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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  March 5, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EST

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it's odd how in an instant things can transform. slipping out of balance into freefall. (the stock market is now down 23%). this is happening people. where there are so few certainties... (laughing) look around you. you deserve to know. as we navigate a future unknown. i'm glad i found stability amidst it all. gold. standing the test of time. maria: welcome back. good tuesday morning, everybody.
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thanks very much for joining us this morning. i'm maria bartiromo. it is tuesday, march 5, 7:00 a.m. on the button on the east coast. time for the hot topic of the hour. the supreme court ruling unanimously that states cannot repouf a presidential candidate from their ballots. putting to rest a string of democrat states led by colorado to remove president trump from their state primary ballots. trump praising the supreme court decision yesterday while also taking aim at president biden for the border crisis. watch. >> i will say that president biden, number one, stop weaponization. fight your fight yourself. don't use prosecutors and judges to go after your opponent to try and damage your opponent so you can win an a election. our country is much bigger than that. the other thing i say to president biden, close the borders now. this is not sustainable for our
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country. it's not sustainable for our cities. our country is under siege. i say respectfully to president biden, you have the authorization right now, i did it, i didn't go to congress and say do i have the right to close. i fought congress on it. close the borders. you can do it right now. maria: lee carter, i want to get your reaction here. let me just share with you newt begin are grip's tweet, his post on x, he says the biggest meaning of the supreme court decision on colorado is that it was 9-0. and the justices concluded that the biggest threat to democracy was not donald trump, it was the left. even the liberal justices agree that the threat from the left is so great, even the liberal justices voted to protect the american people's right to have their candidate they choose, lee. >> i mean, i think it's so significant that this is an unanimous vote. i can't underscore that enough.
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if it were any other way people would be able to say it's the republican judges versus the democrat judges. all judges said the same thing, said it was not allowed and we should move forward and yet what are democrats doing? democrats are saying you know what we lost this on a technicality, that's what some are saying. others are saying it doesn't change the fact that trump took part. democrats can't let go. when trump responded to talk about the weaponization of the government was smart and also the idea that democrats are losing the ability to suppress the will of the people and he's saying you've got to stop here and american people are feeling that. they don't want their voice to be diminished. they want to be able to be heard and just as many runs are concerned about the future of democracy as democrats. democrats are trying to say the future of democracy is
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their issue. it's not. when you look at polling, republicans are just as concerned that their voices are not going to be able to be heard, they'll be suppressed and the democratic response i think is proof of that for them. no doubt about it. maria: the liberal media is going nuts about this. keith olderman is calling for the supreme court to be broken down, cnn tries to hold it together after the 9-0 decision, dana bash says this, unfortunately -- unfortunately for america, the court is not necessarily wrong but this is the way the framers wanted it to be. cheryl. >> well, i mean, let me add to that. because the washington posted tore call -- post editorial board went the other direction, saying keeping mr. trump on the ballot is the right call. they say it paves the way for a second trump term. keith olderman, who listens to
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him anymore, they can scream and y'all all they want and say this is the most horrific decision. they think they know better than the american people and the american voter. let people vote and the supreme court was very clear about that. let the people's voices be heard. maria: the biden administration reportedly admitting to secretly flying 320,000 i'll illegal mis into 43 airports last year. you according to the center for immigration studies this was part of president biden's expansion of the cb -- cbp1 app, out allows migrants to apply fr travel authorization and temporary release from the airports. sources told fox news that border patrol apprehended more than 141,000 illegal migrants in february and of that number, over 70% were in blue states. arizona, california, new mexico,
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texas, which has five out of the nine border be patrol sectors along the border saw just over 42,000 apprehensions in february. i mean, this is pretty stunning that the administration is admitting that they actually took these migrants and flew them into cities and states across the country, rebecca. remember when the new york post had cameras in westchester and they caught all these migrants getting off the plane and the white house would not say a thing about it. they wouldn't admit it and now we know. they're add t mitting, yes, they have enabled these migrants to go to cities across the country. >> i know the days of watergate are over and we don't have these major political bombshells but when you have an administration that as has taken the stance that they will come out every single day and beat the american public over the head that if congress doesn't do something nothing will get fixed, it's up to congress, the president is powpowerless and then you find t that not only the did he cancel all of the executive orders, remain in mexico, that trump dealt with the border crisis on
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president they enable this app to have illegal immigrants across the world request asylum, then ngo and you humanitarian groups get involved and get them here and the administration won't tell us the airports because they could do this program under cover of night and not let us know but if we the american public demand to know the 43 airports, no, that's an operational problem that could he create vulnerabilities. we can't publicize what we're doing because people could attack it. this has got to stop. we didn't vote for this. we don't accept this. this is not the rule of law. maria: quick break and then markets are on the move this morning ahead of the federal reserve's two day testimony on capitol hill. jay powell will address the house tomorrow and the senate on thursday. what that could mean for potential rate cut coming up. the word on wall street panel is here to weigh in. don't miss it. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back.
