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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  March 15, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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nice cruise will sort you right out. when i'm riding, i'm not even thinking about my painful cavity. well, you shouldn't ignore that. and every time i get stressed about having to pay my bills, i just hop on the bike, man. oh, come on, man, you got to pay your bills. you don't have to worry about anything when you're protected by america's number-one motorcycle insurer. well, you definitely do. those things aren't related, so... ah, yee! oh, that is a vibrating pain. sue went so i guess that record out my to everyone it, she took her man threw him under the bus and you know what ras fani wills may be in the most important on the stories on government would buy a brand-new must were liz mcdonald. liz: i would love to hear you sing a song sometime over cocktails. larry: ♪ ♪ ♪ liz: while i seeing enhancement say and happy st. patrick's day to you larry and you work hard
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and we appreciate so much so let's get out of it with is former doj official pressing former federal prosecutor fred tc is good to have you both on and we need you guys these cases against trump looking weaker by the day. and trumps constitutional process riser result here okay bruce you print anything wade just down from the jurors 2020 case against trump and freezing to several the fix a problem because the judge mcafee himself pointed out, the fani willis irrigation parents of proper conflicts just truthfully so how can was remain in the case them in the jurors are cute her and her conservative endangering trumps constitutional due process rights. francey: let's write in fact it is fani willis for bringing on waiting paying right, for approving the payments want to wait, for going we played on vacation, and for seeing to court, in this what appears to be a concocted story that she
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repaid everything that he gave for her and cash this and how untraceable this d.a. this prosecuted drug traffickers, and violent criminals all of whom use cash to hide from the government or hide their activities from accountability and so, the judge used a bunch of euphemisms for the work buying but he never said were lying blues, he certainly is a lot of euphemisms for it and i do not see how she can't continue in this case at all. liz: the word mendacity, that means buying so fred, francie just that the term team looks like it is a better shape than it was four ago this is a body blow to fani willis's credibility with the judge said in his or any other prosecutors or das he said there's a significant appearance of propriety determine his lack of judgment but measured by fani willis he was as the owner of
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mendacity are lying around her, and some say the george's should've george's should've pointer special prosecutor to investigate she committed perjury under both. fred: really should we are prosecutor of you are supposed to be above reproach you were supposed be and represent that people of the state of georgia and here comes this woman you can really repeat wind advisory going, she wind and unfortunately, one of the cornerstones lives of our justice system is wrong the room to be equal to the wrong and how kicking weight off of the case, solves the problem is absolutely beyond me it is very lawyer and hundred one of the things that you would argue the case is forget the court of public opinion this entire case was brought up by fani willis so that she could put two and 56 and 50000 box in wade's pocket if he was the case in trial, translators defendants to be
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asking everyone us cross-examination you know the longer this goes on, she pays him to $50 an hour this raises a lot of issues as a trial lawyer be better. liz: but now he's gone this looks like a really well legal processing this is a squishy ruling you know so if you are advising trump francie, how should he feel it in the main judge role that just be in pairs of improper of interest hiring her boyfriend was enough to disqualify willis herself then she is still in the case when it was her relationship is the start of the appearance of conflict to begin with. francey: was right about this event is that i think it does provide a roadmap previous court to keep her off the case and i think that trump lawyer steve is the defense lawyer for president trump your letter this is a good lawyer defense attorney is been a difference attorney from that he knows the ins and outs and a do not doubt the he will appeal
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but the question is this does he have a right to appeal now with the judge letting does he have to wait until the posttrial postconviction relief of course that is very little comfort to a defendant who faces and conviction from a prosecutor whose proceeding of her full statements when it looks very much like in the judge has failed the looks very much like she made false statements ourselves as an officer of the court. liz: so that's where i what francie just said fred to get on. fred: will first of all, personal criminal defense is no conviction, no appeal right so here you about an appeal but i think the first job is to try to avoid conviction and i think that in every step of the way, the trial lawyer to make a big issue about this and how can the jury believe it anyway, how could they wonder why this case is even broader the the first place forget the political ramifications and again, is brought up so that she could have million dollars in his pocket and she lied so how can
