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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  March 18, 2024 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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larry: thanks for watching. that's kudlow. please have a great weekend. maria: good monday morning, everyone. thanks much for joining thus morning.
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i'm maria bartiromo. it is monday, march 18, your top stories, 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. of day markets beginning a new week, take a look, futures indicating some losses for the dow industrials, lower by 7 points. nasdaq is on fire once again, futures indicating a triple digit rally for the nasdaq, up 117 points right now ahead of the federal reserve's march meeting that begins tomorrow morning. we're previewing where the central bank stands on rate cuts happening later this year. european markets in the green, the bank of england meeting this week as well as the bank of japan. we'll have all of those results for you coming up. best performer in europe, germany is up 68. asia, green p green across the. nikkei average up 2 and two of thirds percent on the session. also, hunter biden's former business partners will testify in an open forum this wednesday
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despite hunter biden saying he will not show up as house oversight committee chairman james comer tells me criminal referrals are coming in the buy dan family influence peddling probe. joining us this morning, collins is here and liz peek. "mornings with maria" is live right now. ♪ maria: time for the hot topic of the hour. former president trump holding a rally in ohio on saturday, saying president biden's climate change agenda is driving the auto business into bankruptcy and it will result in a blood bath of lost jobs in the industry if he doesn't win the election. watch. >> we're going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that
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comes across the line. and you're not going to be able to sell those cars. if i get elected. now, if i don't get elected it's going to the be a blood bath for the -- that's going to be the least of the it. it's going to be a blood bath had for the country. maria: the mainstream media erupting, taking his remarks out of context. look at these headlines, claiming he's inciting political violence, rather than painting the full picture, that his comments was referring to the economy and the auto business. the biden, harris campaign slammed trump, writing this, this is who donald trump is, a loser who gets beaten by over 7 mill i don't know votes and instead of appealing to a wider p mainstream audience doubles down on threats of political violence, he wants another january 6. that's exactly the narrative buy den wants to push out. liz peek, your reaction, as by the way, we're getting new information about january 6 as wellnd how they censored information and potentially destroyed evidence. your reaction?
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>> first of all, maria, i think the mainstream media has basically abandoned any pretense of treating candidates fairly, treating the republican fairly, et cetera. their mission is to stop trump at all costs. unfortunately n can be very influential in that. it's discouraging that they lie about what he's talking about and's why. the policies of joe biden have failed on every front. donald trump comes to this election ahead in the polls for one reason and one reason only. americans are worse off than they were under donald trump and they know that w so no amount of twisting words and repeating inacconsider he sighs, et cetera, -- inaccuracies, is going to change that. democrats are losing the election because of policies. they're going to -- they're
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trying to put donald trump in jail. they will literally stop at nothing. it's a horror show. i don't know how to recommend people try and get around this, this barrage of misinformation. yes, misinformation that's coming from the liberal media. everyone has to try to ignore these headlines that are so inflammatory a and actually read with what happened and what he said. maria: why are they doing this? we're all feeling the same thing as citizens. we all know that inflation has eateaten into our paychecks, 40 year high inflation was the result of excessive spending from the biden administration and the democrats, we know how weak he is on foreign policy. that's why our adversaries are on the march. why are they doing this? >> they think they have a win withing hand, maria. when you put together academia, hollywood, media, social media, et cetera, that is a lot of fire power to convince americans that
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they don't see what they're actually seeing. that they don't go to the grocery store and pay 20 of% more of everything they want to buy. i mean, it's an incredible undermining of confidence and by the way, polling shows americans have almost no confidence left in our media. this is not a healthy or good situation. maria: well, doug, i think i have have one reason why. because donald trump threatens their power. it threatens the grip on power because it threatens the democrat leadership. he doesn't care about walking in therend a exposing all of their wrong doing, exposing the corruption that is in plain sight as well. and if they get out of the -- the leadership in washington is exposed, the mead why that gets their direction from them is of also exposed. >> i agree with you. i think the media is sort of looking at this, saying okay, well, we had what they believe
