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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  March 8, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EST

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to help your business grow. get started today at constant contact. helping the small stand tall. your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit maria: welcome back.
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good friday morning, everybody. thanks very much for joining us this morning. i hope you're having a good friday. i'm maria bartiromo. it is friday, march 8, you 7:00 a.m. on the button on the east coast. a time for the hot topic of the hour. immigration, a top issue for voters. but it took president biden 40 minutes to begin talking about the border in his state of the union address of which he spent very little time. biden called on congress to pass the bill out of the senate. he put the blame on republicans over the border. watch. >> my republican friends owe it to the american people, get this bill done. and in november my team began serious negotiations with a bipartisan group of senators. the result was a bipartisan bill with the toughest set of border security reforms we've ever seen. you don't think so? oh, you don't like that bill, huh? that conservatives got together and said it was a good bill. i'll be darn.
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maria: joining me for our pow r wear hour is former you'd you tau congressman and a fox news contributor, jason chaffetz, and doug collins and former state department spokesperson and host of the morgan ortagus show, morgan ortagus. thank you for being here. jason, your reaction to the speech last night? >> i thought it was hyper partisan. there was no unity, no bringing the country together, no reaching out. i think it was one that was targeted towards his base. he needed to solidify his base. perhaps they got excited. the promise of joe biden to you bring the country together, he didn't do that. there was not one new solution, nothing out there that was something new and innovative that was going to change things and change the direction of the country and i thought it was totally, completely tone deaf on what americans are dealing with. to lead with ukraine, that's not
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the number one issue for people struggling in the country. maria: i was struck by the fact that doug, i walk away from the speech not having any idea what the state of the union really is, according to joe biden. he didn't tell us what the state of the union is. inflation is one of the key issues, it's up 18% on his watch. sure, it's off of the highs of the three years but it's still up and elevated. that's one of the most important issues. of course, as jason says, immigration is the top issue. it took him 40 minutes to get to the border. >> it was amazing to me. i think tone deaf is too kind of a word for last night. he ignored what's going on in the country. the last part of the speech he kept trying to say i'm the president for all americans. he spent the first 40 minutes of his speech talking about his priorities, ukraine, how bad maga extremist republicans were and the threat to democracy and he decided to turn to abortion and turn it to things they were
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not doing and this is what he framed his speech, a divisive, political speech, not a state of the union. he is basically deriding half of america who feel the pressure of the pocketbook and the pump and see what's going on at the border. when he got the few lines of immigration, he took the opportunity to talk about laken riley, he mispronounced her name. at least get it right. maria: he didn't want to do that. he was forced to say laken riley's name because of marjorie taylor greene. he finally said her name after marjorie taylor greene called him out. as you noted, he got the name wrong, calling her lincoln. watch this. >> i'm told my predecessor called members of congress in the senate to demand they block the bill. he feels political win for me,
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it's not about him, not about me. lincoln riley. an innocent young woman who was killed by an illegal. that's right. but how many thousands of people are killed by illegals, to her parents i say my heart goes out to you, having lost children myself. i understand. maria: morgan, your thoughts? i have to say it again. i've been saying it this morning. this was a campaign speech, not a state of the union. >> i think that's a really important point, maria. the reason is, it's because this was unpress deputied what happened last night -- unprecedented what happened last night. to give viewers a little context, the state of the union is super bowl for policy nerds like me. this is what we look for. the campaign people give speeches throughout the year. the state of the union is the president supposed to give a civilized speech where -- can you hear me. maria: i can hear you fine.