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♪ limu emu & doug ♪ ( bell ringing) customize and save with libberty bibberty. liberty bushumal. libtreally blubatoo. mark that one. that was nice! i think you're supposed to stand over there. oh am i? thank you. so, a couple more? we'll just...we'll rip. we'll go quick. libu smeebo. libu bribu. limu bibu...and me. doug: he's an emu! only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ maria: welcome back. time for the word on wall street. top investors watching your money. joining me is horizon investment's chief investment officer, scott ladner. also with me is rebecca walser. great to see you, scott. thank you for joining the conversation this morning. >> hey, maria, thanks for having me. maria: rebecca and i were talking about the federal reserve, want to look at futures this morning. market is lower.
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we've got the dow industrials down 55, nasdaq down 82 and yet the s&p and nasdaq are retreating from record performance. they both hit record highs yesterday. they pulled back because of declines in the magnificent seven stocks, the big tech stocks coming down-to-earth a little. nvidia the only technology stock closing higher yesterday, was up again 3 and two thirds percent at the close yesterday. however, it you is pulling back fractionally this morning. nonetheless, -- no, here it is, look, it's extending the rally, up half a percent right now. target is certainly a sorry, stock this morning, it is up big. it reported a double beat on fourth quarter results, earnings and revenue per than exacted. the stock is up 7% right now. it did report a decline in comparable store sales but it was better than the decline that the market was looking for. digital comp sales were actually better than estimated. the comp sales were down but not down as much as the market expected, rebecca. what are your thoughts on the
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consumer and what the target report told us? >> well, you know, maria, it's interesting. we have same store sales and comp down 4%. it was expected. it was pronounced in the earnings expectation so the market is not going to ding them for that. it's going to reward them because they have a double beat. i think it speaks to even though as we've seen consumer sentiment drop, the worst drop since march of 2020 on the university of michigan's consumer sentiment in february, we still do see the consumer spending and i do expect -- we obviously know the dollar stores and walmart goes up when the market can's struggling but to see target which is more price sensitive or people are going there expecting higher prices than walmart and dollar stores and the fact it's holding up this well is a good sign overall for the economy and retail. maria: what do you say about this macro story with rates where they are, the 10 of year 10 year thismorning is down, ar,
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4.1% and the change, the fed chairman jay powell is going to be testifying this week in his annual hum humphrey hawkins testimony the. testimony. you lawmakers will likely question the head of the fed on the central bank's handling of inflation, the plans to raise bank capital requirements and the plans to cut interest rates as atlanta fed president said he expects the central bank to pause interest rate moves after one cut in the third quarter. so is that what you sunshine bthink?we've got a big week of s data. we've got the february adp and january jolts report out tomorrow followed by the february jobs report out on friday, scott. with what are you expecting? >> maria, as you highlighted, it's a busy week. there's a lot going on here. and powell's testimony will be central to a lot of it. we think he's going to come out,
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he's going to have to weave a narrative that the fed is data dependent, they like the progress on inflation thus far but don't think they're quite there yet. that's why they haven't started cutting yet as we thought they would have by now. we think they'll need to start around the summertime. as you get closer to the election, we can play in the fantasy world where the fed is not a political instrument. there is politicalization about the fed in reality. they don't want to cut in september or october like right of before the election. they can't have take be the first cut. that's why i think bosstick said we'll probably cut in the summer and then we'll pause through the election so we don't get accused of political influence. that's probably the playbook for right now unless we get continued high inflation prints which we don't expect right now. maria: scott, if we don't have a string of cuts the way the market is expecting, will we see a market selloff? do you want to buy stocks ahead of that or do you want to hold
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your powder dry? >> i think you need be participating but you don't want to add hand over fist right here. the market has come down from pricing in like a little over six cuts in 2024. now it's basically what the fed is, which is around three cuts this year. the market has done exceptionally well thus far in the face of repricing. if we move where the market priced all cuts for 2024, we don't want to see that. we don't want to see eight cuts because that's something like a recessionary outcome which we don't see. maria: that would be fantasy, eight cuts. you have to have a deteriorating situation to have eight cuts. my goodness. scott, great to see you thank you, sir. rebecca, you're with us all morning. we appreciate it. quick break and then joe biden's border crisis spirals out of control, new data shows the majority o of apprehensions are happening in blue states. arkansas senator tom cotton is
