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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  March 18, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EDT

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maria: good monday morning, everybody. thanks very much for joinings us this morning. i'm maria bartiromo. it is monday, march 18, you 7:0. time for the hot topic of the hour. ducking the american people, hunter biden is not expected to appear for public testimony this week, his lawyer dismissing the whole thing as a carnival side show. james comer joined me yesterday on sunday morning futures, he thinks hunter will show up his week, comer also told me he is preparing to send out multiple criminal referrals now. watch. >> had were massive discrepancies between what three of hunter biden's business associates said pertaining to hunter's involvement and pertaining to president biden's involvement versus what hunter testified the. i fully expect hunter biden to
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show up. if he doesn't show up, then it's not going to end well for the bidens because we have three witnesses that are testifying -- what have already testified under oath. maria: how many criminal referrals are you expecting to make? >> there will be multiple criminal referrals. the evidence is overwhelming. just because the mead why and white house want to say there's no evidence, that doesn't change the fact that there's a lot of evidence of criminal wrong doing by the biden family. maria: doug collins, these criminal referrals have to do with f farra, the foreign agents law, those do with potential bribery, money laundering. your reaction ahead of this public hearing where i don't know if hunter biden is going to show up or not. >> yeah, i mean, it will be interesting. it's interesting that the chairman thinks that hunter will show up. i think when they put him on the panel where he's not center stage and he would have to refute what they're going to say i think that's the part where hunter said he didn't want to
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participate in that and he's got the threat of contempt. what's interesting in this whole situation is that if they do the criminal referrals which should be taken seriously, i feel likee it will fall on deaf ears in the department of justice. it needs to be made aware it's the department of justice that would have to prosecute this. so far they've turned a blind eye to anything that hunter biden, joe biden or the rest of the bi biden family that's been involved in any of this. why is it congress that exposes criminal activity when the department of justice should be. this is a way to get at the you biden family outside of the impeachment inquiry because of the tie votes in the house. have you to depend on the departdepartment of justice to e this going forward. maria: can the department of justice keep blowing this off even as we see different stories? one of the reasons that they've got to go forward with this
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public hearing, even if hunter biden doesn't show up, is because it's the stories do not match up. president bidens has said repeatedly he had no involvement whatsoever in had his son's business. hunter biden said the same thing, yet tony bobulinski says he met with joe biden twice on may 2nd and may 3rd, 2017, at a dinner, a sideline meeting from the milken conference. this is one of many meetings we've heard from the whistleblowers where joe biden was calling in to meetings or having dinner with himnd a his partners. >> yeah, maria, i think there's too much evidence here to completely disregard what the house has been up to and it really is offensive to me that the media is just ignoring he it, democrats are calling for this thing to go away, dismissing deriding the effort of the house committee to get to the bottom of this. what they have is tens of thousands of e-mails that put joe biden in the center of
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conversations with hunter biden and his relatives and people like tony bobulinski, by the way, who i consider a very credible source on all of this and he has been available to the media since 2020. and almost nobody has bothered to actually interyou vie -- intt went on. i think they have to have criminal referrals at this point. the media cannot ignore it. they will have to report it and i think some americans willing say criminal for what, what are they talking about, because they haven't heard what all this evidence has been put forward the house committee. secondly, frankly, republicans need a reason to go out and campaign for re-election, maria. i mean, right now the house is being made fun of if you will, ridiculed, by you democrats across the country as being do nothing and wasting their time, can't get organized, et cetera. things wou would this would be a
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very firm step forward in showing the american people who voted these people to be in the house and to take control of the house that it was worth their effort and they deserve re-election. i think they need that. maria: the other thing is potential perjury. doug, can the doj ignore potential pe perjury. james biden three times said he had nothing to do with anything and joe biden had nothing do with anything but he was also at the meeting with bobulinski on may 2nd and may 3rd. he says he never met with any of hunter biden's partners and wasn't part of the meeting but he was there a at that dinner that tony bobulinski is telling us about so the question becomes did he or anybody here commit perjury? >> yeah, i mean, maria, how many times have you and i done this, talked about the department of justice and the corruption and the blatant turning of a blind