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you're absolutely right. >> sorry. so the state of the union is where the president is supposed to give a detailed policy speech. it's supposed to be civilized. and it's not a time for a campaign speech. i can't remember in modern history, and i've been watching these my entire adult life, where you had a speech like this that was, as you said, a campaign speech. it's important to note that this shattered norms in washington last night. normally the white house will bring policy people like me, like doug, like jason in the room. you'll go through the details of the policy. it's important to note that it's not just that it was a campaign speech, is that his speech shattered norms that have happened throughout modern american history. you do not give this type of political speech. it's inappropriate. i thought katie brit who gave the republican response restored civility and class to the evening. i think we're all in agreement in our distaste for the lack of civility and norms had that the
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president showed last night. however, politico is reporting this morning, maria, that the 9:00 p.m. hour was the largest fund raising hour for the president's campaign since he you announced last april, only to be beaten by the 10:00 p.m. hour. even though people who probably support president trump or right of center may not have liked the speech, it is considered a win from his campaign's perspective because they had such great fund raising hours and they made sure last night that president biden p didn't get kicked off the ticket which is i think is what they were worried about. maria: he accomplished what he wanted to the accomplish. he raised money for his campaign because it was a campaign speech. he zeroed in on abortion, zeroed in on ukraine and he attacked president trump. that's not the state of the union. you're right, alabama senator katie brit sent a message to president biden on the immigration issue in the gop response last night. let's b listen to that. watch. >> right now, the american dream has turned into a
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nightmare for so many families. unvarnished state of our union begins and ends with this. our families are hurting. our country can do better. we know that president biden didn't just ko create this bordr crisis, he invited it with 94 executive actions in his first 100 days. maria: that's what he did, jason, by overturning all of president trump's security at the border. he did that in one swoop of the pen with his own overturning of the executive orders and a made this country much less safe, opening us up to chaos and crime. >> exactly. i thought senator brit did a wonderful job by the way. this is the problem with. gerri: joe biden's speech.did he offerf
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the problems? no the solution to the immigration -- by the way, democrats had the house, the senate and the presidency for the first two years of the administration. he admitted in his speech he didn't start working on this until three months ago. that's when it dawned on him. you know he what? they let millions and millions of people in because they got rid of 94 -- they implemented 94 executive orders, totally dismantled what donald trump had done, donald trump, president trump had secured the border. and you can get rid of those executive orders. but he's not going to do that that's the problem. america, listen, he's not going to fix this problem. you give him four more years, there's going to be 10 million more illegal aliens in the country. maria: he needs the votes. he needs those people to vote for him. he can't get the votes in america because those are the people feeling the impact of these policies. >> this is the -- democrats are
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out there saying out loud, you have the attorney general of the united states saying that offering an identification to vote is voter suppression. that's a scary moment in this country. maria: we're going to talk more about that. that was outrageous that ag merrick garland said he would fight tooth and nail against voter ids. quick break and then we're looking at markets, they're on the move ahead of the february jobs report out in less than 90 minutes' time, the word on wall street panel is here with expectations and then more of our power panel for the rest of the hour. stay with us. okay y'all we got ten orders coming in... big orders! starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant... that's a different story. i couldn't slow down. we were starting a business from the ground up. people were showing up left and right. and so did our business needs the chase ink card made it easy.
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dennis, thank you for joining the conversation. i want to get your take on thethebanks. the stock is up this morning it had a terrible year, it athansed an update to financial information. take a look at new york bancorp this morning. deposits have fallen 5% since december to more than $77 billion, the bank says it has 12% of the loans in commercial real estate and 44% in multifamily housing. here's fed chief jay powell yesterday, signaling a retreat in capital requirements for mayor juror banks as part of the basel 3 end game proposals. >> basel 3 rules are not directly related, not the thing that's directly related to silicon valley bank. my view is that it will be appropriate to make material and broad changes to that before we finalize it. >> material and broad changes to strengthen the rules? >> we'll talk about what that will mean in the end. i didn't say we would withdraw
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the rules. >> you are the leader of the fed. you talked about getting tougher on the banks. but now the giant banks are unhappy about that and you have gone weak kneed on this. the american people need a leader at the fed who has the occourage to stand up to the bas and protect our financial system. maria: dennis, your reaction? >> vitriol between the senator from massachusetts and the chairman of the federal reserve bank was atypical. i haven't seen that kind of vitriol in a discussion of congress in a long period of time. i was surprised by how severe she had been with chairman powell and the discussion on raising capital for the large banks over $100 billion is probably not going to happen over the course of the next several months but she will continue to be as vitriolic and antagonistic toward the chairman of the fed in the course of the next several months. it made for good tv.