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i think he's having a midlife crisis i'm not. you got us t-mobile home internet lite. after a week of streaming they knocked us down... dial up speeds. like from the 90s. great times. all i can do say is that my life is pre-- i like watching the puddles gather rain. -hey, your mom and i procreated to that song. oh, ew! i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is.
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>> the other thing i say to president biden, close the borders now. this is not sustainable for our
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country. you have to stop. you have to close the border. you have absolute authorization. you don't need congress. i had the safest border in the history of our country. and i didn't use congress for it. maria: that was former president trump calling on president biden to secure the border while speaking at mar-a-lago yesterday on the supreme court decision. we have shocking new faux owes to show you this -- photos to show you this morning. these are smugglers handing off bundles of drugs to got aways. it appears they were tossing them over of fences. texas department of public safety spokesperson christopher olivarez say this is happening on private ranches. border patrol agents arresting six sexual predators over the weekend, the men convicted of sex crimes on children. joining us now, arkansas senator tom cotton. senator, great to see you this morning. thanks so much for joining me.
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>> thanks for having he me, maria. maria: this wide open border has obviously put national security at risk in this country an20 would reverse all of president trump's highly effective policies that had in effect closed our border. s that's what he did on day one. we've seen an invasion of our country ever since, 10 illegal migrants have crossed the border. president trumps is right that president biden could close the border. he could substantially reduce the flow if he took a few simple steps. for instance, stop the abuse of parole authority.
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joe biden is approaching 2 million people a year. he could send the message to the rest of the world don't come. if you do come, you won't get in. but he won't do that because his party is ideologically invested in open borders. that's why the american people have soured so badly on joe biden while president trump is running ahead of him in virtually every poll and the democrats are resorting to he legal warfare to try to keep president trump off the ballot. thankfully the supreme court jumped that yesterday. i think you'll see president trump winning most of the bogus cases against him. it's a sad state of affairs when joe biden and the democrats are so unpopular where they can't try to win at the ballot box, they try to imprison their opponent which is more fitting for pakistan or brazil than our nation. maria: this is all very disturbing, obviously, senator. i wonder what your thoughts are on what the president is spending his time doing. you've got a wide open border as you say, 10 million illegals in
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this country on biden's watch. you've got an economy that is teetering on recession this year, we're seeing inflation up 18% on joe biden's watch and this morning he's talking about late fees and he's talking about corporate america and its companies' fault that people are facing inflation. is this a preamble to the state of the union on thursday? >> you y yeah, i think what youe in the state of the union is a massive effort to shift blame. that's what joe biden seems to be doing most of the time, blaming other people for his own failures, he wants to blame republicans for the fact that he opened our border and allowed this 10 million migrant invasion to occur. or to blame benjamin netanyahu for being too tough on blood thirsty terrorists when it's joe biden's y appeasement that causd
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the war to start m if the to stt place. all joe biden seems to be doing is blaming others for his failures. that's why the american people are prepared this fall. he doesn't have answers or solutions for them. he only has blame and bitterness for his own failed presidency. maria: and you know, we should point out that the 10 million people who are illegally in the country on joe biden's watch, the real question and worry there is that some of them we have no idea what their intentions are, we don't know why they're here, we don't know what their motivation is given the fact that some are on the terrorist watch list, others are chinese nationals that look like military aged men that xi jinping is creating a mini army in america. more than 70% of all apprehensions in february are now happening in blue states like arizona, california, and new mexico. nearly 99,000 of the 141,000 apprehensions happened in those three states in february because
