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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  March 8, 2024 9:00am-10:00am EST

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time we have an unemployment rate that's still less than 4%. this is a peacetime economiment we're not fighting world war ii. >> right. right. >> this is insanity, to have the deficit so high relative to gdp while debt -- government debt is reaching never before seen levels both absolutely and relative to the overall economy. maria: all right. great conversation, everybody. let's check markets here where we do see a fractional move whereupon wards right now after a volatile performance after these numbers were released. dow industrials up 6 points, nasdaq up 41, s&p higher by 12.5. steve moore, louie, julia pollack, john lonski, cheryl casone. don't forget, daylight savings time starts this weekend. turn your clocks ahead one hour, spring forward, and i'll see you tonight on maria bartiromo's "wall street." "varney & company" picks it up. stu, take it away. stuart: good morning, everyone. two big stories, the state of
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the union speech and the latest on jobs. let's start there, because we just received the report. this is news. 275,000 jobs added to the economy in february. that is way down from the reading in january. the unemployment rate, that kicked up to 3.9%, but that still is historically a low rate. here's the market reaction to that. stocks picked up when those numbers were release. they had been down, markets were down, dow up maybe 4, s&p up 12, but the nasdaq 40 points ahead in the early going. the 10-year yields, they're coming down. very close to the 10-year, to 4 even. you now at 4.07. down just a fraction after those inflation numbers -- jobs numbers. the 2-year, 4.48%. yields down across the board on those jobs numbers. bitcoin, $67,000 and change as of now, 67,7. gas up 1 cent, you've reached $3.40 for regular. diesel coming in at $4.05. all right. now, the state of the union.
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it was a campaign speech devoted to bashing trump and the republicans. we didn't hear much about his policies in a second term. he didn't mention the border mess until 40 minutes into the speech, and then he blamed the republicans. on inflation he went on about shrinkflation. not have very convincing. he appeared angry. he refused to use trump's to name. towards the end he slurred his words a little and got the name of the georgia murder student wrong. but he did make it through. that was his big with accomplishment. on the hoe today, you will see reaction to the speech. democrats were very happy he made it through. and trump said -- and i'm quoting now -- that may be the angriest and worst state of the union speech ever made. we have it all for you on this friday, marchth, 2024. -- march 8th, 2024. "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪ i'm a still wide awake.
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♪ i want the stay up all night and jump around ♪ stuart: i know this song, up all night, t from one direction. -- it's from one direction. our producers are cheering themselves up, because they were all up all night and so was lauren, i think. at least most of them. lauren: most of it. i was watching somebody speak. [laughter] stuart: let's start with the highlights of president biden's state of the union address. morning, lauren. lauren: happy friday. look, it was angry, it was disjointed, it was a partisan 67 minutes. he opened with ukraine then went straight to politics. he mentioned trump 13 if times would want ever saying his name. watch. >> the threat to democracy must be defended. my predecessor and some of you here seek to bury the truth about a january 6th. i will not do that. this is a moment the speak the truth and to bury the lies. i know it may not look like it, but with i've been around a while. [laughter] [applause]
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when you get to be my age, certain things become clearer than ever. america's going to be back. it's because of you our future is brighter, it's because of you that tonight we can proudly say the state of our union is strong and getting stronger. [cheers and applause] lauren: strong and getting stronger? that was divisive. i think -- well, we know his handlers said, joe, show energy. so he screamed, and he didn't connect. he did not connect with any viewers sitting at home. maybe not some of the lawmakers in that room. he opened with ukraine, stuck to ukraine for 10 minutes on the state of our union, and then it took nearly 40 minutes to get to the border crisis. which voters keep saying, hey, that's our top issue. 9. stuart: yeah, that is the top issue, and it took 40 minutes to get there. sean duffy is with us this morning. biden went after trump a lot last night. he says trump is a threat to democracy. what's your response to that, sean? >> yeah, stuart, it's pretty easy. so the threat to democracy is
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the guy who's trying to prosecute his main political opponent point which is what joe biden is doing to donald trump. stuart: exactly right. >> who wants to shut down opposition's speech on the platforms which we all communicate on social media. a threat to democracy is the guy who's going to force people to take a vaccine they don't want to talk that doesn't work. those -- take that doesn't work. what joe biden doesn't realize is democracy is when people get all the a information and, actually, they voice their opinions at the ballot box, ask and we get one vote per legal citizen to vote. joe biden's trying to undermine that whether it's with drop boxes, mail-in ballots, don't show an id, all the things joe biden does truly is a threat to democracy. but, again, that's a tagline that he uses to attack trump. i don't think it's going to work this cycle, stuart. stuart: i've said that his one accomplishment last night was to get through it. am i being a little harsh? >> stuart, i think you're right.
