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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  April 1, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EDT

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get started today at constant contact. helping the small stand tall. maria: welcome back. good monday morning, everybody.
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thanks very much for joining us this morning i'm maria bartiromo. it is monday, april 1st, april fool's day, 7:00 a.m. on the east coast. time for the hot topic of the hour. former president obama claims president biden knows what it's like to be under-privileged at his $26 million fundraiser last week. obama said the biden family overcame tough financial and personal hurdles and somehow that makes him be fit to be the president for another four years. listen to this. >> at the end of the day, who do you think is actually going to look out for you? who do you think is going to fight on your behalf? who is it that really sees you and cares about you? i can't -- i'm pretty confident the other guy doesn't. this guy does. that's why we're going to have to fight so hard. maria: i don't know, has he been watching out for you so far? we've had three and-a-half years to make that determination.
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what do you think? >> you say you're willing to fight for the average person or those that weren't born into privilege you're probably born into privilege, the fact that you're saying that. he's so disconnected. i don't think he actually understands how people are living because he's been a career politician for 50 plus years. right? at the end of the day, democrats have mastered the art of gaslighting the american people through everything they talk about whether it's tax policy, whether it's inflation, whether it's any kind of thing that they're pushing. all you have to do is look at the states that are more democratically controlled like california that has 5.3% unemployment rate. everything had that democrats push, the trillions of dollars in stimulus, higher tax policies, to weaponize the rich are bad people and it's the wealthy's fault ultimately hurts the bottom line for the average american and at the end of the day them touting that they're trying to connect to the average person is a simple fact itself that they're so disconnected from the average person. maria: to words on all the millions the biden family took in from overseas and foreign
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adversaries according to the house oversight committee. >> look, maria, i think that the damage has been done to biden's approval ratings and biden's standing. people do not consider him honest. by the way, the fight is over the little guy in this election and biden is for the union bosses. guess what? the union members are moving to donald trump and if you look at what's happened in terms of inflation, in terms of the job market weakening, lisa erikson earlier mentioned that, at the lower end of the spectrum people are really struggling. does joe biden care? no. the most amazing thing to me is he continues to push his green agenda which is incredibly bad for the little guy. electricity prices are up over 20%. who gets socked by that and the rise in food and gasoline? it's the little guy. it's not the elite who showed up at this fundraiser that they had the tamarity to describe as a
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grass roots effort. you've got to be kidding me. there's nothing grass roots about joe biden or his fund raising. maria: all that money they spent, 6, $8 trillion on biden's watch sent inflation to 4 had 0 year highs. -- 40 year highs. a politico reporter is slamming president biden for his soft ball interviews after he did another sitdown with jason bateman before speaking with any white house reporters. >> let's make the point here, politico does this very well. number of times jason bateman sat down with joe biden. two. nearly every reporter who covers the white house, zero. that is from the politico reporter. but that is true. i mean, he avoided the super bowl. he could have had a soft ball interview for the super bowl. didn't even do that. this is the strategy. give him the soft ball, the light stuff, the easy stuff. they have really hidden this president. we watched this now for for over three years. the strategy is going to be the same. and that is why they had to
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bring out barack obama and bill clinton because they don't want to let joe biden speak for himself. they're concerned about how he appears and the american public has their opinions, their theories about what's going on with president biden but i think we can all agree, well, he appears old. not saying that his age is old, i'm saying he appears old and the white house staff is nervous for good measure. real quick about inflation. i find it interesting that barack obama is the champion of the financial hardships of the little guy. how many millions of dollars are he and michelle raking in on the speaking circuit and with all the books and netflix programming. maria: and working with netflix as well. but liz, your thoughts on where this goes? earlier i heard that biden is going to use obama and clinton on the campaign trail. i find that hard to believe that they're actually going to make time for this but we'll see. i don't know that it even helps
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him anyway because it's the same policies. it's different faces but it's the same democrat policies that have gotten us into where we are today. >> but those two people are much more -- the former presidents are much more popular than joe biden and let's face it they can complete a sentence. joe biden cannot. he cannot be sent out to do any kind of public big gathering orally. gather -- or rally. he meets with small groups of donors, billionaire donors. i think people are underestimating the activity level and importance of kamala harris right now. she is on the campaign trail every single day because they have a half a trillion dollar slush fund the inflation reduction act and other acts of white house money, ready to be distributed. so kamala harris goes to north carolina, she's gives out money for new pipes, for clean drinking water. she goes to another swing state and talks about battery plants.