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well jurors are told the judge will instruct them if you find that the things the evidence was a part of the truth was startled, and is reasonable doubt that is reasonable doubt find one word the judge also will be the door the codefendants entrusting to get an order to stop fani willis in the das office for making public comments about the case. in order to prevent pre- judicial pretrial publicity to tainted the jury. there slammed terrence bradley the judge said the judge also slandered you can wait tossing out with the said they were untruthful and also said watch this, the judge said, fani willis improperly played the race card legally in proper speech for the church casting racial dispersions the codefendants to get away francey final hard. francey: and yet lives even though he felt that he said that it did not prejudice the case of the defendants anyway it is not
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prejudice the public perception of the case which is an absurd findings and he felt that she played the race card and he advised them to file a motion to prevent her from doing it again but it is too late to talk about, closing the barn door after the horse already left, does not make sense. liz: some excess and thank you both so much and is good have you on. we appreciate you working hard for this address this friday i'm bring a bucket of the show smart legal mind, federal prosecutor federal prosecutor and kt my sweet have you on what was your reaction when you think avoid is stepping down now from the georgia 2020 case after the judge said, the ultimatum either penny will see when you team goes anything, fewer he has to know and he's been criticized, for waffling in this ruling what do you think sabbatical i don't think of any willis is going to go without a fight here and even though it's highly recommended based on this really kt after the judge had enough to
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disqualify her in the ruling essentially communicating, he felt constrained by the law which is an incredibly high standard to disqualify and elected prosecutor based on only what he founded to be in appearance, conflict of interest national conflict meeting that he did not find that she had an actual interest in the outcome of this case even though it obviously appeared that she did so certainly i was surprised these disappointing really soon victory for trump sign altogether. liz: why. kt: is a victory because accuses to fully for their many decisions that trend will initiate remains a seismic including going back and try to get an indictment on the dismissed charges and relief of the public perception of this proceeding is fundamentally going to this point i don't think there's any coming back without so certainly come i think the case still has significant issues and so far away from going to trial, the desk there i'm sure the
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defendants will ask for reconsideration of this motion whether they can appeal it now, it is really about the year and i don't think they have grounds to do that but certainly can ask for reconsideration committee highlight some of the evidence that the judge mentioned that he felt was lacking from the defense. liz: will just feels again, like the prosecutor is getting a pass here rated use feels unfair testing of the word trump, we see these cases move through the system like this for example, special counsel robert hur city frank westman classified darkness for willfully retaining sequence for memoir lawmaker said that he made a billion dollars, but the charging trump and winthrop is a presidents of the divided vice president biden, new law right to because u.s. secrets is something you see you fani willis getting a pass and you can say the case as long as you take out your boyfriend and just feels like will due process violations right and lecturing violated
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here and you know the term team could possibly feel this card if you are advised trump to appeal this georgia decision what would you tell them to do. katie: with think that you cannot reconcile this case with any of the cases brought the trump case with any others without looking at the politics is clearly political here the judge's ruling obviously wrecked fani willis articles in many respects she will be under significant investigation by the state bar maybe even state agencies because he did essentially find that explicitly sinks of the she was under oath or at least appeared to kind of screwed the truth with her memories of the timelines here but the defense seems real lack of evidence essentially was that they could not close the loop what help the relationship and even the potential financial exchanges impacted the case directly so if there was going to be an ability getting a hold them in on how that was an impact on the case, not just on her propriety of the appearance of everything.