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you know, i -- again, joe biden in the biggest moments seemed to actually be able to deliver the speeches s and he must have practiced it, he knew it, he knew he had to bring energy, and he actually did that last night. but the bar is low for him, stuart is. he got over that low bar. [laughter] what are the threats to america, which he did not discuss and i think they're the biggest threats, number one is china. he didn't talk about china. and a $34 trillion debt is a threat to the solvency of this country. he didn't address either of those things. he talked about raising taxes to bring in more revenue. you and i know it's going to hurt the growth of our my. but on the flipside of that, it wasn't to bay down the debt or -- to pay down the debt or balance the budgettings it was to spend more money. that's what joe biden is about -- stuart: right. and he didn't connect. he can't connect it to -- he didn't connect it to inflation either. he took aim at the supreme court justices who were sitting in the front row right opposite him. roll this tape.
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>> the decision to overturn roe v. is wade, the supreme court for majority wrote the following, and and with all due respect, justices, women are not without electoral power. excuse me, electoral or political power. you're about to realize just how much -- [cheers and applause] stuart: sean is, i don't think that presidents are supposed to iraqture supreme court justices. what say you? >> you're 100% right, stuart. because, again, the justices are not supposed to applaud, stand up, they're unbiased as they look at just the law and the constitution. but it's interesting, again, we talked about threats to democracy. what the supreme court did in the dobbs decision overturning roe v. wade was not outlaw abortion. what they said was it's going to go back to the states, the actual voters get to decide what they want in regard to abortion. i thought joe biden likes democracy. if you like democracy, you love the dobbs decision which gives the power back to the people to
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have a vote. listen, what happened there, stuart, is this is going to be what with worked in 2022 is the issue of abortion. now, that issue worked right after the dobbs decision in '22. joe biden's going to run that play again. i don't think it's going to work. i think republicans have learned their lesson, they're going to fight back. they're going to talk about joe biden's position on abortion which is late term, partial -- one of the most gruesome procedures that we allow in this country, republicans are going to put that at joe biden and the democrats' feet and is have a debate. and hopefully people say we don't agree agree with either side of the aisle on this, let's talk about other issues like the border -- stuart: the issue may have if lost its power. maybe so. sean, thanks for joining us. we're going to watch you on "the bottom line" 6 p.m. eastern right here on fox business. all right, tell me, lauren, what was trump's reaction the biden's address? lauren: live posting throughout it. he said that the might be the angry jest -- angriest, least compassionate, worst state of
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the union speech ever made. it was an embarrassment. this was an angry, hit half -- hate-pilled -- hate-filled speech. he will never if fix immigration nor does he want to. crime will rise to threfls neven before. then he ripped biden over the timing. he started 26 minutes late because of protesters. he then walked into the room very slowly are. here's trump on that. he says this is the longest walk in presidential history. it's ridiculous. now he's actually taking the selfies at their request. he's not a photographer. he's got to get move. finish so i think trump is very frustrated during the state of the union, and i think he saw his new opponent, jacked-up joe, right? that's what sean hannity said last night, and it just landed with me. but also joe biden, he is a people person. he worked the room, right? i think this was an opportunity for trump to say, well, you know, joe didn't tell you what the next four years will look like, so let me do that.