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follow her movement. it's incredibly important and very effective i'm sure. they're just throwing money around the country and kamala harris is doing it because joe biden is incapable of doing it. maria: they're trying to figure out how to get her out of the way, aren't they. >> except she's not out of the way. >> what she's doing is going to college campuses, been doing that since october of. she is the poster child for women's rights. that's what she's doing. she's, again, this is -- i looked at her schedule. it is constant. and that is the abortion issue and they're going to go after that by far to try and save joe biden. >> it's literally also just spewing -- i get her daily movements. she is incredible ianer jet -- incredibly energetic and active. people should pay more attention to kamala harris in my view. cheryl's right, she is the spokesperson on abortion. maria: what else do they have?
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okay. what else do they have? >> money. they have money. >> this should be i'm from the government, i'm just like you, those are two concerning words. maria: we will take a short break. we're just getting started this hour. quick break and then markets on the move this morning on the first trading day of the second quarter. big rally underway. just the way we ended the last quarter. dow industrials up 113, nasdaq up 83, s&p up 17 and-a-half. we're looking ahead to a big week of jobs data. jobs report on friday. the word on wall street panel is here. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ harlem has everything. but i couldn't find pilates anywhere. so i started my own studio. and with the right help, i can make this place i love even better. earn up to 5% cash back on business essentials
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wool and luke lloyd with us this morning. thanks very much for joining, kyle, this conversation. we have been talking about a market that just won't quit. take a look at futures this morning, with another rally underway. dow industrials up 117, nasdaq up 87, continuing what has been a stellar first quarter with stocks up 10%, this is the firt trading day of the second quarter beginning with such momentum after the market closed on friday and the holiday last week, the dow and s&p begin today in record territory. interest rates are pulling back. the 10 year treasury this morning slipping below 4.2% earlier, now up 1 and a quarter basis points at 4.21%. we've got the march jobs report out t with exact stations of 200,000 -- expectations of 200,000 jobs added to the economy for the month, unemployment rate at 3.9%. luke, give us your reaction to the momentum. >> it's the same story for the past year, as long as people have jobs they'll continue to spend money, whether from
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savings or from debt. i brought up that rsp is up 7 or 8% in the past month, month and-a-half, the s&p 500 is up 4%. that's the equal weight versus the s&p 500. the market bread they is widening, it's not just about the top four, five or six stocks anymore, it's pumped into a lot of different areas. the fact of the matter is, 40% of people have more credit card debt than emergency savings 20% of gen z don't think they'll be able to retire. 40% of millennials don't think they'll be able to buy a house. this is known as doom spending. talking heads will say you don't want to lean into the rally because of that. i say lean into the rally because of that. because people are comfortable with debt. you want to lean into the debt spending habits. you want to own stocks like lyft. we took profits off of uber and took lyft. you want the discretionary spending names, restaurants of the world, lean into it. don't be afraid of it.