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liz: final hard, but the judge did say, that it had the right of the appearance of impropriety is not for any d.a. to be force of the case but she gets to stay in other words for those parties of artist that the judge said his older today, would ended a career other prosecutors even das careers in the past so people are saying, you know she's giddy i fear she karen true can feel it writing like you see well we don't come down either way and trump work biden edward is looking a straight down the middle. in his are being violated his constitutional to process rights are being violated and somebody conflict of interest here is rank odor event for winery runs case, fight over. katie: all of the cases involving trevor not only never seen any statues that are being used against him using the site no question impropriety present were here's a certainly he can any should continue to appeal of the. liz: ghana, thank you kt for your brilliant legal mind, we
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appreciate you so much and have a good weekend coming up, congressman monica delacruz, former ncaa swimmer caitlin we learn fox news contributor liz peak we would jampacked hard for you and the trip president trump team hammering biden is russia's inflation is the kryptonite to any candidate seeking the oval office that the voters speaking out over inflation tripling divided since from and this backfired fast the windows something to about the growing boycott voting is divided from anti- israel protesters connoted move on center check tumor, disastrous chaotic attack on israel's leader, benjamin netanyahu from the city for lawmakers are calling this election interference in israel desperate to pass another heating meltdown has elected officials scribbling at the u.s. border going to get to that
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update their lawsuits, female athletes finally gets ncaa, to stop biological meals and women sports with both white house is seeking faster changing total going to that. plus former nypd officer emma bill stanton so grateful that he is on the show with us tonight, the claimant chaos does not stop and even after the governor focal deployed the national guard to new york city subways we have the horrifying video of people who think on the new york city subway in brooklyn after man was shot in the head but all this is coming up in the evening edit. (fisher investments) in this market, you'll find fisher investments is different than other money managers. (other money manager) different how? aren't we all just looking for the hottest stocks? (fisher investments) nope. we use diversified strategies to position our clients' portfolios for their long-term goals.
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serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. liz: okay were more reports are coming in we could crime officials are trying to rapidly capitol nationwide as they see the damage they have done to u.s. citizens in places like california, dc or oregon and in new york terrifying footage, common camera violent gunfight on the new york city subway, the sheer panic travelers there is with the rollers was from the head of the brooklyn rush-hour train fox news exes mcadams is live in new york with details alexis.
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>> will be believed talk to your personal with edge because many were just ready room new york city subway premature a site once we pulled out a gun charlesworth hundred and you can see the video you got to see the people ducking for cover as of shots rang out watch. >> the me out. >> let me out. >> gregg jarrett. alexis: shots ring out and you can hear just a few of the shows there and police say that the fight led to the shooting in the train yesterday, and is a travel between stations in brooklyn during rush-hour this violent incident comes just days avenue governor kathy hochal: the national guard to patrol the subway system making following a series of deaths and attacks many people just uneasy national guard something with medevac checks but has not even helped make the subway system safer, we asked the nypd. >> anybody coming into the system, to help you visit, we
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walk about. the resultant news, much more if we have any data to support whether it is helping a lot more people around pretty give a safe, is nothing about that. alexis: but we don't know the data is yet but like you were there right but someone was shot and they had yesterday and so even with the extra manpower the suspect was still able to walk right on the train is going you're looking at this video also just released by the nypd today shows that man entering the subway without paying the right through the emergency exit coming headboard train certain five the guy who ended up disarming him and taking his gun and shooting them with a date he is known critical condition was a back out, when the prices people have is what is the national guard doing their nether helping nypd reach out to the governor's office and we were told that they will no longer be armed with rifles and subway legally big interest if there's an imminent threat some people wondering if the fact checks are to be enough. liz: alexis mcadams or soy