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of course greg abbott is doing something about it in texas. last week border agents in california stopped human smuggling attempt of four chinese nationals, border chief jason owens said the nationals were not given -- they are not give-up, meaning they attempted to secretly n tear the country. so -- enter the country. your colleague roger marshall was with me on sunday. he said the ccp is really the senior actor here. not even the drug cartels that are running things, it's the ccp that is working with the drug cartels to help this illegals come into america and then create illegal businesses here. he told me that they're starting up massage parlors across the country and it's a front for human trafficking. >> maria, the casual indifference democrats displayed to this threat is remarkable. democrats say most of the people are women and children fleeing
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oppression, a small tiny percentage might be bad actors, military aged males for instance. when you have 10 million illegal migrants crossing the done you tri, even the tiniest percentage can lead to things like the murder of laken riley in georgia, a young woman who would be alive today if it wasn't for joe biden's disastrous immigration policies or the trafficking of women and children into the country for sexual exploitation, the drugs that are killing over 100,000 americans every single year or as you point out, tens of thousands of chinese nationals about whom we know very little who could be coming into the country to be undercover illegal agents or to oppress chinese americans who xi jinping blames for his own regime. so many are crossing the border who mean harm to the american people. maria: you know china so well. you studied the communist party
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and its efforts to undermine america very much. you were the first person to seiko individual likely did not come up from a wet market it likely originated in the wuhan lab so what do you think they're doing? do you think these chinese nationals are here to he create chkchaos or sow chaos. isn't it true you can't leave come of fcommunist china without approval. >> unfortunately, because of joe biden's weakness and appeasement of the chinese communists, you don't have to cross our border illegally. you can oftentimes get a student visa if you're the child of a communist party member or people's liberation army officer. and you can come here and go to our universities and harass chinese americans. we're giving out visas freely for chinese nationals for businesses or to go to
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embassies, many are spies for chinese secure services. when you have tens of thousands of chinese nationals crossing the border, at least some are doing that at the direction and under the influence of the government in china and they mean no good for the american people. maria: yeah. i want to switch gears, ask you about the senate. senate minority whip and south dakota senator john thune announces he is running for senate republican leader. i spoke with both ohio senator jd vance and indiana senator mike braun about who will be the next person in charge now that we know mitch mcconnell will not seek re-election in november. watch this. >> you cannot have a senate republican leader who is far more obsessed with securing ukraine's border than he is focused on the american border. >> somebody that reflects that new point of view, can't borrow money from our kids and grandkids, wants to be involved in leading but not paying all the bills across the world.
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maria: senator, i think a lot of people would like to see you there. will you go for the job? >> [laughter] >> well, maria, i want to be in whatever role i can help miful low senators and president trump best achieve our shared goals for the american people. some of my colleagues have you approached me about the conference chair job, number three position in leadership. i'm focusing on that position right now. it's open because of term limits for john barrasso who has done a good job there. it helps drive the message for the american people. the most important elections is not in the senate right now, it's the election for president trump and republican senators and senate candidates around the country. we want to make sure we're electing a republican majority leader in november, not a minority leader. that's why i'm working for tim shehi in montana or sam brown in nevada. those are elections that matter most right now. okay. senator, i want to ask about
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your new legislation, the rent act or requiring ev notification and transparency. you're going after rental car companies, electric vehicle rental policies. tell us about it. >> well, unfortunately there's been a huge bait and switch at the rental car counter for many americans when people are traveling for business or taking their family on vacation. they had show up and all that's available is an electric vehicle. they're forced to take the vehicles when the they don't hae the chargers or conditions are not suitable. i think american people should have a choice. this would require rental car companies to give you the choice up front, not trick you with a bait and switch and give you an electric vehicle. it's the tip of the iceberg. right now, democrats want to force you to rent an electric vehicle. pretty soon they want to force you to buy an a electric vehicle just like gavin newsom in california has done so this is just the first effort to make sure that the american people have the choices that they want.