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eye. should they be at the forefront of this? yes, they should be at t forefrt of this but they're not. i agree with liz. this needs to move forward so the american public can be shown what the republicans in the house of representatives have been doing. here's the problem. you've got to deal with a department of justice that is playing blocker it appears for the biden family and in going forward, should they look at perjury? yes. is it documented? yes, this is the same department of justice that ignored this and had a speci special prosecutor d said he's incapable of standing trial because he can't remember enough, yet he can be president. this is what the do justice let's him get away with. maria: we're just getting started. quick break and we're looking at markets on the move ahead of the
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federal reserve's march meeting, kicks off tomorrow. we want to know where the central bank stands on rate cuts happening this year, the nasdaq is up 139 right now, we'll talk about that a.i. conference underway. the word on wall street panel is coming up. don't miss it. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪
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markets and, up sean, i want to get your take on the fed this morning. here's where we are. the dow industrials are down 32 right now but the nasdaq is up 154 we've got the nvidia a.i. conference underway and that has a.i. stocks on fire again. but look at interest rates. the 10 year treasury yield is all the way back up to 4.3% this morning as the federal reserve kicks off the two day monetary policy meeting tomorrow, we're not expecting an interest rate cut tomorrow, widely expected to leave rates unchanged but we are waiting to hear what jay powell says at the press conference in terms of the possibility of further moves in rates this time lower. sean, what are your expecting and how would you put money to work here? >> good morning, maria. thanks for having me i'm expecting the same things we've been hearing from the fed. inflation over the long run the trend has been coming down but interestingly enough in the short run it's trending back up. i think that's the most important signal that i think
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the fed will be paying you attention to. they're going to be very, very strong i think in they terms of trying to get that inflation down to the 2% number. the thing they're fighting against that's coming across the bottom of the screen and that's oil. oil at 81 or over, that's going to put upward pressure on prices so i would expect we're going to continue to hear the same message from the fed which is they'll continue to be cautious, they're going to be looking at the data and so with regard to the markets and where you put money today, overall the market's a little expensive and it seems to me like it's overly reliant on a good report from the fed that they intend to cut multiple times sooner rather than later. so i think you have to be cautious and be opportunistic. so far this year i think the market's driven by the same seven or so names ha ha drove the returns last year. there are opportunities in the market. doesn't mean that everything is expensive. so i think you have to play both sides here. i think you have to own the a.i. names like netflix and snow
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flake, palo alto, i think that's a long-term trend. i don't think you should be overly aggressive there because of where they are in their valuations. i think on the other end you have to look for stocks that are cheap that generate a lot of free cash flow that are profitable, that can pay dividends and race dividends, a barbell approach is how i would put money to work here in this market. maria: if we start feelings like the federal reserve is not going to cut interest rates at all, coy see a big selloff happening in stocks. this was the whole expectation. i spoke with jim grant, the editor of the grant interest rate observer and he made a compelling statement the other day and hes is saying, look, with oil where it is up to $81 a barrel, maybe the fed is going to change its expectation or its target on where it sees inflation landing like for get about 2%, maybe it's 3%. here's jim grant. watch this. >> you're not expecting a cut in rates any time soon?
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>> no, they might decide that three-ish is fine. maria: 3% inflation. >> yes. the concern over the inflation rate and to focus on financial stability as they would define it. however, i think there's also a chance that the fed raises, if they are confronted with an accelerating rate of inflation. who is to say 3.2% thing couldn't go up. we have an $80 oil price, no longer 70. maria: that would be stunning for the market, mike. but i know that we're all about a.i. right now. they're not thinking about market participants, aren't thinking of the fed possibly raising rates. what are your thoughts there, mike, as well as your thoughts on these a.i. stocks? shares of nvidia are up again had this morning. they're kicking off the a.i. conference today. it's putting a fire under the stocks. nvidia up 2.7%, sitting at 902
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now. 902, 34, mike. there's another chip maker that's having a better year than nvidia, super micro computer. that has quadrupled in value in the past year. the stock is up again this morning because it's going to join the s&p 500 later today. so it's got that going for it as well as the a.i. power, mike. your thoughts? >> so maria, there's been a structural change in the data center for every major corporation worldwide. that is using the power of artificial intelligence or just simplified version of it, think about computers that move so much faster than what's available out there and you're seeing that with demand nvidia's gpus. super micro makes the racks they sit on. we're still kind of in the pick axe stage of artificial intelligence where the components that help companies gear up to using a.i. are profiting substantially.