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always grade we appreciate your hard work and thank you and this bring him back in for his reaction return nypd officer, bill stanton streets of new york, your reaction to the story what you think. bill: i thank you so a bunch of bs, is windowdressing on behalf of the politicians and la are trying to swing the pendulum too far the other way. liz: and solis backup, new york governor kathy hochal orders the national guard to do the subways and avenges that shot and they had a brooklyn bird and so no cash mail we confront policies here in new york, checking everybody's bags in the back in you see how upside down and run this is u.s. citizens are getting is murdered pretty so we are to blame we literally have led hands. bill: you are 100 percent rightness, we have that they finally took the long guns away from the convoy figured out some of the there were actually
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bullets and as long guns, go through to people before you to come to the bed by this of the pulled their weapons they have about as much street smarts is boy scouts on game this is total façade has ongoing anything is assent to watch our people in uniform, god bless them and god bless the state troopers, they should be going out and arresting people that actually break the law sweetie we give them and you and you know enough is enough. u.s. citizens are being victim who is and i have new reports coming it that a judge judge in venezuela lord americans to price for another wave venezuela in criminals gangsters crossing the border police 100 criminals release from prison in venezuela, but is whether authority say that these are binoculars many are members of that bonnet venezuela again, this is a little bit mr. - the president is getting criticized saying nothing about crime is
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recent state of the union address until about an hour into the speech will return to convince you of the punishments none problem you think bill. bill: i think anybody with common sense of the very beginning of this way could see me coming it is amazing that with the blindness of the politicians they have and so when asked to ask, we ask ourselves, his this done by mistake was done by design. i cannot help but to think they well know this was going to happen in other news happening, the trying to do something some windowdressing but couple of our people in uniform national guard of the stations i think we are stupid but were not sweetie what you're so right bill, no one else is windowdressing country picking the wrong data. comparing crime, 2023 - 2022 in crime is up just before the pandemic braided tuesday for the social justice rights and even the police we can crime push pretty this morning two thirds of the voters continue to think
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u.s. prime is a serious problem is that with a windowdressing and terrific the data that is even more infuriating to paint a picture that everything is okay and final word. bill: yes, political correctness is killing many of our american citizens pretty is we have these people coming to the country some of them well-meaning but some of them not being vetted are killing american citizens. liz: what we appreciate you and your service to new york in america new student bill and we thank you so much will have you back on soon, we have fox news contributor, please peak she so smart the infamous social video directing president biden team, 202014 block of the press asking them questions and even as the president said yes, going to take the questions ando this, senator bernie sanders is getting slammed prettiest four-day workweek proposal and businesses still have to pay the workers they same amount in congress, three days a week when
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inception and plus congressman darrell is coming up in center check tumor anti- hun anti- benn netanyahu speeches that his rules in the fight of his fight against hamas terrorist age of the room the senate floor. the president signed off on it to stop the boycott goodies biden over gaza. love these stories coming up on the evening edit, next. (♪) is bad debt holding you back? ♪ the only limit is the sky ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it (just a little bit louder) ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it ♪ ♪ it's your moment in the spotlight ♪ all your ambitions. all in one app.
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trade brilliantly with schwab. liz: usually so from reviewers congressman sweetie see you again in what was your reaction when you heard senator chuck schumer second israel's leader, benjamin netanyahu, from the senate floor demanding that he be removed see a little shocked that in a time when there were experiencing the equivalent of , when they have a unity government stopped all of the parties edit, for the people israel are standing behind their leader, to it once and for all, the kind of attacks they put up with the month every chilled by
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hezbollah from the north and find it amazing that we even consider saying something so overtly unfair about a democracy though historically supported that is supported us. liz: in person coming in the president biden in the white house, the dude sign off on this reports are, they didn't to stop the growing boycott vote against president biden and at least 70s including swing states over gaza sooner schumer, is going for a new israel, that is not been an election in gaza 18 years since almost took over in 2006 and you know you point out israel is routed by iranian bacterial groups goes to the focus be on bringing back on the hostages must conduct including u.s. citizens. >> absolutely, you made a very clear, they are dealing with domestic issues here that the president to have both the jewish folks, middle eastern vote and he is losing both of them.