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if you want an electric vehicle, that's fine. you shouldn't get subsidies for it. the government shouldn't massively subsidize the production with taxpayer dollars. if you want a gas powered car, that should be your choice, whether renting or buying. maria: you're right. and i think this administration is trying to cut off that choice. they want to do away withs withl fuels. mmichael shellenburger said underneath the influence beds link of the biden family, the charges from from the oversight committeend p judiciary committee, they say under all of that a was china's efforts to take over and acquire energy assets in america. so let me get this straight. the biden administration or joe biden and his family helping china acquire energy assets while cutting them off from americans? creating a national security issue. >> china's trying to corner the
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market on electric vehicles worldwide from the minerals that are necessary to the manufacturing of these vehicles to the technology that drives them and china wants to use those vehicles around the world to exert influence on peoples and governments. joe biden and his family should never have been peddling influence for china, shouldn't be forcing this choice on the american people. maria: senator, good to see you this morning. thank you, sir. >> thank you, maria. maria: senator tom cotton joining us. stay with us. we'll be right back. (♪) i've got to go. ok. bye.
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maria: welcome back. a violent criminal wanted for a new york murder will not be extradited from arizona. cheryl casone with all the details right now. >> maria, the judge deciding that 26-year-old murder suspect is going to remain in arizona, he's accused of murdering a
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woman in a new york city hotel room before fleeing to arizona where he has been accused of stabbing two other women and stealing a car. the case sparked a political battle between new york da alvin bragg and arizona da rachel mitchell. she is refusing to extradite him back to new york. she claims he needs be kept in jail, people will be safer if he stays in arizona. again, bragg not h not happy abt this. police in the nation's capital are looking for thieves who stole $36,000 of merchandise from a store. video shows them carrying into the store, one of them carrying a fire extinguisher. they're hoping the public can you assist in identifying these three. well, they are over it, literally. miami beach posting on x this gem of a post. it says hey, spring break, we're over.
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hashtag spring breakup. the city releasing a video, in ccase it wasn't clear they are done with the college crowd. >> we need to talk. >> this isn't working anymore. >> it's not us. it's you. >> you just want to get drunk in public and ignore laws. >> do you remember what happened last march? that a was our breaking point se breaking up with you. >> a state of emergency has been declared meaning overnight curfews, limited alcohol sales, bars closing early, increased police presence, security checks, early beach closures, dui checkpoints. two deadly shootings over the weekend and you're looking at scenes from spring break last year which was a complete mess down there. all right. well, finally this. after 13 seasons and a super bowl championship, philadelphia eagles star jason kelsey is
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calling it a career. the 36-year-old announcing his retirement in a tear filled press conference yesterday. watch this. >> thank you, philadelphia, from the bottom of my heart. thank you for letting me represent this city and allowing me into r homes every sunday. it's always been a goal of mine to play my whole career in one city. and i couldn't have dreamt of a better one and a better fit if i tried. there is no chance i would be here without the bond travis and i you share. it's too poetic i find my career being fulfilled in the city of brotherly love. >> former texan star jj watts says the hall of fame is in kelsey's future, he posted did ahead and get the gold jack t et fitted right now and travis, his brother is dating taylor swift, he was right there, a little teary eyed as well. those are your headlines. maria: i like your headlines
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this morning, cheryl. i tell you, one really struck me and that's what's a going on between arizona and new york. i think alvin bragg is really beginning to wear on other das across the country. they're afraid. they send people who they believe should be in prison to new york. they think the da there. , alvin bragg, is going to let them out. >> remember that angry press conference, we did it on the show, we talked about it, here in new york bragg's defiant. he is feeling the heat and he should. maria: all right. cheryl, thank you. it is the biggest voting day of the presidential primary to date. super tuesday is underway, polls are open across the country. the first polls opened across the east coast at 6:00 a.m. after the supreme court unanimously ruled to keep president trump on the 2024 primary ballot saying whether it's colorado or any other state, a state cannot decide a president's eligibility on the ballot. here's the 45 president respondg
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to the ruling yesterday. >> you can't take somebody out of the race. the voters can take a person out of the race very quickly. the court shouldn't do that. the supreme court saw that very well. maria: very well. in fact, it was unanimous, 9-0. joining me is former acting u.s. attorney general, matt whitaker. good to see you. your reaction. >> good morning. well, obviously it's a victory for the rule of you law and i think all americans that believe in voters deciding the future of this republic won as well. this is a big deal because it was unanimous, 9-0, the fact what the federal government can't be superseded by the states in pick ho pick pickingd who can't be on the ballot. it's a victory as we move forward to november. maria: jamie raskin and others