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i'm not sure it makes for great economic policy. maria: i wasn't surprised because somebody in business told me that they believe it's actually her, elizabeth warren, running the show in terms of regulations. apparently bankers believe that there was an agreement, and i don't know if this is true but bankers told me there was an agreement made where elizabeth warren agreed to step down and not run for president, give it to joe biden, but she was going to be the leadership voice in terms of committee heads, in terms of regulations for banks. so she's giving him lots of guidance and advice and he you apparently is running with it. she is definitely one of the people running regulation proposals for joe biden and of course these proposeals are undermining the banking system and getting banks worried they'll be at a disadvantage to european and asian counterparts.
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i spoke with jamie dimon about this earlier this year. watch this. i know you have spoken quite a bit about this, the required capital levels for the major banks as we are now nearing the end of the comment period for the basel 3 end game proposals with regulators. what is your assessment of these proposals. >> these capital costs will be embedded in everything. some people said big corporations can afford it. they will also pass it on to customers. it will be passed on in a million different ways. no one ever looked at said here is the outcome of the changes and we want these outcomes. the outcomes should be what you want. the mortgage business is leaving banking. if that's what regulators want, so be it. if we have to hold 30% more capital in the u.s. than competitors, foreign competitors in the u.s., i don't think that's appropriate. i have strong objections to it. i think the work was poorly done. maria: your reaction, john, as
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we watch new regulations coming and i you want to get your a take on what we heard last night for regulations around housing but your thoughts there. real quick. >> if you're pushing banks out of the mortgage business, i would imagine mortgage yields are going to be higher than otherwise, borrowing costs for new loans will be higher than he otherwise so this is not to the beebenefit of the american consumer. maria: the 30 year mortgage rate easing slightly below 7% now, at 6.88%. during the state of union the president proposed a new $5,000 tax cred et it for first time home buyers in order to offset higher mortgage rates. he's trying to make us think he's doing something. he's talking about junk fees, talking about mortgages, all things on the fringe, not the things that are most important to the american sit suns including the -- citizens including the wide open border and inflation. he's coming up with things to make people think he's doing something. >> one of the reasons why you
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have a nearly 7% 30 year mortgage yield, because you have a huge government budget deficit and higher inflation than you did back in 2019. in 2019 that 30 year mortgage yield was averaging i think something close to 4% in part because you had a 2.2% 10 year treasury yield. he's worsened the ability of americans to purchase a home because of this big deficit and the upward pressure that places on interest rates. and by the way, that $5,000 hes talking about, that may end up pushing higher the prices of housing if it becomes very popular with consumers and it's only i think about 1.3% of the latest median price of a home, $380,000. big deal. all right. we will keep watching that. dennis gartman, good to see you, sir. have a good weekend. thank you for joining the conversation. john, you're with us all morning and we are grateful. thank you, gentlemen.
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quick break and then president biden claims crime is down across the country. he said it in the state of the union. but i'm not so sure americans are feeling that way. he was forced to say laken riley's name and he still got it wrong. the power panel reacts, next. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. this small thing, is the next big thing in diabetes. woah. it shows your glucose, and predicts where it's headed, just like that. it's not magic, it just feels that way. i wanna make you go wow, make you go wow, make you go wow.