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was a great state of the union, they got no political bump out of it, the polls show it was flat, maybe backfired a little bit. if you read any of the morning newsletters that come you out of washington, d.c. they you adopted the language of the biden administration. i think the media goes back to 2016 and feels like they took donald trump too lightly in 2016 and they always just thought hillary clinton was going to be elected and so now instead of letting and sort of -- they're going to go directly after him. as liz said, putting out misinformation, twisting speeches and trying to show him a as a person who is dangerous to america. remember, i talked about this before, this is a 2016 election which democrats are talking about big things, destroying america, terrible to come if you elect donald trump, no specifics while donald trump is talking about immigration, economy, and
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what's happening in america. this is going to come down to this and the media's scared to death. maria: you're right. we're just getting started. missouri attorney general andrew bailey is here on his new court order which blocks president biden from diverting any money away from building the border wall. that's coming up later this hour. first, the federal reserve's march meeting begins tomorrow morning and we're gue getting a better picture on where the fed sands on cutting interest rates. we'll preview that when we come back. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪
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maria: welcome back. take a look at futures this morning, we had a big rally in nasdaq underway, the pass dak is up 119 points, two thirds of a percent. we've got big moves in chip stocks, s&p 500 is higher by 17 but the dow is lower by 18 points. we want to take a look at markets ahead of the fed meeting. take a look at interest rates, 10 year treasury yield is at a level of 4.31%. it has been moving up as the federal reserve kicks off its two day meeting tomorrow morning, the fed is widely expected to keep interest rates unchanged. we have a march housing market index today at 10:00 a.m. eastern followed by housing starts and building permits tomorrow, existing home sales on thursday. joining us now, chief investment officer, peter anderson. thank you for being here. what do you make of this rally underway in nasdaq and what are you expecting from the fed this
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week? >> well, first off, i'm thinking the fed is of course not going to make any changes, maria, but i also think they might insert a little bit of a narrative about, hey, not so fast. everybody's thinking that there's going to be a rate cut in the near future and i think they're going to imply we're putting on the brakes with that concept and just stand by. we have to wait and see for more data before we make any directional decision. and in terms of the nasdaq, i think it's all about nvidia, super micro, the conference that's happening that's beginning today, all eyes including my own eyes will be on that because we're going to be watching and listening for any little change that nvidia makes because b n nvidia is such a fo, along with super micro too. maria: i want to go back to the fed before we move on to nvidia. i think you're spot on, this whole idea that the fed is going to start cooling things down
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here because there has been this expectation of all these rate cuts and in the my he del of all of that we get a hotter than exacted inflation reading and after that reading the cpi and ppi came out, i spoke with jim grant, the editor of grant interest rate observer, always a great obse observer of niece ma. he said look, with this inflation the fed may signal it's not done raising interest rates. listen to jim grant with me last week on this program. you're not expecting a cut they in rates any time soon. >> no. well, they might decide that threeish is fine. maria: 3% inflation. >> yes. this concern over the inflation rate. and to focus on financial stability as they would define it. so but, however, i think there's also a chance this year that the fed raises if they are confronted with an accelebrate rating rate of inflation. , feel they have no choice. and who is to say the 3.2% thing couldn't go up. we have an $80 oil price, no
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longer 70. maria: well, that's pretty extraordinary to hear him say that and you know, let's not forget we've got oil prices which is really the bulk of the inflation picture staying elevated. is that why the 10 years this morning is at 4.3%? >> well, i also think that people, and i'm glad if this is happening that people are actually saying, hey, maybe we're too optimistic about how soon inflation has been killed and that the fed is going to lower rates. maria, i've never been in that camp. for the past year and-a-half i thought once the fed is done raising rates, they have to at least let this play out, let it relax a little before they make changes. i don't agree with him that the fed might move the goal post in terms of what their target inflation rate is. if they did that, that would be quite monumental in terms of their saying hey, maybe we have this wrong for the past 10
