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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  April 8, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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larry: hello, folks. welcome to kudlow, i'm l arry kudlow. so. we witnessed a total solar eclipse today, a great events, here is good news,
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still unfolding, we're moving from the darkness gradually back into light. very important, like what is happening in november. at the election. we report. you decide. now. some more breaking news, there he goes again, joe biden canceling student debt, 25 million borrows, no interest payments costing a fortune, bucks the supreme court and breaks the law, senator marsha blackburn on that, and cory mills weighing in on ukraine bill. and house will speaker johnson secure the border, and our political panel on trump's unifying fundraiser and his new abortion policy today, and the great art laffer on inflation, interest rates and biden tax hikes, no good. but first up edward
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lawrence, who is live in madison, wisconsin, solar, lunar, whatever, he has details on joe biden's student loan bailout. what can you tell us. reporter: hello, larry. the president is trying to energize the younger voter by expanding student loan forgiveness program, announcing new proposed changes to existing programs to include some 30 million people and balloon the cost of this, already. the president has put the taxpayers on hook for 146 billion in canceling the student loan debt. affecting 4 million people, telling crowd, he wants free community college. >> i will first stop to deliver student debt relief on hard working americans, it is inly in the interest of america that we do it and it is for the good of our economy that is growing stronger and stronger and it
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is, by freeing millions of americans of crushing student debt, they can finally get on with their lives. reporter: president biden continuing to push this, accentiates problem. >> it would make it worse. it is not a st stuck rally fix. the one off debt forgiveness would make the problem worse not better. reporter: she adds that forgiving debt could put pressure on inflation, president hoping to finalize the rule just in time for people to start voting, the last process took about 5 months, that means final rule would come out about cement. right -- soa september right over november election, but this time they will face legal challenges attorney general of kansas said that president can not
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get around the supreme court this way. larry: i am sure the timing of this purely coincidental i am certain of it. reporter: you know like most. election year things come out. stuff happens. >> it is better than a solar eclipse. edward lawrence thank you. larry: come home to trump, the theme of president trump's smashing fundraiser pulling in over 50 million clams, a one-evening record. trepublican do donor class coming home to mr. president trump, mr. trump winning all of the polls and showing enthusiasm and momentum is on his
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side. the list of contributors and wall streeters of john paulson's home, reads like a who's who of g.o.p. megadonors. to name a few. many of these folks were for desantis or haley during the primary season or other candidates, they are now unifying around mr. trump to defeat joe biden's wo woke open border and big government socialism, mr. trump spoke to them about economic growth with drill, baby, drill tax cuts and deregulation, and described coalition. and he emphasises that wages under his second term, will grow faster than prices, ending joe biden's affordability crisis. and reminding how well typical fall families did in his first term, he mentioned trade reciprocity
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and stopping the biden illegal immigration crime wave, just as important his thyme -- theme unifying country around successful policies, emphasizing unity in the g.o.p. and also throughout america, success is the best revenge. a prosperous america, secured by law and order along the border and throughout the heartland as well as restoring respect overseas. president trump believing that his america first policies will bring america back together. the donors loved it so will everyone else. that is my authority for this evening. now let us bring your friend tennessee senator marsha blackburn, thank you, ma'am for your time, spending a moment on this funds raiser, they raised big bucks it is
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like the g.o.p. is coming together, the reach out here successful policies to restore the middle class, the country will unify around this. >> i agree with you, larry. and everywhere i go, all across tennessee, and in to other states people talk about inflation. when luke at fact that food costs are up 36.8% over where they were in 2020. people feel that pinch. at the grocery cart, also at gas pump, they know under president don' donald trump they had money left over at the end of the month expurched under president trump and under president biden they have too much month left over at the end of their money. larry: a great line, about the money at the end of the month and month at end of money. i will have to put that to