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maria: great point. look at trump media and technology group this morning. the stock had an incredible debut on wall street last week, it's now an 8 and-a-half billion dollar valuation. president trump owns 60% of the company and his stake alone valued at $5 billion. djt ceo devin new knees joined n nunes joint me over the weekend. >> we were essentially an r&d company on a very small budget building out something that no one's ever built before, not using these big companies. and we did that with very little money because we were held up for two years and so we effectively are now kind of a true startup. we're really a true startup that has acassess to the capital markets. zero debt, cash in the bank a lot of plans on the way. maria: kyle, your thoughts on donald trump's company, djt? >> if i was donald trump, i would be thinking of doing a secondary right now. the market is what the market
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is, whether you believe it's a $100 stock or gloavment it's --r zero. i would go out and raise a billion dollars, probably take $200 million for myself, i would buy a social media platform and you have a real company and you support the stock, your believers would believe in it and i think would you have a home run. maria: i asked devin nunes if the board was going to allow donald trump to tap into any of this cash, there's a lockout period for six months, can't sell any stocks. they said they haven't been talking about it at all. your idea is something different, you're talking about a secondary. >> that's what i would do, take advantage of the market. you've got 8 and-a-half billion dollar valuation, don't need approval to do a secondary offering. you have to file with the s.e.c. you can take that money off around go shopping. you can use the money to go get real talent out there. there's a lot of talent you could hire with that kind of money. maria: would you buy the stock right now? >> i think it's a little richly
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valued considering the business they had. if they went and did a secondary, i would be interested. maria: when you look at ipos, normally people say look, let's wait until it set settles to see what the performance is before jumping in. a great piece in the journal about how this surprised me in terms of the heft that trump has in his pocket. >> look, me and kyle were having good discussions beforehand. i respect kyle a lot. i'm going to go opposite. this is not a stock you make money in. this is not about making money or the company being the future of social media. this is about donald trump's campaign. this is a way for those that support donald trump to get involved with his campaign and finance his campaign. we were talking about biden, $25 million fundraiser just a couple days ago. trump is doing it very differently. he's going to the most liquid capital markets, raising funds that way. this is not a stock you make money in this is a way you get
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involved politically. maria: in terms of the investor base, i suspect that some of those investors are in fact a just supporters of trump. >> absolutely. he's going to -- trump's going to liquidate six months down the road, most likely, maybe do a secondary. he has 3 billion, $4 billion to use whatever he wants, and a he'll unload on those that will buy the stock which will drive down stock prices. maria: kyle, do you disagree with that? >> if the stock stays over $15 for another 30 days he'll get another 40 million shares as well. the position will go up and up. you can do a private sale. there's a lot of things he can do before six months. maria: we'll leave it there. kyle, great to see you. luke, you're with us all morning, we're grateful. california border agent's seesed more had than $20 million in drugs in the first three weeks
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of month. we'll have details. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ personalized financial advice from ameriprise can do more than help you reach your goals. i can make this work. it can help you reach them with confidence. no wonder more than 9 out of 10 of our clients are likely to recommend us. ameriprise financial. advice worth talking about.
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maria: welcome back. well, an el paso judge ordering the release of some of the illegal migrants who stormed the texas border and knocked over national guard members. remember this scene? it was a true invasion. arguing that the da's office is not prepared to hold detention hearings for those illegal migrants. meanwhile, border patrol agents if san diego, california, confiscating more than $20 million in drugs in the first two weeks of march. agents took in 131 pounds of cocaine, more than 200 pounds of fentanyl, 73 separate smuggling attempts. border agents in puerto rico seized a small fishing boat containing more than 600 pounds of cocaine on it. the price of the drugs worth nearly $5 million. border agents busted a stash house in new mexico, arresting 10 illegal migrants, one an alleged member of a mexican drug gang. joining me now is ohio congressman warren davidson. congressman, can you explain to us what the heck is going on?