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let me be forward-looking. not only did he take on the supreme court, he took on capitalism. that's an insult to what america represents. stuart: wow. you feel strongly about this, don't you? i had the same reaction. lauren: we must be spending too much time together. [laughter] stuart: three hours a day? we have the latest read on the economy this morning. 275,000 jobs added in february. take us through that report. lauren: so the question is how severe, in my opinion, is the revision going to be because january and december were both revised down combinedded 167,000. unemployment went up, 3.9%. wage growth cooling. it rose 4.3% on the year. it's a slowing economy. some traders think this might be the go ahead for the fed to cut rates. 30% if see one happening in may. 60% in june. where the jobs are, health care and social assistance, that's the bulk of them. government adding 52,000, about 20,000 in both construction and retail. manufacturing lost 4,000 -- stuart: kenny polcari with me
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this morning covering the market. the market seemed to like those numbers because with it may imply a certain slowing cold allow the federal reserve to lower rates. >> yes. so we have this circular argument. i'm not in that camp at all. i think they're going to focus on what appeared to be weak in that report, unemployment ticking up to 3.99 %. yes, it did tick up, but it's still historically low. some economists say that number's got to have a 5 handle on it, so we're still far away from that. jobs did go up 275,000, we were looking for 200. that's a stronger job market. with revisions, yes, they knocked them down, so that would be perceived as a negative, so they're going to view all that data and then say, okay, it's okay to cut rates. i think it's okay. -- i think it's wrong. stuart: before we hit the commercial break, what you had to say about the state of the union. >> it felt like a campaign speech to me. i didn't hear anything about what's coming in the next four years. we heard about why we need to support ukraine and nothing
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about the border, like you said, until 40 minutes in, and even then nothing significant. stuart: i don't think he connected correctly with -- directly with voters. >> neither did i. he connected to the democrats, f for sure, but certainly not the country. stuart: got it, you're with me for the hour. nancy pelosi gave a glowing review of biden's speech last night. watch this. >> because i think what he did was spectacular. he did it with vigor, he did it with vision, with patriotism, and i think it was one of the finest state of the union addresses i i a have seen, and i've seen many. stuart: the i'm sorry, but i thought it was very divisive. biden came across as angry. what did new york congresswoman claudia tenney make of biden's tone? i'll ask her about that the. she's next. ♪ ♪ where there's a will, there's a way ♪
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stuart: it's friday morning. 15 minutes to go before we open the market. not much price movement, dow down 30, s&p and nas if damage up fractionally. please show me novo nordisk. the stock is rallying after a new weight loss pill -- it's a pill, by the way -- showed success in early trial data. they have become the 12th most valuable company by market cap. it's down a little bit at 133. a majority of americans do not approve of biden's handling of the economy. that didn't stop the president from touting what he thinks are his economic successes haas night. hillary vaughn with me. take us through his spin on the economy. >> reporter: stuart, they're calling it a comeback.
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president biden really reveling in his economic successes, saying he inherited an economy on the brink, now it's the envy of the world. biden talked briefly about cutting costs to of course on credit card fees and mortgage fee ifses but nibbled around the edges of a problem that is eating away at americans' entire paycheck every week. biden talking about snickers and shrinkflation, not inflation on everyday necessities. >> the snack companies think you won't notice if they change the size of the bag and put a hell of a lot fewer -- [laughter] same size bag, put fewer chips in it. you get to charge the same amount, and you've got, i don't know, 10% fewer snickers in it. >> reporter: biden also proposed tax hikes, raising the corporate tax rate to 28% in a new 25% -- and a new 25 tax on billionaires. >> does anybody really think the tax code is fair? do you really think the well with think and big corporations
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need another $2 trillion tax break? i sure don't. >> reporter: and, stuart, that was just a small part of president biden's address. he spent the first portion of his remarks emphasizing the things that he thinks are winners for him in his campaign on the ballot, ukraine with, abortion access among other things as well. stuart. stuart: got it, hillary. thank you very much, indeed. new york congresswoman claudia tenney is with me now. congresswoman, you were there last night. what -- you're smiling. [laughter] what did you make of biden's tone? >> get off my lawn! thats's all i a heard, stuart. [laughter] it was horrible. it was, you know, one of my constituents actually texted me, this is the hate of the union speech. all he did was point fingers and blame republicans for everything, his disastrous policies. he didn't have any kind of sympathetic tone to people in the room. it wasn't just republicans. we had amazing people in the if audience that were guests of
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members of congress including on the democratic side. i had a guest whose husband has been trapped in a 9x9 cell in afghanistan for 19 months with her three children unlawfully detained, and we had people who had family members who are hostages in gaza. what were they thinking when we have exploding anti-semitism in this world and especially even in our country, across our college campus puss, not one sympathetic -- campuses, not one sympathetic word on that issue. yet he called for a two-state solution, building a port on gaza, he blamed the republicans for the border problem. look, it was awful on every score. and the economic part made all of us cringe. we know that we were better off under president trump and his policies when we actually had growth, historic unemployment across all sectors. it was awful. stuart: biden brought up the murder of lake. en riley, and when he did -- laken riley, and when he did, he got her name wrong. watch this. roll it. >> -- about me.