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work, will you unlock it, that is terrific. >> you have at it larry. >> thank you, ever so much, let's move on, here we go. president biden is expanding the l loan cancellation, no interest, no principle and registration will come before the election. i am sure that is just a coincidence. supreme court said no. what about the supreme court doesn't mr. biden not understand i don't get it. >> it is so offensive to tennesseans and to all americans, when joe biden will stand up and start railing against the supreme court. and say, it doesn't matter what they say. i'm going to do what i want to do. and you know, larry, people look at this and say, wire tired of two-tiers of
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justice, two-tiers of access. two-tiers of treatment, they know that joe biden this president, is openly defying supreme court. when the supreme court has spoken. and said mr. president, you cannot do this. and for him to say, i'll do it and way is so wrong it is one of the reasons people are tired of joe biden and his antics. larry: i thought he was the the president and defense of democracy, and defense of the constitution. i mean to me, that is an opening you know as wide as a truck, he should be criticized and held accountable. she probably violating as you have said, violating the constitution on the border, and violating constitution with his regulatory state. and now has the student loans. he is violating the constitution with his war,
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his lawfare war on trump. he has violated the constitution, he would not even allow member democratic primaries in north carolina and florida, they did all they could to keep robert kennedy jr. ouc off ballot, this is g democracy? he is the anti-democracy. >> he continues to say how he is trying to defend democracy, democrats often to, that say one thing and do the opposite, joe biden administration is trying to be a government by of and for powerful elite and well connected and not the people. the court has told him no. on student loans. he has also been defied when
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it comes to the border. and we will begin this impeachment on wednesday with mayorkas. he should be impeached. in chuck schumer tries to toss out the articles and not have a trial, every american should be incensed. this would never have happened in a trump administration it would never happened if republicans were in charge of the senate and for chuck schumer to say, we're not going to have a trial, that has never happened in the history of the united states. >> you can just walk us through that. that is a key point senator. the house passed the impeachment. they walk it over this week to the senate. and the senate is supposed to accept it it is -- as i understand it, a pro forma development, under the
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constitution. you are saying that will be rejected for t the first time? >> we will receive the documents from the house, the impeachment articles, and then we will be sworn in as a court of impeachment. every senator is sworn in. the process then would be for the evidence to be presented for the trial to take place. what chuck schumer is saying he is going to do is move to table the impeachment articles and not move forward on a trial. that has never happened. it has never happened. when we need to -- what we need to is move forward with that trial. i think that mayorkas should be removed from office. he has been doing joe biden's bidding on the border.
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that border policy is wide open, it is an intentional move by the democrats, there are thousand of americans that have died of fentanyl poisoning. there are thousands of americans who have been killed in traffic accidents or shootings, things that have been carried out those illegally in this country, there are thousands was women and girls who have been sex trafficked by t the cartels, there are 85 thousand children that hhs and office of refugee resettlement took into custody and we do not know where they are. and mayorkas cannot tell you where they are. or who has them thrairk . they have lost 85 thousand children, some of niece -- some of these children were being trafficked now they have gone to sponsors that
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were not vetted, yes, mayorkas should be tryed and removed from office. larry: yeam yes, ma'am. >> not to mention the cops killed by the venezuelan garage. thank you, money left over the end of the month versus the month left over no money. >> there is too much month left over at the end of the money. and under trump, they had money left over at the end of the month. larry: all right, i'm taking that down verbatim. we'll give you credit senator marsha blackburn thank you. >> you got it. larry: coming up on kudlow, a ukraine foreign aid bill coming, question is, will speaker johnson insist on securing the border in that bill. we'll have florida
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congressman corey bills and brian mast. you can cash -- cory mills and brian mast, you can watch c kudlow here at 4 p.m. on fox business. if you miss it, expe. you can dv r the show, we'll be right back. choose advil liqui-gels for faster, stronger and longer-lasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels
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okay, that's uncalled for.