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are losing their minds over it. jamie raskin says he is now -- he is the top democrat. he's working on a bill responding to the supreme court's ballot ruling to push the issue to try to get trump off the ballot. you saw that? >> i did. but you know, remember, he's in the minority in the house and it's just going to go nowhere. it's a lot of members of congress trying to do things and many of them fall flat and i expect this one will especially. maria: let me get your take on another scotus ruling. the supreme court temporarily blocking a new texas immigration law, that you law would allow ll authorities and judges in texas to arrest and deport suspected illegal migrants. the ruling on hold, however, until at least march 13, matt. your thoughts? >> yeah. well, this wasn't on the merits. i think this is a little concerning. obviously, the federal government has failed on the southern border. we talked about it many times on your show, maria and i think this is an instance where texas has had to step up and the only
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way they can is to he defend their own border from this invasion from countries all over that are trying to send the worst of their folks and move into the united states so they don't have to deal with them. i think ultimately texas will prevail in this court. this is a minor setback but at the end of the he day we should encourage texas and other states to defend their own border when the federal government fails. maria: i don't understand how the federal government explains itself for this. we've all watched what has happened over the last three years on joe biden's watch, matt. how do they sit there and justify keeping this border open wide enough to allow 10 million illegals on joe biden's watch in three years? >> well, obviously it's intentional. i think the more concerning thing is that every time texas tries to do something, the federal government you through doj and joe biden's department of justice rushes the court for emergency relief and that's what they did in this case we were just talking about and they've done it several times whether
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it's the bouys out in the middle of the rio grande or whether it's the temporary fence in eagle pass. every case, the biden administration is trying to prevent texas and prevent law and order at our southern border. that is why november is so important for american sovereignty and law and a order. maria: joe biden has still not mentioned laken riley's name. really offensive. the fact that he cannot mention laken riley's name because she was murdered by an illegal, allegedly an illegal who came into the country in september of 2022. i think the pool realize this, -- people realize this, though. former president trump is closer to clinching the gop nomination. we expect the nomination by march 12. he had a victory in north dakota in that caucus. nikki haley getting her first win in washington, d.c. over the weekend. she won the republican primary there so she's got one win under her belt, matt. your thoughts on election 2024.
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>> 2,000 people voted in the d.c. primary as republicans, it's another reason why donald trump is never going to be able to get a fair trial in the jack smith case that he brought here in the district but i just think at the end of the day this law and order issue is going to be front and sense tar for the american people because -- center for the american people, they want to be safe h in their homes and communities. maria: had you don't think president trump will be able to get a fair trial in the jack smith case. >> i think it's impossible. 92% of the district inhabitants voted for joe biden in 2000 and you had 2,000 republicans raise their hands in washington, d.c. and say they were republicans and two thirds of the them voted for nikki haley. i don't think there's a scenario where he can get a fair trial in washington, d.c. maria: where is that going, do you think? >> the immunity question is huge, it's in front of the supreme court, they'll hear it in april, probably issue an opinion in june. i think that's going to be probably the whole ballgame most
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likely but we'll see what the justices do because, again, it's a novel legal theory from jack smith trying to bring these cases and record the january 6th case also has a fairly flawed theory of prosecution as well, the supreme court's going to hear later in the term and i think that could undermine a lot of the case against trump as well in washington, d.c. maria: do you expect trump to be in trial before the election? >> well, i mean, i think there will be trials scheduled. we'll see what happens. most likely the trial in new york will go. it's the weakest case by far that alvin bragg brought but then you'll probably see the fulton county case continue to unravel and maybe the case down in florida gets scheduled but i don't know if it goes to trial. i don't see the federal cases going to trial before the election we'll be watching all of that. thanks so much for your expertise. matt whitaker joining us this morning. quick break and then biden's border crisis costing chicago schools. fox business' kelly saveri in
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chicago this morning with more. kelly. >> maria, this is causing an immense strain on the resources that these students are receiving. i'm going to break down just how bad it is, coming up. nalized based on your goals, whatever they may be. all that planning has paid off. looks like you can make this work. we can make this work. and the feeling of confidence that comes from our advice... i can make this work. that seems to be universal. i can make this work. i can make this work. no wonder more than 9 out of 10 clients are likely to recommend us. because advice worth listening to is advice worth talking about. ameriprise financial.