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i'd be a winner -- not the really. >> [inaudible] [background sounds] >> lincoln, lincoln riley. an innocent young woman who was killed by an illegal. stuart: it is laken riley. fortunately, congresswoman, laken reallily's parents were not in the room -- riley's parents were not in the room. they refused the invitation to go, and that's probably a good thing. it's terrible. mike johnson, the speaker's expressions throughout the entire speech really told the whole story. it was incollege credulous, just the old democrat talking points all about race, gender, class, all those things that are divisive when we're supposed to be unified. you see the american people are suffering under his policies and whether it's crime, the border,
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energy which is a huge problem, inflation which energy drives this higher inflation, especially new yorkers. we're seeing, you know, higher prices, higher taxes, higher crime, and it really was sad that he didn't even address this issue with laken riley. it is because of the border and our laws in new york state that allowed her to -- in this killer to be released to kill her. if had he been detained and new york state didn't have an aggressive attorney general trying to prevent our police from working together, remember, that's exactly what the 9/11 if commission said, the police need to work together. they prevented that from happening, and this woman was needlessly murdered. stuart: but it's extraordinary that at one point the president referred to migrants as a illegals, and democrats are extremely upset about that. that's terrible. can't say that. he was supposed to call them undocumented, i guess, in democrat circles. is that right? >> i thought that was astounding. and, of course, you saw nothing in there really for republicans. he made some nice, you know, mentions of some people standing
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in the gallery that is typical of all state of the unions, but there was really nothing for republicans or really for independents either. and even moderate democrats know what's going on. i didn't think -- i thought it was a campaign speech, and he should have charged this to his campaign. it was really unbecoming of someone who is the president. especially during foreign wars and a commander in chief of our troops. it was the wrong forum, the wrong tone, and i hope that -- i mean, i think it actually helped president trump. i think it was a benefit to him. stuart: congresswoman claudia tenney, thanks very much for being with us. >> thank you. stuart: now this, disgraced former congressman george san, to he showed up haas night. what's he up to? lauren: well, as a long as he's not convicted of a crime, and he hasn't been, he can show up and visit the house floor anytime if he likes. watch. >> is in your first time back in the building? is. >> yeah, it's my first time -- >> okay. and you came why? >> >> state of the union. why not? i don't put anything past my
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despair to run for office at this point -- desire, but right now i'm -- lauren: a couple of minutes later in the middle of biden's state of the union, santos posted that that he's running for re-election. not for his old seat in long island, but to primary another republican in another new york congressional district. fine. who'd fund that campaign? stuart: maybe find somebody, you never know. [laughter] i think we better get back to the market, do you know what i mean? the dow industrials, check futures, please. we've got seven minutes to go before the opening bell. nasdaq up a little, s&p up a fraction, dow down 30. the opening bell is next. ♪ ♪ well, minute if told me you had a -- somebody told me you had a boyfriend -- ♪ who looked like a girlfriend that the i had in february of last year ♪
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stuart: two and a half minutes to go before or the market opens, not much price movement right now. mark mahaney is with us. mark, what's this about the electric 11? i've got them on the screen right now. a new group of stocks, you chose 'em. is in your model portfolio? [laughter] >> well, i would never create a model portfolio out of just one sector, but if you were going to