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larry: been 6 months since israeli massacre by hamas where doe things stand, jacquie heinrich with more. reporter: since israeli strike that killed 7 aide workers pressure on president from his base has been boiling over in detroit, protesters chances deet to america, in wilmington, protesters getting as close as they could to president's house, pouring fake blood from water bottles. but it does not sound like israel is poised to dial back its plans in rafah. >> i think we will wait few
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more days, if they will be no deal about the hostages we will step in to the see. >> we waited for a vor l very long period of time to negotiate with hamas, if they are playing with us and u.s. and qatari and egyptians they will find out we know how to fight, we will find them eren in rafah. reporter: that means that biden will be tested again, white house cast doubt on this timeline. saying israel has given assurances they won't begin operations before a broader a broad discuss. >> we don't think that israel can evacuate 1.4 million people, that a full-scale invasion in to rafah would have a harmful impact on civilians who are there and hinder delivery of humanitarian assistance that it would hurt israel's national security that is something that is operationa we can't support.
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and that is what we remain in conversation with them about. reporter: in the background, administration seems to be more working on this hostage situation, you have cia director in cairo over the weekend trying to work on the negotiations, tonight at white house, you have families of u.s. citizens held hoistage, meeting with jake sullivan, we're told that there has been a proposal given to hamas, we're waiting for hamas to respond. larry: all right jacquie heinrich we appreciate the run down very much. >> all right, questions now, is joe biden betraying israel? and are joe biden democrats playing into lamas' hands -- hamas' hands we ask florida congressman co cory mills and brian mast, brian, we begin with you, this host believes that mr. biden's playing into hamas' hands and betraying israel. >> -- i think that is the
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truth, he has been doing it from the beginning saying one thin to people of detroit michigan, and saying a different thing to thoob 34 group, and today nancy pelosi and about 4 other democrats september a letter to the administration, saying, no more arms strain fors to israel, and break that down for one quick second. what that means is no more iron dome transfers, the most mea measurable humanitarian, forth that effort puts forward, democrats don't want to see us transfer those rockets. >> biden has gotten cold feet, we hey be playing for dearborn, michigan or playing a little bit for something outside of st. paul, but israel, this is an exte an
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is an -- existential threat, what happened to joe biden or, is another afghanistan on the way? >> afghanistan was the beginning as you know with the way he handled the botched afghan withdrawal resulting in 13 brave heroes, we have continued to that biden has started to pander to radical left more and more the rashida tlaib, and aoc, and cori bush, the pro-hamas sympathizer who will not stand with our longest standing ally in mid east, israel. whether a win or victory for hamas or houthi rebels this administration chose to delist as a sterri terrorist organization is a win for iran.
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so we have to look at this not from a singular foreign policy focus from a geo political alliance to what this means moving forward for america on the world stage. larry: thank you for all that. brian mast. speaker johnson, has a dilemma, a tough bill now, ukraine and other foreign aid funding, some money in there are israel and taiwan. but i think it is 60 billion for ukraine. but then the question is, do you need to tie that to the border, which you may have heard senator marsha blackburn, the catastrophe at border and lack of law and order throughout the nation is getting worse, not better. and biden has been about that what happened here. >> it is more palatable for some in the house if you tie border to ukraine or israel or taiwan, but we're a congress that came in we
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made a commitment to american people there will be germainness to each thing we vote othis will be wholly responsible for speaker to say he could move a vote on israel aid and ukraine aid on taiwan aid or something else or border you name it, but what you buckle them all together, that is a promise broken to the rank and file members of house like myself, like my colleague mr. mills that is not what we signed up for, we want to vote on things individually, just because it might be global affairs and foreign affairs does not mean is the same. larry: om omnibus is bad and mini bus is bad. cory mills, another thing floating around from lindsey graham and donald trump. the -- loan. what do you make of loan
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idea? >> i don't like the lend, lease program they had before, senator graham mentioned he wants language on loan, meaning it could be withdrawn or deferred. at 35 trillion dollars in deficit we'll spend next year more in servicing our interest than our entire budget for national defense, hundreds of thoses have died under joe biden with the open borders. we have known terrorist watch lists coming to u.s. and north and south all things that senator blackburn was talking about with regards to angel families that are adding up like laken riley, we need to think about our own borders and own economic prosperity before we start throwing out money to areas are where you have for example eu has 190
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million dollars in frozen russian assets they can utilize, this area can be used, if not an offset or paid for. like we put forward in israel package, even the unused covid funding, that is where we need to be at, focus on america, focus on american prosperity, not foreign governments who want it secure their own people for corrupt practices. larry: brian mast, the last word, these of all great points, i agree about need for segmenting a. it you use -- if you help ukraine, wouldn't it be better with suggestions like an inspector general to over see the funds and/or some language that would mandate some kind of off-ramp peace
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negotiations this could go on forever. as a stalemate. i don't know whether you agree with that or not, just asking you in the last moments here, does any of that make sense to you? >> we're almost at at day a -- 800, there have been independent audits, you point out a big problem, no one here could tell you whether it has to be end of war be war crime tribunals for vladimir putin or all out of crimea, you can't find the national security strategic objective that is being sought since day one or day 200 or 600 or 800. that is one of the biggest problems we face, we lost objectives. larry: thank you. so much, terrific stuff. cory mills, and brian mast. two g.o.p. congressional stars, thank you both. >> coming up next president
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trump's unifying fundraiser, that is very big news. and also today, former president announcing a new abortion a policy as well. i'll be right back.