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todays is nvidia's event they call the a.i. woodstock where they'll talk about new products coming out. that's why you're seeing a positive reaction. the stock this morning, they're expecting to introduce another chip that they'll be able to sell to china that's not quite the same power as their h hundred and h200 that the u.s. government asked him or i guess forebade them from selling to the chinese communist part. super micro added to the s&p 500 is a huge moment for them, dramatically increase ownership in the stock, long-term operator via index funds that people are investing in, in personal accounts, most likely in 401-ks, retirement accounts. if you believe judson wang that every data center is going to need to be upgraded with chips of this speed, nvidia stock, super micro stock, all these
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a.i. related names have a lot of room to run. earnings are up close to 500%. those earnings can double or triple again over the next couple years meaning there's a lot of runway for this and it's just a touch of what you were talking about before. expectations have gone from six rate cuts to three rate cuts and i think people are a little bit pessimistic that we're going to get those three rate cuts, 10 years going from 380 to 430 in the last six months. exact stations for fed ac-- expectations for fed accommodation have fallen off a cliff and these stocks have done spectacularly. what you have is a trend that is transcending the macroeconomic environment that's kind of a once in a generation technology spend, technology upgrade that's powering the overall market, the overall indies sees. indices.
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i don't think it's stopping any time soon. maria: sean, mike, great to see you both. have a great monday. thank you so much, guys. quick break and then biden's border crisis spirals out of control. one illegal migrant reportedly admitting he's a hezbollah terrorist. yes. he told border agents he's a hezbollah terrorist with plans to make a bomb and then he's going to come to new york with that bomb. that's not enough for president biden though to change his policy for the so-called newcomers. texas congresswoman beth van duyne is here with re reaction coming up. you c ask and i will answer. send in your questions and i'll answer your questions attend of the show this morning you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪
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maria: welcome back. border patrol agents arresting an illegal migrant from lebanon near el paso texas last week. the new york post is reporting the man admitted to being a
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member of the hezbollah terrorist group. he told border agents he was hoping to make a bomb and head for new york city. foreign drone incursions are surging at the u.s., mexico border. these are coming from foreign countries, their drones near our border. here's what texas attorney general ken paxton told me yesterday on sunday morning futures about that. >> i'm not surprised that this is going on now that they're sending drones across, it's no surprise and it's no surprise that joe biden's not going to do anything about it. he has lots of authority. he isn't using it. he's aiding and abetting the cartels to get more people here for his political purposes. maria: joining me to talk about all of this is texas congresswoman beth had van dine, the chair woman of the oversights investigations and regulations committee and member of small business and house ways and and means committees. thank you for joining us this morning. your reaction to all of this. you've got this guy from lebanon
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saying he's a member of the hezbollah terrorist group. why isn't that enough for joe biden to use the power of the pen and get remain in mexico back in place? >> look, he has known for years that this is a problem. when we have seen a venezuelan parolee come in and kill laken riley, a 22-year-old nursing student in georgia, we've got a haitian immigrant, a parolee come in and is now y accused of raping a 15-year-old disabled girl. he's known his policies are an issue. he continues to do them. not only as he taken off tools from the table that were working, such as the remain in mexico policy, but he's now actively flying 30,000 i'm grants in from haiti, cuba, venezuela, nicaragua, into our country and releasing them. we're seeing crimes increase. the president is blaming republicans and saying we need to pass a bill for him to be