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>> america is safer today than when i took office. last year the murder rate decreased the most in history. violent crime decreased to the lowest level in more than 50 years. we have more to do. maria: president biden addressing crime in his state of the union you address last night, claiming that violent offenses dropped significantly on his watch. making no mention of the illegal migrant crime wave that is happening in blue cities that we are all aware of. president trump hit back on truth social, writes this. he's talking about violence but migrant violence is leading to the worst crime surge in history. jason, he may say that crime and murders are down but it certainly doesn't feel that way for the average american today. >> no, nobody believes that. what the president should have done, he should have attacked the idea of sanctuary cities, sanctuary counties and sanctuary
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states. the idea that you have somebody who is here illegally, commits a crime and that local law enforcement will not communicate until homeland security tell i.c.e. so they can be deported or prosecuted, that's what led to the murder of laken. that's what's going on in cities across america. only mayor adams in new york is actually mentioned out loud that we have to deal with this. joe biden, he gave some platitudes, he's not solving this. people are feeling it. it is dangerous to walk across the street in new york city. chicago is having problems. california is having problems. why do you think the base of the democratic party is turning on joe biden? they know it's not safe. because not only did they not prosecute these people, they don't communicate with i.c.e. and they don't send them to jail. that's the problem. maria: yeah. and in step with all of the things that go into a campaign speech, he he addressed abortioe
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addressed guns, calling for a federal ban on assault weapons. watch this. >> i'm demanding a ban on assault weapons and high compass capacity magazines, universal background checks. none of this violates the second amenamendment or vilify's responsible gun owners. maria: president trump writes this, if i am not elected, your guns are gone, doug. your reaction. >> you have to -- honestly, maria. i'm looking at the panel. you have to laugh at the audacity of this. number one, i would give president biden a free breakfast so he could define what an assault rifle is. he can't. anything they're proposing,
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simply taking guns, universal a background checks is let's register all the firearms so we can take them which was put into a bill a couple years ago that the house republicans and democrats passed that he signed that is now being put into action by the atf to begin the process of private sale registration. that is something that we warned about then. it's happening now. this is the incremental thing that liberals do. for him to say that and make a production about it, and not addressing the crime as we talked about this morning was bad especially when you see property crimes, aggravated assault and a other things that are skyrocketing. talking about crime. drugs. he didn't mention it at all. he wanted to legalize mayor was a that. he -- marijuana. he didn't mention fentanyl except for one throw away line. that's how out-of-touch and really messed up this speech was. maria: that's really too bad because that is one of the post important killers that we're trying to get our arms around right now, morgan.
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look, i mean, when he comes out and tells us that crime is down and the city is safe on his watch, everybody just rolls their eyes because we know what we're living. we expect in fact spoke with te chief of patrol with the nypd this week and he gave us the facts. >> we have shut down this i don't remember about 13 brothel -- this year about 13 brothels, a mixture of asian workers and migrant workers and we're still going after it and it's terrible. the community applauds us for it and we're trying to help these women who are victims of these people. it's terrible. the queens da is working with us, the local elected officials are working with us. it's a problem. we see it and we're dealing with it. maria: morgan, that was his answer to a question i had about what the ccp is doing. they're working with the hecks can cartels to set up -- mexican cartels to set up massage parlors throughout america and
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getting people to work as massage therapists, quote, unquote. >> first of all, let me just say to my fellow panelist, doug collins, i'm mad at you bringing up the waffle in your answer. now i'm dreaming of a pecan waffle. on a serious note, there's several things in there. we didn't hear enough about china as you pointed out. when the president talked about china it was to say all the things he had done aggressively against china. but we know especially as relates to fentanyl as doug just brought up that the number one thing coming into this country that's killing our young people is fentanyl and what did the secretary of state do? he went to china, he talked to them about it. i believe they established a subcommittee on it and so that's as far as we've gotten. i also thought this whole crime section just showed where joe biden is weakest to me and that's on empathy. he doesn't understand that in
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major cities women are worried about going on a jog, going on a run for themselves and let me also say that there is a part of this speech that we felt that jewish americans felt like was missing last night, and that was any talk about the rampant anti-semitism and violence towards jewish americans in this country. you just had in los angeles a doctor, a jewish doctor that was killed outside of his practice. every day, and even the atlantic wrote a detailed piece about it this week and the l atlantic is not a conservative leaning publication but it talked about sort of the end of the golden age of jews feeling safe in america whi which is really sad. the president did talk about israel. he didn't talk about the worst anti-semitism that jews have faced in american history is happening on his watch. i thought it showed not only just sort of -- it was disillusioned, it was sort of like everything is wonderful. i thought most of the speeches
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personally the part of the speech on crime showed just a total lack of empathy for what people in major cities are worried about, what people in sanctuary cities are worried about, so you can yell and scream at the tv and yell and scream at republicans in the chamber as much as you want but i think it's important for us to note going into this election that this is the tactic of the campaign. we're going to scare people about guns, scare people about abortion, scare people about january 6th. they don't really have anything to run on so it's a bunch of scare tactics. maria: that's exactly right. >> i have one quick thing. if they don't think crime is a problem, why did the governor of new york send the national guard to the subw subways of new york. maria: one line on fentanyl, nothing on anti-semitism, nothing on the impact of migrant crime as a result of his wide open border, nothing on inflation and that as was the state of the union last night, filled with comments on abortion, ukraine and
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anti-trump. quick break and then president biden says our economy, quote, is theen he i have of the world -- envy of the world in the state of the union but the facts say otherwise, the power panel reacts to that. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ personalized financial advice from ameriprise can do more than help you reach your goals. i can make this work. it can help you reach them with confidence. no wonder more than 9 out of 10 of our clients are likely to recommend us. ameriprise financial. advice worth talking about.