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do it out of the internet sector, i just, you know, when i go back and after every quarter i try to review -- we cover something like 45 stocks in the space. in this large cap space, you have a good number, it's about a dozen, about 1 11 to be specific, that are sustaining 20%, you know, premium earnings growth, and i think we can do it for the next couple of years. so, yeah, i think it's a high quality group. if you're going to create one portfolio of these stocks, those would be in there. the top of the list though, stu, just to we're clear, number one pick remains amazon. number two pick is expedia. number three is doordash. i pinned that up, i've kind of replaced uber with doordash, and i continue to like it. i'm sticking with it. and number four is google. that's switched up. i finally took meta out of our top picks. it's had a phenomenal run over the last 18 months, one of the best performances i've seen in an 18-month period in my career. the risk-reward is less interesting, and i find google,
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a little too much debate on google for my taste. i'm a contrarian that way, i'll take the ore side of it. i think it's a very good platform and it's cheap. 16 times earnings, i'm a buy on google. stuart: so the link between these 11 or 12 stock is the is they're all technology, they're all a.i.-related, and they're all profitable, significantly profitable. >> yes. stuart: that's the link, correct? >> yes, that's correct. and i'm glad you brought up a. i., so there's a debate about how many a.i. winners there can be. i've got a wonderful example of a company that's successfully deployed a.i. to improve services for consumers and businesses, and that's meta. to me, it's an example of if meta can do it, other companies can too, and i list a couple of examples in the report of companies that are doing it well. this is an a.i. beneficiary sector. stuart: the electric 11 from mark ma haven eny. we'll check that the out frequently. thanks very much, indeed. >> thank,s stuart.
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stuart: we've opened low lower but not by much. there's about an equal portion of winners and losers among the dow 30, and right now the dow industrials are down just 20 points. s&p 500, not expecting that much movement and that's what we've got. up points, .14%. -- up 7 points. the nasdaq composite, up just about one-third of 1%, 16,3 is your level. let's look at big tech. we do this every morning at 9:30. they're up mostly. meta, apple up. alphabet just ticked down. amazon, microsoft also ticking down. please show me nvidia. you can't do a financial broadcast without looking at that these days. $947 per share. $20 higher so far morning. that's another 2% gain. $946 on nvidia. my goodness me. look at costco. it's down this morning. that's unusual. they've been going straight the up recently. they're down 4% at this stage.
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are they raising membership fees? lauren: it's been seven years. yes, they are. they say it's a question of when, not if, but they did not say when. why is the stock down 4%? their revenue missed the treat's expectation. they are seeing slower demand for some of those high margin items not including gold bars. they sell gold and silver, $100 million worth of 1-ounce gold bars last quarter. stuart: did they really? $100 million? that's an easy way to invest in gold bars, isn't it? lauren: you're telling me. they also made when you shop online on your phone, they made the home page load in 2 seconds instead of 8 second z, and apparently that's a big deal. stuart: that's for these youngsters. they want everything fast. [laughter] here we go, ev maker rivian. i know they've unveiled new cars, and i know the r2 starts at $40,000. that's much cheaper -- lauren: almost half the price of the r1. the problem t not coming out until 2026.