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able to act even though his executive orders have led to what we have seen, the carnage, the disgrace at the border. if he wants to have a bill, wants to have the tools, we've given it to him. house republicans passed hr2 in 2023. if he was concerned about securing our borders, call up chuck schumer, have your democrats actually pass that bill out of the senate and you, mr. president, sign it. but the fact is, that's not what this is about. maria: incredible to me, to put america in such a vulnerable position to have wide open borders and certain people coming in certain locations that are threatening america. like this guy saying he's about to make a bomb and come to new york. i mean, is it all about this administration's grasp as staying in power, this desperate attempt to stay in power? because i'm wondering if they're going to use these people to try to get them to vote in the
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upcoming election. the jig is up on what this means, the open border for democrats. senate democrats voting to count illegal immigrants in the skean sus last week -- census last week. is this a sign, a signal that yeah, this is about illegals coming in here, voting democrat, and keep caning these folks in power? ken paxton and senator john bore barrassotold me about the censut yesterday on sunday morning futures. >> 94 executive orders to allow illegal immigrants easier access to the united states. he's surrendered the border and a lot of it has to do with the fact of the census. joe biden and the democrats want all the illegal immigrants counted in the census, maria and here's why. the census is used to calculate out congressional seats. how many seats each state gets. as well as the members of the
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electoral college, how many electoral college votes each state gets. >> he's willing to trade the safety of american, whether it's terrorism, drugs, other crimes, he's willing -- he being joe biden, willing to trade all of that to get more democratic votes so that they can control congress and can control the presidency. maria: congresswoman,s is that what you believe as well? because it's having an impact on the census, right? >> well, it's not -- we don't even have to think about what they're saying, don't have to interpret it. you have a democrat member in new york who has actually said this, that we need to have an increase in population, whether or not it's legal or illegal immigrants, in order for her to keep her congressional district seat because what we saw is states like california and new york who are losing population and when we look at the census, that's exactly how you they determine how many congressals l districts they get. yes, this is all about
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increasing the population in the states to incross congressional districts so they maintain power. the unfortunate part they're not looking at murders, increase in crime, hundreds of people who came in had from the terrorist watch list into the done he tri, not looking at the next possible 9/11 that's going to happen within our borders as a direct result of allowing illegal immigration, 11 million people in the last three and-a-half years under the biden administration into our country, they're not concerned about the damage. they're concerned about the power. maria: yeah. liz peek, this is stunning, this is just stunning stunning to me. you leave america in a vulnerable position so you can get more congressional democrat seats in the senate and the house and you get bigger numbers because the census is counting illegals. >> maria, when president trump was in office, he tried to put a citizenship question on the census and it y was bashed by
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everybody, it never happened. but i think, congresswoman, day one, had this is something that donald trump should address when he is elected president this coming fall because it isn't just electoral seats and so forth. you are basically rewarding these states that put up tremendous incentives that attract illegal immigrants like california which has two and-a-half million people that are not supposed to be in this country living there. they've done it intentionally. as has new york, to maintain their power. it's not just congressional representation. it's also hundreds of billions of dollars of federal aid that is apportioned depending on population. so we have got to reverse the incentives that make these states so eager to welcome illegals with sanctuary status, et cetera. what do you think of that? >> you're absolutely right. i used to be a mayor. i fought illegal immigration in my city.