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darrell: is always asking for help, unafraid to help his upcoming by attack on israel, yes we should be actively helping to alleviate as much harm as we can but we also have an obligation to sit behind this democracy that is united now wanting to the war but in this world away in which they don't have to put up with a again and i'm not some sort of apollyon to do think everything is perfect, all words have the problems. but you call for the legally elected the middle of the four-year term, the leader and his home in which he actually brought the opposition into his government could not be more often more related to the states boycott joe biden. and biden has a political problem. and benjamin netanyahu does not. liz: is being called senator schumer's being called election interference in israel must watch this.
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[inaudible]. [laughter] [laughter] [inaudible]. >> sooner schumer speech what israel yesterday. biden: senator schumer, contacted my staff senior stephanie's want to make the speech and he will not going to elaborate on the speech. many good speech. we could be expressed serious concern and by him by any american. liz: of all okay, the president there so you to get with the president just that it should be pointed out, the war against hamas some 30000 palestinians, mostly civilians, are now deceased and hamas is still holding hostages for the democrats are warning that is causing the president politically. darrell: certainly is remember, i would president obama was, joe biden was the vice president, they spent u.s. tax dollars trying to defeat benjamin
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netanyahu and we covered it on oversight as of this is the first time using this administration trying to take benjamin netanyahu help because they don't like his form of government. liz: finally, think you for joining us tonight and it is good to see you okay we will news coming again, senator bernie sanders is pushing hard but is a bill to force businesses to pay the workers same amount of money, for working with us day a week no refund working overtime on the story and capitol hill hillary has the latest on this celery. >> meaningless visitor bernie sanders is no idea to turn a 40 hour work weekend to wait 32 hour workweek. hillary: and giving three day weekend every weekend he was a business is still workers the same as if they are still working 40 hours and so we review process for this and are about how this would work especially with democratic proposals piling up on businesses from higher taxes to
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wanting them to pay the workers more lower prices, to addressing inflation. >> how will they survived out of this a question how can the business survive all of those proposals. >> being an effective tax rate lower than the average worker and i think we have a problem i think billionaires need to start to. pay their fair share taxes. hillary: they said it would be a business killing it is only realistic idea that hasn't of supporting pass congress. >> this would be - upon the fire of inflation and i apologize this hearing is that many buddy possible, but a mandatory 32 hour workweek is that policy about leaving democrats unanimously support this but we give us an understanding the biden administration is heading for tougher election. hillary: and probably is one of this is just an effort to come up for jews the support ahead of november saying it might be possible that the president may
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try to do this by executive action. liz: well workers okay to leave on your terrific and thank you so original is welcome back to the show, fox news contributor liz peek and we do you come down on this doesn't congress already working today workweek amanda think the only like 140 days of the year. liz: will evade be better if one day work week as i'm concerned have a new lesson last bernie sanders is a career politician and he is never created jobs and never had a pay wages and is no idea why might have higher wages in the future the answer is dry ventilation deals with that you gave get real wages not cut government spending to drive the wages down and you also increase productivity and who refund is totally right, that businesses have to get out from under the big head of government in which is basically repressing investment and cutting back productivity and so is one absurd proposal and i'm sure it
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will go nowhere. liz: what was his reaction to this was cummings osborne president of biden new is been of heavily scripted teleprompter campaigning including of his basement watches advancing quickly kick out the press, caressing questions even as he said he would take them out of an event michigan and you know after this date of the union, trump now tops biden even after the state of the union, trump beats biden and reno by three points in michigan and poll this. liz: well, let's, look, we know what life is like under president biden and now he has a record and cannot hide in the basement during this campaign and we know what bike was like under president trump until covid-19, everything was going unbelievably well had an appointment west low-inflation was low and people were getting ahead and now the look at life and her president biden they know the bill over getting ahead and that is what matters and that is what matters to
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americans coming in little surprising to me divided god no is going after the formal state of the union that there was a reason that he campaigned on bringing the country together and why does he think that given such a partisan angry speech, this would make it more popular and it was a total failure and i do not expect any change from him because that is how he feels about the other half the country's not supporting. liz: okay for paul's show him the nobel fire provided in his approval actually dropped and the hopeful down to 39 percent of markets are lost confident federal reserve will cut rates in june future smoking of the basically pricing 50/50 odds there because the inflation compounded undivided tripled versus trump card list was to have the voters have been speaking out in your point here senator john kennedy weighing in march that. >> our prices are outrageous associate for $35 the other day.