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>> yeah, joe biden changed his policies, the policies that were working and facilitated an invasion of our country and we haven't been able to turn it off. i live in southwest ohio, outside of cincinnati. one of the county sheriffs was doing a press conference at the end of the last week. this past year he's had over 1,000 detentions, had one guy in his jail 11 times under seven different names. this is killing 200 people in the cou county ayear. fentanyl is the leading cause of death for 18 to 45-year-olds. it's a disaster. it's a preventative one. the policies weren't working perfectly but they were directionally the right policies and it isn't going to take more people to process more fugitives into the country faster, it's going to take policies that actually change what you do once they're here like detaining
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them. maria: i'm interested in how the communist party of china is involved in all of this. i continue to hear various congress people telling me the ccp is working with the mexican drug cartels and they are pushing drugs into america and then setting up stash houses and human trafficking houses here in america. >> yes. so the chinese communist party sells the precursor drugs that fentanyl is processed from so those drugs are supplied to the cartels and the chinese communist party not so much the party itself but the criminal gangs and essentially the chinese mafia launders the money for the cartels. so a lot of the money laundering operation used to be like a heavy commission coming across people that were taking risk doing it but the demand for currency in china outside of china's system is so great that they're eating all the bees so
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basically the cartels are getting money laundered for either free or single 2, 3% which is a small take. used to be like 20%. so the chinese communist party to the extent they can do something about controlling their criminal elements they can certainly be helpful. maria: it's not even just the drug trafficking, right? i mean, there's so much bad behavior where we're learning that the ccp is actually behind this new thing where people are running around punching women in the face as they're walking on the streets. that is -- that propaganda is comicoming from tiktok. you have tiktok with videos with how to steal people's homes in america. this coming from the communist party to disrupt t nuclear famiy in america. i'm trying to understand how worried we should be about the threat of communist china. >> well, i'm certainly worried
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about them but, you know, the far left around the world is attacking tattacking the new cl- nuclear family. in the '60s they rebranded everything as a long march through the institution. since then the far left has taken over almost all of the institutions. joe biden isn't doing press releases from the white house celebrating good friday or easter. he's talking bout about the tray of visibility and nonsense. we're in a way in a spiritual war in our country. the left claims the right's waging a culture war. tell me what's gotten more conservative, the far left has waged a massive cultural war on our country. the culture they're attacking fundamentally is america's culture and if they can use the chinese communist party as an accomplice, i'm sure they're willing to do it but this ideology is native as well as. maria: yeah. i mean, what a tin ear to choose easter sunday as transgender
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visibility day. it's absolutely outrageous. christians and catholics across the country are upset that it was easter sunday. i mean, to be fair, the administration chose march 31st and this year it is on easter sunday, but i mean, for him not to realize that is amazing to me. >> well, yeah. i mean, it's one thing to say it's always on march 31st. it's another thing to say we're doing pressreleases out of the . we don't recognize every single holiday but we recognize things like easter. maria: yeah. i know. former president trump super pac launching a website showing how much grocery bills have risen under president biden. the trump campaign going after biden for high prices this easter, the campaign says since january 2021, chocolate is up 3 listen%, beef up 30%, candy and cakes up 24%. the dollar tree is raising
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prices. some items cost $7. they call themselves dollar tree. there are items that are $7. when is the -- to what do you attribute the sky high inflation and when is the spending going to stop so we don't have to complain that we go to the cash register to buy a dozen eggs and it's costing us way more than anybody expected? >> i mean, think how mad people would be, they're frustrated right now but think how mad everyone would be if congress simply raised your taxes that much. i mean, everyone that was behind that tax increase would get fired. the reality is, everyone that votes for these giant spending bills they're doing this to you. so we have a $1.9 trillion deficit after the big spending bill that just passed. with no policy changes to secure our border. so republicans said we're going to spend less money, we didn't spend less money. we said we were going to secure the border. that requires a policy change. we didn't do anything about that