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larry: let's talk politics trump had a smashing unifying fundraiser this weekend in florida, joining us liz peek, alec lace, his son is here in studio, wearing the same tie, and guy benson. ladies and gentlemen thank you so much. liz start with you. money, money, money. and i want to add money plus unity is what it looks like
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to me in florida. >> that is at-this-point is more important than dollars raised but dollared raced was stunning -- raised was stunning, as donald trump said biggest fundraiser ever in history of man, it was great it did start to narrow the gap between democrat fundraising and republicans, they had been way behind, g.o.p. had a bad year last year, they need money. but to your point, i thought it was the very important that this crowd of long time donors rallied behind donald trump after a lot of them said never again. larry: they did close ranks which is important, trump had a good message, talked about -- paraphrasing, success is the best revenge. and the success idea, which he used in south carolina, was good message, he used to in florida.
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hope he use its more. >> i thought that biden had bigger guests. lizzo showed up, trump got bigger donations. larry: you know and obama and clinton, they still out beat them 2 to 1. >> 3 presidents to 1 and trump out b beat them biden attacks him saying he does not have grassroots movement, this is a grassroots movement like we've never seen before, the people onboard, big donors are onboard, we'll change the country in november. larry: it is like one chicken beating 3 turkeys. [ laughter ] how is that. >> did you just make it up. larry: i did, alec bringse me to my finest moment. >> democrats still have a big advantage in this area, they are the big money in
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politics party. but this is a big step in the right direction for the republicans, i will come to something that i've been talking about marquette had a national pole showed among likeliest voters joe biden up by 4 points head-to-head, registered voters unreliable. but are registered, trump is up by 12, and among unregistered voters, who are eligible, trump is up by 25. so, a key question, about 50 plus million dollars in one night, how will that be spent, i'll beat the drums, if the republicans want to be a professional party, interested in winning, a lot of that money needs to go toward the low p propensity voters, getting ballots in their hand however it is legal, wherever it might be and registering people the people who are not yet registers, democrat analyst put out a panicked
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memo, we're worried about registration. larry: i think you are right, i hop they listen you to, very important. they have -- they want whole federal bureaucracy to be there to vote mail in ballot harvesters, you are right. >> that say si serious thing, they are we weaponizing every federal agency, this is not a joke, 3 million federal employees, it would be hilarious if they registered, saying it could result in 3 1/2 million new voters, it would be hilarious if they elected trump. larry: i call them climate corps. i just see 50 thousand vote harvesters. let us move on. i know alec, you are dying to get in thato -- mr. trump today on truth social unveiling his position on abortion.
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>> support create of strong, thriving and healthy american families that includes supporting the availability of fertility treatments like ibf in every state in america, like ron de ronald reagan i am in favor of exceptions for rape, insist incest and the life of the mother. many states will be different.. >> interesting. liz, what did you think? >> that is the right message, and this will not be an issue any longer, every state will decide their own path on this. but, trump is in the middle ground, that is where america is. democrats are the extremist on abortion. larry: you are shake your head. i have to think liz is dead on right on this he is the
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middle ground. >> without a doubt. larry: supreme said state by state, this -- but, this is important but here, is going back to calls it reaganesque exclusions, republicans used to say. >> the pro-life movement, large elements will be disappointed with this position, i am wonder figure a 20 week ban landed on his desk, he will have to answer that question, but like he is watched all of the attacks democrats have been launching on this issue for last couple years, and statement was a direct bonds and to, that his position is a cona constitutional one and a moderate one, compared to joe biden and democrats they have tragically ghoulishly oich off of the deep end on this issue.