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i had a great relationship with immigration and customs enforcement. at one point we had more criminal illegal aliens deported from my city more than any other city. our crime rate dropped. working with federal government and law enforce machine and actually enforcing our laws is important. i served on the board of the u.s. conference of mayors with a number of mayors across the country that claimed sanctuary city status. you're getting it now but instead of mayors that are complaining about the number of illegals coming into the city, instead of asking for policy changes, what you're seeing them ask for is more federal dollars. this is not about keeping their citizens safe, not about protecting american lives, this is all about power and this is all about money. and they have the tools to be able to do it, the democrats are fighting it and we know why. maria: let me switch gears and ask you about what house speaker mike i d johnson promised to apy every amount of pressure on senators to pass the tiktok bill. the bill demanding that
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bytedance divest from tiktok within six months, making a ban likely, congresswoman. what are you expecting from the tiktok situation in the senate? because you all passed it in the house but i just was talking with wyoming senator john barrasso who said he's not expecting it to come to the floor this week. >> look, we passed a it out of the house overwhelmingly and there's a reason why. when you think about this app that's been downloaded 210 million times on two out of three americans have used it and the average user uses it nine hours a week, this is what we're looking at, the political propaganda and ability to gather data on our citizens and where that information's going directly to ccp china. you look at the aggressiveal aggressivealgorithms created by, that's where they're getting their data, targeting our youth. this is a problem. this is a threat. this is saying you have to
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divest from being controlled by the ccp to gather information, had this is a spy surveillance tool directly into the heart of america. which hope the senate looks -- i would hope the senate looks at this and they take action. maria: good to see you this morning, thank you. congresswoman b beth van duyne this morning. we'll see you soon. stay with us. we'll be right back. awkward question... is there going to be anything... -left over? -yeah. oh, absolutely. (inner monologue) my kids don't know what they want. you know who knows what she wants? me! with empower, we get all of our financial questions answered. so you don't have to worry. empower. what's next. if your business needs a new application then developers will have to write code. a lot of code. if an application needs to be modernized
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maria: welcome back. vladimir putin securing another six years as leader of russia, cheryl casone with all the details of yet another term, cheryl. >> yes, yay. vmaria.vladimir putin won the ds presidential election sun with nearly 90% of the vote. his win was expected with many of the opposition leaders either
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dead, jailed, or banned from running. some voters still had staged small acts of defiance. apple in talks with google to incorporate gemini into the iphone. this could bring chat bots and coding you assistants to apple's best selling phones. the software could be released later this year. apple in talks with open a.i. take a look at the stocks, both of them higher, alphabet up 5 and-a-half percent. scotty shepler making history in florida, becoming the first person ever to win back to back players championships, wyndham clark narrowly missed a putt to force a playoff. >> unbelievable.
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.>> xaander sheffield also got close. then there was this, march madnesses is set to begin with some notable omissionses from this year's tournament. 68 teams were dancing on what is known as selection sunday, some notable names were left out when the march madness 2024 bracket was revealed. saint john's with a 2013 record led by the famed coach not making the cut, seaton hall were shut out and providence, indiana state, oklahoma, even pittsburgh and those are your headlines. march madness gets underway later this week. maria: cheryl, thank you. meanwhile, former president trump holding a rally in ohio on saturday, saying president biden's climate change agenda is driving the auto business into bankruptcy and will result in an indblood bath of jobs if he doet
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win re-election. >> we'll put 100% 100% tariffn every car that comes across the line. you wouldn't be able to sell the cars if i get elected. if i don't get elected it will be a blood bad had. tbat.maria: he was talking aboe auto sector. the mainstream media took the remarks out of context putting headlines out there, claiming he's inciting political violence rather than painting the full picture about his remarks, referring to the economy and auto jobs. the biden harris campaign basically set the tone, told the media what to do, running with the narrative, saying this is who donald trump is, a loser who gets beaten by over 7 million votes and then instead of appealing to a wider mainstream audience doubles down on threats of political violence, he wants another january 6. says joe biden and kamala harris. joining me is former new york state senator, democrat strategist, david carluci and
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matt keylan. david, you can understand why nobody trusts the media after that, right? >> well, yeah, i can appreciate that. i see everyone having to come to donald trump's defense and really say what he meant to say. the problem is, the context. that donald trump starts off this rally praising the january 6th, what he calls hostages, in that same speech he talks about some immigrants not even being human. so you can see how i think a lot of people are on edge, a lot of moderates, a lot of people in the middle that are very concerned about what happened on january 6th. when they hear rhetoric like that, they're almost -- it's almost like a dog whistle and people jump when they hear certain terms so i think the big problem here is i think republicans, surrogates were right to come to his defense and try to pars out what he meant to