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yearses. so i think what they're going to i say is we're going to be watching this and i also don't think inflation is killed yet because as you said, we've seen some really warm numbers, not hot, but warm numbers over the past week and it would be crazy for them, i think, to take any action right now because there's not enough data. maria: by the way, energy is up, crude oil right now is at $81 a barrel. we're back up to 81. let's talk about the euphoria around nvidia and i'll of these a.i. stocks, you nvidia up again this morning, kicking off the anual a.i. conference. the stock is at $900. it is up 2 and-a-half percent be. we're looking at all time highs. there's another chip maker that's having a better year than nvidia. you mentioned the name super micro computer has quadrupled its val g value in the past yea, super micro will join the s&p 500 today. that's why the stock is up again this morning as well. your thoughts on super micro, nvidia and you said you've got
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all eyes on this a.i. conference today as well. >> maria, i have been a big fan of nvidia. i bought nvidia $20 a share in. maria: oh, my god, wow. >> and never looked back. back then people thought i was crazy because they hadn't heard of nvidia. now everybody has. i want to at add this. i was driving home from an interview the other day and i you was listening to a local talk radio station that only covers politics and sports. and somebody called in and mentioned super micro stock to the anchor and it was so out of context. it reminded me of the old saying, when the shoe shine person actually starts talking about stocks, it's time to sell. i'm not saying it's time to sell but that is how popular and a pervasive these stocks are. that everybody is talking about them. of course that gives you a little bit of pause as to say is
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this a bubble or is it a deserved -- well deserved rally. i sill think it's a well deserved railly but we're all so careful to make sure when nvidia has this conference today that they do say very, very positive stuff. if they don't get very, very positive there will start leaking in a little bit of doubt and that of course can threaten the stocks. maria: bottom line, there's not a lot of room for error in any of these stock market performers, that's true. peter, great to see you this morning, thank you, sir. >> you're welcome. maria: peter anderson joining us. your morning mover is alphabet, take a look at the stock in the premarket. the company's shares are higher by better than 4%. there's reports that that appln talks to build the gemini a.i. engine into the iphone.
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ththe report says it's unlikely any deal will be you announced until june, that's when apple holds the annual worldwide developers conference. alphabet stock is up nearly 39% in the last year, apple is up 11% in that timeframe. benjamin netanyahu is blasting chuck schumer and president presidentbiden over waning suppr israel. we'll get into it, over the policy choices and why chuck schumer would attack netanyahu over his fight for survival. back in a minute. ♪
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fani, mr. and mrs.wade. which his wife did not appreciate. can you imagine these two people trying to take down a very popular -- i'm a very popular president. these people are low lives and they were sent here by the department of justice. this isn't a local georgia thing. this was done -- they would go into washington, d.c. and have meetings that lasted for eight hours on numerous occ occasionsh the justice department and the white house. maria: that was former president trump, this weekend, railing grens against the biden department of justice and fani willis during his rally. nathan wade with drawing from the georgia election interference case against trump and 18 co-defendants. a fulton county judge ruling either wade steps down or willis is disqualified from prosecuting trump. the two accused of having an a
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improper you affair, using fedl dollars for themselves and in his resignation letter wade claimed he was stepping down for the interest of democracy. willis put out her own statement, praising wade's professionalism and dignity. joining me now, congressman richard mccormick. it looks like all four of trump's criminal trials are like throw be delayed. your reaction to all of this. >> i wish they'd be dismissed. i think this was contrived from the very beginning. obviously i politically motivat. this has been a farce from the very beginning, they're looking to hamstring the political candidate, the person who should be the next president of the united states and a this is absolutely conspiracy. maria: the media is going right along with it. it looks like the january 6 case
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and florida documents case likely to be pushed to september, the georgia trial in august at the earliest now. what are your thoughts on the impact to trump's campaign in all of this and what if hes is in trial before the election, what do you think? >> i have no doubt they they're trying to tag this along with the elections, this is another way to manipulate the outcome of the elections for one of the most -- i think the most important election of our lifetime. at a time where there's war all over the world, run-away debt, there's crime, a b border crisis that's going to change the united states in a way we've never seen, where energy could be sold at affordable prices but we're choosing to not do that even though it's supportingen this iran and russia, we're seeing educational choices that will transform the future of our youth and we're going to continue the farse of judicial overreach in the most critical time in the united states in recent his you tri.