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larry: ghoulishly is partial-birth, and kills the baby after the baby has been born, that is true and that is ghoulish, hillary clinton was in favor of that and joe biden talks about roe v. wade, they are beyond that. >> there is a reason you watch the doctor shows they have on tv,y t they never show you what happens during an abortion, they don't want people to see how barbaric it is, he cut all of the democrat's talking points at the knees, their only thing they are going after him right now is the abortion issue, if supreme court said it goes to state, he plays it safe, back to the states not a constitutional right to have a abortion. biden de deny. >> biden is breaking the law, trump, i like this, is abiding by the law, the supreme court made a decision, they put it back
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to the state, and trump says that is right. biden, the supreme court said now to student lo loan or epa bureaucrats and biden is the lawbreaker, i thought highest pro democracy guy. >> chai is not, people north voting for joe biden they are voting against donald trump, that is the truth here, does not have supporters, he has hate. you will see never a cure for trump derange. ment syndrome. larry: -- you can't treat it. >> maybe fauci will find a cure. larry: liz, suburban moms, take a sigh of relief. >> i think that issue begins to lose potency, i am worried in two important swing states, nevada and arizona, they will have abortion on ballot, not all states yet are at that place where it is no longer an issue. in those two states, it will drive turn out to some
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degree, the counter acting trend is the young people are concerned about israel and palestine. that is something. larry: i think that -- just on that point biden has betrayed israel. >> yeah. larry: not a subject -- go ahead biden has betrayed israel.. that is my view. >> over the weekend in dearborn, misch michigan, rallies and chance was not just death to israel but death to america, those are some voters core democrat constituents this campaign this administration are pandering to.. . it is astonishing. larry: it is pathetic. >> worse than pathetic. larry: this administration has forgotten when the massacre on october 7.
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>> -- time in primary, 4%. this is big. this is -- i think this will really haunt the democrats, will show up at convention in chicago. larry: good, let it. >> no kidding. >> liz peek, alec lace and guy benson thank you so much. >> next up art laffer, i think he has a thought about inflation and tax cuts versus tax increases, i could be wrong. but i seldom am, i am kudlow, be right back. with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spray flonase sensimist daily for non-drowsy long lasting relief in a scent free, gentle mist. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills. they get it. they know how it works. more importantly, it works for them. i don't have any anxiety about money anymore. i don't have to worry about a mortgage payment every month.
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larry: in a shocks disclosure joe biden wants to raise taxes big time. according to his campaign plans, joining us now art laffer, former reagan economist. author of taxes have consequences, we had tax foundation speaking of consequences biden's plan taxes everything and everyone, scott said it would lose about 800 thousand jobs, 2% gdp, 2% loss in real wages, i think it will would be worse, but the point, is biden wants to tax and discourage success. and opportunity.