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nonetheless, rivian up 13% yesterday on this news, up 4% now. they're betting that, yes, we still want to drive electric vehicles, we just want to drive affordable evs, so they're trying to get down to that $40,000. to do that, they're pausing, saving money by pausing construction on their georgia factory -- stuart: kenny polcari's got a sour look on his face. you really don't care for evs, do you? >> no, i really don't. unless you're going to drive it just in your neighborhood. stuart: you wouldn't put money into an ev stock? including tesla? >> i would not. i think there's other places that are equally exciting. lauren: rivian's appeal is all the stuff it does. all the seats will fold down, and you can camp in the back of your truck. stuart: it's not equally exciting, it's evenly exciting -- i can be such a pain. [laughter] the tech company, broadcom, that's been betting big on an
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a.i. chip. how's it working out? lauren: i don't think the market knows what to do right now. this is a stock that's more than doubled in the past year. down a little bit today because they're sticking to their prior full-year guidance, $50 billion. they're not raising it. but they design, they develop, they supply chips for software, for security, for a.i. they have a generative a.i. chip, so they're where they need to be. i think investors are just maybe not completely impressed. they did get 11 price target increases today. pipe or or sandler went to $1,650. because of the gen-ai exposure. stuart: one of these days they'll split maybe. i never understood why they do this. the e-signature company, docusign, straight the up. not that much, 4.5%. we'll take it. lauren: incorporating a.i., the magic word, into their document management services to find and summarize the information that you need. but they said that they're billing specifically rose 13%. that's solid. meaning the a.i. appeal is
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pulling in deals faster for them. so that's one of the reasons tear forecast was also strong. stuart: a.i.'s a dog whistle, isn't it? >> yeah, it is. stuart: somebody adopts it -- >> you can say you're doing anything with a.i., that's the part where it feels dot.commish, right? if the stock went crazy. stuart: that's right. i remember ethos days. [laughter] lauren: you have to prove that you can actually do it and people want it. that's the thing. you could just say, oh, we can do with this a.i., but unless it's useful and accurate -- stuart: but then you've got to show you're making more money because you're using it. >> that's right. stuart: the gap. i think they're up today. they had a report early this morning. what are they doing right? if. lauren: old navy, back. it grew for the first time in a year. they hired zack pozen, well known, as their chief creative officer. they're trying to make that brand culturally relevant again. overall a, they have four major brands. same-store sales grew 4%. fewer discounts, always a
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positive. stuart: i don't touch retailers. do you? >> no. it's like ab or carom by and fitch, how that one came back. lauren: turning around. stuart: no airlines, no evs, no retailers. >> right. stuart: what else do we not invest in? [laughter] you brought a couple of stock picks. start with air products and chemicals dr. so there's a couple things here. first, a basic -- it's a diversified chemical, right? so we're positive on that the sector. this is also a dividend arrest accurate, so it's in -- achris cat -- aristocrat. it took a hit in february, it broke down. it churned there a little bit, now it's taken it almost all back. i think yesterday it might have closed the gap, if not, it's close to it it. this is one of our long-term holdings, and it's one of the biggest names in that space. stuart: a dividend aa risk accurate? what's it pay? >> this one pays i think just 3%. but a dividend aristocrat is a stock that continually raises
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their dividend year in and year out for 25 plus years. that's e what this does. stuart: next one is caterpillar. >> right. that's just a clear industrial play. if you look at that a one on the chat, it's had a nice stair step action, it builds a base, rises again, and it's done that now -- it's trading at its highs, but if we're going to get this big turn around in the global economy, caterpillar's right there. stuart: i hardly ever buy industrial stocks. >> cater pill la's -- stuart: i might buy deere on the grounds that i've got a tractor to have or two. check the big board because we've been in business now for all of suggestion and a half minutes. we're -- six and a half minutes. we're down a tiny fraction. show me the dow winners, please. i know there are some headed by 3m, dow, caterpillar, sales forest, goldman. winners topping that list is carnival -- can back to the cruise lines. [laughter] i never invest in cruise lines
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either. lauren: nvidia's on there. do you think, kenny, if nvidia hits $1,000, they split the stock to -- >> i thought it was going to happen at $600. stuart: who says that? lauren: ken mahoney. stuart: nasdaq winners, put them on the screen, please. biogen, clear way, amd, of course, micron technologieses up again? that thing's gone to the moon. coming up, it's friday, so don't forget to send in your feedback. you can e-mail your questions, comments and critiques to varney please, please, keep them short is and pithy, please. the attorney general of new york, letitia james, didn't get a warm welcome from new york's fire department. no, she didn't. roll tape. [background sounds] >> oh, come on, we're in a house of god. [background sounds] >> first, simmer down. i want to thank commissioner kavanaugh and and chief hodgens