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it is time for the morning buzz. biden's border crisis could now cost taxpayers up to $2 billion to educate migrants. fox business' kelly saberi in chicago with more on this angle. kelly. >> reporter: good morning, maria. to determine that number, we looked at the u.s. census bureau's stats for the per pupil spending in each state, in the 2021, 2022 school year, that's the most recent fiscal year that the bureau has data for. and then compared it to the department of health and human services' data on unaccompanied minors released to sponsors and just how many there were. use that for the year that texas governor greg abbott started bussing migrants to sanctuary cities to determine these numb berms. keep in mind, these numbers are likely higher because there are no reliable enrollment counts. this doesn't include those who enter as family units. based on that information, we found out new york spent over
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$233 million, california spent $197 million, illinois spent $62 million and colorado spent $22 million. one teacher in denver told fox the migrant crisis is stressing their school resources. >> we're currently 100 students over projection just at my middle school so you can imagine the crisis across the entire district. we don't have the funds to make sure that we have resources for all of our students so teachers are scrambling. >> reporter: just last month chicago public school officials reportedly announced that there are 5700 migrant students enrolled in the district and that's a affecting the resources for the elementary school behind me. back to you. maria: there's only so many resources, kelly. that's true. thank you. kelly saberi is in chicago this morning. lee, we're sees resources stretched across the country. >> we sure are.
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it's unbelievable to me the change in sentiment that we're seeing towards illegal immigration. now, it used to be very much just a republican issue. they were the ones that were talking about it. it's now the number one issue among americans and that includes democrats. there was an article this morning in the new york times that said i hope the democratic part and i hope that joe biden goes to the right on immigration and talks about going to the left on gaza which is a separate story but talking about wanting the democratic party to go to the right on immigration. they know it's a losing issue for them. republicans, every single poll that you can take a look at, they're the ones that people think are going to be able to solve this and it's becoming an increasing issue to the american people. maria: it sure is. cheryl. >> i want to highlight the language issues that many teachers have to deal with now because these kids that are coming into the schools, had the don't speak english and many of them in fact most of them are unvaccinated. so there are so many issues. i'm talking about measles, mumth
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mumps, the basic childhood vaccines, not covid, folks. we're talking about blue cities. it's also happening ins a as and a california which she mentioned as well. it's disrupting the education of these children and look, these parents are fed up. and i always say this. you get what you vote for. and we've got an election coming up in november. something to remember. maria: yeah. rebecca? >> you know, maria, besides the bombshell that this administration opened up the cbp1 app to y allow people in other countries to apply for asylum while in the other country and have the humanitarian aid you aranged and 320,000 were flown into the country, besides that bombshell which i can't get over this morning, what the american public understands, it's now taking their resources, they're seeing their schools close or
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their centers close, their homeless centers the, shelters close because the resources are going to these illegal migrants and that is when it has to stop and guess what. the states don't have the resources so the states are going to rely on this federal government for the tax revenue for these resources and guess who pays the federal government? our tax base. so we can't afford this, period, end of story. maria: we will take a break. when we come back, unanimous, 9-0, the supreme court votes to keep the former president on the ballot. stay with us. it's the hot topic of the hour. ♪ - we're engaged! - we're engaged! congrats carol! your youngest finally popped the question.
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