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you cannot afford to live in the writing. >> even i do get a degree in these of a job of not going be able to pay rent get a house because of the economy in the south sound to have back when donald trump was in people were playing $3 for gas and grocery bills were not as high and my ira looked a heck of a lot better back then. >> president of biden is an inflation machine covenant people in louisiana median muscle becomes $55000 a year, president biden's inflation is causing them extra $10,000 a year and they don't have it and some that i think the vast the biden white house would lower the average iq of an entire city. liz: [laughter] [laughter] that was senator kennedy weighing in and i mean, within the president's budget wanted like five truly - 72 leaders and tax hikes to the inflation is
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still roaring we go past 20 percent soon compounded under him as. liz: yes and also p-letter and he wants more government spending it was we knew what caused inflation, democrats ratcheted up in this money to point where there was simply too much money in the system and that continues so continue to face higher prices and this is a killer for all americans sweetie was group tonight and thank you so much and we appreciate you, liz peek and happy st. patrick's day also the story, whose tonight with texas congresswoman monica rose were so excited to have a congresswoman back on in that house pass her bipartisan resolution denouncing president of biden's immigration policy and law enforcement and border officials continue to more that the border isn't a state of collapse but texas is having a lot of success cracking of their to florida and the resources to deal with a possible mass migration events from 80 and ths
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continues to stocking now leaderless nation hating the first we would hear from my buddies they get ñ-letter happy st. patrick's day sue met rebecca to, racial coming up soa late-season but with friends would be away we've the mental giant richard davis hanson it will join us. >> the owner of mendacity is the judge wrote to talk about tyson closing a facility in iowa so cutting jobs within turning around and hiring tens of thousands of illegals. makes is without an plus we would be frightened very frightening to bj and tony, is here on the real villains the central bankers behind central bank digital currencies that will allow the governments to track every single transaction you make of the story, top ofi
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apartment with the details. >> good evening to you the biden administration today is giving an additional $25 million and really haiti in top of the hundreds of millions already legend during the crisis and he comes as potentially hundreds of americans are top of the round hoping to escape and he is the violence erupts the state department those that they have no plans to help evacuate any of those american. >> were not actively planning going evacuation for four years of been telling americans, do not going to haiti and traveled there and is safe to do so. gillian: i don't know how many americans are trapped. >> is impossible for us to know for sure several hundred americans registered to receive more information. gillian: u.s. marines but the pentagon said they're not there to help americans escape,. >> we've installed additional security additional there but that's all doing securing the embassy.