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maria: meanwhile, you've got president biden and chalk and ck schumer weighing in to israeli elections. benjamin netanyahu weighed in. schumer said that netanyahu no longer served the needs of israel, he wants an open election, he called for new leadership in israel. watch this. >> i think schumer's statements are wholly inappropriate. i think we're not a banana republic. people of israel will choose when they will have elections, who they'll elect. maria: you're in foreign affairs. the committee . you've watched for months that president biden is publicly calling out bibi netanyahu, saying he wants a cease fire, even though we've got no promises from hamas that they're going to release any more hostages, five americans. i spoke with wyoming senator john barrasso about it yesterday
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on sunday morning futures. here's what he said. >> the fourth major obstacle to peace is raily prime minister benjamin netanyahu who has all too frequently bowed to the demands of extremists. i believe in his heart he has his he highest priority is the security of israel. however, i also believe prime minister netanyahu has lost his way. >> we do not need chuck schumer or joe biden telling the people of israel who they get to vote ffor to be their leader. don't need that at all a. schumer called netanyahu an obstacle to peace. the object s obstacle to peace . maria: is joe biden trying to reverse course abecause he feels like he's losing the pro palestinian vote? >> it's laughable to think that schumer's talking about somebody
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losing their way, you're talking about a guy a that's never been able to vote on hr2 which we passed to secure the southern border, he doesn't care about the future of the united states, only power, he is openly criticizing the leadership of israel during a time of war in their country. as a leader of the senate. talk about losing their way. talk about somebody who needs to be replaced. that is schumer more than anybody. this is a guy who has literally not passed anything. it's a do nothing senate, a senate who doesn't care about the southern border, doesn't care about crime or debt or energy or education. this is the senate problem that's been getting in the way the entire time i've been in congress. maria: liz peek, jump in here. >> isn't it time for the house to invite netanyahu to speak before them and make his case to the american public, particularly after what schumer did? >> i think it's perfect time. let israel come here and talk at
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they're doing overseas in gaza, what the palestinian conflict brought into their country, what they've brought into the country to help those that are suffering not because of the israelis but because of hamas, because of the extremists if that country. let's talk about where this started to begin with, let him make his case in front of the american people since we have leadership in the senate, actually speaking openly against the leeleadership over there, hw inappropriate can you get. maria: i think there will be blowback or accountability for schumer at this point but we certainly are watching and will be watching, in the middle of a war, no less. congressman, thank you. good to see you this morning. richard mccormick joining us this morning. quick break and then missouri attorney general andrew bailey is with us with a preview of the supreme court case on biden administration's role on censoring information during covid. why did the administration hold
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back information to the american people? we're talking about i then, spring break is here. it is coming with far less drama than before. we'll tell you why. back in a minute. ♪ i would walk 500 miles. ♪ and i would walk 500 more. ♪ just to be the man who walks a thousand miles and falls down at your door. ♪
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escaping chaos and gang violence in haiti. they arrived in miami yesterday afternoon a. 47 passengers were on board. several hundred more american sit ssitcitizens are believed te trapped in haiti. they have closed government, roads and airports. north korea firing several short range ball b ballistic missiless after the u.s. military held drills with south korea. antony blinken is set to meet with senior officials from 30 countries, the japanese prime minister condemned the launch, saying it threatens peace and security of the region and it's you unacceptable. well, one b person is dead, two others are hurt after a shooting in jacksonville beach, florida
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overnight. police are looking for multiple suspects who they say opened fire on spring breakers in the downtown bar area. you can see dozens of people running from the scene shortly after sh shots rang out. the bardis trick will stay locked down as they search for the suspects. police are set to give an update this morning at 8:00 a.m. eastern time. the decision by a miami beach to break up with spring break has been looks like an overall success. the mayor appearing on fox news. watch. >> this is the calmest spring break we've had in years. we took the most robust measures we've ever taken by a long shot, license plate readers, dui checks, bag checks, closing the beach at 6:00 p.m., closing the parking garages for these two weekends. we were risking ruining our reputation by having these acts of violence which we prevented this year so this is a win-win for everyone and this is actually a huge success for us this year. >> still, there's been 256