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say but this is a problem that's going to face donald trump heading into the general election where everytime he gives one of these free wheeling speeches there will be so much cleanup that has to be done and pars through what he said and what he meant to say. maria: well, i don't know about the cleanup that needs to be done about what he said. there's a lot of cleanup that needs to be done about the economy and foreign a affairs, isn't there, david? look, ever since joe biden walked into the white house, our adversaries have been ton march. there's a lot of stuff to fix out there, isn't there? >> i mean, you know better than anyone that these talk of 100% tariff, i moo mean, this is kinf being reckless. the fact that he would say, we know it's not going to happen. it would be a war between china and the united states on these tariffs and not just the cars, but each of the parts and so joe biden has done his part in the chips act, in the inflation reduction act, to say that these vehicles have to be made here in
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the united states, that if we are going to lead the ev revolution, but the parts, the cars, they all have to be made in the united states and that's going to help our economy and make sure that we're leaders, not this protectionism where we hide in the corner, hide under the bed, we've got to face the economy full-on and this is the way we do to it make it in america. maria: it's funny you say that sthat.joe biden has been hidinge basement. he hit hid in the basement the last election season. the bigger issue for, jump in here, because the other side of this is the national security issues. so i don't know if it's tariffs, 100% tariffs or if it's sanctionses or what it is but something's got to be done to stop communist china, isn't that right? >> maria, absolutely. and under president trump, they were on the retreat, we were making money off the chai these, chinese.joe biden is in the pocf
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the chinese. manufacturing under president trump was booming everywhere. we need to get back to the trump policies, we need to get back to a booming economy, a booming stock market, and also our allies that respect us and our enemies who fear us, right now we have none of that. maria: well, i know what you're saying but the stock market is rallying right now. i mean, a.i. has empowered this market so i don't know that you can actually talk about the stock market the same way that you would talk about other -- i want to point that out, matt, you're saying the stock market. the stock market's rallying. >> you're talking about people, sitting around the kitchen table, husband and wives, families, single moms, they're struggling to pay their bills to look to the future. that's a fact. under president trump, those same families and same people were going on two vacations a year, david. now they can't leave to go on a one night stay homer. it's sad. maria: yeah.
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david, isn't that you true? >> we talked about this. we had inflation. it has been a global problem. we know- maria: not really a global problem. >> helped curve that. is everyone feeling that at the kitchen table? not necessarily. it's something we have to continue to push for. we've got to look towards solutions. maria: the president be is not looking at solutions. he wants to spend more money. we all know how this inflation started. it was too many dollars chasing too few goods. you went ahead and listed the stuff the president did. the chips act, the inflation reduction act. but this is trillions of dollars -- this was trillions of dollars in bore he borrowing, that's we looking at the debt we have. that's why inflation went to 40 year highs. >> we know, donald trump increased the deficit under his leadership. joe biden's proposal that he put forward lowers the deficit by $3.3 trillion. maria: no r, it doesn't. >> over 10. maria: what he's lowering --
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>> like the deficit reduction act did. maria: the committee for a responsible budget has come out on that and called a lot of the president's comments false, like he said in the state of the union, he cut the deficit by $1 trillion. he didn't. what cut the definite sift is the covid -- def deficit is the covid money that went away. we had the spending on covid, then it went away so the deficit goes lower. all the spending got us into this problem and he wants to keep spending and putting stimulus out there. he's blowing off the supreme court, saying no, i'm still going to forgive student debt. even though the supreme court said it's unconstitutional. >> that was after he threatened the sup supreme court at the ste of the union speech. >> joe bidens is trying do what he can to help people that are straddled with debt. one tool is to relieve the student debt. that's one part of many things that need to be done. what i hear on the republican side is attacking g joe biden fr
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the things he's doing. he's trying to release student debt, lower the deficit. the chips act alone has brought billions of dollars of private investment money to the table. maria: not really. >> this is spurring our economy right now. lowering the unemployment rate, we're at record lows. maria: let me ask you, david. i think the biggest issue around the president right now is the wide open border. can you look me in the eye and say that this president has been responsible for the southern border? >> the problems at the southern border have been going on for years, well before -- maria: that's not true. that's not true. >> well before joe biden took office. maria: that's not true. that's just not true. that's just not true. under president trump -- wait a minute, under president trump -- >> unwilling to do it. maria: border apprehensions under president trump were at a 40 year low and now we're at a 2 of20 year high.