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>> it is totally his message, he just wants to get everything under the government umbrella. and only thing that keeps from doing that are private sector jobs and incomes, look at facts they explicit when you raise taxes on rich, the economy unperforms and the poor are hammered. and -- opposite the poor do well, that is what you find from 110 years of u.s. data, we look at every single tax return, i don't understand how he could sell this message when people understand it does not work. larry: if the top earners and most successful, if you penalize them, you penalize the middle and lower erners, we saw this. this was kevin h hassetts
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argument and your argument on corporate tax biden wants to raise the corporate tax from 21 to 28% people who are hurt the most are the middle income wage earners, and the lower income wage erners. the lower income wage earners had the biggest percentage gain in income after the trump corporate tax, bottom 20% did can the best. biden would screw them. >> yeah. covkevin hassett's work on this is brilliant, he shows that corporate tax rate really had a huge impact on that. i think steve moore's number is that -- the increases in median income under trump were something like 5,000 -- >> 6,000 plus. >> 6,000, and it is down 4,000 for biden. and if you raise the corporate tax rate it will reverse those policies, who
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wants that? and how does this sell politically. tell me, what mi political advise or would suggest that this is the policies that you want to announce to win an election. it just does not work that way. larry: this week, i guess wednesday, thursday, we have cpi, ppi . in your judgment s inflation dead, still alive? highow do you see the story, should fed cut rates? >> well let me say, that looking at these inflation numbers, in near-term, in three our four month, that -- i think using monetary ag agragatz does not make sense, you look at the crypto currency this is hugely up, look at price of gold. it is hugely up. if you look at some minor
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currencies in global thing, in eji eji egypt, you see cracks there and massive devaluations, i look at markets and oil and some of the other things, i'm hard pressed continued to how those inflation numbers will be coming down. it makes no sen sense to me, numbers will be coming down, i'm not expecting to see inflation cooling off in this coming period. next 3 or 4 months with that the case, how could the fed j-- justify uses their way of thinking in cutting interest rates, how could they justify that? larry: even if they use the discredited phillips curve and target unemployment, that is under 4 or if they are starter use a cod commodity price rule, commodity prices up about 20% since early to mid
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december. >> huge. larry: a big move, part is energy, but a lot -- copper is up too. i mean if they use either one, commodity price rule or old phillips curve unemployment rate that says don't tamper with the interest rates. >> right. and you know even interest rates are i thinking up as well earning up -- edging up, the prices tell us for near-term prices are far better forecaster for inflation than the quantity measures which are fuzzy. far better, i just t down see how they could racalize a cut -- don't see how they could rationalize a cutting of the interest rate. the numbers that are dropping off, looking at cpi, a number 12 months ago dropping off and a number comiing. there is no good news for the -- >> great art laffer. >> either. >> thank you, t art, folks we'll back with my
7:56 pm
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7:57 pm
some things should stand the test of time. long lasting eylea hd could significantly improve your vision and can help you go up to 4 months between treatments. if you have an eye infection, eye pain or redness, or allergies to eylea hd, don't use. eye injections like eyla hd may cause eye infection, separation of the retina, or rare but severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye. an increase in eye pressure has been seen. there's an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. the most common side effects were blurred vision, cataract, corneal injury, and eye floaters. and there's still so much to see. if you are on eylea or a similar type of treatment, ask your retina specialist about eylea hd today, for the potential for fewer injections. dude, what're you doing? i'm protecting my car.
7:58 pm
that's too much work. weathertech is so much easier... laser-measured floorliners up here, seat protector and cargoliner back there... nice! out here, side window deflectors... and mud flaps... and the bumpstep, to keep the bumper dent-free. cool! it's the best protection for your vehicle, new or pre-owned. great. but where do i---? order. sfx: bubblewrap bubble popped sound. i found a cheaper price on my meds with singlecare. did you say singlecare? i use singlecare. whenever my customers ask me if there's a cheaper price on their meds. i always tell them about singlecare. i found a cheaper price with singlecare! i know. download the singlecare app free today.
7:59 pm
when enamel is gone, you cannot get it back. but you can repair it with pronamel repair. it penetrates deep into the tooth to actively repair acid weakened enamel. i recommend pronamel repair. with new pronamel repair mouthwash you can enhance that repair beyond brushing. they work great together. sup? -who are you? i'm your inner child. get in. listen, what you really need in life is some freakin' torque. what? horsepower keeps you going, but torque gets you going. what happened to my inner child craving love and acceptance? how about you love and accept this? p-p-p-p-powershot!
8:00 pm
when can i drive? you already are! the dodge hornet r/t... the totally torqued-out crossover. larry: that's it for kudlow, thanks for watching, folks. it's really the most complex robotic thing we've ever built and sent anywhere in the universe. the long journey so many things had to go just right for it to successfully land and the short drive that changed the world. nothing like this had ever been done before. it.


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