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for that recognition. aught stuart did you hear that? trump, trump, trump. how about that, in new york city. they're chanting for trump. amaze being. and it took biden roughly 40 minutes to address the border crisis last night. he's ready to fix the problem. what is he actually going if to do? sheriff mark lamb is here, and he's to not happy with the president on the border. -- he's not happy with the president on the border. we'll be back. ♪ ♪ (♪) is bad debt holding you back? ♪ the only limit is the sky ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it (just a little bit louder) ♪
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♪ ♪ stuart: biden failed to talk about the border crisis until 40 minutes into his speech last night, and when he finally did get to it, he blamed republicans. jeff paul is on the border for us this morning. what are you seeing there today? >> reporter: yeah, stuart, president biden not only blaming republicans, but also former donald trump for not being able
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to pass that bipartisan border bill. he said last night if they could either fight about this or or they can fix it, and he urged congress to send him a border bill now. part of that urgency is the scenes that we continue to see here in the eagle pass area. this is some video that our crew shot just this morning at a hydro plant just away from the area that texas has fenced off. our crew captured video of a group of roughly 100 migrants, just under, made up of families, some with younger kids. border patrol was there to take them into custody where they'll now be processed and typically released with a future court date. and while we aren't seeing quite as many of those big groups entering the eagle pass area, we are still seeing evidence of suspected human smuggling. this was in eagle pass just yesterday. you can see police pursuing a truck they suspected of human smuggling. eventually, the occupy occupants bailed out, two were an rehelped by police, one got away. but it's those types of events
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that one county attorney says that they are happening and seeing all too often. >> we see the threat, we see the security net, but yet we're not doing anything about it. and i don't think the american people are going to put up with that. >> reporter: we also spoke with a few locals here in eagle pass. they tell us that they are frustrated with all levels of government, across all part affiliations. but they do credit, stuart, texas governor greg abbott with getting boots on the ground here and fencing up. stuart? stuart: jeff, thanks very much, indeed. biden says he is ready to fix the problem at a our southern border. watch this. [applause] >> look, folks, we have a simple choice. we can fight about fixing the border, or we can fix it. [cheers and applause] i'm to fix it. i'm ready to fix it. send me the border bill now! stuart: what's he been doing for three years?
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arizona senate candidate sheriff mark lamb joins us now. the president says he's ready to fix it. why no executive actions from the speech last night? >> exactly are. if he wanted to fix this, he could have fixed it already. what he should have opened his speech. is, folks, we're going to lose the -- close the border. that is what he is most underwater for right now in his polls, because all americans are ticked off that he hasn't closed the border and fixed the border issue. he has all the authority he needs to fix the border issue now without a new border bill, without any more taxpayer dollars. he can fix it with the authority he has under the immigration nationalization 212 act, is same authority he used to withdraw trump's policies. stuart: if he said i'm closing the board border right now -- border right now, it's closed a9 as of now, do you think the democrat party would go along with that? >> no. no, they wouldn't have gone along with it, which is why he took 40 minutes to do it. he talked about a snickers and
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whether there was enough chips in a bag, he talked about the fees that you're not going to have to pay on your ticketmaster ticket long before he got to the border. and the american people recognize that stuff. they understand this is not a top priority for him especially when he waits 40 minutes to talk about it. stuart: the president used the word illegal when describing migrants. democrats are not happy with that. so what should they be called, sheriff? >> well, they should be called illegals. that's what they should be called. he's right. it was a slip on his part, and you could see kamala harris' face in the background, she was just kind of cringing. but he also recognized when talking about, which he called lincoln riley, her name is laken riley, when he was talking about that, he recognized that thousands of americans are dying at the hands of illegals that are in this country. so i don't think he meant to do that either. he got off script, and then he made a few mistakes. stuart: describe the situation in your county right now where you are. are you till seeing the same