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people arrested in the first two weeks of march, that's according to my am i my beach police, despite the crackdowns, the continue stalled a curfew, cut alcohol sale hours, increased security at the beach after last year's spring break resulted in 500 arrests and two he fatal shootings. maria: i'm glad. i like what miami did. i think it was so brilliant. we're breaking up with, you spring break. thank you. a federal court blocks president biden from diverting $1.4 billion in funding from the border wall. missouri attorney general andrew bailey obtaining the court order, forcing the biden administration to use congressionally appropriated money to construct a barrier along the southern border. joining me now, the man himself, mmissouri attorney general, an you drew bailey. the biden administration has been blowing off the supreme court from day one. do you think this is actually going to stick?
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>> yeah, i think so. this is a huge win in the fight to secure our southern border. the biden is vase has made missouri communities less safe. we've suffered 1100 incidents of human trafficking in one year, 1500 deaths from fentanyl exposure, 43 children who lost their lives from accidental fentanyl exposure. this is a crisis of epic proportion. the president is tasked with enforcing laws. the lawsuit was really critical, forcing his hand to do his job and stop wasting taxpayer dollars. build the border wall that congress appropriated the money for. maria: the other thing is we learned that border walls work. i mean, you know, some kind of a barrier works. look what's going on in texas right now where governor abbott put up that razor wire and all of a sudden the apprehensions have plummeted and now the illegal migrants are moving to
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san diego and moving to arizona. it hasn't stopped the migration but it certainly has slowed it down in that el paso area. >> yeah, that's exactly right. and president biden he knows th. that's why he voted for the secure fence act when he was a united states senator. his policy position changed. every policy position he's taken when it comes to the border has been the wrong decision. by repealing remain in mexico, undermining the parole process, refusing the follow congressional command to build the border wall, every decision has undermind the national sovereignty and a rendered us less safe. plaintiffs in more illegal -- there's been more illegal border cross is than the population of the statute of missouri. the lawsuits are critical in the fight to force him to secure our national sovereignty. maria: good for you, congrats to you and thank you for that court order and we're going to keep watching this story but i want to move on to something that has been under-reported,
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under-discussed, glenn greenwald tweeted out this is the most under reported story of 2023. a federal district court judge found the biden white house and fbi committed one of the gravest aaction on the first impeachment. amendment.they will determine ie government can tell technology companies how to police their content. they argue the biden administration censored information, censored speech related to covid-19 and coerced social media companies to remove posts from their platforms. we know what they did because of the twitter files. ag, you will be arguing this case before the supreme court today and you posted this on x. missouri versus biden is the most important first amendment amendmentcase in a generation. >> this will be a historic day
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in the fight for the constitutional right for free speech. in 1798 president john adams signed the act that allowed the federal government to lock up and imprprison anyone that disagreed with the federal government. this case is worse. the order of magnitude of constitutional violations by the biden administration exceed anything else in history. thwe've got to vindicate those rights. we've got to build a wall of separation between tech and state to protect our right to free speech as we move into an election cycle. maria: there the was so many things that were censored. you i remember during that time when i had guests on who were sure that covid came from the wuhan lab, that it leaked, whether it was a mistake or not from the chinese communist party. it leaked from that wuhan lab. they censored it and they
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allowed trolls twitter to trash people who said anything about it. they censored and took down posts about side effects of the vaccine. they said -- they took down posts that because you had covid that you had the antibodies to actually be well protected without the vaccine. why? why did they lie to the american people? why couldn't we understand that there was side effects for the vaccine? >> well, maria, you're absolutely right. look, this has never been about truth. it's always been about power. president biden wanted to push policies that supported covid tyranny. so he had to silence any voice in opposition. if he's allowed to control the marketplace of ideas, no dissenting voices will be heard. don't forget, the first amend machined guarantees the right to free speech and the right to hear. everyone who uses social media is impacted by the censorship regime. this is the most important first amendment lawsuit in the