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either. go back to how long we've been spending more money. look, you know, when we spend -- the same amount of money as taxes i guess that's somewhat balanced. when we spend as much as somebody will lend us i guess that's some sort of check on spending but we spent since covid more than people will even led us so the growth rate of spending is enormous and that causes inflation. you can print money but you can't guarantee it will buy the same amount of stuff. maria: liz, jump in here. >> the public seems to be blaming republicans and congress almost as much for inflation as they are blaming the white house. it seems to me that the trumpet is smart. we have to continue hammering this issue. lower income americans are taking it on the chin. congress, the republican party has to form the message that you just articulated which is that
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it all a comes from spending because the liberal media never attaches it, never connects the dots but voters do. so i hope that you will -- i don't know how you do it, i hope you do have a strategy for carrying that message out between now and the election that it is high spending and these huge deficits that are going to continue to keep a floor under inflation no matter where interest rates are. >> yeah. you know, this is when we formed the sound money caucus. so i formed that back in 2020 and part of the reason was we're going to spend a massive amount of money and we're going to close the economy so there were supply constraints but the big thing, the supply constraints have largely been resolved. did big thing that hasn't been resolved is the massive spending and there is no end in sight. the last time we had this kind of debt to gdp ratio was the end of world war ii and we knew we had to spend less money and so we did. we had bipartisan leadership to spend less money and our
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spending under control and unfortunately under the currencies testimony the only thing that -- current system, the only thing that's going on is more spending. if we had equilibrium, you would think every now and then we would have smaller government. maria: thank you so much. we appreciate your time. >> thank you. you too, thank you. maria: congressman warren davidson joining us. we are eight months out from the general election in november. the biden campaign searching for new voters as biden loses support from his base. former utah congressman jason catthchaffetz and julian epsteie here to weigh in on the state of the race. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪
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maria: welcome back. easter mass ambushed by protesters at new york's iconic saint patrick's cathedral this weekend. cheryl casone with details now. >> that's right, maria. easter mass at the cathedral overtaken by you pro-palestinian protesters. watch this. >> the protesters interrupting the easter vigil. they were quickly escorted out of the service. there was a call for prayer for peace in the middle east and an end to the war. in a statement before the start of holy week. the quarrel reporting that form r -- the wall street journal reporting that donald trump eyeing high profile wall street
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and d.c. veterans to be treasury secretary if he wins in november. as you reported, billionaire hedge fund manager is on the list along with robert light lit hiser. if trumps takes back the white house, the treasury and a federal reserve posts will be very important to wall street. well, at&t acknowledging a massive data breach of customer information, dating back to 2019. the company acknowledging 73 million users were affected. 7.6 million current at&t customers and 65.4 million former account holders caught up with this breach, e-mails, addresses, names, phone numbers, dates of birth, social security numbers, all in this hack. taking a look at the stock in the premarket, it's down 2 and a quarter percent this morning. the news just a week after the company denied any breach of its systems. and finally, there's this,
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maria. fdny firefighters were forced to remove the thin red line flag honoring 9/11 heroes because one council woman said her constituent called o it out as a political symbol. the staff claimed it you was to honor deceased firefighters, however the constituent brought up they could have used any fdny flag rather than a politically charged symbol. luckily, the decision was reserved. those are your head. maria: thanks very much. the biden campaign is taking heat for botching its hispanic outreach efforts in florida. the miami herald slamming the biden campaign's opening of the caucus office in a new op-ed titled three gring os in coral gables launch the campaign, the piece pointing out they didn't feature any latinos or the stars
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of the election, kamala harris or joe biden at the start of the party even though they've campaigned in other h hispanic population states like arizona a. instead they sent nikki fry and mayor daniella cava to introduce the initiative. joining me is former you'd you h congressman, jason chaffetz and julian epstein. thank you for being here. great to see you both. julian, let me start with you, get your reaction to all of this. >> well, hillary clinton won the hispanic vote by nearly 30%. joe biden won it by nearly 7%. ron desantis, republican governor of florida where i am right now, won the hispanic vote by nearly 15%. this is much more than a rollout problem for the democrats. what the democrats are seeing right now is a hemorrhaging of their base. most particularly the hispanic