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flow coming through -- still seeing the same flow? >> we are. it's on our freeways we just had a pursuit yesterday, had to get our helicopter up looking for people. we just had to go rescue a guy out of the desert who had a knee problem. he came out of the mountains the other day, the cartels left behind. this is in this constant flow, stuart, in our country, and -- in our county, and this is part of the reason i'm taking the fight to d.c. i love being sheriff, but i can only do so much. a lot of these problems have to be fixed at the washington, d.c. level, which is why i'm running for the u.s. senate. stuart: got it. sheriff, we'll see you again soon. >> god bless. stuart: coming up, it was a blatantly political state of the union message. a flat-out campaign speech. democrats were chanting four more years, not what a state of the union is supposed to be. that will be my take, top of the hour. president biden boasted that inflation is cooling, but prices are up, what, nearly 18% since he took office. we have a report on that and
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♪ stuart: president biden boasted about cooling inflation in haas night's state of the union address. however, republicans were quick to point out that prices are up 18% since he took office. madison alworth live at the a family restaurant in reading pennsylvania. what do the diners there have to say about their food bill? >> reporter: oh, hello, stuart. [laughter] what they have to say is that it's a lot higher -- don't worry, we're working with it -- it's a lot higher. food in general is up a lot. i want to bring in don, we've been chatting about the economy. stuart's asking about prices. do you feel like we have an economy that's the envy of the world? >> i don't believe so. right now when we go shopping, we've got to go two or three stores to pend a little less money. when we go out for fuel, it's a lot higher than a couple years ago, you know? so i think we enjoyed our lives
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a couple years ago since biden took office. >> reporter: so you feel inflation if has come down since last year, but overall it's up and you're noticing you have to pay a lot more? >> yes. it might have come down, but it hasn't matched what we're paying. >> reporter: yeah. absolutely, don. thank you so much. is stu or, we've been talking to voters on both sides of the aisle. another big concern was age a, and i want to bring in pat who watched the state of the union last night. all right, pat, your concern going into the speech was age. do you think biden did a good job when it came to swallowing your fears on that? >> right. i was wonder orerring whether he is too old. i mean, that's a good possible question. but i thought -- i can't imagine anybody of almost any age performing better than he did last night. he showed that he could think on his feet. he was off script a lot of times because he, it was necessary. and he did not faulter. he was strong -- fault, he was
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strong, he was positive. i have no qualms with his age. >> reporter: all right, pat, thank you so much. but like i said, both sides of the aisle. pat saying strong performance, but on the other side, not so much. i want to bring in mike. you started watching the speech last night, but you said you had to turn the it off, right? >> yes. i watched it for about 10, 15 minutes, and he was giving me a headache hollering at everything. i tried to hear his side of it. my big three things are the inflation has to come down. got to start prosecuting criminals. and we've got to close up our border and make people come in legal. that's what i want. >> reporter: all right, michael, thank you so much. one diner, tables that are all real close to each other and very differing opinions, but everyone wanting their dollar to go further. that's definitely something all americans want. send it back to you, stu. stuart: madison alworth, thank youing very much. kenny, you're pretty good in the kitchen, as i recall. >> i am. stuart: you got any recipes?
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>> i am, i put it in today's note, it's delicious. you'll find it in my note in, takes you all of 20 minutes. stuart: what's rigatoni? >> it's a short, fat pasta. [laughter] stuart: you weren't expecting that. lauren: when i first started working at the new york stock exchange, kenny send sent me his note. it was my first apartment. i would prohibit it out and make his recipes for dinner. i still have some of his -- stuart: that's the connection. okay. [laughter] thanks very much for the recipe and the rigatoni plug. thank you, kenny. see you again soon. [laughter] still ahead, gold star father was arrested for disrupting the state of the union address. tammy bruce reare act as to that. many were concerned at what they call a strange speech from the president. what did senate minority if whip john thune make of biden's address? and biden proposed tax hikes on businesses. can house ways and committees --
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mes committee chair jason smith top -- stop those? i'm going to ask him. the 10:00 hour is next. ♪ weeing only got four minutes to save the world -- no hesitating, grab a boy, grab a girl ♪ investment opportunities are everywhere you turn. do you charge forward? freeze in your tracks? or, let curiosity light the way. at t. rowe price, we ask smart questions about opportunities like advances in healthcare and how these innovations will create .. better questions. better outcomes. moving forward with node-positive breast cancer is overwhelming. but i never just found my way; i made it. and did all i could to prevent recurrence. verzenio reduces the risk of recurrence of hr-positive,
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