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nation's history. we'll build the wall of separation between tech and state to protect the free and fair open marketplace of ideas. maria: tell me how this plays out and what tim mri case of this ruling could be -- the implications of this ruling could be. the fbi and white house likely coerced social media platforms to remove the posts according to the apellet court and we know because of the twitter files that there were 1,000 people with their own agenda working with social media, 1 you thou1,000 peoplefrom various fe, whether hhs, doj. , they were censoring information accord offing twitter files. >> in the discovery we obtained in the lawsuit it largely corroborates what we've seen in the twitter files. the censorship enterprise grew so rapidly that the federal government had to develop a new bureaucratic structure to manage censorship demands.
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it wasn't just individual posts. it was censorship algorithms. the court of appeals found when big tech changed censorship algorithm toss silence anyone discentsing with the federal government they did so to satisfy the demands of federal officials. maria: an illegal migrant was arrested from lebanon, he was near el paso last week and the new york post is reporting the man admitted to being part of hezbollah. he's a member of the hezbollah terrorist group. he told border agents he hoped to make a bomb and a head for new york city. your reaction. >> the biden invasion is an attempt to destroy the united states of america. he's let letting cr criminals ad terrorists into the country. i helped secure the border between iraq and syria. that border in 2005 was more secure and safer than the border between mexico and the united states in 2024. that's shameful. maria: wow.
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ag, thank you for your service to our great nation. we appreciate it so much. and we will be watching your fight for free speech. thank you, sir. >> thank you, maria. maria: all right. ag an you d -- andrew bailey inn ahead of the supreme court decision. we will be right back. bat stay with us. what do you mean? these straps are mind-blowing! they collect hundreds of data points like hrv and rem sleep, so you know all you need for recovery. and you are? i'm an invesco qqq, a fund that gives me access to... nasdaq 100 innovations like... wearable training optimization tech. uh, how long are you... i'm done. i'm okay.
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maria: welcome back. fulton county special prosecutor nathan wade with drawing from the georgia election interference case against donald trump allowing fani willis to remain on the case. willis and wade accused of having an improper affair. wade said he was stepping down for the interest of democracy. georgia congressman richard mccormick joined me earlier on the program. >> i.>> i wish they'd be dism. it's politically motivated. when you look at the judges that have been appointed. this has been a farce from the beginning, they're looking to hamstring our political candidate, the person who should be the next president of the united states and this is absolutely conspiracy. maria: joining m me is former nypd inspector, the founder of the ops desk dot org., paul
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morel. thank you for weighing in on this. on the one ha one hand i felte the judge gave fani willis an out. she's still on the case, she's fine despite all of this. so her boyfriend steps down. on the other hand, some people say this was a big black eye for her. how do you see this this? >> so, a little bit of both. it's somewhat of an ambivalent decision. the judge assesses the original motivation for bringing the case and he doesn't find there to be enough of an appearance of impropriety for him to not let the case go forward. okay. so there's that. but then he goes through the behavior of the two of them that is willis and wade on the stand. and he uses a very flowery term, the odor of mendacity is judge for likely perjury which with is a felony so he essentially says i am not going to stop the case but on the other hand there was
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all this other stuff that needs to be looked at and then he kind of puts it on others to look at it. he says -- he sort of name checks the georgia state assembly. i think he meant the senate. that's who's issued subpoenas here. he aced about the georgia state -- he talked about the georgia state bar. i think he's talking bought governor kemp p or the attorney general in georgia who should be looking at this thing with the beginnings of a criminal probe to see in fact felonies were committed here. maria: you think there could be felonies here, criminality? >> i do. i think that there is enough of an indicia of perjury that it those be examined, certainly by more than regulatory body. the only way to get to the bottom of this, you need a criminal investigation that has the power to issue search warrants and subpoenas. the first thing you want to do is get ahold of the 10,000 text messages between the two parties during 2021 before she hired him in november.