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thanks! vacations are better with the credit gods are on your side. i'm coming up! rewards once available to the few are now accessible to the many. earn points for travel with credit one bank, and live large. you founded your kayak company because you love the ocean- not spreadsheets. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit awkward question... is there going to be anything... -left over? -yeah. oh, absolutely. (inner monologue) my kids don't know what they want. you know who knows what she wants? me! with empower, we get all of our financial questions answered. so you don't have to worry. empower. what's next. maria: welcome back. well, centrist group no labels ready to pick an independent candidate for their unity ticket. cheryl casone with details now. >> that is right, maria. the group expected to go ahead with their unity presidential ticket although they have not named who they will name as
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their candidate. democrats worry the move would weaken support for president biden, giving former president trump a victory. no labels scheduled to discuss the next extents for their guest in a virtual meeting. challenge may be willing to feigned a democrat and republican running together on one ticket. senator menendez will not be running for re-election. he refuses to hand in his resignation. the 70-year-old senator embroiled in legal troubles. oprah winfrey will host a brand-new tv special all about ozempic. the 70-year-old former talk show host recently left the weight watchers board of directors after admitting she uses a weight loss drug. the special will dive into the world of glp-1 drugs like ozempic for an abc prime time
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special. shame blame and the weight loss revolution will air march 18. it will stream on hulu. finally, today is international women's day and to celebrate matel is giving actress dame helen miren her own barbie doll and it comes with a miniature oscar. she said she is blown away by the doll. the day after international women's he day, tomorrow, march 9th, is the 65th anniversary of barbie. so happy international women's day to my favorite lady, maria bartiromo. maria: and happy international women's day to you, cheryl. i'm so happy that we can celebrate on this day together. one of my favorite international women. thank you, cheryl. meanwhile, p president biden touting what we see and what see
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as america's comeback in his state of the union you address last night. the president also mentioned the crisis that the u.s. is facing at home and abroad under his leadership, from high i'mflation to the war in the middle east but you decide. watch. >> the economy was on the brink, now the economy is the envy of the world. inflation keeps coming down. i have taken the most significant action on climate in the his he t history of the wor. no one has a better result on this than i do. it's not how old we are it's how old our ideas are. anger, revenge, retribution are the oldest of ideas but you can't lead america with ancient ideas. it will only take us back. maria: the president brought up his crackdown on junk fees, honesty from online ticket
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sellers and shrinkflation, joking about snickers bars getting smaller. >> he didn't offer the big issues of the day, didn't offer anything about how we're going to deal with inflation. he didn't talk about energy independence. he talked about some of the evs, that he's trying to talk to the people of michigan. he never addressed that. they went to the same old playbook democrats always go to. they promised that they're going to raise taxes. for those watching the show, involved and engaged in business, he wants to raise the corporate tax rate. he wants to raise taxes. he wants the government to spend more. no mention of the trillion dollars that we're going to have to spend servicing our national debt, none of that was mentioned here and these are yet the drivers and for the average person who is sitting home saying how is it they you're going to help drive down the cost of my five guys meal which is going to cost me more than 20 bucks, he didn't you address any
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of that. maria: no. because how could he? it would lead back to him and his excessive spending, 6, $7 trillion in spending and borrowing on his watch. alabama senator katie brit brought it up, slammed president biden for claiming his economic policies are working in an emotional republican response. watch this. >> his reckless spending dug our economy into a hole and sent the cost of living through the roof. we have the worst inflation in 40 years and the highest credit card debt in our nation's history. let that sink in. hard working families are struggling to make ends meet today and with soaring mortgage rates and sky high child care costs, they're also struggling to have a plan for tomorrow. the american people are scraping
