have lost confidence in joe biden. the performance has been terrible. this left-wing progressive stuff is not working. they just are not into them anymore. i am
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when i was your age, we never had anything like this. what? wifi? wifi that works all over the house, even the basement. the basement. so i can finally throw that party... and invite shannon barnes. dream do come true. xfinity gives you reliable wifi with wall-to-wall coverage on all your devices, even when everyone is online. maybe we'll even get married one day. i wonder what i will be doing? probably still living here with mom and dad. fast reliable speeds right where you need them. that's wall-to-wall wifi on the xfinity 10g network. welcome back. one of the reasons biden suppose are so bad, people have lost confidence, they just are not that into it anymore is a
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complete failure of the progressive policies and big government socialism. join me to talk about it is newt gingrich. fox news contributor. you know. you coined this phrase for government socialism. three years ago we had a dose of woke as you tried to ruin the culture. my point is these polls this last round of holes we have been talking about is a repudiation of all of that. that is a key point. >> the challenges, culturally, if you are on the left, you cannot deal with reality. so you just rejected. the most startling thing about the most recent polls is the new york times was actually the worst pole for biden. they showed trump beginning to pull away in a decisive way. showing him now carrying latino voters. showing gaining ground among
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african-american voters and a good friend of mine sent me a note and said we may be seeing the replacement of the roosevelt coalition with a brand-new trump coalition. it goes back to big government socialism. cannot perform so your life is more miserable. and it is a set of values that most americans think are not speared when you combine those two and you go to people and say hi, would you like or more years of millions of people coming in illegally, would you like a lot more carjackings, we don't have enough people dying from fentanyl. would you like a magic get even weaker on the stage? i see a very profound underlying switch in the culture at large. >> i could not agree more. this idea of big government socialism really hits home.
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it has not worked on the economy of course the lawlessness in the border, all of the things you just mentioned are correct. what is interesting is the voters according to these polls, they are ahead of the politicians. i see people on the left say, you know, it is about a lot of rural white people. hilary clinton's old deplorable speared how bad the rural white people are. no, it is not. it is across the board. every single group is rejecting these policies. that is sunoco -- new coalition trump's building. >> the analogy which i have been using was jimmy carter which was a race i was involved in on reagan side. as we watch this sink in, i think with the new york times poll, the analogy may be herbert hoover.
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what you are saying is a 92 -year-old coalition falling apart in a way that they cannot put back together. bill clinton who was a great, great politician realized when we wanted 94 that he had to change. so he comes to the state of the union. i am sitting behind him. i am the host and the speaker. the era of big government is over. there i am applauding bill clinton. the idea that this coming thursday night joe biden is going to say anything comparable to that is laughable. they actually have no idea what is going on in the real world. they think a couple good speeches, a few good ad speared no. people go shopping and they are stunned. i went to get some hamburger to make some spaghetti. she came back and said she could not believe how high the price was. people are stunned when they
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turn on the local news and they see some illegal immigrant who has attacked a woman or who have stolen a car who they watch some venezuelan dogs beating up a police man. this is all about reality and what you have is a big government socialism that cannot deal with reality. >> the left-wing progressive model across the board. senator katie britt going to give the rebuttal for the state of the union. you like her. >> i like her a lot. this is the biggest addition i've ever seen. sitting there watching both biden but with much greater interest watching to see how katie does. she could well end up being the republican vice presidential nominee. >> a frequent guest on the show. a very good communicator with very good values. newt gingrich big government socialism. before you use ai to transform business,
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6:00 am
that is it for kudlow. thanks for watching, folks. ♪


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