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gillian: the notorious gang leaders was jimmy barbecue - in the lead here are in control of port-au-prince and shattering roads and evening reports and near dc come the senate has confirmed a new investors and 80, the republic is on the outside moves not likely to prevent the crisis from spilling over to the u.s. >> assuming to be able to vet these people so we should not be doing this right now. >> this afternoon senators rick scott and marco rubio of florida running letter to president biden demanding the administration before they plan to prevent a mass migration crisis from haiti. liz: julian turner crave reporting from you and we appreciate you so much of us welcome to the show and were delighted to have back on plans for security carcass, texas congresswoman monica prison we are so happy to have you on so you representing qs border state and can we first place get your reaction to her report about 80. >> lou, i'm deep south texas and you're right, when will the
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border, where we have been at the forefront of bidens open border crisis pretty you went hearts go out to the people of haiti in this really this time is quite difficult for them but i can tell you, that when i go have been down history, what people are most concerned about come americans are most concerned is the crisis happenin border and so, we want president biden to focus on border. monica: this winds we know it printed that's welcome legislation, the past successfully routine democrats supporting our legislation that condemned bidens abortive policy and the fact that he has field americans by letting students of millions of illegal immigrants across our border. >> would you resolution duty met with success without. monica: we found it to be very
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successful removing bipartisan support and there were 40 democrats signed on condemning bidens open border policy. legislation talks about is the president of biden has right now with us through google pen, executive privilege to be able to do things, the me know help secure our border and he can reinstate the catch and release the catch and release program pretty can reinstate their remain in mexico policy and these are just two of seven things that president biden could do, he could do this today to stop the chaos on a border. liz: you know what else chaotic of us like 400,000 unaccompanied migrant children are here and at least 85 have no bond missing of us listen to reaction to this watch. >> do you have any percentage of
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people that are children are displaced of the home noted we present time that we know simply know you have a $.8 trillion budget and you have the responsibility for taking here of these children and you simply have them off sponsors and homes that you don't know the conditions there living in that if they're going to school are being sold for part trafficked forced to deliver a new do not know. >> there are 85000 children that we know of that you all cannot find that you are hesitant to move forward with giving us the information. >> we are continuing to hear reports suggesting the existence of trafficking schemes that are pretty on these involvement of both individuals, allegations that we hear have coverage and forced labor speaking is evil is immoral and a disgrace final word. monica: it is an absolute
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disgrace we should not be playing politics with the lives of children these children are trafficking and it's inhumane and unacceptable these individuals in leadership positions do not know where the children are. we should not play politics with the lives of any children you thank you for joining us this friday night and have a good weekend this big news is coming in, 16 women athletes suing the ncaa is a landmark case to stop biological males was a for all from competing against women to get away with the bided what else finally see the light and how it for this is that back off pretty reverse title moment and for women it at least we 70s their ncaa swimmer caitlin wheeler's one of the athletes who sued going to talk with her next.
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in a group of 16 women, college athletes you file the landmark federal lawsuit against the ncaa to stop biological males in women's sports, can you tell us what is happening now. >> this is a huge step in the right direction for women sports and women in general. there's many important reasons for this lawsuit the ncaa's most basic job to protect the fairness in the safety of the athletes and this failed miserably the past couple of years, the ncaa released a statement today stating even though i can't comment on the pending litigation, the association will continue to promote title ix and make unprecedented investments in women's sports and what i would like to asa might i an
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intervention has a wife the place college sports and a daughter who played sports i would ask him how his stripping opportunities to compete sports and take away scholarships putting women in physical danger and exposing them male genitalia and locker rooms explain me how that's making unprecedented event in women's sports. elizabeth: ncaa is really not saying anything about the suit. it seems so totally unfair to have a biological male compete against the female athlete, even tina and olympic winners have said this is totally wrong, divided white house is amending title ix to allow this, what do you think of that? >> the ncaa this is an opportunity for them to take accountability and responsibility and protect women safety in their opportunities. i don't think the ncaa truly thinks what they're doing is right yeah and they're just willing to get their hands dirty and stand up to the white house and make the right call and this
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is an opportunity to do the right thing and refuse to do that. it's time for us to hold them accountable. >> it looks like you guys might have a really good chance of winning here striking for the women who filed the suit did so and ominously and fear of retaliation, final word? >> they face what most of us have faced during this time as the emotional threat of you won't get a job, you won't get into grad school, you will lose all your friends but those are empty threats to get you to conform to what they're saying. it's important that we stand up and stand for what is right. elizabeth: kaitlynn wheeler, thank you for joining us, have a good weekend. thank you for watching happy st. i am liz mcdonald, that does it for "the evening edit" we hope you have a very good weekend, stick around for the bottom line. dagen and sean are fired up and ready to go. dagen: happy saint patty's day.


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