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that comes down to over 30 text messages a day. i find it impossible to believe there's not going to be a lot of clarity that comes out of those. there will be business e-mails, they could have their devices seized as happened in new york city with eric adams. those are the things you do during an investigation and maybe bill to a grand jury where you start putting people in, getting testimony, giving people immunity, and you may even get to the point where you face the decision, hey, maybe it's more aadvantageous to flip wade against willis, he's already out of the case. maybe that's how we get real insight. maria: i want to get your thoughts on another issue in a moment. let me bring doug collins in here. you're in georgia and have watched this play out. your reaction. >> it's crazy to look at this. but i think -- paul, i agree with you. i think he's setting this up for something else. i think that's th the a appeal
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process. there's been no move by the attorney general or the governor to do a criminal investigation. there's been no evidence that he's moving forward to do anything like that. i have a question for youdo you lininleaning more toward the appellate process, you mentioned a bar review as well. i think it will be critical on the a appeal if he will give a certificate for immediate review which means it can go up to the appellate court right now. >> i think he will. i think we'll get an appeal relative to the georgia officials, it's true no movement out of karr. the governor was asked about it. he said let's see how the hearing goes. we know how the hearing went now. i think some people should be looking at this. i think we're going to see the appeal undoubtedly and he's given substantial material for appeal and let's remember also she's under subpoena, that is willis is, to the house. thanks to jim jordan who is saying he may hold her in contempt. it's not a great optic for the
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feds to peel this apart if this is a georgia state matter. i think there will be heat building up to get this done on a local level. maria: this is not over just yet, that's for sure. let me ask you about crime because new york city subway crime is up 13.2% as of march 10. new york governor kathy hochul is pushing for the national guard to survey the subway's busiest stations in the wake of several violent e incidents. she sent the national guard there. they were checking everybody's bag. and then we had a shooting. i guess they missed that bag. it's out ray just that this is getting -- outrageous that this is getting worse. >> it's a band-aid on a gaping wound. it's a move to obviously avoid what really has to be done which is the stuff that they undid years ago, as you and i talked about last time. the basic paradigm, the fund, destroy, deflect. they destroyed the
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municipalities. they're deflecting responsibility. you've got to get more cops on the jobs so they're not working overtime all the time. you need prosecutors who will prosecute and actually keep people in jail. basic enforcement which is what know worked during broken windows. we'vwe've undone that.1,000 memy unit put into the new york city subways is not the right answer and it has some real down side. maria: destroy, defund, deflect. that's exactly what they've been doing, paul. great analysis as usual. good to see you, we'll be right back. a brother max recommended you. so, my best friend sophie says you've been a huge help. at ameriprise financial, more than 9 out of 10 of our clients are likely to recommend us. our neighbors, the garcía's, love working with you. because the advice we give is personalized, -hey, john reese, jr. -how's your father doing? to help reach your goals with confidence. my sister's told me so much about you.
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