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vote which could actually split in the 2024 election as opposed to where it was a few years ago where democrats were winning by 30, 35 points. so this is a major change and if you look at the reasons why, hispanic voters like working class black voters are centrist, moderate voters. they don't like what they're seeing on the economic performance, they don't like where the administration has been on cultural issues, whether it's immigration, whether it's crime, whether it is a host of gender issues. they think the party has become for the most part a party of college elites and that has not done well for this traditional democratic base and the notion that demography is destiny, which is a theory that looks a little bankrupt right now. maria: do you think joe biden doesn't realize that or do you think it's somebody else calling the shots? how do you miss that? >> i think the problem for the
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democrats that they have to extricate themselves from is that the intersectional left, the activist left, has taken over the policy making of the party. and the white house staff for the most part wants to be the cool kid on the social media block and does not want to push back against the activist left even though all of the data, all of the data shows both on economic issues and cultural issues that the party positions right now are out of step with the majority of the voters and this is why in my opinion donald trump is -- this is donald trump's election to lose. he's ahead in the br battlegroud states and in most polls shows him with a significant advantage. maria: jason, how do you see it? >> i think julian's actually spot-on. i think that democratic party of old even just back 10, 15 years ago, there's no place for a more centrist person. i think the progressive left has taken over, taken some radical positions that most people can't
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look at and look at arizona, kyrsten sinema had a legitimate case to be truly an independent. she had to leave the democratic party and she got out of politics. i mean, there's no room for somebody to be an independent minded person like that and i think donald trump is doing exceptionally well with minority communities because it's about policy and they care about these things like inflation and the cost of life in america, safety, security, all of those things. that's why trump and i think republicans are going to do quite well. i don't think that democrats are going to course correct because every time they try to signal that, hey, maybe we should think about that, they just get pummeled from the radical far left part of the petter. maria: yeah. well, the biden campaign is out with a new ad in an you atempt to appeal to nikki haley supporters. watch this. >> i call her bird brain. nikki haley has made an unholy
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alliance with rhinos, never trumpers, americans for no prosperity. she's gone yeah he. >> i. sh-- she's gone crazy. she's a very angry person. maria: what's your reaction to this? >> the nomination process is over. donald trump dominated every single part of the way. i think there should be more of an effort to bring the nikki haley supporters even he though they're small and they're a minority, the republicans need every one of them and there should be more of an outreach to try to get her and that people that voted for her to come to donald trump because voting for joe biden is not an acceptable outcome. maria: yeah. julian, do you think that trump will be able to do it? >> yes. i do. i think if democrats continue with this strategy, he will be. i think the idea that you run a campaign ad pointing out that in the republican primary that candidates are trash talking each other, i think that's sort of silly. i mean, everyone knows all the republican voters and swing
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voters know that candidates trash talk during primaries. they write it off, sort of baked into the process. the reason i think trump -- the reason i think biden is going to have a very, very difficult time attracting haley voters is because of policy and look what joe biden and the white house are doing right now. they're caving to the anti-israel vote. you're not going to get haley voters by pandering to what people refer to as the dearborn vote or anti-israel vote. it's not going to happen in the same way that this administration i think has taken very unhelpful positions with respect to deterrence in the mideast and particularly with iran and you look at the results that we had now not with just hamas but with the houthis and attacks on american targets in syria and iraq. i think the insthaingt the white -- instinct, that the white house has to track left to appeal to the activist left is the wrong thing to do if you
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want to attract haley voters. maria: i think it's not just the white house. remember chuck shy you her's sch on the senate floor attacking benjamin netanyahu, saying he wants elections right now. look, this guy and the whole state of israel is in the fight of their lives. now, publicly you wanto take you out bibi n thet net. netanyahu.>> i thought it was inappropriate for for senator schumer to do that. look at what happened to the party in the united kingdom. it ends in no good place for the left when you track towards this anti-israeli left and for the people calling for cease fire, i would say one thing. do you really believe in your heart of hearts that hamas wants a cease fire? no. it doesn't want a cease fire. hamas wants to rid israel from the face of the earth. we could have a cease fire today