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we have a guy that said he was part of hezbollah, other people coming with ties to isis, we've got foreign drones that could -- that are flying around the southern border and the fbi is warning that this is a major issue for national security. but joe biden won't do anything about it, david. how does get away with that? >> we talked about this before. >> we know he has the power of comprehensive legislation. maria: we can't hear if you're both talking. if you're both talking we cannot hear. david, you first, how does joe biden justify what his action has been or inaction at the southern border, how is he justifying that. >> he's come to the table with legislation to say look, in order to fix this -- this has been a problem for a long time. maria: that's not true. >> return to mexico, david. >> under donald trump, this is not something new. maria: that's not true. >> we have to reform -- mar david,
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that's not true, that's not true. >> spin, spin, spin. maria: that's not true. the senate bill had 5,000 illegals coming in every day before anything can be done about it. that's why the senate bill was pushed out and not moved forward. >> we can't -- maria: fentanyl increased huge. have you spoken to any -- of course we care about this issue. the president won't compromise. >> they put in that bill -- republicans said they would do it and they refused. donald trump said don't do it. >> the president could go back to the remain in mexico policy tomorrow. maria: go ahead david. >> the president could go back to the return to mexico -- maria: we can't hear if you're talking over each other. final word, matt. >> the president could go back to the return to mexico policy tomorrow. it was his policies that started
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this. donald trump had the border under control. he could also go on tv, maria, and say if you come to our border, we're going to return you home instead of saying we're going to welcome you. that's the problem. you talked about it earlier with california and other states actually enticing people to come here. maria: david, your final word and let me just say that when the president started his office as president, he did 90 plus executive orders, overturning trump's security at the border. go ahead, final word, david. >> remain in mexico is about illegal immigration process. these are people that are applying for asylum, et cetera. this is not illegal immigration. illegal immigration, people are coming to the border because of desperate situations, the way we fix that is provide support to our border patrol but we also re-form the system to make sure there's a legal process. people are fighting their way to get in here no matter what. maria: good conversation.
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you know what, -- viewers are on to this. i yeah. here's the bottom line, viewers understand this story better than anybody. they're onto all of this, matt, david, thank you, gentlemen. we'll be right back.
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maria: welcome back. time for the morning buzz. president biden speaking at a traditional gridiron dinner on saturday night. he flipped the tables on former president trump. he said of course the big news is two candidates clinching the nomination for president, one candidate is too old, mentally unfit to be president, the other is me. your reaction, liz peek. >> some pretty good jokes from the president at this dinner. let's remember, he's the one fitted out with special shoes so he doesn't trip over them, trying to get to air force one. so, yes, it's amusing, all these jokes he made about president trump. but he's the one under fire for not being able to complete his sentence under normal circumstances. president trump is out playing agolf and talking to rallies at tens of thousands of people. let's see joe biden do that. maria: you're right doug, i'm sure it got a lot of laughs i
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don't know if anybody's buying it. >nobody's buying it.they see hit knowing out to get in and this weekend they showed a picture of him trying to get out of the rain i believe it was so this is not working at all. again, they're trying to paint a picture that doesn't exist. maria: all right. quick break and then we've got a lot more right here. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. investment opportunities are everywhere you turn. but at t. rowe price, we're letting curiosity light the way. asking smart questions about opportunities like advances in healthcare. and how these innovations will create a healthier world tomorrow. better questions. better outcomes. this looks like an actual farm. it looked cute on the app. ( ♪ ) meanwhile, at a vrbo... when other vacation rentals aren't what they're cracked up to be, try one where you'll know what you get.
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