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by while president biden proudly proclaims that bidenomics is working. goodness, bless his heart. we know better. maria: in fact, doug, yesterday the fdic said that late credit card payments are the highest since 2011. there are some serious cracks under what president biden is saying is the envy of the world on the u.s. economy. >> yeah, look, maria, i think one of the interesting things, we talked about how bad the political speech was. the economic part was probably the most does en disingenuous, t tone deaf. i said it's tone deaf. i said here's what you don't look at. gas prices% 40% higher than when president biden came in, credit card debt, not only is it the highest level in years, almost record levels but credit card
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defaults, auto loan defaults are high. they see it when they go to pump gas, when they buy groceries, see it in their everyday life. for him to not even make out it a mention, we're trying and we could do better. he didn't say that. we're doing great. everything is better. you're too ignorant to know that my economy is what you need. it lays an opening for republicans, especially for donald trump to go back to issues of immigration and the economy that are mattering the people in the process. when you look at the numbers for americans, not the macro pictures he wants to paint, that's where people feel it and that's how people look at their lives and that's what you're seeing reflected in the polls. maria: the president began his state of the unio -- union addr, morgan, talking about ukraine. he starts the state of the union of america calling on congress to send him the bipartisan national security bill and send
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money to ukraine. he also said his administration ah has been working n nonstop to establish a six week cease fire in gaza. the president was interrupted by a gold star father, steve nikoy, who his son was once one of the service members and he was killed at abbey gate during biden's botched u.s. withdrawal from afghanistan and wait until you hear what happened next. watch this. >> the year before i took office murder rates went up 30%. 30% they went up. [ indiscernible ] >> the biggest increase in history [ indiscernible ] maria: so after the father, who lost his son at abbey gate and he was yelling there, capitol police escorted him out of the chamber and they arrested him. they took him into custody. he was charged with crowding,
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obstructing or -- obstructing congress, morgan. your thoughts? >> yeah. i actually saw on social media on x later that he went to meet the other families, gold star families of some of the 13 fallen, they were hugging him and clapping for him. it's just very endemic, maria, again, as i talked about last segment, this lack of empathy that president biden has. he didn't talk about the americans that are still left behind in afghanistan. altogether me just also quickly address what you brought up about the president leading the speech on ukraine. now, listen, everybody knows i'm the foreign policy person, i get really excited in the state of the union speech when it turns to foreign policy but i agree that does not deserve to be a at the beginning of the speech. the beginning of the speech should be what's going on in america, going on at our kitchen table here. i refuse to be lectured from president biden about ukraine
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when the invasion happened on his watch. and it is his policies that failed to deter you putin from invading ukraine. he released the sanctions off the nord stream 2 pipeline. he is the one that reuped the treaty. you can look at step after step after step that the biden administration took including stopping the lethal aid that we and the trump administration were sending to ukraine, the biden administration stopped that lethal aid and jake sullivan said they would only send lethal aid to the ukrainians if putin invaded. i refuse to be lectured on ukraine from people who had the deterrence failure on their watch and also from people who have seen this war extended over two years because they refuse to give the ukrainians what they needed early on. they have totally botched the handling of this war in ukraine. i don't think any of us should be lectured by them on it.