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if hamas would lay down its arms and release the hostages but hamas wouldn't do that. so i think the democrats are tracking left, far left, and trying to appease the anti-isral vote and i think it's wrong from a moral point of view, it shows i think moral confusion but more importantly -- also importantly, i think it is bad politics for the democratic party where most american voters stand squarely behind israel in this fight against terrorism. maria: i think that was one of the key moves, wrong headed moves of the democrats, not to get solidly behind israel during this period that actually has affected his base, isn't that right, julian? >> well, yes. i think what would be smart, if joe biden wanted to take a smarter position like he could track to the center on immigration, he could track to the center on a whole bunch of issues, what he should do on israel is he should you address the country, he should have an
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oval office address and say this is why this is so important, hamas is an ideology that is a nazi, hitler like ideology that's bent on first killing every jule it can find and then -- every jew it can find and attacking the west and that's why it's so important for israel to prevail and use the oval office, use the soap box as a way of persuading americans why this is so important rather than catering to protesters that you see that you had on your screen a moment ago, that would be a much smarter strategy. maria: perhaps. jason, it doesn't appear that this president wants to lean toward the middle. i mean, if he wanted to do something on the border he could. he walked into the oval office a on day one and overturned all of trump's safety at the border. >> listen, president biden, he goes to the squishy sound of whoever is outside his office protesting at the moment. you hear stories about interns coming out and protesting this president. the beauty of what donald trump
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did, whether you like him or not, whether you vote for donald trump or not, you know what, donald trump offered clarity. there is no doubt about it. our allies loved us and our n --enemies feared us. the president presided over one of the safest portions of my entire life because they knew president trump meant business and you know what? that's an important thing, particularly in a war footing. maria: all right. he we'll leave it there. gentlemen, great conversation. we so appreciate your time, jason, julian, thank you, gentlemen. have a great day. we will be right back. stay with us. morikawa on 18. he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot. off the comcast business van. into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute... are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole!
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things that a lot of taxpayers don't get to benefit from. some say this type of wreckless spending needs to stop. >> earmarks are legal bribery. a spoon full of corrupt sugar, the earmark, helps the medicine, the big spending bills go down. here's what every member of congress needs to hear. there's no sugar left. when the bottom's falling out and the national debt is heading toward $34 trillion. >> reporter: normally if you scored away the taxpayer cash in the spending bill that meant you were voting for it. the latest round of bills, congress awarded $70 million in eaearmarks for lawmakers that voted against it. senator bennett voted against it because it didn't have ukraine aid. another got over 2 million for a
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storm shelter in alabama. senator bernie sanders got money approved for things like a see theater in vermont. he voted know because there was no funding for a palestinian organization. now, you get the dough even if you vote no. maria: hillary, thank you. liz, your reaction? we watched the democrats spend trillions of joe biden's watch. and there are more. >> there's no end to it. actually, that's the scary thing. i think when you look out, the cbo and other organizations project 2 plus trillion dollar deficits going forward, pretty much forever and there's no will, no will in congress to cut this back. when i talk to groups, i likeen it to during covid a pig went into the cobra. it should have had a big bulge or a python or whatever and then it should have gone back to
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normal. it never did. and that is because of democrats that basically spent $1.9 trillion in the american rescue package and kept going after that with the inflation reduction act, et cetera. it's unconscionable and basically buying votes, whether it's earmarks or basically the regular budget process. maria: and forgiving all that student debt. >> yeah. it never ends. i mean, they just want more and a more and more. big government, big unions, whatever. that's the joe biden magic cure i guess or something. maria: cheryl? >> well, look, inflation has gone up 18% under joe biden's watch. and that is because of the fiscal disaster that has been the u.s. government since 2020. and so look, americans are -- they're going to vote in november and whether they vote against the earmarks and there's any retribution for the likes of bernie sanders or anybody else that gets called out, i hate to say i doubt it but the pork
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projects every year we go through it and every year it's offensive. maria: luke, your thoughts. >> i would be offended if i was a minority. a lot of the spending is race based funding for minorities, either the black community, latinos, immigrants, migration across the border. the reason i would be offended, it's because they're saying you're not capable of succeeding without the government helping. that would irritate me if i was a minority voter this election. maria: we'll take a short break and come back with a lot more. we're approaching the 8:00 a.m. hour. big one with. don't miss it. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business.
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