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when it comes to gold star families abbey gate, and israel, the administration's proposal is to build a pier in gaza. that makes no sense. somehow they're going to do it without u.s. troops. i remember when we called these things humanitarian pauses. now we're trying to call them cease fires which is the language of the left. i would remind everybody that president biden has six americans that are held hostage. right? it's now the middle of march, almost. that happened the end of october. americans are held hostage by a terrorist group and and biden s been unable to get them home. maria: he started the state of the union, a report card on america, he starts the speech with sending money ukraine and he doesn't mention the hostages in gaza. >> you know what the president should have said? we have american hostages in gaza. if you want help, you want assistance, you want that pier,
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you give us our hostages back and israeli hostages back, then we'll start that discussion. instead he gives up the pier and doesn't mention the hostages. maria: let's slip in a short break and we come back and continue the conversation because some blue cities right now are considering reversing course on their soft on crime policies. fox business' jeff flock cruising the streets of philadelphia with the new police station commissioner's plans to crack down on drug crimes. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. but at t. rowe price, we're letting curiosity light the way. asking smart questions about opportunities like advances in healthcare. and how these innovations will create a healthier world tomorrow. better questions. better outcomes.
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oh, ew! i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is. maria: welcome back. well, the drug and homelessness crisis did not get much attention last night during president biden's state of the union address, fox business' jeff flock is driving around the streets of philadelphia this morning on how blue cities are coping. jeff. >> reporter: maria, good morning to you from the kensington neighborhood in philadelphia. you're going to see some pretty difficult scenes to see. this is a community that has been a hot bed of homelessness, drug use, open air drug use and sale. literally for decades. it started long before president biden's watch but this definitely continues as we speak here this morning. you know, this is a democrat city.
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heavily democratic. but there is a new mayor today, took office, mayor parker took office in january and she pledged to do something finally about this neighborhood, kensington. she named a new police commissioner. you know, 1400 death as a result of overdose in philadelphia in the last year for which we have numbers. new playstation police -- new pr says this will be a priority, not just treatment, not just intervention but the e word he used. listen. >> our strategy will be three-fold. prevention, intervention and enforcement. it means that open drug markets that are occurring in kensington and cast a shadow over our community will be dismantled. we will purchase you sue those who harm and traumatize our neighborhoods across the city. >> reporter: it's a tough scene
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out here in kensington and maybe i'll leave you with a picture of more of what it looks like. as i said, this has been going on for decades but finally i think in a democrat controlled city they are wanting to do something about it and crack down. there are no easy solutions of. you can't kind of arrest your way out of this problem, you don't have enough jails to put all of the folks in who perhaps might be scooped up but they say it's coming. we'll see. maria. maria: a sad state of affairs, jeff. thanks very much. one look through the eyes of jeff and philadelphia there. jason, final comments here? >> i d didn't think the presidet offered any solutions. the e election is about safety, safety at your homes, the border, overseas, on that extent i think president biden failed to deliver, failed to offer any new solutions that would justify
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another four years. maria: i could not agree more. you're right, this election will be doubt security. security on a national stage, national security and security for our own personal lives. doug, final words. >> it should have been the first seconds of the speech when he invoked roosevelt coming to the congress in '41 at a time of world war, he went from that analogy to where he implied if you were not following his rules or following what his vision america is and how good it supposedly is then you're somehow against us and you're causing a crisis in democracy. that's amazing to me that he would start off that way. maria: morgan, wrap us up here with your assessment. >> i agree with everything that the guys just said. i would just caution that these scare tactics did work in '22 and in '23 for democrats so i think republicans have to take it seriously and they have to use it as an opportunity to talk about policies and to talk about their vision for the future
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because we can't ignore the fact that we did not have the elections that we wanted in a '22 and '23. we have to take the scare tactics head on and not let them get away with it. maria: how do they do that, morgan? >> well, i think that you offer a vision for the future. you remind people what trump policies were for four years, you remind people that you didn't essentially have a world war because of donald trump and you talk about what your vision is for the future. biden can't talk about that because he doesn't have policies that actually work. so it's got to be about how you're making american people's lives better, not relitigating the past. maria: jason, doug, morgan, great power hour. thank you so much for this fantastic hour and your assessments of the state of the union. stay with us. we've got all hands on deck for the jobs numbers, it's jobs friday. we'll be right back. to get lost in investment research. get help with j.p morgan personal advisors. hey, david! ready to get started?
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